La Tactique Desesperee Des Turcs Pour Courtiser La Diaspora À La Vei

par Jean Eckian

mercredi7 avril 2010

Par Harut Sassounian

Ces dernières semaines, le gouvernement turc a enregistre une
succession de mauvaises nouvelles. Sa politique de deni persistant
du Genocide Armenien a subi de serieux revers lorsque la Commission
des Affaires Etrangères de la Chambre des Representants des USA,
le Parlement de Suède, et le Parlement Regional de Catalogne ont
reconnu le Genocide Armenien.

Les negationnistes turcs ont une peur bleue de ces reconnaissances
officielles a la veille du 95ème anniversaire du Genocide Armenien.

Ils sont d’autant plus inquiets que les Parlements de Bulgarie,
d’Israël, de Serbie, d’Espagne et de Grande Bretagne sont sur le
point d’examiner des resolutions similaires en avril.

Les dirigeants turcs avaient l’impression que les protocoles
signes avec les Armeniens six mois plus tôt mettraient fin a toute
action nouvelle sur le Genocide Armenien de la part de la communaute
internationale. En fait, la Turquie avait vu ces protocoles comme un
dernier rempart pour endiguer de telles reconnaissances dans le futur.

Sa strategie tortueuse a presque fonctionne, les resolutions sur le
Genocide n’ayant ete adoptees qu’avec une seule voix de majorite,
a la fois au Congrès des USA et en Espagne. Les opposants a ces
resolutions ont specifiquement mentionne la "reconciliation" entre
l’Armenie et la Turquie pour expliquer leur vote negatif.

Inquiet de ces developpements et absorbe par de serieux problèmes
internes, le gouvernement turc s’est attache, peut etre un peu trop
tard, a prendre un ensemble de mesures, dans l’espoir d’empecher de
subir de nouvelles defaites sur la question du Genocide Armenien.

Ces actions vont depuis le recours a de rugueuses tactiques
d’intimidation contre les pays qui osent reconnaître le Genocide
Armenien jusqu’a une approche faussement douce pour tromper la
communaute internationale en lui faisant croire que le gouvernement
turc devient plus accommodant envers les Armeniens.

Au nombre des mesures brutales contre les pays ayant reconnu le
Genocide, on trouve

Le rappel de l’ambassadeur L’annulation de contrats d’armement,
et Le boycott de produits commerciaux.

La semaine passee, les officiels turcs ont employe un nouvel artifice,
menacant de poursuivre plus de 20 pays qui ont deja reconnu le
Genocide Armenien. C’est l’un des nombreux bluffs dont usent les
dirigeants turcs de temps en temps pour dissuader d’autres pays de
reconnaître le Genocide. J’espère vraiment que la Turquie mette cette
menace a execution, car cela creerait une publicite mondiale pour les
crimes commis contre les Armeniens. N’importe lequel des tribunaux
a l’exception des tribunaux turcs ecarterait une action aussi peu
serieuse !

Au nombre des tactiques plus adroites, gantees de velours sur les
conseils d’agents de relations publiques internationales occidentales,
on trouve : La rehabilitation de quelques eglises armeniennes
historiques, tandis que des milliers d’autres ont ete converties en
mosquees, ecuries, residences ou simplement ruinees.

Le geste "gracieux" de permettre les services religieux, une fois
par an, pour un nombre limite de personnes et pour une duree limite
decretee par les autorites turques, en l’eglise Sainte-Croix sur l’île
d’Akhtamar, sur le lac de Van. Ce lieu de devotion mondialement connu
est designe officiellement comme un site touristique, pas comme une
eglise !

Le reexamen de la possibilite de retirer l’interdiction des enfants
d’immigres d’Armenie d’assister aux cours d’ecoles armeniennes privees.

Une rencontre "spectacle" tenue la semaine passee et le directeur de
l’hôpital armenien Saint Sauveur d’Istanbul, faussement designe comme
le chef de la communaute armenienne. Cette reunion ressemblait plus
a une seance de remontrances faites a l’esclave par son maître. Par
la suite, Bedros Shirinoglu a dit aux media, docilement, que "1915"
n’etait rien d’autre qu’une querelle entre deux amis, provoquee par
des tiers. Il a dit que son grand-père faisait partie des victimes,
mais qu’il en etait de meme pour de nombreux Turcs ! Shirinoglu s’est
blâme lui-meme et a demande la mansuetude d’Erdogan pour les 100 000
immigres armeniens, disant que leur nombre exagere etait de sa propre
faute, pas celle du Premier Ministre.

Enfin, le ministre des Affaires Etrangères Davutoglu a use d’un
nouveau stratagème pour diviser la diaspora armenienne, après
n’avoir eu qu’un succès limite dans sa tentative de division des
Armeniens sur les protocoles. Davutoglu a annonce que les autorites
turques initieront un "dialogue" avec les "Armeniens de la diaspora
raisonnables," c’est-a-dire des Armeniens qui ne soucient pas de
brader la cause armenienne au profit de leur propre ego et interet
personnel. Le ministre des affaires etrangères a declare que les
contacts seront etablis avec des "intellectuels, des universites et
des societes civiles."

En clair, les officiels turcs ont recours a tous les moyens possibles,
y compris l’exploitation des defunts protocoles, pour dissuader
d’autres pays de reconnaître le Genocide Armenien.

Pour eviter de tomber dans les machinations, les corruptions et les
pièges des Turcs, l’Armenie et la diaspora doivent rester vigilantes
et unies, specialement dans les semaines qui nous separent du 95ème
anniversaire du Genocide Armenien.

EU-Armenia’s Reliable Political And Economic Partner – FM


April 6 2010

YEREVAN, April 6 (Itar-Tass) – Cooperation with the European Union
remains one of the priorities of Armenia’s foreign policy, Foreign
Minister Edvard Nalbandian said on Tuesday.

"The EU remains a reliable political and economic partner for Armenia,"
he told a joint new conference with EU Commissioner for Enlargement
and European Neighbourhood Policy Stefan Fule.

He stressed that at present, the Armenian-EU relations register a
growing trend.

"The cooperation was brought to a qualitatively new level after the
EU Eastern Partnership policy was launched," the diplomats aid.

"In this respect the Armenian side attaches special importance to
signing a free trade agreement with the EU, to simplifying the visa
rules for Armenian citizens and to beginning the talks on an associate
agreement with the EU," he said.

BAKU: New York Azerbaijanis To Condemn Armenian Attempts To Impose "

April 6 2010

Azerbaijani diaspora will hold a march in the United States.

The Azerbaijani diaspora will hold a march in the United States in
a protest against the attempts of the Armenian side to impose the
"Armenian genocide" which allegedly occurred in the Ottoman Turkey
in 1915 on the US authorities.

According to sources in the American Azerbaijanis Association, the
annual march "Say no to Armenian lie" will be held in the center of
New York on April 24, the day, which Armenians consider to be the day
of "genocide". The action is organized by the Turkish diaspora under
support of the American Azerbaijanis Society. Head of the American
Azerbaijanis Association Tomris Azeri will speak during the march
during which she will speak about the Day of Azerbaijani Genocide,
the massacres in Khojaly and the overall Armenian aggression against
Karabakh marked on March 31.

In addition, the New York residents will be able to watch a documentary
of the said topic on a big screen.

NKR Foreign Ministry: Ceasefire Violated From Azeri Side 1088 Times


April 5, 2010 – 15:35 AMT 10:35 GMT

Ceasefire was violated from Azeri side 1088 times over last week on
NKR -Azerbaijan line of contact.

7648 shots were fired in the direction of NKR positions.

Intensive violations of ceasefire were registered during March,
with 2872 shots fired in the direction of NKR positions. Over March
28-April 3, NKR armed forces responded Azeris’ actions, NKR Foreign
Ministry press service reported.

Azerbaijan’s Long Quest to Be Free

Azerbaijan’s Long Quest to Be Free

The Monterey County Herald

Published: Apr 3, 2010
AP Mobile

Many Americans may know my country, Azerbaijan, for its oil wealth or for
its conflict with Armenia over the territory of Nagorno Karabakh. Few of us
in Azerbaijan were surprised by a report that President Ilham Aliyev’s
family invests assets abroad. What else should be expected from a leader who
inherited power from his father through fraudulent elections?

Aliyev’s brutal crackdown on the opposition and independent media began with
his election in October 2003. Thousands of Azeris protesting the transfer of
power – more succession than an election – were arrested and beaten. As
opposition supporters languished in jail, then-deputy U.S. Secretary of
State Richard Armitage phoned Aliyev to congratulate him on his "landslide"
victory. Democratic voices of protest were stifled by the blows of police
batons. Western powers were eager to work with a new leader they viewed as
young and progressive.

Nearly two years later, on the eve of the 2005 parliamentary elections,
Azeri democrats inspired by the support Western nations had given to the
Rose and Orange democratic revolutions in Georgia and Ukraine decided to
again challenge Aliyev’s authoritarian regime. Events unfortunately played
out along now-familiar lines: The government falsified election results;
opposition protests were crushed; yet Washington praised the work of
Azerbaijan’s Constitutional Court, which had just approved false election

Aliyev apparently interpreted the international community’s silence as carte
blanche to turn a country with long-standing democratic traditions into a
fiefdom. The government evicted major opposition parties from their
centrally located headquarters. Independent media felt the wrath. One
outspoken editor of an opposition magazine was fatally shot in March 2005.

There was a time when Azerbaijan’s future looked promising.

But these days, the only vote that counts is that of Ilham Aliyev. After
"winning" his second presidential term last year, in an election with no
viable opposition alternative, Aliyev and his rubber-stamp parliament
conspired to change the constitution, through a referendum, to lift term
limits on the presidency.

The next parliamentary elections are to be held in November. The democratic
opposition is again preparing to challenge the regime. While there are no
indications that the government’s behavior will differ from that of years
past, we have decided to participate in the election process because we
recognize that this is our chance to fight for our ideals.

Our platform is simple: We intend to establish a functional democracy in our
country. Azerbaijan has a resourceful populace, and we can and must decrease
our nation’s dependence on oil. We must break the economic monopolies
controlled by corrupt officials. Our goal is to establish a free,
market-based economy. We want Azerbaijan to integrate into the Euro-Atlantic
community of nations, ending its status as a satellite of autocratic Russia.

As we continue our struggle for freedom, it is vital that the United States
pursue appropriate action with regard to the largest nation in the South

The democratic opposition in Azerbaijan does not seek intervention or
financial assistance from the United States. What we need is the moral
support of an America that stands by its own values.

Ali Karimli is chairman of the Popular Front Party of Azerbaijan and
co-founder of Azadlig (Freedom) Political Bloc of Opposition Parties. He
wrote this for The Washington Post.

BAKU: Bodies of Gazakh region residents killed handed over

APA, Azerbaijan
April 3 2010

Bodies of Gazakh region residents killed by Armenian servicemen handed
over to Azerbaijan

[ 03 Apr 2010 13:11 ]

Baku. Kamala Guliyeva ` APA. The bodies of the Azerbaijanis killed by
Armenian armed forces in March, this year have been handed over to
Azerbaijan, Gulnaz Guliyeva, spokesperson for Azerbaijani
representation of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)
told APA.

According to her, the bodies were handed over with the mediation of
ICRC. The handover process took place on the road between Armenia’s
Yereskhavan city and Azerbaijan’s Sederek city. In accordance with the
mandate of neutral mediator ICRC, the handover process was realized
basing on the appeals of all sides and in the atmosphere of their full

Gazakh residents Hasan Huseynov and Sakit Mammadov reportedly crossed
Armenian territory and were killed by Armenian servicemen early in

High Quality Internet To Be Available To Consumer


2010-04-01 14:22:00

Arminfo. High quality Internet in Armenia should reflect service
quality of users, Deputy Transport and Communication Minister Valter
Marutyan told journalists today.

‘Internet that entered our republic over the last two years has risen
tenfold – from 600 Mbt up to 6 Gbt/sec. Instead of one optical channel
we have several at present. The number of the Internet-providers
at the market has grown up to several dozens. To be short, we have
reached a great progress in this sphere. But we have to pay attention
if the users have Internet of the needed quality…Resolving of this
problem will help further development of the market’, – Marutyan said.

To recall, Armenia occupied the 72-nd place in the ITU rating published
in March 2009, Georgia – the 80th and Azerbaijan – the 86th.

Protestations Des Armeniens D’Istanbul

par Jean Eckian

vendredi2 avril 2010

Propos de Bedros Sirinoglu

A la suite des honteuses déclarations du Président du Conseil
d’administration de la Fondation de l’Hôpital Arménien Saint-Sauveur
a Istanbul, lors d’une entrevue avec le premier ministre turc Erdogan,
le 26 mars dernier, des intellectuels Arméniens de Turquie ont émis
une pétition en ligne s’indignant contre les-dits propos mettant en
doute le génocide des Arméniens, intitulée "Nous vivons peut-être
dans une Turquie différente !"

La pétition commence par ces mots : " C’est avec dégoÃ"t que nous
avons suivi la déclaration du Président du Conseil d’administration
de la Fondation de l’Hôpital Arménien Saint-Sauveur a Istanbul
le 26 mars 2010, après une entrevue avec le Premier ministre Recep
Tayyip Erdogan."

Plus loin, les signataires affirment que "C’est un mensonge de dire que
tous les Arméniens vivant en Turquie se sentent en sécurité. Dans ce
pays, les Arméniens sont victimes de racisme et de discrimination ;
les Arméniens ici sont utilisés comme monnaie d’échange dans les
relations internationales"

Et : " Nous dénoncons la description selon laquelle ce qui s’est
passé en 1915 est Â" une querelle entre amis Â" ; la sous-estimation
et la tentative de camoufler ce grand crime contre l’humanité,
a la suite duquel la population arménienne a été dispersée par
la force dans le monde entier et s’est trouvée être réduite a 60
mille citoyens. "

La pétition accuse, en outre, le premier ministre turc d’avoir
menacé d’expulser 100 000 citoyens arméniens et déclare qu’elle
est en aucune facon en accord avec les propos de Bedros Å~^irinoglu.

Parmi les signataires turcs et arméniens figure notamment la famille
de Hrant Dink.

La Pétition

ANTELIAS: Commemoration of the Parable of the Ten Maidens in Antelia

Catholicosate of Cilicia
Communication and Information Department
Contact: V.Rev.Fr.Krikor Chiftjian, Communications Director
Tel: (04) 410001, 410003
Fax: (04) 419724
E- mail: [email protected]

PO Box 70 317

Watch our latest videos on YouTube here:


On Tuesday 30 March 2010, Vespers service was devoted to the Parable of Ten
Bridesmaids (Mathew 25:1-13). During the service, while the celebrant read
the Gospel, ten young girls holding lit candles stood in front of the Altar.
After the reading, the girls read the papers given to them as they
approached the Alter. Those bridesmaids who had papers written ‘foolish’
extinguished their candles.

At the end of the Vespers, the Celebrant priest, the ‘Ten Bridesmaids’ and
the faithful, walked in procession to meet His Holiness Aram I. Before
giving his blessings, His Holiness Aram I reminded everyone of the
importance of the Parable. He said: "The parable tells us to be always ready
to receive the Lord" Readiness here implies our responsibility in living our
Christian life. However, he said, the Parable also leaves us with another
thought: Should we be ready as individuals? The parable urges us to be in
dialogue and in solidarity with those who are not yet ready by helping them.
He then expressed his joy in seeing the people participating in the rituals
of the Armenian Church with devotion. As the people greeted His Holiness
they also received symbolic gifts.

View the photos here:
The Armenian Catholicosate of Cilicia is one of the two Catholicosates of
the Armenian Orthodox Church. Its jurisdiction extends over the Armenian
Communities in the Middle East, Europe and North and South America. The
Catholicosate, the administrative center of the church is located in
Antelias, Lebanon. /// Armenian Catholicosate of Cilicia – Communication and
Information Department.
Contact: V. Rev. Fr. Krikor Chiftjian, Communications Director.

ANKARA: Turkish, US Foreign Ministers Talk On Phone


Today’s Zaman
March 29 2010

Foreign ministers of Turkey and the United States had a phone
conversation on Sunday.

According to diplomatic sources, Turkish Minister of Foreign Affairs
Ahmet Davutoglu and US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton mainly
discussed the developments regarding the Armenian resolution in the
USA during their phone-talk.

The latest developments in the Middle East, as well as the situation
in Iraq and Iran were also on the agenda of the two officials’
conversation, officials said.