Michigan: Ebay Halts Auction of Kevorkian’s Van

April 26, 2010

Michigan: Ebay Halts Auction of Kevorkian’s Van


The Volkswagen camper van that Dr. Jack Kevorkian used during his
assisted-suicide campaign is no longer for sale on eBay after the online
auctioneer cited a policy against `murderabilia.’ The owner, Jack Finn, put
the van up for auction last week. The top bid was $3,400 at 12:30 p.m.
Monday, with three days left in the auction. The company sent an e-mail
message about the policy to Mr. Finn to explain why it pulled the listing.
He said he would sell the van through another auction company.

Ex-Military Official Jailed For Scandalous Leak


04 May 2010 18:52

RFE/RL — A former senior Defense Ministry official was sentenced to
two years in prison on Tuesday for disclosing a secret government
order that sanctioned the Armenian military’s involvement in the
suppression of the 2008 opposition protests in Yerevan.

A district court in Yerevan also gave a one-year suspended prison
sentence to one of Armen Sargsian’s former subordinates, Lyusia
Ayvazian, who admitted giving him a copy of the order signed by then
Defense Minister Mikael Harutiunian.

It was published by the pro-opposition daily "Haykakan Zhamanak" last
December. Sargsian, who headed the Defense Ministry’s construction
department until September 2008, and Ayvazian were arrested shortly
afterwards. Sargsian subsequently admitted leaking what the authorities
consider a state secret to the paper.

Harutiunian’s written directive was issued in February 2008 immediately
after the outgoing President Robert Kocharian ordered Armenia’s top
security officials to thwart what he called attempts by opposition
leader Levon Ter-Petrosian to "seize power by illegal means." Kocharian
referred to non-stop demonstrations staged by Ter-Petrosian following
the hotly disputed February 19 presidential election.

The directive placed Armenia’s armed forces on high alert and ordered
the Defense Ministry to form special groups of officers and hand
them weapons. Harutiunian also instructed the then commander of the
army’s Yerevan garrison, General Yuri Khachaturov, to form a special
command structure with essentially unlimited control over military
units stationed in and around the Armenian capital.

Ter-Petrosian’s Armenian National Congress (HAK) denounced the leaked
document as illegal, saying that the so-called "administration of
garrison commander" effectively assumed the powers of the army’s
General Staff in violation of Armenia’s constitution. The Armenian
government rejected these claims in a February letter to the opposition

Both Sargsian and Ayvazian pleaded guilty to criminal charges leveled
against them as their trial got underway on April 23. "I am asking
you to take into consideration my background, family situation and
hand down a just verdict," Sargsian told the judge in his final court
speech on Tuesday.

The plea fell on deaf ears, with the court deciding to free only
Ayvazian. Sargsian’s lawyer, Hovik Arsenian, condemned the ruling,
saying that his client is no more guilty than the other defendant
and should have been treated accordingly.

"We are seeing a violation of not only judicial but ethical norms,
which means that the prosecuting side is executing an order and doesn’t
care about the defendant’s reputation and health condition," Arsenian
charged in a bitter verbal exchange with the chief trial prosecutor,
Aram Amirzadian.

Speaking to RFE/RL’s Armenian service moments later, the lawyer
denounced the high-profile case as "fabricated." He said Sargsian
pleaded guilty only in the hope of avoiding imprisonment.

The Canadian-Armenian Community Commemorated The 95th Anniversary Of


Ottawa – The Canadian-Armenian community and Armenians around the
world commemorated the 95th Anniversary of the Armenian Genocide, a
crime against humanity that has been recognized by numerous countries
including Canada but constantly denied by the successive governments
of Turkey. On this occasion, Armenians around the world mourned the
1.5 million Armenians exterminated during the Genocide, celebrated
their rebirth, and renewed their commitment to stand for truth and
justice for all the victims of genocides in the world.

All of the Armenian organizations operating in Canada had united under
the auspices of our three religious denominations and jointly organized
events across Canada commemorating this milestone anniversary. These
events started on April 14 and culminated on Parliament Hill on
Saturday, April 24. This significant memorial ceremony recalled
the horrendous crime against humanity. Three members of the House of
Commons accompanied the survivors and their descendants to denounce the
Denial of the Armenian Genocide and to place flowers around the Eternal
Flame. There were also more than two thousand Canadian-Armenians from
Montreal, Laval, Ottawa, Toronto, Hamilton, Cambridge, St. Catharines
in the commemorative event.

The sombre commemoration began at 12:30 p.m. on April 24, in front
of the Parliament Hill. After the welcoming remarks of master of
ceremonies Mr. Chahe Tanachian, and Ms. Taline Abrakian, the crowd
welcomed the 134 participants of the commemorative march organized by
the Armenian Youth Federation. The participants entered the Parliament
Hill after a three days’ walk that had started with 95 participants
from Downtown Montreal’s Phillips Square on April 21. Archbishop
Khajag Hagopian and Reverend Father Georges Zabarian opened the event
with a prayer. The speakers of the day reaffirmed their commitment to
justice and expressed their unwavering solidarity with the Armenian
people in their struggle to fend off Armenian Genocide Denial.

Mr. Richard Nadeau, Member of Parliament for Gatineau spoke on
behalf of Bloc Quebecois. The Honourable Jim Karygiannis, Member of
Parliament for Scarborough-Agincourt spoke on behalf of the Liberal
Party and read the statement of the official leader of the opposition,
the Honourable Michael Ignatieff, regarding the Armenian Genocide.

After Mr. Karygiannis, the Armenian Community had the honour to see
Michael Wagner, who was especially invited from Italy on the occasion
of the 95th Anniversary, deliver a short speech. His father was Armin
Theophil Wegner, a German soldier and medic in World War I, stationed
in the Ottoman Empire during World War I. Wegner was a witness to the
Armenian Genocide and the photographs he took documented the plight
of the Armenians. Michael Wegner spoke about his father and urged
people to teach new generations about the Armenian Genocide so that
similar tragedies do not take place in the future. Mr. Royal Galipeau,
Member of Parliament for Ottawa-Orleans spoke on behalf of the ruling
Conservative Party.

Following these statements, Mr. Armen Bechakjian-Chairman of AGBU
Montreal and Mr. Roupen Kouyoumdjian-Executive Director of the National
Office of the Armenian National Committee of Canada in Ottawa spoke
in English and French respectively, on behalf of the Joint Committee
for the Commemoration of the 95th Anniversary of the Armenian Genocide.

Bishop Bagrat Galstanian closed the ceremony with a short statement
and a prayer.

The ceremony came to an end at 1:30 p.m. after which flowers were
placed next to the eternal flame in memory of the 1.5 million victims.

At approximately 2 p.m., the crowd headed to the Turkish Embassy, where
during a ceremony organized by united Armenian Youth organizations,
once again denounced the Denial of the Armenian Genocide by the
Turkish government, and asked for recognition to improve relations
between present day Armenia and Turkey.

On Sunday April 25, more than three hundred people gathered in front
of the Armenian Genocide monument at the corner of Henri-Bourassa
and L’Acadie Streets in Montreal to hold a memorial service for
the victims of the Armenian Genocide with the participation of all
Armenian organizations operating in Montreal, former and current
members of Parliament and the Senate, mayors, city councillors and
ministerial representatives. During the service Honourable Senator
Leo Housakos and Marcel Prud’Homme, former member of the Parliament Ms.

Madeleine Dalphond-Guiral, Mayor of Montreal Gerard Tremblay, and
representatives of the Armenian community addressed the crowd. After
the ceremony flowers were placed around the monument in memory of
the 1.5 million victims.


The Speech of Mr. Roupen Kouyoumdjian-Executive Director of the
National Office of the Armenian National Committee of Canada in Front
of the Parliament Hill

Le 20ième siècle restera grave comme un chapitre ensanglante pour
l’histoire de toute l’humanite. La Turquie fut l’une des regions
la plus active et mouvementee dans le deploiement très frequent
des methodes radicales et souvent sangainaires des ses tetes
gouvernantes, cependant avec la tolerance et la benediction des
puissances occidentales, elle a su eviter les sanctions pleinement
meritees, les enjeux etant d’ordre econo-militaire et consequemment
rattaches aux alliances.

Au debut du 20ième siècle, la Turquie se trouvait au carrefour de
plusieurs ideologies generant des tendances politiques comparativement
nuancees mais ayant une dimension totalitaire sans equivoque, soit
l’exclusion de l’autre ou des indesirables comme partie integrante
de leur agenda.

Dans ce contexte et cet etat d’espirit, le 24 avril 1915, le peuple
armenien subit le 1er genocide du 20ième siècle, perpetre par le
gouvernement des Jeunes-Turc de l’epoque. Le bilan de cette boucherie
se chiffrera a 1.500.000 de victimes.

Il est pertinent de souligner que le genocide armenien est très bien
documente; le livre bleu du gouvernement britanique, les 37,000 pages
de documentation dans les archives des E.U., les 12 volumes dans les
archives autrichiennes, les 792 pages des archives francaises, les
archives allemandes, les 60 volumes de documentation de l’universite
Harvard et de milliers d’articles, des chroniques, des documents de
recherches et des volumes soigneusement prepares par les academiciens
et aussi la position très claire de "International Association
of Genocide Scholars (IAGS)" constituent les preuves d’une verite
historique incontournable où tout nouveau debat devient superflu.

Cependant dans l’esprit des negateurs et la machination cree par
ceux-ci il faut a tout prix faire la promotion de cette "verite
d’etat", grand synonyme de negation; mensongère, frauduleuse,
provocatrice et cynique a la fois, inacceptable sous toutes ses formes.

Les agents de cette machination semblent etre dans l’ignorance ils
devraient cependant reconnaître.

-Que la verite historique est unique et qu’elle ne presente pas l’une
des deux faces de la medaille et si jamais cette 2ième face existe,
elle ne peut etre autre chose que la negation proprement dite.

-Que leur machination consiste a, expurger les archives, s’infiltrer
dans les milieux academiques, s’engager dans toutes sortes d’activites
clandestines dans le domaine diplomatique et politique, octroyer
des contrats en guise de recompense pour services rendus, exercer de
l’intimidation sous toutes ses formes, et finalement detruire toute
piste pouvant reveler l’existence d’une autre appartenance religieuse,
ethnique et raciale sur les lieux du crime perpetre.

Finalement les promoteurs de cette "verite d’etat" devrait reconnaître
qu’après le Genocide de 1915 et la signature du Traîte de Lausanne
en 1923, fut declenchee l’operation de Turquification dans le but de
parachever cette planification de nettoyage de grande envergure. Les
intentions etaient clairement definies. En 1923 le porte-parole du
parti republicain declarait: "dans notre patrie seront elimines tous
les gens d’une autre race, d’une autre langue et d’une autre religion,
c’est essentiel, c’est la justice et c’est vital." En 1930 le ministre
de la justice, en 1934 l’adjoint du ministre de l’interieur, en 1942
le Premier Ministre, en 1956 le porte parole du parti democrate, en
1964 le porte-parole du ministre des affaires externes, en 1991 un des
chefs de l’etat major, en 2006 le porte parole du parti republicain,
en 2009 le ministre de la defense et en 2010 le Premier Ministre
Recep Tayyip Erdogan se sont defiles avec des declarations presque
identiques, d’une uniformite exemplaire prouvant une autre fois cette
tradition ou cette culture d’entretenir la haine ainsi que l’etalage
des intentions genocidaires.

Pourtant le meme Premier Ministre declarait il y a environ un an,
soit le 23 Mai 2009, que la republique a ete faciste a l’endroit de
ses minorites (armeniens et grecs) en procedant a une operation de
nettoyage ethnique, les obligeant a quitter le pays.

Pour completer ce bilan edifiant viendra s’ajouter le devoilement d’un
rapport secret dans les annees 40, en provenance du 9ième bueau du
gouvernement en charge du dossier des minorites. Les recommendations
stipulees dans le rapport se resumaient:

Pour les armeniens: Ceux ou celles qui restent encore en Anatolie
devraient etre evacues a tout prix. Il faut empecher leur croissance
et creer des situations pour les forcer a aller s’installer a Istambul.

Pour les grecs: Il ne presentent plus un danger, surtout après la
deportation de 1.500.000 en 1923. Mais au 500ième anniversaire de
la conquete d’Istambul par les forces ottomanes, aucun grec devrait
rester dans cette ville (c’est a dire 1953).

Pour les juifs: Depuis 2000 ans ce peuple n’a pas eu de pays, ni de
terres ancestrales. Il est complètement depourvu de sentiment de
fierte nationale et d’honneur. Il faut empecher toute immigration
juive, provoquer des incidents a l’interieur du pays dans le but de
creer l’exode des juifs. Il faut les tenir loin de toute activite
gouvernementale, economique et financière.

Il est très clair qu’a la lumière des declarations de differents
intervenants les recommandations stipulees dans le rapport prouvent
hors de tout doute que le Genocide, les actes genocidaires, les
nettoyages ethniques ainsi que la negation dans son ensemble represente
une institution. Ainsi la Turquie reste emprisonee dans son passe et
l’histoire se repète sans cesse.

A ceux ou celles qui essayent de vehiculer cette "Verite d’etat"
et qui repètemt sans relâche qu’ils faudraient que les historiens se
prononcent sur les evenements de 1915, notre reponse est simple et
categorique; considerant que la haine et les tendances genocidaires
ont ete toujours existantes et font encore partie integrante du
vecu quotidien:

-Faudrait-il absolument avoir besoin d’un historien pour nous
interpreter l’assassinat de Hrant Dink ou d’un historien capable de
donner son opinion quant au complot devoile, il y a un mois devant la
cour où le reseau de terrorisme par excellence l’Ergenekon se preparait
a liquider le chef spirituel de l’eglise armenienne a Istambul ainsi
que les intervenants principeaux de cette meme communaute.

Dans ce cercle vicieux, le maintien de la negation reste et restera
primordiale donc si le deploiement de nos efforts convergent vers la
Reconnaissance Internationale du Genocide Armenien, l’objectif vise par
les detenteurs de cette machination c’est la Negation Internationale
du Genocide Armenien.

On devrait avouer sincèrement et avec une certaine fierte, tout ce qui
a ete accompli jusqu’a present dans notre pays d’adoption le Canada,
en ce qui concerne le Genocide Armenien. C’est tout a l’honneur
des parlementaires et du gouvernement du Canada que le Genocide est
reconnu dans notre pays.

Cependant le passe n’est pas le garant de l’avenir et la politique
etant de nature très volatile, tout ceux ou celles qui ont vote en
faveur de la reconnaissance du Genocide Armenien, peuvent avoir un
comportement diamètralement oppose si les circonstances l’exigent.

Je vous invite chers amis a une meilleure vigilance et participation
contre les defis qui nous attendent. Nous devrons farouchement lutter
pour garder nos acquis, cette lutte s’annonce très difficile et ardue
mais connaissant notre potentiel nous avons la forte conviction que
nous surmonterons ces obstacles; considerez les groupes de pression
au service de la Turquie a Ottawa qui essayent de rehausser l’image
de la Turquie, considerez son influence relative a son statut,
considerez le petrole de l’Azerbaidjan, considerez la censure qui
règne partout, considerez les scenarios et histoires constants pour
transformer les victimes en agresseurs et les agresseurs en victimes,
considerez les fonctionaires trop complaisants et sans scrupules,
considerez la manipulation des medias etc. Tout cela pour interdire
l’utilisation du mot genocide, faisant allusion aux fameaux protocoles
dont la vie a ete de très courte duree cependant.

Tout cela ne nous inquiète pas a condition que chacun d’entre nous
prenne sa propre responsabilite et agisse en consequence. Nous croyons
toujours et avec plus de conviction et de fermete que la verite et
la justice ecraseront la "negation".

En mars 2000, le Pape Jean-Paul II demandait pardon pour les fautes
commises en 2000 ans de christianisme.

En 1992, le roi d’Espagne Juan Carlos presentait les excuses de son
pays pour l’expulsion des Juifs en 1492.

En 1989, l’Union Sovietique a reconu que les massacres de Katyn
perpetres contre des milliers d’officiers polonais avaient ete commis
par le regime stalinien.

En 1986, les Etats-Unis ont fait des excuses officielles aux citoyens
americains d’origine japonaise internes collectivement après l’attaque
de Pearl Harbour (en 1941).

En 1970, le chancelier allemand Willy Brandt s’agenouillait a Auschwitz
devant le monument commemorant le genocide des Juifs organise par le
regime Nazi, et cette liste n’est pas exhaustive.

On souhaiterait que la Turquie quitte l’ombre de son histoire et
ajoute son nom a cette liste; ce serait sans doute un pas de geant
vers sa democratisation.

Nous reiterons notre serment d’allegeance au parachèvement de
notre mission, un droit legitime que personne ne contestera, nos
revendictions seront transmises integralement aux futures generations
essentiellement dans le cadre des droits de l’homme, et de la justice.

Au nom du Comite Uni nous rendons hommage a tous les heros qui sont
tombes pour defendre les droits imprescriptibles du peuple armenien.


R. Roupen Kouyoumdjian (B.Sc., M.Sc.) Directeur Executif du Bureau
National du Comite National Armenien du Canada a Ottawa


La Reconnaissance Du Genocide Armenien Pourrait Creer De Serieux Pro


4 MAI 2010

En Reaction A La Demande De La Communaute Armenienne De Georgie
D’Une Reconnaissance Du Genocide Armenien Par Le Parlement Georgien,
Le journal georgien " Akhali Taoba " accuse l’Armenie de placer la
Georgie en danger face a la Turquie.

Le titre affirme que dans tous ces cas, cette epreuve sera difficile
pour la Georgie. Car si Tbilissi reconnaît le genocide armenien, elle
mecontentera immanquablement la Turquie. Et dans le cas contraire,
c’est l’Armenie qui sera offusquee. " Akhali Taoba " serait pour la
non-reconnaissance afin de " preserver les relations avec le grand
voisin turc et l’Azerbaïdjan ".

Plug And Play To Open Its Representation In Armenia


2010-05-04 10:43:00

ArmInfo. During a meeting today Prime Minister of Armenia Tigran
Sargsyan and Chief Operating Officer of Plug and Play Tech Center
Kayvan Baroumand pointed out the importance of the opening of Plug
and Play’s representation in Armenia.

The press service of the Government of Armenia quotes them as saying
that the representation will help to enlarge the cooperation framework.

To remind, while participating in Armtech 2009 congress in Nov 2009
Sargsyan visited Plug and Play Tech Center.

During today’s meeting Sargsyan and Baroumand discussed the prospects
for implementing joint IT and high-tech projects. They pointed
out the project to create an Armenian high-tech representation in
Silicon Valley. This project is aimed at stimulating the Armenian-US
IT cooperation and creating opportunities for attracting investments
and contracts and selling finished products.

Baroumand pointed out the need to deepen cooperation in the field of
training, particularly, to create a platform for the student exchange
project to be implemented in cooperation with Stanford University.

The Armenian representation in Silicon Valley will be financed
by private sources and the World Bank. The center will organize
presentations of the Armenian companies’ opportunities, as well as
provide an opportunity to representatives of the Armenian companies to
spend up to a month to attract investors and look for partners. The
representation will be based on the model of similar representations
in Canada and Austria. The annual expenditures on maintenance of the
center will supposedly make up about 200 thsd USD.

The Plug and Play Tech Center located in the State of California has
been operating for around 30 years. It has contributed to creation
of about 50 successful venture projects. The Center provides
venture financing services, including communication with large
venture companies and private investors, as well as large developers
(Microsoft, Sun Microsystems, Symantec, etc.). At present there are
25 start-up companies in the Center. The Plug and Play Tech Center
cooperates with about 20 international organizations to develop
start-up projects.

Journalists More Protected Than Other Members Of Society

Sona Hakobyan

03.05.2010 18:59

The Freedom House independent, international watchdog organization,
published Thursday the annual report on Freedom of the Press 2010:
A Global Survey of Media Independence. Although Armenia has advanced
two positions, it still ranks among not free states. President of the
Committee on Protection of the Freedom of Speech Ashot Melikyan says
Armenia still has much to do in the field.

"It’s very important for representatives of the society, the
authorities and politicians, in general, to be more tolerant towards
criticism," Ashot Melikyan told a press conference today.

Five cases of violations against journalists have been registered
this year as compared to the three cases in the same period of 2009.

Nevertheless, journalists are more protected today than other members
of society, says Edik Baghdasaryan, editor-in-chief of the Hetq Online.

Financial independence is crucial for reaching full freedom of speech,
Edik Baghdasaryan said, adding that structural and legal reforms
are needed.

`If everyone takes up development of social sphere will go on’

Aysor, Armenia
May 1 2010

`If everyone takes up development of social sphere will go on’

Yurui Manukyan the head of the United Communistic Party on the meeting
with the journalists touched upon the job market of Armenia.

He remembered that during the Soviet Union times the main employer was
the state, it cared about all the problems of its employees, while the
`Armenian Republic doesn’t care about the market today.’

`All the businessmen have taken up the private sector, the businessmen
should create conditions for their workers,’ Manukyan said.

He wondered whom wants the Armenian job market try to overpass,
`During the Soviet Union there was a goal to reach and to pass the
USA, today China has passed all the others with progressive ideas. If
we tend so we tend to pass someone then it should be China.’

According to Manukyan our conditions are totally different; we can’t
compete with Spain, Italy, and Greece.

`If the chair worshiping is left aside and everyone takes up the
development of the social sphere, we will move forward,’ Yuri Manukyan

Armenian-Turkish Process Will Be Resumed After 2011 Parliamentary El


April 30, 2010 – 16:52 AMT 11:52 GMT

The Armenian-Turkish reconciliation process, suspended by official
Yerevan, will be resumed after 2011 parliamentary elections in Turkey,
Political Developments Research Center NGO chairman Vahan Dilanyan

As he told a news conference in Yerevan, currently Turkey’s ruling
AKP party lacks political will to ratify the Protocols. At the same
time, Mr. Dilanyan didn’t preclude the possibility of Armenia-Turkey
negotiations being continued at ministerial level. According to him,
Armenian-Turkish dialogue is one of the exceptional processes where
superpowers’ interests basically meet.

"On the background of political negotiations suspension, the dialogue
between Armenian and Turkish societies should be activated," Mr.
Dilanyan emphasized.

Flushing Women Honored At Armenian Genocide Event

By Philip Newman

les/2010/04/29/queens/qns_armenian_genocide_201004 29.txt
April 29 2010

Four Flushing women, who as children survived the Turkish massacre of
Armenians nearly a century ago, were honored last week at a ceremony
of gratitude to former Manhattan District Attorney Robert Morgenthau,
whose grandfather exposed to the world the Turks’ campaign of "race

"It was due to the heroic efforts of U.S. Ambassador [to the Ottoman
Empire] Robert M. Morgenthau that the Armenian genocide became known
worldwide and its victims received humanitarian assistance from the
United States government and American people," said Dr. Mary Papazian,
provost and senior vice president for academic affairs of Lehman
College. "We, the progeny of the saved, express our gratitude. Blessed
is the memory of the righteous."

Morgenthau, 90, was presented a plaque of praise from the Armenian
people for the "humanitarian efforts of his illustrious grandfather,
Henry Morgenthau Sr., U.S. Ambassador to the Ottoman Empire."

"Ambassador Morgenthau drew the attention of the American government
and the world to the attempt at ‘race extermination’ of the Armenian
people being perpetrated by what has been termed the Young Turk
dictatorship; and the ambassador’s attempts to intercede for the
innocent victims," the citation read.

In his published memoirs, Ambassador Morgenthau related how he told
the Turkish prime minister "the world will never forget this horror.

You are making a mistake and will regret it. I appeal to you, not as
an American or even as a Jew. I appeal to you in the name of humanity."

Papazian introduced four survivors, who traveled from the New York
Armenian Home in Flushing to the Museum of Jewish Heritage in Downtown
Manhattan for the ceremony April 21. Papazian read of the horrific
acts the Flushing women saw as children during the mass executions
in 1915-16 when perhaps as many as 1.5 million Armenians were slain.

The survivors present were Charlotte Kechejian, 97; Oronik Eminian,
97; Arsalo Dadir, 97; and Perouz Kalousdiau, 100.

Papazian said Dadir remembered the day Turks shot and killed 100
people in her village, leaving piles of bodies.

The Lehman provost said Turks came to Eminian’s home in Smyrna,
now Izmir in Turkey, and took away her father, whose bloody clothes
were later returned to her home. Turks shot and killed her mother
and grandmother and smashed her 2-month-old brother against a wall,
killing him.

"When Eminian cried out, a soldier struck her in the face with the
butt of his rifle," Papazian said.

ADVERTISEMENTThe longtime Manhattan district attorney who accepted
the plaque is the son of Henry Morgenthau Jr., who was U.S. treasury
secretary under former President Franklin D. Roosevelt.

The ceremony was conducted in a section of the museum devoted to
the Turkish massacre, including a photo of Turkish soldiers herding
hundreds of Armenian men en route to an execution site.

The present Turkish government generally denies wholesale executions
were carried out throughout the country, saying there were deportations
only in one area to put down a revolution.

One million of the 7 million Armenians worldwide live in the United
States, with 50,000 in the New York metropolitan area.

Armenia, a former Soviet country, became independent in 1991. The
country is 11,620 square miles in area, slightly larger than Maryland,
with a population of 3.3 million and an additional 400,000 Armenian
refugees from Azerbaijan and Nagorno-Karabakh.
