Turkish Ensemble Performs Armenian Folk Song In Memoriam Of April 24


11:50, 18 Feb 2015
Siranush Ghazanchyan

An Armenian folk song (Aravodun Temin: At the Break of Dawn,
compiled by Arusyak Sahakian), has been arranged by AyÃ…~_e Tutuncu
and performed by 42 musicians. The song is dedicated to the memory
of April 24 victims.

“I was very moved to see an Armenian folk song, Aravodun Temin,
arranged and performed by a wonderful Turkish ensemble, arranged by
AyÃ…~_e Tutuncu, in memoriam of April 24,” lead singer of the System
of A Down Serj Tankian said in a Facebook post.

“Music transcends all boundaries in the name of truth,” Tankian said.


Prosperous Armenia MP Decides To Give Up Parliamentary Seat


Vestnik Kavkaza, Russia
Feb 17 2015

17 February 2015 – 4:27pm

Today Prosperous Armenia party deputy Melik Manukyan filed a petition
to give up his parliamentary seat.

The MP addressed a statement to parliamentary speaker Galust Sahakyan,
according to the head of the press service of the National Assembly,
Arsen Babayan.

Two other deputies from the Prosperous Armenia party, Aragats
Akhoyan and Karo Karapetyan, submitted applications on Monday to
leave the party. They plan to continue their work in the parliament
as independent MPs, News.am writes.

Newsweek: Russia ‘Arming Armenia And Azerbaijan’ As Hostilities Incr


Newsweek Magazine
Feb 17 2015

By Felicity Capon 2/17/15 at 2:04 PM

Nagorno-Karabakh is the subject of a two-decade long conflict between
Azerbaijan and Armenia REUTERS/David Mdzinarishvili (ARMENIA)

A resurgence of fighting between Armenian and Azerbaijani troops over
the disputed region of Nagorno-Karabakh has led to analysts warning
of escalating hostilities and even an “accidental war” between the
two countries. They also indicated that Russia could use the conflict
as a way to consolidate power in the region.

Two Armenian and Azerbaijani soldiers and one Armenian civilian have
been killed this month alone, and it is thought that at least a dozen
have been killed in the conflict since the start of the new year.

Nagorno-Karabakh is a landlocked mountainous region, and is the
subject of a two-decade long conflict between Azerbaijan, in whose
territory the region lies, and its predominantly Armenian community.

Officially, active hostilities ended in 1994 when a ceasefire was
reached, but skirmishes along the border have been a common feature of
the conflict since then. However, experts are now warning that this
year’s developments have been much worse than usual with increased
casualties, both civilian and military, sustained on both sides. Some
reports estimate ceasefire violations stand at around 5,000 for
January–the highest monthly figure since the truce.

Richard Giragosian, the director of the Regional Studies Center
(RSC), an independent thinktank in Armenia, told Newsweek that he is
“increasingly concerned of a war by accident, based on small skirmishes
spiralling out of control” and says that both sides could be “rushing
headlong into a dangerous situation.” He argues that the number of
casualties is very unusual given the topography and the terrain,
with fighting usually confined to the summer. He also expects a much
bigger surge in fighting over the coming months.

Giragosian describes how opposing forces on the frontline have come
much closer to each other in terms of physical proximity than at any
time since the truce, and that the battle space has also expanded, with
Azerbaijan attacking Armenia proper, and not just the Nagorno-Karabakh

Both sides have been much more willing to use arms in the last few
months, and as frustrations about the stalling peace process have
increased, an arms race has escalated, mainly instigated by Azerbaijan,
according to Giragosian. Armenia and Azerbaijan are among the 10
countries with the highest levels of militarisation in the world,
a 2014 study found.

Russia is the main supplier of arms to both sides and, with the ongoing
crisis between Russian-backed separatists and the Ukrainian military
as well as Russia’s reportedly aggressive occupational policy against
Georgia, experts are concerned that Putin is considering a bolder
and much riskier move to consolidate power in the region.

Giragosian explains that “The one wildcard in this situation is
Russia. For Russia, the status quo is best: no peace, no war. But
Putin may be tempted by a risky move to provoke fighting to deploy
peacekeepers in order to ensure leverage. Events in Ukraine prove
that Moscow lacks a rational actor.”

At the same time, rumours have been circulating in the Azerbaijani
press that the U.S. is funding the Nagorno-Karabakh regime, fuelled
by a powerful Armenian-American lobby. Newsweek cannot substantiate
these claims but Giragosian says that American funding was provided
in the past and has been suspended for the past two fiscal years
because of an inability to oversee the expenditure.

John Macleod, of the London-based Institute for War and Peace
Reporting, says: “Things are particularly bad and there have been
more incidents at the moment. There is always the danger that one
country will overstep the mark and it will spread like wildfire and
there will be war before you know it.”

“We don’t exactly know what Russia’s interests or the implications of
its involvement are. But the Russians are an increasingly pro active
regional player and harbour territorial interests for sure.” Macleod
believes it is “feasible” that Russia would send “peacekeeping” troops
to the region under the pretence of bolstering its sphere of influence.

Civilians are also increasingly getting caught up in the violence,
with the Armenian press reporting several casualties, including the
case of a young man who last year wandered into Azerbaijani territory
before reportedly committing suicide in Azerbaijani custody. Last
November, Azerbaijan shot down an attack Armenian helicopter as it
flew along the ceasefire line, killing three Armenians on board.

The timing of the conflict is also key as this year marks the 100th
anniversary of the genocide of Armenians in Turkey, which could
aggravate the already tense situation.


Serzh Sargsyan Hampers Nikol Pashinyan: Gala (Video)


17:57 | February 17,2015 | Politics

During the program “About the important”, the NA deputy Nikol Pashinyan
expressed his views on the recent developments in the Armenian
inner political field, in particular HHK-BHK tense relations, Serzh
Sargsyan’s famous speech at the HHK Board session and the activities
against BHK. He noted that what is said in Serzh Sargsyan’s speech is
out of political logic and is another manifestation of the dictatorial
government, “As it doesn’t matter who the speech is directed to, but
it is evident that once again Serzh Sargsyan is abusing his powers
and is trying to restore his power in Armenia through use of force,”
said Nikol Pashinyan.

The latter, speaking about the statement by HHK member Armen Ashotyan
that Gagik Tsarukyan hampers Nikol Pashinyan, Zaruhi Postanjyan and
others, he said that Serzh Sargsyan hampers him.

More on the source website


Revue De Presse N2 – 16/02/15 – Collectif VAN


Publie le : 16-02-2015

Info Collectif VAN – – Le Collectif VAN [Vigilance
Armenienne contre le Negationnisme] vous propose une revue de presse
des informations parues dans la presse francophone sur les thèmes
concernant le negationnisme, le racisme, l’antisemitisme, le genocide
armenien, la Shoah, le genocide des Tutsi, les crimes perpetres au
Darfour, la Turquie, l’Union europeenne, l’occupation de Chypre,
etc… Nous vous suggerons egalement de prendre le temps de lire ou
de relire les informations et traductions mises en ligne dans notre

Par ailleurs, certains articles en anglais, allemand, turc, etc,
ne sont disponibles que dans la newsletter Word que nous generons
chaque jour. Pour la recevoir, abonnez-vous a la Veille-Media : c’est
gratuit ! Vous recevrez le document du lundi au vendredi dans votre
boîte email. Bonne lecture.

Collectif VAN : l’ephemeride du 16 fevrier Info Collectif VAN –
– La rubrique Ephemeride est a retrouver
quotidiennement sur le site du Collectif VAN. Elle recense la
liste d’evenements survenus a une date donnee, a differentes
epoques de l’Histoire, sur les thematiques que l’association suit au
quotidien. L’ephemeride du Collectif VAN repose sur des informations en
ligne sur de nombreux sites (les sources sont specifiees sous chaque
entree). “16 fevrier 1943 — Pologne : Maïdanek (ou Majdanek) fut
ouvert en octobre 1941 en tant que camp de prisonnier de guerre sous
contrôle SS et fut transforme en camp de concentration le 16 fevrier
1943. Maïdanek etait divise en differents camps: camp de prisonnier
de guerre; camp d’extermination; camp d’enfants. A l’origine, deux
chambres a gaz utilisant du Ziklon-BI avaient ete installees dans des
baraques en bois. Ces chambres a gaz furent remplacees par après par
d’autres, ces dernières etant construites en briques. Les operations
d’extermination commencèrent en avril 1942 et se terminèrent en juillet
1944. On estime que plus de 360.000 personnes sont mortes a Maïdanek,
ce chiffre comprenant une majorite de juifs ainsi que des polonais
et des prisonniers de guerre russes.”

Le Conseil mondial evangelique armenien appelle les chretiens a prier
pour une reconnaissance du genocide Le 24 avril 2015, les Armeniens
du monde commemoreront les cent ans du genocide de leur peuple. A
cette occasion, le Conseil mondial evangelique armenien appelle
les chretiens a prier pour que la Turquie reconnaisse le genocide
armenien, qu’elle demande pardon a leur peuple, qu’elle fasse acte
de reparation au prejudice commis et qu’il y ait une reconciliation
entre Turcs et Armeniens.

Journee de boycott dans les ecoles turques pour reclamer la laïcite
Des ecoles publiques ont ete boycottees vendredi dans de nombreuses
villes en Turquie pour reclamer un “enseignement laïque”, après la
recente decision de rendre obligatoire les cours d’islam sunnite. De
nombreux elèves ne sont pas alles en cours ce vendredi en Turquie
pour reclamer un “enseignement laïque”.

2015, centenaire de la negation du genocide des Armeniens 1915-2015,
c’est le siècle de la negation du genocide des Armeniens par les
gouvernements successifs de la Turquie. C’est le sens que l’on doit
donner aux commemorations du centenaire qui debutent. Le XXème siècle
est aussi celui des promesses non tenues par les responsables des
Etats de ce monde. Mais ce n’est pas nouveau, car deja en son temps
Nicolas Machiavel disait “Le Prince ne doit tenir sa parole donnee
hier que si elle peut lui apporter des avantages”.

Darfour: l’expert Jerôme Tubiana revient sur une crise oubliee Lors du
dernier sommet de l’Union africaine a Addis-Abeba, une crise majeure
a ete totalement absente des discussions entre chefs d’Etats, c’est
le Darfour. Or un recent rapport d’un groupe d’experts onusien sur
le Soudan reconnaît que la crise au Darfour a atteint des sommets de
violence jamais vus depuis 2006. Pour en parler, Christine Muratet
a rencontre Jerôme Tubiana, specialiste du Soudan a l’International
Crisis Group.

Afrique – Turquie : Erdogan fait ses emplettes en Somalie Le president
turc a inaugure un nouvel aeroport a Mogadiscio fin janvier. Avec
ses nombreux investissements, la Turquie pose une strategie de long
terme. Sur le sable, la foule agglutinee ouvre ses bagages pour la
fouille, au soleil brûlant. Plus bas, sous le preau de l’entree,
hommes et femmes attendent dans deux files separees, tries par des
gardes armes de bâton.

L’Armenie s’invite toute l’annee a La Goulue Le lieu de concert
situe a Saint-Legier accueillera plusieurs soirees dediees a
l’ancienne republique sovietique. L’enregistrement d’un disque est
en cours. L’Armenie sera sous les projecteurs internationaux le 24
avril prochain, a l’enseigne des commemorations du genocide perpetre
il y a tout juste cent ans.

Turquie – 17 policiers mis en detention dans un affaire d’ecoutes
Dix-sept policiers turcs ont ete places en detention preventive dans
l’attente de leur procès dans le cadre d’une enquete sur la mise sur
ecoute illegale d’hommes politiques, de fonctionnaires et d’hommes
d’affaires, rapporte la presse turque dimanche.

Pinar Selek a presente son livre > paru recemment aux editions
Liana Levy. Parmi le public, de nombreux elus, dont Nicolas Daragon
le maire de Valence et Marlène Mourier la maire de Bourg-Lès-Valence.

Copenhague-Paris-Copenhague, faire face a au terrorisme Les attentats
de Copenhague apparaissent comme une replique de ceux qui ont frappe
Paris il y a un mois. A Paris et a Copenhague, les memes cibles ont
ete visees : defenseurs de la liberte d’expression, libre-penseurs,
caricaturistes, antiracistes, policiers, juifs. La meme ideologie
meurtrière, l’islamisme, a arme les terroristes.

Antisemitisme et fondamentalisme islamiste: la responsabilite de nos
politiques Certains de nos representants ont fait
le lit du terrorisme en abandonnant des quartiers pour acheter la
paix sociale. 17 morts, 66 millions de blesses ou plus, plus de 3,7
millions et demi de Francais dans la rue, 7 millions d’exemplaires
de Charlie Hebdo edites, de nombreuses initiatives prises dont une
centaine de procedures penales ouvertes pour apologie du terrorisme.

Manifestations en Turquie pour un enseignement laïc Une manifestation
a violemment ete dispersee par la police dans la ville turque d’Izmir,
a l’Ouest du pays. La police a procede a quarante interpellations. Deux
mille personnes s’etaient rassemblees pour reclamer un enseignement
laïc a l’ecole. Des manifestations pour un enseignement laïque ont
eu lieu dans de nombreuses villes du pays, dont Ankara et Istanbul.

Cimetière juif profane a Sarre-Union: le maire partage “entre degoût
et incomprehension” Marc Sene, maire de la commune alsacienne, est
stupefait de la violence qui a conduit des personnes a profaner plus
de 200 tombes dans son village, qui n’avait jamais ete touche par
des actes d’antisemitisme.

Turquie : nouveaux heurts dans la ville kurde de Cizre De violents
affrontements ont eu lieu durant tout le weekend entre des partisans
du PKK et les forces de l’ordre dans cette ville situee près de la
frontière de la Turquie avec l’Irak et la Syrie. Ces heurts sont
intervenus en marge de manifestation appelant a la liberation du
chef rebelle kurde Abdullah Ocalan, 16 ans jour pour jour après
son arrestation.

Turquie: indignation generale après le nouveau meurtre d’une femme
En Turquie, l’emotion est très vive depuis qu’une etudiante a ete
retrouvee morte deux jours après avoir disparu alors qu’elle rentrait
chez elle en bus, dans la ville mediterraneenne de Mersin. Trois
suspects, qui ont confirme son viol, ont ete arretes. L’assassinat
de cette jeune fille de 20 ans suscite une indignation sans precedent
dans ce pays où ce genre de drame est loin d’etre isole.

LEAD 2-France-Plus de 200 tombes profanees dans un cimetière juif
Plus de deux cents tombes ont ete profanees dans le cimetière juif de
Sarre-Union, dans le Bas-Rhin, ont annonce dimanche le ministère de
l’Interieur et le maire de la commune. Le president Francois Hollande
a condamne “avec la plus grande fermete”. “Tout sera mis en oeuvre
dans les meilleurs delais pour que les auteurs de cet acte odieux et
barbare soient identifies et punis”, dit-il dans un communique.


Artak Khachatryan Rejects The Hypothesis That He Was Beaten At The B


12:25 | February 17,2015 | Politics

“Kasetsum” movement member Artak Khachatryan claims that nothing has
been changed in his life and he continues to be a fighter for freedom
and justice.

“If there are laws on “Turnover tax” I will continue fighting. Let
small and medium-sized entrepreneurs know that I will continue
fighting if necessary. I continue to be a member of the party and as
a person I am standing by Gagik Tsarukyan,” today Artak Khachatryan
told the reporters.

Yesterday he was discharged from the hospital. It should be reminded
that on February 7 Artak Khachatryan was abducted and beaten.

The member of Prosperous Armenia Party (BHK) hopes that the law
enforcement authorities will reveal the crime as soon as possible.

Touching upon the news that his beating and abduction were ordered by
BHK deputy Abraham Manukyan, he noted that inspections had been carried
out, he personally participated in the inspections and rejected that
he had been at that place.

“Most part of the case is unknown, and in such case making assumptions
isn’t correct. Hypothesis will be brought forward and checked. It is
a serious crime and it must be punished,” he said.

The activist is sure in one thing that his beating and abduction are
connected with his political activities.


Karabakh: Let Azerbaijanis Tell Nuland About Fate Of Armenian Captiv


15:22, 17.02.2015

STEPANAKERT. – U.S. Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland can
travel to Stepanakert and make sure that the conditions of detention of
Askerov and Guliyev are in accordance with the international norms,
spokesperson for Karabakh president Davit Babayan toldArmenian

According to Azerbaijani media, during her trip to Baku Victoria
Nuland allegedly said that “Azerbaijani hostages kept by Armenia must
be returned”.

Babayan emphasized that Azerbaijani media outlets have developed
a special system of misinformation, tying aspects that are really
important for them with really significant events.

“Even if Victoria Nuland made such a statement, it must be emphasized
that first of all the mention of Armenia in this regard is wrong and
incorrect. We are talking about the citizens of Azerbaijan who were
charged with committing a capital crime by the Nagorno-Karabakh
authorities. They were named guilty as a result of an open,
transparent, impartial trial that was widely reported in the media.

Moreover, the citizens who were found guilty had an opportunity to
appeal the decision. They took advantage of this opportunity, which is
another testimony to the commitment of the NKR to democratic values,”
Babayan emphasized.

Azerbaijan has no moral right to accuse others, Babayan said, reminding
about heroization of murderer Ramil Safarov.

“Let Azerbaijani leadership explain Victoria Nuland why Ramil Safarov
had been called a hero or what usually happens with Armenian captives
in Azerbaijani jail,” he added.

As regards returning the accused Azerbaijani citizens, Babayan said
“we are ready to exchange one of them for Ramil Safarov”.


Consumer Commodities Rise 2.5% In Armenia Over January


YEREVAN, February 17. /ARKA/. Prices for consumer commodities rose 2.5%
in Armenia in January 2015, compared with December 2014, and 4.3%,
compared with January 2014, Gurgen Martirosyan, chief of the National
Statistical Service’s price statistics and international comparison
division, said at a news conference on Tuesday.

he said. In his words, prices for
foods leapt 4.5% in January 2015, compared with December 2014, and
prices for nonfoods and services went 0.5%.

Martirosyan said.

He said fruits leapt 8.4%, coffee, tea and cocoa 5.9%, eggs 4% and
bread 4.3%. Soft beverages rose just 0.6%, spirits and cigarettes 0.3%
and meat 2% over one month.

Prices for consumer commodities climbed 4.5% in January 2015, compared
with January 2014. Foods went 5.4%, nonfoods 2.4% and services 3.2% up.

Martirosyan said that the 2.5% average rise in consumer prices
recorded in Armenia over one decade brought it the third rank among
the CIS countries.

Russia accounted for a 3.9% month-on-month price rise in January 2015
(the highest indicator), Ukraine for 3.1% and Belarus for 2.4%.

Georgia recorded the lowest price rise – 0.2%, Moldova 0.8% and
Kazakhstan 0.6%.

Martirosyan also said that comparison with January 2014 shows that
prices in Ukraine mounted 28.8%, in Belarus they grew 17.1% and in
Russia 15% over one year with the lowest indicator in Georgia – 1.4%.

Amid the growing commodity prices, petrol and diesel in Armenia shed
2.5% and 0.9% respectively over one year. Martirosyan said. —0—-


Threat To Liberated Territories


Hakob Badalyan, Political Commentator
Comments – 17 February 2015, 11:21

A few hours prior to the meeting with the OSCE Minsk Group co-chairs
the foreign minister of Azerbaijan Elmar Mammedyarov announced
that the co-chairs must urge the Armenian side to withdraw from the
“occupied territories” not to violate the ceasefire. Mammedyarov said
there will not be violations of the ceasefire in that case. He said
the co-chairs should work on the principles of Madrid.

On the recent days “withdrawing from the territories” has been upheld
more frequently. The Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev announced
during the Munich Security Conference that Azerbaijan will not shoot
if the Armenians withdraw from the territories. Recently it has
been announced that the Turkish Prime Minister Davutoghlu announced
that Turkey will open the border if at least one region is returned
to Azerbaijan.

The Azerbaijani military expert Uzeyir Jafarov announced that return
of three territories to Azerbaijan is possible in the nearest future.

He highlighted Baku’s readiness to join the Eurasian Union instead.

These rumors were preceded by interesting developments within the
Minsk Group. The co-chairs stated for the first time that Azerbaijan
violates the ceasefire but also called the Armenian side to take
steps towards alleviating tension.

Next, Azerbaijan admitted violating the ceasefire, and stated the
reason or the condition for refraining from violation. What was it?

Was Azerbaijan forced to make this confession or was it encouraged
by one of the co-chairs of the Minsk Group? It is hard to imagine
that after the established responsibility for the violation of the
ceasefire Baku would make such brazen confession and set out the
precondition had there been unanimity of approaches of the Minsk Group.

It is worth noting that in 2015 CSTO will organize a training
of peacekeepers in Armenia. Moscow has had a strategic goal of
stationing peacekeepers in Artsakh, at the Armenian-Azerbaijani
border. However, in order to have Baku agree to this option it must
get some territories. At the same time, Turkey will be able to start
a process of opening the Armenian-Turkish border, returning to the
Armenian-Turkish protocols, which will suspend the claiming tone of
Armenia ahead of the centenary.

This mechanism might be the reason why Baku is speaking about
withdrawal from territories, not core Artsakh because, perhaps,
Azerbaijan was promised that Artsakh will not be left under the
Armenian control, and CSTO peacekeepers will be stationed there.

Prior to leaving for Baku the American co-chair James Warlick twitted
that serious negotiation with the Azerbaijani government is expected.

If the visit of three co-chairs is concerned, the question is how
coordinated they are, what diverse messages they convey to the sides
during the joint visits. In this regard, it is hard to tell whether
the co-chairs are taking new messages to Baku that are beyond the
principles of Madrid or they are going to urge Baku to observe the
ceasefire without preconditions? Once they spoke and hushed Baku but
eventually Baku’s behavior became even more brazen. It means that
one of the co-chairs winks to Baku when the others are hushing it.

On February 17 the co-chairs will arrive in Armenia from Baku. They are
visiting Armenia amid a political scramble when Serzh Sargsyan’s tough
step is followed by crystallization of the non-governmental force.

So far the domestic debate has focused on domestic problems. A
consensus has been reached on foreign matters. What will happen
if Armenia is made to face the issue of handing one or several
territories? How will the government and the non-governmental forces
act, will they promote the scenario of stationing CSTO peacekeepers
in Artsakh or will the domestic opposition serve the interests of
Armenia, at least once, if exposed to such risk?

In this regard, in the non-governmental pole Ter-Petrosyan’s approach
is known who considers return of territories a guarantee of security,
which is in line with Azerbaijan’s claim. In addition, in 2007
Vardan Oskanyan of PAP accepted the principles of Madrid as basis
for negotiations where return of territories is stated.

Apparently, Armenia will again have to rely on the West-Iran alliance,
not the government or the opposition.


80 Entreprises Mises En Garde Contre Une Concurrence Deloyale



La Commission d’Etat d’Armenie pour la protection de la concurrence
economique a emis des avertissements sevères a 80 entreprises pour
concurrence deloyale dans l’utilisation > et l’etiquetage

L’institution a effectue des etudes a grande echelle et a revele des
violations par les entreprises produisant des denrees alimentaires
et non alimentaires et les etiquetant comme > ou >.

L’etude a porte sur quelque 100 entreprises utilisant des etiquettes > ou > ou des abreviations respectives. L’etude
a revele a cet etiquetage est souvent trompeur et cree une impression
de certains avantages pour ces produits.

Conformement a la loi, depuis le 1er Janvier 2014, ces etiquettes
peuvent etre utilises que par des entites economiques qui fabriquent
ou vendent des produits agricoles biologiques. Sinon, l’utilisation
de ces termes est irrecevable.

mardi 17 fevrier 2015, Stephane (c)armenews.com