Revers Politique Turc, Carson City Rejette La Proposition De Monumen


Etats Unis

Statue d’Ataturk deboulonnee a Dyarbakir le 16 janvier 2015

Publie le 7 mars 2015

Par Apo Jabarian – Directeur Executif de la Publication, Directeur
de la Redaction / USA

La dernière defaite politique turque s’est produite cette semaine
dans l’etat le plus populeux de Californie, creant pour Ankara un
malaise international.

Ce mercredi, le Conseil Municipal de Carson City (Nevada) a unanimement
rejete une motion soutenue par la Turquie pour l’erection d’un monument
en l’honneur du fondateur de la Turquie Mustapha Kemal Ataturk dans le
Parc Municipal International de la Sculpture. La decision a ete prise
après un debat qui a eu lieu lors de la session ordinaire du conseil
municipal, en presence d’une foule debordante de citoyens inquiets,
largement opposes a ce projet discutable. 298 bulletins s’y sont
opposes, tandis que 101 seulement etaient favorables au monument.

Le nombre de 101 partisans est charge de symbole ; c’est le numero
de l’autoroute de l’etat de Californie qui le traverse de haut en
bas. À la grande deception des Turcs vaincus, leur projet prenait
egalement la direction du bas.

Prenant le parti des victimes du genocide et condamnant les crimes de
guerre commis par Ataturk, egalement connu sous le nom de ” Boucher
d’Anatolie “, plusieurs conseillers ont exprime leur forte opposition
et ont sèchement repousse la proposition par procuration de la Turquie.

Le projet etait presente par un obscur groupe du nom d’ ” Association
des Americains Turcs de Californie du Sud “. Selon certaines sources,
le groupe est indirectement finance par la Turquie et son projet
Ataturk est activement soutenu par le Consulat General de Turquie a
Los Angeles.

Plusieurs organisations militantes americaines et groupes ont emis
des appels a agir sous forme d’e-mail, d’appels au telephone, de fax,
et verbalement, pour le jour de la reunion du conseil.

Au cours des annees recentes, le clan des officiels turcs et ses
cohortes de negationnistes du genocide, s’efforcant d’eriger une
statue d’Ataturk dans plusieurs pays, ont essuye une serie de defaites.

En 2010, le premier ministre turc de l’epoque Erdogan, avait annule
une visite en Argentine après que les autorites la-bas aient interdit
un projet de monument en l’honneur d’Ataturk.

Dans un appel a agir avant vote, Olga Sarantopoulos, d’Operation
Antioche avait declare : ” Si cette proposition est votee, ce boucher
de l’Anatolie apparaîtra pour toujours comme un ” heros ” auprès
des generations futures de Californiens au lieu de ce qu’il est en
realite : un assassin !… Operation Antioche insiste auprès de tous
les Grecs et Levantins chretiens americains, afin qu’ils contactent
Jim Dear, maire de Carson City, et exigent de lui qu’il vote NON a
la celebration de ce monstre ! Mustafa Kemal ‘ Ataturk ‘ etait un
ancien officier de l’armee ottomane, responsable de crimes contre
l’humanite au cours de la Première Guerre Mondiale, qui combattit
ensuite pour fonder la Republique de Turquie moderne. Ataturk etait
directement responsable de la continuation du genocide des Armeniens,
des Grecs et des Assyriens, de 1919 a 1923 “.

Dans ma declaration adressee au Conseil Municipal, j’ai ecrit : ”
eriger une statue d’Ataturk, c’est comme si on erigeait une statue
a un autre auteur de genocide, Hitler, l’auteur de l’Holocauste juif.

Etant un survivant de la troisième generation du Genocide armenien
commis par les Turcs, je sais forcement que le programme genocidaire
turc qui commenca en 1915 sous le regime des Jeunes turcs, a ete
poursuivi sans relâche pendant neuf ans par Ataturk qui le termina
en 1923.

” Ataturk est connu pour ses crimes contre l’humanite – il est
tristement celèbre pour le massacre massif de Grecs, Armeniens et
Assyriens. Il est largement connu pour avoir commande le Grand Incendie
de l’ancienne ville de Smyrne en 1922 – la plus grande catastrophe de
l’histoire hellenique moderne. L’incendie avait commence quatre jours
après la reprise du contrôle par les Turcs, de la ville qui porte
aujourd’hui le nom d’Izmir. La statue proposee pour un dirigeant turc
est une insulte pour toute l’humanite et pour tous les justes ainsi que
pour les victimes de tous les genocides… Le Conseil Municipal ne peut
que rejeter cette proposition infâme, pleine de haine, et mesquine,
et ne peut que se joindre aux centaines de villes des Etats-Unis et
d’autres pays qui ont reconnu le Genocide turc contre les Armeniens,
les Grecs et les Assyriens ” ai-je conclu.

La crise s’est declaree lorsque la Consule generale de Turquie avait
pris la parole devant le conseil municipal. Les opposants se sont
leves et lui ont tourne le dos tandis qu’elle parlait. ” Je suis
ici aujourd’hui pour declarer le soutien de la Republique de Turquie
au Projet de Monument Ataturk et pour expliquer l’importance de ce
projet pour les Turcs a travers le monde “, avait dit Raife Gulru
Gezer, Consule generale de Turquie a Los Angeles. Dans un reportage en
direct de Leanne Suter d’ABC TV Channel 7, on a pu voir un industriel
turc local, Vega Sankur declarer : ” Je tiens a rendre hommage a mon
heritage. Ataturk est le George Washington de notre pays “.

La Consule generale avait sans vergogne qualifie Ataturk de ”
dirigeant mondial au grand coeur “, evoquant les references du
president Kennedy et de Winston Churchill aux ” nombreuses qualites ”
d’Ataturk. Bien sûr, la Consule generale s’est gardee d’expliquer qu’au
temps de la guerre froide entre l’Union Sovietique et l’Occident, les
dirigeants occidentaux s’efforcaient de tenir la Turquie a distance du
Kremlin. En consequence, ils abreuvaient d’eloges Ataturk – un criminel
de guerre. Cette duplicite se prolonge encore de nos jours. Rien n’a
change, pratiquement, dans le monde des neo-conservateurs economiques
et politiques a Washington et ailleurs !

Et c’est une raison suffisante qui exige de tous les militants qu’ils
reunissent constamment leurs forces.

Mme Gezer a par ailleurs tente d’amadouer les Armeniens des chambres
du conseil, en citant les noms des Armeniens qui ont ete honores
par Ataturk pour lui avoir sauve la vie en plusieurs occasions, et
en insistant sur l’hommage qu’un tel monument constituerait pour un
dirigeant remarquable, fondateur de la moderne Republique de Turquie.

Les membres des communautes armeniennes et grecques d’Amerique,
dont le Conseil Hellenique Americain, [American Hellenic Council
(AHC)], le Comite Central de la FRA de l’Ouest Americain [ARF Western
US Central Committee (ARF-WUS-CC)], le Comite National Armenien
d’Amerique [Armenian National Committee of America-WR (ANCA-WR)],
le Conseil Armenien d’Amerique [Armenian Council of America (ACA)],
la Federation de la Jeunesse Armenienne [Armenian Youth Federation
(AYF)], et les Instances Dirigeantes Armeniennes des Syndicats
Internationaux d’Employes de Service [Armenian Caucus of the Service
Employees International Union Local 721 (SEIU 721)] sont intervenues
auprès de la Chambre du Conseil pour exprimer leur vehemente opposition
a ce projet.

Barry Heads II, representant l’administrateur du bureau de
l’Assemblee Mike Gipson, a lu une lettre signee par lui-meme et
portant comme co-auteurs et cosignataires les noms d’Adrin Nazarian,
Katcho Achadjian, Scott Wilk et Mike Gatto… ” Le moment [monument]
propose… est incroyablement cynique et insultant pour la memoire de
ceux qui sont morts, et pour leur famille survivante ” lit-on dans la
lettre. ” Eriger une statue de Mustapha Kemal Ataturk, c’est ignorer
le contexte politique sensible touchant a ce personnage controverse ;
ce projet est en conflit avec la position prise par nos elus tant au
plan federal qu’a celui de l’etat. Par respect pour ceux qui sont
morts et ceux aimes qu’ils ont laisse derrière eux, nous exprimons
notre opposition “.

Le maire de la Ville de Glendale Zareh Sinanyan avait ete le premier
orateur oppose a la proposition, et il avait raconte l’histoire
personnelle de sa famille, survivante du Genocide armenien. Il
avait appris au Conseil Municipal qu’Ataturk avait ete eleve au rang
d’idole par le parti nazi et par Hitler pour la facon dont il avait
” libere ” la Turquie. Il avait dit qu’un memorial d’Ataturk c’etait
comme si on avait dedie un memorial a Hitler… ” Honorer Ataturk,
c’est honorer l’assassinat, le viol, la dictature, la repression,
le nettoyage ethnique et le genocide ” a declare le Maire Sinanyan.

Aris Ariagnos, fondateur et vice-president du Conseil Hellenique
Americain, a dit aux membres du conseil qu’il avait encore en memoire
les recits obsedants que les membres de sa famille faisaient des
crimes d’Ataturk et de ses soldats a Smyrne. Il a ensuite pose une
question opportune : ” Pourquoi une ville americaine choisirait-elle
d’honorer un general qui a combattu les Americains ? “.

Le DR Levon Marashlian a attire l’attention du conseil municipal sur
le fait qu’Ataturk a continue les crimes du genocide.

” Comme responsables elus, il nous revient d’identifier convenablement
les personnages de l’histoire reelle et de les honorer pour leur
heroïsme authentique ou le service rendu au public, et non ignorer
les faits et glorifier les canailles qui ont repandu le sang de
nos ancetres ou celui d’hommes innocents “, a declare le maire de
Montebello Jack Hadjinian. ” Ataturk a fonde la republique moderne de
Turquie sur les cendres et les os de ses minorites – Grecs, Armeniens
et autres. Ma propre famille est rescapee de l’incendie de Smyrne…

Honorer un tel personnage n’est pas une insulte aux seuls
Armeniens-Americains, c’est une insulte a tous les Americains qui
pensent que chacun est ne avec le droit a la vie, a la liberte et a
la recherche du bonheur… Ataturk a mille fois denie ces droits… Il
est regrettable que le maire de Carson ait cru devoir inviter sa ville
a honorer un negationniste de genocide, en proposant un monument
aussi inopportun “, a souligne le secretaire de mairie de Glendale
Ardashes Kassakhian.

Avant la preparation de la motion pour rejeter le monument, le
conseiller Robles avait declare : ” Je pense que l’idee du Maire Dear
de creation du ” Jardin de Sculpture ” en vue de promouvoir une paix
internationale est une grande idee. Mais ce genre de monument donnerait
a notre ville une notoriete mauvaise “. Il avait ete rapidement
soutenu par le conseiller et maire par interim Elito Santarina.

Initialement, le Maire Dear avait annonce son intention de renvoyer
le vote et la discussion de l’affaire. Mais la conseillère Lula
Davis-Holmes argumenta en faveur d’un vote immediat pour plus
de transparence. Son initiative a ete vivement soutenue par
les conseillers Robles et Santarina, declenchant des tonnerres
d’applaudissements dans beaucoup de travees.

La-dessus, le Maire Dear reprit l’operation de vote prevu sur l’agenda,
annoncant que le vote serait fait electroniquement. À ce stade, il
etait deja clair que les conseillers Robles, Davis-Holmes et Santarina
voteraient non. Le Maire Dear qui etait a l’origine en faveur de la
proposition, avait exprime de fortes reserves sur ce point et changea
son vote. Il prit près de dix minutes pour parler des atrocites qui
eurent lieu au cours du Genocide armenien et proposa ensuite l’idee
d’une autre statue symbolisant et induisant ” la reconciliation entre
Armeniens et Turcs “.

Tout simplement ? Dans la conversation en prive que j’ai eue après
la reunion avec le Maire Dear, je revenais sur sa proposition de
rechercher la reconciliation entre Armeniens et Turcs. Je mentionnais
en particulier l’importance d’une veritable reconciliation basee sur
la justice. Precisant ma pensee, je dis : ” Que Dieu vous en preserve,
mais supposez qu’un voisin tue vos parents, qu’il saisisse illegalement
leurs biens, puis reapparaisse après beaucoup d’annees, niant avoir
commis un crime contre vos parents, en offrant de se reconcilier
sans faire aucunement amende honorable. Accepteriez-vous ce genre
de reconciliation ? ‘. Le Maire Dear repondit ; ” Bien sûr que non
! “. Ainsi, avant que quiconque ne propose une reconciliation entre
Turcs et Armeniens, il devrait d’abord assurer une reconciliation
turque-turque avec une histoire turque empreinte de crimes contre
l’humanite ; et ensuite s’assurer que les Turcs sont prets a demander
pardon pour toutes les victimes du genocide execute par les Turcs
contre les Armeniens, les Grecs et les Assyriens. Et c’est seulement
après un tel processus qu’une reconciliation veritable est possible.

Quelques jours avant cette dernière defaite politique turque a Carson
City, un auteur turc Pinar Tremblay d’Al-Monitor ecrivait : ” Que
nous soyons d’accord avec les motivations de la Diaspora armenienne
ou non, la victoire des Armeniens-Americains sur le groupe Gephardt
devrait etre reconnue comme une reussite importante. Harut Sassounian
explique dans un article que Los Angeles annule un contrat de 845
000 dollars avec le groupe de pression turc Gephardt). Au cours de ce
court mois de fevrier, nous avons ete temoins du fiasco de Starbucks
Public Relations… Lorsque nous lisons tous ces evenements, nous
voyons que les Armeniens-Americains forment un groupe uni, determine
de militants avec des objectifs clairs. Ils sont bien organises. Leurs
succès sont le resultat d’annees d’efforts tenaces. Il y a des lecons
importantes a apprendre de leur experience de militants civils –
pas seulement pour les Turcs, mais pour beaucoup de groupes divers “.

Un jour viendra où non seulement les propositions nouvelles d’erection
de monuments a Ataturk dans divers pays seront rejetees, mais où les
monuments existants en Turquie meme seront renversees et detruites
par des justes turcs. Ce sera la consequence logique d’un processus
d’auto-nettoyage mental conduisant a la restitution et a la justice.

Et ce ne sera qu’a ce moment-la que les victimes, Armeniens, Grecs
et Assyriens, seront heureux de se reconcilier avec ces Turcs bons
et courageux dont le nombre grandit de jour en jour !

Traduction Gilbert Beguian pour Armenews

mardi 10 mars 2015, Jean Eckian (c)

Armenia Steps Back From Democracy, US Ambassador Says


YEREVAN, March 10. /ARKA/. Armenia has taken a step back on its way to
democracy, US ambassador to Armenia Richard Mills said in commenting
the recent developments in relation to the Prosperous Armenia Party

Any democracy needs opposition that ensures the accountability of
the government, the ambassador said in his interview to,
as cited by Novosti-Armenia.

Mills said active political opposition is one of Armenia strengths.

The ambassador expressed concerns over the recent developments when
the government used its power for selective application of the law.

Speaking on February 12 at a meeting of the ruling Republican Party
of Armenia, president Serzh Sargsyan criticized harshly the leader of
Prosperous Armenia party tycoon Gagik Tsarukian and said Tsarukian,
as a political actor, is an evil for the country. The president signed
a decree withdrawing Tsarukian from the national security council
due to his systematic failure to attend the council meetings. The
president also instructed to look into cases of the tycoon’s absence
in the parliament sessions and the rumors about his tax evasion.

The leader of the Prosperous Armenia, in turn, said the reason for the
president’s statements is his refusal to contribute to the reproduction
of the political power through a constitutional reform.

In particular, the tycoon said he refused to become a president
after the country turns to parliamentary form through constitutional

The PAP was going to hold a rally on February 20, together with two
other opposition parties, Armenian national Congress and the Heritage,
but cancelled the rally later. PAP leader Gagik Tsarukian urged people
to solve problems only through peaceful, legal and political means.

At the PAP congress on March 5 Tsarukian resigned as party leader and
nominated Naira Zohrabyan who made a statement saying the PAP moved
into opposition. -0–

Gang Wars: Analysts In Armenia See Link Between Criminal Underworld


SOCIETY | 10.03.15 | 15:53

ArmeniaNow reporter

A series of recent high-profile gang fights and murders in Armenia
are widely believed to have a connection, direct or indirect, with
the latest internal political developments in which a tycoon leading
a major opposition-leaning party has been made to quit politics.

The local media are rife with information and speculation about
shootouts and killings involving top crime figures.

On March 4, three men with alleged ties to the criminal underworld
were shot dead by unknown gunmen in broad daylight near a prison in
the Yerevan suburb of Nubarashen. The killed were identified as Mesrop
Melikyan, Levon Ghazaryan (a.k.a. Yerordmastsi Lyovik) and Drastamat
Tadevosyan (a.k.a. Dero). The media immediately speculated that the
killings were part of a gang war under way in Armenia.

Another shootout took place in Gyumri on March 7, during which six were
hospitalized with gunshot and stab wounds. The late-night gun battle
in the center of Armenia’s second largest city of Gyumri followed
reports about another high-profile killing of a local crime lord.

Police in the Shirak province said five people were arrested on
charges related to the March 7 shootout.

It is interesting that such activity in the criminal underworld is
taking place against the backdrop of internal political developments
in which Prosperous Armenia Party leader Gagik Tsarukyan effectively
walked away from a decisive showdown with President Serzh Sargsyan
after coming under huge government pressure last month.

Tsarukyan, an affluent businessman, stepped down as party leader
and announced that he will no longer engage in political activities
earlier this month.

Many analysts suggest that the events taking place in the criminal
world may be a reflection of the political reality considering that
there are quite a few individuals with alleged criminal ties on both
sides of the political fence in Armenia.

Stepan Safaryan, the founding director of the Armenian Institute of
International and Security Affairs, also sees a direct connection here.

“In Armenia and in other post-Soviet countries the government possesses
three resources – money, criminal and administrative resources, and
if a shift of balance takes place among our government groupings,
that also directly affects the picture of government resources and
vice versa. Now a large grouping inside the government is being pushed
out and a vacuum has been created, and since inside the government
there was a system of restrictions, now the opponents continue the
war. There are old offences and taking advantage of the opportune
moment they solve those problems,” Safaryan said, adding that even
though little is known about the incident that took place near
the Nubarashen prison, that crime as well is somehow linked to the
government. “It turns out that some prominent members of the ruling
Republican Party of Armenia attended the funerals of the killed men,
this means there are some links,” Safaryan claimed. (ArmeniaNow could
not confirm this information independently).

High-profile shootings and murders involving top crime figures are not
frequent in Armenia, but when they do happen they usually create a lot
of speculation. It is interesting that international media reported
about a meeting of top crime figures of the former Soviet Union known
as “thieves in law” that allegedly took place in the Armenian resort
town of Tsakhkadzor in early January. Reports claimed it proved the
largest meeting attended by post-Soviet crime lords in years.

Armenia’s Outward Migration Grew By 12% In 2014 – Expert


YEREVAN, March 10. /ARKA/. Armenia’s outward migration grew by 10-12%
in 2014 against 2013 and exceeded 47,000 people, as compared to
42,000 in 2013, ex-head of Armenia’s central bank Bagrat Asatryan
told reporters on Tuesday.

This increase indicates the economic situation has worsened, the
expert said.

According to the information from the electronic border control system,
the 2014 traffic totaled 5,510,900 passengers, compared to 4,983,900
passengers in 2013.

Number of arrivals (without identification) totaled 2,734,596 (10.4%
increase), and the number of departures was 2,776,268 (10.7%) in
the period.

Number of resident population totaled 3,010,600 people in Armenia as
of January 1, 2015, 6,500 people less than on January 1, 2014, the
National Statistical Service says based on the 2011 census data. -0–

Family Returned To Armenia From Azerbaijan Charged With A Criminal O


03.10.2015 17:09

Spouses Yeghishe Gevorgyan and Ruzanna Mardanyan, who repatriated to
Armenia from Azerbaijan with their three children, have been charged
with Article 329.1 of the RA criminal code for crossing the guarded
state border of the Republic of Armenia without relevant documents
or permits, reported, citing the National Security Service.

Recall, that Azerbaijan transferred the Armenian family back to Armenia
last December. On January 10, 2010, the family illegally crossed into
Azerbaijan in order to transfer to a third country.

Armenia Left Out Of EEU


Naira Hayrumyan, Political Commentator
Comments – 10 March 2015, 15:49

The presidents of Kazakhstan, Russia and Belarus Nursultan Nazarbayev,
Vladimir Putin and Alexander Lukashenko will have a three-party
meeting in Astana on March 13 and discuss economic cooperation and
international problems, the press service of the head of state of
Kazakhstan informed.

“The sides will discuss issues of deepening trade and economic
cooperation among the three countries. Besides, the presidents are
going to discuss the tendencies in the global economy, as well as
the situation in Ukraine,” the message holds.

This is a three-party meeting and formally it is not related to the
Eurasian Union, neither is the topic of the meeting. This arouses a
number of questions relating to the Eurasian Union, as well as the
membership of Armenia.

Putin, Nazarbayev and Lukashenko can, of course, hold trilateral,
or even bilateral meetings. However, since the creation of the
Eurasian Union, these meetings should logically take place within the
Eurasian Economic Union. And the fact that a three-party meeting is
going to discuss economic issues in a non-Eurasian context may imply
some tendencies.

First, it is not ruled out that the leaders of the “Eurasian troyka”
do not take the EEU seriously as a political organization and they
needed it to oppose the European Union. Economic issues are also dealt
with in a three-party format. In addition, the fourth member of the
Eurasian Economic Union Armenia has no shared borders and is not part
of the Eurasian space. Therefore, they have not invited Serzh Sargsyan.

Second, March 15 is the deadline of nomination of presidential
candidates in Kazakhstan, and Nazarbayev has most probably invited
Putin and Lukashenko to get their “approval” of his nomination or
his farewell (nomination of his successor).

Third, it is not ruled out that Serzh Sargsyan has been invited to
this meeting but he has refused for a certain reason. In order not
to highlight the absence of Sargsyan at the Eurasian table they have
decided to hold a three-party meeting.

The latter is the most interesting one. How have been the heads
of Eurasian member states getting on since January 2? Formally,
everything is fine but in reality there are no contacts among them,
at least official ones.

Moreover, in a week after the tragedy in Gyumri on January 12 Putin and
Sargsyan had a telephone conversation, it is not known whose initiative
it was. Two months have passed since the membership of Armenia to the
Eurasian Economic Union, and the leaders of Armenia and Russia have
not got synchronized. Exports to Russia have almost stopped. Moscow
has not explained why the EEU praised by him is only harming Armenia.

The dependence of Armenia’s domestic policy on Russia has also
changed. Over these two months Hovik Abrahamyan and Gagik Tsarukyan
have visited Moscow and their visits were a failure. Abrahamyan has
not been able to agree on the gas price, and after his return Gagik
Tsarukyan was shamefully overthrown from the Armenian Olymp. This
may mean that the “telephone” has broken down.

The impression is that the leaders of Armenia and Russia understand
that public demonstration of mutual dissatisfaction will tear the
Eurasian patchwork apart. For its part, it may result in unpredictable

However, one day they will have to meet and talk.

Information About Mining In Armenia Should Be Available To Public- E


YEREVAN, March 9. /ARKA/. Information about mining in Armenia should
be available to public, Levon Galstyan, a member of the Pan-Armenian
Environmental Front, said on Monday.

“In accordance with the Declaration of Independence of Armenia,
natural resources are our people’s property, and it is natural that
our country citizens has a right to know who uses these resources
and how they are used,” he said.

Galstyan told journalists that the Pan-Armenian Environmental Front had
asked the Armenian energy ministry to provide it information related
to mining companies’ activities in the country, mines, volumes of
the processed ore and inspections, but the ministry had declined the
request saying that the information contained geological data.

“If data about mines and processed ore are considered geological
information in Armenia, then it is senseless to speak about freedom
of using these data,” he said.

In his words, resources that are extracted and used after processing
and receiving concentrates are considered useful materials, while
wastes sent to tailing pounds are viewed dangerous and poisonous.

“Today nobody in Armenia know what substances are in our country’s 22
tailing pounds, where about one billion tons of accumulated wastes
are kept, and nobody knows what threat they pose and what useful
materials are kept there,” Galstyan said.

In his words, if people leaving nearby have no information, they
can’t be protected from danger.

“This problem need a serious approach from the government, but we
see nothing today and mining companies in Armenia are allowed to do
whatever they want,” he said.

Some 460 mines are being developed now in Armenia. Their total
territory is about 10,000 hectares. –0——

Residents Of Old Northern Avenue Buildings To Protest Continued Evic


03.09.2015 19:50

15 residents of the buildings at 23, 25 Teryan Str. and 37 Lalayants
Str. have received letters stating that they cannot sell their
apartments to anyone except for the Local Developers Company. spoke to Mer Kaghake (Our City) initiative member and Teryan
23 resident Vardan Geravetyan (pictured) who noted that the residents
were not content with that option. The company offers them either 2 1/2
times lower than the market value for their apartments, or apartments
in a newly constructed building nearby. Geravetyan stressed that they
were not happy with the second offer wither because the conditions
in the said building are insufficient.

By the RA government’s decree from 2002, the buildings at 23, 25
Teryan Str. and 37 Lalayants Str. were announced eminent domain,
and Local Developers received the rights to construction on that site.

In 2007, the residents began to fight for their private property.

Initially, they demanded that the developers construct a facade that
would correspond with that of the newly built buildings. However,
in August 29, 2013, the government decided to engage the buildings
in a sales process for the fourth time, which would put the deadline
at June 1, 2015.

According to Vardan Geravetyan, Local Developers Company owner Samvel
Mayrapetyan, who is a close associate of the RA second president
Robert Kocharyan, has appealed to the court, demanding the eviction
of the residents.

Geravetyan noted that they have started a new wave of protests in
order to prevent the eviction. Tomorrow a protest will take place in
front of the court building. The residents have also prepared letters
presenting their demands, which they will send to NA factions.

The latter buildings are among the last old structures of Northern
Avenue. Under Robert Kocharyan’s presidency the whole territory was
announced eminent domain and a large portion of former residents were
evicted from their homes by force. They refused to leave their homes
due to their dissatisfaction with the level of compensation they were
offered, which was a few times lower than market value.

NA Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Artak Zakaryan Hopes To See


20:11, 9 March, 2015

YEREVAN, 9 MARCH, ARMENPRESS. Chairman of the Standing Committee on
Foreign Relations of the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia
Artak Zakaryan received on March 9 Ambassador Extraordinary and
Plenipotentiary of Israel to the Republic of Armenia Shmuel Meirom
and Head of the Department for Europe and Asia of the Ministry
of Foreign Affairs of Israel Odette Joseph. As the staff of the
Standing Committee on Foreign Relations of the National Assembly of
the Republic of Armenian reports to “Armenpress”, Artak Zakaryan
attached importance to the development and strengthening of the
existing relations between the National Assembly and the Knesset,
mentioning that they are very passive.

Touching upon the Centennial of the Armenian Genocide, Artak Zakaryan
voiced hope that the newly elected deputies of the Knesset, as
elected representatives of a nation having experienced genocide,
would participate in the ceremonies for the commemoration of the
Armenian Genocide to be held in Yerevan in April. The chairman of
the Standing Committee on Foreign Relations of the National Assembly
mentioned that Armenia has attached importance and, on the occasion of
the Centennial, attaches more importance to the positions of friendly
countries on the recognition of the Armenian Genocide.

"Woman In The Work Of Krikor Zohrab"


By MassisPost
Updated: March 9, 2015

ATHENS (News Network, “Armenia”) — As part of the series of events
dedicated to the 100ary of the Armenian Genocide, the Hellenic-Armenian
Studies Center organized on Saturday March 7, 2014 at the Greek
Cultural Circle “Phanos” (Lantern) in Piraeus an event entitled
“Woman in the Work of Krikor Zohrab”

Writer Joseph Kassesian presented the life and work of the great
Armenian patriot, writer and politician and actors Laurance Menentian
and Haik Kassardjian red Zohrab’s short stories, A Happy Death, A
Magdalene, Tefarik and Zavoulon, translated into Greek. Mr. Kassesian
analyzed the character of the heroine of each of the short stories
and commented on Zohrab’s style and social philosophy.

According to the lecturer, Krikor Zohrap was part of a generation
of intellectuals that had a very important role in the Armenian
culture, a generation that came to life after decades of incubation
that included the creation of an Armenian bourgeoisie in the Ottoman
Empire, the opening of a big number of schools, the publication of
numerous newspapers and reviews, the graduation of hundreds of Armenian
students from European universities etc. The loss of that generation,
underlined Mr. Kassesian, left the Armenian Diaspora intellectually
leaderless and created in the cultural development of the Armenian
nation a gap that was not filled up since. From that point of view,
concluded the lecturer, one would be completely justified to say that
the Armenian Genocide is still giving its evil fruits.