BAKU: Ilham Aliyev: Int’l public opinion on Nagorno-Karabakh conflict changed

APA, Azerbaijan

Despite the strenuous efforts the Armenian lobby is making, substantial progress has been made in recent years in conveying to the international community the realities of the Armenia-Azerbaijan Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, said Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev.


The president made the remarks at the ceremony of presenting apartments to journalists on the occasion of the National Press Day in a newly built building in Baku July 20, APA reported.


The president stressed that there is a change in international public opinion on the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.


"We are conveying and must convey Azerbaijan's realities to the world community more widely. In this regard, I appreciate the role of the media and the work should be continued,” President Aliyev said. “Of course, I see and know—and I am happy—that we have been able to make a significant turn in respect of the Armenian-Azerbaijani Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. The situation in the past was like this. From intergovernmental, intergovernmental and inter-state relations, everyone at my meetings with my counterparts knew and admitted that when looking at the map it was clear who was occupier and who was the victim of this occupation. However, this information almost remained in the monopoly of the political elite.”


He noted that media representatives from foreign countries either unintentionally or deliberately transmit false and distorted information about the conflict to public opinion.


“In this respect, of course, the Armenian lobby has a great role because they work every day against us and Azerbaijan is their primary target at any moment because they know that Azerbaijan is strengthening, has great opportunities, and the Azerbaijani state and people will never reconcile with this occupation and will restore their territorial integrity. Therefore, the Armenian lobby and the political figures affiliated with them, especially some so-called politicians who are financially backed by the Armenian lobby, give false information to society about Azerbaijan and the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. We have been able to break this tendency,” he added. 


The president said that journalists should hold on to the truth and objectivity as the principal criteria, be highly responsible, and not to come under foreign influence. He said Azerbaijan’s international influence is steadily growing, noting that the country is a center of multiculturalism.


“Azerbaijani journalism should be more patriotic and should actively work to prevent attempts to influence our country from abroad. National interests should be above all and Azerbaijan’s information space should be protected from attempts of external influence,” he added.


President Aliyev stressed that in recent years the responsibility of Azerbaijani journalists has reached a high level.


The president said that the state will spare no effort for the development of the media and will always pay attention to social problems of journalists. 


The Nagorno-Karabakh conflict entered its modern phase when the Armenian SRR made territorial claims against the Azerbaijani SSR in 1988.


A fierce war broke out between Azerbaijan and Armenia over the Nagorno-Karabakh region of Azerbaijan. As a result of the war, Armenian armed forces occupied some 20 percent of Azerbaijani territory which includes Nagorno-Karabakh and seven adjacent districts (Lachin, Kalbajar, Aghdam, Fuzuli, Jabrayil, Gubadli and Zangilan), and over a million Azerbaijanis became refugees and internally displaced people.


The military operations finally came to an end when Azerbaijan and Armenia signed a ceasefire agreement in Bishkek in 1994.


Dealing with the settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict is the OSCE Minsk Group, which was created after the meeting of the CSCE (OSCE after the Budapest summit held in December 1994) Ministerial Council in Helsinki on 24 March 1992. The Group’s members include Azerbaijan, Armenia, Russia, the United States, France, Italy, Germany, Turkey, Belarus, Finland and Sweden.


Besides, the OSCE Minsk Group has a co-chairmanship institution, comprised of Russian, the US and French co-chairs, which began operating in 1996.  


Resolutions 822, 853, 874 and 884 of the UN Security Council, which were passed in short intervals in 1993, and other resolutions adopted by the UN General Assembly, PACE, OSCE, OIC, and other organizations require Armenia to unconditionally withdraw its troops from Nagorno-Karabakh. 

Armenia Wins Bronze at FIRST Global Robotics ‘Olympics’

Asbarez Armenian News

Armenia’s team, represented by TUMO participants, win bronze

WASHINGTON—A team representing Armenia placed third during the annual FIRST Global robotics challenge, which concluded Tuesday at the DAR Convention center in the nation’s capital.

First Global organizes a yearly international robotics challenge to ignite a passion for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) among the more than two billion youth across the world.

TEAM ARMENIA: From left, Tigran Sahakyan, Davit Kirakosyan, Maria Ter-Minasyan, Aram Madancyan, Levon Balagyozyan, Lilit Tarumyan, Davit Hovhannisyan and Ashot Tarumyan. Team member Martun Poghosyan was not photographed.

In this year’s challenge, competitors were asked to design their robot to complete a variety of engineering tasks focused on “access to clean water,” and best cooperate in international robot alliances that have a variety of skills to accomplish these tasks because allianced that cooperate the best will be most prepared to succeed.

Armenia’s team was represented by students from the TUMO Center for Creative Technologies.

The students selected for FIRST Global are among those who have participated in the organization’s robotics workshops, have demonstrated the ability to work in a group, have numerous achievements in different fields and are dedicated to the fields of robotics and programming.

ANCA Leo Sarkisian Interns cheer on Team Armenia

FIRST Global provides the framework for an “olympics”-style robotics challenge where one team from every nation is invited to participate in a global robotics event that builds bridges between high school students with different backgrounds, languages, religions, and customs.

By bringing these future STEM leaders together in an engaging and collaborative competition that drives home the importance, excitement, and applicability of STEM education, FIRST Global inspires students to learn the skills they will need to make the discoveries their parents and grandparents would consider miracles, impossibilities, or just plain science fiction.

A new postage stamp dedicated to the theme “Prominent Armenians. 125th anniversary of Hamo Beknazarian” cancelled

Panorama, Armenia

July 14 2017

A new postage stamp dedicated to the theme “Prominent Armenians: the 125th anniversary of Hamo Beknazarian” was cancelled on Thursday and put into circulation within the frameworks of “Golden Apricot” International Film Festival.  

As Armenia’s ministry of transport and communication reports, the postage stamp was cancelled, Minister of Transport, Communication and Information Technologies Vahan Martirosyan, Minister of Culture Armen Amiryan, Director of “Golden Apricot” International Film Festival, film-director Harutyun Khachatryan, film-director Roman Balayan, Managing Director of “HayPost Trust Management” Juan Pablo Gechidjian, B.V., Mr. Hovik Musayelyan, President of the Union of Philatelists of the RA.

The postage stamp depicts the portrait of the Armenian prominent film-director Hamo Beknazarian. The right part of the postage stamp depicts the fragments from the first Armenian silent film “Namus” and the first Armenian sound film “Pepo”. The fragments are inserted into the frames of the film. The background of the postage stamp depicts the logo of “Armenfilm” film studio.      

The postage stamp with nominal value of 170 AMD is printed in “Cartor” printing house in France. The authors of the postage stamp’s design are designers CJSC David Dovlatyan and Vahagn Mkrtchyan.

Ministers Nalbandian, Binh Minh highlight the continuous development of Armenian-Vietnamese relations

Panorama, Armenia

July 14 2017

POLITICS 12:22 14/07/2017 ARMENIA

Armenian Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian, and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Vietnam Pham Binh Minh exchanged letters on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of establishment of diplomatic relations between the Republic of Armenia and the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.

As the press department at the foreign ministry reports, Edward Nalbandian notes in his message that during the past quarter of a century the two countries have established genuine partnership and maintained mutually beneficial cooperation on wide range of issues.

Foreign Minister Nalbandian underlines that Armenia highly values the cooperation with Vietnam, expressing confidence that through joint efforts it will be possible to explore the full potential of collaboration and further expand Armenian-Vietnamese friendly relations.

Concluding the letter, Foreign Minister of the Republic of Armenia wishes a prosperity and progress to the Socialist Republic of Vietnam and continuous development of the Armenian-Vietnamese relations.

Foreign Minister of Vietnam notes that during past 25 years the relations between Vietnam and Armenia has been constantly strengthened and developed, making a positive contribution to the peace and prosperity of each country and to friendly cooperation for peace, stability and general progress of the world.

Pham Binh Minh expresses confidence that the Ministries of Foreign Affairs of the two countries will continue their intensive efforts towards promoting traditional friendship between Vietnam and Armenia, meeting the expectation of the people of both countries.

Foreign Minister of Vietnam wishes to Edward Nalbandian and all diplomats of Armenia to gain more achievements in the noble cause of nation building.

France stands for exceptional settlement of Karabakh conflict through negotiations and regular dialogue of sides at high level

ARMINFO News Agency, Armenia
July 13, 2017 Thursday

France stands for exceptional settlement of Karabakh conflict through
negotiations and regular dialogue of sides at high level

Yerevan July 13

Angela Stepanyan. France stands for an exceptional settlement of
Karabakh conflict through negotiations and regular dialogue of the
parties at the highest level, French Ambassador to Armenia
Jean-Francois Charpentier told journalists in Yerevan.

"We stand for the regular negotiations on the settlement of the
conflict, direct and, as far as possible, regular dialogue between the
two presidents, in this regard, we welcome the recent meeting of
Foreign Ministers of Armenia and Azerbaijan, and we are convinced that
there is no military solution. It can and should be settled only
through negotiations",the diplomat noted.

In this regard, Charpentier called not limit with meetings at the
level of Foreign Ministers, ensuring meeting at the level of the
presidents of the two countries. According to him, the previous
meeting of foreign ministers may prove to be a fruitful help.

In Brussels late in the evening of July 11, a meeting of Foreign
Ministers of Armenia and Azerbaijan, initiated by co-chairs of OSCE
Minsk Group, took place. The meeting continued discussions on the
creation of appropriate conditions for the advancement of the
negotiation process on the Karabakh settlement.

Edward Nalbandian emphasized the need to stabilize the situation at
the contact line of troops, the implementation of Vienna and St.
Petersburg agreements. The intermediaries asked the ministers to
convey to the presidents the proposal to organize a summit this year.
It was agreed to hold the next meeting of the Foreign Ministers in
September at the fields of UN General Assembly in New York.

European Parliament lawmakers call on Azerbaijan to stop using own civilians as human shield

Armenpress News Agency , Armenia
July 13, 2017 Thursday

European Parliament lawmakers call on Azerbaijan to stop using own
civilians as human shield

YEREVAN, JULY 13, ARMENPRESS. Members of the European Parliament Marek
Jurek from Poland and CostasMavrides from Cyprus urge Azerbaijan to
stop using its own civilian population as a live shield and to
introduce an OSCE independent investigative mechanism in the Artsakh
line of contact.

“On July 4, 2017 Azerbaijani armed forces violated the cease-fire
regime in the contact line. Azerbaijan had installed a multiple rocket
launcher system in an inhabited village, thus using its own civilian
population as a human shield. The cross-fire resulted in a tragic loss
of two civilians on the Azerbaijani side. We deplore the loss of two
innocent lives and emphasize that this tragedy, as well as other
clashes between the armed forced could have certainly been avoided, if
Azerbaijan agreed to install an independent investigative mechanism to
determine which side exactly violates the cease-fire. The OSCE
Minsk-Group has proposed this on several occasions. The Armenian side
has agreed to install this mechanism. Unfortunately, official
Azerbaijan continues to reject it”, the MEPs said in a statement.

The lawmakers underscored that the investigative mechanism could have
helped in avoiding the 2016 April War, when Azerbaijan shelled
Armenian villages killing 12 year old Vaghinak Grigoryan, who was on
his way to school.

“The bodies of an elderly 90-year-old couple in the village of Talish,
were brutally mutilated by the Azerbaijani forces, their ears were cut
off. Since April 2016 the Azerbaijan armed forces have committed war
crimes, including an ISIS-style beheading of an Armenian soldier Karam
Sloyan. Pictures of the head were then posted on the social media by
the Azerbaijani forces as a trophy and the cruel murder was praised as
a heroic act. These barbaric acts are unfortunately an indirect
consequence of Armenophobia in Azerbaijan, nurtured from the highest
levels and acts, such as elevating Ramil Safarov, who killed an
Armenian colleague in his sleep with an ax in Budapest, to a national
hero by the current Government of Azerbaijan”, the statement says.

Marek Jurek and CostasMavrides mentioned that the losses on both sides
are tragic and they must absolutely be prevented.

“It is unacceptable to use a population as a human shield while
shelling other inhabited areas and then abuse photos for propaganda
purposes. An investigative mechanism must be immediately installed. We
herewith call on Azerbaijan to stop using its own population as a
human shield and install the OSCE independent investigative mechanism
which would create favorable conditions for trust and negotiations”,
the MEPs said.

The Republic of Turkey, the 2017 G20 Summit, and the “Calculation”

The Times of Israel

JULY 10, 2017, 11:31 PM 

A picture is worth a thousand words, and sometimes represents much more. At the 2017 G20 “family photo” one finds the President of Turkey, Recep Erdogan, in the front row just to the right of Russian President Vladimir Putin. Certainly the Republic of Turkey qualifies to attend this summit, being the seventeenth largest economy in the world. However, this economy was jump-started by the Turkish state’s expropriation and redistribution of the wealth of its Armenian (as well as Assyrian, Greek, and Yezidi) citizens subject to genocidal extermination. Many leading Turkish families and industries today trace their success to the stolen wealth of these Armenians.

Upon seeing how cordial the Turkish state is treated and cajoled, a state that vehemently denies responsibly and accountability for that genocide, what is one to conclude? It depends on who is looking and at what. When the Turks gassed their Kurds in 1938 – it was not an issue. When Saddam Hussein gasses his Kurds 50 years later – it was an issue. When Turks continue to oppress what remains of their minorities today – it’s still not an issue. Much to the chagrin of the idealist, international justice simply doesn’t exist.

Why would Germany submit to threats by Britain, France and Russia in 1915, forcing their Turkish ally to stop the extermination of the Armenians, knowing these same enemy powers preferred the Turks expend wartime energy killing its Armenian citizens? Just over twenty-five years later, why would the United States be expected to bomb rails lines going into Auschwitz and other camps? Militarily, it was better the Germans expend effort in tracking down and killing Jews, taking Nazi resources away from real military efforts. This is the same calculation that puts the Republic of Turkey nearly front and center at this year’s G20 “family photo”. The same calculation resulted in almost a million Tutsis exterminated at the hands of the Hutu-dominated government of Rwanda, for NATO and other states were “preoccupied” dismantling Yugoslavia.

Yes, and let’s codify this calculation and call it the UN Genocide Convention. Upon its adoption, the United States on May 28, 1951, in a document entitled, International Court of Justice; Pleadings, Oral Arguments, Documents; Reservations to the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, in Section C, part 4. Written Statement of the Government of the United States of America, in item I, declared:

“I. The Genocide Convention

The Genocide Convention resulted from the inhuman and barbarous practices which prevailed in certain countries prior to and during World War II, when entire religious, racial and national minority groups were threatened with and subjected to deliberate extermination. The practice of genocide has occurred throughout human history. The Roman persecution of the Christians, the Turkish massacres of Armenians, the extermination of millions of Jews and Poles by the Nazis are outstanding examples of the crime of genocide. This was the background when the General Assembly of the United Nations considered the problem of genocide. Not once, but twice, that body declared unanimously that the practice of genocide is criminal under international law and that States ought to take steps to prevent and punish genocide.”

Clearly, it is not in the interest of the international community to hold Turkey and the Turks fully accountable for their crimes against humanity. The United States valued Turkey’s 1952 entrance into NATO much more than their unambiguous statement only a year earlier. Moreover, the US has pumped billions of dollars into Turkey since to maintain that status. Israel used airspace above confiscated Armenian lands in eastern Anatolia for jet fighter training exercises. Israel too values whatever has remained of Turkish friendship rather than to officially recognize the Turkish genocide of a million and a half Armenians.

In a series of post-genocide successes, Turkey was awarded the Mediterranean region of Alexandretta in 1939 from France’s Syrian Mandate. This was a quid pro quo for Turkey not to side with Nazi Germany as events led to WWII. Regardless, Turkey traded heavily with Nazi Germany until it was clear Germany was on the losing side. Turkey today occupies about 40% of the Island of Cyprus, which it invaded in 1974 and recently has questioned Georgian sovereignty over the Black Sea region of Adjaria. In another wide-scale world conflict, there is every reason to expect Turkey to greatly reduce the geopolitical demographic worth of its Kurdish minority – by the millions – and finish off or absorb what remains of Armenia. Is this paranoia? Well, less than a month ago, Ilham Aliev, the president of Turkey’s closest ally, Azerbaijan, claimed all of Armenia as Azerbaijani land.

One is easily convinced the only way to prevent future genocides on those so threatened, is to be armed to such an extent that committing genocide comes at prohibitively high cost to the perpetrator.

Music: Michael Mayo in Yerevan and Gyumri

A1 Plus, Armenia
July 1 2017
  • 16:16 | July 1,2017 | Culture

American jazz vocalist Michael Mayo and Armenian jazzman Armen Hyusnunts are touching upon the concert due in Yerevan Cafesjian sculptures’ park at 20:00 on July 1st.

Jazz evening will be held in Gyumri National Dramatic Theatre after Achemyan on July 2 at 19:00 with the participation of Michael Mayo, Armen Hyusnunts and Armenian national jazz band. Entrance is free.

To remind, on the occasion of 25th anniversary of Armenian-American friendship American cultural tour is kicking off. During the upcoming two weeks film screening, jazz and reading will be held in Yerevan and other regions.

Traumatic histories: the ethics of research in conflict zones

The Times Higher Education Supplement

Academics investigating militarism and war must explore their own assumptions as well as those of their societies, event hears

June 28, 2017 
Source: Reuters

Researching war and other traumatic historical events can raise many methodological, ethical and emotional issues for academics.

An event titled “War, Gender, Memory: Feminist Scholars in Conversation”, organised by the University of East London earlier this month, heard from four researchers about the dilemmas that they had faced and tried to overcome.

Our Rush to War in Syria
June 21 2017

Our Rush to War in Syria

It’s a disaster in the making

by Justin Raimondo 

Posted on June 21, 2017

The downing of a Syrian fighter jet by the United States – and, more recently, of an Iranian drone – augurs a confrontation that could take us down the road to World War III. The US media is echoing the Pentagon’s explanation, which is that the Syrian jet bombed (or was threatening to bomb) units of the US-supported Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) around the town of Tanf. The Syrians say they were attacking forces aligned with ISIS, which both the US and the Syrian government are supposedly fighting.

The reality is that there is no such entity as the “Syrian Democratic Forces.” There are only loosely aligned groups, factions and splinters of factions, which proliferate seemingly on a daily basis in a mosaic of ethno-religious-ideological conflicts that reflect the chaos that has enveloped that country. The failure of the US to unite these various factions into the so-called Free Syrian Army – large units of which kept defecting to the various radical Islamist groups, including ISIS and al-Qaeda – led to an explosion of smaller groups centered around local, tribal, ethnic, and religious affiliations. The SDF is an attempt to solder these groups together in a military force capable of fighting and defeating the “Caliphate” established by ISIS – an effort that is far less successful than it seems.

The main military component of the SDF is the People’s Protection Units(Yekîneyên Parastina Gel/YPG), consisting of about 45,000 fighters, including the all-female unit. The YPG is the armed wing of the Kurdish Democratic Union Party, a far-leftist formation which adheres to the “democratic confederalist” vision of Kurdish Workers Party (PKK) founder Abdullah Ocalan, who in turn credits anarcho-communist theoretician Murray Bookchin as his inspiration. The YPG is the official army of “Rojava,” a non-contiguous union of Kurdish-controlled territories that is supposedly secular, egalitarian, and socialist. However, the alleged ideals of this ostensibly leftist configuration haven’t always translated into practice: the YPG regularly enforces conscription on areas under its control, seizing property and persecuting Assyrian and Armenian Christians, and engaging in ethnic cleansing of Arab villages. The YPG is viewed by Arabs as a separatist movement, while the Arabs oppose any effort to divide Syria along ethnic lines. As a result, there is considerable hostility between the Arab fighters, organizing in tribal and regional outfits, and the Kurds, despite American efforts to unify these groups into a grand anti-ISIS coalition.

Another source of internecine conflict is the YPG’s relationship with the Syrian government and its allies: while Syrian strongman Bashar al-Assad has persecuted the Kurds in the past, he has also supported them at various times against their Turkish enemies, and Syrian government forces have voluntarily withdrawn from YPG-controlled areas in order to concentrate their fire on the Islamist fundamentalists who were threatening Damascus.

Operating under the rubric of the SDF are several Islamist groups formerly affiliated with ISIS, al-Qaeda, and other jihadist outfits. Jabhat Thuwar al-Raqqa (Front of Raqqa Revolutionaries) is one of the founding groups of the SDF: they were formerly allied with Jabhat al-Nusra, the Syrian affiliate of al-Qaeda, but supposedly split away when Nusra moved closer to ISIS. However, the ideology, aims, and tactics of the group have not changed: its “split” with al-Nusra was over tactical and control issues. The “Raqqa Revolutionaries” are still fighting to establish an Islamic state in Syria under Sharia law, with their main goal being the destruction of the Syrian government in Damascus: they have simply changed their strategy, which is now to ally with the American-sponsored coalition.

The US air strikes in southern Syria, near the town of Tanf, which hit a Syrian fighter jet, were in defense of three American-backed groups: Jaysh Maghawir al-Thawra, a jihadist group trained by the US and the Jordanians, the "Ahmad Abdo Martyrs," another jihadist group with murky origins and financing, and the “Lions of the East Army,” formerly a part of the “Authenticity and Development Front,” a Saudi-funded alliance of groups that included the Nour al-Din al-Zenki grouplet responsible for the beheading of a young Palestinian boy. They have also fought alongside al-Nusra: see here for their links to al-Qaeda as well as Turkey.

The Syrian government rightly considers these groups in the same category as al-Nusra, al-Qaeda, and ISIS, and seeks to eliminate them wherever they exist. Thus we see that the conflicting claims coming out of Damascus and Washington – with the former saying they are attacking “terrorists,” while the latter insists it will defend its “allies” – are not really in conflict, because the US is indeed actively supporting terrorists in Syria.

In short, these groups – which the US military is defending against the Syrian army – are the “radical Islamic terrorists” that President Trump continually rails against. So why are we aiding and protecting them?

Looking at the ultimate defeat of ISIS as a foregone conclusion, all the regional powers with proxy forces in Syria are seeking to dominate the country once the Caliphate is consigned to history’s dustbin. The Syrian government, along with their Russian and Iranian allies, look to the restoration of control by Damascus over the entire territory of Syria. The Saudis look to their jihadist outfits to establish an Islamic state after Assad is deposed. The Qataris are backing their own jihadists, notably al-Nusra, and the Turks have their proxies among the Islamist groups in the northern part of the country, as well as the Turkmen militias, which they hope will block the Kurds from establishing a Kurdish state on the Syrian-Turkish border.

Stuck in the midst of this four-sided civil war is the United States, with no real policy, and with its military strategy ceded to commanders on the ground – who are pursuing the same course set by the previous administration, i.e. canoodling with radical Islamists bent on regime change in Damascus. In alliance with the Saudis, the British, the Israelis, and the Jordanians, Washington is seemingly still determined to oust Assad and establish a Sunni regime in Damascus.

The real goal of this strategy – which seems entirely contradictory to Trump’s campaign pledges to stay out of Syria, and cut off aid to Islamist rebel groups – is a looming confrontation with Iran. Trump has always been vehemently anti-Iranian, and his recent trip to Saudi Arabia reinforced his headlong rush into a collision course with Tehran. There is currently a debategoing on within the administration over how far to take this: for the moment, the radical anti-Iranian faction seems to have lost out. Yet the ultimate outcome of the fight remains to be seen – because with Donald J. Trump in the drivers’ seat, you never know what will happen next.

The Russians, for their part, have declared that any and all planes flying over Syrian territory will be considered “targets” – and this underscores the seriousness of the threat we are now facing. We are a single incident away from a major conflagration that could drag in all the powers now feasting on the carcass of Syria.

And it’s all because of an American President who was elected on a pledge to stay out of Syria, stop funding radical Islamist terrorists in the region, and who often asked “Wouldn’t it be nice if we got along with Russia?”

Trump has entered the upside-down realm of Bizarro World: he’s inverted most of his foreign policy positions. Instead of détente with Russia, we are pursuing a policy of confrontation. Instead of putting America first, we are putting Saudi Arabia first. Rather than concentrate on pulling this country out of the economic doldrums, the Trump administration is rushing headlong into yet another major war in the Middle East.

While the complete reversal of Trump’s foreign policy stances as expressed on the campaign trail seems inexplicable on the surface, it is perfectly in accord with what I call the theory of libertarian realism: the view that there is no real line of demarcation between foreign and domestic policy, and that all foreign policy is the result of domestic political pressures and the desire of the group in power to retain and expand that power.

Trump is now harried by the phony “Russia-gate” scandal, which depicts him as a pawn of the Kremlin: therefore he is acting in a way that would discredit that charge, maintaining and even expanding sanctions on Russia while confronting Moscow and its allies in Syria. How could he possibly be “Putin’s puppet,” as Hillary Clinton put it, if he’s defying Russian threats to shoot down our planes?

Another factor to consider is the influence of the Israel lobby. Israel has been giving covert support to the Syrian rebels, and their spokesmen have openly preferred the Islamist rebels (including ISIS) to Assad, Israel’s historic enemy. Engaged in an increasingly open alliance with Riyadh, Tel Aviv benefits if Syria is turned into a version of Lebanon – hopelessly divided along ethno-religious lines. Both Hezbollah and Iran are siding with Assad – and if the Israelis can maneuver the US into fighting them, well then all the better.

Here is yet another crisis that has been caused and ratcheted up by our alleged “allies,” who have succeeded in getting the US to front for their interests. As for American interests, they don’t come into the equation. So much for “America first.”


You can check out my Twitter feed by going here. But please note that my tweets are sometimes deliberately provocative, often made in jest, and largely consist of me thinking out loud.

I’ve written a couple of books, which you might want to peruse. Here is the link for buying the second edition of my 1993 book, Reclaiming the American Right: The Lost Legacy of the Conservative Movement, with an Introduction by Prof. George W. Carey, a Foreword by Patrick J. Buchanan, and critical essays by Scott Richert and David Gordon (ISI Books, 2008).

You can buy An Enemy of the State: The Life of Murray N. Rothbard (Prometheus Books, 2000), my biography of the great libertarian thinker, here.