Karabakh’s elections end in a whimper

Joshua Kucera Apr 15, 2020


Armenia’s PM states about full ban of work of public transport

Aysor, Armenia

The work of public transport will be fully banned, Armenia’s Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan said live on Facebook, adding that public transport is the biggest risk of spread of coronavirus.

“On the other side the sectors where the working activity will be allowed the transportation means must be ensured by employers. The inter-regional transport communication will not be allowed either,” he said, adding that only taxis will be allowed to work.

The PM also said people will be allowed to use own cars.

IMF staff to increase financial support to Armenia by about $175,000,000

News.am, Armenia
April 9 2020

23:17, 09.04.2020

The team of the International Monetary Fund reaches a staff level agreement with the Armenian authorities for the completion of the second review of Armenia’s reform program, which is supported by the IMF. End-of-Mission press releases include statements of IMF staff teams that convey preliminary findings after a visit to a country.

The press release reads as follows:

"An International Monetary Fund (IMF) team led by Nathan Porter conducted discussions on the second review of Armenia’s reform program supported by the IMF Stand-By Arrangement (SBA) during March 12-April 8, 2020. At the conclusion of the mission, Mr. Porter issued the following statement:

“We are happy to announce that the IMF team reached a staff-level agreement with the Armenian authorities on the conclusion of the second review under their economic reform program supported by a three-year SBA. The agreement is subject to approval by the IMF’s Executive Board, which is scheduled to consider the review in mid-May. The staff will also recommend an increase in IMF financial support for Armenia by SDR128.80 million (about US$175 million), which together with the authorities’ intention to draw purchase rights accumulated under the SBA would make SDR 206 million (about US$280 million) available to be disbursed immediately after the Board meeting. Such an increase is justified in the context of the urgent balance of payments financing needs resulting from the consequences of the spread of the COVID-19 virus. This financing will be allocated to the budget to help the authorities’ efforts in meeting urgent medical and socio-economic needs during the peak of the virus outbreak, thereby preserving the gains in economic potential and inclusion that Armenia has achieved over recent years.

“As elsewhere, the current global crisis will significantly weaken Armenia’s near-term economic outlook. Although projections are subject to very high uncertainty, since the duration of the containment measures is hard to predict, economic growth is expected at -1.5 percent in 2020 given COVID-related restrictions on domestic mobility and activity, substantially lower external demand, tighter financial conditions, and disruptions in global trade and supply chains.

“The authorities are appropriately focused on measures to contain the spread of COVID-19 and ensure that Armenia’s health system is ready to meet the needs of the population. They have been working to equip the Ministry of Health with additional resources and legislative powers to expeditiously acquire necessary goods and equipment. Staff also welcomes the authorities’ economic policy response aimed at aiding businesses and vulnerable people in order to avoid more permanent socio-economic damage. This response is framed around a set of measures announced to be about 2 percent of GDP that include liquidity provision to businesses, direct labor subsidies, and lump sum transfers to vulnerable individuals. The authorities are committed to ensure strong governance and transparency in implementation of these programs. Staff encourages the authorities to continuously monitor the implementation of these measures to ensure their effectiveness and evenhanded coverage.

“The fiscal deficit in 2020 is expected to widen to about 5 percent of GDP, due to lower revenues and higher spending on healthcare and economic support. The emerging financing gap would be closed by mobilizing financing from the IMF and other partners to complement that available from domestic capital market. While the government debt is projected to exceed 60 percent of GDP in 2020, as the crisis abates, the authorities are committed to the medium-term fiscal goal of debt sustainability, which will see government debt-to-GDP gradually decline over the medium term in line with Armenia’s fiscal rule, while maintaining space for investment and social spending.

“The Central Bank of Armenia has moved quickly to respond to the COVID-19 crisis within its dual mandate of price and financial stability. It promptly reduced the policy rate to boost inflation and support economic activity, yet it stands ready to adjust policies in case of capital outflow pressures and disorderly exchange rate movements to preserve financial stability. Domestic financial markets have generally functioned smoothly since the onset of the pandemic helped by CBA liquidity provision. The CBA’s regulatory and supervisory responses have been appropriately balancing the goals of preserving financial stability, maintaining banking system soundness, and sustaining economic activity.

“Beyond the short term, staff welcomes the authorities’ intention to continued economic reform aimed at lifting inclusive and resilient growth, safeguarding social spending, bolstering financial sector resilience, and enhancing business climate and governance.”

Armenpress: PM Pashinyan determined to bring to end judicial reforms

PM Pashinyan determined to bring to end judicial reforms



 20:12, 6 April, 2020

YEREVAN, APRIL 6, ARMENPRESS. Following the changes in the judicial code, an important stage of reforms of the judicial sphere will start, ARMENPRESS reports PM Pashinyan said during a Facebook Live, answering the question of a citizen, who asked what can be done to stop the process of postponing trials with the same reason every time.

Nikol Pashinyan reminded that the National Assembly has already adopted the relevant changes already, and the reform process of the judicial sphere will kick off after the President of the Republic signs the laws.

‘’We will enter a very important stage where more attention will be paid to the ethics of the judges and in general, the anti-corruption policy of the judiciary will be stricter'', Pashinyan said.

According to the PM, even before the crisis all the international reports noted that though Armenia has recorded very high economic growth, it's necessary to make reforms in the judicial system to ensure the  future economic growth.

''We are determined to bring to end judicial reforms, including solving the crisis over the Constitutional Court. As you know, Constitutiobnal referendum has been scheduled for that'', Pashinyan said.

Edited and translated by Tigran Sirekanyan

Azerbaijani press: Australia does not recognize so-called “elections” in Nagorno-Karabakh

BAKU, Azerbaijan, April 3


Australia supports the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan and does not recognize the so-called “elections” held in Nagorno-Karabakh on March 31, Marc Innes-Brown, Australian Ambassador to Turkey, tweeted, Trend reports.

“It is more important than ever the OSCE Minsk Group continues its role in the peace process to achieve a negotiated settlement,” he wrote.

The conflict between the two South Caucasus countries began in 1988 when Armenia made territorial claims against Azerbaijan. As a result of the ensuing war, Armenian armed forces occupied 20 percent of Azerbaijan, including the Nagorno-Karabakh region and seven surrounding districts.

The 1994 ceasefire agreement was followed by peace negotiations. Armenia has not yet implemented four UN Security Council resolutions on withdrawal of its armed forces from Nagorno Karabakh and the surrounding districts.

Central Bank of Armenia: exchange rates and prices of precious metals – 02-04-20



 17:27, 2 April, 2020

YEREVAN, 2 APRIL, ARMENPRESS. The Central Bank of Armenia informs “Armenpress” that today, 2 April, USD exchange rate down by 0.46 drams to 504.50 drams. EUR exchange rate down by 0.45 drams to 551.62 drams. Russian Ruble exchange rate up by 0.03 drams to 6.43 drams. GBP exchange rate up by 4.33 drams to 628.41 drams.

The Central Bank has set the following prices for precious metals.

Gold price down by 549.32 drams to 25571.72 drams. Silver price up by 1.17 drams to 227.32 drams. Platinum price down by 221.61 drams to 11581.12 drams.

Change of gas prices in Armenia to result in drastic rise of prices, poverty

Vestnik Kavkaza
April 3 2020

2 Apr in 16:30

The change of the gas prices in Armenia will result in sharp rise of prices, deepening of poverty as the change targets the socially insecure cluster of population, energy safety expert Vahe Davtyan said, Aysor.am reports.

He said on the other hand the change will target enterprises as well.

“Currently the Public Services Regulatory Commission does not have real, effective and pragmatic tools to influence the price policy of Gazprom Armenia. According to the agreements signed in December 2013, the annual income of the company must make 9%,” he said, stressing that it is rather complicated figure if to consider the investment policy of the company and the modest dynamics of gas consumption in the country.

“I have many times stressed and I want to emphasize again that Armenia and Russia must not negotiate over the price but must discuss the issue of revising some provisions of the agreements which restrict the conduction of social-oriented tariff policy in Armenia,” Davtyan said.

Referring to the proposal of deputy prime minister Mher Grigoryan on starting new negotiations over reduction of price on the border, the expert said it showed that till now either the negotiations were not proceeding, or were proceeding with very low tempo, or were not proceeding in favor of Armenia.

“I think Mher Grigoryan’s letter to Gazprom administration’s chairman Alexey Miller testified it,” the expert said.

He added that the deputy PM offers the Russian side to synchronize the price on the border with the spot prices in the European market.

“But these prices are not for long-term but temporarily. The prices will inevitably go up and in 2021 the gas prices in the international market will be the same as previously,” he said.

Last year, Azerbaijan declared persona non grata 238 foreigners for visiting Artsakh

Arminfo, Armenia
April 2 2020

ArmInfo. In 2019, 238 foreign citizens were included in the "black list of the Foreign Ministry of Azerbaijan" for visiting Artsakh.

APA reports that this is stated in the report of the Cabinet of  Ministers for 2019.

It is noted that on the basis of received appeals and information  during 2014-2019, the names of 54 people were excluded from this  list. According to the same report, as a result of measures taken in  2019 to identify intelligence and subversive activities against the  Republic of Azerbaijan, 15 people were held accountable for  cooperation with special services of other states.

The report notes that from these persons information was received  about 12 citizens of the Azerbaijan Republic, 1 citizen of the  Russian Federation, 1 citizen of the Islamic Republic of Iran, 1  citizen of Georgia and 1 person involved in cooperation, 6 of them  were informed by the relevant state bodies.

Turkish Press: Turkey says Karabakh elections violate international law

Yeni Safak, Turkey
Turkey says Karabakh elections violate international law

News Service 14:23 AA

Turkey on Monday called Armenia's attempt to hold elections in the occupied Upper Karabakh region "a flagrant violation of international law."

The so-called presidential and parliamentary elections set for Tuesday in Upper Karabakh – also known as Nagorno-Karabakh, a region illegally occupied by Armenia – show Armenia’s "efforts to unilaterally legitimize the current unlawful situation" there, said a Turkish Foreign Ministry statement.

"This is a flagrant violation of international law as well as UN Security Council resolutions and OSCE [Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe] principles," the statement added.

The elections undermine efforts for a peaceful and permanent solution in the Upper Karabakh region, said the statement, urging the international community and the OSCE Minsk group to not recognize the illegal polls.

"Turkey does not recognize these illegitimate elections,” which would further violate the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Azerbaijan, said the ministry, stressing Turkey’s continued support for efforts to find a fair and permanent solution to the Upper Karabakh conflict.

Azerbaijan and Armenia, two former Soviet republics, fought a war over the disputed region of Upper Karabakh in 1988-1994. The two signed a cease-fire in 1994, but never reached a peace deal. Upper Karabakh remains unrecognized internationally as a separate state.

Turkey maintains that any resolution of the Upper Karabakh conflict should take into account Azerbaijan's territorial integrity.

Upper Karabakh is an internationally recognized territory of Azerbaijan which has been illegally occupied since 1991 by Armenian military aggression.

Four UN Security Council and two General Assembly resolutions, as well as decisions by many other international organizations, refer to this fact and demand the withdrawal of Armenia’s occupation forces from Upper Karabakh and seven other occupied regions of Azerbaijan.

The OSCE Minsk Group – co-chaired by France, Russia and the U.S. – was formed to find a peaceful solution to the conflict, but has yet to get any results.