Former Armenian official detained in Russia, Armenia

Former Armenian official detained in Russia Former Armenian official detained in Russia

20:48, 21.04.2019

Russian law enforces have detained former Armenian official who has been searched by the Armenian police.

According to the media reports, Mihran Poghosyan, former MP and chief of Compulsory Enforcement Officer of Judicial Acts, has been arrested.

Armenia’s Special Investigation Service confirmed the reports for Armenian adding that the process of extradition is in progress.

Mihran Poghosyan is involved in the headline-making case of money laundering through an offshore company.

Earlier this week the judge rendered a decision to remand Poghosyan. He has been included as an accused-on-trial for committing publicly dangerous acts (using official position, confiscating property in particularly large amounts through squander and misusing official powers, which led to heavy consequences).

Սիփան Օլահը և Քլինգեն երգչախմբի և մշակութային կազմակերպության համերգ-ցուցահանդեսներ

Սիփան Օլահը և Քլինգեն երգչախմբի և մշակութային կազմակերպության համերգ-ցուցահանդեսներ

Armenian News Network / Armenian News

April 10, 2019


After his year-long concert tour in the Republic of Malta, the well-known opera tenor, conductor and pianist Sipan Olah has finally come back to London and with his ever-lasting enthusiasm didn’t keep the audience waiting for too long… He has immediately resumed the rehearsals and concerts of the Klingen Choir and Cultural Association, and has started preparation work for upcoming recital concerts. March was particularly significant with two major events organised for admirers of art in general and the Armenian community in particular. The first one was the annual celebration of the Russian ‘Maslenica’ festival organised by the Russian Embassy in the UK in cooperation with a wide variety of community organizations. The mentioned event took place in St John’s Smith Square on 15 March. The Klingen Choir and Cultural Association was taking part in the event for the first time and performed a Russian folk song called ‘Maslenica’ together with the Russian Choir, as well as an Armenian folk song composed by Stephen Shaqaryan, highlighting the beauty of traditional Armenian folk music.

The second event was the recital concert and exhibition ‘Love Songs and Arias’ that took place at St Cuthbert’s Church on 23 March. Tenor, Conductor and Pianist Sipan Olah performed a number of  enchanting vocal and instrumental pieces alongside lyric soprano and violinist Hayarpi Yeghikyan and pianist Ingrid Chan. At the end of the event there was a picture exhibition by well-known  artist Leonie Pilart (Piladjian). 15 arias and songs in seven languages were performed, including pieces by European and Armenian composers A. Satie, W. Mozart, E. Grieg, F. Vecsey, V. Kotoyan, Al. Harutiunian, M. Glinka, R. Rogers, I. Gershwin, W. Sanderson, C. Bixio, S. Vert, E. Curtic. Several of the pieces had already been presented to the Maltese audience during his tour of 40 concerts in the Republic of Malta in 2018. The programme was comprehensive and complicated and demanded a high level of performance skills, which was supremely demonstrated by the well-known singer. Impressive piano duet by Ingrid Chan and Sipan Olah – Aram Khachaturian,  ‘dance of pink maidens’; Hayarpi Yeghikyan – the enchanting sound of the violin captures the audience – E. Bagdasaryan and F. Vecsey in the programme accompanied by Sipan Olah on the piano; vocal solos by tenor Sipan Olah and soprano Hayarpi Yeghikyan . At the end of the concert there were two vocal duets performed by Sipan Olah and Hayarpi Yeghikyan (composed by E. Curtic and F. Lehar), which were the culmination of the concert and everyone was absolutely fascinated by the magical effect of art and the real sensation of catharsis, which makes this world seem more flawless and pure. London-based art enthusiasts and particularly the Armenian community thoroughly admired the performance of the young singer. Sipan Olah’s enchanting voice, the clear vibrations of Hayarpi Yeghikyan’s lyric soprano, Ingrid Chan’s magic touch of the piano keys will long echo in the memories of the audience. Furthermore, the masterpieces were in perfect harmony with the sophisticated atmosphere of the church and the magical strokes of Leonie Pilart’s brush. It is noteworthy, that this was the artist’s second project carried out with the Klingen Choir and Cultural Association. This time she presented her series of flower paintings. We should  pay tribute to the well-known artist – as this year she is celebrating the 50th anniversary of her artistic activity. The mentioned event was the opening event to be followed by exhibitions in Lebanon, Armenia and the USA. 

It is an honour to mention that the Mayor of the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea, Councillor Marie-Therese Rossi,  who honoured the event with her presence – highlighted the importance of organising such events. The Mayor was presented with a painting by Leonie Pilart ‘The Daughter of Karabakh’, which was accepted with a great pleasure by the worshipful guest.

It is additionally worth noting, that there were high-ranking representatives of political and cultural cycles as well as the clergy, who mixed with the multicultural audience enjoyed the performance. Furthermore, quite a few members of the Russian community were present, which additionally proves the viability and importance of the newly created alliance.

It requires an immense amount of organisational work and very high levels of professional skills to organise such events and it is absolutely fascinating that there are such exceptional young people, who make our community life much more interesting and our national culture more recognisable and noticeable through the use of the universal language of music.


Հայտնի օպերային տենորխմբավար և դաշնակահար Սիփան ՕլահըՄալթայի Հանրապետությունում մոտ մեկ տարի տևած և շռնդալից հաջողություն բերած համերգաշարն ավարտելով վերջապես վերադարձավ Լոնդոնև միայն իրեն հատուկ ջանասիրության բերումով հանդիսատեսին երկար սպասել չտվեց: Անմիջապես ձեռնամուխ եղավ ՙՔլինգեն երգչախմբի և մշակութային ասոցիացիայի՚ փորձերի և համերգների վերսկսմանըինչպես նաև մենահամերգի նախապատրաստական աշխատանքներին: Արվեստասերների և համայնքի կյանքում հատուկ նշանակություն ու կարևորություն ունեցող երկու ծավալուն միջոցառումներով առանձնացավ այս ամիսըԱռաջինը մարտի  15 –ին տեղի ունեցած համերգն էր Միացյալ Թագավորությունում Ռուսաստանի դեսպանատան և  համայնքի կողմից կազմակերպված ամենամյա ՙՌուսական Մասլեննիցա՚ փառատոնին՝ Լոնդոնի Ուեստմիստերյան Ջոն Սմիթ Սքվեր համերգասրահումՎերոհիշյալ միջոցառմանը առաջին անգամ իր մասնակցությունը բերեց Քլինգեն երգչախումբը, որը ոչ միայն ռուսական երգչախմբի հետ միացյալ կատարեց ռուսական ժողովրդական ՙՄասլեննիցա՚ երգըայլև ազգային կոլորիտը ներկայացնողՍտեփան Շաքարյանի ՙՀայկական ժողովրդական երգերի շարքը՚Խիստ տպավորիչ էր նաև ԱՊուշկինի և ՄԳլինկայի հեղինակած “Հիշում եմ հիանալի ակնթարթը ռոմանսը՝ Սիփան Օլահի անզուգական կատարմամբ:

Երկրորդ միջոցառումը մարտի 23-ին Քենսինգթոնի թագավորական համայնքի ՍբՔաթբեթ  վեհաշուք եկեղեցում տեղի ունեցած համերգցուցահանդեսն էրՙՍիրային երգեր և արիաներ՚ խորագրովորին բացի հանրահայտ տենոր Սիփան Օլահից իրենց մասնակցությունն էին բերել նաև լիրիկական սոպրանոջութակահարուհի Հայարփի Եղիկյանըդաշնակահարուհի Ինգրիդ Չանըինչպես նաև անվանի նկարչուհի Լեոնի Փիլարդը (Փիլավջյան): Միջոցառման շրջանակներում հնչեցին եվրոպացի և հայ  կոմպոզիտորներիԱ. ՍաթիՎՄոցարտԷԳրիգՖՎեսեյՎԿոտոյանԱլ. ՀարությունյանՄԳլինկաՌՌոջերսԻԳերշվինՎՍանդերսոն, ՍԲիկսիոթվով տասնհինգ արիաներ և երգերյոթը լեզուներով, ստեղծագործություններորոնցից շատերն արդեն իսկ արժանացել էին Մալթացի հանդիսատեսի ջերմ ընդունելությանը՝ 2018 թ. Մալթայի Հանրապետությունում տեղի ունեցած շուրջ 40 համերգների ընթացքումԾրագիրը  բարդ էրընդգրկուն և պահանջում էր կատարողական բարձր մակարդակինչը հիանալի  կերպով իրականացրեց հանրաճանաչ երգիչը:  Դաշնամուրային ստեղծագործությունների տպավորիչ  զուգանվագ Ինգրիդ Չանի և Սիփան Օլահի մասնակցությամբ – Արամ ԽաչատրյանՎարդագույն աղջիկների պարըՀայարփի Եղիկյանհնչում է ջութակի թովիչ ձայնըծրագրում էԲաղդասարյան և Ս. Վեկսեի՝ նվագակցությամբ Սիփան Օլահի, վոկալ մենակատարումներ տենոր Սիփան Օլահ և  սոպրանո Հայարփի ԵղիկյանՀամերգի եզրափակիչ հատվածում Հայարփի Եղիկյանի և Սիփան Օլահի կատարմամբ հնչեցին Կուրտիսի և ՖԼեհարի երկու զուգերգորոնք համերգը բարձրակետին հասցրեցինբոլորն իսկապեսվայելեցին արվեստի մոգական ազդեցությունըկատարսիսի իրական ուժըորն աշխարհը դարձնում է առավել բարի ու կատարյալԼոնդոնյան երաժշտասեր հասարակությունը և հատկապես հայ համայնքը գեղագիտական մեծ հաճույք ստացավ երիտասարդ երգչի տպավորիչ կատարումներից: Հանդիսատեսի հիշողության մեջ դեռ երկար կարձագանքեն Սիփան Օլահի թավշյա ձայնըՀայարփի Եղիկյանի լիրիկական սոպրանոյի վճիտ թրթիռներըԻնգրիդ Չանի մատնադրոշմները դաշնամուրի ստեղնաշարինավելինհնչող գլուխգործոցները զարմանալիորեն ներդաշնակում էին վեհաշուք եկեղեցու հոգեթով կամարներին, Լեոնի Փիլարդի վրձնի մոգական հարվածներինԻ դեպսա նկարչուհու երկրորդ համատեղ ձեռնարկն էր Քլինգեն երգչախմբի և մշակութային ասոցիացիայի հետԱյս անգամ նա ներկայացավ իր ծաղկանկարների շարքովՀարգանքի տուրք մատուցենք հանրահայտ նկարչուհունայս տարի նա նշում է իր ստեղծագործական գործունեության հիսուն տարինԱյս միջոցառման մասնակցությունը մեկնարկ էրորին հաջորդելու են ցուցահանդեսներ ԼիբանանումՀայաստանում և ԱՄՆում: Մեծագույն հպարտությամբ պետք է նշենք նաևոր միջոցառմանը ներկա էր Լոնդոնի Քենսինգթոն և Չելսի Արքայական Համայնքի ղեկավարքաղաքապետ Մարի Թերեզ Ռոսսինորն իր ներկայությամբ պատվեց ձեռնարկի մասնակիցներինմիևնույն ժամանակ ցույց տալով նման միջոցառումների կազմակերպման կարևորությունըՆկարչուհի Փիլարդը նրան նվիրեց ՙՂարաբաղի աղջիկը՛ կտավըորը ջերմորեն ընդունվեց բարձրաստիճան պաշտոնյայի կողմից:

Հատկանշական մի փաստ ևսհամերգին ներկա էին անգլիական և հայ առաքելական եկեղեցու բարձրաստիճան հոգևոր հայրեր, քաղաքական և մշակութային ճանաչված գործիչներորոնք միախառնված բազմազգ հանդիսատեսին ընբոշխնում էին տպավորիչ կատարումներըՀարկ է նշելոր համերգին ներկա էին ռուս համայնքի բազմաթիվ ներկայացուցիչներինչը հավելյալ անգամ ապացուցեց նորաստեղծ բարեկամության կենսունակությունն ու կարևորությունը:

Այոայսպիսի միջոցառումների կազմակերպումը ոչ միայն մասնագիտական բարձր որակներ է պահանջումայլև կազմակերպական հսկայածավալ աշխատանքև հիանալի էոր մեզանում կան այնպիսի երիտասարդ կարող ուժերորոնք ջերմացնում են համայնքային կյանքն ու երաժշտության միջազգային լեզվով մեր ազգային մշակույթը դարձնում ճանաչելիզգալի, նկատելի: 

Նաիրուհի Պետրոսյան, Լոնդոն

Armenian Klinhgen Choir and Cultural Association


KCCA Admin 


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Extension of Waiver of Section 907 of the Freedom Support Act With Respect to Assistance to the Government of Azerbaijan

Federal Register, State Department Documents and Publications USA

Pursuant to the authority contained in title II of the Foreign Operations, Export Financing, and Related Programs Appropriations Act, 2002 (Pub. L. 107-115); E.O. 12884, as amended by E.O. 13346; and Department of State Delegation of Authority 245-2, I hereby determine and certify that extending the waiver of section 907 of the FREEDOM Support Act of 1992 (22 U.S.C. 5812 note) with respect to Azerbaijan:

  • Is necessary to support United States' efforts to counter international terrorism; or
  • is necessary to support the operational readiness of U.S. Armed Forces or coalition partners to counter international terrorism; or
  • is important to Azerbaijan's border security; and
  • will not undermine or hamper ongoing efforts to negotiate a peaceful settlement between Armenia and Azerbaijan or be used for offensive purposes against Armenia.

Accordingly, I hereby extend the waiver of section 907 of the FREEDOM Support Act. This determination shall be published in the Federal Register. The determination and memorandum of justification shall be provided to the appropriate committees in Congress.

Dated March 22, 2019.

John J. Sullivan,

Deputy Secretary of State.

[FR Doc. 2019-07734 Filed 4-17-19; 8:45 am]

A poplar park established in Mekhakavan community of Artsakh

Panorama, Armenia
Society 18:50 12/04/2019 NKR

At the initiative of Andranik Safaryan, the head of Mekhakavan community of Hadrut region, a park of poplar has been established in the community, Artsakhpress news agency reported.

As the source reports, Primate of the Artsakh Diocese of the Armenian Apostolic Church Archbishop Pargev Martirosyan, Director of the Artsakh State Service on Emergency Situations Lieutenant-General Levon Mnatsakanyan, servicemen, residents of Mekhakavan, a group of Artsakh State University students and others participated at the tree planting activities.

Afterwards, Archbishop Pargev Martirosyan and Levon Mnatsakanyan also visited Mekakhavan Children's Creative Center, got acquainted with the building conditions, where some 145 students are enrolled. 

“Bright Armenia” against unification of Ministry of Culture (video)

MP Gevorg Gorgisyan, a member of the National Assembly’s “Bright Armenia” faction, also came to support the employees of the National Academic Theater of Opera and Ballet after A. Spendiaryan, who held a protest in front of the government demanding not only to cancel the Nazeni Gharibyan’s order to dismiss Constantin Orbelian from the position the director of opera theater, but also to releave Nazeni Gharibyan from her duties of RA Minister of Culture.

“Now, if the minister of culture does not manage to deal with problems and give solutions to problems so that the representatives of the field will be satisfied, which, by the way, should be the role of the minister, so what would happen when they become united?”

Results of 1st official meeting of Armenian PM and Azerbaijani president

JAM news

Pashinyan said that the parties are trying to understand each other’s positions, while Aliyev noted negotiations have been given new impetus, but the format will remain the same

The first official meeting between Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan and Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev was held in Vienna yesterday.

The first 40 minutes of negotiations on the settlement of the Karabakh conflict were held with the mediation of the OSCE Minsk Group co-chairs, while a personal meeting between Pashinyan and Aliyev lasted two hours.

Then the co-chairs of the Minsk Group again joined the negotiators.

There was no media statement after the meeting.

Ilham Aliyev left the Vienna Hotel Bristol without answering journalists’ questions, while Nikol Pashinyan responded to one question from TASS.

“The meeting went alright,” he replied curtly to the journalist.

He then went to meet Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurtz.

A little later, the co-chair of the OSCE Minsk Group from France, Stefan Visconti, called the meeting of Pashinyan and Aliyev “long, meaningful and effective”.

He also said that the mediators are already waiting for the next meeting, which will take place in the ‘near future’.

Later that day, Nikol Pashinyan met with the Armenian diaspora of Austria and stated that he appreciates the fact that negotiations are being held again.

Pashinyan says that for the first time, the negotiators did not think about completing the negotiations as a ‘winner’ or ‘loser’. They listened to each other’s opinions, noted that there ‘is something useful in the position of the other side, although they remained with their own [opinions]’.

Later in an interview with RIA Novosti, Ilham Aliyev said that the meeting was held in a positive and constructive atmosphere and enabled the parties to clarify their positions.

He stressed that the format of the negotiations remains unchanged, and that the leaders reaffirmed the need to strengthen the ceasefire and improve the mechanism of direct communication.

Up until now, Pashinyan and Aliyev had met several times in informal settings. However, during these unplanned meetings, the parties were able to agree on establishing a calmer situation on the line of contact.

It was then that Armenia and Azerbaijan also decided to work out mechanisms and establish operational links between the parties to the conflict.

However, the Armenian Prime Minister noted at the time that heir meetings with the President of Azerbaijan could not be considered the beginning of the negotiation process, since they only clarified their positions and tried to specify the subject of future negotiations.

The foreign ministers of Armenia and Azerbaijan managed to hold several meetings, during which the OSCE issued a statement on the need to prepare the peoples of the two countries for peace.

Situation on the eve of the meeting

Immediately after being elected prime minister, Nikol Pashinyan announced his position on the negotiations, and said Nagorno-Karabakh must return to the negotiating table.

The Azerbaijani side does not agree with this, although a cease-fire document was signed in 1994 by the Karabakh party, which indicates its participation in the first stage of the negotiation process.

The negotiators, the OSCE Minsk Group co-chairs, in a recent statement called for refraining from unilaterally changing the format of the negotiations.

Responding to this statement of the co-chairs, the Armenian Prime Minister confirmed the invariance of his approach:

“The fact is that today at the negotiating table there is no legitimate, authorized representative of Artsakh … I have repeatedly said that the Prime Minister of Armenia does not have such powers … And this is not a whim, not a precondition, but a question of legitimacy. […] comments that the Republic of Armenia or the Prime Minister are absolving themselves from this responsibility are absurd … The Republic of Armenia was, is and will be the main guarantor of the security of Artsakh and will continue to participate in the peace process.”

Another important statement was previously voiced by the Minister of Defense of Armenia. David Tonoyan, who noted that should hostilities in Karabakh resume, Armenia is ready to move from a defensive to offensive tactic:

“The psychology is changing, approaches are changing, as defending armies always fail. We are not going to remain in a defensive position,” the minister said.

Azerbaijani Press: Pashinyan’s contradictory statements on Karabakh annoy Armenians

AzerNews, Azerbaijan

By Abdul Kerimkhanov

The new leadership of Armenia continues to artificially delay negotiations on the settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict against the interests of their country.

The statements of the Prime Minister of Armenia urging that “the proposal to return Nagorno-Karabakh to the negotiating table is not a proposal to change the format, but to restore the negotiation format” is another verbal bravado, devoid of any logic and validity, said diplomat Fikret Sadikhov on March 22.

The latest statement of the OSCE Minsk Group co-chairs regarding the unchanged format of the negotiation process, as well as statements of similar content of high-ranking EU officials are a serious message to the Armenian side.

"The unequivocal position of the world community on this issue is aimed at supporting the grounded position of Azerbaijan on the solution of the Karabakh problem. Meanwhile, the actions and steps of the Armenian Prime Minister Pashinyan show that he is not only an amateur in politics, but also lacks any understanding of the essence of the Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict, is engaged in the most common provocations in the form of trips to the occupied Nagorno-Karabakh," said diplomat.

Sadikhov considers, Pashinyan’s controversial statements related to the settlement of the Karabakh conflict are irritating the Armenian society.

He suggested that the speech of Pashinyan, which did not correspond to the level of the Armenian government’s head, was due to his understanding of the inevitability of the return of the occupied Azerbaijani territories.

He recalled that the resolutions of the UN Security Council constitute the legal basis for resolving the conflict, and unequivocally confirm the sovereignty, territorial integrity and inviolability of the international borders of Azerbaijan, and require the immediate, complete and unconditional withdrawal of the Armenian occupying forces from the territories of Azerbaijan.

Pashinyan continues to do what he likes – cheap populism and demagogy, MP Rasim Musabayov believes.

Musabayov noted Azerbaijan and the world are not expecting demagogy from Pashinyan, but concrete words and actions on those proposals that have long been on the table of negotiations.

He said that before the relevant decisions are taken on the liberation of the occupied Azerbaijani territories and the beginning of the withdrawal of Armenian forces, Pashinyan will be heard in Azerbaijan.

"The time for cheap propaganda and idle talk has long been over. It's time to make decisions and take responsibility for them," the Azerbaijani MP concluded.

India appoints new Ambassador to Armenia

India appoints new Ambassador to Armenia



13:10, 8 March, 2019

YEREVAN, MARCH 8, ARMENPRESS. Deputy High Commissioner of India to the Republic of Mauritius Shri Kishan Dan Dewal has been appointed to serve as the next Ambassador to Armenia, the Indian foreign ministry said in a news release on March 8.

According to the report the new ambassador is expected to assume office shortly.

Edited and translated by Stepan Kocharyan

Armenia to participate in Viva Technology 2019 in Paris

Armenia to participate in Viva Technology 2019 in Paris



13:48, 8 March, 2019

YEREVAN, MARCH 8, ARMENPRESS. Armenia will participate in the upcoming Viva Technology 2019 in Paris, one of the largest technological events of Europe. The event will take place May 16-18 and Armenia will have an individual pavilion at the expo, Minister of Transportation, Communication and Information Technologies Hakob Arshakyan said on Facebook.

He said Armenia’s participation at the event “as a new Silicon Valley of the region” has been initiated by the AGBU France and G2iA.

The ministry also called on interested Armenian companies and startups to be involved.

Edited and translated by Stepan Kocharyan

Armenian FM, European Commission Vice President discuss digital cooperation agenda

Armenian FM, European Commission Vice President discuss digital cooperation agenda



18:30, 7 March, 2019

YEREVAN, MARCH 7, ARMENPRESS. Foreign Minister of Armenia Zohrab Mnatsakanyan met with European Commissioner for Digital Single Market and Vice President of the European Commission Andrus Ansip on March 7.

As ARMENPRESS was informed from the press service of the Foreign Ministry of Armenia, greeting the guest, Minister Mnatsakanyan noted that Armenia and the EU have accumulated vast experience of partnership and joint work during the last years and the recent visit of PM Nikol Pashinyan to Brussels was a good opportunity to outline the future practical steps aimed at expanding multidimensional cooperation.

The sides referred to the cooperation prospects over digital agenda. In this context the Armenian FM emphasized that the development agenda of the Government is based on fostering the development of IT, innovations and creative education.

Referring to the 10th anniversary of the Eastern Partnership, Minister Mnatsakanyan noted that the Armenian side which has always been actively involved in Eastern Partnership format, will have its contribution also to the marking of the 10th anniversary of the Partnership, initiating an event dedicated to the youth and innovations.

The Armenian FM presented the preparatory works of the World Congress on Information Technology (WCIT-2019) to be held in Yerevan in October, underscoring that the conference is a major international event of that sphere.

Edited and translated by Tigran Sirekanyan