Statue of first Armenian Ambassador to U.S. unveiled in Washington D.C.

ArmenPress, Armenia
Statue of first Armenian Ambassador to U.S. unveiled in Washington D.C.

YEREVAN, JUNE 30, ARMENPRESS. The statue of the first Armenian Ambassador to the U.S. Armen Garo (Karekin Pastermadjian) was erected in the territory of the Armenian Embassy on the sidelines of the celebrations dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the First Republic of Armenia, Voice of America reports.

The event was attended by President of Armenia Armen Sarkissian.

During these days celebrations dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the First Republic of Armenia and the Armenian-American official relations are being held in the United States with the active participation of American-Armenian circles and structures.

“During these days we celebrate the 100th anniversary of the First Republic of Armenia and the Armenian-American relations, and today’s event is the pinnacle of these celebrations”, Armenian Ambassador to the U.S. Grigor Hovhannisyan said.

In his remarks the Ambassador highlighted the unique importance of the First Republic for the restoration of the Armenian statehood. He also touched upon the idea to erect the statue of Armen Garo in the territory of the Embassy.

“During our annual discussions in January the idea to erect the bust of the first diplomat representing Armenia in Washington D.C. was born”, Ambassador Hovhannisyan said.

The event was also attended by ARF Bureau member Hakob Ter-Khachatryan , who in his remarks highlighted Armen Garo’s contribution and role in the history of the First Republic of Armenia.

“Armen Garo is one of the best representatives of our nation, a national-liberation figure and diplomat”, Ter-Khachatryan said.

Historian Hayk Demoyan talked about the history of establishment of the first Armenian diplomatic mission in the U.S., stating that the diplomatic mission was established thanks to the 50.000 USD collected by the American-Armenian community.

In his remarks Armenian President Armen Sarkissian emphasized the historical role and significance of the First Republic of Armenia, stating that it is reborn during each important achievement.

“We celebrate the victory of the foundation of the First Republic. The First Republic has never stopped. Maybe it was called by another name. For instance, 70 years ago we called it the Soviet Republic of Armenia, but most of us believed that the real republic is the independent and democratic Armenia. And what was in our hearts in 1991 became a reality, and the First Republic was reborn”, President Sarkissian said.

He also highly valued the heritage left by Armen Garo as a national and diplomatic figure.

During the ceremony President Sarkissian handed over a certificate of gratitude to American-Armenian philanthropist Savey Tufenkian for the assistance provided to the Armenian diplomatic mission and contributing to the development of the Armenian-American relations. The contribution of Tufenkian-Shirvanian families on these matters was emphasized.

Edited and translated by Aneta Harutyunyan

Armenian Genocide Memorial Cross vandalized in San Francisco

PanArmenian, Armenia

PanARMENIAN.NetSan Francisco's Mt. Davidson Memorial Cross – one of the oldest landmarks in the city and a memorial to the 1.5 million victims of the Armenian Genocide – was recently vandalized, SFGate reports.

As the conversation around the treatment of migrant children at the border gets more heated, hostility toward the immigration-enforcement arm of the U.S. government has become visible.

Someone appears to have spray-painted a message of solidarity with immigrant families on the cross.

"No more violence. This blessing is for the families in detention centers, for the families experiencing U.S. funded wars. Blessings for the queers," the red lettering reads.

A visitor to the park, Toby Morgan, photographed the graffiti.

The enormous concrete cross, which has stood atop San Francisco's highest hill since 1934, was erected to commemorate all those who were killed in the Genocide under the Ottoman Empire.

A representative from the Council of Armenian American Organizations of Northern California said they are "saddened" by the incident and have reached out to law enforcement.

"We are notifying the police and will have it painted today," a representative said Friday. "We understand peoples need for self-_expression_, vandalism such as this is never appropriate."

Armenia’s representative to ECHR steps down


Republican Member of Parliament Gevorg Kostanyan has stepped down as Armenia’s representative in the European Court of Human Rights.

Kostanyan, a former prosecutor general, said in his opinion the new government must have the chance to freely presents its stances in the ECHR cases and not be restrained with previous stances.

Kostanyan said that he filed for resignation three days ago.

Gevorg Kostanyan served as the Armenian government’s representative to the ECHR since the first day of the Armenian representation’s establishment.

“During these years I and my team did our best for duly presenting Armenia’s interests in the European court. I am sure that this new team will work with no lesser devotion and the human rights protection situation in Armenia will be improved yearly,” he said in a statement.

The full statement of Mr. Kostanyan is available in Armenian.

ԿՈՉ – Հայ Եկեղեցուոյ Մէջ Ծագած Տագնապներ Փողոցին Մէջ Չէ, որ Կը Լուծուին Այլ Կրօնական Հաստատութեան Երդիկին Տակ

Հրապարակելու խնդրանքով



Հայ Եկեղեցուոյ Մէջ Ծագած Տագնապներ Փողոցին
Մէջ Չէ,

որ Կը Լուծուին Այլ Կրօնական
Հաստատութեան Երդիկին Տակ

Սիրելի Հայորդիներ
ի Հայաստան, ի Արցախ եւ ի  Սփիւռս Աշխարհի,

Բոլորիս ալ յայտնի
են, Հայ ժողովուրդի պատմութեան թէ՛ խաղաղ եւ թէ՛ աւելի յաճախ արիւնով շաղախուած՝ պատերազմներով
ու տառապանքով լեցուն տխուր էջերը: Քանի անգամներ աւերուած եւ կրկին մոխիրներու
տակէն Փիւնիկի նման վերակենդանացած են մեր շէն քաղաքներն ու եկեղեցիները, ասոնց շարքին
նաեւ Հայաստանեայց Առաքելական Եկեղեցուոյ Մայր Աթոռը:

Ծանր եղած է մեր ժողովուրդին
ընթացքը մարդկային  պատմութեան մէջ, սակայն
երբեք լքուած չենք Աստուծոյ եւ Իր հիմնադրած Եկեղեցիին կողմէ: Հայ Եկեղեցին եւ յատկապէս
Մայր Աթոռ Սուրբ Էջմիածինը միշտ իր հոգատար կամարներուն տակ հաւաքած է հոգածութեան
կարօտ իր հօտը: Հայ հոգեւորականը միշտ առաջնորդած է իր հօտը թէ՛ գոյամարտերու պահուն
եւ թէ՛ կեանքի առօրեային մէջ: Հայ ժողովուրդի ինքնութիւնը, լեզուն ու մշակոյթը
պահպանուած է Հայ եկեղեցուոյ եւ  անոր  նուիրեալներուն շնորհիւ: Մինչեւ այսօր  Եկեղեցին կը հանդիսանայ այն սրբազան հաւաքատեղին,
որ կը միաւորէ եւ  հայ կը պահէ աշխարհասփիւռ
իր զաւակները:

Մայր աթոռին
գահակալները Հայ եկեղեցին կը մարմնաւորեն ու կը միանան անոր հետ: Հետեւաբար
հակառակ իրենց մարդկային սխալական էութեան կարելի չէ արատաւորել կամ ոտնակոխել անոնց
հանգամանքն ու  դիրքը:

Արդ, այսօր,  Մայր Աթոռի գահակալին դէմ շղթայազերծուած
պայքարը, ոչ միայն կ՛արատաւորէ անոր անձը, այլ նաեւ Հայ եկեղեցին ու բաժանումներ
կը ստեղծէ հաւատացեալներուն շարքերուն մէջ:

Ռամկավար Ազատական
Կուսակցութիւնը իր գոյութեան ամբողջ ընթացքին հաւատալով Մայր Աթոռին դերին, անվերապահ
դրօշակակակիրը եղած է անոր  ու նուիրեալ ջահակիրը
անոր առաքելութեան Սուրբ ճամբուն:

ՌԱԿ-ի համար
անհանդուրժելի է այսօր փողոցին մէջ սկիզբ առած Մայր Աթոռին հեղինակութեան վնաս
հասցնող շարժումը, որ Հայ ժողովուրդին արժէքային համակարգին համար օտար է:

ՌԱԿ կը հաւատայ,
որ Հայ Եկեղեցուոյ Հայրապետին ընտրութիւնն ու անոր ճակատագրին տնօրինումը կը
վերաբերի միայն ու միայն կրօնական հաստատութեան ու անոր հովանիին տակ գործող
մարմիններուն իրեն յատուկ ծէսով ու ընթացակարգով:

Հետեւաբար, Հայ
եկեղեցուոյ մէջ ծագած տագնապներ, մենք կը հաւատանք, որ փողոցին մէջ չէ, որ կը
լուծուին այլ կրօնական հաստատութեան երդիկին տակ: Նման տագնապներ փողոց փոխադրելու
դժբախտ փորձը ունի Հայ Ժողովուրդը իր հեռաւոր, թէ մօտակայ անցեալի  պատմութեան մէջ, որոնց յիշատակումն անգամ
կ՛ընդուըզեցնէ ու կը մտահոգէ իւրաքանչիւր Հայորդի:

Ներկայ տագնապին
շրջանցումը ու անոր բարուոք լուծումը կը կարօտի հաւաքական ճիգի ու փոխադարձ
հանդուրժողականութեան ու պատասխանատուութեան գիտակցութեան, որպէսզի անխախտ պահուի
Մայր Աթոռի եւ Լուսաւորչակերտ Հայ եկեղեցուոյ հիմքերը:


Ի Դիմաց՝



Սեւակ Յակոբեան                                     Սերխիօ Նահապետեան

Ատենադպիր                                                  Ատենապետ

Sports: Yura Movsisyan undergoes surgery

Public Radio of Armenia
13:15, 14 Jun 2018

Armenia international Yura Movsisyan has undergone a surgery.

“My surgery went really well and the road to recovery starts today. It will be difficult and challenging four months for me but I will strive to be 100% ready to play in less than that,” Movsisyan said in a Facebook post.

The player thanked all supporters for all the well wishes and prayers.

Defense minister assures Armed Forces will be out of any political processes


Defense minister of Armenia Davit Tonoyan assures that the Armed Forces will stay out of any political processes.

Commenting on the reporters’ remarks according to which the government’s program includes a provision relating to depoliticization of the Armed Forces, the minister said he will unconditionally implement what is reflected in the program. “The Armed Forces will be out of any political processes”, he said.

Asked whether previously the Armed Forces have been involved in the political processes, the minister said: “If now this issue is being raised, it means that there have been some problems. There have been cases when reporters recorded some violations, problems have always existed, and we reacted to them. But I, as a defense minister, will work to rule out their repetition”.

On June 7 the Parliament is debating the government’s program.

Azerbaijani Press: Baku says Yerevan’s Karabakh proposal to ruin peace talks

APA , Azerbaijan
Baku says Yerevan's Karabakh proposal to ruin peace talks

[Armenian News note: the below is translated from Azeri]

The Azerbaijani foreign minister has said that Armenia's proposal to get breakaway Nagorno-Karabakh involved in the Baku-Yerevan negotiations may ruin the peace talks.

"If the Armenian leadership proposes the involvement of separatist Nagorno-Karabakh representatives in the negotiations, it means that they want to ruin the peace process," the APA news agency quoted Foreign Minister Elmar Mammadyarov as saying.

The minister added that he had told the OSCE Minsk Group mediators that the proposal was "ridiculous".

The issue of Nagorno-Karabakh's involvement in the talks on resolving the conflict was returned to the agenda by Armenia's new Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan, who in early May blamed the lack of progress in the conflict settlement on the separatists' non-involvement in the negotiations going on between Yerevan and Baku over the past 25 years. Baku has refused to have any talks with the separarists, saying that it was Armenia that seized Azerbaijani territories, including Nagorno-Karabakh.

Mammadyarov went on to say that Baku was ready to establish good relations with Yerevan after the Karabakh conflict was resolved in Baku's favour.

"I do not know, where the latest developments [presumably the leadership change in Armenia] will lead us to, but the reality is that Azerbaijan is ready to build good-neighbourly relations with Armenians, naturally after Azerbaijan's territorial integrity and sovereignty are restored. We will not give up our sovereignty and territorial integrity. Our borders are recognised internationally," Mammadyarov said.

The minister said that the date and venue of his meeting with his Armenian counterpart had not been set yet.

Ashot Ohanian’s exhibition held at “Vardashen” penitentiary

On May 25, an exhibition of creative works of the defendant Ashot Ohanyan, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the First Republic and the triple May holiday, was held in the “Vardashen” penitentiary institution.

“My works in the style of bas-relief, created in three months – the results of my memories, experiences, life experiences and reassessment, as well as longing,” Ashot Ohanyan said in his speech. Participant of the Artsakh liberation battle Ashot Ohanyan at the end expressed gratitude to the administration of the institution for support.

The event dedicated to the triple holiday was also held in the Hrazdan criminal-executive institution. From May 14 to May 22, the internal chess championship was held, in which 9 defendants participated.

Asbarez: U.S. Secretary of State Pompeo Shares ANCA’s Enthusiasm about Armenia’s Peaceful, Constitutional Political Transition

“We appreciate your idea of a new Millennium Challenge Corporation compact focused on STEAM education for Armenia.” – Secretary of State Pompeo

WASHINGTON, DC – Newly sworn-in U.S. Secretary of State Michael Pompeo – in a letter this week to Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA) Chairman Raffi Hamparian – voiced “enthusiasm” for Armenia’s peaceful, constitutional political transition, affirmed America’s friendship with the Armenian people, pledged to work with the Armenia’s new government to advance shared interests.

“We welcome Secretary Pompeo’s enthusiasm for Armenia’s peaceful, constitutional political transition and look forward to working with him and his team to take our bilateral cooperation to a new level,” said ANCA Chairman Raffi Hamparian.  “We are confident that – with our continued advocacy and sufficient will on both sides of the U.S.-Armenia relationship – that we will see progress toward a major Millennium Challenge Corporation compact educating and empowering the next generation of Armenian youth.”

The May 17, 2018, letter from Secretary Pompeo came in response to the ANCA’s call upon the Secretary – in his capacity as Chairman of the Board of the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) – to support expedited consideration of a new $140 million Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math (STEAM) grant for Armenia’s public schools.

“We appreciate your idea of a new MCC compact focused on STEAM education for Armenia,” noted Secretary Pompeo, who went on to voice willingness to assist Armenia with the MCC process, while noting that the Corporation does not have a formal process in place for accelerated consideration of compacts.  “We hope to see the Armenian government make progress on MCC’s eligibility criteria (‘scorecard’) this year so that the MCC Board of Directors may consider Armenia for a compact during the annual selection process,” noted Secretary Pompeo.

The ANCA recently held a series of meetings with White House and State Department officials and leading Members of Congress advocating for a STEAM MCC compact for Armenia that would, similar to one being implemented in neighboring Georgia, deliver over $75 million for school infrastructure improvements; $30 million for STEAM education projects; and, over $15 million for vocational educational programs to meet the growing demand for information technology professionals. The MCC grant would likely be apportioned over a 5-year period and would be subject to strict oversight by the MCC to ensure the program is benefiting students across Armenia.

The MCC is an innovative and independent U.S. foreign aid agency that is helping lead the fight against global poverty. Created by the U.S. Congress in January 2004 with strong bipartisan support, MCC has changed the conversation on how best to deliver smart U.S. foreign assistance by focusing on good policies, country ownership, and results. MCC provides time-limited grants promoting economic growth, reducing poverty, and strengthening institutions. These investments not only support stability and prosperity in partner countries but also enhance American interests. With cost-effective projects, a lean staff, and an evidence-based approach, MCC is a good investment for the American people.

Seeking MCC funding for STEAM education is part of the ANCA’s federal legislative agenda, a 360-degree advocacy program that seeks to strengthen Armenia economically, grow U.S.-Armenia relations, defend Artsakh’s (Nagorno Karabakh) security, and end U.S. complicity in Ankara’s obstruction of justice for the Armenian Genocide.

Sports: FIFA: Armenia world ranking unchanged, Armenia