Coronavirus: 1,556 new cases confirmed in Iran



 14:10, 8 May, 2020

YEREVAN, MAY 8, ARMENPRESS. According to the latest data, the number of people infected with the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) in Iran has increased by 1,556 bringing the total number of cases to 104,691, the Armenian Embassy in Iran said on Facebook.

55 more deaths have been registered in the past one day. The death toll has reached 6,541.

2,711 coronavirus infected patients are in serious condition.

The number of recovered people increased by 1,093 raising the total number of recoveries to 83,837.


Editing and Translating by Aneta Harutyunyan

RFE/RL Armenian Report – 05/07/2020

                                        Thursday, May 7, 2020

Former Security Chief Summoned For Questioning

        • Sargis Harutyunyan

Armenia -- Former National Security Service Director Artur Vanetsian is 
interviewed by Armenian newspaper editors, Yerevan, February 5, 2020.

An Armenian law-enforcement agency on Thursday summoned former National Security 
Service (NSS) Director Artur Vanetsian for questioning over scandalous 
allegations made by Mikael Minasian, former President Serzh Sarkisian’s fugitive 

Minasian said late last week that that Prime Minister Nikol Pashinian had 
offered to guarantee his and his father’s immunity from prosecution if he 
pledges to pay cash and stop challenging the Armenian government. In a video 
message posted on Facebook, he said Vanetsian personally communicated 
Pashinian’s offer to him during a February 2019 meeting held in Rome.

Pashinian has still not commented on Minasian’s claims. Vanetsian, who resigned 
as NSS chief in September 2019 after falling out with Pashinian, has also 
declined a comment.

Armenian prosecutors were quick to instruct the Special Investigative Service 
(SIS) to look into the allegations. The SIS should decide by next week whether 
to launch a formal investigation.

A lawyer representing Vanetsian, Lusine Sahakian, was the first to announce that 
her client was summoned to the SIS earlier in the day.

“A legal process is underway and we will refrain from further comments regarding 
it,” Sahakian wrote on Facebook. She gave no other details.

Three Armenian media outlets reported afterwards that Vanetsian has already 
visited the investigators but refused to give any testimony. The SIS declined to 

Vanetsian claimed late last year that he met with Minasian at the prime 
minister’s initiative when he ran Armenia’s most powerful security service. But 
he gave no details of the alleged conversation.

Minasian, who now lives abroad, made the allegations one week after it emerged 
that he was charged with illegal enrichment, false asset disclosure and money 
laundering earlier this year. He rejected the accusations as politically 

Pashinian has repeatedly accused Minasian of illegally making a huge fortune 
during Sarkisian’s rule.

A newspaper controlled by the prime minister alleged in January that Minasian 
and Vanetsian have joined forces in a bid to topple him.

Also, a spokeswoman for Pashinian claimed last week that “according to the 
government’s information” Vanetsian abused his NSS position to buy Minasian’s 
minority stake in Armenia’s largest mining company. Vanetsian strongly denied 

The former security chief officially announced his entry into politics in 
February, saying that he is setting up an opposition party for that purpose.

Armenia Hopes To Complete Energy Project With Iran In 2020

Armenia -- Workers build a high-voltage power transmission line in Vayots Dzor 
region, August 4, 2017

The Armenian government hopes that the ongoing construction of a third power 
transmission line connecting Armenia to neighboring Iran will be completed by 
the end of this year, Minister for Local Government and Infrastructures Suren 
Papikian said on Thursday.

Work on the high-voltage line, which is mainly carried out in southeastern 
Armenia by an Iranian company, was supposed to finish in September 2019. 
However, the launch of the $120 million facility was delayed due to a host of 
factors, reportedly including the U.S. sanctions against Iran.

“The construction is due to be completed this year,” Papikian told the Armenian 
parliament, according to the Armenpress news agency.

“Unfortunately, because of the coronavirus the beginning of this year was not 
that promising [for the project,]” he said. “We hope to be able to conclude the 
construction within the planned time frames.”

The high-voltage line will stretch almost 280 kilometers from Yerevan to 
Armenia’s border with Iran. It will allow the two neighboring states to triple 
mutual power supplies. Armenia has for years exported electricity to Iran in 
payment for up to 500 million cubic meters of Iranian natural gas imported by it 

Papikian said in December that the new facility will also put Armenia in a 
better position to serve as a transit route for electricity supplies to the 
Islamic Republic from Georgia and even Russia.

IRAN -- Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinian meets with Iranian President 
Hassan Rohani at the Saadabad Palace in Tehran, February 27, 2019

Prime Minister Nikol Pashinian has repeatedly made clear that his government 
will seek to deepen Armenian-Iranian political and economic ties despite the 
U.S. sanctions.

“Our countries have very good relations,” he said on Thursday. “They are 
developing dynamically.”

Speaking in the parliament, Pashinian pointed to his April 28 phone conversation 
with Iranian President Hassan Rouhani.

According to an official Armenian readout of the phone call, Rouhani and 
Pashinian discussed ways of minimizing the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on 
bilateral commercial ties. “Both sides stressed the importance of taking further 
steps in that direction,” said the statement.

The Armenian government decided on February 24 to close the Iranian border for 
travel and cancel regular flights between the two states. The border, which 
serves as one of landlocked Armenia’s two conduits to the outside world, has 
remained largely open for cargo shipments.

Official Signals Further Delay In Armenian Constitutional Referendum

        • Tatevik Lazarian

Armenia -- Prime Minister Nikol Pashinian speaks at a referendum campaign rally 
in Vayk, March 12, 2020.

The Armenian authorities are unlikely to hold a planned referendum on their 
controversial bid to oust most members of the country’s Constitutional Court 
until they defeat the coronavirus epidemic, a pro-government lawmaker said on 

Armenians were scheduled to vote on April 5 on draft constitutional amendments 
ending the powers of seven of the nine Constitutional Court judges who had for 
months been under strong government pressure to resign.

Prime Minister Nikol Pashinian has repeatedly accused them -- and Constitutional 
Court Chairman Hrayr Tovmasian in particular -- of maintaining ties to the 
“corrupt former regime” and impeding judicial reforms. Tovmasian and opposition 
figures have dismissed these claims, saying that Pashinian is simply seeking to 
gain control over Armenia’s highest court.

Also, leading opposition parties have said that the proposed amendments run 
counter to other articles of the Armenian constitution.

Pashinian officially launched his campaign for a “Yes” vote in the referendum on 
March 10 but had to end it a week later amid a rapid spread of coronavirus in 
Armenia which led his government to declare a state of emergency. Under Armenian 
law, no elections or referendums can held during emergency rule.

Armenia -- A Constitutional Court hearing in Yerevan, February 11, 2020.
The government has yet to announce whether it will again extend the state of 
emergency which expires on May 14. A decision to end it would require the 
holding of the constitutional referendum in between 50 and 65 days’ time.

“I think that as long as the health of our citizens remains in danger in this 
coronavirus situation we will not take a risk and hold the referendum,” said 
Hrach Hakobian, a parliament deputy from the ruling My Step bloc.

“The [Constitutional Court] problem remains and it has not been resolved, but 
the health of our citizens is more important for us than other issues,” he told 
RFE/RL’s Armenian service.

The spread of coronavirus in Armenia has continued unabated after the government 
essentially lifted a nationwide lockdown on Monday. The Armenian Ministry of 
Health reported on Thursday morning 102 new COVID-19 cases and two more deaths 
caused by the virus. The total number of cases thus reached 2,884.

Hakobian, who is also Pashinian’s brother-in-law, said that the authorities are 
now considering various ways of ending what they call a “constitutional crisis.” 
“I can’t tell which options we are now discussing,” he said. “There are options 
and we are discussing them.”

Pashinian said last month that despite the coronavirus outbreak he remains 
determined to replace the Constitutional Court judges who had been installed by 
Armenia’s previous governments. But he did not elaborate.

Pashinian Meets Opposition Leader

        • Astghik Bedevian

Armenia -- Bright Armenia Party leader Edmon Marukian at a news conference in 
Yerevan, April 20, 2020.

Prime Minister Nikol Pashinian held on Thursday an unexpected meeting with Edmon 
Marukian, the leader of one of the two opposition parties represented in the 
Armenian parliament.

“We drank coffee,” Pashinian told reporters after the meeting held in Marukian’s 
office in the parliament building. He refused to give any details.

Marukian said, for his part, that the conversation focused on recent 
developments in the Nagorno-Karabakh peace process. He said Pashinian dispelled 
his concerns over opposition and media speculation that Armenia is facing strong 
pressure from international mediators to agree to a peace deal involving 
far-reaching Armenian territorial concessions to Azerbaijan.

“I think we need to hold such discussions from time to time,” added the leader 
of the opposition Bright Armenia Party (LHK).

Pashinian was asked by another opposition lawmaker about the current state of 
the Armenian-Azerbaijani negotiating process but shed little light on it when he 
spoke in the National Assembly on Wednesday. He reiterated the official Armenian 
line that Karabakh residents’ right to self-determination must be at the heart 
of any peaceful settlement.

Marukian insisted that he did not discuss any domestic political issues with the 
prime minister.

The meeting came ten days after Marukian traded serious insults with one of 
Pashinian’s close associates, Alen Simonian, on the parliament floor. Marukian 
was enraged by Simonian’s sexist comments about a female LHK parliamentarian who 
criticized by the latter during a parliament debate. Simonian apologized to the 
lawmaker, Ani Samsonian, afterwards.

Pashinian and Marukian are former political allies who used to co-head the Yelk 
bloc that was in opposition to Armenia’s former leadership. The bloc fell apart 
after Marukian and his party refused to join mass protests launched by Pashinian 
in April 2018 against then President Serzh Sarkisian’s attempt to extend his 
decade-long rule.

The peaceful protests known as the “Velvet Revolution” forced Sarkisian to 
resign and brought Pashinian to power.

Reprinted on ANN/Armenian News with permission from RFE/RL
Copyright (c) 2020 Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty, Inc.
1201 Connecticut Ave., N.W. Washington DC 20036.


MoU signed between Armenia and World Food Programme

Public Radio of Armenia
April 30 2020

President of Artsakh chairs Cabinet meeting




STEPANAKERT, APRIL 28, ARMENPRESS. Artsakh Republic President Bako Sahakyan chaired today the Government's meeting.

The agenda of the meeting included the report on the performance of the 2019 State Budget and a range of other issues, the President’s Office told Armenpress.

The President gave concrete instructions to the heads of concerned structures for proper implementation of the issues under discussion.

UAE sends medical aid to Armenia to fight coronavirus

Middle East Online
Gulf state sends seven tonnes of medical supplies to Armenia as part of its ongoing international humanitarian efforts to help countries fight coronavirus pandemic.

ABU DHABI – The United Arab Emirates sent Monday seven tonnes of medical supplies to Armenia as part of its ongoing international humanitarian efforts to help countries fight the coronavirus pandemic.

The medical supplies will cover 7,000 medical professionals combatting the COVID-19 outbreak.

UAE Ambassador to Armenia Mohammed Issa Al Qattam Al Zaabi said that “the UAE is honoured to carry out its commitments to aiding other nations in their respective fights against COVID-19.”

“The leadership and people of the UAE stand in solidarity with all those working together to put an end to this crisis, recognising that the international community can only defeat COVID-19 while unified in action and intention,” said Al Zaabi.

The UAE has so far sent over 314 tonnes of aid to more than 27 countries, including Iran and Syria.

Hoyer Statement on 105th Anniversary of Armenian Genocide, Armenia

00:34, 25.04.2020

House Majority Leader Steny H. Hoyer (MD) released the following statement on the 105th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide:

“I join in observing the 105th anniversary of the start of the Armenian Genocide, which led to the deaths of more than 1.5 million people over four years. This first genocide of the twentieth century began with the persecution of writers, clergy, teachers, political figures, physicians, and intellectuals and later saw massacres and death marches on a horrific scale. For Armenian Americans, this is a day of somber remembrance, one of mourning and somber reflection. For descendants of survivors, is a time to recall family members lost and communities destroyed.

“I was proud to bring a resolution to the House Floor in October recognizing the Armenian Genocide, which passed the House with strong bipartisan support. With the Senate also taking action, it marked the first time in history that both chambers of Congress passed resolutions recognizing the Armenian Genocide. America has a special responsibility to ensure that the memory of this genocide is preserved so future generations will not forget what happened and that the horrors of that period will never again be repeated, just as we remember the evils of the Nazis later in the century, who drew lessons from the Armenian Genocide when perpetrating their own.    “The Democratic-led House will continue to call out racism, intolerance, and injustice wherever it occurs, and we will continue to fight for policies that preserve our country as a beacon of hope and a welcoming place for those seeking freedom, safety, and a better life in our century.”

Police shut down access to Armenian Genocide memorial as precaution ahead of 105th anniversary




YEREVAN, APRIL 22, ARMENPRESS. All pedestrian and vehicle entry routes and roads leading to the Tsitsernakaberd Memorial will be shut down starting April 21 until April 25, police said. The move is an effort to prevent a potential outbreak of the coronavirus if people were to ignore the lockdown and attempt to visit the memorial on April 24, the Armenian Genocide Remembrance Day.

“Violating the rules will lead to legal consequences. Dear citizens, in order to avoid irreversible consequences amid the pandemic we are asking you to treat this decision with understanding,” police said in a statement.

As the traditional public commemoration events for the Armenian Genocide Remembrance Day on April 24 are cancelled due to the coronavirus lockdown, other events are planned to take place to pay homage to the memory of the victims of the genocide.

At 21:00 on April 23, church bells will ring and simultaneously the street lights in Yerevan and other major cities will be switched off, Chief of Staff of the Prime Minister’s Office Eduard Aghajanyan said at a news conference on April 21.

“We will ask our citizens also to switch off the lights of their homes and use the mobile phone display light out of their windows to symbolize the united presence near the Eternal Flame. The luminous commemoration moment will have its symbolic response from Tsitsernakaberd, where Kamo Seyranyan and Liana Alexanyan will perform the Ari Im Sokhak song,” he said.

Starting 08:00 , citizens in Armenia can send an SMS on the 1915 number, and on 0037433191500 for citizens sending from abroad, with their names to affirm their remote participation in the commemoration. “The names of people sending the messages will be screened on the pillars of the memorial,” he said.

In addition, the Armenian Church had earlier said that all churches in the country will ring the bells at midday on April 24.

Edited and translated by Stepan Kocharyan

MEP Lars Patrick Berg congratulates President-elect of Artsakh



 14:57, 17 April, 2020

YEREVAN, APRIL 17, ARMENPRESS/ARTSAKHPRESS. Member of the European Parliament, permanent member of the Committee on Foreign Affairs and Subcommittee on Security and Defense, Lars Patrick Berg, sent a congratulatory letter to the newly-elected President of Artsakh Arayik Harutyunyan.

The letter says:

“Your Excellency

President of the Republic of Artsakh Arayik Harutyunyan,

Please accept my warmest congratulations on your election as President of Artsakh, as well as my congratulations on the election itself which was held under the conditions of state of emergency.

Such successful demonstration of democracy can only raise Artsakh’s international reputation, and I hope that now there will be an opportunity for Artsakh to capture its place in the community of nations, cooperate with neighbors aimed at ensuring peace and stability in the region.

I was disappointed when I read the statement of the European Commission’s External Action Service on the process of the elections. As member of the European Parliament’s Committee on Foreign Affairs I will try to raise this issue in Vice President Josep Borrell, as well as will address a question at the parliamentary question format whether we can convince the European Conference to have a more constructive direction.

Please, do not hesitate to contact me if I can be useful, and once again accept my warmest congratulations”.

Edited and translated by Aneta Harutyunyan

U.S. Government to provide additional $600,000 to Armenia to fight against Covid-19

Aysor, Armenia

The U.S. Government, through USAID, has committed an additional $600,000 to Armenia to support the country’s response to COVID-19, U.S. Embassy in Armenia reports.

These funds will build on the $1,1 million support announced last week.

✅ to prepare laboratory systems
✅ to activate case-finding and event-based surveillance
✅ to support technical experts for response and preparedness
✅ to bolster risk communication
as well as to develop other related fields.

Armenpress: 2 recover from coronavirus in Artsakh

2 recover from coronavirus in Artsakh




YEREVAN, APRIL 15, ARMENPRESS. The results of the coronavirus tests of 16 citizens of Artsakh are negative, 2 citizens have recovered from coronavirus, ARMENPRESS State Minister of Artsakh, reports Commandant of the state of emergency Grigori Martirosyan said on April 15 during an online press conference.

“One epicenter of the virus has been neutralized. I am speaking about Kashatagh region. Despite the fact that yesterday restrictions on movements were imposed in some parts of the region, they can be removed in a few days’’, he said.

By April 15 6 cases of coronavirus have been recorded in Artsakh, 17 are isolated. A total of 75 people have been tested. President Bako Sahakyan declared state of emergency until May 12.

Edited and translated by  Tigran Sirekanyan