Armenia’s Hermine Naghdalyan re-elected as PACE Vice-President

Hermine Naghdalyan, Head of the Armenian delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), has been elected PACE Vice-President.

The Vice-Presidents were elected at the opening session of the Winter plenary session today.

The seats for the Vice-Presidents in respect of the Republic of Moldova and Romania remain vacant.

Aleksandra Djurovic (Serbia)
Axel E. Fischer (Germany)
Sir Roger Gale (United Kingdom)
Adele Gambaro (Italy)
Antonio Gutiérrez (Spain)
Carles Jordana (Andorra)
Talip Küçükcan (Turkey)
Georgii Logvynskyi (Ukraine)
George Loucaides (Cyprus)
Robert Madej (Slovak Republic)
Ana Catarina Mendes (Portugal)
Marianne Mikko (Estonia)
Hermine Naghdalyan (Armenia)
Zsolt NĂ©meth (Hungary)
Ria Oomen-Ruijten (Netherlands)
René Rouquet (France)
Ingjerd Schou (Norway)
(Republic of Moldova, Romania : vacant seats)

Twenty Vice-Presidents are elected annually at the beginning of an ordinary session and remain in office until the opening of the next session (but a Vice-President whose delegation is renewed in the course of a session does not remain in office).

National Geographic: Yerevan – a city for food lovers



The has listed Armenia’s capital Yerevan among the six “surprising food destinations.”

“Yerevan is blooming. The capital of Armenia—a tiny country whose natural beauty, culture, and burgeoning tourism industry landed it on our recent list of 10 places that deserve more travelers—has charm in spades and enough places to eat to keep your belly happily filled,” the article reads.

For a day of good eating, the NationalGeographc advises to choose Charles Aznavour Square as the center point and fan out from there. The author offers to start with a breakfast of waffles or French toast, try Georgian khinkali and dolma after a morning of sightseeing.

Armenia is known for khorovats, meat grilled on a skewer, and the place to get the best khorovats in Yerevan is Proshyan Street (which becomes Paronyan Street). Barbecue Street, as it’s known, is lined with khorovats restaurants  and roadside grills.

Along with Yerevan, the list includes Budapest (Hungary), Detroit (USA), Santiago (Chile), Dakar (Senegal) and Wellington (New Zealand).

 For the full article click .

Karabakh reports 30 ceasefire violations by Azeri side

The Azerbaijani side used firearms of different calibers as it violated the ceasefire about 30 times at the line of contact with the Karabakh forces last night.

The rival fired over 400 shots in the direction of the Armenian positions.

The front divisions of the NKR Defense Army refrained from response actions and confidently continued with their military duty all along the line of contact, the NKR Defense Ministry said in a statement.

Armenian Assembly urges Senate panel to stop turning a blind eye to Azerbaijan’s caviar diplomacy

The Armenian Assembly of America (Assembly) has called on the Senate Judiciary Committee to obtain the Attorney General nominee Senator Jeff Sessions’ (R-AL) commitment to enforce the letter and spirit of laws already on the books to end Azerbaijan’s caviar diplomacy tactics.

In a letter to United States Senate Committee on the Judiciary Chairman Senator Chuck Grassley (R-IA) and Ranking Member Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-VT) on the upcoming nomination of Sen. Sessions for Attorney General, Assembly Board of Trustees Co-Chairs Anthony Barsamian and Van Krikorian identified several issues of concern, particularly as related “to the undue influence of foreign governments on America’s democratic institutions and the need to fully enforce the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) and ensure compliance of the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA).” Assembly members and Armenian Americans are also pursuing this issue in their home states, considering the increasing commitment of President-Elect Donald J. Trump with the “drain the swamp” campaign.

“When it comes to the integrity of America’s constitutional system, the rule of law and our governance process, we must ensure that the law is duly enforced and that any attempt by foreign governments and their agents are roundly condemned and promptly prosecuted,” Assembly Co-Chairs added. “Both Turkey and Azerbaijan have circumvented our laws and bought influence without repercussion for many years now.  That has to stop.”

The Assembly stressed their concern about President Ilham Aliyev constantly buying foreign influence, citing many instances in the letter. For example, in a Bloomberg News article published last week entitled “Azeri Oil Money Got a Pass From This Ethics Committee,” the columnist writes about the illegally funded congressional trips to Baku discovered by the Office of Congressional Ethics (OCE), which included expensive gifts given to U.S. legislators. Barsamian and Krikorian noted in the letter that such reported activities “constitute a flagrant disregard for the law and strike at the core of our constitutional government through blatant foreign influence peddling.”

The Assembly previously urged the Department of Justice to investigate these foreign trips illegally funded by Azerbaijan. “We respectfully request a full and thorough investigation by the Department of Justice into these groups and the full application of the law. The reported activities constitute plainly illegal behavior and strikes at the core of our Constitutional government through blatant foreign influence peddling,” the Assembly said in its letter to then Attorney General Loretta Lynch. A recent publication has tied Turkey to hacking of the Armenian National Institute website, and requests to the FBI since 2000 to follow up have not been effective in stopping that pattern of behavior.

The Justice Department has brought some cases involving Azerbaijan through the FCPA, but the Assembly points out that much more is needed. The Assembly Co-Chairs said, “We prefer not to think that Azerbaijan’s retention of the Podesta Group at hundreds of thousands of dollars per year to lobby for Azerbaijan is preventing such investigations.” The Bloomberg News columnist noted: “It’s hard to tell whether it’s this creativity and generosity or any real U.S. strategic interest that makes the U.S. overlook the country’s brutal dictatorship. A combination of both is likely: Without the ‘caviar diplomacy,’ Azerbaijan might be considered too small to defy declared U.S. values and principles for its sake.”

Last month, the European Stability Initiative (ESI) denounced Azerbaijan’s lobbying tactics and reported that expensive watches, jewelry, computers, and large sums of money, among other gifts, were provided to several politicians from a number of countries in Europe. ESI stated that “the ease with which democratic institutions and safeguards can be undermined has emerged as a fundamental threat to European democracy.”

“The Aliyev regime is also engaged in this type of foreign influence buying to distract from its efforts to continue violating its ceasefire agreements with the Republics of Armenia and Nagorno Karabakh – to avoid democracy and human rights issues there by eliminating the Christian Armenians,” Assembly Co-Chairs said. “Azerbaijan’s activities in the United States come at a time when the Aliyev regime continues to deprive its citizens of basic human rights and freedoms,” they continued.

In the past year, additional news came to light indicating Azerbaijan’s violations to international human rights standards, which were reported by international organizations such as Human Rights Watch and the U.S. Helsinki Commission.

Serbia plans to abolish visas for Armenian citizens

Serbia will initiate the procedure of abolishing visas for ordinary passport holders in Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia, also as for diplomatic and official passport holders in a group of countries, reports.

The visa policy of the Republic of Serbia was discussed in a meeting held in Belgrade on Tuesday, the Serbian government announced.

The meeting was attended by First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Ivica Dacic, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of the Interior Nebojsa Stefanovic and Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications Rasim Ljajic

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that the holders of Serbian passports can currently travel without a visa to 64 countries.

An agreement was reached to continue the policy of liberalization of the visa regime with as many countries as possible in order to improve bilateral political relations, attract foreign investment and intensify economic and tourist cooperation.

Henrikh Mkhitaryan: The best goal I’ve ever scored

Photo: AP

Henrikh Mkhitaryan described his brilliant backheeled effort against Sunderland as “the best goal I’ve ever scored”, while speaking to after Manchester United’s 3-1 win.

The Armenian’s inspired finish from Zlatan Ibrahimovic’s right-wing cross gave visiting goalkeeper Jordan Pickford little chance of making a save in front of the Stretford End. The goal put the Reds 3-0 up at Old Trafford, before Fabio Borini pulled back a late consolation for the Black Cats.

“That was the best goal I’ve ever scored,” Mkhitaryan said. “I was very excited. The first thing I did was look at the assistant and I saw it was not ruled as offside so I just started to celebrate.

“I was expecting the ball to be in front of me and then I realised I was in front of it. As the ball was behind me, the only thing I could do was a backheel so I did that and I succeeded.”

Mkhitaryan’s entrance as a 61st-minute replacement for Jesse Lingard marked his return to action after a two-match absence through injury. The Armenian insists he is now fit and ready to play his part as United bid for a fifth Premier League win in a row, at home to Middlesbrough on New Year’s Eve.

“I don’t have anything of concern from a past injury so I’m happy to be back and I’m happy to be back to help the team,” Henrikh explained. “I will try to do my best for the next game. It’s very important that we’re in good shape and to keep going like this.”

Pop suerstar George Michael dies at 53

Singer George Michael has died at his home at the age of 53, the BBC reports.

The star, who launched his career with Wham! in the 1980s and had huge success as a solo performer, “passed away peacefully” on Christmas Day in Goring, Oxfordshire, his publicist said.

Thames Valley Police say they are treating the death as unexplained but there were no suspicious circumstances.

Former Wham! bandmate Andrew Ridgeley said he was “heartbroken at the loss of my beloved friend”.

Writing on Twitter and referring to Michael as “Yog”, a nickname for “Yours Only George”, he added: “Me, his loved ones, his friends, the world of music, the world at large. 4ever loved. A xx”

Armenia, Iran ink five MoUs, say keen on developing ties

At the conclusion of the Armenian-Iranian negotiations, which took place at the Presidential Palace, the parties signed documents aimed at the deepening of the cooperation between the Republic of Armenia and the Islamic Republic of Iran in a number of areas.

In particular, signed were the Memorandum of Understanding between the Ministry of Sport and Youth Affairs of the Republic of Armenia and the Ministry of Sport and Youth of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the Field of Sport, Memorandum of Understanding between the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Armenia and the Ministry of Interior of the Islamic Republic of Iran on the Cooperation in the Field of Emergency Situations, Memorandum of Understanding between the History Museum of Armenia and the National Museum of Iran on Museum Cooperation, and Memorandum of Understanding on Cooperation in the Field of Tourism between the Ministry of Economic Development and Investments of the Republic of Armenia and Cultural Heritage, Handicrafts and Tourism Organization of the Islamic Republic of Iran, as well as the Memorandum of Understanding between the Government of the Republic of Armenia and the Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran on the Joint Use of Meghri and Nurdooz Land Border Gate. The Parties also adopted a Joint Statement

The Presidents of Armenia and Iran summed up the results of the negotiations in the statements they made for the representatives of the mass media.

Statement of President Serzh Sargsyan for the mass media in the wake of the meeting with the President of Iran Hassan Rouhani

Distinguished Mr. President,

Esteemed Ladies and Gentlemen,

It is a great honor to host in Armenia the President of the Islamic Republic of Iran and my good colleague, Doctor Hassan Rouhani.

It would be impossible to explicate the entire depth and scope of the Armenian-Iranian relations describing them as solely friendly. There are only few nations who were destined for millennia to walk down the crossroads of history side by side and today too continue to work closely together, holding in high esteem each other’s cultures.

Armenia, and I am confident Iran too, is interested to further strengthen and develop friendly relations anchored in the traditionally rich ties. It is testified to by the high level of our relations with Iran after Armenia’s independence, joint programs, dynamic reciprocal visits and, of course, the present visit of my esteem colleague, His Excellency Mr. Hassan Rouhani to our country. There is no doubt that the documents to be signed today and agreements which we have reached will give a new impetus and elevate the Armenian-Iranian cooperation to a qualitatively new level.

Today, we have held comprehensive and substantial discussions on different issues of the bilateral agenda; we have reiterated our commitment to the joint implementation of the development programs, stressed the importance of holding regular political consultations, discussed issues related to the development of cooperation in the areas of trade and economy, energy, transport, agriculture, education, healthcare, culture, ecology and tourism, and enhancement of contacts between the business circles. With the Honorable Mr. President, we have also referred to the process of implementation of the agreements reached at the 14th session of the intergovernmental commission on economic cooperation.

I express deep gratitude to my colleague for the distinctly respectful and thoughtful attention of Iran towards the Armenian cultural heritage, as well as traditionally caring attitude towards the Armenian community of Iran.

As a result of the agreement reached by the Republic of Armenia and Islamic Republic of Iran the swaps of natural gas and electrical energy between us continue. Taking into consideration the necessity to provide for the necessary volumes, which stems from the mentioned above swaps and quadripartite agreements reached in Yerevan, we have also spoken about the use of the Iran-Armenia-Georgia-Russia energy corridor.

We have also exchanged views on the program related to the establishment of a Persian Gulf-Black Sea transport and transit corridor, which will facilitate the transportation of international cargo, will provide the opportunity for the Iranian goods to enter the European market at the minimal transportation cost, as well as will allow to use it as a transit route for cargos from other countries. This will be not only the shortest and the safest passage via Armenia for the Iranian vehicles but will also become a very serious impulse for the growth of the turnover between our countries.

We have also exchanged views on the regional integration processes and stressed the importance of the opportunities for cooperation which are provided by Armenia’s membership to the Eurasia Economic Area.

The works on the improvement of the business climate and investment regulations for the businesses of the two countries are in progress. With this regard, I would like to stress in particular the importance of the visa free regime for the citizens of our countries. I am confident that mutual recognition of our two nations will also promote the deepening of the trade and economic ties.

With this regard, I am very glad that today concurrently with the visit there will take place a large business forum in Yerevan.

At the meeting, we have certainly discussed pressing regional and international issues. We have exchanged views on the implementation of the historic agreements on Iran’s nuclear program. I am confident that they will open new horizons for the hardworking and creative people of Iran and will become a new stimulus for the invigoration of our bilateral as well as a wider regional cooperation.

We have discussed the situation in the Middle East, fight against terrorism and international efforts aimed at the resolution of the situation. With this regard, the resolution adopted two days ago by the UN Security Council on the humanitarian situation in Aleppo is important. There is no doubt that Armenia is first of all concerned with the safety of the Armenian community in Syria, particularly in Aleppo.

As always, this time too I have presented to my distinguished colleague the efforts of Armenia and the Co-Chairs of the OSCE Minsk Group aimed at moving forward the process for finding a peaceful resolution for the Nagorno Karabakh problem, agreements reached at the summits in Vienna and Saint Petersburg and aimed at the elimination of the consequences of Azerbaijan’s aggression against Artsakh in April.

We highly value Iran’s balanced position on the resolution of the Nagorno Karabakh issue through the exclusively peaceful means, based on international law. We have reiterated that the Nagorno Karabakh conflict has no military solution and stressed the inadmissibility of any step meant to escalate the situation in the region and surge of instability.

We agreed with my colleague to continue with this good tradition of having high level meetings.

I thanked the President of the Islamic Republic of Iran for the invitation to visit Iran next year and said that I would certainly come with pleasure because our relations are simply compelling. Thank you very much.

Mkhitaryan trining ahead of Man Utd clash with Feyenoord – Photos

Henrikh Mkhitaryan has been pictured training today ahead of Manchester United’s Europa League clash with Feyenoord.

Manchester United manager Jose Mourinho has confirmed Mkhitaryan will play on Thursday night when Feyenoord visit Old Trafford in the Europa League.

The Reds are currently third in Group A with six points from 12 and require a victory under the Old Trafford floodlights in order to leapfrog the second-placed Dutch club into the two qualification places, ahead of the final pool game against Ukrainian side Zorya Luhansk in December.

NA Speaker hands awards to Public TV and Radio representatives

On November 23, the Speaker of the RA National Assembly Galust Sahakyan handed awards to employees of the Public TV Company of Armenia and the Public Radio of Armenia.

Stepan Martirosyan, Arsen Aslanyan, Levon Khachatryan, Aida Nersisyan, Grigor Harutyunyan, Karine Sargsyan, Nona Zotova were awarded the RA National Assmebly Diploma, Karine Kocharyan, Alexander Muradyan were bestowed the Memorial Medals of  RA National Assembly Speaker, Lusine Vasilyan and Lena Badeyan from Public Radio of Armenia received Letter of Appreciation of the RA National Assembly Speaker.

Congratulating the awardees, Galust Sahakyan highly assessed their selfless devotion in the development of radio and television during many years. The Speaker wished them new achievements in their responsible work.