BAKU: Azerbaijani Expert: Minsk Group’S Lack Of Reaction To Armenia’


May 5 2010

"The situation now is that Azerbaijan has adopted a peace plan for
settling the Karabakh conflict on the basis of the updated Madrid
principles developed by the OSCE Minsk Group. But Armenia has not done
this yet," Director of the Baku-based Center for Peace and Conflict
Resolution Elkhan Mehdiyev said.

"Position of the OSCE Minsk Group co-chairs is surprising. They do not
make any statements on the matter. Even during their latest visit to
Baku, they did not say anything about it. Negotiations are allegedly
underway. The Azerbaijani side requires an answer from the mediators
and Armenia" he said.

"Frankly, I myself was surprised at the situation," says the expert.

"What will the co-chairs offer now? We are talking about their product
they were working on for the last 2 years! They have developed it for
adoption by Azerbaijan and Armenia. And now they behave as if there
are no documents on the table. But the fact is that one of the sides
has accepted the peace plan while the other side has not. There is
no reaction from the outside either."

As to more powerful states’ ability to influence this process, Mehdiyev
noted that "the main detonator here is Turkey. This country works in
this direction even harder than the parties to the conflict.

Turkey has included this issue in meetings with top leaders of France,
Russia and the U.S."

"This issue will be on the agenda also of the upcoming Medvedev-Erdogan
meeting to take place in May. We expect great results from this
meeting," the expert added.

"On the other hand, there is another reason. Azerbaijan-U.S. ties
cooled to some extent lately as Americans want to separate the issue
of the Armenian occupation of our lands from the Turkish-Armenian
dialogue. This had a very negative impact on Armenian-Azerbaijani
negotiations and inspired Yerevan on an even greater arrogance. And in
the context of the April meetings, Washington seemed to have forgotten
about the peace plan put forward by the co-chairs of the Minsk Group,"
Mehdiyev noted.

Dmitry Medvedev’s Visit To Ankara And The Future Of Russia-Turkey Re



Director of Turkish Centre for International Relations and Strategic
Analysis Sinan Ogan’s answers to questions.

1) What do people expect from the Russian president’s visit in May?

The most important expectation from Russian President Dmitry Medvedev’s
visit is the signing of strategic cooperation documents that will be a
new and important step in relations. It is likely that such a document
will be signed during this visit. It is possible to increase the scope
of this agreement to include, for example: the signing of an agreement
on building a nuclear power plant in Turkey, making progress on moving
to a visa free regime between Turkey and the Russian Federation,
including the PKK terrorist group on Russia’s list of proscribed
organizations, the resolution of the Nagorno-Karabakh issue and
Russia’s subsequent assistance in the Turkey-Armenia normalization
process and the establishment of a high level strategic cooperation
council between Turkey and Russia. Naturally, Russian petrol and
natural gas enterprises’ investment in Turkey is also one of the most
important subjects that will come up. Equally, regional questions
especially about Iraq and Iran will also feature on the agenda.

2) What does the future of Russia-Turkey relations look like?

Relations between Russia and Turkey have their peculiarities. The
Russian and Turkish economies complement each other rather than vying
for position like the economies of Turkey and China. While the Turkish
and Chinese economies are rivals in a wide range of fields, the Turkish
and Russian economies complement each other. Russia has raw materials,
energy and the defense industry, all of which Turkey needs, and Turkey
has what Russia needs, such as for example: the construction sector,
food, textiles and consumer products.

Consequently, the future of relations between the two states evolves in
accordance with the way these two countries’ economies and geographies
complement each other.

3) What are the priorities in energy cooperation between Russia
and Turkey?

Russia supplies 65% of Turkey’s natural gas demand and about 30%-40% of
its demand for petrol. These two countries maintain active cooperation
on energy matters. There are no obstacles to the improvement of energy
cooperation and the evolution of this relationship with each passing
day. The nuclear energy sphere in particular is one of the biggest
potential areas for cooperation. In addition to that, there is a
lot of room for cooperation on a wide range of fields such as: the
realization of the Samsun-Ceyhan Crude Oil Pipeline construction, the
realization of Blue Stream 2, the Nabucco and South Stream projects,
the construction of new oil refineries, the construction of natural
gas storage plants, the joint search for oil and natural gas in the
Black Sea region, the participation of Russian companies in natural
gas distribution tenders, and in the power plants and distribution
tenders in Turkey.

4) What are your expectations for and observations on relations
between Europe, Russia and Turkey?

Until now, the West, especially the USA, thought of the Turkish-Russian
relationship as follows: cooperation in non-strategic sectors such as
tourism and commerce are fine, but cooperation in strategic sectors
like energy, the military and so on was not.

However, it seems this phase has now passed. Especially when we take
into account Europe’s energy security needs it is clear Europe supports
good relations between the two countries on this issue.

Russia supports Turkey`s membership of the European Union, too.

La CEDH Declare Illegale La Condamnation D’Eynulla Fatullayev


5 mai 2010

Reporters sans frontières se rejouit de l’arret rendu par la Cour
europeenne des droits de l’homme (CEDH), le 22 avril 2010, concernant
le journaliste Eynulla Fatullayev. La CEDH vient de declarer illegale
la decision de la cour d’Azerbaïdjan, condamnant le journaliste a
huit ans et demi de prison le 16 janvier 2008.

L’arret affirme que les poursuites a l’encontre d’Eynulla Fatullayev
etaient de nature politique, et n’avaient donc aucune raison d’etre
dans un pays membre de la Convention europeenne des droits de l’homme.

La CEDH estime que la justice azerbaïdjanaise a viole l’article 10
(liberte d’expression) et l’article 6 (droit a un procès equitable)
de la Convention. Elle exige la liberation immediate du journaliste
et le versement par le gouvernement de dommages et interets se
portant a 25 000 euros. Selon la CEDH, "la condamnation a une peine
d’emprisonnement pour une infraction de presse n’est compatible avec
la liberte d’expression des journalistes que dans des circonstances
exceptionnelles, notamment en cas d’atteinte grave a des droits
fondamentaux, par exemple en cas de discours haineux ou d’incitations
a la violence", ce qui n’etait pas le cas dans les articles du
journaliste incrimine.

L’organisation de defense des journalistes se felicite de cette
nouvelle et appelle le gouvernement a appliquer cet arret au
plus vite. Le journaliste doit etre libere et soulage de toutes
les accusations qui pèsent sur lui dans les plus brefs delais. La
decision de la CEDH aujourd’hui confirme les doutes que Reporters
sans frontières, nombre de defenseurs des droits de l’homme et des
medias nourrissent quant a la procedure en cours. Recemment un nouveau
procès pour "possession illegale de stupefiants" a debute, dans lequel
il risque 3 ans de prison. Reporters sans frontières demande que la
justice renonce a cette charge absurde et uniquement motivee par le
desir de reduire au silence un journaliste critique du pouvoir.

Reporters sans frontières appelle le president Ilham Aliev et
Ali Hasanov, chef du departement ideologie de l’administration
presidentielle, a mettre un terme definitif aux poursuites repetees
a l’encontre des journalistes. Pays signataire de la Convention
europeenne des droits de l’homme, l’Azerbaïdjan doit respecter ses
valeurs et principes, ou devra etre condamne en consequence. Reporters
sans frontières restera vigilante quant a l’application de cet arret.

Ces derniers mois, le gouvernement semblait avoir entendu les
inquietudes de la communaute internationale. Ganimat Zahidov a
ainsi ete acquitte et libere le 11 mars. L’organisation demande
aux autorites de prouver leur bonne volonte en liberant Eynulla
Fatullayev. La liberation du dernier journaliste emprisonne dans le
pays apparaîtrait comme un symbole fort et participerait a donner
une meilleure image du pays.

Redacteur en chef et fondateur des principaux journaux d’opposition,
l’hebdomadaire Realny Azerbaijan et le quotidien Gundelik Azerbaïjan,
Eynulla Fatullayev avait ete arrete en 2007, puis condamne, en
2008, pour avoir "insulte l’honneur et la dignite de la nation
azerbaïdjanaise", refuse de payer des taxes, et avoir profere des
"menaces terroristes" dans un article d’analyse politique.

Armenia Must Shed Illusions And Focus On International Recognition O

David Stepanyan

2010-05-03 16:19:00

Head of Armenian Parliament Commission for Defense, National Security
and Internal Affairs Hrayr Karapetyan’s interview with ArmInfo

Mr. Karapetyan, what made the president suspend the ratification
procedure of the Protocols and what steps are possible in this area
in future?

The president’s statement became the logical continuation of his
earlier statements, in particular, the one he made near Woodrow
Wilson’s grave in Washington. The president’s statement on 22 April
proved once again ARFD’s concerns that Turkey keeps on talking to
Armenia the language of pre-conditions because of the Protocols. They
in Armenia and Turkey perceive the content of the Protocols differently
which has become an unsolved problem. Suspension of the ratification
process by Armenia has become a positive step, but political expediency
dictates the necessity of recalling Armenia’s signature from under
the Protocols. It is obvious that Turkey is not going to ratify these
documents and it is senseless to wait for progress in this direction,
as Turks openly say that the Protocols may be ratified only in
case the Karabakh conflict is resolved according to the interests
of Azerbaijan. Moreover, Turkey continues hindering the process of
international recognition of the Armenian genocide and linking it with
the prospects of setting up the known commission of historians. In this
way Turkey is also striving to gain time. I think it is already clear
to everybody, as I see no reason to be optimistic about the Turkish
constructivism. Therefore, Armenia must shed illusions and focus
on international recognition of the Armenian Genocide. Barack Obama
called the Armenian Genocide with the Armenian words "Meds Yeghern",
which was of moral, and not of political force.

It is the relevant decision by the Congress that will have political
force. Therefore, welcoming the decision of the House Committee on
Foreign Affairs to affirm H. Res. 252, our parliamentary delegations
should participate in the parliamentary discussions on the Armenian
Genocide in any country, like it was in Washington. We must not pin
hopes only with April 24. To achieve justice, Armenia must fight for
it constantly.

May the unconstructive position of Turkey, which Armenia outlined once
again on April 22, become an impetus to the process of international
recognition of the Armenian Genocide?

I think yes. But recalling signatures from under the Protocols by
Armenia would become a more important stimulus, as the unjustified
hope for ratification of the Protocols by Turkey is still in the air.

For this reason Armenia should finally demonstrate hopelessness
of the Protocols to the whole world, so that European and American
parliamentarians not have in their arsenal the Protocols as a reason
to refuse recognition of the obvious fact of the Armenian genocide.

Foreign Minister of Iran Mottaki has reiterated recently his country’s
intention to mediate settlement of the Karabakh conflict and offered
the foreign ministers of Armenia and Azerbaijan to hold a trilateral
meeting in Tehran. Azerbaijan has already given its consent to Iran’s
mediation. How prospective and expedient is that initiative?

I am not yet informed of the Armenian Foreign Ministry’s stance on
this issue. As for ARFD, we welcome neutral approach of Iran to the
Karabakh problem and understand that Iran is the only country in
the world bordering with the NKR. However, we think that Iran should
become at least an OSCE MG member to carry out its mediatory mission.

At present, the Minsk Group is the only competent body in the Karabakh
conflict settlement, with long experience and certain results. As
regards Azerbaijan’s agreement, it is speculative and based on
the factor of Azerbaijanis living in Iran. It is more like a usual
propaganda by Azerbaijan.

Aliyev has become more bellicose recently. Now he threatens to leave
the process, then he speaks of some cloudy "alternative plan" and
again says he will "never put up with" the current situation. What
does that president for life want?

The core of this program is clear to us: he wants to blackmail us.

Aliyev tries to blackmail not only Armenia and the NKR, but also the
USA, EU, Russia and almost all the international organizations.

This demonstrates the fact that Azerbaijan had long ago put up with
the reality and sees no other way of settling the conflict in its
favor. Baku is well aware that the world cannot but reckon with
the fact and the right of the Karabakh people to self-determination
and it cannot ignore this right in favor of "territorial integrity"
of Azerbaijan. Baku cannot accept this. There are many examples of
perception of this position: Kosovo, Abkhazia, South Ossetia etc. By
the way, the Berlin Wall destroyed long ago and the public will better
realize the principle of the peoples’ right to self-determination in
succession of time unlike the principle of territorial integrity.

Ignoring the peoples’ right to self-determination and human rights
protection has become illogical now when human rights are the prior
in the civilized world. In Azerbaijan they already understand this
too and are trying to blackmail. But application of this medieval
method is becoming more and more ineffective, and it no longer has
place in the world arena, since the policy of the double standards
is gradually exhausting. That is why over the last period of time
Aliyev’s aggressiveness pursues just local propagandist goals. Aliyev’s
desire to feed his child, i.e. Azerbaijani propaganda, with bellicose
statements from time to time is quite clear especially against the
background of change of generations in Azerbaijan where the people
more and more agree to the idea that Karabakh cannot be a part of
Azerbaijan. The psychology in Karabakh has also changed, for the
new independent generation was born and grown up in the independent
country, and it cannot even imagine all the "charms" of living in
authoritarian Azerbaijan.

And my last question is regarding long-term outlook. Armenia has
territorial claims to Turkey and Azerbaijan has territorial claims
to Armenia. What may change the status-quo in the region?

We do not condition Armenian-Turkish problems just by territorial
claims. It means much more for ARF Dashnaktsutyun to achieve Hay
Dat than to achieve solution to territorial problems. That is why,
international recognition of the Genocide fact, which does not imply
territorial issues, is also very important for us, as it aims to
achieve historical justice. After all, besides elimination of the
cultural cream of our society and extermination of 1.5 million of
Armenians, we lost a part of our Motherland, so this problem is much
more difficult and important for us. Therefore, it implies a complex
of knotty issues and is not limited to territorial claims. Whereas the
status-quo that was established after Azerbaijan’s aggression against
the Karabakh people, it is the result of the national liberation
fight of the Armenian people that had to correct the mistakes of
Boshevik policy. Many such mistakes have already been corrected
and I do not see any reason hindering us to correct this one too. I
think that Azerbaijan may obtain to some-extent favorable settlement
of the Karabakh conflict only if it agrees with the fact of the
Karabakh people’s self-determination. This is the only opportunity for
Azerbaijan, since time plays into the hands of Armenia. As regards the
armed scenario of settling the conflict, I do not think it is possible,
because Baku is well aware that just having unleashed the first war
in Karabakh they had found themselves in a catastrophic situation.

Azerbaijanis used to say that after so tangible losses it is
impossible to bring the life in Azerbaijan to the pre-war level. A
second aggression will become a catastrophe for Azerbaijan, since the
Armenian people will fight for their freedom and land, whereas most
Azerbaijanis are sure that they will fight not for their motherland. I
will not speak of armament, fighting efficiency, the quantity of our
army, because these are secondary factors. History shows that winners
are those who fight for their Motherland.

BAKU: Lebanese PM: Lebanon Thinks Development Of Cooperation With Az


May 3 2010

Lebanese Prime Minister Saad al-Hariri considers it important to
develop bilateral cooperation with Azerbaijan. He stresses the need
to organize meetings of heads of state agencies and businessmen of
both countries, as well as prepare draft agreements on cooperation in
the areas of interest to both parties, Hariri said during a meeting
with Azerbaijani Ambassador to Syria, also accredited to Lebanon,
Mahir Aliyev.

During the meeting at the residence of Lebanese Prime Minister,
Azerbaijani Ambassador informed him about the ongoing processes in
Azerbaijan, reforms in political, economic and social spheres, foreign
policy of the country in respect of the Organization of Islamic
Conference, as well as on the settlement of Armenian-Azerbaijani
Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, the Azerbaijani Embassy in Damascus
told Trend.

Hariri thanked the Azerbaijani President for his decision to open an
embassy in Lebanon. He appreciated Azerbaijan’s action as a political
and moral support to the country, which is experiencing hard days.

Lebanese Prime Minister also expressed his desire to visit Azerbaijan
and familiarize with the country.

During his visit to Lebanon, Azerbaijani ambassador also met with
Foreign Minister Ali al-Shami, Minister of Youth and Sports Ali
Abdallah, Minister of Energy Gebran Bassil, Minister of Culture Salim
Wardeh, the embassy said.

During the meetings Lebanese officials have expressed interest
in developing cooperation with Azerbaijan. Officials also noted
the country’s adherence to resolve the Armenian-Azerbaijani
Nagorno-Karabakh conflict within the territorial integrity of

It Does Not Matter For Turkey Which Border Is Opened First – Armenia


May 3, 2010 – 17:30 AMT 12:30 GMT

Political analyst Levon Shirinyan said that the statement by
Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu that the opening of the
Armenian-Turkish border is not sufficient for Turkey proves that it
wants to govern processes in the region. Turkey persistently wants
to be involved in regional processes and govern them, Shirinyan said
during a joint press conference with Turkologist Artak Shakaryan
in Yerevan.

In his turn, Shakaryan noted that the statement of the Turkish
Foreign Minister is not new; it is just a reformulation of previous
statements. "In Turkey’s opinion, the opening of the Armenian-Turkish
border is senseless without the opening of the Armenian-Azerbaijani
border," the Armenian expert said, adding that it does not matter for
Turkey which border is opened first, it is important that the processes
develop and complete relatively simultaneously. "The Armenian-Turkish
relations will not reach a high level unless Ankara changes its stance
and the issue of the Armenian-Azerbaijani relations is settled,"
Shakaryan stressed.

Ugur Terzioglu: Turkey should prepare for 2015

Ugur Terzioglu: Turkey should prepare for 2015

May 1, 2010 – 16:03 AMT 11:03 GMT

Turkish businessman and TABA-AmCham President Ugur Terzioglu stated
that Armenian diaspora prepares a large scale rally for April 24,
2015, the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide, and said that
Turkey `should prepare against it.’

"Turkish youth, businessmen and NGOs should also start preparations.
We should attach importance and accelerate lobbying activities," he

Terzioglu also stated that strengthening of commercial relations with
United States will help solution of political problems, Hurriyet

Interdepartmental Commission Set Up To Deal With Problems Of Armenia


APRIL 30, 2010

By instructions of the Armenian president, an interdepartmental
commission on problems of the military-industrial sector has been
set up. The commission is headed by Arthur Baghdasarian, Secretary
of the National Security Council (NSC). Its purpose is to draft a
concept and a state program of developing the military-industrial
complex of Armenia and to take practical steps on its development.

The problems of the military-industrial sector and the possible ways
of their solution were discussed at the April 29 meeting of A.

Baghdasarian and the heads of 39 enterprises cooperating with the
ministry of defence.

"The National Security Council has conducted studies on development of
the military-industrial complexes in other countries. In Western
European countries, the state spends 10-15% of the budget on
development of the military-industrial complex as its operation means
the development and modernization of other branches. Great importance
was attached to development of the military-industrial complex in the
USSR where such enterprises also produced consumer goods. Our studies
show that there is some potential in our country, and we should use
it efficiently to get good results," A. Baghdasarian said.

Ara Tananian, Head of the National Security Strategy Implementation
Department of NSC Staff, presented the results of the studies conducted
by NSC. Murad Isakhanian, Head of the Military-Industrial Department
of the Ministry of Defence, spoke about the problems related to the
development of the complex.

Summarizing the meeting’s results, A. Baghdasarian considered it
important to analyze the existing problems and work out correct ways
of development. He said: "Our meetings with Russian and Belarusian
companies have produced the first results. There are preliminary
agreements, documents have been signed to encourage contacts between
military-industrial enterprises of Armenia and these countries. A
working group was created at the Security Councils of Armenia
and Russia with the aim of ensuring progress in the sphere. I am
convinced that we will be able to make considerable progress in
several directions within a year".

According to the press service of NSC Secretary, a decision was made
to create a complete database based on passports to be presented to
the heads of enterprises and to develop practical initiatives.

FAAE Urges To Unite Armenian Diaspora’s Efforts Around Genocide Issu


April 29, 2010 – 10:41 AMT 05:41 GMT

The Forum of Armenian Associations of Europe (FAAE) sent an open letter
to Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan, which specifically reads:
"We deeply appreciate your dialogue with the Diaspora. We hail
your speeches in Chatham House, Der Zor, Washington and, finally,
express our gratitude for the correct decision on termination of the
current stage of ratification of the Protocols on the Armenian-Turkish

According to FAAE, Armenia has only suffered losses in the process of
the Armenian Genocide international recognition, due to the initiated
process of relations normalization with Turkey. As for the Karabakh
conflict settlement, the Forum stressed that the Azerbaijani lobbying
organizations have initiated a large-scale action in Europe to promote
the Madrid Principles. In FAAE’s opinion, it proves that there is a
threat for Armenia in the renewed version of these principles.

Besides, FAAE urged to unite the Armenian Diaspora’s efforts both
around the Armenian Genocide international recognition and around
the Karabakh conflict settlement.

Turkey ‘Has Not Yet Eaten The Fish, But It Has Already Smeared The P


2010-04-27 15:32:00

Interview of a political expert Levon Melik-Shahnazaryan with ArmInfo
News Agency

Mr. Shahnazaryan, what steps may Ankara take in retaliation for the
Armenian president’s decision to suspend the Protocol ratification

The decision of Armenia’s President Serzh Sargsyan on freezing of the
Protocols ratification process was quite a thought-out and justified
step. Along with it, Armenia’s decision leaves all the chances for
Turkey to make corrections in its foreign policy. Absence of radical
changes in the foreign policy of Ankara towards the South Caucasus
will lead it to failure and deprive Turkey of all the chances for
leadership in the region. President Sargsyan clearly specified
Armenia’s foreign political vector, according to which the republic
will never refuse fighting for recognition of the NKR and assurance of
security of its borders and population, and will pursue the efforts
on international recognition of the Armenian Genocide. So, having
suspended the Protocols ratification process but having not closed
the door to Turkey, Armenia got out of the US pressure having not
yielded an inch. Naturally, one cannot but welcome this decision of
the Armenian president.

What role does Azerbaijan actually play in Turkey’s uncompromising
attitude in the Armenian-Turkish process?

Azerbaijan actually plays quite a serious role in Turkey’s
uncompromising attitude in the Armenian-Turkish process, as Azerbaijan
is a very serious real factor with certain weight in Turkey.

Unfortunately, this factor has not yet been studied in Armenia, though
Azerbaijan plays a defining role in Turkey’s foreign policy in many
respects. Noteworthy, the influence of Azerbaijan on Ankara’s foreign
and especially internal policy was created just by the Turkish internal
propaganda. After that, the Turkish electorate started treating the
"brothers", living in Azerbaijan, quite compassionately.

As a result, Turks fell into their own trap of which they cannot get
out so far.

Does it especially show up on the threshold of parliamentary election
in Turkey in 2011?

Actually, the position of the ruling Justice and Development party
is very shaky on the threshold of 2011 election in Turkey, as the
party’s actions, aimed at further Islamization of the state, are too
negatively perceived by followers of Ataturk’s ideas. This especially
concerns the western and European part of Turkey. Along with it,
Azerbaijanis also use their influence on Ergenekon’s radicals. For
example, as far as I know, two generals from this organization,
having been in the wanted list on "Ergenekon" case, found shelter in
Azerbaijan. Moreover, a religious organization of Jafarites functions
in the territory of Turkey quite efficiently, and major part of its
adherents consists of ethnic Azerbaijanis. Naturally, Azerbaijan
wields a significant influence on the policy of this semi-sectarian
direction of Islam in Turkey. Finally, a Kurdish factor also exists.

Kurds are known to dominate among the Azerbaijani leadership having
close ties to the leadership of the Kurdish Workers Party and leaders
of the Kurdish communities in Turkey. In addition, Azerbaijan renders
regular financial assistance to the Kurdish rebels in Turkey. The key
"sponsors" of Kurdish radicals are Minister of the Emergency Situations
of Azerbaijan Kamaleddin Heydarov, Head of Azersun Holding Abdulbari
Gezal, Baku Mayor Hajibala Abutalibov and other officials, he said. The
expert said that all this takes place with the knowledge of President
Aliyev whose Kurdish origin is a fact of common knowledge. In fact,
all these factors have made the political future of the Justice and
Development Party, Abdulah Gul and Recep Erdogan dependent on loyalty
with Baku. Turkish elite did not even think of preconditions when
signing the Protocols with Armenia in Zurich.

Ankara hoped to sucker Baku. However, Turkey’s explanations did not
have proper effect on Azerbaijan and Ankara was reluctant to set
preconditions to Armenia already few days after signing the protocols.

Which specific aims did Turkey pursue having referred to the process
with Armenia and then having set preconditions?

Turkey, signing the protocols with Armenia, had several political
tasks. First, Ankara had a purpose to fully enter the political
field of the South Caucasus, to clean it for itself and in this way
to remove the third force in the person of the West from the region.

Moreover, Turkey was striving to finally get rid of the sword of
Damocles of responsibility for the committed Armenian genocide.

Opening of the Armenian-Turkish border would remove one of the main
obstacles for Turkey’s joining the European Union and would enhance the
positions of Justice and Development Party of Turkey. Finally, in case
of ratification of the Protocols and opening of the border Turkey would
automatically turn into the key monopolist of the transit territory
for transportation of Central Asian and Azerbaijani hydrocarbon
(oil and gas) to the West. Such were Turkey’s plans before mediation
of Baku, after which the pre-conditions were added, which support
the aggressive interests of Azerbaijan. This has brought the whole
process to naught. The renewed plans of Turkey did not meet Armenia’s
views. In fact, President Sargsyan’s decree froze the ratification
procedure. oÕÄÑ ÐÏ ×ÓÅÍÕ, President of Armenia had discussed the
given decision with the OSCE MG co-chair-states beforehand. In fact,
Turkey miscalculated when pining hopes that Armenia would yield to
pressure by Washington, the major "architect" of the Armenian-Turkish
normalization. In addition, the new relations of Russia and Ukraine
make useless construction of the South Stream gas pipeline via the
territorial waters of Turkey. Actually, Turkey has not yet eaten the
fish, but it has already smeared the pan. And all this was because
of Azerbaijan, Turkey’s illegally born state.

Foreign Minister of Iran Manouchehr Mottaki has recently claimed of
his country’s intention to mediate in the Karabakh settlement. May
this statement be considered like the upcoming strengthening of Iran
as a regional power?

I said long ago about the necessity and expediency of Iran’s
participation in the OSCE Minsk Group on Karabakh settlement. Iran is
Armenia’s strategic partner and ally. Much witnesses for the benefit
of this partnership, and first of all, cognation of civilizations
and cultures of the Armenian and Iranian peoples, commonness of
history as well as historical memory of Iran about the Trans Caucasus
territories. But Teheran is also the recognized world leader of Shiite
version of Islam, the main religion of Azerbaijan. Undoubtedly,
Teheran is concerned about peaceful settlement of the Karabakh
conflict and would become a sample of the true peacekeeper. But the
seeming agreement of Azerbaijan to Iran’s mediation in the Karabakh
conflict settlement is just of speculative nature. Having agreed on
Mottaki’s offer to foreign ministers of Armenia and Azerbaijan to meet
in Teheran, Baku simply blackmailed Washington hinting at possible
changing of its foreign policy course. Moreover, Azerbaijan is trying
to affect Turkey’s position in establishment of relation with Armenia
which is still going on. "If you do not support me, I will go Iran" –
here is a rather transparent hint of Baku to the politicians of Ankara.

And what about Baku-Tehran relations?

Iran-Azerbaijan relations are still rather complicated and indistinct
in both political and economic aspect. Since its declaration Azerbaijan
has been conducting a clearly expressed anti-Iranian policy. This
policy is expressed in uncovered territorial claims to its southern
neighbour, incitement of the Turkish-speaking population of Iran to
separatism, maintenance of friendly relations with enemies of Iran,
etc. The unresolved problems of ethnic, territorial and even religious
nature are available between Iran and Azerbaijan. I am sure that
stemming from these realities Armenian Foreign Ministry treated the
"consent" of Azerbaijan for the Iranian mediation rather coolly.

Moreover, Armenia-Iran relations keep on being much more friendly
and transparent than Iran-Azerbaijan relations. "We have just ignored
the regular adventure of Baku and I think it is a right and weighed

David Stepanyan, April 26. ArmInfo.