Map Appears At Hayland.Am With Marking Of Places Of Massacre Of Arme


2010-04-23 11:19:00

ArmInfo. Largest Armenian social network came up with unique
initiative, dedicated to the memory of Armenian Genocide’s victims.

Recently an interesting application has appeared on website
front-page. A Map of former Ottoman Empire littered with icons that
indicate places of massacre, escape routes and points of Armenian
resistance in 1915. Here anyone can honor the memory of Armenian
Genocide victims by placing a candle in places of our compatriots’
mass murders.

Also a special blog has been created to let people share stories told
by their elders about horrors, escape, tragic lives, resistance and
heroism of our countrymen during the Armenian Genocide. social network was established in 2008 and currently has
more than 90 000 registered users all over the world.

Ara Hakobyan Appointed Armenian Ambassador To Sri Lanka


APRIL 23, 2010

YEREVAN, APRIL 23, ARMENPRESS: Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan
signed April 22 a decree dismissing Ashot Kocharyan from the office
of the Armenian Ambassador to Sri Lanka.

Presidential press office told Armenpress that with another same day
decree of the president Armenian Ambassador to India Ara Hakobyan has
been appointed Armenian ambassador to Sri Lanka (residence New Dehli).

Armenia Stutters Over Turkey Accord


April 22 2010

Armenia has frozen the ratification of a deal with long-time foe Turkey
to reopen their shared border and establish diplomatic relations.

The two countries have long been divided over the 1915 mass killing
of Armenians by Ottoman forces during the First World War.

Armenia labels those deaths as a genocide but Turkey rejects that term.

Turkey closed its border with Armenia in 1993 because of its war with
Azerbaijan over the disputed region of Nagorno Karabakh.

Decades of frosty relations appeared to have thawed when Turkish
Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu and his Armenian counterpart, Edward
Nalbandian signed the Swiss-mediated agreement on October 10.

Four days later, Armenian President Serge Sarkissian attended Armenia’s
World Cup qualifier in Turkey.

His Turkish counterpart Abdullah Gul kicked off the football diplomacy
in 2008. Gul he was in the stands for an earlier World Cup game
between the two nations.

Turquie : La Liberte De l’Historien


http://www.armenews .com/article.php3?id_article=60293
21 avril 2010

Info Collectif VAN – – L’historien turc Halil
Berktay a signe le 13 mars dans Taraf un article revelateur de la
schizophrenie qui tourmente une grande majorite d’intellectuels
de Turquie. Il est interessant de constater qu’un historien, un
intellectuel suppose reflechir au destin des hommes, peut affirmer
que " Non, l’acceptation du genocide n’est pas un but plus grand
plus haut et au-dessus de la democratisation de la Turquie. Non,
la reconnaissance du genocide 1915 n’a aucun avantage urgent ou
pratique pour le monde. " Halil Berktay ne peut pourtant ignorer que
l’acceptation du genocide armenien porte en elle cette democratisation
qu’il appelle de ses v~ux pour son pays. Selon lui, les demandes
internationales de reconnaissance du genocide, portees par la diaspora
armenienne sont " un pretexte pour chercher la vengeance a tout prix,
justifier l’etroitesse d’esprit pour faire passer un sale moment
a la Turquie. " Helas, sans le vouloir, l’historien a prouve – si
on en doutait encore – que sa generation n’a pas echappe au système
educatif turc qu’il critique ici fort a propos. Le Collectif VAN vous
propose la traduction de cet article.

La liberte de l’historien

Halil Berktay



En reponse a la question d’un etudiant doctorant : "Que devrait etre
le but de l’enseignement d’histoire," j’avais dit que, plutôt que
de fournir un modèle ou une sorte d’utopie en tant qu’historien ou
professeur d’histoire, j’avais toujours defendu le fait de partir
d’une critique de ce qui existe, ce qui me mène a repenser ma propre
pratique. J’avais indique qu’au premier niveau, le plus bas, nous
trouvons quelques valeurs ideo-politiques. Et parmi celles-ci, la
liberte, c’est-a-dire la liberte directe de l’historien, vient en
premier. Alors, aujourd’hui, est-ce que l’histoire et l’historien
sont libres dans ce pays ?

Comme dans n’importe quel domaine, oui et non. Ou c’est une liberte a
moitie cuite, comme notre democratie. En l’etat des choses, l’ideologie
officielle est vivante et se porte bien. La plupart des institutions
d’enseignement superieur sont plutôt prussiennes. À chaque niveau,
du plus haut au plus bas, l’obeissance et le conformisme sont d’une
importance primordiale. L’habitude de toujours marcher deux pas
derrière "le Grand Professeur" qui porte son porte-documents, est
arrivee de la province a la capitale sous la forme qui consiste a
suivre l’Etat deux pas derrière lui, et de le defendre.

La hierarchie et les grades/rangs faconnes sur le modèle de la
hierarchie militaire – aggraves par les pratiques d’humiliation,
d’intimidation et d’assimilation – ne laissent aucune place a
l’intelligence, l’honnetete ou la lucidite, chez l’etudiant ou le
jeune universitaire. On n’enseigne pas, on forme ; en formant, on
moud. On ecrase l’esprit, la possibilite de passer au-dela des lignes
rouges. Et le ciment de tout cela, c’est le nationalisme.

Quand vous dites "cause nationale", le monde entier s’immobilise. Le
vrai ou le faux s’evaporent ; "notre thèse" et "la thèse armenienne"
(ou "le côte armenien") entrent en action. Et il ne reste plus de
verite, d’integrite scientifique, ou de suprematie de la loi (comme
l’ont prouve maintes et maintes fois nos tribunaux). Il n’est pas
facile de resister, ou de resister aux courants "des valeurs nationales
et spirituelles" redefinies par le nationalisme au cours des trente,
vingt et particulièrement, dix dernières annees. Dans les pays
capitalistes developpes, c’est peut-etre l’argent, mais en Turquie,
l’Etat, la nation, l’obeissance, la tutelle, plutôt que l’argent,
l’emportent sur le namus (l’honneur) et la conscience.

De fait, je n’avais pas l’intention d’ecrire sur ce sujet aujourd’hui.

Surtout juste après la discussion de la conference a Antalya (les
deux côtes de la chaire, 18 fevrier), pour en finir avec cette
idee de liberte, je voulais passer au point suivant, le deuxième
but de l’enseignement de l’histoire que j’apprecie bien davantage
-"la richesse culturelle" – puis terminer avec la question "penser
historiquement" que je considère comme le but supreme. Si j’ai cede
a ma colère, c’est en raison de l’etalage grotesque et mesquin dans
les medias, après le vote sur le genocide armenien de la Commission
des Affaires etrangères du Congrès [americain].

J’ai ecrit et dit plusieurs fois que je suis contre ces sortes de
decrets de "quatrièmes parties", les efforts pour faire appliquer
la reconnaissance de genocide par des pressions externes. Si ce pays
realise les conditions necessaires pour faire face a son histoire avec
le temps, cela sera et devrait etre en tant que partie et derivee de
son propre processus de developpement interne et de democratisation.

Non, l’acceptation du genocide n’est pas un but plus grand plus haut et
au-dessus de la democratisation de la Turquie. Non, la reconnaissance
du genocide 1915 n’a aucun avantage urgent ou pratique pour le monde.

Eh bien, il est dit que la reconnaissance du genocide armenien
empechera d’autre genocides possibles sur terre (ou vice versa, que
si le genocide armenien n’est pas reconnu, d’autres genocides auront
lieu plus facilement). Je ne le crois pas du tout. C’est un pretexte
invente pour la "soykirimi Kaboul ettirme siyasi" (la politique de
reconnaissance de genocide) [voir originaux turc et anglais.] sur
laquelle se fixent les extremistes au sein des nationalistes armeniens.

C’est un pretexte pour chercher la vengeance a tout prix, justifier
l’etroitesse d’esprit pour faire passer un sale moment a la
Turquie.C’est une attitude si myope que, si on comptabilise comme
echec la description concrète du deracinement et de l’extermination
des Armeniens – sans utilisation du terme genocide – dans toutes les
declarations des presidents americains le 24 avril, on pousse des cris
de victoire, parce que la Commission a vote avec 23voix contre 22,
pour inclure le mot genocide.

Je suis en train de lire les declarations de l’ANCA : "Pourquoi nous
avons gagne, comment nous avons gagne" et je suis degoûte. Mais en meme
temps, a l’oppose polaire, je suis degoûte des medias nationalistes,
etatistes turcs fixes sur la "soykirimi inkâr siyasasi" (la politique
de dementi de genocide) [sic]. En fait, je suis d’autant plus degoûte,
que ceux-ci mentent en toute connaissance de cause.

Ils sont a present bien au courant de 1915. Au cours des dix dernières
annees, ceux qui ne le savaient pas l’ont plus ou moins appris. Ils
le mentionnent dans leurs conversations privees, ils declament leurs
connaissances dans des interviews en "prime time" et ils expriment
leur sympathie. Vous pourriez croire qu’ils ont appris quelque chose
et sont devenus plus sages. Mais toutes ces convulsions hysteriques
reviennent d’un coup, les mensonges "necessaires" et "libres" que
Murat Belge mentionne. Tous ces rôles joues, cette hypocrisie, cette
mise en scène. C’est dans cet environnement que la science libre
(la liberte scientifique) se bat pour son existence.

©Traduction de l’anglais : C.Gardon pour le Collectif VAN – 16 avril
2010 – 07:23 –

BAKU: Necessary To Return Missed Moment Of Past Two Months, Karabakh

April 20 2010

Robert Bradtke US Co-chair of OSCE Minsk Group Robert Bradtke arrived
in Azerbaijan today in the daytime.

‘I am very happy to back in Baku… I’ve come to have meeting with
President Aliyev and Minister of Foreign Affairs Mammadyarov. As
President Aliyev said, we are really at a decisive stage in
Nagorno-Karabakh peace process. And we need to reestablish the
momentum, the momentum which was lost during last couple of months
of this year.

So, I will be reassuring the president in our interest in relations
with Azerbaijan, not only bilateral relations but also in the context
of Nagorno-Karabakh and our commitment to make any progress. The
US is ready to do what we can make progress in a peace process’,
said Bradtke while giving interview to journalists at Haydar Aliyev
International Airport.

The diplomat also noted that he would speak about other details after
the meetings.

Note that, Robert Bradtke will discuss negotiation process on Nagorno
Karabakh conflict with Azerbaijani officials together with former
and new Russian co-chairs Yuri Merzlyakov and Igor Popov.

Note that Russian diplomats arrived in Baku today in the morning. But
French diplomat Bernard Fassier will not come to Azerbaijan this time.

5,5% GDP Growth In Armenia In 1Q


2010-04-20 17:33:00

ArmInfo. Armenia’s GDP in Jan-Mar 2010, as compared to the similar
period of 2009, grew by 5,5%, and in March as compared to February –
by 43,1%. According to the preliminary data of Armenia’s National
Statistical Service, provided to ArmInfo, GDP volume in Jan-Mar 2010
made up 568.1 bln drams or $1.5 bln in absolute terms. GDP index
deflator in Jan-Mar grew by 10,2%.

Among Armenia’s economy sectors, growth in 1Q 2010 has been fixed in
industry – by 10,4%, while in March as compared to February – by 7,7%.

Production volume in industrial sector as of April 1, 2010, made
up 177.5 bln drams ($462.1 mln) in absolute terms or 31,2% of GDP
(ArmInfo). Index of prices of industrial produce in Jan-Mar grew by
37,7%, and in March as compared to February – by 2,8%. Volume of
electricity generation for the 1st quarter 2010 grew by 9,8%, and
in March as compared to February – by 16,1% to 1584.5 mln kWh. 3,2%
growth has been fixed in agriculture in Jan-Mar, while 14,7% growth
has been fixed in this sphere in March as compared to February.

Gross production volume in agriculture in absolute terms by early
April, 2010, made up 42.5 bln drams ($111 mln). 0,6% fall has been
fixed in construction in 1Q, and in March as compared to February –
over twofold growth to 47 bln drams ($122 mln). Retail trade volume in
Jan-Mar grew by 1% per annum, nd in March as compared to February –
by 0,5% to 211 bln drams ($549.2 mln). Services to population made
up 174 bln drams ($453 mln) in absolute terms by later March, having
grown in March as compared to February by 30,8%, and as compared to
1Q 2009 – by 6,2%.

Foreign turnover in 1Q 2010 grew by 29% per annum, and in march as
compared to February – by 15,4% to $1012.7 mln or 388.7 bln drams. In
its structure, export in Jan- Mar grew by 60,9%, and in March as
compared to February – by 11,1%. Import in 1Q grew by 23,1%, and in
March as compared to February – by 16,5%.

Inflation in March as compared to December 2009 made up 2,9%, in
Jan-Mar, as compared to the similar period of the previous year –
8,4%. AMD settlement rate made up 384,08 AMD/ $1 USD.

Armenian President Is In Moscow, Due To Return To Yerevan Tuesday Ev


Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan is due to return to Armenia Tuesday
evening, President’s spokesman Armen Arzumanyan told reporters
in Moscow.

When asked whether the President’s short vacation is over and when
Serzh Sargsyan is due to arrive in Yerevan, Armen Arzumanyan said:

"Yes, the President’s short vacation is over. As you know, the
President’s working visit to Moscow was scheduled on April 20. Taking
into account the air restrictions in most of the EU countries due to
the Icelandic volcano ash, the Armenian President traveled to Russia
directly from Europe." recalls that Armenia’s Serzh Sargsyan is due to meet
with President Dmitry Medvedev of Russia on April 20 in Moscow. Serzh
Sargsyan will return to Yerevan late Thursday, according to President’s

Armenian Genocide Resolution May Be Discussed During U.S. Congress F


April 19, 2010 – 17:17 AMT 12:17 GMT

Head of the ARF Dashnaktsutyun parliamentary group Vahan Hovhannisyan
said that the Armenian Genocide resolution, H.Res 252 may be debated
during the U.S. Congress fall session.

"The discussion terms depend on numerous technical issues, for example,
on congressmen’s mood and interest, on several states, which have
basic military and industrial complexes, on military contracts with
Turkey, as well as on the impact of Turkey’s support to Iran on
the U.S. administration positions," Mr. Hovhannisyan told a press
conference in Yerevan.

"There are some factors, which cannot be analyzed entirely. Hopefully,
it will be done until autumn, but I cannot be absolutely confident
of it," he said.

New Times Party: President Of Armenia Violates Constitution


2010-04-20 12:26:00

ArmInfo. President of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan submitted the
Armenian-Turkish Protocols to the National Assembly of Armenia for
ratification without making relevant amendments to the Protocols
as required by the Constitutional Court of Armenia. The president,
hereby, did not fulfill the decision by the Constitutional Court and
violated the points 5,6,100 and 102 of the Constitution of Armenia,
says the letter of the New Times Party Board to Chairman of the
Constitutional Court of Armenia Gagik Haroutiunyan.

On January 12 2010 the Constitutional Court of Armenia recognized
the commitments in the Armenian-Turkish Protocols in compliance with
the Constitution of Armenia. The CC resumed that the commitments in
the Protocols are of mutual interstate interest and cannot apply to
third countries. The CC highlighted that the prior provision in the
Protocols is opening of the actual Armenian-Turkish border and all
the other commitments will obtain legal force only after the border is
open. Afterwards, Foreign Minister of Turkey said that the Armenian CC
resolution contains preconditions and provisions contradicting to the
Protocols signed in Zurich on October 10 2009. To come into effect,
the protocols are to be ratified by the two countries’ parliaments.

National Neoconservative Movement To Stage Protest In Defence Of Cou


APRIL 19, 2010

YEREVAN, APRIL 19, NOYAN TAPAN. The National Neoconservative Movement
calls on political forces and NGOs to stage a protest on April 20 –
in defence of the Council of NGOs of Samtskhe-Javakhk and Kvemo Kartli.

The leader of the movement Edward Apramian said at the April 19
press conference that the Council, which intends to run in the local
government elections to be held in Georgia in late May, is the only
political force representing the interests of the Georgian Armenians.

However, according to E. Apramian, Georgian authorities will do
everything to forbid the Council from participating in the election
campaign. "The Georgian authorities have created such a situation
that the Armenian activists are in prisons, and these authorities
also prevent young activists from further developing," the movement
leader stated.

In response to the question about whether Georgia will toughen
its policy on Georgian Armenians if a wave of protests rises in
Armenia, E. Apramian replied that the Georgians use tough, even rude
methods, taking advantage of the indifference and silence of Armenian
authorities, and not because of the protests staged. In his words,
Armenia should specify its posture on Armenian-Georgian relations by
laying stress on its national interests.

When the reporters reminded him about the words of an Armenian
political figure who said that it is necessary to separate the national
interests from the state ones and that the problem of Javakhk is a
national but not a state problem, E. Apramian noted that this approach
is a result of illiteracy. In his words, no other country separates
its national and state interests. "If this is so, then the Karabakh
problem is not among our state interests: let’s surrender it and
finish our work," he said.