Svizzera-Turchia: iniziata visita della Calmy-Rey

SwissInfo, Svizzera
Martedì 29 marzo 2005

Svizzera-Turchia: iniziata visita della Calmy-Rey

BERNA – La consigliera federale Micheline Calmy-Rey è giunta oggi ad
Ankara per una visita ufficiale di lavoro di tre giorni in Turchia.
Nel primo pomeriggio ha incontrato il presidente Ahmet Necdet Sezer e
depositato una corona di fiori al mausoleo di Atatürk.

La responsabile del Dipartimento federale degli affari esteri (DFAE)
è stata accolta al suo arrivo all’aeroporto di Ankara da Naci Acinki,
direttore degli affari europei presso il ministero degli esteri. Ha
poi raggiunto il palazzo presidenziale per una visita di cortesia di
un quarto d’ora a Sezer.

In seguito la consigliera federale si è recata al mausoleo di Mustafa
Kemal Atatürk, il fondatore della Turchia moderna e laica, e vi ha
posato una corona di fiori rossi e bianchi. Vestita tutta di nero, la
Calmy-Rey ha osservato un minuto di silenzio prima di firmare il
libro d’oro. In esso ha “salutato le spoglia di questo grande uomo
che era Atatürk”. “Ha fondato la Turchia moderna”, vi ha ancora
scritto, augurando “a questo paese pace e prosperità”.

Nel tardo pomeriggio la responsabile del DFAE è stata ricevuta dal
vicepremier e ministro degli affari esteri Abdullah Gül. Era previsto
un “ampio giro d’orizzonte” sulle relazioni bilaterali tra la
Svizzera e la Turchia, comprese quelle economiche, ma anche su
argomenti quali i diritti umani e le minoranze, ha dichiarato il
consigliere diplomatico della Calmy-Rey Roberto Balzaretti.

Altri temi in programma erano la crisi in Iraq e il conflitto
israelo-palestinese nonché la possibile adesione della Turchia
all’Unione europea e le prospettive del paese nell’Ue. In caso di
adesione, la Turchia potrebbe essere sottoposta a deroghe e regole
eccezionali permanenti, ha rilevato la responsabile del DFAE in
un’intervista pubblicata oggi sul giornale turco “Türkiye”. Un
modello di partecipazione “parziale o limitato” all’Ue potrebbe
interessare la Svizzera, ha aggiunto.

Nel colloquio con Gül, la ministra degli esteri elvetica potrebbe
anche aver affrontato la questione del genocidio armeno. Delicato per
il governo turco, il tema aveva già condotto nel 2003 a dissapori
diplomatici tra Berna e Ankara. Una visita della Calmy-Rey era stata
annullata nel settembre di quell’anno dopo che il Gran Consiglio
vodese aveva riconosciuto quale genocidio gli eventi del 1915 e pochi
mesi dopo il Consiglio nazionale aveva espresso lo stesso parere.
L’ultima visita ufficiale di lavoro tra la Svizzera e la Turchia a
livello di ministri degli affari esteri si era svolta nel 2001.

Domani la consigliera federale visiterà la regione sudorientale del
paese, dove sono previsti incontri con esponenti dell’amministrazione
centrale e locale e con rappresentanti di diverse organizzazioni non
governative nella città curda di Diyarbakir. In serata la Calmy-Rey
continuerà il suo viaggio alla volta di Istanbul, dove giovedì terrà
alla Camera svizzera di commercio una conferenza sul tema della
posizione della Svizzera in Europa e delle relazioni bilaterali con

Stando al “Turkish Daily News”, la visita della ministra degli esteri
elvetica dovrebbe aiutare a “riparare” le “relazioni danneggiate” tra
i due paesi. Il quotidiano turco di lingua inglese ha inoltre
sottolineato nella sua edizione odierna che Ankara avrebbe chiesto
alla Svizzera di riconoscere quale gruppo terroristico il Partito dei
lavoratori del Kurdistan (PKK).

Il giornale di sinistra “Cumhuriyet” ha dal canto suo rilevato che il
“raffreddamento” delle relazioni bilaterali era stato superato con la
visita del primo ministro turco Recep Tayyip Erdogan al Forum
economico mondiale (WEF) di Davos in gennaio. Allora egli aveva
“approvato” la visita della Calmy-Rey nel suo paese.

NOTA: bsi012 è stata aggiornata. Eventuale aggiornamento entro le

Kolkata: Doctor donates funds raised to treat daughter


The Statesman (India)
March 27, 2005

Statesman News Service KOLKATA, March 26. – It was a day of remembrance
for Dr Swati Wohra, as she donated Rs 10 lakh to the Rabindranath
Tagore International Institute of Cardiac Sciences for the proposed
cancer hospital in the city. The hospital is the pet project of Dr Devi
Shetty, the renowned cardiologist. Dr Wohra’s 15-year-old daughter,
Siddhi, died in July 2004 just before she was to be flown to the USA
for a stem cell or bone-marrow transplant.

Siddhi’s parents had just about managed to gather the funds needed
for the transplant. Dr Wohra handed part of the money collected
for her daughter to officials of the Institute today. Speaking
through a teleconferencing system from Bangalore, Dr Devi Shetty, the
institute’s founder said the state government had identified 20 acres
of land over Eastern Metropolitan Bypass for the proposed 500-bed
state-of-the-art cancer hospital. The hospital will see completion
within one or two years along with the bone marrow transplant centre,
he said. The proposed hospital will be set up next to the institute.
Dr Shetty said because of a delay in the construction of the proposed
hospital, the bone marrow transplant centre will come up shortly at
the Institute’s Armenian Church Trauma Centre. Later it will be shifted
to the hospital. ‘There are few centres for bone marrow transplant in
the country. Thalassaemia patients and others needing the transplant
can now avail of it by paying Rs 2 to 3 lakh. The hospital will be
the first of its kind in Eastern India,’ Mr Udayan Lahiry CEO of the
Institute said.

France deliberately hampers participation of other EU countries in N

PanArmenian News
March 26 2005


26.03.2005 05:02

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ According to former Foreign Minister of Azerbaijan
Tofik Zulfugarov, Azerbaijan should call the EU to play a more active
role in the solution of the Nagorno Karabakh problem. Zulfugarov has
positively evaluated the appointment of the EU representative for the
South Caucasus and noted with pleasure that the selected candidate
is successful one, as «Finnish diplomat Heikki Talvitie, who has
earlier co-chaired the OSCE Minsk Group, is well familiar with the
region and is a very experienced diplomat. The former Minister did
not agree with the position like «you come to peace yourselves,
then we will assist you.» «I suppose that Talvitie should be
included in the work of the MG and Azerbaijan should itself author the
initiative,» he noted. According to Tofik Zulfugarov, being an EU
member France as a Co-Chair of the Minsk Group deliberately hampers
active participation of other EU countries in the settlement of the
Nagorno Karabakh problem.


Armenian president, OSCE envoy discuss constitutional reforms

Armenian president, OSCE envoy discuss constitutional reforms

23 Mar 05

Yerevan, 23 March: Armenian President Robert Kocharyan held a meeting
with the head of the OSCE mission in Yerevan, Vladimir Pryakhin, today.

During the meeting, Pryakhin spoke about the main directions of the
work of the OSCE office in Yerevan in 2005, the Armenian presidential
press service has told Arminfo news agency. The sides discussed issues
related to the improvement of the Electoral Code and constitutional

The sides also discussed the process of implementing a number
of programmes carried out with the OSCE’s assistance. Kocharyan
congratulated Pryakhin on the fifth anniversary of the OSCE office
in Yerevan and wished him success in his work.

Action Plan Of 9th Meeting Of US-Armenia Task Force On EconomicCoope


MARCH 23, NOYAN TAPAN. On March 23, Minister of Finance and Economy
Vardan Khachatyran and U.S. Ambassador John Evans signed the Action
Plan of the most recent meeting of the U.S.-Armenia Task Force
on Economic Cooperation (USATF). The current document highlights
areas in which the two governments are cooperating in the fields
of development assistance. “This Action Plan is our development
roadmap,” said Ambassador Evans of the signing ceremony. “It helps us
set clear goals and ensures that we are cooperating as governments
toward a bright future for the Armenian people.” Over the last
decade, the US government provided over 1.5 bln dollar assistance for
Armenia. According to the press service of the RA Minisry of Finance
and Economy, topics in the 30-point action plan include ways to improve
fiscal administration, strengthen the banking sector, fight corruption,
engage the business community, meet Armenia’s needs in the public
service sector and strengthen ongoing cooperation in the agricultural
and humanitarian sectors. The document also acknowledges the Government
of Armenia’s eligibility for the Millennium Challenge Account (MCA)
and the need to register progress in MCA eligibility areas. The
U.S.-Armenia Task Force on Economic Cooperation was established in
January 2000 as a way to institutionalize government-to-government
dialogue on development issues, promote further economic cooperation
and maximize the effectiveness of assistance programs implemented by
the United States Government. Meetings are held twice a year (once
in the United States and once in Armenia) The next USATF meeting is
tentatively scheduled to be held in May 2005 in Yerevan.

Shavarsh Kocharian Considers That Armenian Opposition Chose WrongTac


YEREVAN, MARCH 23, NOYAN TAPAN. In the opinion of Shavarsh Kocharian,
Chairman of the National-Democratic Party, RA MP from the Ardarutiun
(Justice) faction, the influence of the West on the processes taking
place in the post-Soviet states is considerably exaggerated and
the rumours about financing of this or that revolution by the West
just aren’t true. At the same time, during the March 23 meeting at
the National Press Club he mentioned that the West considers the
process of democratization of the former Soviet republics as one of
its main tasks. According to Shavarsh Kocharian, the situation in the
post-Soviet area was discussed at the meeting betwen the US and Russian
Presidents in Bratislava. They, in particular, touched upon the fact
that Russia supports the authoritarian regimes in these countries. “I
don’t exclude that Putin conceded to Bush in this issue.” As for
Russia’s policy in the South Caucasian region, the MP said that
today RF is carrying on a balanced policy here, i.e. parallel to
Armenia it tries to establish closer relations with Azerbaijan, as
well, which naturally, proceeds from its interests. Returning to
the subject of “velvety revolutions” in the post-Soviet area, in
particular, to the issue, why such a revolution failed in Armenia in
2003, Shavarsh Kocharian pointed to the wrong tactics chosen by the
Armenian opposition in 2003. “The opposition shouldn’t have promised
the people that it will start an attack in the nearest future, they
should have chosen the long way of struggle chosen by the Georgian
and Ukrainian opposition. The goal of the change of situation isn’t
the attack on this or that building, but this is a long-lasting attack
on the regime.” Besides, in his opinion, the Armenian opposition was
formed very late and at the moment of the post-electoral situation
there was no precise opposition field in Armenia. Answering the
question about absence of a real opposition leader today in Armenia
Shavarsh Kocharian didn’t exclude the possibility of nomination of a
real leader at the end of the struggle as this happened, for instance,
in case of Sahakashvili’s candidature. “Today we should accentuate
attention to the person capable of guaranteeing system changes in
the country,” he mentioned.

Diaspora Provides Limited Support to Re-Settlement of Territories


YEREVAN, MARCH 18. ARMINFO. In some cases the Armenian diaspora
provides indirect support to the policy of re-settlement of the
territories under the control of Nagorny Karabakh. It is said in the
Report of OSCE Mission to the territories under NKR’s control.

According to the document, local authorities and residents of the
territories under Karabakh’s control often stress the rope of the
Armenian diaspora’s role in financing restoration of infrastructures,
health-care, social security and construction of houses. In several
situations the local leadership is not informed about these efforts.
However, the result of such an assistance is obvious.

MIA Freedom Fighters Armenian Union Joins “Community and Right” NG


YEREVAN, MARCH 18, NOYAN TAPAN. “Unaccounted-for Freedom Fighters”
union was included into the “Community and Right” NGO in order to
enhance the efficiency of its activity. Rima Arakelian, the Chairwoman
of the Union, informed about it at the March 18 press
conference. According to her, the idea of uniting arose as a result of
the programs implemented jointly during previous years. R.Arakelian
mentioned that from now and then they will go on searching
unaccounted-for freedom fighters, rendering assistance to their
families, the number of which is 6000. Samvel Mkrtchian, the Chairman
of the “Community and Right” organization, didn’t exclude their future
involvment in the political activity in order to realize their ideas
and programs. According to him, the Union came up with a suggestion to
make additions to the 16th and 34th articles of RA Law “On
Servicemen’s Social Security”. They offer to set up a right of early
retairing for servicemen’s parents and to fix a higher pension for
them. R.Arakelian informed that at present they are searching 350
unaccounted-for freedom fighters, the information about whom is rather
little. S.Mkrtchian said that, according to unofficial data, there are
about 100 unaccounted-for freedom fighters in Azerbaijan’s prisons at

Cadet Model UN team off to Edinburgh for world-class debate

The Dolphin

Cadet Model UN team off to Edinburgh for world-class debate

Coast Guard News

COAST GUARD ACADEMY – Six cadets were selected to debate in Harvard
University’s World Model United Nations competition scheduled at Edinburgh,
Scotland, on March 28.
First Class Cadets Lauren Beck, Anton Destefano, Ben Stevenson and Stephen
Elliot, Second Class Cadets Travis Noyes and Sarah Smith are excited at this
opportunity to test their mettle in an international arena against the
world’s brightest academic minds.
“They will be busy in the next few weeks preparing the foreign policy
positions of Armenia and getting their academic affairs in order in
anticipation of this trip,” said Lt. Scott Borgerson, Academy Model UN
advisor. “Like last year, the selection process for the World Model UN was
very difficult, and demonstrated performance at previous conferences, club
participation, academic standing, military bearing and seniority were all
Model United Nations is a simulation of the United Nations organization and
system, with each participating university or service academy representing a
different set of countries. Students act as their countries’ ambassadors and
political leadership, working to debate international politics and write and
pass resolutions. Success at Model UN depends not only on critical thinking
skills and knowledge of world politics, but also an ability to negotiate,
speak before large audiences, forge coalitions and understand the nuances of
international diplomacy.

©The Dolphin 2005