La Sous-Secretaire D’Etat Americaine Demande De Faire Un Geste Human



L’ensemble de la presse couvre la visite a Erevan de la sous-secretaire
d’Etat americaine, Victoria Nuland, qui s’est entretenue avec le
President Sarkissian et le Ministre des AE, et qui a eu une rencontre
a huis clos avec des representants de la societe civile. Plusieurs
questions ont figure a l’ordre du jour de ses entretiens avec les
officiels armeniens : les echanges economiques armeno-americains,
le règlement du conflit du HK et les questions d’actualite regionale,
les manifestations du centenaire du Genocide armenien, les reformes
democratiques en Armenie etc. Le President Sarkissian a remercie
les Etats-Unis pour sa mediation dans le règlement du conflit du HK,
ainsi que pour l’aide consentie a l’Armenie depuis l’independance. La
sous-secretaire d’Etat americaine s’est egalement rendue au Memorial
du Genocide pour une >. Elle l’a decrite comme une > de sa visite a Erevan.

Lors d’une conference de presse, la sous-secretaire d’Etat
s’est felicitee du soutien des Etats-Unis a l’Armenie depuis son
independance, en termes de reformes democratiques, de croissance
economique, de prosperite et de paix. Elle a forme le souhait de son
pays d’approfondir ce partenariat : .

S’agissant des relations armeno-turques, la sous- secretaire
d’Etat a rappele que Washington suivait de très près le processus
de normalisation des relations armeno-turques et continuera a
le soutenir. En depit du retrait par le President Sarkissian des
protocoles armeno-turcs de l’agenda de l’AN, Washington considère
qu’Erevan n’a pas renonce a ce processus et qu’il est important pour
la partie americaine que celui-ci se poursuive.

Par ailleurs, evoquant le conflit du HK, Mme Nuland a fait part de
la preoccupation de Washington quant a l’escalade sur la ligne de
contact et sur la frontière armeno-azerbaïdjanaise. Elle a dit avoir
parle aux Presidents Aliev et Sarkissian de l’imperatif de mettre un
terme a l’effusion de sang.

<< Il N’Y A Pas Un Plan D’eradication Concertee Des Chretiens D’orie


ENTRETIEN avec Bernard Heyberger, historien, directeur d’études a
l’Ã~Icole des hautes études en sciences sociales (1).

Ce spécialiste des chrétiens d’Orient retrace cent ans de présence
chrétienne au Moyen-Orient. Il resitue les massacres qui ont émaillé
leur histoire aux XIXe et XXe siècles dans le cadre de la montée
des nationalismes.

La Croixâ~@~I : Le génocide arménien, qui a causé la mort de
1,2 a 1,5 million de personnes et abouti a la quasi-disparition
de la présence chrétienne en Turquie, était-il un prélude aux
violences actuelles et a l’élimination des chrétiens de tout le
Moyen-Orientâ~@~I ?

Bernard Heybergerâ~@~I : Il ne faut pas imaginer qu’il existerait un
fanatisme atavique et violent qui remonterait aux origines de l’islam.

Le génocide arménien relève surtout d’une logique nationaliste.

L’empire ottoman avait essayé de se construire comme une nation,
mais il suscita la création de communautés minoritaires qui, avec
le soutien des puissances occidentales, négocièrent en son sein
des statuts d’exception.

Les maronites, les assyro-chaldéens, les Arméniens, rêvaient tous
de créer leur nation. Le projet de nation turque fut une réaction
face a l’échec du projet ottoman. Le nationalisme turc, lui, ne
pouvait tolérer le nationalisme arménien sur son territoire…

Qu’en est-il des massacres des assyro-chaldéens, qui ont fait autour
de 400 000 morts pendant la même périodeâ~@~I ?

B. H.â~@~I : Selon moi, le terme de génocide s’applique bien a
l’éradication planifiée et systématique des Arméniens par des
troupes spéciales de l’armée ottomane. En revanche, et je renvoie
aux travaux de l’historienne Florence Hellot-Bellier (2), qualifier
les violences contre les assyro-chaldéens est plus complexe.

Ces populations, qui vivaient aux frontières des empires ottoman,
russe et perse, ont sans doute davantage été les victimes d’un
effondrement de l’Ã~Itat et du chaos et des vengeances qui en ont
résulté. La situation actuelle en Irak et en Syrie aujourd’hui y
ressemble plutôt.

On ne peut donc parler de plan systématique a l’heure actuelleâ~@~I ?

B. H.â~@~I : Non, je ne crois pas a un plan d’éradication concertée
des chrétiens d’Orientâ~@~I : ils sont davantage victimes des
rivalités entre sunnites et chiites, entre factions islamistes
rivales. Il est toujours plus facile de prendre leurs ressources
aux populations minoritaires – en l’occurrence les chrétiens, mais
aussi les yézidis, etc. – qu’aux musulmans, surtout lorsque l’on se
présente comme de ” bons musulmans ”â~@~I !

Les violences contre les chrétiens donnent même de la légitimité
a ceux qui les commettent, de même que les actes de brigandage a
leur égard peuvent être présentés par leurs auteurs comme des
actes islamiques conformes a la charia. Ce discours passe d’autant
mieux auprès de la population que c’est celui qui est enseigné a
l’école dans de nombreux pays musulmans…

La période du nationalisme arabe, entre 1950 et 1980, constitue-t-elle
une parenthèse enchantée dans la présence chrétienne au
Moyen-Orient ?

B. H.â~@~I : Il est vrai que beaucoup y ont cru et sont parvenus a
s’en sortir en adhérant a cette idéologie.

Mais le nationalisme arabe s’est soldé par des défaites politiques
et militaires successives, notamment face a IsraÔl, et par la mise en
place de régimes autoritaires et populistes qui n’ont pas empêché
la montée de l’islamisme, ou qui l’ont même aidé, en particulier
par leur politique scolaire et culturelle.

Les chrétiens non coptes ont été victimes du régime de Nasser, qui
a expulsé les ” Shawâm ”, d’origine libano-syrienne, qui formaient
une forte minorité en Ã~Igypte. En Syrie, les nationalisations des
entreprises et de l’enseignement par le Baas, dans les années 1960,
ont poussé bien des chrétiens a l’exil.

Cette mémoire tragique a-t-elle été panséeâ~@~I ?

B. H.â~@~I : Non, pas suffisamment. L’histoire des massacres a Damas
et au Liban en 1860, de ceux commis en Anatolie dès les années
1890 ou pendant la guerre civile libanaise (1975-1990) n’est toujours
pas digérée.

Aujourd’hui, après de tels conflits, la communauté internationale
mettrait en place un processus de réconciliation, des procédures
d’indemnisations des victimes… Cela n’a pas été le cas ici.

Retrouvez un supplément spécial sur les chrétiens d’Orient dans
La Croix du 18 février.

Recueilli par Anne-Bénédicte Hoffner

(1) Auteur de Les Chrétiens au Proche-Orient, Payot, 160 p., 16 â~B¬.

(2) Chroniques de massacres annoncés, les assyro-chaldéens d’Iran
et du Hakkari face aux ambitions des empires, Geuthner, 2014, 55 â~B¬.

mercredi 25 février 2015, Stéphane ©

Problem Of Armenian Refugees From Azerbaijan Requires Political Solu


YEREVAN, February 25. /ARKA/. Armenia’s authorities should solve the
problem of the Armenian refugees from Azerbaijan at a political level,
former foreign minister of Nagorno-Karabakh Republic Arman Melikyan
said on the air on Sputnik-Armenia radio channel.

“The refugees’ problem is not a consequence of Artsakh problem, but a
key to settlement. Hence, all the sides try to level it out and show
that no problems of Armenian refugees exist,” Melikyan said.

According to Melikyan, it is the Armenian authorities who should
take the first step and commit themselves to protection of the rights
of the Armenian refugees from Azerbaijan, but at a political level,
which implies certain legal steps, Novosti-Armenia reported.

Previous legal measures, particularly the granting of the Armenian
citizenship to all refugees retroactively, contained violations of
the law, he said. In fact, they obtained citizenship without knowing
it and without having agreed to it, he added.

Melikyan said he has been dealing with refugees’ problems for ten
years now and they demand material and moral compensation. These
demands were formulated and put across, but the authorities seem to
have agreed to skip the problem after the Madrid principles.

“Armenia’s authorities did their best to show the problem of Armenian
refugees from Azerbaijan is solved in Armenia through integration, and
it does not exist anymore. This, softly speaking, is a crime against
refugees who experienced the grossest violation of their rights,”
Melikyan said.

According to official information, some 32 Armenians were killed and
14,000 fled the town of Sumgait in Azerbaijan after the massacres, in
fact supported by the Azerbaijani authorities and with the connivance
of the Soviet government, in the period from February 6 to February
29, 1988. Killings of Armenians and ethnical cleansing continued later
in other Azerbaijani towns, particularly in Baku in January 1990. As
a result, some 500,000 Armenian refugees left Azerbaijan. -0–

The Destiny Of Print Media


Mirror Spectator
Editorial 2-28 Feb 2015

By Edmond Y. Azadian

When influential publications such as the Christian Science Monitor or
Newsweek decided to drop their print versions and survive in an online
format only, many people began writing the obituary of print media.

But when the New York Times released the global issue of its
200-plus-page weekly magazine (by “reimagining a magazine”) one is
reminded of Mark Twain’s famous quote, “the reports about my death
have been greatly exaggerated.”

In the February 22, 2015 issue of the “reimagined magazine,” we read:
“This magazine is 119 years old; nearly four million people read it
in print every weekend. It did not need to be dismantled, sawed into
pieces or drilled full of holes. Instead, we have set out to honor the
shape of the magazine as it has been, while creating something that
will, we hope, strike you as a version you have not read before …

ideas about the relationship between print and digital and animating
it all, a new spirit of inquiry that is subversive and sincere.”

We at the helm of Armenian publications have faced the dilemma of
going digital or continuing still with the print version of our
publications. When we approach potential donors to solicit funds,
we are often told that Armenian publications are still in the dark
ages and they have to be propelled into the digital era. Yet, when
publications like the Times still explore “new ideas about the
relationship between print and digital,” it means that Armenian
publications are not out of pace with the new technological
developments. Many weeklies or dailies have already stepped onto
a stage where they provide a kind of amphibious exposure to the
readership, both in print form and online. Technology has helped to
enhance the print media and will continue to do so for some time.

There is also an unmentioned truth about the Armenian publications. No
matter how much they try to appeal to the younger generation,
the majority of the readership is mostly older in age, and tend to
be those who have missed the digital fever. (Of course, like many
diasporan publications, we do have a website []
and a presence on social media.)

The definition mostly relates to diasporan publications. Two recent
examples were AIM and Yerevan magazines, which decided to be exceptions
to the pedestrian traditions of Armenian newspaper business, but did
not survive, for reasons that have yet to be fully analyzed.

The dizzying pace of technology has emancipated the printing business
from its dark ages, when 30 or 40 years ago, the Armenian publications
were being typeset letter by letter with lead typefaces.

Armenian newspapers are published for the public good. They have not
been created for profit. They are enterprises that exist for public
service. That is why they remain vulnerable and sometimes they suppress
their independence not to offend potential financial sources.

Publications in the US and Europe are mostly business ventures and
the moment they begin to operate at a loss, they discontinue their
existence. But there are some rare examples which pursue a specific
goal, like the Armenian publications and they persevere in adverse
conditions. Recently, Joe Nocera was writing a Times opinion piece
(“New Republic’s Rebellion,” New York Times, December 9, 2014): “I
asked Marty Peretz the other day whether his goal during the nearly
the four decades that he has owned the New Republic was ever to make a
profit. ‘Absolutely not,’ he bellowed.” Further down, Nocera continues,
“Strange as this may seem, this has been the ‘business model’ for
policy and political magazines. Harper’s Magazine is published by
Rick MacArthur, and its losses are covered by the J.

Roderick MacArthur Foundation. For years, Mort Zuckerman, the real
estate mogul, picked up the Atlantic losses.”

Coming to Armenian publications, the “business model” has consistently
been the same, with unsung heroes covering the losses day in and
day out.

The functions of Armenian publications include informing the public
on matters that concern Armenia and Armenian life; building bridges
between individuals and communities and above all, shaping public
opinion focusing on issues that impact Armenia’s future.

The digital era was introduced in Armenia by Azg daily, which along
modern equipment was able to recruit the best of the crop of the
journalists. The daily not only pioneered the new technology in
publication, but also Western standards of reporting and journalism.

Many journalists were also trained by Azg to take responsible positions
at other papers and television stations.

Today, many newspapers, sites, TV stations crowd the media space. The
well-funded ones are sponsored by foreign agencies, which serve little
news but much brainwashing. And indeed, why would foreign agencies
support newspapers, websites and TV channels if the latter would not
help push forward their agendas?

Some newspapers and websites are mostly dedicated to scandals, doing
a disservice to the news business.

Magazine publishers have caught up with the new technology. Magazines
and books uphold world-class standards. A young man in his early 30s,
Pavel Sargsyan, began publishing a youth-oriented magazine called Menk
Mer Massin, which has since broadened its scope to cover history and
culture. He also undertook a medical monthly, PharmaArmenia. Many
outstanding (and aspirational) magazines have sprung up competing
with each other in design, content and pizazz. The most popular ones
are Elle Style, De Facto, Ardin, Luxury, New Mag, among others.

Truly Armenia has been ushered into the splendor of the 21st century
publication art and business.

Contrasting the proliferation of new magazines with Soviet-era
publications, one can create a true caricature.

Print media, supported by new technology, seems to have a new lease
on life.

It is interesting and reassuring to read the London Times Literary
Supplement (January 30, 2015), whose back page editor JC writes,
“The editor of the TLS Freelance column tells us that guidelines are
issued to prospective contributors. They include: ‘no laments about
the death of reading.'” The chief executive of the American Society
of Magazine Editors, Sid Holt, stands a chance of making it into the
column. “Many believe magazines are dying,” he writes in the foreword
to Best American Magazine Writing 2014. “Magazines are not dying. Yes,
the business of magazines is changing as it has changed before … but
despite uncertain times, magazine journalism is thriving.”

Technology is a force and a force is neutral in and of itself. Only
human beings can convert it into a blessing or a curse. Technology
can land a probe on Mars or hack the emails of Sony and likewise,
nuclear power can illuminate an entire metropolis or annihilate it
such as Hiroshima.

It is hard to predict who can harness it properly and what direction
the runaway technology may take. Predictions may even misguide us, as
JC continues in his column: “The arrival of television sets in every
living room in the 1950s was predicted to kill off radio. Result? More
radio. In the 1970s, television was on the point of annihilating
newspapers. Result? Thicker newspapers. We were warned in the ’80s
that video spelled oblivion for big-screen movies. Outcome? The
extinction of video.”

After all, the zigzags in the development of technology when we hear
any prediction of the demise of print media we can always remember
Twain’s statement that “the reports of my death have been greatly

Regulator Postpones Discussion Of Electric Networks Of Armenia Inves


YEREVAN, February 25. /ARKA/. Armenia’s public services regulatory
commission postponed approval of the investment program of Electric
Networks of Armenia for 2015 at its meeting on Wednesday.

The general director of the company Yevgeniy Bibin asked for
postponement due to difficulties in attracting loans and regaining
financial stability. Bibin said the company has operated in loss
since 2012 and the total losses amounted to 10 billion 676 million
drams by the end of 2014.

He also said a working group is set up to look into the situation
and elaborate a document that will be submitted for signing at the
coming meeting of Armenia’s president Serzh Sargsyan and chairman of
Inter RAO board Boris Kovalchuk.

The document will enable the company building clear relations with
the banking sector, getting its loans restructured and attracting
new loan funds under soft terms, Bibin said.

In this respect, the general director asked the commission to put off
the consideration of the issue at least for one month and a half. This
will allow the company making more balanced decisions and discussing
its investment programs in a correct way, Bibin said.

“We are well aware that it will be difficult for us to implement all
the investments planned under the investment program, but now we face
a much more serious problem to be solved, that is to attract loan
funds. Unfortunately, the rates offered to us by the banking sector
for dram loans exceed 20%, and they make us suffer losses under these
circumstances,” Bibin said. The company cannot afford heavier debts
than it has now, he added.

The general director stressed the company will continue making
investments under the 2014 program that envisages another 1 billion
drams to be invested during 2015.

Head of the PSRC Robert Nazaryan said the company’s investment program
was submitted back in autumn 2014 and the Electric Networks could
have notified about the need for postponement before.

Yet, approval of the program is not an end itself, but is to help
increase the standard of the service and safety level. Hence, the
commission meets the company halfway and put off the discussion until
April 1, Nazaryan said.

As per PSRC’s draft decision, the company’s investments for 2015 will
amount to 8.4 billion drams (without VAT).

According to the ministry of energy, electric Networks of Armenia owe
$220 million to banks. The main reasons are higher actual losses in
the network, reduced energy generation at hydro power plants, and etc.

As a result, the current tariffs do not reflect the actual costs of
the company. The ministry carried out studies and developed a loss
reduction strategy to help the company reduce losses by 2% in the
next two years.

The Electrical Networks of Armenia is a 100% subsidiary of Russian
INTER RAO UES. Its main function is distribution of electricity to
all local consumers. ($ 1 – 478.63 drams). -0–

Criminal Case Still Not Launched Into The Lachin Incident


02.25.2015 11:14

A criminal investigation in the case of the NKR police subjecting
the members of the Founding Parliament movement to violence in Lachin
(Berdzor) still has not been launched, although 24 days have passed.

Armenian National Congress faction MP Nikol Pashinyan stated the latter
in the National Assembly yesterday, February 24, while condemning
the inaction of the Nagorno-Karabakh law enforcement.

Between the dilemma of “state” or “fraternity”, he called for the
Nagorno-Karabakh authorities to choose the “state” option. “The
individuals who used violence against the peaceful car rally
participants need to be subject to criminal liability, the officials
who showed negligence in regards to the possible danger of the incident
must be fired immediately. This is not for my fancy, but is called
for by the Karabakh’s constitution, legislation, and basic logic. The
Karabakh authorities need to comprehend that these are the only ways of
overcoming the consequences of the Berdzor incident,” said Pashinyan.

Recall, on January 31st, members of the Founding Parliament, who
organized a car rally toward Nagorno-Karabakh, were beat up near the
NK border by police representatives and civilian clothed individuals.

The attackers also smashed the participants cars. Representatives
of the Founding Parliament have noted that the NKR authorities would
not have conducted the actions without the approval of the Armenian

Armenian Parliament Speaker Gives One More Chance To Gagik Tsarukyan


by Ashot Safaryan

Wednesday, February 25, 15:45

Armenian Parliament Speaker Galust Sahakyan does not hurry to
strip Gagik Tsarukyan, Leader of Prosperous Armenia Party (PAP),
of his parliament seat. Talking to reporters on February 25, Galust
Sahakyan said he does not want to create precedents of stripping
parliamentarians of their seats. “Although, there are all the legal
grounds to do it, I am waiting for more reasonable excuses from Gagik
Tsarukyuan for his numerous absences. I have sent a relevant letter
to Tsarukyan. I’ll be waiting. I am not in a hurry. ”

As PAP is departing from its radical stand and has canceled the rally
of Feb 20, the issue of stripping Tsarukyan of its parliament seat
appears to be not topical any more.

Commenting on the PAP’s boycott of the four-day meeting of the
parliament, the speaker called it “a pause” in the light of the
current political realities. The speaker believes that PAP will
continuer its activity in the opposition field.

As for the March 1 rally of the Armenian National Congress, Galust
Sahakyan said the Congress is exaggerating the importance of that
rally, because “loud statements on crucial rallies have been made
for already 20 years.”

Document Reflects CUP’s Deportation Policy


By Ari Sekeryan on February 17, 2015

click for more

Special for the Armenian Weekly

Sait Molla was a lawyer, member of the Turkish Council of State, and
founder of the Anglophile Society (Ingiliz Muhipleri Cemiyeti). In
1918, he began to publish a daily paper in Istanbul calledTurkce
Ýstanbul. On March 25, 1919, the newspaper published what it claimed
was the Letter of Instruction from the head office of the Committee
of Union and Progress (CUP) to the Special Organization (Teþkilat-ý
Mahsusa) units as the deportation of Armenians during the genocide

On March 25, 1919, Turkce Ýstanbul published what it claimed was the
Letter of Instruction from the head office of the Committee of Union
and Progress (CUP)

The newspaper called it “A Tragic and Dreadful Document,” and noted
it was reprinting the document without making any changes. The Letter
of Instruction consists of 10 articles that describe the steps to
be taken in the deportation process. These are the same steps that
scholars like Taner Akcam, Donald Bloxham, and Uður Umit Ungor have
described as being part of the deportations.

Of course, the authenticity of such a document is not guaranteed.

Turkce Istanbul neglected to mention the source of the letter.

Moreover, the archives of the CUP disappeared following the defeat
of the Ottoman Empire in World War I.

Regardless of these questions, however, it is noteworthy that there
were Ottoman Turkish dailies like Turkce Ýstanbul, Alemdar, and Peyam,
which criticized the CUP and discussed the topic intensively in the
wake of World War I.

The text of the newspaper’s piece follows.

‘A tragic and dreadful document’

Article 1. Close all of the Armenian associations by using the third
and fourth articles of the Law of Associations; arrest the executive
members who were opposing the CUP government, deport them to provinces
such as Mosul and Baghdad, and kill them en route or at their final

On March 25, 1919, Turkce Ýstanbul published what it claimed was the
Letter of Instruction from the head office of the Committee of Union
and Progress (CUP)

Article 2. Collect all of the weapons of the Armenians.

Article 3. Prepare Muslim public opinion through appropriate means,
organize some planned incidents–like Russia did in Baku–in cities
such as Van, Erzurum, and Adana, where the Armenians by their own
actions have earned the hatred of the Muslims.

Article 4. Leave the implementation totally to the general populace
in provinces like Erzurum, Van, Mamuretulaziz, and Bitlis, and use
the troops and military forces to appear as if they are preventing
the massacres. On the contrary, support Muslims with military force
in places like Adana, Sivas, Bursa, Ýzmit, and Ýzmir.

Article 5. Apply [measures] of annihilation to school teachers and
especially to men below 50. (Leave the women and children to be
converted to Islam.)

Article 6. Clear away the families of those who managed to run away and
take measures to cut off their ties with their hometowns completely.

Article 7. Discharge all Armenian officials from all government
offices and branches by accusing them of spying.

Article 8. Annihilate the men serving in the army by the military in
an appropriate fashion.

Article 9. Start all measures at the same time in order to leave no
time to prepare means of defense.

Article 10. Keep this letter of instruction private and take utmost
care to keep it between one or two persons.

It is a reality that those Armenians who were deported were killed
and annihilated in accordance with the letter of instruction written
above. While we avoid elaborating on it further, we publish the
document exactly the same.

Turkce Ýstanbul

March 25, 1919

Editor’s Note: Similar documents were published in the Turkish press
during the post-World War I years.

Confrontation Sarkissian-Tsaroukian : Robert Kotcharian Arbitre ?



La > entre Serge Sarkissian et Gaguik Tsaroukian,
president formel de la deuxième formation politique, Armenie
prospère, monopolise l’actualite armenienne. Alors que les leaders
des trois partis d’opposition, Armenie prospère, CNA et Heritage,
s’etaient reunis dans la soiree du 15 fevrier et avaient decide a
cette occasion d’organiser un rassemblement national >
le 20 fevrier prochain (cf. revue du 16.02), la mairie d’Erevan a
fait part de son refus d’autoriser cette manifestation, en invoquant
certaines clauses de la loi sur la liberte de rassemblement (delai de
preavis). Les quotidiens annoncent par ailleurs la defection de deux
deputes entrepreneurs d’Armenie prospère, Aragats Akhoyan et Karo
Karapetian, et n’excluent pas que d’autres deputes ou membres de ce
parti fassent de meme. Vartan Oskanian, ancien ministre des AE affilie
a Armenie prospère a ecrit sur Facebook que si le dirigeant de leur
parti, Gaguik Tsaroukian, etait prive de son mandat parlementaire,
lui et d’autres partisans de M. Tsaroukian, dont Naïra Zohrabian,
secretaire du parti, allaient entamer un sit-in, voire une grève
de la faim. Par ailleurs, RFE/RL fait etat de l’arrestation, ce 17
fevrier, d’un representant d’Armenie prospère, Arthur Mamoyan, chef
de la permanence du parti dans le district Nor-Nork d’Erevan. La
Police a evoque le . Selon RFE/RL, citant une deputee d’Armenie prospère, Elinar
Vardanian, plusieurs representants du parti auraient ete interpelles
par la police a travers le pays. Elle a denonce des > rappelant les annees staliniennes. La maison d’un autre depute du
parti, Roustam Gasparian, aurait ete perquisitionnee. 168 Jam estime
que plus les repressions se poursuivent contre Armenie prospère,
plus le rassemblement du 20 fevrier risque d’etre important. Ce
journal craint la dispersion par la force du prochain rassemblement,
ce qui conduirait l’Armenie a une crise.

Par ailleurs, les commentaires de l’ex-president, Robert Kotcharian,
sont largement rapportes. Ce dernier a declare >. Selon M. Kotcharian,
si le President misait sur le fait qu’en faisant pression sur Gaguik
Tsaroukian, l’on reussirait a scinder son parti politique, alors
l’objectif n’a pas ete atteint. Au contraire, des signes clairs de
consolidation de l’opposition sont evidents, qui se traduisent par
une radicalisation du vocabulaire et des objectifs. M. Kotcharian a
qualifie les arguments (du President Sarkissian) contre G. Tsaroukian
de > et ajoute que, desormais, toute action contre
le president d’Armenie prospère sera consideree comme une persecution
politique denuee de toute legitimite. Selon lui, compte tenu du niveau
de tension sociale et du degre de mecontentement dans le pays, ainsi
que de la grande popularite dont jouit le president d’Armenie prospère,
plus les autorites persistent dans leurs actions, plus forte sera
la consolidation de l’opposition contre elles et plus reelle sera la
perspective d’affrontements politiques. >. Robert Kotcharian a propose aux autorites de s’abstenir
de toute action administrative contre le leader d’Armenie prospère,
puisque leurs intentions envisagees ne s’inscriraient pas dans le
cadre de la constitution et seraient susceptibles de pousser Armenie
prospère et les autres partis d’opposition a organiser des actions
de rue dont les consequences pourraient etre imprevisibles. >, a-t-il conclu.

Reagissant aux commentaires de l’ex-president, Vahram Baghdassarian,
chef du groupe parlementaire du parti Republicain, s’est etonne de
ses declarations >, après avoir > Gaguik
Tsaroukian [a des actions irreflechies]. Le pro-gouvernemental Hayots
Achkhar rappelle que, lors de son mandat, l’ex-president n’a pas
hesite non plus a recourir a la repression. Et de s’etonner pourquoi
l’ex-president gardait le silence lorsque M. Tsaroukian menacait de
renverser le pouvoir et se livrait au chantage. Selon Aravot, Robert
Kotcharian ne cherche meme pas a cacher qu’il a ete le mentor de G.


Dans un entretien avec 168 Jam, Hayk Martirossian, docteur en sciences
politiques a la Sorbonne, estime que Robert Kotcharian se trouve
derrière toutes les actions de G. Tsaroukian. R. Kotcharian est, selon
lui, l’unique homme a qui M. Tsaroukian doit sa fortune. Selon lui,
Tsaroukian, aveugle par sa richesse et sa puissance, a perdu le sens
de la realite et a ete manipule par Kotcharian, en devenant ainsi
incontrôlable par les autorites. M. Martirossian laisse presager
des affrontements en Armenie et deplore que la societe armenienne
doit choisir entre le > et le >, a tel point la
scène politique armenienne est devastee. A ses yeux, le >
est l’oligarchie.

ANKARA: Turkey’s Missiles To Be Compatible With NATO Systems


Daily Sabah, Turkey
Feb 23 2015


Turkey will make its newly planned long-range missiles compatible
with NATO systems, presidential spokesman Ibrahim Kalin said on Monday.

“As one of the most important countries in NATO’s security line, we
will definitely ensure this integration and harmony,” Kalin stressed.

A proposal evaluation process regarding Turkey’s long-awaited,
billion-dollar, long-range missile defense system has not been fully
finalized, according to an official for Turkey’s Defense Industries
Undersecretariat. Media reports have recently said that Turkey will
wait until April 24, which is the anniversary of the 1915 incidents to
select a winner for the missile defense system. Rumors in political
circles in Ankara said that no decision will be made on the missile
defense system winner before the date since Turkey wants to first see
France and the U.S.’s position on the 1915 incidents. An agreement
may be made with China if the U.S. and French administrations take a
“pro-Armenian” stance.

The Turkish Long-Range Missile Defense System Project is one of the
defense industry’s biggest projects in which Chinese, American and
Italian-French companies are vying for contracts.