Serviceman dies after evacuation from heavy blizzard




YEREVAN, MARCH 23, ARMENPRESS. One of the servicemen who were missing in a severe snowstorm has died, the Ministry of Defense said.

Two servicemen of the Armed Forces of Armenia went missing on March 21 when they were re-locating from one base to another in a heavy blizzard.

The Defense Ministry said they were able to locate the missing servicemen in the afternoon of March 22. “All necessary actions for evacuating the servicemen were launched. After carrying out evacuation in severe weather conditions, K. Shahnazaryan was taken to a military hospital. He is in a serious condition. Unfortunately, A. Hovhannisyan’s life couldn’t be saved,” the ministry said. It also conveyed condolences to the families of A. Hovhannisyan.

Military police are probing the incident.

Editing and Translating by Stepan Kocharyan

Sports: Armenian National team arrives in Switzerland

Public Radio of Armenia

Armenian National team has arrived in St. Gallen, Switzerland, the Football Federation of Armenia informs.

The team will start preparations ahead of the FIFA World Cup Qualifiers J group match against Lichtenstein, which will take place on March 25.

Armenian National team players playing abroad have also joined our team, which will stay at Walhalla hotel in St. Gallen. 

The team will have its first training tonight in the Uzwil city stadium, 25km from St. Gallen.

The Lebanese Rocket Society

The Wandering Native
Feb 18  2021

“Yes, it was a tiny country, but Lebanon could have done it.”

Space Exploration and the Middle East

February has been a big month for space exploration. NASA’s Perseverance rover – nicknamed “Percy” – successfully landed on Mars on the 18th of this month, and the UAE’s Hope probe entered Mars’ orbit earlier on the 9th. With the latter achievement, the Emirates Mars Mission counts as one of only five space programs to have reached the Red Planet – the other four include launches by NASA, Russia, the European Space Agency, and India. This has shined a light on the UAE’s trailblazing initiative in the Arab World and the Middle East. Indeed, this is something the region can be proud of.

Nevertheless, and while we celebrate this achievement, it is important to remember that the UAE was actually not the first country in the region to have shown ambition for space exploration. It was, in fact, Lebanon that pioneered space research by designing, producing and launching the very first rockets in the Arab world. And it did this at the height of the space race between the United States and the Soviet Union in the 1960’s.

: From Science Club to National Project

Born in Jerusalem, to an Armenian family, Manoug Manougian developed an interest in space and rockets at a very young age. He won a scholarship to study Mathematics at the University of Texas, and shortly after graduating with his degree, he was offered a position at Haigazian College (today’s Haigazian University) in Beirut to teach Maths and Physics. He was also made faculty advisor for the science club, which he rebranded as the Haigazian College Rocket Society (HCRS). A total of six students initially signed up and the society was officially founded in November 1960. All members, including their instructor, Manoug, were in their early twenties.

The goals of the HCRS were purely scientific and educational. The Society offered an opportunity to actively engage in the global scientific endeavours of the time, and through applied learning, Manoug hoped to nurture in his students a passion for the fields of science and technology.

The Society had to make do with limited means and resources. Manoug often dipped into his personal salary to secure the chemicals and material needed to make rockets. The team first started out with “baby rockets”, as Manoug calls them, which did not exceed half a meter in length. Initial launches were made on a student’s family farm in the Lebanese mountains, and then in a pine forest northeast of Beirut. After a number of trials, these baby rockets eventually flew some distance. With continued experimentation, the rockets grew larger and more effective. In April 1961, the entire student body of Haigazian College drove up to the launching site to witness the flight of the newest rocket. The rocket was aimed to be launched across an unpopulated valley, but the primitive launcher the Society was using fell backwards upon ignition and the rocket flew in the opposite direction. It landed outside the entrance to a church at the top of the mountains, without causing any damages. Despite the mishap, Manoug calculated that the rocket had reached about a kilometer in altitude, which made it the first locally produced modern rocket to be launched in the Middle East.

One of the three-stage rockets produced by the LRS (image source: M. Manougian, after FLArmenians)

An event such as this could not go unnoticed, and the following day Manoug was contacted by the Lebanese Army. The latter required that future launches be carried out under secure and more controlled conditions. A young Lieutenant Youssef Wehbé, also in his 20’s, was assigned to assist the science club in his role as a ballistics expert. The rocket launches continued at the military’s artillery range on Mount Sannine before moving to the coastal site of Dbayyeh. With this joint collaboration, the rockets developed in complexity and size. Two-stage and then three-stage rockets were produced, each flying higher and further than the ones before.

News of the rocket project quickly spread in Lebanon, and it soon became a source of national pride. President Fouad Chehab showed open support for the HCRS and announced at a reception for the Society, that the Ministry of Education would be providing two grants for the years 1962 and 1963 to assist its scientific efforts. With this widespread support and national involvement, the HCRS was renamed the Lebanese Rocket Society, and Haigazian College was nicknamed “Rocket College”. Since the cedar tree is Lebanon’s national emblem, all rockets were called Cedar Rockets (or “Arz”, in Arabic). Launches soon after became public events and drew hundreds of spectators who watched the rockets take off towards the Mediterranean Sea.

Cedar III Rocket – preparing to launch off the coast of Dbayyeh (image source: M. Manougian, after the BBC)

Cedar rockets were launched for the Lebanese Independence Day on November 22, in both 1963 and 1964. The Cedar III and Cedar IV rockets were 7 meters long, weighed 1270 kg and were capable of reaching an estimated 325 km in altitude while covering a range of approximately 1000 km. The rockets were paraded through Beirut’s streets and commemorative postage stamps were issued in those two years.

The final rocket launch by the Lebanese Rocket Society took place in 1966. The rocket, Cedar VIII, was launched from Dbayyeh above the Mediterranean and successfully breached the internationally accepted frontier of space, the Kármán line. However, it landed very close to Cyprus, and narrowly missed a British naval cruiser stationed in Cypriot waters and monitoring the Lebanese launch. The rockets the Society was producing had now reached a whole new level, which drew further international attention. One final Lebanese rocket, Cedar X, was launched by the military in 1967. The Lebanese Rocket program was shut down permanently after that.

Fun Facts:
* Manoug Manougian only held a Bachelor’s degree when he established and led the HCRS. He earned his Master’s degree during the course of the LRS project, and pursued his doctorate upon leaving Lebanon in 1966.
* Starting 1962, radio transmitters were installed in the cone heads of the rockets that broadcast the message “Long live Lebanon”. This is akin to the American Voyager 1 and 2 spacecrafts, launched in 1977, that carried gold-plated copper records containing the sounds of life on earth.
* Similar to how the Soviets and Americans were launching animals into orbit, the LRS trained a mouse called Mickey to withstand high acceleration. They planned on placing him in the nose cone for his own “space travel”. Manoug asked his wife to make a small parachute for Mickey’s safe landing. Once she understood what the parachute was for, she categorically refused and Mickey never got to be the astronaut he was temporarily destined to be.

Images of the LRS (source: M. Manougian, after FLArmenians, Smithsonian Magazine, BBC, and VICE): (1) M. Manougian (far right) with his students; (2) Members of the LRS, including the military personnel, in front of Cedar III rocket; (3) Cedar VI rocket being prepared for launch at Dbayyeh; (4) Cedar II rocket, also at Dbayyeh; (5) Launching of Cedar II-C over the Mediterranean in 1962; (6) Commemorative stamps issued on the 21st anniversary of Lebanese Independence in 1964, launch of Cedar IV.

Competing with the Big Boys

What the Lebanese Rocket Society achieved between 1960 and 1966 is truly remarkable and awe-inspiring. Haigazian College was a young college, established only five years prior to the creation of the Rocket Society. The college had a small student body as well as limited financial resources to undertake such ambitious projects. Yet, it had a determined and passionate instructor, and eager students who were willing to dream big and to try something new.

The 1960’s space race was also mainly restricted between the USA and the USSR, yet here was tiny Lebanon trying to carve a place of its own in the global space programs. And it came really close in such a short period. The first successful launch of a modern rocket able to reach space took place in Germany in 1942; the first Earth orbiting satellite in history, Sputnik 1, was launched by the USSR in 1957; Explorer 1 was the first American satellite to be sent, in 1958; and Yuri Gagarin became the first man to reach space in 1961. So for Lebanon to be able to produce a rocket capable of reaching low earth orbit with limited human, financial and technological resources compared to the world’s superpowers, is something to be extremely proud of. It is also worth remembering that the Lebanese contingent was comprised primarily of undergraduate students and not of prominent scientists.

Realistically speaking, Lebanon would of course not have been able to reach the scale executed by the larger countries, but the fact that it managed to produce the rockets that it did, speaks volumes to the potential the local space program held had it been allowed to continue.

Lebanon did not willingly abandon its space project, but was pressured to do so. The LRS garnered not only local interest, but also caught international attention. “Cultural attachés” at foreign embassies were closely observing the launches, and Manoug Manougian’s office at Haigazian College was regularly broken into and his papers rummaged through.

The fact that the rockets had a long range concerned neighboring countries and foreign powers, none of which wanted Lebanon to potentially use its scientific advancements for military purposes. In 1967, the governments of the United States, Great Britain and France advised Lebanon to shut down its space program.

Unrealized Potential and Forgotten History

The LRS started out as a scientific project and remained very much so until it was forcibly shut down. Did the Lebanese military have interest in the science generated from its research to potentially develop missiles as well? Yes, it did. And that remained a point of contention with Manoug Manougian who was categorically against transforming the space program into a military one. Despite the fact that the project remained purely scientific and educational, geopolitics nevertheless dictated the fate of this endeavour.

Sure, the science behind the rockets could have been used to create military missiles. But in the process of deterring Lebanon from potentially developing weapons for its army, meaningful scientific research in the country was also crushed. The LRS also represented a national project – a positive movement that citizens collectively rallied around and the government supported. On all levels, the LRS promised local progress and development.

Cedar VII Rocket (image source: M. Manougian, after the Smithsonian Magazine)

Most members of the LRS eventually emigrated, each pursuing successful careers abroad, including at NASA. Manoug Manougian also left Lebanon for the United States in 1966, where he continued teaching. In 2011, a new generation of students at the University of South Florida, learning of the LRS, asked Manoug to head their own rocket society. True to his early convictions, Manoug agreed, on condition that his students adopt a new and innovative approach towards rocketry research that goes beyond what the LRS had already achieved decades earlier. The Society of Aeronautics and Rocketry (SOAR) was thereby created that explores new technologies to aid the advancement of space exploration.

Had matters panned out differently, SOAR could have been based in another university in Lebanon. A victim of international interference, as well as of local circumstances, Lebanon today is a long way from re-initiating any such project. What makes the situation more painful is the fact that this brilliant chapter in Lebanese history was entirely forgotten for almost fifty years. It is thanks to directors Joana Hadjithomas and Khalil Joreige that the Lebanese Rocket Society was brought back to light in 2013. Their efforts were largely supported by Manoug Manougian, who had the foresight to preserve all archival footage, photographs and records of the LRS, knowing full well that this history had to be documented and transmitted to future generations.

Manoug and his students believed that it was only through education and research that peace and stability could be achieved. That group of young scientists in the 1960’s is no different from the emerging local researchers today. Both have dreams and aspirations, and the staple of youth: the eagerness to take risks. As Manoug put it, “Lebanon was a tiny country, but it could have done it”. Perhaps it will again someday.


. 2013. Documentary film by Joana Hadjithomas & Khalil Joreige.

Chad, S. 2013. The Forgotten Apogee of Lebanese Rocketry. Florida Armenians.

Hadjithomas, J. & K. Joreige. 2013. On the Lebanese Rocket Society. E-Flux Journal no. 43.

Hooper, R. 2013. Lebanon’s Forgotten Space Program. BBC.

Schwartzstein, P. 2016. The Bizarre Tale of the Middle East’s First Space Program. Smithsonian Magazine.

Haidostian, P. August 2020 interview in Rising Up to the Challenge of Education During Difficult Times. Business Life.

Aqrabawi, R. 2013. Lebanon’s Forgotten Space Race: In 1961, Manoug Manougian Aimed the Middle East at the Stars. VICE News.

Aqrabawi, R. 2013. A Photo History of Lebanon’s Unremembered Space Race. VICE News.

Online Interviews & Documentary Snippets:

BBC News – Arabic:

Documentary Trailer: (EN) ; (AR) ; (FR)

Lebanese TV Show Kalam el Nas Interview:

CivilNet Interview with current Haigazian President Paul Haidostian:

Turkey condemns U.S. court’s decision to release Armenian assassin


Turkish Foreign Ministry on Thursday condemned a U.S. court's decision to release on parole an Armenian-American man responsible for the 1982 death of a Turkish diplomat in Los Angeles, Deutsche Welle Turkish reported on Thursday.

The Los Angeles County Superior Court recently ruled in favour of the release of Hampig Sassounian, who had been sentenced to life in prison for the assassination of Kemal Arıkan in 1982. The ruling was finalised after California Governor Gavin Newsom said he wouldn’t file an appeal, Deutsche Welle Turkish reported.

“We strongly condemn this approach, that deeply hurts the conscience of the Turkish nation,” a Turkish Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

“This grave decision, that could not be reversed despite all attempts of the US Administration, is in conflict with the universal principles of law and the understanding of justice,” the ministry continued.

The ministry called Sassounian a “brutal murderer with political motivations”, saying his release “harms the spirit of cooperation in fight against terrorism” at a period when an uptick in hate crimes has necessitated international solidarity.

Arıkan’s killing “represents a sick and distorted ideology”, the ministry said, alluding to murders committed by the group Armenian Secret Army for the Liberation of Armenia (ASALA) between 1975 and 1991. The ministry cited the killing of 58 Turkish citizens, including 31 diplomats, “by Armenian terrorist organizations”.

ASALA was designated a terrorist organisation by Turkey and the United States in the 1980s.

Arıkan, Turkey’s Consul General in Los Angeles, was murdered on Jan. 28, 1982, by Sassounian and his accomplice Krikor Saliba. Sassounian was arrested and sentenced to life in prison. Fugitive Saliba was claimed to have been killed in the Lebanese civil war in 1982.


Armenpress: 2nd Army Corps Commander reports to PM “successful implementation of mission on ensuring security”

2nd Army Corps Commander reports to PM “successful implementation of mission on ensuring security”



 13:32, 9 March, 2021

YEREVAN, MARCH 9, ARMENPRESS. The 2nd Army Corps Commander Arayik Harutyunyan reported to Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan that they are successfully implementing their mission on ensuring security, the Prime Minister’s Office said.

During a meeting at the Gegharkunik Province government headquarters, Harutyunyan told Pashinyan that their next important objective is the improvement of frontline infrastructures and implementation of engineering works.

“It was briefed that the situation at the frontline is calm and is under complete control.”

Editing and Translating by Stepan Kocharyan

Who’s tampering with the Karabakh agreement? Differing opinions in Azerbaijan, Armenia

JAM News
March 6 2021

    JAMnews, Baku-Yerevan

On March 4, an online summit of the Economic Cooperation Organization took place. At this meeting, President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev invited the leaders of the countries belonging to this organization to use the Zangezur Corridor, a statement which provoked an angry reaction from Armenia.

The Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO) is a regional interstate economic organization founded in 1985. The founding countries are Iran, Pakistan and Turkey.

In 1992, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Afghanistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan joined the ECO.

ECO has observer status in the United Nations and the Organization of the Islamic Conference.

Speaking at the summit, President Aliyev said:

“In 2020, Azerbaijan put an end to the almost 30-year occupation of our lands by Armenia by military-political means. The military victory won over Armenia on the battlefield was finally secured by political means.

“The UN Security Council Resolutions, adopted in 1993, demanding the immediate, complete and unconditional withdrawal of Armenian troops from the occupied territories of Azerbaijan, remained on paper for 27 years. Azerbaijan itself ensured the implementation of these resolutions and restored its territorial integrity. The invaders were expelled from Karabakh, which is an ancient Azerbaijani land. Within 44 days, the Armenian army was completely defeated. On November 10, 2020, Azerbaijan forced Armenia to sign an act of surrender.”

Further, Ilham Aliyev spoke about the road that will connect the main part of the territory of Azerbaijan with its exclave – Nakhchivan.

“Today we are thinking about the future. To ensure peace and stability in the region, we have started discussing transport projects connecting many countries. Azerbaijan, Turkey and Iran demonstrate a common position in connection with the implementation of transport projects in the region. Armenia, if it behaves normally, will also be able to benefit from this process.

“In this context, I would like to note that the new transport corridor, which will pass through the historical territory of Azerbaijan – Zangezur and connect the main part of Azerbaijan with the integral part of our country – the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic – and Turkey, will open up new opportunities in the transport sector in the region. We invite the member states of the Economic Cooperation Organization to use the Zangezur corridor,” he said.

The Armenian Foreign Ministry reacted to the statements of Ilham Aliyev, who called Zangezur (Syunik region in southern Armenia) “the historical territory of Azerbaijan” and stated that the new transport corridor “will connect the main part of Azerbaijan with the integral part of the country – the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic – and Turkey.”

“I repeat once again that paragraph 9 of the tripartite statement of November 9 does not mention the creation of any corridor.

Calling Zangezur “Azerbaijani historical territory” and referring to the fictitious corridor, the President of Azerbaijan with such a provocative statement deliberately undermines the implementation of the trilateral statements of November 9 and January 11. “

The trilateral agreement signed by the leaders of Armenia, Azerbaijan and Russia ended hostilities in Karabakh at the end of 2020, and provided for the implementation of transit projects in the region.

Such rhetoric, according to the press secretary, contradicts the obligations undertaken by Azerbaijan, it is an open challenge to international law and does not contribute to the establishment of stability in the region.

Naghdalyan also commented on Aliyev’s statement that Azerbaijan solved the Karabakh problem by military means and implemented the resolutions of the UN Security Council. These statements once again show who initiated the war and the use of force, who is leading the region to destabilization and challenges, the spokeswoman believes:

“As always, Azerbaijan distorts the essence of the provisions of the UN Security Council resolutions, although these same resolutions express support for the peace process under the auspices of the OSCE Minsk Group, which is headed by its co-chairs.”

With his statements, the President of Azerbaijan once again opposes the international community and, first of all, as Naghdalyan noted, the OSCE Minsk Group co-chairs, whose position is a comprehensive solution to the conflict.

“It is obvious to us that an attempt to suppress by force the right to self-determination of the people of Artsakh cannot create the basis for the settlement of the conflict. Realization of the right of the people of Artsakh to self-determination and elimination of the consequences of the war are the key components of the conflict settlement,” Anna Naghdalyan said.

Azerbaijani MP Fazil Mustafa in his interview with touched upon the issue of the Zangezur Corridor:

“The meetings continue in accordance with the terms of the trilateral statement of November 10, 2020. All points of this document must be followed. The road through Zangezur must be open. If this road does not open, Azerbaijan must declare that it will close the Lachin Corridor. Thus, let us make it clear to the Russian peacekeepers that one point of the statement is being fulfilled, but the other is not being fulfilled. Azerbaijan must demonstrate its principled position on this issue.”

Aliyev: Armenia cannot obstruct creation of Zangezur corridor, Armenia
March 6 2021

Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev has accused Armenia of "obstructing the creation of the Zangezur corridor," reported.

"We [Azerbaijan] are ready to collaborate with Armenia. How many times have the deputy prime ministers [of the two countries] met already? Armenia refuses to collaborate. Now Armenia wants to obstruct the implementation of the Zangezur corridor. But they will not succeed; we will force them," Aliyev told a meeting of Azerbaijan's ruling party, Interfax reported.

He noted that a number of transport and communication projects were on the negotiating table today. "One of the consequences of the [recent Nagorno-Karabakh (Artsakh)] war, of course, is the Zangezur corridor, which is the subject of discussion today. The Zangezur corridor is a historic achievement [for Azerbaijan]. The fact that the issue is reflected on the trilateral declaration is a great political victory for us. Currently, active work is being done toward the activities of the Zangezur corridor. There are many proposals, a number of transport and communication projects are being discussed, and this is our [Azerbaijan’s] another historic success," Aliyev added.

Armenian crisis: President refuses to sack military chief, says PM Pashinyan’s order ‘unconstitutional’

RT – Russia Today
Feb 27 2021

French FM calls for dialogue between supportes of PM Pashinyan and the opposition




YEREVAN, FEBRUARY 26, ARMENPRESS. French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian called for dialogue between the supporters of Prime Minister of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan and the opposition for the sake of protecting democracy, ARMENPRESS reports, Ria Novosti informed.

''France advocates  dialogue based on the legitimacy of the Prime Minister and the President… for ensuring calm situation in the country which is living difficult period’’, Jean-Yves Le Drian said in a brieifing with his Ukrainian counterpart.

''Armenia’s democracy must resist’’, the French FM said.

On February 25 the General Staff of the Armenian Forces of Armenia issued a statement, demanding the resignation of Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan and his Cabinet.

In his turn Pashinyan commented on the statement, calling it as a “military coup attempt”. He invited all his supporters to the Republic Square to discuss the ongoing developments. The meeting was followed by a march across Yerevan.

In turn the opposition also held a rally in the Freedom Square. Thereafter, they moved to the Parliament’s building and blocked the traffic in the Baghramyan street.