Pashinyan praises ‘very open’ talks with Azerbaijan in Washington, notes change of understanding for guarantor function




YEREVAN, MAY 22, ARMENPRESS. There is some change in understanding in the peace treaty talks with Azerbaijan, Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan said at a May 22 press conference.

“I am glad to note that it seems like there is some change of understanding in this issue,” Pashinyan said.

Pashinyan said that other wordings describing the function of a guarantor have been proposed during the talks.

PM Pashinyan said that being a guarantor in such a difficult region would be a huge responsiblity which could create both possibilities and risks for countries, and also increase or seriously damage reputation.

“It’s not like everyone is [eagerly waiting] to assume this role. But at the same time, if the international community were to record that there is sincere desire between the parties to establish lasting peace, I believe there would be countries and organizations – starting from individual countries up to the UN Security Council, who wouldn’t just want to but would agree to assume this function,” Pashinyan said.

One of the most important records made during the Washington talks, according to Pashinyan, is that the parties have started to communicate more directly and openly, presenting their concerns, reasons and grounds for mistrust.

“Many nuances have emerged which weren’t visible for the parties in the past, or weren’t recorded. I find the biggest specificity of the Washington talks to be the style of the conversation, a very open conversation took place. Often the sentences in the negotiations contain hidden meanings, and often it’s not easy to realize. At some point, these hidden meanings became lesser and the conversation began to be mutually more understandable. This is our perception,” Pashinyan said.

The Armenian serviceman wounded by Azerbaijani fire dies, the life of the paramedic is not in danger




YEREVAN, MAY 17, ARMENPRESS. The serviceman who received gunshot wounds as a result of the fire opened by the Azerbaijani armed forces in the direction of the Armenian position in the direction of Sotk on May 17, died before being taken to the hospital, ARMENPRESS was informed from MoD Armenia.

The health condition of the injured paramedic is assessed as satisfactory, his life is not in danger.

Earlier today, the Azerbaijani armed forces opened fire at an Armenian military position deployed in the direction of Sotk around 16:15, May 17, wounding an Armenian soldier, the Defense Ministry said in a statement. Then, the Azerbaijani forces opened fire at the ambulance which was evacuating the wounded soldier. The ambulance medic was wounded in the shooting, the defense ministry said.

Pashinyan considers establishment of normal relations with all neighbors as the main goal of Armenia’s foreign policy




YEREVAN, MAY 15, ARMENPRESS. Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan believes that the main goal of Armenia's foreign policy should be the establishment of normal relations with all neighbors, ARMENPRESS reports, Pashinyan said in an interview with the Czech "Respekt" magazine, answering the question about what lessons Armenia has learned in the last 15 months.

"Because of our complicated history, we have learned not to have normal relations with some of our neighbors. Changing that is vitally important to our country. It seems very simple, but its implementation is connected with dozens of problems. there are some psychological and practical problems. Such a message is not easy for the Armenian society to digest," said the Prime Minister.

He said that he recently spoke in the National Assembly about establishing diplomatic relations with Armenia's neighbors, and an opposition member objected, saying that the Prime Minister is speaking as if Armenia's neighbor is Sweden.

"I replied, it would be good if we study the history of Scandinavia and Europe. If we think that Scandinavia has always been as peaceful as it is now, we are wrong. At that time, I was opposed, they said that unlike in our case, there was no genocide in Scandinavia. Yes, there are many differences between us and Scandinavia, but I think the essence is clear: people make history," Nikol Pashinyan emphasized and added that Armenia has good relations with Georgia and Iran and should continue to improve those relations.

According to him, Armenia now has almost no relations with Turkey and Azerbaijan, which should not remain like that.

Central Bank of Armenia: exchange rates and prices of precious metals – 08-05-23



 17:15, 8 May 2023

YEREVAN, 8 MAY, ARMENPRESS. The Central Bank of Armenia informs “Armenpress” that today, 8 May, USD exchange rate up by 0.09 drams to 386.44 drams. EUR exchange rate up by 1.15 drams to 426.98 drams. Russian Ruble exchange rate down by 0.04 drams to 4.98 drams. GBP exchange rate up by 2.24 drams to 489.39 drams.

The Central Bank has set the following prices for precious metals.

Gold price down by 537.65 drams to 24860.47 drams. Silver price up by 2.74 drams to 321.04 drams.

The situation created by the use of aggression against Armenia cannot become basis for lasting peace – Alen Simonyan



 17:27, 4 May 2023

YEREVAN, MAY 4, ARMENPRESS. The delegation led by the President of the National Assembly of Armenia Alen Simonyan is in Ankara within the framework of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation (PABSEC). Alen Simonyan gave a speech at the 30th Anniversary Summit of the Speakers of Parliaments. As ARMENPRESS was informed from the parliament of Armenia, the President of the National Assembly particularly said,

“Dear Mr Chair.

Dear Colleagues,

Ladies and gentlemen,

Yesterday in Belgrade a tragedy took place, I offer my condolences to my Serbian colleague and again express support to the Government of Turkey and the people for dozens of thousands human losses during February 6 devastating earthquake. In Armenia they know very well what is earthquake, and our country was among the first ones to respond to the disaster, sending humanitarian assistance and rescue group to the disaster zone.

It is very positive that the humanitarian cargo crossed the land border from Armenia to Turkey through Margara bridge which had been closed for 30 years.

From the previous year Armenia and Turkey have begun normalization process of relations, in the frames of which certain achievements have been succeeded to record, but the unsolved problems are still many. We hope that in the near future it will be possible not only having humanitarian cargos crossing the land border, but open it for international traffic and trade.

Dear participants of the Summit, 30 years ago, the parliaments of our countries have assumed to carry out their peoples’ hopes and expectations and confirmed their resoluteness to make use of all opportunities for expanding the cooperation in different spheres and levels between the countries of the region. Today, those expectations remain as just up-to-date.

As founding member of the organization, Armenia reaffirms its commitment to the full use of the Assembly potential, for boosting the regional economic cooperation and effectively implementing the statutory goals.

Armenia highlights the closer coordination between the BSEC and the Parliamentary Assembly, which will foster the building of firmer interaction between them. Taking into consideration the experience of the past of holding joint meetings between the Standing Committee of the Assembly and the Committee of the BSEC senior officials, we think that we should resume similar meetings already long ago, to thoroughly discuss all the problems laid on the table. The Parliamentary Assembly of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation, to our conviction, should continue making its further efforts in apolitical, constructive and comprehensive way based on the principle of sovereign equality. The regional cooperation can considerably benefit from parliamentary cooperation.

We consider important the fact of harmonising the activities of PABSEC and in general, the BSEC with global, especially, the UN Sustainable development agenda by 2030.

Armenia remains faithful to the goals declared by this organization. Despite numerous challenges, the people of Armenia distinctly and out loud reaffirmed its resoluteness to strengthen the respect towards human rights, rule of law, the equal opportunities in the economic and social life.

Dear colleagues,

In the Black Sea Economic Cooperation region, we continue clashing security serious challenges. The 44-day war happened in Nagorno Karabakh in autumn 2020, the ongoing war in Ukraine have serious geopolitical consequences for common security architecture.

In 2021, afterwards in September 2022 Azerbaijan initiated the next unprovoked military aggression along the eastern and south-eastern borders, invading and conquering our sovereign territories.

At this moment, it has already been 5 months that Azerbaijan grossly violating the provisions of Trilateral Statement of 9 November 2020, has blocked the Lachin Corridor, the only life road of Nagorno Karabakh, being under the responsibility of the peacekeepers of the Russian Federation, which resulted in the humanitarian crisis. On April 23, Azerbaijan set up an illegal checkpoint at the starting point of the Lachin Corridor. Though the Azerbaijani side insists on the fact that the Corridor is open, but actually it continues remaining closed for free transportation.

The crisis had a wide international response. The European Court of Human Rights (ECHR), the UN International Court of Justice made decisions on unblocking of the Lachin Corridor, which were despised by the official Baku.

Two and a half years passed after war, but until now Azerbaijan holds at least 33 prisoners of war.

The situation being created after the aggression against Armenia cannot become as a basis for stable and lasting peace.

In its foreign policy Armenia has reaffirmed the principles of good neighbourly relations and mutually beneficial cooperation. We don’t have territorial requirements towards our neighbours, and we expect that our neighbours will also be led by that principle. On October 6, 2022, during the quadrilateral meeting held in Prague with the participation of the President of France and the President of the European Council the heads of Armenia and Azerbaijan confirmed their commitments to the UN Charter and the Alma-Ata Declaration of 1991, by which the two sides recognize the territorial integrity and sovereignty of each other.

Colleagues, in these days in Washington, on the initiative of the Secretary of the State of the United States the negotiations of the delegations led by the Foreign Ministers of Armenia and Azerbaijan are underway. The matter of discussion are issues regarding the security situation created in the region, the settlement process of the relations between Armenia and Azerbaijan. I believe that this is a positive development, and I wish the diplomats success.

The conflicts should be settled through peaceful means. We are convinced that regional economic cooperation can promote the strengthening of peace, stability and the peoples’ welfare, as it is stipulated by the BSEC Charter and the appropriate statutory documents of the Parliamentary Assembly.

In 2021 and in 2022, the economy of Armenia recorded stable growth. In the previous year it was more than 14%, and the trade turnover with several Member States of our organization considerably enlivened. Our economy continues showing good results due to healthy macro-economic policy and legislative reforms affecting the economic development. We have also undertaken essential reforms, which are aimed at the decrease of corruption and the rise of transparency.

As a developing landlocked country, Armenia again underlines the importance of unobstructed access to the sea by all means, as well as values the development of the regional communication and stable transport systems. Armenia is ready to continue the unblocking of communications on the basis of the principles of sovereignty, territorial integrity and full respect of national legislation.

In the international rapidly changing environment, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation should be a regional moving force. Only in case, when we, the parliamentarians, bring together our efforts, will be able to overcome the common challenges and make use of common opportunities. Let us make use of this jubilee anniversary and reflect upon the lessons of the past three decades and reaffirm our commitment to advance the organization.

Concluding my speech, I congratulate Ukraine on the occasion of assuming the upcoming presidency of PABSEC and wish the country success in their undertakings.

Thanks to host country for hospitality and for organizing the Summit.”

Guest Opinion | William Paparian: An April 24 Message to the Armenian Community

April 23 2023
Published on Sunday, April 23, 2023 | 4:00 am

Every year on this day Armenians the world over honor the memory of our 1.5 million martyrs of the Armenian Genocide.

But, we also know that the Genocide is not over. It continues silently, relentlessly, insidiously.

The scars are not healed. The wounds are still festering, and the suffering is real. Today, the trauma, the pain continues.. We are still haunted by the emptiness that comes from losing entire families. When a loved one disappears, the disappearance lasts forever.

People who don’t know Armenians very well think that 8,000 miles and 107 years away from the killing fields in Western Armenian, it might be easy for us to forget. It would indeed by easy for us to teach our children only the more pleasant lessons of Armenian history. Others might think it natural for us to spend this day at work, at school, or at recreation, enjoying life, like millions of other ordinary families. But Armenians are not ordinary people. History has imposed special tasks on us.

Alongside the painful lessons of a 3,000-year old history, we have a national obligation to live every day of our lives in remembrance of those who perished. Our every action, our very way of life must adamantly and unflinchingly proclaim: Never again shall the Armenian people be subjected to Genocide! Never again will we allow men, women, and children to be torn away from their home, their schools, and their churches, to be massacred in deserts, rivers, and empty fields! Never again will we permit Armenians to suffer under the yoke of oppressors, such as the Turks, or Azeris. And . . . not only Armenians.

Yes, we may live in the computer age of global communication – but the barbarities in today’s headlines seem lifted from man’s darkest past. Look at Bosnia, or Rwanda. See how easily helpless minorities are rounded up and put to the death by the thousand – in their homeland – while the entire world watches . . . sheds few tears, sends a few dollars to a UN humanitarian agency, and then changes the channel. Sure, a picture may be worth a 1000 words. But what a numbing effect 1000 pictures of suffering has on us.

The Genocide of the Armenians in Ottoman Turkey in 1915 needs to be addressed and justice rendered to the victims, their survivors, and the Armenian nation. Those are the clear and simple demands of the Armenian people. What can we do today to bring that Judgement Day closer to reality? Well, I have a couple of suggestions.

First of all, we have to convince ourselves that we cannot rely on anyone else to help us in our fight for justice. We have to be self-reliant. No one can do for us what we must do for ourselves!

Without a just and final resolution to the 1915 Genocide, the Armenian people cannot rest. Unless Turkey accepts its guilty responsibility in the Genocide of Armenians, no real peace can exist between the Armenian people and the Turkish government. Until justice is done, the Armenian people cannot trust Turkey to be a peaceful neighbor. It will always be a threat to the Armenian Republic. It is up to the 5 million of us who live outside Armenia, to gain recognition, reparations, and return of the lands where our grandfathers, and their grandfathers before them, lived, worked and died.

Our battle has not been easy.

For a number of years, Armenian-Americans have fought to have the Armenian Genocide recognized by the President of the United States.

Time and time again, we came up against a barrage of propaganda, and misinformation put up by the Turkish government, defense industry contractors, who profit by trafficking arms to our executioners, and other hired lobbyists.

Weak elected officials caved in to Turkish money, and threats, and your know the rest, no recognition of the Armenian Genocide by the President of the United States. Until last year when President Biden recognized the Armenian Genocide?

No other word can be used to describe what happened to the Armenian people. And this is no semantic quibble. The usage of the word “Genocide” mandates no statute of limitations and demand legal redress, restitution, and punishment of the perpetrators.

While the Turkish government depends on hand-outs from the American taxpayers, the Armenian-American community does not barter the blood of its martyrs. We will not, we cannot, and we must not accept anything less than the full truth!

For too long now we have politely played the political game. But no longer!

Armenians will not be appeased by meek, useless statements from pandering politicians that cater to the Turks and insults the memory of the Armenian martyrs. We will no longer be taken for granted.

We must be uncompromising in dealings with Turkey and Azerbaijan. We can no longer remain quietly on the sidelines while cold-blooded bureaucrats sell off our past and our children’s future. Speaking with a single voice, Armenians everywhere must reject any further attempt to water down our nation’s just demands on Turkey. I believe the Armenian people have been more than patient over the last 107years. Any other people would have long ago resorted to the kind of violence that marks the struggle for freedom for the Palestinians and the Irish.

I don’t know how much longer our people can wait. But I do know it won’t be forever. Let’s hope our patience is not tested too much more. .

My second suggestion is this: solidarity with and compassion for the suffering of others is a true measure of greatness of any people. Armenians carry this lesson in their very bones.

On April 24, it is only proper and just for Armenians to reiterate their solidarity with all other victims of intolerance. To do any less would diminish the righteousness and strength of our case. Our place can never be with those voices of hatred and racism, or those who are ready and willing to victimize helpless minorities. No responsible Armenian can condone the kind of institutionalized violence witnessed recently against legal or illegal immigrants. Who better than we know what it means to be branded as the outsider, the intruder, the trespasser? We also cannot, and should not remain silent when intolerance is preached from the steps of the State Capitol, the floor of the U.S. Senate, or the political campaign trail.

We must reject all forms of racism and fight against intolerant political voices. In so doing, not only will we create a better community for ourselves, we will help in the building of a healthier society for all. If we ever, even for a moment, close our eyes to the suffering and persecution of any minority anywhere on this globe, we dishonor our own martyred families. When we side with the powerful and the arrogant, when we applaud or ignore their abuses, then we betray our own history.

This, my friends, is our ultimate responsibility to our survivors, and the individuals of all races, ages, and creeds, who have fallen victims to the greatest crimes of the 20th Century.

Former Mayor of Pasadena William Paparian


French FM visits Armenia in difficult period of time – Mirzoyan




YEREVAN, APRIL 28, ARMENPRESS. French Foreign Minister Catherine Colonna is visiting Armenia in a difficult period of time when the country is facing serious challenges and threats to regional security, Armenian Foreign Minister Ararat Mirzoyan said at a joint press conference with his French counterpart.

“Today during our meeting I expressed gratitude for France’s principled positions expressed on all levels in various formats. Including in the direction of eliminating the consequences of the Azerbaijani aggression against the sovereign territory of the Republic of Armenia, and in advancing the peaceful settlement process of the Nagorno Karabakh conflict as an OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairing country,” FM Mirzoyan said.

FM Mirzoyan attached special importance to French President Emmanuel Macron’s involvement in establishing peace and stability in South Caucasus.

The Armenian FM said that Azerbaijan, disregarding the criticism by the international community and ignoring the February 22 ruling of the International Court of Justice, has now already officially blocked the Lachin Corridor in gross violation of the clause 6 of the 2020 trilateral statement, by installing a checkpoint in the Lachin Corridor which is the area of responsibility of the Russian peacekeepers. “This is yet another, but perhaps with its consequences an extremely dangerous and explicit violation of the trilateral statement. It is impossible not to see the real threat of ethnic cleansing in Nagorno Karabakh behind the explicit calls by the Azerbaijani authorities aimed at achieving exodus in Nagorno Karabakh, the hate speech and this violation. This must be clear for the international community as well.  In this context I once again emphasize the imperative of practical steps by UN member states having international security mandate, including by ensuring the deployment of an international mission to NK and Lachin Corridor and unimpeded access of international humanitarian organizations,” FM Mirzoyan said.

California Legislators Announce 2023 Essay and Visual Arts Scholarship Winners

The California Armenian Legislative Caucus Foundation's 2023 Visual Arts Scholarship winning submissions

SACRAMENTO—The California Armenian Legislative Caucus Foundation announced the winners of this year’s California Armenian Legislative Caucus Foundation Scholarship.

The California Armenian Legislative Caucus Foundation has worked hard this year to advocate and participate in educational and governmental efforts in California and awarded six scholarships to California high school students who entered essay and arts contests.

“On behalf of the California Armenian Legislative Caucus Foundation, we congratulate you on your outstanding achievement in the scholarship contests commemorating the Armenian Genocide. We commend you for undertaking the task of raising awareness about the Armenian Genocide, especially given the significance of its 108th anniversary. Your contributions in promoting consciousness and marking history regarding the Armenian Genocide are essential to ensure that it is not forgotten, and that its lessons are learned and applied to make the world a better place,” said Senator María Elena Durazo (D- Little Armenia Hollywood)

“Congratulations to the outstanding and talented California students. It’s wonderful to see that the California Armenian Legislative Caucus Foundation Annual Essay Contest fosters academic opportunities and increases awareness of the Armenian Genocide through education,” said Senator Anthony Portantino (D- Burbank).

“_expression_ through creativity is one of the best ways we can generate honest discussion about the darkest moments in human history. This scholarship opportunity has been vital in doing just that – to raise awareness about the atrocities of the Armenian genocide, while preserving and highlighting the rich culture and resilience of the Armenian people today. It is my pleasure to recognize this year’s scholarship winners. Congratulations!” said Senator Scott Wilk (R- Santa Clarita).

“Congratulations to the recipients of the 2023 California Armenian Legislative Caucus Foundation Scholarship! It is with great pleasure that I join my colleagues in recognizing the dedication of these six students to advancing their education. This year marks the 108th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide, which reminds us of the resiliency of the people of Armenia. I look forward to continuing to work with my colleagues in the Armenian Caucus to highlight the work of the next generation of leaders!” said Assemblymember Lisa Calderon (D- Whittier).

“I applaud all the incredibly bright and deserving high school scholars who were awarded a scholarship through the California Armenian Legislative Caucus Foundation.  The Armenian American diaspora across California is part of the very fabric of America, and for many first generation college students this scholarship is monumental. Understanding the impact of the Armenian genocide is why the legislature passed AB 101, which would make Ethnic Studies a high school graduation requirement. The history of the Armenian people is an American history that should be taught to all students. I am so proud of all our scholars whose achievements reflect how higher education can improve the lives of our families and communities for generations to come,” said Assemblymember Wendy Carrillo (D- Los Angeles).

“Congratulations to the talented winners the 2023 California Armenian Legislative Caucus Foundation Scholarships! These six high school students represent the next generation of leaders and their incredible work serves as a critical reminder of the importance of genocide education,” said Assemblymember Laura Friedman (D- Glendale).

“The fight for justice starts early! Thank you to the California Armenian Legislative Caucus Foundation for involving our young people in this important commemoration. When we remember the Armenian Genocide, today, we commit ourselves to fighting injustice and inequality by governments everywhere. Congratulations to the deserving students selected for this scholarship. These experiences will guide them into becoming our leaders of tomorrow,” said Assemblymember Chris Holden (D- Pasadena).

“Congratulations to the winners of the California Armenian Legislative Caucus Foundation’s scholarship contest. These funds will go on to support students who are furthering their education, but it’s also an opportunity to educate the next generation about the atrocious genocide committed against the Armenian community. I want to thank these students for evoking the sensitivity that is the Armenian genocide and for using art and writing to express the violence that was inflicted in the Armenian community,” said Assemblymember Luz Rivas (D- San Fernando Valley).

“These students’ incredible talents are a testament to their success in and outside of the classroom. It is a privilege to witness our youth committing themselves to raising awareness about the Armenian Genocide. Congratulations to the winners on this well-deserved scholarship recognition,” said Assemblymember Blanca E. Rubio (D- Baldwin Park).

“It is our greatest honor to award these brilliant scholars! It is also inspiring to see the immense creativity in our next generation of leaders. The impact of the Armenian genocide is an important part of American history and it is vital to ensure we preserve Armenian culture. I applaud these students and their willingness in educating and raising awareness about the injustices that Armenian people faced to prevent history from being repeated. We must continue to accentuate the resilience of the Armenian people and the many contributions they have made to California. Congratulations!” said Assemblymember Miguel Santiago (D- Los Angeles).

“Congratulations to these incredibly talented California students on their scholarship win. Raising awareness of the Armenian Genocide through education provides the next generation with the knowledge to fight anti-Armenian hate and discrimination. As a representative of District 51, which includes Little Armenia, I believe that recognizing the kinds of atrocities committed against this incredible group of people is necessary to ensure acts like these are never again committed in this world,” said Assemblymember Rick Chavez Zbur (D- West Hollywood/Santa Monica).

Winners of the Essay Scholarship:

Earlier this year the California Armenian Legislative Caucus Foundation invited California high school students to participate in its Annual Essay Contest. Students were asked to write a memo with the prompt: If you were a United Nations Ambassador, how would you use your position to help with present-day challenges that Armenia and Armenians are facing to raise geopolitical awareness? 

  • First-prize, $1,000: Julianna Babayan attending Sherman Oaks Center for Enriched Studies in Tarzana, CA;
  • Second-prize, $750: Gianna Herrera attending Covina High School in Covina, CA;
  • Third-prize, $500: Kayla Voskanian attending Crescenta Valley High School in La CrescentaMontrose, CA.

Winners of the Visual Arts Scholarship:

This year’s theme is to submit artwork to be showcased on the cover of a news magazine to showcase the present-day challenges that Armenia as a country and the Armenian people are facing in their homeland. 

  • First-prize, $1,000: Arootin Asatourkazarian attending Burbank High School in Burbank, CA;
  • Second-prize, $750: Aleen Kojikian attending California School of the Arts, Duarte, CA;
  • Third-prize, $500: Sophia He attending Piedmont Hills High School in San Jose, CA.

Shooting at Glendale Restaurant leaves 2 men injured

GLENDALE, Calif. (KABC) — Two suspects have been arrested after an altercation early Saturday morning led to a shooting inside a Glendale restaurant.

The incident took place at the Phoenicia Restaurant at the intersection of Central and Lexington at around 1 a.m. Saturday.

Two men sustained gunshot wounds and made their own way to local hospitals, where they are listed as in stable condition.

Detectives from the Glendale Police Department immediately responded to the scene and were able to to arrest two suspects a short time later thanks to the help from eyewitness accounts.

The two suspects have been identified as 43-year-old Emil Ayrapetian of Los Angeles and 40-year-old Vardan Amolikyan of Glendale. No suspects remain outstanding.

The restaurant was still open at the time of the shooting.

Police are still investigating the cause of the shooting, but the restaurant's general manager says the shooting took place following an argument at a table.

"The argument started at their table. And it got elevated on their way out," said Suhilah Hariri, the general manager of the restaurant. "The area is safe so please, you know, let anyone, everyone understand that this might happen anywhere."

Police do believe the shooting was an isolated incident and there is no ongoing threat to the public.


Armenian President to visit Lithuania




YEREVAN, APRIL 18, ARMENPRESS. President of Armenia Vahagn Khachaturyan will visit Lithuania on April 18-20 on an official trip.

During the visit the Armenian President will meet his Lithuanian counterpart and other high-ranking officials, Khachaturyan’s Office said in a press release.

He will also participate in the opening of an Armenian-Lithuanian Business Forum.