A total of 185.209 square meters of territory cleared by Armenian de-miners in Syria



 12:36, 1 July, 2020

YEREVAN, JULY 1, ARMENPRESS. The 5th group of Armenia’s humanitarian mission, consisting of de-miners, doctors and their security specialists, has departed for Syria on June 16, the Center for Humanitarian Demining and Expertise of Armenia told Armenpress.

On June 19 Armenia’s Consul General to Aleppo Armen Sargsyan met with the Armenian group and wished them success in their mission. A number of issues relating to the mission were discussed during the meeting.

So far, the Armenian de-miners have cleared 185,209 square meters of territory in Syria. The humanitarian group provided medical care to 646 local residents.

The Armenian humanitarian mission continues operations in Aleppo despite some difficulties and restrictions caused by the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

Editing and Translating by Aneta Harutyunyan

Armenia Parliament Speaker issues statement on setting up COVID-19 inquiry committee

News.am, Armenia
July 2 2020

20:48, 02.07.2020

Armenian President holds meeting with US Ambassador



 16:52, 3 July, 2020

YEREVAN, JULY 3, ARMENPRESS. President Armen Sarkissian hosted today US Ambassador to Armenia Lynne Tracy ahead of the US Independence Day, the Armenian President’s Office told Armenpress.

The Armenian President congratulated the US Ambassador on the state holiday, wishing success to her and the good people of the United States.

President Sarkissian expressed gratitude for the constant assistance provided by the US government to Armenia, in particular in fighting the novel coronavirus pandemic, stating that the real friendship is demonstrated in difficult times.

The Ambassador said the United States continues supporting Armenia in the development of democracy, fight against corruption, reforms in different areas and creation of an attractive business climate for investors.

At the request of the Ambassador, the Armenian President introduced the Constitutional amendments and the process relating to the constitutional reforms. In this context, the President highlighted the public debates over the drafting process of the Main law and talked about the Commission on constitutional reforms.

The sides also discussed investments. They agreed that each investment should be protected not only by law, but also with the presence of a favorable and attractive environment.

The US Ambassador touched upon the American programs and investment opportunities aimed at developing Armenia’s economy.

President Sarkissian said the COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on the economy require quick response and flexible mechanisms for boosting investments. In this respect he considered the creation of investor’s rapid response working group as a key tool.

Highlighting the important role of the latest technologies for Armenia’s future, the President introduced the presidential initiative ATOM (Advanced Tomorrow) on science and technology development in the country and talked about the possible partnership within the frames of this initiative.

Editing and Translating by Aneta Harutyunyan

Red Cross and Red Crescent says LGBT tweet by its Turkey head is ‘offensive’


ANKARA (Reuters) - The global Red Cross and Red Crescent network said
on Monday that comments about the LGBT+ community by one of its
vice-presidents, who heads its Turkish unit, were “wrong and

[PHOTO: Riot police prevent LGBT rights activists from marching for a
pride parade, which was banned by the governorship, in central
Istanbul, Turkey, June 30, 2019.]

Kerem Kinik, chairman of the Red Crescent Society of Turkey and one of
five VPs at the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent
Societies (IFRC), made the comments on his official Twitter account on
Sunday, international Pride Day.

“We will not let you step on human dignity,” Kinik wrote.

“We will protect natality and the mental health of our children. We’ll
fight against those who violate healthy creation, who make abnormal
look normal by using their power of communication and impose their
paedophiliac dreams cloaked as modernity on young minds.”

Although homosexuality is not a crime in Turkey, hostility to it is
widespread. Authorities have cracked down on LGBT+ events and marches.

The IFRC said in a statement that it condemned homophobia and hate
speech and stood in solidarity with the global LGBTIQ+ community - an
acronym standing for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex,
queer or questioning and other variations of non-binary gender
identity or sexual orientation.” The views expressed by Dr. Kinik do
not represent the views of the IFRC: these words are both wrong and
offensive,” it said, adding that it was assessing its next step.

“The IFRC has clear code of conduct which forbids any form of
homophobia, hate speech or prejudice, and all staff and
representatives are bound by that code, including Dr. Kinik.”

Kinik responded in another tweet, saying his approach was “fully
coherent” with the IFRC’s principles because he opposed paedophilia.

“My personal views from yesterday is to advocate for protection of our
children from any harm. I trust this is our responsibility towards
their silent scream,” Kinik wrote, in English.

Turkey’s AK Party government says it has improved rights and freedoms,
but a 2019 report on LGBT+ rights from the advocacy group ILGA Europe
ranked Turkey second to last of 49 countries.

In April, Ali Erbas, head of Turkey’s Directorate of Religious
Affairs, said Islam condemned homosexuality because “it brings
illnesses and corrupts generations”.

Reporting by Ece Toksabay; Editing by Jonathan Spicer and Kevin Liffey


Another Armenian lawmaker tests positive for COVID-19




YEREVAN, JUNE 24, ARMENPRESS. Lawmaker from the ruling My Step faction of the Armenian Parliament Kristine Poghosyan has been infected with the novel coronavirus.

The lawmaker told Armenpress that she received the test result on June 23.

“The test result was positive. I don’t know how I got infected, I am very sad for that because I followed all the rules. I went to work to the Parliament, returned back home, wore a face mask, had disinfectants, didn’t contact anyone there, I have been in my office, and I don’t know from where I contracted the virus”, she said.

Earlier today another MP from the My Step faction Viktor Yengibaryan announced that he has also tested positive for coronavirus.

On June 23 Vice Speaker of Parliament Vahe Enfiajyan announced that he has also been infected with COVID-19.

Reporting by Norayr Shoghiyan; Editing and Translating by Aneta Harutyunyan

Newspaper: Pashinyan not satisfied with the report of Armenian education ministry

News.am, Armenia

08:22, 13.06.2020

Music: Armenian competition goes online

Classical Music
Armenian competition goes online

The 2020 Khachaturian International Competition responds to coronavirus with digital innovation

In a bold move signalling that the show must go on amid Coronavirus, the annual Khachaturian International Competition, dedicated this year to the violin, is placing its faith in technology by holding its entire 2020 competition online.

In a press conference on 6 June broadcast from the Armenian capital Yerevan, it was announced that 18 competitors from 13 countries would perform via a new app, both in the opening rounds, and during the concerto final.

Opening rounds will be straightforward enough, with competitors submitting performances via the competition website from their home countries to both online jury and audience. But it’s the final concerto round that has caused heads to be scratched. Bringing the Yerevan-based Armenian State Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Sergey Smbatyan, together with soloists scattered across the world will be a monumental challenge, but it is hoped that innovative use of artificial intelligence will help to synchronise the music.

This is the first time that a competition has announced an entirely online event – should the technology be a success, it’s hoped that it might be shared with other competitions around the world.

The Khachaturian International Competition runs until 15 June 2020 and can be viewed here. It has been held every year since 2003 and concentrates on four musical disciplines in rotation: cello, piano, violin and conducting.

Armenia justice minister certain Constitutional Court issue can be solved through parliament

News.am, Armenia
June 9 2020

18:33, 09.06.2020

I am certain that it is possible to find a solution to the issue related to the Constitutional Court through the National Assembly. This is what Minister of Justice of Armenia Rustam Badasyan told reporters today, adding that this is the most probable option.

When asked how the solution to the issue of the Constitutional Court will change the justice sector in Armenia, the minister said the following: “We can’t expect to see results in the justice system immediately. Reforms in the justice system imply in-depth and multiple actions, but they are necessary for progress. Armenia will have a more balanced Constitutional Court with candidates nominated and elected with the participation of various constitutional bodies.”

Reporters also asked the minister how legitimate the Constitutional Court will be, if current president Hrayr Tovmasyan and other judges remain members of the Court, to which Rustam Badasyan said the following: “The government has stated several times that the elections of the president of the Constitutional Court were very suspicious and that the model of the Constitutional Court hasn’t been implemented. The current primary objective is to solve the issues related to the elections and the model.”


ANCA-WR Advocating for Adult Healthcare and Education Funding in California

JUne 8, 2020

ANCA-WR is concerned over proposed cuts to needed services in the California budget

GLENDALE—The Armenian National Committee of America-Western Region is concerned over Governor Gavin Newsom’s May Revision budget, which proposes significant cuts for local school districts and elimination of critical adult healthcare programs. To that end, the organization has actively engaged with State Legislators and the Governor’s office in addition to sending a letter to Governor Newsom to advocate for full funding of these essential programs.

“We have been closely monitoring and engaging on this matter to ensure that vital services which affect the most vulnerable segments of our community – particularly children and the elderly – are preserved,” remarked ANCA Western Region Chair Nora Hovsepian, Esq. “We are encouraged by the recent news that California lawmakers from both chambers have reached an agreement to maintain full funding for these programs, but our work isn’t done just yet. Our office will continue to actively engage with industry stakeholders as well as State legislators to effectively advocate on behalf of our community and its interests throughout the budget approval process.”

On June 3, Senate President pro Tempore Toni G. Atkins, Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon, and Budget Committee Chairs, Senator Holly J. Mitchell, and Assemblymember Phil Ting announced that an agreement was reached between the Senate and the Assembly on the proposed 2020-2021 state budget. The plan would use reserves to avoid overcutting now, while still keeping reserves on hand for the future, and ensuring full funding of K-14 schools, among other priority areas.

Last month, Governor Newsom released the latest draft of California’s budget for Fiscal Year 2020-2021. The budget draft calls for the elimination of two critical healthcare programs, the Multipurpose Senior Services Program (MSSP) and Community-Based Adult Services (CBAS), both of which provide alternative services to enable older adults from being placed in nursing homes and maintaining their optimal capacity for self-care. In addition, the proposed budget calls for a 10% reduction in funding for K-14 education, which would force many school districts to make painful decisions about maintaining critical staff and keeping vital services for children.

Despite the inevitable constraints imposed on our State by COVID19 and the financial repercussions that the State of California has to face, these shortcomings cannot and should not come at the cost of the most vulnerable citizens of our State. Eliminating adult healthcare programs — especially in the face of an ongoing pandemic — will be life-threatening for seniors, while cutting school funding can have a lasting negative impact on our children and our State in the years to come.

The Armenian National Committee of America – Western Region is the largest and most influential nonpartisan Armenian-American grassroots advocacy organization in the Western United States. Working in coordination with a network of offices, chapters, and supporters throughout the Western United States and affiliated organizations around the country, the ANCA-WR advances the concerns of the Armenian-American community on a broad range of issues in pursuit of the Armenian Cause.

Edmon Marukyan: Incomprehensible resignations and appointments are carried out in the government

Arminfo, Armenia
June 5 2020

ArmInfo.Head of the Bright Armenia faction Edmon Marukyan is surprised by the resignation of head of the State Revenue Committee of Armenia David Ananyan.  Marukyan stated this on June 5 during a briefing in parliament.

<I very positively evaluate the activities of Ananyan. I must confess  I am truly surprised. If the media information is correct and Ananyan  was forced to resign due to the fact that queues accumulated at  customs and the social distance was not respected, then this is  absurd>, the head of the Parliamentary Assembly emphasized.  

The MP also did not rule out the possibility that there is hidden  implication in this whole story.  <Incomprehensible resignations and  appointments in the government continue. After all, it is also  completely unclear why the Minister of the Environment resigned.  It is also not clear why a new minister has not yet been appointed.  The government never gave us answers to these questions>, Marukyan  emphasized.  

It should be noted that yesterday head of the SRC, David Ananyan, has been resigned. In his Facebook post, Ananyan thanked his  colleagues for their productive cooperation.