Increase Of Number Of Crimes Registered In Syunik Provided ByEffecie


Noyan Tapan
May 18 2006

KAPAN, MAY 18, NOYAN TAPAN. 106 cases of crime in return for 85 of the
same period of the previous year were registered in the marz of Syunik
in the first quarter of 2006. As Colonel Ashot Ghahramanian, the Syunik
Regional Department Chief of the RA Police mentioned in the interview
to the Noyan Tapan correspondent, this increase is mainly provided
by the effeciency of the struggle against narcotism: 15 cases of 21
ones of the increase are crimes connected with narcotism. Releaving
of crimes on criminal cases being under examination made 88.5% in
the marz in January-March, in return for 83.3% of the same period of
the previous year. It was mentioned that that index is higher of the
averige republican one which made 75.9% in the first quarter.

Collection Of Materials Of “Biblical Armenia” Forum Published


Noyan Tapan
May 18 2006

ASHTARAK, MAY 18, NOYAN TAPAN. The collection of materials of the
“Biblical Armenia” forum taken place in 1999 in the Surb Mesrop
Mashtots Dpratun (scholars’ house) of Oshakan within the framework
of the 1700th anniversary of adopting the Christianity in Armenia,
was published recently. Publications found place in the voluminous
collection touch upon mentionings about Armenia in the Bible,
paculiarities of its Armenian translation, the huge influence of the
Holy Book on the Armenian Church, culture and public life. The book
was published by the decree of Archbishop Navasard Kjoyan, the primate
vicar of the Araratian Patriarchal Diocese and under the patronage
of RA Central Bank head Tigran Sargsian.

Avis De Tempete Sur Les Relations Franco-Turkques

Akram Belkaïd, envoye special a Istanbul

La Tribune
17 mai 2006

Les milieux d’affaires turcs reprochent a leurs homologues francais
leur manque de soutien a la candidature de leur pays a l’Union
europeenne. L’initiative du Parlement francais de criminaliser toute
negation du “genocide armenien” risque de provoquer le boycott des
entreprises et des produits francais.

Je suis inquiet. Tout cela va penaliser les interets francais en
Turquie.” L’homme d’affaires qui prononce ces paroles est franco-turc
et les nuages qui s’amoncellent entre ses deux patries l’accablent:
“Il y avait deja la polemique a propos de l’adhesion de la Turquie a
l’Europe et maintenant voila que des parlementaires qui feraient mieux
de s’interesser a l’etat de la France nous ressortent le dossier
de l’Armenie.” Demain, en effet, le Parlement francais devrait
examiner une proposition de loi deposee par des deputes socialistes
– et soutenue par certains de leurs pairs a droite – prevoyant des
sanctions penales (cinq ans d’emprisonnement et 45.000 euros d’amendes)
contre toute personne “niant l’existence d’un genocide armenien”
entre 1915 et 1917.

Depuis que cette initiative est connue, le ton d’Ankara est devenu
menacant. “Nous n’avions rien prevu de faire jusqu’a present, mais
la patience a ses limites. Nous n’aurons pas de haine, mais nous
imposerons nos sanctions”, a ainsi affirme le Premier ministre turc,
Recep Tayyip Erdogan, alors qu’il participait a un sommet islamique
a Bali, en Indonesie. Selon la presse turque, le Premier ministre a
aussi rappele que “La France est l’un des premiers investisseurs en
Turquie” et que pour cette raison, les deputes francais devraient
etre “sensibles a la perspective de problèmes eventuels” voire de
“dommages incalculables”…

Pour de nombreux observateurs, l’histoire semble balbutier. En 2001
deja, le vote par les deputes francais d’une loi reconnaissant le
“caractère genocidaire” des massacres d’Armeniens commis durant la
Première Guerre mondiale avait provoque la colère du gouvernement
turc. Plusieurs entreprises francaises avaient ete deliberement
exclues d’appels d’offres publics mais aussi prives, et les appels
au boycottage des produits hexagonaux avaient uni l’ensemble de la
classe politique turque.

“La menace est claire et sans equivoque. Il y aura sanctions”, affirme
a La Tribune un patron francais qui a ete recu recemment par Recep
Tayyip Erdogan. Et les appels d’entrepreneurs francais pour bloquer
cette loi sur le genocide armenien se multiplient. C’est le cas par
exemple de la chambre de commerce francaise en Turquie qui a ecrit une
lettre au president Chirac lui demandant d’intervenir pour empecher
le vote de cette loi.

Des performances impressionnantes

De nombreux acteurs economiques francais en Turquie rappellent aussi
que ce pays affiche des performances economiques impressionnantes et
qu’un boycott du “made in France” aurait des consequences nettement
plus graves qu’en 2001, car a l’epoque la Turquie s’enfoncait dans
une grave crise economique.

De leur côte, les patrons turcs mais aussi des intellectuels liberaux
insistent sur les degâts collateraux provoques par cette affaire. Ils
affirment qu’elle va offrir une occasion en or a tous ceux qui,
en Turquie, ne veulent pas que leur pays regarde son passe en face.

C’etait d’ailleurs le sens d’un appel publie recemment dans la presse

Dans un cafe a la mode, non loin de la place Taksim d’Istanbul, le
docteur Murat Belge, signataire de l’appel, universitaire, journaliste
et contributeur regulier du site londonien democracy.

org, accepte de parler de la question armenienne non sans jeter de
temps a autre des coups d’oeil vigilants derrière son dos. L’automne
dernier, ayant fait partie des intellectuels qui ont tendu la main
a leurs homologues armeniens pour “ecrire l’histoire commune d’une
main commune”, l’homme a ete vilipende par une bonne partie de la
presse nationaliste et de droite.

“Les massacres d’Armeniens sont indeniables et leurs causes meritent
d’etre explorees, notamment l’hypothèse d’une volonte d’accaparement
brutale des richesses des Armeniens, reconnaît-il. Par contre, je ne
suis pas d’accord avec l’emploi du terme de genocide. Pour moi la
Shoah a bien ete un genocide parce que ce fut un processus prepare
de longue date, organise et execute de facon meticuleuse. Cette
definition s’applique-t-elle au sort tragique des Armeniens? Je ne
le crois pas, mais je suis pret a en debattre, en toute ouverture
d’esprit.” Venant d’un intellectuel progressiste, ces propos ambigus
montrent que la route qui mène les Turcs vers l’acceptation du mot
“genocide” pour qualifier le massacre de près de 1 million d’Armeniens
est encore longue…

Mais au-dela de la polemique, une bonne partie des elites turques
est persuadee que la demarche francaise n’est rien d’autre qu’une
nouvelle offensive du courant occidental qui s’oppose a l’entree de
la Turquie dans l’Union europeenne. “En ce moment, il est evident que
la France ne s’aime pas. Et comme nous autres Turcs sommes un reflet
des Francais, il est normal que la France ne nous aime pas aussi.” À
peine conscient du caractère emphatique de ses propos, le sociologue
et politologue Faruk Birtek interrompt un instant ses declamations.

Dans la salle d’un restaurant a fleur d’eau du Bosphore, des
haut-parleurs discrets commencent a diffuser une chanson de Charles
Aznavour. “Un Armenien”, signale-t-il en clignant de l’oeil, l’index
droit pointe vers la partie asiatique d’Istanbul. Et de poursuivre:
“Franchement, la Turquie est le pays au monde qui a le plus ete
influence par Napoleon et de Gaulle. Comment la France peut-elle
nous tourner le dos de la sorte? Les Autrichiens, je peux comprendre,
mais pas les Francais!”


Vu de l’Hexagone, ce discours peut paraître etrange, voire decale.

Pourtant, il traduit bien l’incomprehension totale des elites turques
vis-a-vis de l’hostilite francaise dans le – grand – dossier de
l’adhesion de leur pays a l’UE. “Les hommes d’affaires turcs se font
du souci a propos du processus d’adhesion”, confie Aldo L. Kaslowski,
president d’Organik Holding et de la branche internationale de Tusiad,
le patronat prive local (association des industriels et hommes
d’affaires turcs). “Notre pays est engage dans un long processus
pour faire partie de l’Union europeenne. Notre crainte n’est pas
que ce chemin soit long, mais qu’il se deroule dans des conditions
non equitables.”

Dans toutes les conversations sur ce thème, la date du 3 octobre – qui
correspond a l’ouverture officielle de negociations avec Bruxelles –
revient sans cesse. Et avec elle, les atermoiements francais. “Que
des politiciens francais en mal d’idees s’emparent de la question
turque pour des raisons electorales n’est pas surprenant”, relève un
industriel turc qui possède des interets en France et qui insiste
pour conserver l’anonymat. “Par contre, je n’admets pas, et je ne
suis pas le seul, le silence du patronat francais sur l’adhesion de la
Turquie.” Il y a plusieurs mois, une visite d’une delegation du Medef
a Istanbul a d’ailleurs failli tourner a l’aigre faute d’un soutien
suffisamment affiche des patrons francais – aux yeux de Tusiad –
a la candidature de la Turquie.

L’argumentaire des anti-adhesions est lui aussi regulièrement egrene
et… balaye. La question geographique? “L’Europe, avant d’etre une
plaque continentale, est d’abord un ensemble de valeurs”, assène
le francophone Dr Eser Karakas, de l’universite Bahcesehir. Le flux
migratoire qu’engendrerait une adhesion de la Turquie? Baris Oney,
directeur du developpement international de l’operateur mobile
Turkcell, très present en Asie et dans l’ex-CEI, s’impatiente un peu.

“Il y aura sûrement des Turcs qui partiront, mais nombre d’entre eux
vont revenir car c’est l’economie et l’emploi qui seront determinants.”

Aldo Kaslowski partage le meme raisonnement. “Depuis la crise de 2001,
notre economie a enregistre des performances extraordinaires.

Si nous continuons ainsi, le niveau de vie general pourrait atteindre
un revenu par tete d’habitant en milieu urbain de plus de 10.000
dollars voire 15.000 dollars. Si cela se realise, et nous sommes
bien partis pour, l’exode turc que les Europeens redoutent n’aura
pas lieu. Le Turc n’est pas un migrant heureux.”


Avec des mots prudents, soucieux de ne pas stigmatiser une population
que l’homme de la rue a tendance a facilement moquer, Gunduz Ozdemir,
directeur general d’Arcelik, une filiale du groupe Koc specialisee
notamment dans l’electromenager, tient a evoquer la diaspora turque,
a commencer par celle qui vit en Allemagne. “Les Turcs qui vivent en
Europe ne reflètent pas l’image contemporaine de leur pays d’origine,
deplore-t-il. Parmi eux, il y a des milliers de gens qui sont partis
d’Anatolie pour l’Europe sans meme avoir jamais mis les pieds dans
une grande ville.”

Faruk Birtek, quant a lui, est attentif a l’evolution des nouvelles
generations de Turcs nes en Europe qu’il juge aptes a s’integrer,
mais il s’inquiète du message vehicule par des televisions turques
diffusees par satellite. “Elles sont parmi les plus nationalistes et
vehiculent en permanence un message anti-europeen. Or, si nous voulons
reussir l’adhesion, il faut encourager ces nouvelles generations a
etre europeennes.” Pour Toker Alban, vice-president du conglomerat
Eczacibasi, il est temps de ne plus tergiverser. “Nous voulons
etre membres de l’Union europeenne et nous n’avons pas besoin de
carottes pour nous pousser a plus de reformes. L’adhesion doit etre
le seul objectif.” Ce discours n’arrive pas a masquer le doute qui
s’installe. Dans les grandes tours financières ou commerciales du
quartier Levent ou dans les sièges des principaux groupes turcs où,
pour entrer, il faut passer sous un portique detecteur de metal
– mais où une simple carte de visite permet de justifier de son
identite -, l’idee d’un plan B, alternative a l’adhesion, fait son
chemin. “Être en conformite avec tous les critères d’adhesion est tout
aussi important que l’adhesion elle-meme”, affirme Serpil Timuray,
la directrice generale de Danone en Turquie. “L’Europe nous offre
une longue check-list qui nous tire vers le haut et nous en profitons
pour nous ameliorer.”

Ce thème de la candidature, qui serait aussi importante voire plus
importante que l’adhesion, est dans plusieurs bouches, mais il serait
hasardeux d’en conclure que l’heure est a la resignation. Bien au
contraire, une mise en garde suit souvent ce raisonnement. “En 2014,
au vu de l’evolution de notre economie, c’est l’Europe qui aura besoin
de nous pour faire face a la mondialisation et a ses rivaux asiatiques
et americains”, affirme l’universitaire francophone Suheyl Batum.


Le discours est le meme au sein de Turkpnfed, une federation
patronale de creation recente. “Où les Europeens veulent-ils que
la Turquie soit? Vers qui veulent-ils qu’elle se tourne?” interroge
Celal Beysel, son vice-president. Bulent Akgerman, president de la
federation des associations industriels, rencherit, un brin moqueur:
“Savez-vous pourquoi les Etats-Unis veulent que nous fassions partie
de l’Europe? C’est parce qu’ils espèrent que notre candidature sera
rejetee!” Mais – vaste sujet – la Turquie est-elle vraiment prete
a entrer dans l’UE? “Il y a encore beaucoup de pain sur la planche
en matière de reformes, meme si nous en avons accompli une grande
part”, reconnaît Dilek Yardim, la directrice generale de Deutsche
Bank en Turquie.

Restent les avancees democratiques et, la, l’intellectuel Murat
Belge est categorique. “La Turquie actuelle ne peut faire partie de
l’Union europeenne, il y a beaucoup de progrès a faire en matière
de democratie.” Et de conclure en souriant: “Groucho Marx a dit
un jour qu’il ne concevait pas de rejoindre un Club suffisamment
stupide pour l’accepter. Cela vaut pour nous. Les Europeens doivent
etre exigeants sur nos efforts en matière de democratisation pour que
nous nous sentions totalement en confiance vis-a-vis de l’interet de
cette adhesion.”

–Boundary_(ID_27e52viusCujnAVro0Ns9w) —

Serge Sargsyan Supports Ilyumjinov


[08:46 pm] 16 May, 2006

Soon Chess World Olympiad will be held in Turin during which the
session of the FIDE will be convened.

Alongside with other issues, the members of the FIDE will elect a
new president. The main candidate of the post is Kirsan Ilyumjinov,
current president of the FIDE whose rival is Dutch Vesen Coc.

Serge Sargsyan, president of the Armenian Football Federation released
an official letter to Ilyumjinov offering his assistance to the FIDE
president. “We voice hope that you will do your best to promote the
development of chess all over the world in order to keep the ancient
game away from politics.”

Let us remind you that Ilyumjinov has criticized Armenia many times for
holding international tournaments in NKR. Ilyumjinov spoke negatively
about the tournaments held in Artsakh during his election campaign
in Baku underlining the fact they don’t accept the results of the

By the way, Azeris also support Ilyumjinov and they have made their
decision public lately.

Union Of Armenians Of Russia To Run For Parliament

16 May 06

Ara Abrahamyan, the president of the Union of Armenians of Russia, is
likely to become aware of the home political developments in Armenia
to be able to answer the questions of news reporters. He stated this
May 16 to news reporters in Yerevan.

Meanwhile relying on the information he already has, Ara Abrahamyan,
nevertheless, assesses the home political developments as negative.

“A far as I know, I assess it as negative, but every political
party and every government is free to decide, and we must respect
their decisions and wait for further developments. Now we should
draw necessary conclusions; well, this one seceded, but what is the
next step going to be?” says Ara Abrahamyan in connection with the
secession of the Orinats Yerkir Party from the coalition.

The negative thing, according to Ara Abrahamyan, is that the coalition
came to an end. In fact, the leader of the Union of Armenians of
Russia, unlike the Republican and Dashnaktsutiun, thinks that with
the secession of Orinats Yerkir the coalition broke up. At any rate,
what happened was negative, thinks the Armenian businessman living
in Russia. “You know, if it goes on this fast, if the coalition
breaks up this fast, if a political party is ruined within a day,
there is nothing positive in it. This is statehood, but this is
their decision. The reality, the developments followed one another
too fast, and we need to take our time and give our assessment. But
it was their decision, everyone has the right to decide, of course,
all of them are smart people, they made a decision, and time will show
who is wrong and who is right,” says Ara Abrahamyan. He thinks that he
needs to find out first what, in fact, happened on the home political
arena. It is also a matter of personal interest for Ara Abrahamyan,
because the Union of Armenians of Russia is likely to become engaged
in the home political developments. Ara Abrahamyan says it is early
to consider if the organization he leads will run for parliament in
2007, but he says that their engagement is inevitable.

“Considering that over half a million Armenian citizens live in
Russia, and we have a Union of Armenians of Russia, we are supposed
to participate, watch or support. Of course, we are going to run
for parliament, we are going to have our proposals, debates. I often
meet with leaders of political parties and the authorities. We are
consulting, and we are going to make a decision,” says Ara Abrahamyan.

In the parliamentary election in 2003 he supported the Ramkavar Party,
helped the party to distribute computers to schools during their
campaign, but the Ramkavar Party did not enter the parliament.

Ara Abrahamyan may therefore have decided to run for parliament anew.

He says the Union of Armenians of Russia will decide the form and
degree of engagement, taking into account the interests of the members
of the Union who are citizens of Armenia, and the members who are
citizens of Russia, as well as the legislation of Armenia.

“We are trying to comply with the laws, because we know what
an election is, and what kind of engagement we should have. Our
engagement should not disturb the state of things, the peace,”
says the leader of the Union of Armenians of Russia. Nevertheless,
he says presently it is necessary to consider better things than the
election, drawing conclusions from what happened, and contribute to
the development of the economic and political sphere.

Tehran: “Chaharshanbeh-Suri” Flickers In Yerevan


Mehr News Agency, Iran
May 16 2006

TEHRAN, May 16 (MNA) — Iranian director Asghar Farhadi’s acclaimed
film “Chaharshanbeh -Suri” was recently screened at the Yerevan Puppet
Theatre in Armenia, the Islamic Culture and Relations Organization
announced on Monday.

Several Iranian and Armenian students along with some of the film’s
cast and crew attended the event.

Starring Iranian superstar Hedyeh Tehrani along with Hamid Farrokhnejad
and Taraneh Alidusti, “Chaharshanbeh-Suri” is about a family in
which the wife doubts her husband’s loyalty. Everything seems to
indicate that the wife suffers from melancholia, but things turn
out differently.

“Chaharshanbeh-Suri” was awarded Crystal Simorghs for best director,
best editing, and best actress at the 24th Fajr International Film
Festival. The film also won the audience favorite award at the
festival, which was held in Tehran in late January.

Russian weapons loaded on train in Georgia by schedule – official

Itar-Tass, Russia
May 14 2006

Russian weapons loaded on train in Georgia by schedule – official

TBILISI, May 13 (Itar-Tass) — The loading of the first train with
hardware and weapons from Russia’s military base in Akhalkalaki is
underway in the town of Tsalka, 50 kilometres from the base, and
proceeding by schedule, Deputy Chief of the Georgian General Staff
Alexander Kiknadze said.

He is personally watching the loading at Tsalka. `Seven T-72 tanks,
eight armoured reconnaissance vehicles, four armoured fighting
vehicles, 28 automobiles, and 340 boxes of shells for Grad systems
will be loaded today and tomorrow,’ he said.

Officers from the Group of Russian Troops in the Transcaucasia told
journalists that `all technical questions and problems that could
arise during the loading of hardware and weapons and their withdrawal
have been resolved together with the Georgian side.’

The weapons and hardware will take up 16 carriages, one carriage will
be for the guards and two for the property to be withdrawn from the
base to Russia, the command of the Russian troops in the
Transcaucasia told Itar-Tass.

Last week Russian troops set up a field camp and a ground for
collecting trains at Tsalka. Military hardware and weapons to be
shipped with the first train were brought to Tsalka in advance
because there is no railway in Akhalkalaki.

It will take two days to load the first train. It will leave Tsalka
on May 15 to go to Russia via Azerbaijan. The next three trains will
go to Russia on May 23, 25, and 30.

Trucks will take some of the military hardware and weapons from the
base in Akhalkalaki to the Russian base in Gyumri (Armenia). The
first convoy of trucks will go there on May 18.

The Georgian Defence Ministry and local law enforcement agencies will
ensure the security of the withdrawal.

The Russian pullout from Akhalkalaki will be completed in 2007. The
biggest part of military hardware and weapons will be withdrawn
between May 15 and August 15, 2006. The first motor vehicles left the
base in Akhalkalaki in the summer of 2005.

Parishioners Rally Behind Accused Priest


Hartford Courant
May 11 2006

A small group of parishioners spent Wednesday trying to organize a
show of support Sunday for the Rev. Krikoris Keshishian, the longtime
priest at St. Stephen’s Apostolic Armenian Church who was charged
Tuesday with molesting a 12-year-old girl.

“Several parishioners on their own are calling the list of church
members, asking them if at all possible to come to church on Mother’s
Day as a show of solidarity for the priest,” said George Rustigian,
adviser to St. Stephen’s trustees.

Keshishian is scheduled to lead the services at 10 a.m. at the church
on Tremont Street.

Keshishian, 53, could not be reached for comment Wednesday. He was
driving to Massachusetts to meet with a priest who has been assigned by
the Armenian Prelacy in New York to investigate the incident,according
to a church leader.

Armenian church officials declined to say much about the case. Vazken
Ghougasian, first secretary at the Armenian Prelacy in New York, said
the church doesn’t know enough about the allegations to discuss them.

Rustigian said it would be premature for the St. Stephen’s board
to comment.

“We don’t really know the context of the charges,” Rustigian said.

“But I can say he is innocent until proven guilty. He is our pastor
and the spiritual leader in our community. Just as much as he needs
us, we need him. We’re the only congregation he has, he’s the only
pastor we have.”

Police said Keshishian inappropriately touched the girl while acting
in his official capacity. He is charged with fourth-degree sexual
assault and impairing the morals of a child by sexual contact, and
is scheduled to be arraigned on May 23. Fourth-degree sexual assault
is a felony punishable by one to five years in prison.

The charge stems from a single incident in May 2005, but there may
be more counts involving the same victim, said police Sgt. Michael
Baden. The girl reported the alleged abuse to relative, who then
called police, according to Baden.

One St. Stephen’s leaders said Keshishian is “very distraught, as is
his wife.” The man said Keshishian will remain as priest, but has been
directed by the church to have no unsupervised contact with children
until the case is resolved.

Lifelong church member Lila Winters said Wednesday that she and other
parishioners were “devastated” by the arrest.

“There is no way in hell he did something like this,” Winters said.

“He is warm and affectionate, but not inappropriate. He is the backbone
of our church. Something just doesn’t seem right about this.”

Winters and two other church members have said they believe the charge
stems from a day when Keshishian grabbed a girl after she fell – or as
she was falling – from a table. They say other children were nearby,
and that Keshishian only touched the girl while trying to help her.

Rat Begot Ostrich

Hakob Badalyan
12 May 06

The developments connected with the Orinats Yerkir Party appeared as
a peculiar indicator of the political sphere in Armenia and revealed
a number of realities of the environment inside the government,
or confirmed these realities. It is extremely interesting that the
branches of power failed to give an assessment of the rats abandoning
the ship of Orinats Yerkir; a simple assessment is meant. Instead,
everyone hurried to deny having any connection with and pushing the
abandoners. It turns out that the businessmen came out of the party on
purely ideological dissent. In the meantime, the OYP does not seem to
have modified its ideology. Arthur Baghdasaryan’s statement on pursuing
membership to NATO and EU would hardly have aroused an ideological riot
among businessmen members of the party, considering that NATO and the
EU are presently the most attractive partners, and their members are
economically the most developed countries in the world. In other words,
economically, this ideology should have attracted and not repelled
a businessman. For the disagreement between Arthur Baghdasaryan
and former Orinats Yerkir members on the privatization policies,
it cannot be ideological because the problem of lawfulness of the
sell-off was considered rather than the problem of privatizing or not
privatizing. And for a businessman, lawful privatization should be
an implicit and prime issue because a businessman is not protected
unless there is lawful economic competition.

It is unambiguous that the businessmen who left Orinats Yerkir did not
have any reason for ideological dissent. And if the branches of power
are putting forward instead of the businessmen suggestions involving
ideology, this looks like an attempt of misleading the “investigation”
rather. And in similar cases it is beyond suspect that they made
this attempt in an effort to hide the main reason, which actually
does not need a proof. Why are the government afraid of confessing
that they lead the offensive against the Orinats Yerkir? Whereas,
one tends to think that even a rivalry should have started within
the government to show off their power of emptying factions with a
single blow. Who do they fear? The Orinats Yerkir?

Probably not, because otherwise they would not have launched the

However, nonetheless, declining laurels could have been caused by
a feeling of fear and responsibility. And the problem is not the
Orinats Yerkir at all. It is neither the first nor the last political
party, which will experience the whole glamor and wretchedness of
rats abandoning the ship. This very consciousness frightens the
government, and makes them keep silent or shift the problem to an
ideological plane. Nobody wants to assume responsibility for rats
abandoning the ship, acknowledging that with every dissolving
party the so-called political system is coming apart, if it
exists in Armenia at all. And the responsibility for dismantling
a political system is much greater, for here the country’s future,
and consequently the future of generations is concerned. Besides,
when a political system is coming apart, its fragments may fly to
anywhere and cause pain to anyone, independent of what this force
is, ideological or opportunistic. Therefore, everyone is afraid of
giving proper names to things, supposing that by giving a name to
a thing it acquires corresponding contents. This is the reason why
the society is constantly hearing expressions about economic growth,
stability and the like, but does not see any real changes.

The political forces of Armenia look like an ostrich, not because
they are fast or tall. Simply they tend to think like this naive
bird that there is no danger unless you see it. If they describe the
reason why rats abandon the ship as ideological, it stops being a
threat against the political system, and one becomes “ideologically”
protected. Whereas everyone seems to agree that the Orinats Yerkir is
not the first and the last, which means that all the political forces
of Armenia are not protected, even though training rats is considered
a political ideology, and keeping silent about it is referred to as
a virtue.