Turkish press: Peace still fragile in South Caucasus

People commemorate Azerbaijan's victory in the Second Karabakh War with an exhibition in an event that is organized to mark the 951st anniversary of the Battle of Malazgirt in Bitlis, Türkiye, Aug. 23, 2022. (AA Photo)

The Second Karabakh War caused significant losses in the South Caucasus but also created opportunities for new regional cooperation and peace. The Nov. 10, 2020 trilateral declaration signed right after the war paved the way for the opening of regional transportation links, the delimitation and demarcation of national borders, and the signing of a peace agreement between the warring parties. Meanwhile, the concrete proposal for regional peace and cooperation with Azerbaijan, Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinian’s victory over the radicals in the June 20, 2021 parliamentary elections and the failure of Armenian opposition demonstrations against the peace talks all provided some hope for peace in the South Caucasus.

Although hopes for normalization between the two countries have persisted, the decisions made in Moscow, Sochi and Brussels during the leaders' meetings have not been implemented and preconditions have been introduced. Nevertheless, the international community expects that the parties fulfill the conditions of the agreements reached; for example, contrary to the tripartite declaration of Nov. 10, the Armenian Armed Forces have still not left the Karabakh region of Azerbaijan. Moreover, they have provocatively refused to leave the Lachin corridor, despite the alternative road being finished, and have caused delays by introducing various preconditions for the opening of regional communication and transportation lines and the delimitation and demarcation of borders.

The events around the Lachin corridor at the beginning of August in particular show how fragile the peace in the region is, and this is clearly due to the non-fulfillment of the agreements reached earlier. The Azerbaijani side stated that the alternative road was completed in accordance with the statement of Nov. 10, 2020 and requested that the Russian peacekeeping troops and Armenians leave the region by Aug. 5. During a recent interview, President Ilham Aliyev stated that Armenians living in Karabakh asked Azerbaijan to give them until the end of August and Azerbaijan agreed to extend the deadline to Aug. 25.

According to Article 6 of the tripartite declaration, an alternative route to the Lachin road between Karabakh and Armenia was to be built and Russian peacekeepers were to relocate from the Lachin corridor to that new road within three years. In accordance with the declaration, Azerbaijan built this alternative road and demanded the Armenians use it. The Russian peacekeepers agreed to relocate to the alternative route and warned Armenians living in Zabukh and Lachin to leave the region by Aug. 25. According to unofficial news sources, Azerbaijan offered these Armenians the right to stay in Lachin and Zabukh if they accepted Azerbaijani citizenship. Instead, homes and forests are being burned by the Armenians who illegally settled in the city of Lachin city and the villages of Sus and Zabukh.

Meanwhile, Armenia obstructs the implementation of the agreement and tries to portray Azerbaijan as a violator of human rights. The city of Lachin and its villages were occupied by the Armenian Armed Forces in May 1992 and since 2013, with the support of the Tufenkian Foundation, Armenians from Lebanon and Syria moved to the region in violation of the Geneva Convention, which is considered a war crime. However, the Armenian side presents the Armenians living there as the local population even though they illegally settled in the region.

Recently, Armenian armed groups resisted withdrawing from Lachin and killed an Azerbaijani soldier. This incident brought up a second issue: the removal of armed Armenians in the region where Russian peacekeeping troops are stationed in Karabakh. However, the Armenian side resists their removal. According to Article 4 of the trilateral declaration, the Armenian Armed Forces were to leave in parallel with the Russian peacekeeping troops arriving in the region. Unfortunately, according to official news, hundreds of them left the region only after Azerbaijan's forces launched Operation Revenge.

Meanwhile, Pashinian opposes the expulsion of armed Armenians, citing non-existent conditions in the Nov. 10 agreement. He states that these armed forces emerged because Azerbaijan refused to give an international mandate to Russian peacekeeping troops. In putting forward a condition that is not in the tripartite declaration, Pashinian admits that the conditions of the declaration have still not been fulfilled by Armenia and that these armed groups are illegal according to international law. A number of officers in the so-called “defense army of the Armenian people” are actually the old groups from the First Karabakh War who caused the deaths of 30,000 people and the expulsion of more than a million people from the region.

Armenia argues that if its armed groups withdraw from the Azerbaijani territory, Azerbaijan will carry out ethnic cleansing against the Armenians living in Karabakh. This argument is untrue from two points of view. Firstly, even though Armenian forces attacked civilians in Ganja and Barda with missiles during the Second Karabakh War, Azerbaijan refrained from attacking Armenian civilians. A small number of civilian casualties (50) in the Second Karabakh War attests to the fact that Azerbaijan's armed forces operated with precision. Aliyev stated that Azerbaijan would not attack civilians or fight occupants on the front line. In a recent interview, Aliyev stated that Armenians living in Karabakh are citizens of Azerbaijan and their rights will be protected according to the country’s constitution. “But we will not grant any special status for them and this is the best way for all of us. Because a new status for Armenians living in Karabakh means new wars in the region.” In fact, Armenians had autonomy in Karabakh until 1991 but the nationalist elite opted for secession and unification with Armenia.

Secondly, during the Second Karabakh War, the Azerbaijani forces stopped at the threshold of Khankendi and did not enter the city. If they wished, they could have done so but because of the high likelihood of a humanitarian crisis, they refrained. Now, some two years after the war, the Azerbaijani military is face to face with Armenian villages in many places, whether on the Armenian border or in the regions where Russian peacekeeping troops are temporarily deployed in Karabakh. Even during this period, there have been clashes between the Armenian forces and the Azerbaijani army. However, no Armenian civilians have been killed or targeted so far. On the contrary, Armenia carried out mass mining in the liberated territories of Azerbaijan and, since the end of the war, more than 240 Azerbaijani citizens have been killed or injured due to explosions.

The peace process should be underpinned by concrete measures without wasting further time while discourses that can harm the implementation of the agreements should be avoided. In the current situation, Azerbaijan is using its military and diplomatic power to fulfill the terms of the agreement and to ensure peace and cooperation in the region. In contrast, Armenia is pursuing psychological warfare, creating a victim narrative to delay agreements and seeking international support for the unrealistic rhetoric it has created.

The tensions between Azerbaijan and Armenia despite the ongoing peace negotiations between the parties are an indication that the process is fragile. Delays and the non-implementation of terms of the agreements could lead to new conflicts. That is why all regional and non-regional actors are awaiting the fulfillment of the agreements already reached between the parties.

Head of Department at the Baku-based think tank Center of Analysis of International Relations (AIR Center)

Science and Arts interconnected: Spectacular star-studded show to kick off STARMUS VI in Yerevan



 14:48, 2 September 2022

YEREVAN, SEPTEMBER 2, ARMENPRESS. One-of-a-kind musical performances are expected during the STARMUS VI Festival in Yerevan, STARMUS Founding-Director Garik Israelian said at a press conference.

System of a Down frontman, musician Serj Tankian, keyboardist Derek Sherinian, musician Rick Wakeman, drummer and producer Simon Phillips were also taking part in the press conference. Jazz pianist Tigran Hamasyan was participating online.

Photos by Mkhitar Khachatryan

Israelian said that world-renowned musicians are contributing to promoting science.

“It is a great honor to host musicians who are supporting science. We are convinced that we need support from the arts community to promote science. A large number of musicians joined STARMUS, supported the ideas and ideology of the festival. And this number is growing,” Israelian said.

Israelian said that a spectacular concert featuring Tigran Hamasyan, Derek Sherinian and Rick Wakeman will kick off the STARMUS VI.

On September 5, the Sonic Universe concert program will take place where the music stars will present science through music. The Stephen Hawking Medal Awarding Ceremony will take place during this event.

“All concerts at STARMUS are unique and one-of-a-kind in terms of combination. If you miss this STARMUS you’ll never see the same again. It’s not just about the concert but also the lectures,” Israelian said.

On September 7, STARMUS co-founder Brian May, the Queen guitarist, will lead other musicians at another concert. Nemra rock band and Jivan Gasparyan Junior will participate in the concert.

Serj Tankian said it’s an honor to join the festival.

“I’ve been talking to Garik Israelian for already a few years now, discussing the festival, doing some things together, we met in person at WCIT in 2019. Garik said he wants to bring STARMUS to Armenia. I said it’s a fantastic idea. Then he called me and encouraged me to join the festival, and I agreed. It’s really great to see astrophysics, scientific discoveries and inventions in one festival. I’m very happy that these kinds of festivals are organized in Armenia. Wonderful artists have arrived to Armenia. I am happy that I am part of this team,” Tankian said.

Tankian added that he will have a separate performance in honor of Alexander Kemurjian, the renowned Soviet-Armenian scientist.

English musician Rick Wakeman isn’t new to STARMUS. 10 years ago, Brian May offered him to join the festival.

“I think it is wrong that in the UK arts and science are separate from one another in schools, these are interrelated things, and you should never separate them. I think it is very important that STARMUS can combine these two. I am very proud to be part of this festival. It is very wonderful that I am here in Armenia,” he said.

Simon Phillips said this is his first participation in the STARMUS festival and his first visit to Armenia.

“This is certainly the best experience. It is always wonderful to come to a new country where you haven’t been. Derek and I have cooperated over the past 22 years in different projects and we wrote 9 albums together but we never performed live. Garik’s invitation was the spark. We’ve created a very sophisticated musical piece and we look forward to playing it for the Armenian audience,” Phillips said.

Tigran Hamasyan said that science and arts imply the combination of rather sophisticated structures.

“I personally get inspired by music, with other manifestations of arts, I try to see mathematics and geometry there. I think it is a very good initiative to combine arts and science in the festival,” Hamasyan said.

Russia continues working with Yerevan and Baku for unblocking transportation ties – foreign ministry spox




YEREVAN, AUGUST 31, ARMENPRESS. Russia, together with Yerevan and Baku, is focused on implementing all the provisions of the trilateral agreements reached at a high level, Russian Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Maria Zakharova said at a press briefing.

She stated that the work within the agreed trilateral formats is of substantive nature. In this context Zakharova reminded the meetings of the working group on border delimitation between Armenia and Azerbaijan, which Russia is providing a consulting support.

As for the reports on forming a working group with the mediation of the European Union, the Russian MFA Spokeswoman said that Russia has not got any information on that by the Armenian and Azerbaijani partners.

“The EU activeness in the South Caucasus is determined by geopolitical ambitions. In our opinion, it has no link with the real desire to contribute to improving the relations between Armenia and Azerbaijan. These are the fake initiatives of Europeans which are more like usurping the laurels of the mediation, with nothing underneath. We, as mediators, are working, and this work is bringing concrete results and getting respective assessment by the sides. Those who present themselves as mediators, but not being so, are just incapable of offering something”, she said.

Zakharova also commented on the recent statement of Turkish deputy minister of trade Rıza Tuna Turagay, who said that the so-called “Zangezur corridor” will open soon, citing an agreement with Russia.

“I have no information about the contacts between the Turkish ministry of trade and the Russian partners. I can only say that Russia continues the substantive work with Baku and Yerevan aimed at unblocking the transportation ties in South Caucasus, and the work implies a package solution on concrete routes. They should be based on the principles of sovereignty and respect of Armenia and Azerbaijan and should contribute to the security and economic welfare of the region”, Maria Zakharova stated.

Turkish press: Türkiye readies for possible leak from Armenian power plant

A view of the drill, in Kars, eastern Türkiye, Aug. 18, 2022. (AA PHOTO)

Crews from disaster agencies, hospitals and the police staged a drill on Thursday in the eastern Turkish province of Kars, against a potential nuclear leak from Metsamor, an Armenian power plant just 16 kilometers (10 miles) away from the border province.

Disaster and Emergency Management Authority (AFAD) staff, doctors, nurses, paramedics, a search and rescue team and police officers joined the drill. First responders donned hazardous material suits in the drill in which an earthquake scenario was played out. Teams responded to 20 people affected by the leak after a 7.0-magnitude earthquake in three villages located on the border, as part of the drill. “Affected” villagers were taken to a tent camp by crews wearing head-to-toe protective suits. Onur Budak, director of Akyaka State Hospital whose staff joined the drill, told Anadolu Agency (AA) that it was the first comprehensive drill against chemical, biological and nuclear threats in the area.

Metsamor is Armenia's only nuclear power plant and produces more than a third of the country's electricity. The European Union has repeatedly called on Armenia to shut down the aging plant, citing security concerns. Instead, Armenia decided to extend the plant's operations until 2026.

Following an earthquake in 1988, Metsamor was closed. However, in spite of widespread international protests, it was reactivated in 1995. Armenia earlier rejected the EU's call to shut down Metsamor in exchange for 200 million euros ($203 million) to help meet the country's energy needs.

Türkiye has earlier urged Armenia to shut down the site due to the imminent danger the outdated plant poses to the country. It sent an official appeal to the IAEA five years ago concerning the shutdown of the plant. The IAEA and Armenian experts had agreed that the plant could remain operational until 2016 before Armenia decided to extend its lifespan to 2026.

President of Artsakh offers condolences to families of victims of Yerevan market explosion




STEPANAKERT, AUGUST 15, ARMENPRESS. President of Artsakh Arayik Harutyunyan offered condolences to the families of the victims of the market explosion in Yerevan.

“The tragic explosion which took place in the Surmalu market in Yerevan as a result of which there are deaths, injured and missing people, deeply shocked us all. On behalf of the people of Artsakh I am expressing condolences and support to the families of the victims and speedy recovery to those injured. At this difficult moment the Armenian nation must display resilience and support all those injured,” President Harutyunyan said in a statement.

Turkey’s envoy for normalization with Armenia extends condolences over market blast




YEREVAN, AUGUST 15, ARMENPRESS. Turkey’s special representative for normalization with Armenia Serdar Kilic extended condolences over the deadly market explosion in Yerevan.

“My sincere condolences to the family of the victim,” Kilic tweeted on August 14 when the death toll was still 1. “…and speedy recovery to all those injured in this tragedy.”

The death toll rose to 6 Monday morning.

Russia, Belarus, and Armenia join drone tournament hosted by Iran

Aug 16 2022

By:Anubhuti Jain

The competition began on Monday and will last for two weeks, The aim is to test the drones’ artillery-guiding abilities

Footages from Iranian state television showed glimpses of the inauguration ceremony on Monday ceremony in the city of Kashan, joined by representatives from all four countries.

“Falcon hunting” 2022, an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) competition, part of the seventh iteration of wider annual military games launched by Russia in 2015, was hosted by the aerospace division of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC)

Amir Ali Hajizadeh, IRGC aerospace chief and tournament host, and top advisor Ali Balali said that the competition would be judged by the members of all delegations

Judgment would be based on the performance and consistency in aerial reconnaissance and how the UAVs could help guide precise artillery fire during both day and night

Balali told the state-affiliated Tasnim news website that more than 70 military personnel who participated would undergo physical readiness and shooting tests during the tournament, which is expected to end on august 28.

“Message of peace and friendship and the Islamic Republic of Iran’s joint cooperation with other countries to counter global terrorism” is the goal of the games in addition to facilitating an “exchange of experiences and military achievements” on drones.

Months before this drone tournament we claimed that Russia is planning to purchase “hundreds” of drones from Iran to be used in the war in Ukraine, but claims were denied by Tehran.

In addition, Iran claims that it won’t do anything to escalate the war in Ukraine, but it hasn’t condemned Russia either.

Tehran and Moscow are building closer ties, with a rare foreign trip to Tehran by Russian president Vladimir Putin since the start of the war in February.

Also, Russia built a satellite for Iran last week that it successfully launched into space from a base in Kazakhstan amid Western concerns that it could be used by the kremlin in the Ukraine war.


Forecast: Even after achieving his goals in Artsakh, Aliyev will continue to exert military pressure on Armenia

Armenia – Aug 8 2022
David Stepanyan

ArmInfo. As a result of the defeatist policy of the authorities, the losses of the Armenian side are only growing. An expert in Azerbaijani studies Tatevik  Hayrapetyan expressed a similar opinion to ArmInfo.

"Armenia's concessions only facilitate the diplomatic and military  victory of Azerbaijan. And today, through military actions, Baku is  trying to force Yerevan to conclude a peace treaty and thereby close  the issue of Artsakh once and for all. After that, the presence of  Russian peacekeepers in Artsakh will depend solely on Baku," she  stressed.  However, according to the expert, even having achieved  goals in Artsakh, Aliyev will continue to exert military pressure on  Armenia in order to achieve now goals in the Syunik direction. In the  opinion of Hayrapetyan, having achieved control over the Lachin  corridor, Azerbaijan will seek a similar corridor through Syunik. In  which Baku is fully supported by Ankara.

The same control over Berdzor and other Armenian-populated villages  of the corridor, Baku, according to its own statements, is trying to  achieve through anti-terrorist actions. However, in return, Yerevan  negotiates with Baku again and again, returning from there with the  worst results. And according to the expert, the responsibility for  all these failures lies precisely with the ruling team in Armenia.

"Meanwhile, the only way to curb Azerbaijani appetites is only  Armenia's readiness for war, for a large- scale armed confrontation  with Azerbaijan. And if Nikol Pashinyan hopes to appease Azerbaijan's  appetites in some other way, apparently driven by him alone, then he  is cruelly mistaken. There is only one way – to be constantly ready  for the possibility of a new Azerbaijani aggression. However, instead  of strengthening the army and increasing the military potential, in  the last two years, the leadership of Armenia continues to waste our  rather limited time. As a result, already today, Baku seeks to clear  the last scores with Artsakh, and then move on to Syunik,"  Hayrapetyan summarized. 

Russia Calls for ‘Restraint’ in Restive Karabakh

Aug 4 2022

Moscow on Thursday called for "restraint" following a new escalation in fighting between Armenia and Azerbaijan over the disputed Nagorno-Karabakh region that has left three people dead. 

Earlier in the day Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan voiced rare criticism of ally Moscow, questioning the work of Russian peacekeepers in Nagorno-Karabakh.

"We express our extreme concern over the escalation of tensions," the Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement, calling on all parties "to exercise restraint and observe a ceasefire."

The Foreign Ministry added that Moscow's peacekeepers were "making every effort" to stabilize the situation on the ground. 

The former Soviet republics of Armenia and Azerbaijan have fought two wars — in the 1990s and in 2020 — over Nagorno-Karabakh. 

In the aftermath of the latest war, Armenia ceded swathes of territory it had controlled for decades.

Russia deployed some 2,000 peacekeepers to oversee the fragile truce but tensions persist despite the ceasefire agreement.

Following the recent flareup, Pashinyan questioned the role of Russian peacekeepers there. 

"Questions arise in Armenian society over the Russian peacekeeping operation in Nagorno-Karabakh," he told a government meeting on Thursday.

He pointed to "gross, prolonged violations of a ceasefire regime" and "constant physical and psychological terror" of Karabakh residents in the presence of the peacekeepers. 

Pashinyan said the role of the Russian peacekeeping mission must be "clarified," adding that Armenia expected the contingent to prevent "any attempt to violate the line of contact."

The two sides accuse each other of violating the fragile truce.

On Wednesday, Baku said it had lost a soldier and the Karabakh army said two of its troops had been killed. Pashinyan said 19 troops had been wounded.

The Azeri defence ministry said Karabakh troops targeted its army positions in the district of Lachin, which is under the supervision of the Russian peacekeeping force.

The Azeri army later said it conducted an operation dubbed "Revenge" in response and took control of several strategic positions.

On Friday, Russian President Vladimir Putin is hosting Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan for talks in the Black Sea resort city of Sochi.

Turkey backed Azerbaijan in the 2020 war over Karabakh.



Kremlin calls for restraint from Azerbaijan, Armenia over Karabakh fighting | National Post
Kremlin calls for restraint from Azerbaijan, Armenia over Karabakh fighting – World – Dunya News
Kremlin calls for restraint from Azerbaijan, Armenia over Karabakh fighting – SWI swissinfo.ch
Kremlin calls for restraint from Azerbaijan, Armenia over Karabakh fighting | Law-Order (devdiscourse.com)