Armenian, Greek FMs discuss issues of regional and international agenda




YEREVAN, SEPTEMBER 23, ARMENPRESS. Minister of Foreign Affairs of Armenia Ararat Mirzoyan, in the framework of the 76th Session of the UN General Assembly, held a meeting with Minister of Foreign Affairs of Greece Nikos Dendias, the MFA reports.

The officials discussed the issues on the Armenian-Greek rich bilateral agenda, emphasizing the need to make efforts aimed at further strengthening the mutually beneficial cooperation.

During the meeting the sides commended the mutual support within the framework of international organizations.

The Ministers of Foreign Affairs of Armenia and Greece exchanged views regarding a number of urgent issues of the regional and international agenda. Minister Mirzoyan briefed his Greek counterpart on the situation resulting from Azerbaijani-Turkish aggression against Artsakh, underlining the immediate need for repatriation of Armenian prisoners of war and captured civilians.

Minister Mirzoyan stressed the importance of resuming the peace process of the Nagorno Karabakh conflict under the auspices of the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairmanship.

Turkish Press: Turkey ready for dialogue with Armenia: Erdoğan

Daily Sabah, Turkey
Sept 19 2021

Turkey is ready for talks with Armenia, President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan said Sunday, adding that Yerevan needs to take steps toward opening a controversial transport link through its territory.

Armenia and Turkey never established diplomatic relations and their shared border has been closed since the 1990s.

The ties have further deteriorated due to Turkey's support for its regional ally Azerbaijan, which fought with Armenia last year for control of the occupied Nagorno-Karabakh region.

But earlier this month, Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinian said Yerevan was prepared to hold discussions on repairing relations with Ankara.

"If he (Pashinian) would like to meet with Tayyip Erdoğan, then certain steps should be taken," Erdoğan told reporters at an Istanbul airport before leaving for New York, where he will attend the annual United Nations General Assembly meetings.

He was referring to the creation of a transit corridor that would have to go through Armenia to connect Azerbaijan to its Nakhchivan enclave that borders Turkey and Iran.

"We are not closed to talks (with Armenia), we will hold the talks," Erdoğan said.

"I hope that not a negative but a positive approach will prevail there," he said. "God willing, the problem between Azerbaijan and Armenia will be overcome with the opening of the corridors."

Armenia and Europol Sign Agreement to Tackle Cross-Border Organized Crime

Sept 18 2021

The agreement will enable both partners to work on some key areas such as migrant smuggling, cybercrime, drug trafficking, asset recovery, money laundering, organized property crime and trafficking in human beings.

On September 16, Europol and Armenia signed a strategic cooperation agreement to expand cooperation to combat cross-border criminal activities. 

The agreement will enable both partners to work on some key areas such as migrant smuggling, cybercrime, drug trafficking, asset recovery, money laundering, organized property crime and trafficking in human beings.

The agreement allows for the exchange of general strategic intelligence as well as strategic and technical information and operational information with the exception of personal data, and will lead to the secondment of an Armenian Liaison Officer to Europol.

The signing of the Agreement on Strategic Cooperation concludes the successful negotiations between Armenia and Europol on how to effectively join forces to fight serious and organized crime. 

After entry into force of the agreement, this new level of cooperation will be important for tackling priority crime areas affecting both the European Union and Armenia.

Read the announcement at Europol

Armenians have lived in Artsakh for centuries: President Sarkissian addresses the Summit of Minds

Public Radio of Armenia
Sept 18 2021

President Armen Sarkissian participated in a plenary discussion on “Geopolitics: Where is the world going?” held within the framework of the Summit of Minds in Chamonix, France.

As a keynote speaker, President Sarkissian addressed the challenges of the modern world. Speaking about the war unleashed by Azerbaijan against Artsakh, the President stressed that in Nagorno Karabakh, in Armenian Artsakh, Armenians have historically lived for thousands of years.

“If you go to Karabakh, you will find churches from 4th, 5th centuries, because Armenians have lived there for thousands of years. Today we have an issue with our neighbor Azerbaijan, and we appeal to the international community, UNESCO, concerned about the fate of these religious and cultural monuments,” the President said.

President Sarkissian briefed the summit participants on the history of Artsakh and the reasons for the conflict, how the USSR leadership gave the territory historically belonging to Armenia to Azerbaijan in the early 20th century. The President of Armenia noted that during more than 70 years of the Soviet Union, the people of Nagorno Karabakh strived for freedom, independence, declared it in 1991, and then won the first Karabakh war provoked by Azerbaijan in 1994.

US provides $9.5 million in support of Armenia’s efforts to fights corruption

Public Radio of Armenia
Sept 15 2021

The US Government supports Armenia’s efforts to fight corruption by providing $9.5 million through the United States Agency for International Development.

The announcement was made during today’s conference on “Priorities of Armenia’s Anti-Corruption Policy,” which was also attended by Deputy Minister of Justice Suren Grigoryan. The program aims to reduce corruption opportunities, strengthen public demand for accountability in Armenia, and improve accountability.

Also present at the launch of the program were US Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to Armenia Lynne Tracy, Chairman of the Commission for the Prevention of Corruption Haykuhi Harutyunyan, MPs, civil society representatives and others.

In his opening remarks, Deputy Minister Grigoryan welcomed the launch of the program on behalf of the Ministry.

In the context of the development of the institutional system of anti-corruption policy, the Deputy Minister presented the procedure for forming the Anti-Corruption Committee, the regulation of prosecutorial control over the legality of criminal proceedings on corruption, as well as the process of establishing an anti-corruption court.

U.S. legislators file eight amendments to hold Azerbaijan and Turkey accountable

Panorama, Armenia
Sept 15 2021

U.S. Representatives are leading the charge to block U.S. arms and aid to Azerbaijan, as part of a series of eight pro-Artsakh/Armenia amendments to the Fiscal Year 2022 National Defense Authorization Act (H.R.4350) filed this week, reported the Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA). Other amendments demand Azerbaijan’s immediate release of Armenian POWs; call for an investigation of the use of U.S. technology in Turkish drones used against Artsakh and Armenia; explore ways to expand U.S. aid to Artsakh; and, designate Turkey’s “Grey Wolves” as a terrorist group.

The ANCA is leading a nationwide grassroots effort – – to secure cosponsors for each of the amendments, which are set to be considered by the House Rules Committee as early as Monday, September 20th. The full U.S. House will have the opportunity to vote on each of the amendments ruled “in order” during consideration of H.R.4350. Amendments with strong, bipartisan backing are generally considered more favorably by Rules Committee members.

“We thank Representatives Cardenas, Pallone, Schiff, Sherman, Speier, Titus, and Valadao for offering their Congressional colleagues a long-overdue opportunity for an up-or-down vote on zeroing out all U.S. military aid to oil-rich Azerbaijan and other key pro-peace initiatives,” said Aram Hamparian, Executive Director of the ANCA. “In the wake of Azerbaijan’s ethnic cleansing last year of 100,000+ indigenous Armenians from Artsakh – amid Aliyev’s ongoing invasion and occupation of Armenian territory – the Congress must act in a bipartisan manner to hold both Azerbaijan and Turkey accountable for their violent anti-Armenian aggression.”

A brief overview of each of the eight amendments is presented below along with their lead sponsors, listed as numbered by the House Rules Committee:

Amendment #52 – Rep. Brad Sherman (D-CA): Blocks Federal funds from being obligated or expended to provide any United States military or security assistance or cooperation to the defense or security forces of the Government of Azerbaijan.

Amendment #90 – Rep. Jackie Speier (D-CA): Prohibits the transfer of United States security assistance to the Government of Azerbaijan.

Amendment #122 – Rep. Frank Pallone (D-NJ): Withholds U.S. military aid to Azerbaijan through the Section 333 Building Partner Capacity Program.

Amendment #123 – Rep. Frank Pallone (D-NJ): Requires a report from the Secretary of Defense, in collaboration with the Secretary of State, addressing allegations that some units of foreign countries that have participated in security cooperation programs under section 333 of title 10, U.S.C. may have also committed gross violations of internationally recognized human rights before or while receiving U.S. security assistance. This report would also includes recommendations to improve human rights training and additional measures that can be adopted to prevent these types of violations.

Amendment #408 – Rep. David Valadao (R-CA) / Rep. Brad Sherman (D-CA): Requires a report within 180 days of all US humanitarian and developmental assistance programs in Nagorno Karabakh, including an analysis of the effectiveness of such programs and any plans for future assistance.

Amendment #560 – Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) / Rep. Tony Cardenas (D-CA): Expresses the Sense of Congress that the government of Azerbaijan should immediately return all Armenian prisoners of war and captured civilians. It also urges the Administration to engage with Azerbaijani authorities, including through the OSCE Minsk Group, to make clear the importance of adhering to their obligations under the November 9 statement and international law to immediately release all prisoners of war and captured civilians.

Amendment #579 – Rep. Dina Titus (D-NV): Requires a report by the Secretary of State on the activities of the Grey Wolves organization (AKA Bozkurtlar & Ülkü Ocaklari) undertaken against U.S. interests, allies, and international partners, including a review of the criteria met for designation as a foreign terrorist organization.

Amendment #586 – Rep. Tony Cardenas (D-CA): Requires a report from the Secretary of Defense on U.S. parts found in Turkish Bayraktar drones deployed by Azerbaijan against Nagorno Karabakh and an assessment of potential violations of Arms Export Control Act.

Two new stamps depict Ghazanchetsots Cathedral of Shushi

Public Radio of Armenia
Sept 14 2021

A souvenir sheet with two postage stamps under the theme “Bombing of Ghazanchetsots Holy Savior Cathedral of Shushi” has been put into circulation, HayPost informs.

The postage stamp of the souvenir sheet with the nominal value of 940 AMD depicts Ghazanchetsots Holy Savior Cathedral of Shushi (XIX c.) and the postage stamp of the souvenir sheet with the nominal value of 950 AMD depicts Ghazanchetsots Holy Savior Cathedral damaged by the strikes of Azerbaijani unmanned aerial vehicles.

The left part of the souvenir sheet depicts Ghazanchetsots Holy Savior Cathedral of Shushi before the bombing as well as one of the angel sculptures of the church. The right part of the souvenir sheet depicts Ghazanchetsots Holy Savior Cathedral, being bombed as a result of the Azerbaijani aggression, as well as the unmanned aerial vehicle.

Date of issue: 
Designer: David Dovlatyan
Stamp size: 40,0 x 30,0 mm
S/sheet size: 105,0 x 70,0 mm
Print run: 25 000 pcs

Paroles d’enfants arméniens de Sonya Orfalian, brisure et résilience

France, 31 AOÛT 2021

  • 31 AOÛT 2021


Parmi les souvenirs recueillis dans son entourage familial, auprès d’amis et de connaissances à travers la diaspora, l’auteure a composé trente-six récits, « comme les trente-six lettres de l’alphabet arménien ».

Paroles d’enfants arméniens de Sonya Orfalian, brisure et résilience

Dans Paroles d’enfants arméniens[1], Sonya Orfalian nous livre les témoignages des rescapés des massacres de masse qui ont été commis contre les Arméniens de la Turquie ottomane entre 1915 et 1922. Ce sont des paroles entendues, mémorisées, consignées par Orfalian qui a été elle-même réfugiée en Libye puis en Italie et est restée longtemps apatride. Parmi les souvenirs recueillis dans son entourage familial, auprès d’amis et de connaissances à travers la diaspora, l’auteure a composé trente-six récits, « comme les trente-six lettres de l’alphabet arménien ». Les garçons et filles qui ont survécu aux massacres (re-qualifiés de génocide après 1945) s’appellent Vartug, Lusine, Aram, Sona … Ils nous content de terribles violences observées et subies pendant ces années d’annihilation de tout un peuple. 

Ainsi, l’histoire de Victoria :

Des hommes armés tuent et enlèvent certaines d’entre nous.

Je suis seule, sans chaussures ni vêtements, j’ai faim et j’ai soif.

D’autres filles de mon village sont comme moi.

Dans cette marche forcée, on ne rencontre que des morts, tout le chemin est jonché de cadavres en putréfaction.

Du haut de la montagne, les Kurdes nous regardent. Terrifiants.

Ou l’histoire de Mariam :

À nous voir maintenant, on dirait des corbeaux : on rôde en quête de quelque chose à manger parmi les herbes sèches et les buissons. On cherche des graines à picorer. Mais on a des bouches humaines et pas un bec dur comme les corbeaux. On mâchonne les graines qu’on trouve. On les cherche dans les excréments des chevaux, des oiseaux, des chèvres, des graines non digérées qui sèchent et restent entières.

Ou encore celle de Dikran :

Mon père est un haut fonctionnaire du Gouvernement turc, inspecteur de la Banque ottomane. Il s’est caché dans le grenier et moi, attiré par le grand bruit qui vient de la rue – provoqué par les Turcs qui sont venus rafler les Arméniens –, je me penche à la fenêtre et j’aperçois une amie… « Mon père s’est caché ! » je lui crie.

Je n’ai que quatre ans, je croyais que c’était un jeu, je ne comprends pas pourquoi ils entrent chez nous et ils l’emportent, les mains ligotées.

Plus tard, on nous a raconté qu’ils l’ont traîné en forêt et qu’ils lui ont fracassé le crâne à la hache.

Et toujours cette question : qui suis-je ?

Les survivants du génocide orchestré par les Jeunes-Turcs se retrouvent sans famille, sans repères, sans identité. Ils s’installent aux quatre coins du globe, se redonnent une nouvelle chance dans leur pays d’accueil mais n’oublieront jamais le visage d’une mère, le courage d’un père, le son doux du doudouk (hautbois arménien).

Orfalian a su restituer paroles et émotions à l’état brut. Même si la reconstitution des horreurs vécues dans l’enfance passe par l’artifice de l’écriture, Orfalian a le souci de l’authenticité. On entend non seulement les mots mais aussi le souffle de ces « voix brisées ». Les spécificités, le rythme, les redondances de l’oralité sont respectés. On pourrait reprocher à Orfalian de n’avoir pas précisé les espaces diasporiques où ces paroles de survivants ont émergé ni les dates des rencontres. Mais le texte traduit parfaitement la motivation de l’auteure : « faire connaître ces mémoires afin qu’elles sortent du silence de l’Histoire ».

De plus, lorsqu’on l’interroge sur les circonstances des rencontres, Orfalian répond sans hésiter :

« Ces gens étaient présents dans mon enfance et aussi plus tard dans ma vie. Et ils sont toujours avec moi. Des voix s’exprimant en continu, quoique reléguées au silence. Pendant des décennies, j’ai entendu ces chuchotements dans les foyers de ma propre famille et ceux de mes amis arméniens. C’était à Amman, Jérusalem, Paris, Venise, Rome, Tripoli (Libye), Londres, Los Angeles, Téhéran, Le Caire, ainsi qu’en d’autres lieux. »

En fait, l’omission du contexte spatio-temporel des échanges avec l’auteure s’inscrit dans la logique de l’omission des patronymes que Orfalian assume d’emblée.

« J’ai évité les noms de famille, j’ai appelé chacun et chacune par son prénom, comme s’ils étaient des personnages rencontrés au foyer, au coin d’un jardin, au détour d’un bazar. »

Finalement, l’intention de l’auteure permet aux voix d’exister à l’infini, dans une immatérialité qui les rend encore plus prégnantes, plus symboliques. Ces fragments de vie, si tragiques et douloureux, deviennent dépositaires de l’histoire du peuple arménien, comme le tissage des patchworks par les Indiens d’Amérique.

 Les récits de rafle, de déportation, d’enlèvements et de tueries sont encadrés par trois textes à caractère plus général et historique. La première préface, « Un livre d’effroi » de Joël Kotek, spécialiste de la Shoah, souligne la cruauté insupportable des témoignages, rappelle que des deux millions d’Arméniens dans la Turquie ottomane en 1915 il n’en reste que 60 000 aujourd’hui et exprime le souhait d’un travail historique salutaire pour les Turcs. La seconde préface, « Contexte historique » de l’historien Yves Ternon, explique la naissance du nationalisme turc qui, au moment du déclin de l’Empire ottoman, perçoit la présence arménienne comme une menace. La postface de Gérard Chaliand résume les étapes qui ont mené aux actes d’extermination entre 1915 et 1917, désigne les collaborateurs des Jeunes-Turcs et énumère les avancées en matière de reconnaissance du génocide pour contrer le déni et l’oubli. 

La présentation de l’ouvrage, en présence de l’auteure, aura lieu le dimanche 12 septembre à 14h au Mémorial de la Shoah à Paris.

[1] Sonya Orfalian. Paroles d’enfants arméniens. 1915-1922. Traduit de l’italien par Silvia Guzzi. Paris : Gallimard. Coll. Témoins.Gallimard. 2021.
