Verelq: ԱՄՆ դեսպանությունը 2016թ. ապրիլին ձեռք է բերել գաղտնալսող սարքեր (փաստաթուղթ)

  • 25.12.2018

  • Հայաստան



ՀՀ-ում ԱՄՆ դեսպանությունը 2016թ. ապրիլին ձեռք է բերել գաղտնալսող սարքեր: Այս մասին Facebook-յան իր էջում գրում է քաղաքագետ Սուրեն Սարգսյանը՝ հրապարակելով համապատասխան փաստաթուղթը:

«Դեռ հետևություններ չեմ անում, կարծում եմ կլինի պաշտոնական պարզաբանում»,- գրել է նա:

Փաստաթղթում նշվում է, որ ԱՄՆ դեսպանատունը լայն սպեկտրի սմարթֆոնների ու տարբեր օպերացիոն համակարգերի համար գաղտնալսող սարքեր գնելու պատվեր է իջեցրել: Ըստ փաստաթղթի, ընկերությունները, որոնք հետաքրքրված են դրանց մատակարարումներում, պետք է դիմեն հատուկ այդ նպատակով նշված էլեկտրոնային փոստով: Հատուկ ընդգծվում է, որ որևէ հարցեր հեռախոսով չեն քննարկվելու: Առաջնահերթություն տրվելու է այն ընկերություններին, որոնք իրենց հայտը փոստով կներկայացնեն անգլերեն:


Political consultations between MFAs of Armenia and Georgia held, Armenia
Dec 26 2018
Political consultations between MFAs of Armenia and Georgia held Political consultations between MFAs of Armenia and Georgia held

20:56, 26.12.2018

Political consultations were held between the Foreign Ministries of Armenia and Georgia. They were held in Tbilisi at the level of deputy ministers. The Armenian delegation was headed by Deputy Foreign Minister Shavarsh Kocharyan. The Georgian delegation was headed by Deputy Minister  Lasha Darsalia.

According to the press service of the Foreign Ministry, the parties discussed a wide range of issues of mutual interest – regional security, development of bilateral relations, cooperation within international organizations. The high-level visits made in 2018 were noted with satisfaction. The question of holding a meeting of the intergovernmental commission in early 2019 was discussed, which will give new impetus to the development of trade and economic relations between the two countries.

168: Bio-labs in Armenia are civilian, military presence is ruled out – foreign ministry


Biological laboratories operating in Armenia are of civilian nature, and military presence there is ruled out, foreign ministry spokesperson Anna Naghdalyan told a press briefing.

“The sanitary-epidemic control sector is part of the Armenian-Russian bilateral relations. A dialogue exists over this matter, however these laboratories belong to Armenia and have civilian nature. There cannot be any talk about a military presence there in the case of Armenia,” she said.

Earlier Russian FM Sergey Lavrov had said during an interview that Armenia and Russia are currently working on the draft of a document that will guarantee the absence of foreign military in Armenia. He was speaking in the context of the laboratories.

Six pairs of twins born simultaneously in Armenian medical center

PanArmenian, Armenia
Dec 20 2018

PanARMENIAN.Net – Six pairs of twins were born at the same time at the Research Center of Maternal and Child Health Protection in Armenia, Med Practic reports.

Two of the twins were conceived through in vitro fertilisation (IVF), while the other four were conceived naturally.

“We are currently taking care of six pairs of twins, which is something unprecedented,” says neonatologist Anaida Asatryan, who heads the neonatal resuscitation and intensive therapy at the center.

‘I had the impression that Lukashenko was satisfied with my responses, but I don’t know what happened’: Nikol Pashinyan

Aravot, Armenia
Dec 20 2018
‘I had the impression that Lukashenko was satisfied with my responses, but I don’t know what happened’: Nikol Pashinyan

“Lukashenko keeps mentioning what he said, but he neglects to talk about what I said. When they asked me to talk in detail about what we said during that discussion, I said that I cannot talk about it because I do not find it right to present the details of a closed session. But I also said that I am satisfied with the discussions. I will also say now that I am satisfied with those discussions, and I do not see the need to continue this discussion from my end. It is possible that there will be people who are not satisfied with this discussion, and that is why they need to talk about it,” Acting Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan told reporters in Dilijan regarding the controversial statements made by Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko.

Regarding Lukashenko’s criticism that Pashinyan does not dare to criticize Russian President Vladimir Putin for selling the most weapons to Azerbaijan, Nikol Pashinyan said, “I assure that I gave correct and impressive responses to all of Lukashenko’s questions. I had the impression that Lukashenko was satisfied with my responses, but I don’t know what happened afterwards.”

Lukashenko accused Nikol Pashinyan of not daring to criticize Vladimir Putin a few days ago.

Arpine Simonyan

Պետությանը պատճառած ավելի քան 425 մլն դրամի վնասից բյուջե է վերականգնվել 335 մլնը. ՊԵԿ

  • 18.12.2018

  • Հայաստան


ՀՀ պետական եկամուտների կոմիտեի հսկողական աշխատանքների արդյունքում բացահայտվել է առանձնապես խոշոր չափերով հարկեր չվճարելու հերթական դեպքը: Այս մասին հայտնում են ՀՀ ՊԵԿ տեղեկատվության և հասարակայնության հետ կապերի բաժնից:

Պարզվել է, որ Երևանի Դավթաշեն վարչական շրջանում բազմաբնակարան շենքերի կառուցապատմամբ զբաղվող «Եռանավ» և «Խաչ 9» ՍՊ ընկերությունները 2015-2018թթ. ընկած ժամանակահատվածում վաճառված բնակարանների վերաբերյալ կնքված առուվաճառքի պայմանագրերում իրական արժեքներից տարբերվող՝ ավելի ցածր գումարներ են ներառել, ինչի արդյունքում հարկային մարմին ներկայացված հաշվարկ-հաշվետվություններում չեն արտացոլվել ընկերությունների իրացման շրջանառության իրական ծավալները՝ պետությանը պատճառելով առանձնապես խոշոր չափի՝ ավելի քան 350 միլիոն ՀՀ դրամի վնաս:

Փաստի առթիվ ՊԵԿ քննչական վարչությունում ՀՀ քրեական օրենսգրքի 205- րդ հոդվածի 2-րդ մասի հատկանիշներով հարուցվել է քրեական գործ: ՊԵԿ քննչական վարչության քննիչների կողմից կատարված բազմածավալ քննչական և դատավարական գործողությունների արդյունքում հիմնովին բացահայտվել են ընկերությունների կողմից վաճառված բնակարանների իրական արժեքները: Բավարար ապացույցների համակցությամբ մեղադրանքներ են առաջադրվել «Եռանավ» և «Խաչ 9» ՍՊ ընկերությունների ղեկավար անձանց և նախաքննության ընթացքում գործով վկաների վրա անօրինական ազդեցություն գործելու, քրեական գործի համար նշանակություն ունեցող նյութերը կեղծելու հիմքով՝ վերջիններս կալանավորվել են:

Ընկերությունների ղեկավար անձանց կողմից ընդունվել են հարկերից խուսափելու փաստը, ինքնակամ հարկային մարմին են ներկայացվել ճշգրտված հաշվարկ-հաշվետվություններ, ինչի արդյունքում առաջացրել ավելի քան 425 միլիոն դրամի լրացուցիչ հարկային պարտավորություն, որից պետական բյուջե է վերականգնվել արդեն 335 միլիոն ՀՀ դրամը: Պետությանը պատճառված վնասի մասը վերականգնելու և առաջացրած լրացուցիչ հարկային պարտավորությունները վերականգնելու բավարար երաշխիքների առկայության պայմաններում ընկերության ղեկավար անձանց նկատմամբ փոփոխվել է ընտրված խափանման միջոց կալանավորումը, վերացվել բանկային հաշիվների նկատմամբ կիրառված սահմանափակումները:

CW Network stands up to Turkish and Azerbaijani government threats, Armenia
Dec 15 2018
CW Network stands up to Turkish and Azerbaijani government threats CW Network stands up to Turkish and Azerbaijani government threats

22:07, 15.12.2018

The CW Network has stood strong against Turkish and Azerbaijani government efforts to block the broadcast of Armenian dancers in the Hollywood Christmas Parade, a 90-year old holiday tradition that attracts hundreds of thousands along its route and is broadcast to millions of viewers worldwide, the Armenian National Committee of America reported.

The parade was broadcast on December 14.

Immediately following the November 25th parade, Turkish Consul General in Los Angeles Can Oğuz and his Azerbaijani counterpart Nasimi Aghayev demanded that the CW Network cut the Armenian segment from the broadcast because, in addition to an Armenian dance troupe, it included marchers wearing Artsakh T-Shirts and carrying Artsakh flags and an Artsakh balloon. The Turkish and Azerbaijani diplomats described this as support for “terrorism.”

The show is produced by Armenian American David McKenzie, a prime mover behind the Armenian Genocide and Artsakh documentary “Architects of Denial.”

Russia Wants to Promote Direct Baku-Yerevan Dialogue on Karabakh Settlement – Lavrov

Sputnik News Service
Thursday 8:15 PM UTC
Russia Wants to Promote Direct Baku-Yerevan Dialogue on Karabakh Settlement – Lavrov
BAKU, December 13 (Sputnik) – Russia wants to continue promoting direct dialogue between Azerbaijan and Armenia on the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict settlement, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said on Thursday at a meeting with Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev.
"We want to continue promoting direct dialogue between Baku and Yerevan on the settlement of the Karabakh conflict," Lavrov said as he arrived in Baku to attend a meeting of the Council of Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the Organization of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation (BSEC).
Moscow hopes that the settlement of the conflict will be reached on a fair basis, according to the Russian foreign minister.
"I know that you had contacts with the prime minister of Armenia, and [Azerbaijani Foreign Minister] Elmar Mammadyarov had contacts with Acting Foreign Minister of Armenia Zohrab Mnatsakanyan. Today, we are very interested to hear your assessment of how you see this moving forward … We want this settlement to take place on a fair, mutually acceptable basis," Lavrov said at a meeting with the Azerbaijani president.
The BSEC is a regional organization aimed at boosting political and economic cooperation in the Black Sea region, and also at promoting peace and stability. In May 1999, it acquired international legal identity as its Charter entered into force.
Nagorno-Karabakh, an Azerbaijani region with predominantly Armenian population, proclaimed its independence in 1991, prompting a military conflict, which still remains unsettled. In early April 2016, tensions between Azerbaijani and Nagorno-Karabakh forces escalated, resulting in multiple casualties. Sporadic clashes continue even though the sides promptly agreed to a ceasefire.

The Christian Democratic Revival Party does not believe in Gallup polls, and believes it will be in the new parliament

Arminfo, Armenia
Nov 24 2018
The Christian Democratic Revival Party does not believe in Gallup polls, and believes it will be in the new parliament

Yerevan November 24

Tatevik Shagunyan. The Christian Democratic Revival Party does not believe in Gallup polls, and believes it will be in the new parliament. The party leader, political scientist Levon Shirinyan said this at a press conference today.

He did not rule out the fact that at the time of the survey the rating of the party could have been low, since it was only being created at that time. "But our rating grows with a geometrical progression, and we will find ourselves in parliament. We have a large group of associates and associates," he assured. Shirinyan also stressed that the PCDV is not a party of one person, unlike other political forces: "This is a democratic party, preaching national conservative values, which does not see itself in a bloc with other political forces."

In turn, party member Hayk Sukiasyan said that the party has a specific political and economic program. "On the economic plane, we oppose the form of liberalism that is now used in Armenia. We consider it necessary to switch to ortholiberalism, that is, the socialist system of a market economy," he said.

As a member of the party, Mariam Manukyan, said, the symbol of the PCDV is the white dove that will accompany them during the entire campaign. "This is Noah's pigeon who brought the good news about the end of the universal flood," explained Manukyan, adding that the party will begin its election campaign on November 26 from Republic Square and head to Holy See Echmiadzin, where in the Hripsime church will receive a blessing for the start of agitation.

Let us note, by the way, that the Mother See of Holy Echmiadzin made a statement today, inviting people on the eve of the start of the campaign for the December elections to visit churches and take part in the Divine Liturgy. "The Holy See Echmiadzin invites our pious people next Sunday, on the eve of the start of the campaign for extraordinary parliamentary elections, to visit churches and take part in the Divine Liturgy ceremony, praying for an unshakable, prosperous and progressive life of the Motherland and a good course of parliamentary elections," the statement reads.

“Savior from the Planet Ijevan”: One man documents Pashinyan’s rising cult of personality
Nov 27 2018
“Savior from the Planet Ijevan”: One man documents Pashinyan’s rising cult of personality
The wildly popular prime minister has been depicted as a Christian saint and Roman emperor, and his image graces vodka and nail extensions.
Grigor Atanesian Nov 27, 2018
A man with an image of Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan shaved into the back of his head. The image is part of the Facebook collection of Ruben Muradyan, who is documenting what he calls a nascent cult of personality around the premier.
Since taking power in May, Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan has become wildly popular in Armenia; both for uprooting the deeply hated regime that had ruled Armenia for a decade and for doing it in his dynamic, media-savvy style, unprecedented in Armenian politics.
That approach to governing has captured the imagination of Armenians: a poll conducted by the International Republican Institute and published in October showed that his government enjoyed a stratospheric 82-percent approval rating. In casual conversations, Armenians refer to “our beloved prime minister.”
That adoration also has spawned what some have identified as a nascent cult of personality. Pashinyan’s image now graces T-shirts, cakes, candles, iPhone cases, and other mass-produced memorabilia sold across Yerevan. A pop song titled “Nikol Pashinyan” and calling the prime minister “a national hero” has over 7 million views on YouTube.
With Pashinyan’s avowed agenda of rejecting the authoritarianism of the past and moving toward liberal democracy, a worry has arisen about the future of the country where so much hope is placed in a single man. In private conversations, some Armenians are increasingly expressing deep embarrassment about the over-the-top expressions of Pashinyanmania.
And one man, Yerevan-based cyber security expert Ruben Muradyan, is documenting it all, collecting various representations of this popular adoration and publishing them on his Facebook page, in an album he titled “Revolutionary Art.”
“When it all started in April-May, I looked at the folk art glorifying Pashinyan with curiosity,” Muradyan told Eurasianet. In July, though, he saw footage from a kindergarten event where a little boy, dressed in Pashinyan’s signature baseball cap, camouflage t-shirt, and backpack, marched with a group of “supporters” and sang revolutionary songs.
“That was a turning point for me,” Muradyan said. “I started looking into what’s going on with all these expressions of popular love.” That’s when he started his Facebook chronicle.
“I'm 41 years old, and I was fourteen in 1991,” Muradyan said. “I've never seen anything like this in the history of Armenian politics. Kids had never sung songs about Levon Ter-Petrossian,” the first president of independent Armenia who for a time also enjoyed very high approval ratings.
Some of the highlights from Muradyan’s collection include:
A coin depicting Pashinyan as a Roman emperor:
… and as a Christian saint:
An interview with a citizen who claims that Pashinyan is Jesus himself:
Nail extensions in the form of Pashinyan’s head:
An adaptation of the pop song Despacito, rewritten as a paean to Nikol Pashinyan. “Only Nikol is worthy of being our Prime Minister,” the lyrics say.
Pashinyan-branded vodka:
Muradyan says that his long-time interest in the history of Stalin’s rule in the USSR has informed his sensibility toward the phenomenon. And while many of the popular manifestations of enthusiasm are funny, he is concerned by signs of official support of the cult of personality.  
He cited the example of a book about Pashinyan, titled “Savior from the Planet Ijevan” (the prime minister’s hometown) and published with the support of the Ijevan municipal government. After a public backlash, all mentions of the books were deleted from the municipality website and social media accounts.
The national government, too, has joined in. In July, Armenia’s Culture Minister announced an exhibition dedicated to the Velvet Revolution. The exhibit was supposed to be held at the National History Museum on Yerevan’s main square, though it hasn’t yet opened. “The irony is not lost on me: in Soviet Moscow, the Museum of Revolution was situated on Red Square,” Muradyan said.
And in October, Armenia’s pavilion at the Frankfurt Book Fair in Germany — set up by the Ministry of Culture — featured a large poster promoting a book written by Pashinyan. The fact was made public through a photo posted by a deputy minister of culture. The photo drew criticism from Facebook users and was then deleted.
Muradyan admits that he doesn’t have easy answers. “I don’t know what has to be done. Should Pashinyan make fun of this? Should he discourage it? I don't know,” he said. “I think we need to collect the artifacts. And when this cult of personality blooms, nobody will be able to say that we didn’t see it coming.”
Grigor Atanesian is a freelance journalist who covers Armenia.