Analyst: Armenia Is Becoming China’s Important Partner In South Cauc


15:13, 30.03.2015

YEREVAN. – If the South Caucasus sector of the Silk Road crosses
through Armenia, this will open good prospects for the country’s
development, analyst Naira Lazarian said at a press conference
on Monday.

Reflecting on President Serzh Sargsyan’s recent state visit to China,
the analyst noted that the Silk Road economic zone holds good prospects
for the development of the country.

“And it’s very good that Armenia has expresses readiness to definitely
join this project, since it has been the Silk Road’s important transit
point for centuries, and in the 21st century, it will be good if it
can restore this position of its in the region,” Lazarian noted.

In her words, the Armenian-Chinese relations have risen to a new
level of cooperation.

“Armenia is becoming China’s important partner in the South Caucasus,”
Naira Lazarian stressed. “Since Armenia is an EEU [i.e. Russia-led
Eurasian Economic Union] member, the Silk Road is completely compatible
with the economic processes from this viewpoint, and it can have a
strategic importance for the country.”

Armenia News –

Cento anni dal genocidio armeno

L’Huffington Post – Italiano
27 mar 2015

Cento anni dal genocidio armeno

Niccolò Rinaldi , Vicepresidente Alleanza dei Liberali e dei
Democratici per l’Europa

Hitler aveva avvertito: “Chi parla ancora oggi dell’annientamento
degli armeni?” (Wer redet noch heute von der Vernichtung der
Armenier?), secondo questa frase attribuitagli nel 1939 da Louis
Lochner, capo dell’ufficio berlinese dell’Associated Press, e ripresa
in un rapporto trasmesso a Londra, il 25 agosto del 1939
dall’ambasciatore britannico sir Nevil Henderson. A cento anni esatti
dal genocidio degli armeni, possiamo rispondere: oggi sono pochi a
parlarne, a scriverne, a ricordarsi di quell’immane carneficina.

Il prossimo 24 aprile, data della commemorazione, ci sarà un
soprassalto istituzionale – qualche solenne dichiarazione, una
cerimonia, un po’ di articoli – ma poi, verosimilmente, cadrà lo
stesso silenzio che ha accompagnato finora questi mesi dell’anno del
centenario del primo genocidio del Novecento. Peccato, perché si
dovrebbe arrivare all’anniversario del 24 aprile preparati in quanto
società collettivamente consapevole del suo dovere di memoria
condivisa, e non commemorando un centenario con improvvisazione o
addirittura come si timbrerebbe il cartellino dell’atto dovuto.

“Dovere” di memoria, ma anche, soprattutto, “interesse”. Potrebbe
bastare l’attualità, la cruda cronaca di quanto accade anche agli
armeni di Aleppo, o alle altre minoranze abbattute dal sedicente Stato
Islamico, per convincersi che senza memoria siamo condannati a
rivivere gli incubi del passato – la piccola grande verità detta tante
volte, e mai capìta. Tanto più per una tragedia che ha fatto da
apripista alla sequela di atrocità del secolo, una vicenda che ha
fatto scuola, come le parole di Hitler tristemente confermavano.

Tra le poche iniziative editoriali in occasione del centenario, la
Giuntina ha pubblicato Voci ebraiche per l’Armenia, con gli scritti di
quattro intellettuali ebrei – rappresentanti di un popolo che ha fatto
della memoria una ragione di identità e di forza interiore – che
all’epoca del genocidio avevano attivato le loro antenne e recepivano
con preveggenza le conseguenze terribili di quanto avveniva.
Denunciavano il nazionalismo spinto dei Giovani Turchi, ma non sfuggì
loro nemmeno il ruolo collaborazionista della Germania, la “mentalità
sconcertante” e l’ottuso “spirito di disciplina” dei suoi funzionari
che, alleati dell’Impero Ottomano, furono complici del genocidio.

Così nel 1915, tra massacri turchi, condiscendenza tedesca,
strumentalizzazione russa, e lontananza se non indifferenza di troppi
europei, sugli armeni si riversò una furia omicida di antica data.
Dietro al milione mezzo di vittime – tutte civili, tutte morte per
esecuzioni sommarie o di stenti nelle deportazioni che non
risparmiarono né bambini né donne – si erano dati appuntamento secoli
di persecuzioni contro il primo popolo ad aver accettato, come
nazione, il cristianesimo, e sul quale si sono accaniti nella loro
storia millenaria Nabucodonosor, Serse, Alessandro, i romani, i parti,
i bizantini, i mongoli di Tamerlano, i saraceni, i crociati, fino agli
ottomani e ai curdi.

Il Novecento volle pareggiare i conti di questa lunga storia con il
suo metodo maniacale: accumulando cadaveri con il primo genocidio da
parte di un esercito regolare contro una popolazione inerme. Ammazzata
spesso all’arma bianca e con metodi efferati anche solo per
risparmiare le pallottole. Affamata fino alla morte. Sterminata in
modo da tentare di annientare questa anomalia storica quale è da
sempre la comunità armena, popolo unito dalla sua chiesa, popolo
disperso ormai in tre continenti, eppure sempre capace di resistere.
Perché la lezione del genocidio armeno è anche, come fu per la Shoah,
la capacità di risorgere, grazie anche a una conoscenza che rende più
forti. Simmetricamente, il rifiuto a riconoscere il genocidio da parte
della Turchia contemporanea, che peraltro niente avrebbe da spartire
con l’eredità ottomana, è una crepa di debolezza, l’insicurezza di chi
non riesce a fare i conti con il passato.
Ma biasimare la Turchia è ormai fuori luogo, perché ciascuno dovrebbe
assumersi le proprie responsabilità. Nemmeno gli Stati Uniti hanno
riconosciuto il genocidio, nonostante una sollecitazione del
Congresso, per non incrinare l’amicizia di un alleato prezioso, e
generoso anche di commesse militari, anche se ormai forse meno
affidabile di prima. E se il parlamento italiano, come molti altri
europei, ha riconosciuto il genocidio armeno da tempo, non per questo
possiamo dire di “conoscere” e nemmeno di “riconoscere” questo evento
per la centralità che ha nel XX secolo e per le conseguenze che si
spingono fino a noi.

Per la storia cento anni sono pochi. Allora almeno in questo 2015 si
dia un senso all’anniversario moltiplicando le occasioni: una lezione
specifica in ogni scuola superiore, iniziative diffuse da parte degli
enti locali, l’inaugurazione di qualche monumento, un’attenzione
speciale da giornali e televisioni, parole significative da parte
della politica. Siamo ancora a inizio 2015, ma non si perda altro
tempo: non possiamo mica dare ragione a Hitler.

De l’actualité du génocide des Arméniens, par Ara Toranian

De l’actualité du génocide des Arméniens, par Ara Toranian

2015 s’annonçait comme une année décisive pour la connaissance et la
reconnaissance publique du génocide arménien. Et si l’on procède au
bout de ce trimestre à un premier bilan d’étape, elle est en train de
tenir ses promesses. Rien qu’en France, pas moins de 60 livres sur la
question ont été publiés depuis un an. Le président de la République
s’est personnellement impliqué dans ce combat. Plusieurs oeuvres de
fictions cinématographiques et documentaires ont déjà été diffusées ou
sont en cours de préparation. Les conférences se multiplient sur tout
le territoire et un grand colloque international, de dimension
exceptionnelle par le nombre d’intervenants et leur qualité est
organisé dans les plus prestigieuses universités de la capitale. Et la
presse commence à ouvrir ses colonnes à cette page honteuse de

Sur le plan européen le Parlement de Strasbourg a adopté le 17 mars
une résolution enjoignant tous ses États membres, et surtout la
Turquie à reconnaître le génocide. Aux États-Unis, on voit également
naître une mobilisation sans précédent, autour d’initiatives qui
réunissent les plus importantes autorités morales du pays, comme Élie
Wiesel, ou ses figures les plus populaires, à l’instar de l’acteur
Georges Clooney, très engagé dans les causes humanitaires. Le 18 mars,
39 élus du Congrès américain ont appelé à une reconnaissance pleine et
entière du crime par le Président Obama. En Russie, Vladimir Poutine a
d’ores et déjà fait savoir qu’il se rendrait à la commémoration
internationale du génocide qui aura lieu le 24 avril à Erevan. Une
cérémonie qui s’annonce comme le point d’orgue des manifestations du
souvenir, mais non comme un point final de la mobilisation. Tout
indique en effet que les événements vont prendre encore plus d’ampleur
durant l’année, à commencer en France par la grande exposition au
cours de laquelle, pendant deux mois et demi, la Mairie de Paris
accueillera le mémorial du génocide de Dzidzernagapert. Sans compter
d’autres initiatives qu’il serait prématuré d’évoquer.

Tous ces éléments tendent à montrer non seulement la mobilisation du
monde arménien à l’occasion de ce triste anniversaire, mais également
une certaine prise de conscience internationale quant à la nécessité
de revenir sur le génocide de 1915, à l’heure où une actualité
régionale récente a remis au centre de l’attention des crimes dont le
modèle plonge précisément dans cette expérience. Et ce, tant au niveau
de la sauvagerie de leur mode opératoire, que de leurs soubassements
idéologiques. Djihadisme aujourd’hui, panislamisme puis panturquisme
mtiné de fanatisme religieux hier, il s’agit dans tous les cas de
totalitarismes, qui trouvent leur ancrage dans un même socle
dogmatique et qui conspirent avec la même obsession à l’abolition de
toute forme de différence spirituelle ou culturelle dans leur sphère
d’influence – a fortiori à l’égard d’entités aussi hérétiques à leurs
yeux que peut l’être l’Arménie.

Il ne se passe plus un jour sans que l’on ait à déplorer les
conséquences dramatiques de ces doctrines sur les chrétiens d’Orient,
les Yézidis, les Kurdes, les forces démocratiques. On en retrouve
également la trace dans les stratégies d’étouffement visant cette
petite aire d’altérité qui résiste, vaille que vaille, entre Erevan et
Stépanakert. Ces boucheries qui puisent aujourd’hui leur source dans
un djihadisme échevelé, lui-même objectivement encouragé par les
velléités ottomanistes des autorités turques actuelles, donnent une
résonance particulière à la commémoration du génocide. Elles montrent
qu’en cent ans, rien n’a hélas beaucoup changé dans cette zone : les
mécanismes qui ont conduit à l’éradication des Arméniens, des
chrétiens, des Yézidis ou des Juifs sont toujours à l’oeuvre. Et, faute
d’avoir instruit en temps et en heure le procès de ces idéologies
criminelles, comme on a réglé le sort du nazisme après la Deuxième
Guerre mondiale, ou comme les ex-peuples soviétiques ont fait celui du
stalinisme, elles continuent à produire leurs effets dévastateurs. Pas
seulement au Moyen-Orient. En témoigne la vague de terrorisme sans
précédent à laquelle doivent faire face les démocraties.

Ce qui est en train de se jouer, avec ce centième anniversaire du
génocide de 1915, n’a pas seulement trait à la justice – ô combien
tardive ! – pour le peuple arménien, au besoin impérieux de rattraper
le temps perdu en matière de réparations ou au combat pour la dignité
humaine. Les enjeux sont aussi liés à la défense de ces poches
d’exception culturelle, dont celle du Haut-Karabagh, qui n’ont pas
encore été englouties par le fléau du totalitarisme religieux et de
l’expansionnisme, en particulier dans ses versions actuelles, qu’elles
soient ottomanistes ou djihadistes. Il s’agit, en filigrane, de
réactiver une résistance démocratique susceptible de faire barrage à
une barbarie multiforme, qu’on n’a pas voulu éradiquer il y a cent ans
et qui ressurgit aujourd’hui, sous d’autres masques.

Ara Toranian

dimanche 29 mars 2015,
Ara (c)

Genocide Prevention Resolution adopted by UN Human Rights Council me

Genocide Prevention Resolution adopted by UN Human Rights Council
message to entire world – experts

11:33 * 29.03.15

The Armenia-submitted Genocide Prevention Resolution, which was
adopted at the 28th session of the UN Human Rights Council, proves
that Armenia is struggling not only for recognition of the Armenian
Genocide, but also for preventing further genocides, Director of the
Institute of Oriental Studies Ruben Safrastyan told

This most important initiative succeeded. Armenia is thus not only
showing its concern, but is also taking specific steps.

“This way of action must become one of our diplomatic priorities,” Mr
Safaryan said.

As regards the importance of the resolution in the context of
international recognition and condemnation of the Armenian Genocide,
the scholar stressed that the entire civilized world is well aware
Armenia’s initiative is no coincidence.

Expert in Turkic studies Ruben Melkonyan says that genocide prevention
is a panhuman task, and the resolution adopted by the UN Human Rights
Council is evidence that the organization is responsible for dealing
with the humankind’s problems in the right way.

Armenia’s initiative must be considered within context of the Armenian
Genocide centennial.

“We can suppose that the adoption of the resolution is at least a
political ‘message’ to the entire world, particularly to Turkey. We
can regard the resolution as silent support for the opinions on the
Armenian Genocide. That is, without placing any emphasis, the UN is
condemning Turkey, urging it to admit the Armenian Genocide.”

The entire civilized world is well aware that Armenia is champion of
international recognition of the Armenian Genocide, and this is one of
Armenia’s foreign policy priorities.

Memory Matters: Gender and the Politics of Knowledge Production on t

US Official News
March 28, 2015 Saturday

Memory Matters: Gender and the Politics of Knowledge Production on the
Armenian Genocide (McMillan-Stewart Lecture on Women in the Developing


Massachusetts Institute of Technology has issued the following event detail:

Monday, April 13, 2015
Memory Matters: Gender and the Politics of Knowledge Production on the
Armenian Genocide (McMillan-Stewart Lecture on Women in the Developing

Speaker: Hourig Attarian, Melissa Bilal, and Veena Das

Time: 5:00p-7:00p

Location: 4-270

Spring 2015 McMillan-Stewart Lecture on Women in the Developing World:
Memory Matters: Gender and Politics of Knowledge Production on the
Armenian Genocide

Hourig Attarian, Concordia University, “Threading a Map, Spinning Life
Stories: Tracing Fractured Memories in the Archives”

Melissa Bilal, Columbia University, “Lullaby the Irreconcilable”

Discussant: Veena Das, Johns Hopkins University

Open to: the general public

Cost: Free

Event Dedicated To The Armenian Genocide Centennial Held In Warsaw


16:07, 27 March, 2015

YEREVAN, 27 MARCH, ARMENPRESS. On March 24, the “Solidarity” Union
of educators of Warsaw and the Embassy of the Republic of Armenia
in Poland held an event dedicated to the Centennial of the Armenian
Genocide with the title “Armenia is the First Christian Country in
the World” with the help of the Armenian-Polish Foundation. As the
Department of Press, Information and Public Relations of the Ministry
of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Armenia reports to “Armenpress”,
among the participants of the event were Ambassador of the Republic of
Armenia to Poland Edgar Ghazaryan, heads of the Mokotov and Ursinov
Districts of Warsaw, spiritual pastor of the Polish-Armenians of the
Armenian Apostolic Church, Friar Tatchat Tsaturyan and secretary Babken
Khanzadyan, members of the Armenian-Polish Foundation, representatives
of cultural associations and non-governmental organizations of the
Armenian community of Poland, as well as diplomats, intellectuals
and journalists.

During the evening, Professor Witold Vasilevsky gave a lecture devoted
to the history of the Armenian people and the Armenian Genocide,
which was followed by performances of spiritual songs by the local
Armenian choir.

MFA: Armenia Will Never Question Fact Of Armenian Genocide


18:00, 27.03.2015

YEREVAN. – International community and Armenia repeatedly stated the
need to normalize Armenian-Turkish relations without preconditions,
spokesperson for Armenian MFA Tigran Balayan told Armenian
News-NEWS.amcommenting on Turkish Foreign Minister’s statement.

“It is on the basis of this principle that the process of negotiations
with Turkey started in 2008. With this common understanding we started
the process and came to an agreement. During the contacts with our
Turkish colleagues, we publicly and clearly stated Armenia would
never put under question the fact of the Armenian Genocide or the
importance of its international recognition,” Balayan said.

In his recent interview with NTV television, Turkish FM Mevlut
Cavusoglu said relations will be settled if Armenia gives up
“allegations” about Armenian Genocide and liberates “the occupied

“As for the Karabakh issue, if Turkey wants to help, they must keep
as far away as possible from this process,” he said.

Armenia News –

Good News Of Social Networks

Society – 27 March 2015, 23:00

The Zhamanak newspaper reported that since February 14 the fake
Facebook accounts of PAP have not been updated. The newspaper has
found out that during the party’s active period, especially in the
last few months when it was preparing for a revolution, PAP had about
700 fake accounts in social networks.

Fake accounts are a unique weapon of mass destruction in Armenian
politics which are used to eliminate a persona non grata or an
undesired idea continuously and cruelly. This is not the only advantage
of fakes, of course. The mission includes glorification of leaders,
imparting their steps with national or universal importance, certainly
paired with biting at everyone who will disagree with that step or
idea, who will doubt their national or universal nature. In brief,
“fakes” are the social armor of the leading Armenian “political
subjects” in the absence of a real social and ideological base of
these subjects.

The number of PAP’s fake accounts hints how much money Tsarukyan
spent on the “bourgeois-democratic revolution”, from doorkeeper
parties and different organizations to press, fakes and “zombies”.

These expenses turned out to be meaningless when the
“bourgeois-democratic revolution” vanished, and the entire
revolutionary mass appeared in a stupid situation. Of course,
Tsarukyan knows how to spend his money, especially that part of his
money turned out to be the result of tax avoidance, in other words,
instead of the treasury the money went to the “revolutionary mass”.

However, the campaigners of this mass managed to mar the
public-political-civil field in the “pre-revolution” period with false
ideas and schemes which influenced even the knowledgeable people who
should have had the courage to think and assess independently.

In fact, interestingly, the “bourgeois-democratic revolution” with
its entire entourage turned out to be a huge fake.

It is a definitely positive thing that these fake accounts are not
being updated. However, they may be updated at any moment, as soon as
a client, money and order is in place because it is a well-trained and
experienced resource. Not only the “bourgeois-democratic revolution”
but also the entire political and economic system of Armenia is a
fake based on a fake set of values. They will not let this resource
go. The Armenian system is not capable of another level of public
and political activities.

In the meantime, the public has a chance to reveal fakes and bust
their influence. There is a favorable situation for that.

Armenia’s Proshyan Brandy Factory’s Losses From Russian Ruble Devalu


YEREVAN, March 27. /ARKA/. Armenia’s Proshyan Brandy Factory sustained
the losses totaling AMD 500 million over a period between November 2014
and March 2015 while exporting its products to Russia amid devaluation
of Russia’s ruble, Avetik Gasparyan, deputy director of the factory,
said on Friday.

He told journalists that the export of canned products inflicted
losses of about AMD 85 million, and the remaining amount was lost
from the exported spirits.

Gasparyan refrained from mentioning the exact volumes of the export
saying it was a commercial secret.

he said.

In his words, the company still continues exporting its products with
losses to retain the outlet access to which cost much to the company.

Gasparyan said the company lost some part of its turnover money and
may face problems in purchasing crude materials.

he said.

Proshyan Brandy factory was established in 1885 by Armenian benefactor
and entrepreneur Abgar Proshyan.

The factory sends its products to Russia, Germany, Israel, Greece, the
United States, the South Korea and other countries. ($1 – AMD 471.63).


Motion To Be Introduced In Canadian Parliament To Declare April Geno


March 26, 2015

Motion to be Introduced in House of Commons to declare April Genocide
Remembrance, Condemnation and Prevention Month

Ottawa – The Armenian National Committee of Canada (ANCC) is proud
to have worked closely with Mr. Brad Butt, Member of Parliament for
Mississauga – Streetsville (Conservative) on a motion to declare
April as Genocide Remembrance, Condemnation and Prevention Month and,
among other things, to mark April 24 of each year as Armenian Genocide
Memorial Day.

The ANCC urges all Canadians dedicated to the cause of preventing
future genocides and properly recognizing past genocides to make
their voices heard by writing or calling their Members of Parliament
and asking them to vote for this motion.

ANCC President Dr. Girair Basmajian said “This motion reaffirms
Canada’s commitment to the important cause of genocide prevention
and recognizes that the first step to prevention is to ensure that
we remember and condemn past genocides.” Dr. Basmajian further stated
“We are very grateful that this motion designates April 24 as Armenian
Genocide Memorial Day so that all Canadians can join with the Armenian
community to work to prevent future genocides, which is especially
important in light of the religiously and ethnically motivated violence
against minorities currently taking place in Iraq and Syria.”

The Genocide Remembrance, Condemnation and Prevention Month motion
was published on the Notice Paper today, which is the first step that
must be taken before the motion can be introduced in the House of
Commons and then brought to a vote. It is expected that the motion
will be formally introduced in the House of Commons next week by Mr.

Butt. It is also expected that other Members of Parliament will speak
in favour of the motion at that time. It is not yet clear when the
motion would be approved.

The Genocide Remembrance, Condemnation and Prevention Month motion
recalls that Canada has officially recognized four genocides (the
Holocaust, the Holodomor, the Rwandan Tutsi Genocide and the Armenian
Genocide) and that three of these genocides have a memorial day
in April, so it is appropriate to designate April of each year as
Genocide Remembrance, Condemnation and Prevention Month. The ANCC
notes that the designation of April 24 of each year as Armenian
Genocide Memorial Day in this motion is the first time that any
Canadian federal government body has formally recognized April 24 as
Armenian Genocide Memorial Day.

Motion 587

March 26, 2015- Brad Butt, Member of Parliament for
Mississauga-Streetsville, gave notice for a motion today. Motion
587 reads:

That this House re-affirm its support for

(a) the Holocaust Memorial Day Act, which received Royal Assent on
November 7, 2003;

(b) the Armenian genocide recognition resolution, adopted on April
21, 2004;

(c) the Rwandan genocide resolution, adopted on April 7, 2008; and

(d) the Ukrainian Famine and Genocide (“Holodomor”) Memorial Day Act,
which received Royal Assent on May 29, 2008;

That this House call upon the Government of Canada to honour the
victims of all genocides by recognizing the month of April as Genocide
Remembrance, Condemnation and Prevention Month; and

That this House acknowledge the associated commemorative days of

(a) Yom ha-Shoah, Holocaust Memorial Day, as determined by the Jewish
Lunar calendar;

(b) Armenian Genocide Memorial Day, April 24;

(c) Rwandan Genocide Memorial Day, April 7; and

(d) Ukrainian Famine and Genocide (“Holodomor”) Memorial Day, fourth
Saturday in November.


The ANCC is the largest and the most influential Armenian-Canadian
grassroots human rights organization. Working in coordination with
a network of offices, chapters, and supporters throughout Canada and
affiliated organizations around the world, the ANCC actively advances
the concerns of the Armenian-Canadian community on a broad range
of issues and works to eliminate abuses of human rights throughout
Canada and the world.