Schroeder highlights human rights during Turkey visit

Schroeder highlights human rights during Turkey visit

Expatica, Netherlands
May 4 2005

ANKARA – Turkey must continue to implement human rights reforms ahead
of European Union membership negotiations due to begin in October,
German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder said on Wednesday.

In Turkey for a two-day official visit, Schroeder told Prime Minister
Recep Tayyip Erdogan that the reforms already passed by Turkey were
important, but that proper implementation was necessary.

He said that changes to the law to give religious minorities further
rights were a good step, but that the reforms must go further.

Erdogan said, however, that there had been no direct request from
Schroeder to allow the reopening of a Greek Orthodox seminary on the
Marmara Sea island of

Heybeliada, which has been closed since 1971 when all private tertiary
institutions were outlawed.

Speaking at a press conference with Erdogan, Schroeder tried to allay
fears in Turkey that failure to ratify the EU constitution would
mean Turkey being left outside the union. The treaty is viewed as
essential for an expanded EU.

Schroeder said he supported a Turkish proposal for a joint meeting
of historians to discuss whether the deaths of hundreds of thousands
of Armenians during World War One constituted genocide.

Turkey historically has denied genocide took place and the issue has
threatened to hurt Turkey’s EU membership chances.

Speaking later at Marmara University in Istanbul where he received an
honorary doctorate, Schroeder said Turkey could learn from Germany’s
own experience.

In coming to terms with what it did during World War Two, it had
contributed to peace in Europe. The once hated enemies, France and
Germany, were now close friends.

The German chancellor also met Turkish President Ahmet Necdet Sezer
in Ankara and the spiritual leader of the Greek Orthodox Church,
Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I, and attended a Turkish- German
Economic Forum.

ANKARA: Reaction to Switzerland

Turkish Press
April 3 2005

Press Scan


MILLIYET- Turkey reacted strongly to warrant of arrest decision of
Switzerland on Prof. Yusuf Halacoglu, chairman of Turkish Institute
of History. Switzerland noted that the statements of Prof. Halacoglu
who denied so-called Armenian genocide constitute an offense and it
requested his personal information to start an international search
with red bulletin.

Trial Of Murder Of Armenian Officer In Hungary To Be Resumed May 10


YEREVAN, MAY 2. ARMINFO. The trial of the murder of Armenian officer
Gurgen Margaryan by his Azeri counterpart Ramil Safarov in Hungary Feb
19 2004 is to be resumed in Budapest May 10, says Nazeli Vardanyan,
lawyer representing the interests of Margaryan’s family and Armenian
officer Hayk Makuchyan whom Safarov attempted to kill.

Safarov is facing from 10-15 years of imprisonment to life in prison.

Vardanyan says that she is to leave for Budapest May 7. Also in the
court will be Makuchayn and Armenia’s Defence Ministry representative
Hayk Demoyan.

May 10 the court is to make public the results of Safarov’s repeated
psychiatric examination which was held on the insistance of the
Azeri side who was allowed to observe it but with no chance of
influence. The first examination found Safarov sane. To remind,
Safarov killed Margaryan with an ax.

Artsakh values writers though does not expoit their potential


AZG Armenian Daily #079, 03/05/2005

Karabakh diary

Writers’ Union of Nagorno Karabakh called its 3d congress. Together
with the delegation of Writers’ Union of Armenia headed by its
president Levon Ananian, Artsakhi writers discussed their accomplished
works and shared with future programs.

President of Armenia’s Writers’ Union thanked for being granted a
member of Artsakh’s Writers’ Union along with 2 other members of
the Armenian delegation. He highly evaluated the cooperation of two
literary organizations especially of the last 4 years. Highlighting
today’s literary potential of Artsakh, he called it a well-established
power, which has a serious mission in all-Armenian literary field.

“The Writers’ Union of Armenia will continue lending support to
Artsakh’s literary family”, Ananian assured and added that the rest
home to be built for Artsakh’s writers is a display of such support.

President of NKR Writers’ Union, Vartan Hakobian, presented his
report on 4 years of the Union’s activity. The most important thing,
he noted, was bringing Artsakh’s Union into the all-Armenian literary
field. Today, NKR Writers’ Union has a literary newspaper Yeghitsi
Luys and a comic magazine Pele Pughi as well as a separate publishing
house with a capacity to put out more than 10 books annually. Stating
the state’s resolution to support the Union, Hakobian highlighted
ArtsakhBank’s favor to improve writers’ housing conditions, help them
take part in international processes and help in issues connected
with books’ translations.

The young generation of writers is under special care of the Union.
According to the report, young writers are granted best conditions
for book publishing and for participation in literary arrangements
in Armenia.

Vartan Hakobian underscored the necessity for the writers to actively
involve in processes of state governing. This is an urgent issue as
there has been no writer in legislative and executive powers of the
country during the decade of independence whereas the Artsakh Movement
launched in 1988 at the very initiative of writers.

Prof. Sokrat Khanian presented his report on the present condition of
Artsakhi fiction. Zhanna Beglarian from University of Grigor Narekatsi
spoke of recent works of Artsakhi poets.

An open vote after the reports elected the new administration of the
Writers’ Union of Artsakh. Vartan Hakobian was unanimously re-elected
the head of administration.

By Kim Gabrielian in Stepanakert

Informationen zur deutschen aussenpolitik


Informationen zur deutschen aussenpolitik

Revolutionäre Wirkungen

Die Türkei soll ihre ,,zwischenstaatlichen Beziehungen zu Armenien
umgehend normalisier(en)” und damit die Einflussnahme Berlins und der
EU im südlichen Kaukasus erleichtern. Dies fordert die
CDU/CSU-Fraktion im Deutschen Bundestag. Um eine ,,Versöhnung” mit
Eriwan einzuleiten, solle Ankara sich der ,,europäischen
Erinnerungskultur” einfügen und sich mit dem Genozid an der
armenischsprachigen Bevölkerung des Landes ,,vorbehaltlos
auseinandersetz(en)” , heißt es in der entsprechenden
Parlamentsvorlage. Wie Bundestagsabgeordnete verschiedener Fraktionen
erklären, solle dabei auf die Begriffe ,,Völkermord” bzw. ,,Genozid”
verzichtet werden. Ein solches Vorgehen befreit die Türkei von
jeglichen Entschädigungsansprüchen und entspricht der Praxis der
Bundesregierung, die überlebenden Opfer deutscher Staatsaggressionen
mit folgenlosen Gedenkritualen abzuspeisen. In den Genozid, dessen
Beginn sich am heutigen Sonntag zum 90. Male jährt, waren die
deutsche Reichsregierung und das deutsche Militär maßgeblich

Wie es in dem CDU/CSU-Antrag heißt, liege es ,,im Interesse der EU,
durch die Öffnung des Landweges durch die Türkei die wirtschaftliche
Entwicklung Armeniens und die Stabilität in der Region zu fördern”
.1) Ankara hat die Beziehungen zu Eriwan abgebrochen und die
türkisch-armenische Grenze geschlossen, nachdem der Streit zwischen
Armenien und dem türkischen Verbündeten Aserbaidschan um das von
beiden Seiten beanspruchte Gebiet Nagornyi-Karabach eskalierte. Dies
sichert Russland, aber auch dem Iran bedeutenden Wirtschaftseinfluss
auf das arme Kaukasus-Land. Wie andere GUS-Staaten gerät auch
Armenien unter immer stärkeren Druck, sich von Russland zu lösen und
den westlichen Hegemonialmächten zu unterstellen. Der
Verteidigungsminister des Landes hat kürzlich angekündigt, die
Verbindungen zur NATO vertiefen zu wollen, ein früherer armenischer
Premierminister plädiert für einen Umsturz a la Kiew.2)

,,Europäische Erinnerungskultur”
Den ,,Ausgleich” zwischen der Türkei und Armenien, der für die
Westbindung des Landes erforderlich ist, will Berlin nun mit einem
Geschichtsdiskurs befördern, der den Genozid der Jahre 1915 und 1916
thematisiert. Im September 2002 noch hatte die Bundesregierung die
Ansicht vertreten, ,,dass die beiden Länder selbst die Grundlage für
eine Verbesserung ihres Verhältnisses definieren sollten” .3) Am
vergangenen Donnerstag (21. April) haben Abgeordnete sämtlicher
Fraktionen die Türkei aufgefordert, in eine Debatte über die Massaker
während des Ersten Weltkriegs einzutreten. Die armenische Regierung
hat bereits vor drei Jahren auf die Anerkennung der Mordtaten als
,,Völkermord” verzichtet, die als Voraussetzung für
Entschädigungsansprüche überlebender Opfer und ihrer Nachkommen gilt.
Damit ist der Weg frei für eine folgenlose Auseinandersetzung
(,,europäische Erinnerungskultur” ) mit den damaligen Massakern,
denen mehr als eine Million Menschen zum Opfer fielen.4)

In den Genozid, der am 24. April 1915 mit der Deportation
armenischsprachiger Intellektueller aus Konstantinopel (heute:
Istanbul) begann, waren die deutsche Reichsregierung und das deutsche
Militär maßgeblich involviert. Berlin deckte die Massaker des
Weltkriegsverbündeten: ,,Unser einziges Ziel ist, die Türkei bis zum
Ende des Krieges an unserer Seite zu halten, gleichgültig, ob darüber
Armenier zu Grunde gehen oder nicht” , schrieb der damalige
Reichskanzler Theobald von Bethmann Hollweg. Das Deutsche Reich
unterstützte das Osmanische Reich mit der Entsendung einer
einflussreichen ,,Militärmission” , die gegen Ende des Ersten
Weltkriegs rund 800 teilweise hochrangige deutsche Offiziere in
osmanischen Diensten umfasste. Der Generalstab der III. Armee, in
deren ostanatolischem Stationierungsgebiet die Mehrheit der
armenischsprachigen Bevölkerung siedelte, unterstand dem deutschen
Offizier Felix Guse, andere deutsche Soldaten unterzeichneten
Deportationsbefehle oder waren an Hinrichtungen unmittelbar
beteiligt.5),,Der Armenier ist wie der Jude” , bemerkte General Fritz
Bronsart von Schellendorf, während des Kriegs Chef des osmanischen
Feldheeres in Istanbul, Anfang 1919: ,,außerhalb seiner Heimat ein
Parasit, der die Gesundheit des anderen Landes, in dem er sich
niedergelassen hat, aufsaugt.”6)

Schon als im Jahr 1895 rund 100.000 Menschen Pogromen gegen die
armenischsprachige Bevölkerung des Osmanischen Reichs zum Opfer
fielen, erklärte der Vortragende Rat im Auswärtigen Amt Alfons
Freiherr Mumm von Schwarzenstein, es könne ,,nicht die Aufgabe der
deutschen Politik sein, sich um die Christen in der ganzen Welt zu
kümmern und einen europäischen Kreuzzug gegen den Halbmond ins Leben
zu rufen” . Friedrich Naumann, einer der prominentesten Strategen der
deutschen Expansion, äußerte 1896 Verständnis für ,,die Notwehr des
Türken” .7)

Die Berliner Duldung des Massenmords entsprach mittelfristigen
Bündnisüberlegungen, aber ließ die Option eines deutschen
Besatzungsregimes in der Türkei grundsätzlich offen. Dabei setzte die
kaiserliche Außenpolitik auf Instrumentalisierung der
,,Menschenrechte” , mit denen eine spätere Eroberung Istanbuls
eingeleitet werden könnte. Wie Friedrich Naumann damals ausführte,
ließe sich durch Unterstützung von ,,Griechen, Serben, Bulgaren,
Mazedonier(n), Syrer(n), Armenier(n)” der Sturz des Osmanischen
Reiches herbeiführen. ,,Das Verfahren ist dieses: man fordert für die
abhängigen Völkerschaften Menschenrechte oder Humanität oder
Civilisation oder politische Freiheit, kurz, irgend etwas, was sie
den Türken gleichstellt.” Dies müsse im ,,Vielvölkerstaat” zu
,,revolutionären Wirkungen” führen.8)

Die gegenwärtige deutsche Außenpolitik schließt an die früheren
Überlegungen des Auswärtigen Amtes an und will ihre Ziele mittels
Forderungen durchsetzen, die einschlägigen Katalogen der
,,Zivilgesellschaft” (Naumann: ,,Civilisation” ) entnommen sind.
Demnach habe die Türkei durch Berücksichtigung von
Minderheitenrechten, ,,good governance” und ,,nachhaltiger”
Rechtspflege ihre Europa-Tauglichkeit zu erweisen. Avantgarde bei der
Anwendung dieses Instrumentariums war in den vergangenen Jahren die
Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung, die in Instanbul ein Büro unterhält. Auch
Regierungsmitglieder der SPD haben wiederholt versucht, die
innertürkische Opposition in die außenpolitischen Ziele Berlins
einzuspannen.9) Mit der überparteilich formulierten
Armenien-Resolution hat sich jetzt auch die CDU/CSU entschieden,
wirtschaftspolitische und klerikale Sonderinteressen in der Türkei
unter Bezug auf die ,,Menschenrechte” offen zu halten.

1) Antrag: Gedenken anlässlich des 90. Jahrestages des Auftakts zu
Vertreibungen und Massakern an den Armeniern am 24. April 1915 –
Deutschland muss zur Versöhung zwischen Türken und Armeniern
beitragen; Bundestags-Drucksache 15/4933
2) s. dazu Transportkorridor
3) Antwort der Bundesregierung auf die Kleine Anfrage der
Abgeordneten Uwe Hiksch, Ulla Jelpke, Dr. Winfried Wolf und der
Fraktion der PDS; Bundestags-Drucksache 14/9921
4) s. dazu Rechtsansprüche ausgeschlossen und Berlin: Keine
materielle Entschädigungspflicht für NS-Verbrechen sowie Europas
5) Wolfgang Gust: Der Völkermord an den Armeniern. Die Tragödie des
ältesten Christenvolkes der Welt, München/Wien 1993
6) Julius H. Schoeps: Der verdrängte Genozid;
7), 8) Hans-Walter Schmuhl: Friedrich Naumann und die Armenische
Frage. Die deutsche Öffentlichkeit und die Verfolgung der Armenier
vor 1915; www.histnet/kieser/aghet/Essays/EssaySchmuhl.html#fnB13
. 9) s. dazu Deutsche Stiftungen: ,,Dem äußeren und inneren Frieden
förderlich” und Umstrittene Instrumente

Armenian Defense Minister Pledges to ,,Deepen Ties” with NATO; RFE/RL
Newsline 07.04.2005
Former Armenian Premier calls for Revolution; RFE/RL Newsline


ANKARA: Armenia rejects conditions for political relations with Turk

The New Anatolian, Turkey
May 2 2005

Armenia rejects conditions for political relations with Turkey

The New Anatolian / Ankara

Armenia rejected the proposal of Turkish Prime Minister Recep Erdogan
on Saturday to establish political relations while jointly
researching the killings of Armenians during World War I.

The proposal by Erdogan, made on Friday, “does not contain anything
new,” said Armenian presidential spokesman Viktor Sogomonyan. “We
have proposed to establish diplomatic relations without
preconditions, and examine outstanding issues between our two
countries within the framework of an intergovernmental commission,”
Sogomonyan said.

Armenia insists the killings constitute genocide, and refuses to make
establishing relations conditional on agreeing to review what it says
is fact. Turkey denies a genocide was committed.

Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogansaid earlier in an
interview that Turkey might establish political ties if Armenia
agreed to his proposal for investigating the events. “Political
relations might be established on one side and studies (about
killings) can continue on the other side,” Erdogan said.

Earlier this month, Erdogan invited Armenia to set up a joint
research committee. Armenian President Robert Kocharian responded by
saying ties should be formed first.

Armenia opens its national archives

On the other hand, the head of the Armenian national archives,
Amatuni Virabyan, said Saturday that the first Turk to be allowed to
carry out research there. Ektan Turkyelmaz, from Duke University in
the U.S. state of North Carolina, would begin work Monday, Virabyan

ANKARA:Turkey not to open border crossing with Armenia for now

Turkey not to open border crossing with Armenia for now – minister

Anatolia news agency, Ankara
29 Apr 05

Kayseri, 29 April:”Actually we are not intending to open a border pass
to Armenia,” Turkish Foreign Minister and Deputy Prime Minister
Abdullah Gul said on Friday [29 April].

Replying to a question whether or not border pass with Armenia would
be opened, Gul said, “there is nothing about this, at the
moment. Prime Minister (Erdogan) expressed Turkey’s goodwill on this
issue. There will definitely be some developments if there is common
goodwill. We hope neighbours will show a similar and constructive

Mentioning the interest of foreign investors towards Turkey, Gul said,
“there are several big companies and they come to invest in
Turkey. Turkey becomes an attractive country for investors.”

He emphasized that German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder would come to
Turkey accompanied by 600 businessmen, and noted that some of those
businessmen were from Turkish origin. He said the delegation will come
to set up partnership with Turkish businessmen.

Gul stated that Turkey has a promising future.

Alternative for Gas and energy


| 16:30:16 | 28-04-2005 | Social |


The sources of hydrocarbon are exhausting all over the world to date
resulting in rise in prices for gas, oil and electric power. Proceeding from
energy security the problem was solved long ago in the Scandinavian states,
where alternative sources for heating the dwelling houses or other domestic
demands are used. Taking onto consideration the fact that climate conditions
of Armenia are alike those of Sweden and Norway, this novelty can be
implemented in Armenia as well.

However the program initiators did not take into account the fact that more
than a half of the Armenian population are poor people. Thus, TermoTex
Swedish company, which is trying to solve energy problems with the help of
nature, will face hardships in the Armenian market. With the help of modern
equipment the company is going to process energy from air, water and earth.
However the price of one device makes 8 thousand euros, what questions the
advisability of its implementation in Armenia. TermoTex representative
Vladimir Potapov noted that presently 90% of Swedish population use the
system. At that it should be noted that the government provides a credit
amounting in 75% of the device price.

The company representatives have not held talks with the Armenian
authorities on the issue yet. `If the government and crediting companies are
interested the program is real’, Potapov said.

Anyway they did not take into account the fact that besides the insolvency
of the population the Armenian banking system contrary to the European one
demands incomparably high interest.

[Mihran Toumajan <[email protected]>: MAIN PAGE: DCX’s Schremp

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From: Mihran Toumajan <[email protected]>
Subject: Schrempp Wins Big In High-Profile Case; Ruling setback for Kerkorian
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DCX’s Schrempp wins big in high-profile case

Ruling is setback for billionaire investor Kirk
Kerkorian, who sued on fraud claims.

The Detroit News
Friday, April 8, 2005

By Christine Tierney and Ed Garsten

DaimlerChrysler AG CEO Juergen Schrempp won a big victory Thursday
against a bitter adversary after a U.S. judge cleared him of fraud
charges leveled by Las Vegas billionaire Kirk Kerkorian.

U.S. District Judge Joseph Farnan said Kerkorian, Chrysler’s biggest
investor in 1998 when Germany’s Daimler-Benz AG acquired Chrysler
Corp., was a sophisticated investor who had failed to prove that he
had been misled about the nature of the deal.

Kerkorian and his investment arm, Tracinda Corp., sought more than $1
billion in damages from Schrempp and DaimlerChrysler, claiming that
then-Daimler-Benz CEO Schrempp never intended the deal to be a merger
of equals, although the deal was described that way at the time.

In a 125-page ruling, Farnan said Tracinda appeared in 1998 to be
concerned primarily with the prospect of financial gain.

“Tracinda did not find corporate governance or the ‘merger of equals’
label to be important at the time of the merger,” Farnan wrote.

“Kerkorian supported the merger and thought there ‘would be good
value’ in the transaction before he had any discussions about
corporate governance.”

The judge agreed with DaimlerChrysler’s defense that it had complied
with the deal’s terms as they were spelled out in the proxy statement
and other documents vetted by Kerkorian’s counselors and lawyers.

Although Kerkorian is weighing an appeal, Farnan’s ruling comes as a
huge relief to Schrempp, who is still trying to restore the
profitability of his auto empire. Chrysler has recovered from heavy
losses to become profitable, but Mercedes is now struggling to improve
earnings and quality.

Financial analysts said the company could afford the damages, but a
victory was the best outcome. As for Schrempp, “he dodged a bullet,”
said analyst David Healy at Burnham Securities.

Kerkorian filed suit against Schrempp and other DaimlerChrysler
officials in 2000, citing two interviews in which Schrempp appeared to
suggest that he always intended the deal to be a takeover. In that
case, Kerkorian argued that he was entitled to a takeover premium for
his stake.

The value of Kerkorian’s Chrysler stake soared from just under $3.7
billion to $4.8 billion after the deal was announced. But his
attorneys argued that Tracinda would have received more if
Daimler-Benz had openly proposed a takeover.

“By calling the transaction a merger of equals, Daimler saved $7
billion to $8 billion in the acquisition, Chrysler management got
rich, and Chrysler shareholders got cheated out of a control premium,”
Kerkorian attorney Terry Christensen said last year.

In a notorious interview with Britain’s Financial Times newspaper in
November 2000, Schrempp said he had always wanted to make Chrysler a
division but had gone about it in a “round-about” way for
psychological reasons.

In another interview with Barron’s, he said he had what he wanted: “I
have Daimler, and I have divisions.”

In a 13-day trial in Wilmington, Del., Schrempp did not deny the
statements but said he was misinterpreted. He said his intention had
been to structure Chrysler’s operating business as a division of the
new company, much like Mercedes-Benz.

Kerkorian’s attorneys also pointed to the shrinking number of former
Chrysler officials on the DaimlerChrysler management board — only one
when the trial ended in February 2004 — as further evidence of a
German takeover.

Kerkorian testified in court that he had relied on assurances from
former Chrysler Chairman Bob Eaton that the deal would be a merger of

But Farnan said Kerkorian should not have relied only on his
“reasonably general” talks with Eaton, as he had thorough access to
details of the negotiations.

The 87-year-old casino mogul had appointed a representative on
Chrysler’s board — James Aljian — after his own aborted takeover bid
in 1995.

That year, Kerkorian also hired Jerry York, Chrysler’s former CFO, who
was concerned that the Auburn Hills automaker might run into serious
difficulties if it did not pair up with a strong automaker.

“The court cannot ignore the sophistication of Tracinda as an investor
and its subjective views regarding the transaction in light of the
information that was available to it, which was far more than that
which is available to the average investor,” Farnan wrote.

Before the trial began, DaimlerChrysler settled similar suits from
other investors claiming to have been duped.

“While we are clearly disappointed in today’s judgment, we are pleased
that other DaimlerChrysler shareholders who followed Tracinda’s lead
and filed lawsuits based on our exact claims … were successful in
reaching a settlement with DaimlerChrysler for $300 million,”
Christensen said. “It is obvious that, as an individual shareholder,
Tracinda was held to a different standard.

You can reach Christine Tierney at (313) 222-1463 or
[email protected].

Tracinda vs. DaimlerChrysler: A bitter trial

Kerkorian’s claim:

Daimler-Benz executives duped investors by billing the
1998 deal as a “merger of equals” when they planned a
takeover, robbing Chrysler shareholders of a takeover
premium. He relied on published comments by
DaimlerChrysler CEO Juergen Schrempp that he always
wanted Chrysler as a division.

DaimlerChrysler’s defense:

Kerkorian, with a representative on the Chrysler board
at the time of the merger, was intimate with and
approved all details of the discussions and terms of
the final combination agreement. Kerkorian made $2.7
billion on the deal and didn’t object to it at the
time. DaimlerChrysler complied with all contract

What the judge found:

Kerkorian, Chrysler’s largest shareholder, was a
“sophisticated investor” who should have known that
the “merger of equals” tag was a “promotional phrase”
that was “vague”. Kerkorian “wouldn’t have reasonably
relied on” such representations for “such a complex,
multi- billon-dollar transaction.”

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Union of Armenians of Transdniestria Created


YEREVAN, APRIL 27. ARMINFO. A Union of Armenians of Transdniestria
(UAT) was established on April 24 in the town of Grigoriopole.
Rerpesetnatives of the Armenian communities of the towns of
Grigoriopole, Tiraspole (capital of Transdniestria) and Dubossari were
included in it. The press-service of the newly establishment UAT
informs Regnum NA that the communities of the towns of Benderi,
Rubnitsa and Kamenka are to be included in the union in future. A
Tiraspole businessman Gegham Gevorgyan has been elected Chairman of
the UAT Board. Besides, a Community Council has been established,
which will convene sittings twice in a year on April 24 (Day of
Remembrance of the Victims of the Armenian Genocide) and on October 13
(Day of Holy Gregory the Enlightener).

According to the source, at April 24 sitting, the Armenian community
of Transdniestria observed a minute of silence in memory of the
Armenian Genocide Victims in the Ottoman Empire as well as laid
wreaths on the old Armenian cemetery of Grigoriopole.

According to different data, at least 1,000 Armenians life in
Transdniestria. The first Armenian settlement occurred there on July
25 1792 when in conformity with the decree of the Empress Yekaterina
II the town was founded with participation of Armenian emigrants. The
settlement was given the name Grigoriopole in honor of the first
Catholicos of All Armenians Gregory the Enlightener.