Սուրիկ Խաչատրյանի որդին ցանկանում է ծառայել բանակում. նա դիմել է Դավիթ Տոնոյանին

  • 06.08.2018

  • Հայաստան



Սյունիքի նախկին մարզպետ Սուրիկ Խաչատրյանի որդին՝ Տրդատ Խաչատրյանը, դիմել է պաշտպանության նախարար Դավիթ Տոնոյանին զինված ուժերում ծառայության անցնելու համար: Նախկին մարզպետի որդու նամակը հրապարակել է փաստաբան Արմեն Մարտիրոսյանը:

Պաշտպանության նախարարին ուղղված նամակում Տրդատ Խաչատրյանը գրել է է․«Ես՝ Տրդատ Սուրիկի Խաչատրյանն եմ, ծնված 23.07.1996թ.: Բոլոր պաշտոնական փաստաթղթերում, այդ թվում նաև թիվ 90100518 քրեական գործում, ինձ ներկայացնում են որպես՝ ՀՀ Սյունիքի նախկին մարզպետ Սուրիկ Խաչատրյանի կրտսեր որդի:

2014թ.-ի ձմեռային զորակոչին կենտրոնական բժշկական հանձնաժողովի որոշմամբ «նևրասթենիա չափավոր արտահայտված» ախտորոշմամբ, ստացել եմ 3 տարի ժամկետով տարկետում:

2017թ.-ին ձմեռային զորակոչին ճանաչվել եմ զինվորական ծառայության համար ոչ պիտանի և հաշվառվել պահեստազորում: Իրականում ես ստացել եմ այդ հիվանդությունը հետևյալ դեպքերի կապակցությամբ: 2013թ.-ին Գորիսի, մեր տան բակում, տեղի ունեցած զարհուրելի իրադարձության, փոխադարձ կրակոցների արդյունքում մահացել է Ավետիք Բուդաղյանը, մարմնական ծանր վնասվածք են ստացել Նիկոլայ Աբրահամյանը, Արտակ Բուդաղյանը:Նշված դեպքին ես մասնակից եմ եղել և վիրավորներին օգնել։ Իմ ձեռքի մեջ է մահացել Ավետիք Բուդաղյանը, և ես տղաների օգնությամբ իմ ձեռքերով դրել եմ վիրավորներին ավտոմեքենայի մեջ, և տեղափոխել Գորիսի հիվանդանոց: Այս երևույթը ինձ վրա ծանր ազդեցություն է գործել: Եվ ահա նշված դեպքից մեկ տարի հետո բժիշկներն ախտորոշել են «նևրասթենիա չափավոր արտահայտված» և այդ պատճառով ստացել եմ տարկետում, թեև այն ժամանակ էլ ցանկացել եմ զորակոչվել»,-ասվում է նամակում:

Նամակում ասվում է նաև, որ 2017-2018թթ.-ին նա, իր ծնողների օգնությամբ, ձեռնարկել է տարբեր տիպի բժշկական,առողջական,հոգեբանական միջոցներ (դիմելով տարբեր բժիշկների, մասնագետների, տարբեր բժշկական կենտրոնների, այդ թվում նաև արտերկրում գտնվող բժշկական հիմնարկների), ինչը դրական ազդեցություն է գործել, և նա նախկինի համեմատ նա իրեն ավելի լավ է զգում:

Ներկայումս քննիչի կողմից նշանակվել է դատահոգեբուժական ստացիոնար հանձնաժողովային փորձաքննություն, որը սկսվել է 30.հուլիսի.2018թ.-ից:

«Անկախ փորձաքննության եզրակացությունից Ձեզ ՝ որպես ՀՀ Պաշտպանության նախարարի, հայտնում եմ, որ պատրաստ եմ ծառայել Հայաստանի զինված ուժերում: Իմ միակ խնդրանքն ու ցանկությունն է՝ ինձ հնարավորություն տալ կատարել իմ պարտքը հայրենիքիս նկատմամբ»,-ասվում է նամակում:

Ավելի վաղ հայտնի դարձավ, որ Քննչական կոմիտեի զինվորական քննչական գլխավոր վարչության վարույթում քննվող քրեական գործով Տրդատ Խաչատրյանին մեղադրանք էր առաջադրվել փաստաթուղթ կեղծելու կամ խաբեության այլ ճանապարհով ժամկետային զինվորական, կամ այլընտրանքային ծառայությունից խուսափելու համար:

Ըստ ոստիկանության, Սյունիքի նախկին մարզպետ Սուրիկ Խաչատրյանի որդիներ Տիգրան և Տրդատ Խաչատրյանները, չտառապելով ժամկետային զինվորական ծառայությունից ազատվելու համար հիմք հանդիսացող հիվանդությամբ, ձեռք են բերել փաստաթղթեր, որոնք օգտագործելով ազատվել են ժամկետային զինվորական ծառայությունից: Նյութերի նախապատրաստման ընթացքում պարզվել է, որ Տիգրան և Տրդատ Խաչատրյաններն ինչպես դպրոցում, այնպես էլ հետագայում վարժարանում սովորելու տարիներին իրենց վերագրվող հիվանդության ախտանիշներով աչքի չեն ընկել:

Tenth Anniversary of the War That Wounded Georgia and Derailed Russia

The Jamestown Foundation
Aug 6 2018
Tenth Anniversary of the War That Wounded Georgia and Derailed Russia
Publication: Eurasia Daily Monitor Volume: 15 Issue: 117
By: Pavel K. Baev
August 6, 2018 05:36 PM Age:
(Source: agora.ge)

In the first week of August 2008, escalating tensions between Georgia and Russia exploded in a messy battle for Tskhinvali, South Ossetia. The resulting “Five Day War” culminated in the advance of Russian tanks to the suburbs of Tbilisi. A ceasefire was negotiated by then-president of France, Nicolas Sarkozy, acting on behalf of the European Union. But the resonance of that war proved to be heavy and lasting. Less than a decade later, Russian tanks similarly rolled over the fields of Donbas, in eastern Ukraine, and Russian planes are still dropping bombs on Syrian towns. Many of the same generals within the Russian General Staff who were involved in the Georgian invasion are today working on plans for new interventions. Collectively, the West effectively opted to treat the 2008 Russian-Georgian war as a minor conflict in the chronically unstable Caucasus. And that failure to deliver an adequate response to Moscow’s breach of international norms paved the way for further conflicts that have damaged the European security system, possibly beyond repair. Russia was energized by the easy victory and intoxicated by its newfound “Great Power” ambitions (Vedomosti, August 2).
Georgia overcame the shock of defeat and continued to push ahead—in fits and starts—with democratic consolidation and economic reforms. The government in Tbilisi still insists on its desire to join both the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and the EU. Part of the hard work to implement this choice was again undertaken last week (August 1), with the launch of the annual NATO exercise Noble Partner 2018 (which will conclude on August 15), on Georgian soil. More than a thousand United States military personnel and five M1A2 Abrams tanks are involved this year (Kommersant, August 1). Moscow responded with larger exercises, which spread into the quasi-independent but de facto Russian-occupied Abkhazia (RIA Novosti, July 27). Russian propaganda has focused on the “lessons” the 2008 war allegedly taught the “misbehaving” South Caucasus neighbor. At the same time, the media narrative has sought to obscure the ongoing deprivation of Russia’s “protectorates” of Abkhazia and South Ossetia (Rossiiskaya Gazeta, August 2). New threats of an import ban on Georgian wine are again being invoked, perhaps as a kind of asymmetric response to the sanctions on Russia contemplated by the US Congress (Nezavisimaya Gazeta, July 22).
Georgia remains an irritant for the Russian leadership. But greater ire is presently focused on Armenia, which has energetically undertaken new reforms following the peaceful “Velvet Revolution” in May (Novaya Gazeta, August 3; see EDM, April 24, May 3, June 25). President Vladimir Putin has positioned himself as a champion in the struggle against the chaos of revolutions, but he took Armenia for granted and mistook the street protests in Yerevan for an insignificant commotion; he then had to pretend that the new Armenian leadership answers Russia’s interests just fine (Moscow Echo, May 31). But as this leadership launched a fierce campaign against corruption, centered on former president Robert Kocharyan, the attitude in Moscow hardened (Carnegie.ru, August 2). Specifically, the Kremlin expressed displeasure with the investigation against Yuri Khachaturov, Armenia’s former chief of the General Staff. Khachaturov presently serves as the secretary general of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO), an institution that grants Russia the role of security manager in the post-Soviet space (Rossiiskaya Gazeta, July 31). The firm dominance Moscow seemingly established by punishing Georgia ten years ago is beginning to look ineffectual as Armenia tries to democratize.
The August 2008 war convinced Putin that military force would remain Moscow’s most efficient and directly applicable instrument of policy, so he set Russia on a course of militarization and rearmament. Presiding over the St. Petersburg Naval Parade, on July 29 (see EDM, August 2), he clearly admired the show of rebuilt military might, even if the economic costs of the newly approved 2027 State Armament program are becoming unaffordable (Ezhednevny Zhurnal, July 30). “Wonder missiles” come with a price, and the Russian economy teeters on the brink of sliding from stagnation to a sudden crisis, as occurred soon after the war with Georgia (Kommersant, August 2). Many of the billionaires in Putin’s court are unhappy about the redistribution of resources in favor of the defense-industrial complex, which generates no profits and produces weapon systems, like the domestically lauded Armata main battle tank, at such expense that the military command is routinely forced to cancel orders (Rossiiskaya Gazeta, July 30). Some of Putin’s oligarchs own yachts much larger than the newly-built Admiral Makarov frigate, which was the star of the naval parade in St. Petersburg; but they cannot sail them into the marinas of Nice or Valetta because of sanctions (Forbes.ru, July 5).
Militarism does not address the interests and lifestyles of the majority of Russian elites. And the general public, harmed by falling incomes, is also growing tired of it (Moscow Echo, August 3). A recent poll shows 68 percent support for expanding ties with the West, with 42 percent of respondents expressing a positive attitude toward the US (Levada.ru, August 2). This could be a short-term swing, caused by the positive coverage of the Helsinki summit between Putin and US President Donald Trump. But Russians’ similarly positive attitude toward Georgia has long been an established trend. Triumphalism over the 2008 victory has largely evaporated. And even the most celebrated achievement of annexing Crimea offers ever-decreasing joy as mundane matters, such as the increase in the retirement age, dominate public attention (Moscow Echo, August 2). The Kremlin needs to find a way to counter the growing perception that the country is hurtling in the wrong direction. The disgruntled oligarchs have little to suggest, but the top brass have plans ready for new exercises in projecting power and “patriotic mobilization” (Republic, August 3).
Despite gleeful reflections in the Russian media on the August 2008 war, easy victories are, in fact, usually quite costly and can result in protracted engagements in places of little material value. Rational choice is, however, a rare exception in Moscow’s decision-making mechanisms, which are closely attuned to the whims of the Kremlin boss. Putin can hardly enjoy a nice summer break: his agenda for developing dialogue with Trump has gone nowhere after Helsinki (see EDM, July 23, 30), while Syria generates new risks and the Caucasus produces endless irritants. The economic mandarins in the government, with their sad forecasts and boring data, can hardly expect to have Putin’s ear in the coming weeks; but the generals might find good opportunities for their proactive propositions. August often brings bad luck for Russia. But ten years ago, Moscow made its own misfortune, from which it still has not escaped.

Sports: Simonyan: Pyunik’s achievement means progress for Armenian football

MediaMax, Armenia
Aug 3 2018
Simonyan: Pyunik’s achievement means progress for Armenian football

Pyunik owner Artur Soghomonyan has talked with Mediamax Sport about the historical achievement of the club, the enormous work the team has done, and future plans.

“Pyunki’s achievement means progress for Armenian football in general. The team worked as one and fought to get where they are now. Reason number one is that they have a professional, ambitious manager.

Both Vardar and Tobol have higher ratings. We knew we could only beat them with teamwork, not individual brilliance, and that’s what we did.

We hope this is not our ceiling and our progress will be ongoing. Now we are preparing for the game against Maccabi, whom we host on August 9.

We couldn’t beat Tobol with the fans’ support. They gave us a wonderful atmosphere in the stadium. It was a big encouragement for the players, as many of them are still young.

The players realized they had no right to lose. I hope this success will bring more people to the stadium. The next round and opponent will be difficult, so the game promises to be entertaining again.

I promised Pyunik would be able to get into the group stage within 3-5 years and I remain committed to that goal. The manager and I are working together to strengthen the squad to make it happen.

For now, we signed many foreign players, but we anticipate that in the near future the core of the squad will be made of local footballers. We want to develop Armenian football.

Manager Talalaev is very strict. It took time for players to get used to it and see the professional that he is. The manager has helped them play better and believe in themselves.

I am very optimistic about Armenian football. I hope Artur Vanetsyan will head our football federation. I met with him, he has great ideas, but of course, he will need the clubs’ support. We understand his work in the National Security Service is more important, but football would get so much from him.

We hope to get to the final stages of 2022 World Cup or Euro 2026. We’ll be relying on the new generation of Armenian footballers, they will be able to do that.

Armenian kids are talented. We just need to work with them, and one day Armenia can play well and reach finals like Iceland, Croatia and Denmark.”

Բյուրականում կայացավ ՀՄԸՄ-ի 100-ամյակի և 11-րդ համա-ՀՄԸՄ-ական բանակումի փակման արարողությունը

Please find the attached press release of the Ministry of Diaspora.

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We’ve ruled out surprise attack factor, says Armenian defense minister


Due to technical and procedural decision the surprise factor of future probable enemy attacks has been ruled out, Armenia’s defense minister Davit Tonoyan told EADaily in an interview.

He said that the Armenian side has drawn many conclusions from the 2016 April War of Artsakh.

“We first of all made military conclusions after the 2016 April battles. Azerbaijan will not be allowed to maintain the position of escalating the situation, the right to monopoly of deciding the time and scale. Conclusions have been made also over a number of practical and strategic issues. As a result we have carried out necessary changes in areas like positioning of troops, implementation of combat missions in the frontline and provision of armaments and equipment,” he said.

According to the minister, conclusions should indeed be drawn from the April War, but it shouldn’t be left in the epicenter of the Armenian side’s military mind.

“Examples aren’t few in military science history when even the most experiences commanders and armies have made mistakes when preparing for the next wars based on results of previous military operations. Therefore, we are widely preparing for probable military operations, taking into account not only previous incidents,” Tonoyan said.

He said that he is concerned over the equipment which Azerbaijan displayed at its latest military exercises, however he said he is more concerned over the fact as to from where and in what conditions these equipment were acquired.

“Eventually, it is up to Azerbaijan that so many necessary financial investments, which could’ve increased the quality of life of its citizens, it is actually directing for the acquisition of attack systems. There are countermeasures for any military equipment, and in this issue the Armenian side certainly doesn’t sit idly. But we are concerned over the sources of acquisition of the military equipment which was presented. It is regretful to see that Armenia’s allied countries are selling weapons to a country which….threatens the existence of Armenia,” Tonoyan said.

Tonoyan drew the attention of the countries dealing with the NK conflict settlement on this issue.

“Especially the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairing countries, which are dealing with the settlement of the Artsakh issue, should refrain from selling various types of assault weapons to Azerbaijan. Eventually, a question arises – why is it needed to breach the existing military balance between two countries in the beginning, and then only attempt to restore it,” he said.

Speaking about media reports that Armenia is planning to acquire Russian SU 30 SM fighter jets, Tonoyan said that now they are considering various models for acquisition, but they have a need to establish dominance in the sky.

“Having a dominant position in the air has always been considered as guarantee for result and achievements in military operations. If until today we have given preference to air defense in the issue of having dominant positions in the air through existing resources, as well as application of the air force, then now we are planning to develop our air force potential. We are considering various models of military aircraft for acquisition,” he said.

A1+: Narek Gahramanyan appointed Acting Head of Kapan Community of Syunik Region

By the decision of the Prime Minister, in accordance with Part 1 of Article 27 of the Law of the Republic of Armenia “On Local Self-Government”, to appoint Narek Gahramanyan Acting Head of Kapan Community of Syunik Region of the Republic of Armenia.

Narek Ghahramanyan informs on his Facebook page the following: “By the decision of Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan, I have been appointed Acting Head of Kapan community. I expect the support of all the Kapan residents in the implementation of positive changes in the country in our community.“

Russian pranksters again pretend to be Armenia’s PM calling this time EU’s Juncker and Mogherini


Russian pranksters Vovan and Lexus (Vladimir Kuznetsov and Alexei Stolyarov), this time called European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker pretending to be Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan, discussing with him the international situation, as well as inviting the EU official to Yerevan to taste barbecue.

The pranksters also called EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Federica Mogherini, RIA Novosti reports.

According to the Russian news agency, the telephone conversation has been made shortly after Nikol Pashinyan’s election as Armenia’s PM. RIA Novosti has the recordings of the phone talk.

During the phone talk with Jean-Claude Juncker, the pranksters expressed their complaint over the pressure by the US, and in response to this, the European Commission President stated that they have to “again and again explain Mr. Trump what is the world order”. “He doesn’t understand what is happening. We should be convinced that he will start to better understand the ongoing developments in Armenia. OK. Good luck”, Juncker said.

The pranksters invited him to Yerevan, offering to make barbecue in the square and hold a “unique rally”.

“Sounds good. I will visit next year. This year it’s already impossible, but we will find respective time and opportunities for the next year”, Juncker said.

During the phone talk with the pranksters, Federica Mogherini said the new leadership of Armenia must have good relations with all partners. “We should act cautiously. Armenia is the country that has a right to choose”, she said.

Earlier the Russian pranksters called UK Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson and OSCE Secretary General Thomas Greminger in the name of Armenian PM.

Iranian Christians close ranks at St. Thaddeus pilgrimage

La Croix International
Iranian Christians close ranks at St. Thaddeus pilgrimage

 Every year thousands assemble to commemorate the martyrdom of the apostle who is reputed to have evangelized western Azerbaidjan
As soon as she passes the control barrier, Narineh, 31, a secretary from Teheran, quickly takes off her long jacket and the Islamic veil that covers her blond-tinted hair.
She and her husband have driven for 24 hours to reach the twin black and white domes of the Armenian Church of St. Thaddeus, which stands on an isolated plain near Maku, not far from the border with Turkey and Armenia.
Every year thousands of Iranian Christians assemble at Qara Kelisa (the black church) to commemorate the martyrdom of the apostle Thaddeus, who is reputed to have evangelized this region of western Azerbaidjan.
The pilgrimage, which may soon be listed as part of UNESCO’s intangible cultural heritage, offers an opportunity to keep their faith alive as many people continue to emigrate.
Hundreds of multicolored tents and windbreakers line the length of the ancient monastery and the neighboring hill. Perfume from the incense rising from the church mixes with the smoke of many barbecues.
Families have set up their camp stoves and coolers under the leaden sky. Most will spend the afternoon at table. Here and there, Assyrian pop music blares from a radio.
Why have they all come so far for what looks more like a camping trip than a pilgrimage?
Unique pilgrimage in the Islamic Republic of Iran
“Some have come mostly for enjoyment and to meet friends,” Narineh, an Armenian Christian said. “Personally, I was not much of a believer at first.”
“But seven years ago, I received an answer to my prayers at the tomb of St. Thaddeus and that has made my faith much more alive,” she said.
“Since then, my husband and I come nearly every year,” she said, as she replaces her veil in preparation for evening prayer in the church led by the bishop.
Since the 1950s, several thousand Iranian Christians have gathered here in mid-July each year for the three day pilgrimage, which is the only one of its kind in the Islamic Republic of Iran.
Th event, which is organized by the Armenian Apostolic Church, the largest Christian church in Iran with 60,000 members, commemorates the martyrdom of the Apostle Jude or Thaddeus, who is believed to have evangelized these regions and is regarded as one of the church’s founders.
Thaddeus’ tomb is also located here, according to an ancient inscription at the foot of the eastern facade of the church.
Ten years ago, UNESCO added Qara Kelisa and two other churches in the region to its World Heritage list. The pilgrimage may also soon join them on the UNESCO list of intangible, cultural heritage.
“In two months, we will lodge the proposal with UNESCO,” said Sherly Avedian, who coordinates the pilgrimage and is a leader of the Iranian association for historic churches, which is also sponsored by the government heritage body.
“The government provides financial and material support to keep the place going and to attract tourists,” she said.
A photo of the Ayatollah Khomeiny is on display above the church door alongside another of the Armenian Patriarch in recognition of the fact that the festival originally took place under the auspices of the former.
Meanwhile, government agents mix with the crowd and make sure that no Muslims join the celebrations for fear of conversions.
Important to feel united as Iranian Christians
Zaya and Rosy, who are Assyrians from Ourmia, which is three hours away by car, have come to spend the day with their friends and cousins.
“It’s important to feel the unity between us as Iranian Christians,” said Zaya, 42, who works in a fruit juice factory. “We don’t have enough electricity or supplies but under a tent we are all equal.”
He and his wife have no children. Many couples who come here would like to have one. Indeed, that very morning the bishop celebrated the baptisms of two children whose births are attributed to the intercession of St. Thaddeus.
After divine liturgy on the final day, the faithful will also sacrifice sheep, an antique practice that has continued in some areas.
Looked on by some as a folk festival and as a pilgrimage by others, the gathering has taken on greater significance as an increasing number of people have started to migrate. Now there are only 2,000 participants whereas there were up to 6,000 in the past.
Vartan, 30, an Armenian Christian from Tabriz with a crucifix tattooed on his forearm, has never missed a pilgrimage since he was nine but he hopes this will be his last.
He is now thinking of joining his cousins in the United States, where he hopes to find “more opportunities for the future as a DJ and more choice in getting married.”
“Unfortunately, Trump has closed the gates,” he laments, hoping to rediscover his “energy” during the pilgrimage.
“We are not newcomers but natives, particularly in these regions where Christians have lived for 2,000 years,” said Armenian Archbishop Grigor Chifchian of Tabriz. “We certainly have a place of our own in Iran.”

Activists opposing Amulsar deposit development act with unchecked information

Arminfo, Armenia
July 12 2018
Activists opposing Amulsar deposit development act with unchecked information

Yerevan July 12

Alina Hovhannisyan. As a result of the complaints submitted by the activists against Lydian Armenia in the Office of the Advocate's Advisor on Compliance, Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan, during his visit to Vayots Dzor, was informed that the Amulsar Program did not properly assess the impact of the field's operation on the tourist brand Jermuk, and that the International Finance Corporation (IFC) refused to finance the project due to the identified environmental problems by the Office. "This statement is not true", is noted in the official statement of the company Lydian Armenia.

"IFC never announced the withdrawal from Amulsar project due to environmental problems. Moreover, IFC in its statement notes that the assessment of the impact of the Amulsar project on the environment corresponds to the best international experience, emphasizing that the introduction of new standards in the mining industry of Armenia is an achievement," is noted in the source with reference to the IFC statement. However, the exit from the shareholders of the Amulsar project by the International Finance Corporation is due to the fact that Lydian Armenia is successfully attracting funds for the development of the field from private sources: "We are confident that the implementation of the Amulsar program has the potential to contribute to the economic development of the country."

Moreover, at the request of ArmInfo to the IFC Central Office about the reasons for the company's withdrawal from the shareholders of Lydian Int., the press service reported: "Since 2007, IFC has been supporting Lydian and Amulsar gold mining project as part of a strategy to support the development of the mining sector in Armenia. Considering Lydian's success in fully funding the project, in May 2017, IFC refused its investment in the company, as we seek to use our capital where it is most needed for sustainable economic development."

According to the company, the prime minister was not informed intentionally that the majority of the statements made by the protesters, particularly those concerning the pollution of the waters of Sevan, Vorotan and Jermuk, etc., were refuted as a result of the Office's investigations. The report of the Office noted that all these issues are appropriate in a way, they were evaluated, moreover, measures are provided in accordance with IFC standards. "The head of government should be informed that the impact of the program on surface and groundwaters has been properly assessed and the activities according to IFC criteria have been designed. Therefore, allegations of water pollution are inappropriate," the company said in a statement.

Lydian Armenia is a subsidiary of British Lydian International, whose shareholders are also large international institutional investors from the United States, Great Britain, a number of European countries, including EBRD. The Amulsar project is the largest industrial project in Armenia for the development of the Amulsar gold deposit at a total cost of $ 370 million. In August 2016, a project for the construction and development of the field was launched. Preliminary work has been carried out since 2006. The life of the Amulsar deposit will be 10 years and 4 months, an annual average of 200,000 ounces of gold (about 10 million tons of ore) is planned. The company's shares are quoted on the Toronto Stock Exchange. Amulsar deposit is the second largest in Armenia.

Yerevan Mayor Taron Margaryan resigns


Mayor of Yerevan Taron Margaryan has resigned.

Taron Margaryan addressed a message to the Yerevan residents on this occasion.

The message says:

“Dear fellow citizens,

I address my words to you to inform about my decision to resign from the position of Mayor of Yerevan and to thank each of you for the cooperation and joint work.

During the path we passed together I have tried to listen to the voice of each of you and gradually settle the issues of the capital, have been faithful to my promise and programs. In this regard, I expect forgiveness from all our fellow citizens with whom our joint path is interrupted.

I want to thank my colleagues of the Yerevan City Council, the staffs of the City Hall and administrative districts, partner structures and individuals for the joint work and the path passed together”.