RFE/RL Armenian Report – 08/29/2019


Armenian, Azeri FMs To Meet Again

        • Astghik Bedevian

U.S. -- Foreign Ministers Zohrab Mnatsakanian of Armenia and Elmar Mammadyarov 
of Azerbaijan and international mediators meet in Washington, June 20, 2019.

Foreign Minister Zohrab Mnatsakanian said on Thursday he will meet with his 
Azerbaijani counterpart Elmar Mammadyarov again soon for fresh talks on the 
Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.

“Our objective is to continue the dialogue at the level of the foreign 
ministers,” he told reporters.

Mnatsakanian did not specify the date or venue of the talks. But other sources 
told RFE/RL’s Armenian service that they are likely to be held in New York in 

The two ministers most recently met in Washington on June 20 in the presence of 
the U.S., Russian and French mediators co-heading the OSCE Minsk Group. The 
Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry described that meeting as “positive.”

The mediators said it focused on recent armed incidents around Karabakh and 
“core issues of the settlement process.” In a joint statement, they said they 
urged the conflicting parties to “restore an atmosphere conducive to peace and 
favorable to substantive talks.”

Mnatsakanian and Mammadyarov have met on a regular basis over the past year. 
There have also been a series of face-to-face negotiations between Armenian 
Prime Minister Nikol Pashinian and Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev. Deadly 
truce violations along “the line of contact” around Karabakh and the 
Armenian-Azerbaijani border decreased significantly following the first 
Aliyev-Pashinian talks held in September 2018.

According to Mnatsakanian, another Armenian-Azerbaijani summit is not being 
“planned” yet.

In a speech delivered before senior Armenian diplomats on Tuesday, Mnatsakanian 
charged that “Azerbaijan’s unchanged policy of Armenophobia continues to 
threaten the existence of the Karabakh people.” He also said that Yerevan will 
never accept a peaceful settlement limiting the Karabakh Armenians’ right to 

The Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry condemned these remarks on Wednesday, saying 
that they could reignite tensions in the Karabakh conflict zone. “The Armenian 
authorities must finally decide whether they want peace or an escalation of the 
situation,” it warned in a statement.

Mnatsakanian shrugged off Baku’s reaction. “I don’t want to pay much attention 
to that because it would mean entering a field which is not interesting for 
me,” he said.

Former Tax Chief Faces More Corruption Charges

        • Naira Nalbandian

Armenia -- Finance Minister Gagik Khachatrian speaks in the parliament in 
Yerevan, March 16, 2016.

Armenia’s National Security Service (NSS) formally charged former Finance 
Minister Gagik Khachatrian with abuse of power and misuse of public funds on 
Thursday two days after arresting him.

He was already indicted shortly before his arrest as part of a separate 
corruption investigation conducted by another law-enforcement body, the Special 
Investigative Service (SIS).

The SIS revealed the indictment on Tuesday as NSS officers searched 
Khachatrian’s and his relatives’ homes and offices. The once influential 
ex-minister and his nephew Karen were taken into custody a few hours later.

Karen Khachatrian used to run an internal security division of the State 
Revenue Committee (SRC). The government agency comprising Armenia’s tax and 
customs services was headed by Gagik Khachatrian from 2008-2014, during former 
President Serzh Sarkisian’s rule.

According to one of Khachatrian’s lawyers, Yerem Sargsian, the NSS has asked a 
court in Yerevan to remand both men in custody pending investigation.

It was not yet clear whether they will plead guilty to the charges brought by 
the NSS. The lawyer on Wednesday appealed against his client’s detention.

The NSS has so far released very few details of the high-profile criminal case. 
The head of the powerful security service, Artur Vanetsian, said on Tuesday 
that the former tax chief is suspected of misusing “millions of dollars” worth 
of taxpayers’ money while in office. He did not elaborate.

The current SRC chief, Davit Ananian, told reporters on Thursday that his 
agency has provided “some documents” to NSS investigators. But he refused to 
shed light on them.

Khachatrian, 53, had held various positions in the Armenian tax and customs 
services before being appointed as SRC chief in 2008. He served as finance 
minister from 2014-2016.

Armenian media outlets have long regarded Khachatrian as one of the country’s 
richest men. He has always denied illegally enriching himself and his family.

Pashinian Aims For Faster Economic Growth

        • Sargis Harutyunyan

Armenia -- Prime Minister Nikol Pashinian visits a newly refurbished textile 
factory in Maralik, August 10, 2019.

Economic growth in Armenia could reach double-digit rates in the coming years, 
Prime Minister Nikol Pashinian claimed on Thursday.

The Pashinian government’s comprehensive policy program adopted by the 
parliament early this year envisages that the Armenian economy will grow by at 
least 5 percent annually for the next five years. The World Bank forecast in 
January slightly lower growth rates for 2019 and 2020.

The government recorded a growth rate of 5.2 percent last year. Official 
statistics shows growth accelerating to over 6.5 percent in the first half of 
this year.

Speaking at a weekly cabinet meeting, Pashinian cited “good” macroeconomic 
indicators registered in July. Those include a 16 percent year-on-year surge in 
industrial output.

“What does analysis of this year tell us?” he told government ministers. “My 
personal conclusion is that recording double-digit economic growth is not a 
science fiction thing.”

Pashinian said that GDP would have increased more rapidly this year had the 
government’s major capital spending projects not fallen behind schedule because 
of delays in the selection of contractors and signing of contracts with them. 
He said government agencies should therefore do a better job of organizing this 
infrastructure spending next year.

The Armenian economy grew at double-digit rates for seven consecutive years in 
the 2000s. That growth came to an end with the onset of a global financial 
crisis in 2008. It averaged 2.7 percent per annum from 2008-2018.

Economy Minister Tigran Khachatrian sounded cautious about chances of renewed 
double-digit growth in the country. “Bear in mind that everything will depend 
on the introduction of new technologies and the volume of investments in 
various sectors of the economy,” he told reporters after the cabinet meeting.

Press Review

“Haykakan Zhamanak” is disappointed with opposition and media reactions to the 
arrest of Gagik Khachatrian, a former finance minister accused of corruption. 
In particular, the pro-government paper laughs off claims that Khachatrian’s 
arrest is a ploy designed to distract the public from government plans to allow 
mining operations at the Amulsar gold deposit and that more such “scandalous” 
arrests will be made if the situation becomes more tense. “The most pathetic 
thing is that the authorities are faulted for taking positive steps,” it says. 
“Exposing abuses committed in the past and recovering damages caused to the 
state are definitely positive steps from the standpoint of both state and 
public interests.”

“Zhoghovurd” reports on Wednesday’s meeting of the parliamentary group of Prime 
Minister Nikol Pashinian’s My Step alliance. The paper says that My Step 
lawmakers disagreeing with some government policies were warned that they have 
to be “guided by the majority’s views.” “In other words, if the majority 
decides something the few dissenting parliament deputies [from My Step] must 
vote for it,” it says. “In other words, they are attempting to pressure 
dissenters within the parliament faction.”

“Past” says that Pashinian has turned down an invitation to participate in an 
upcoming international economic forum in Poland. “The aim of the forum is to 
create a favorable environment for developing political and economic 
cooperation between the European Union’s member and partner states,” writes the 
paper. “It is not clear why the invitation was declined.” It notes in this 
regard that the Russian government will host a similar gathering at around the 
same time.

“Zhamanak” reports that it is still not clear whether Iranian President Hassan 
Rouhani will accept Pashinian’s invitation to attend a summit of the Eurasian 
Economic Union (EEU) member states that will be held in Yerevan in October. The 
paper says that Rouhani’s presence would give the summit an “unprecedented 
significance.” It speculates Rouhani will travel to Yerevan only if “very 
concrete economic” issues are on the summit agenda. “Will Yerevan manage to set 
it?” it asks.

(Anush Mkrtchian)

Reprinted on ANN/Armenian News with permission from RFE/RL
Copyright (c) 2019 Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty, Inc.
1201 Connecticut Ave., N.W. Washington DC 20036.

Կարո՞ղ է արդյոք «Լիդիան»-ը դիմել արբիտրաժ եւ ինչ հետեւանքներ են սպասվում. փորձագետ

  • 22.08.2019

  • Հայաստան


Ամուլսարի հանքի շահագործման ծրագիրն իրականացնող «Լիդիան» ընկերության կողմից արբիտրաժ դիմելու դեպքում հնարավոր է նվազագույնը կատարած ներդրման չափով պահանջի ներկայացում, իսկ փոխհատուցման չափը սահմանում է դատարանը՝ դիտարկելով տարբեր գործոններ, այդ թվում, օրինակ, սպասվելիք եկամուտները: Այս մասին հայտարարել է Միջազգային արբիտրաժի մասնագետ Արայիկ Պապյանը:

Այսօր կայացած ասուլիսի ժամանակ նա, ինչպես հայտնում է «Արմենպրես»-ը, նկատեց, որ վերջին շրջանում ներդրումների մի քանի թիվ է նշվել՝ 500 միլիոն, 700 միլիոն և 2 միլիարդ դոլար. Ամուլսարի ներդրած գումարների մասին, սակայն, հանրությունը կտեղեկացվի, եթե միայն ներդրողը հայց ներկայացնի արբիտրաժային դատարան:

«Պետությունը պետք է ընդունի որոշում, որ ամբողջապես պետք է կարգավորի հանքարդյունաբերական դաշտը, խստացնի օրենսդրությունը և բնականաբար չպետք է ձեռնարկվեն միջոցառումներ, որոնք կարող են ստեղծել այնպիսի իրավիճակ, որ որևէ ներդրող հայտնվել է թիրախային իրավիճակում և բոլոր գործողությունները կենտրոնացած են մեկ ներկրողի դեմ: Սա վտանգավոր է նրանով, որ ստեղծում է պարարտ հող օտարերկրյա ներդրողների համար՝ բերել արբիտրաժային գործեր Հայաստանի դեմ, ինչն անցանկալի երևույթ է և ներառում է բազում վտանգներ»,-նշեց մասնագետը:

Խոսելով առհասարակ հանքարդյունաբերողի լիցենզիայի չեղարկման ազդեցությունների մասին՝ Պապյանը նկատեց, որ արբիտրաժին հնարավոր է դիմել կորպորատիվ վերակազմավորման, ինչպես նաև ֆիզիկական անձի միջոցով, որը վերջնական տիրապետում է այդ ակտիվներին կամ սեփականատերն է: Անգամ կարող է առաջանալ դիպլոմատիկ պաշտպանության հարց, այսինքն՝ ներդրողները դիմում են իրենց երկրին՝ նշելով, որ պաշտպանության կարիք ունեն:

«Լիդիանի պարագայում ստեղծվել է մի իրավիճակ, երբ կորպորատիվ վերակազմավորումն իրականացվել է և դրանից հետո ուղարկվել է վեճի առկայության ծանուցումը (Լիդիան Ինթերնեյշնլ Լիմիթեդ ընկերության դուստր կազմակերպությունները՝ Lydian UK Corporation Limited-ը եւ Lydian Canada Ventures Corporation-ը, 2019թ. մարտի 11-ին հայտարարել են Հայաստանի կառավարության հետ վեճերի առկայության մասին և տեղեկացրել են, որ կարող են դիմել միջազգային արբիտրաժ- խմբ.): Սա ամենևին էլ պատահական չէ. եթե վեճի առկայության ծանուցումն ուղարկվեր մինչև կորպորատիվ վերակազմավորումը, արբիտրաժային դատարանն ընդհանրապես կհրաժարվեր ընդունել իր իրավասությունը և գործը ի սկզբանե պարտված կլինեին»,-ընդգծեց Պապյանը:

Ընդհանրապես արբիտրաժ դիմելու դեպքում ներդրողը կարող է պնդել, որ իր նկատմամբ կիրառվել են խտրական գործողություններ, կարող են լինել դիսկրիմինացիայի, անուղղակի էքսպրոպրիացիայի (ունեզրկման), արդար, անաչառ վերաբերմունք չցուցաբերելու, ներդրումների ֆիզիկական պաշտպանվածության հարցեր, որոնք կարող են զգալի վնասներ պատճառել Հայաստանի դիրքերին, եթե ներդրողն ի վիճակի լինի հաղթել:

Armenian ambassador meets new Romanian FM

Armenian ambassador meets new Romanian FM



16:18, 22 August, 2019

YEREVAN, AUGUST 22, ARMENPRESS. Armenian Ambassador to Romania Sergei Minasyan had a meeting on August 21 with the country’s new Minister of Foreign Affairs Ramona Nicole Mănescu, the Armenian foreign ministry said in a news release.

Minasyan congratulated Mănescu on taking office and wished good luck.

The sides discussed prospects of expanding bilateral cooperation between Armenia and Romania “based on the centuries-old friendship between the two peoples”.

FM Ramona Nicole Mănescu reassured that Romania supports the efforts of the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairmanship aimed at a peaceful and lasting resolution of the NK conflict based on pricnipes of international law.

A number of issues concerning bilateral relations were discussed, with both parties highlighting the need to strengthen inter-parliamentary ties, boost bilateral trade, develop cooperation in culture and education and activate contacts in security sector. Both sides also attached importance to the Armenian community’s role in Romania which is actively involved in strengthening bilateral relations and preservation of Armenian identity.

The ambassador thanked the Romanian people and government for the caring attitude towards the Romanian-Armenian community and the Armenian cultural-historical legacy in Romania.

Frank Engel & Tatev Manukyan: Husband and Wife Cheering for Opposite Teams in Europa League

Frank Engel & Tatev Manukyan: Husband and Wife Cheering for Opposite Teams in Europa League




YEREVAN, AUGUST 23, ARMENPRESS. It’s been two years since Frank Engel and Tatev Manukyan got married.

When the couple tied the knot Engel was serving as a Member of the European Parliament representing Luxembourg, while Manukyan is a foreign affairs officer at AGBU Europe.

Now, Frank Engel is Armenia’s Honorary Consul in Luxembourg. He is also the President of the Christian Social People's Party, Luxembourg's biggest political party. 

August 22, 2019 – Vazgen Sargsyan Republican Stadium in Yerevan, Ararat Armenia are clashing with Luxembourg’s F91 Dudelange for the UEFA Europa League qualification play-off.

Seems like a serious problem for an Armenian-Luxembourgish couple in terms of whom to cheer for. But not this couple. Engel was seen together with his gorgeous Armenian wife Tatev Manukyan at the Yerevan stadium. Both were holding two flags, one Armenian and one Luxembourgish, and cheering for both their own country and the spouse's homecountry. It was a touching and sweet sight. 

Engel told ARMENPRESS that the match and the location have special significance for him, and that the importance of the match is the friendly atmosphere.

“The significance of this match is friendship. We’ve come as a friend and we feel the friendly atmosphere here. Only one of the teams will win, but we will remain friends,” Engel told ARMENPRESS at the stadium.

“Ararat-Armenia is a strong team and if it wins it will deserve the victory,” he added.

Ararat-Armenia went on to win the match 2:1. A second leg match will take place August 29th in Luxembourg and the winner will qualify for the Europa League group round.

 Edited and translated by Stepan Kocharyan


Armenia’s PM releases advisors

Aysor, Armenia
Aug 15 2019

With the decree of Armenia’s Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan Arsen Gasparyan has been dismissed from the post of chief advisor of the premier.

With another decree the prime minister released from post his advisor Mher Sahakyan on the basis of own resignation application.

Earlier the PM also released his another advisor Aram Gharibyan.

There is Armenian citizen in Azerbaijan, MoD gives no more details as for now

There is Armenian citizen in Azerbaijan, MoD gives no more details as for now




YEREVAN, AUGUST 12, ARMENPRESS. Spokesperson of the Defense Ministry of Armenia Artsrun Hovhannisyan confirms that there is an Armenian citizen in Azerbaijan at the moment.

ARMENPRESS reports Hovhannisyan wrote on his Facebook page, “I confirm that there is an Armenian citizen n Azerbaijan at the moment, but relevant bodies will inform about the circumstances, his identity and other details’’.

Edited and translated by Tigran Sirekanyan

Road to Gogavan-Guguti checkpoint closed, truck rolled over

Road to Gogavan-Guguti checkpoint closed, truck rolled over




YEREVAN, AUGUST 10, ARMENPRESS. The Armenian Embassy in Georgia informs that a trucktransporting alcohol rolled over on August 10 on the 4th km from Gogavan-Guguti checkpoint, in the Georgian section. As a result, the road to the checkpoint is closed.

As ARMENPRESS was informed from the press service of the Armenian Embassy in Georgia, the traffic is stopped at the moment, resulting a traffic congestion.  

''Relevant Georgian bodies inform that the works to take away the rolled over truck have already started and soon the road will open'', the Armenian Embassy informs.

Edited and translated by Tigran Sirekanyan

Armenpress: Three suspects arrested in August 2 bombing attack outside Yerevan

Three suspects arrested in August 2 bombing attack outside Yerevan



12:25, 3 August, 2019

YEREVAN, AUGUST 3, ARMENPRESS. The Investigative Committee of Armenia says it has solved the August 2 roadside bombing outside Yerevan.

Three suspects, aged 56, 53 and 45, have been arrested, the Investigative Committee said in a news release.

Authorities say the suspects had planted the explosive device under a small bridge at the 15th kilometer of the Yerevan-Sevan highway in Kotayk province and detonated it when two vehicles were passing by. Earlier investigators said they are treating the incident as an attempted murder. No one was injured in the blast. The suspects targeted a man whose identity has only been revealed as M. Manukyan. Although authorities did not elaborate, unconfirmed media reports suggest the target was a former politician and a prominent businessman who owns a factory nearby the scene of the blast.

The Investigative Committee did not mention what specific explosives the perpetrators used. The motive of the attack remains unclear at the moment.

Edited and translated by Stepan Kocharyan

Famous singer of the 90s Vahe Davtyan died after long sickness

Panorama, Armenia
Aug 3 2019
13:10 03/08/2019 Armenia

Armenian pop singer Vahe Davtyan, who gained popularity the 90s, passed away on Saturday after long sickness. The news of Davtyan’s death was spread on by his friends.
It is noted that Davtyan has long suffered from pancreatic cancer and over the past years received medical treatment in France.

Days ago Davtyan announced on Facebook about his decision to return to Armenia and continue struggling the sickness in the motherland.

The public will remember Davtyan from popular hits of the 90s such as “Pendulum” “Dreams” “Go”.