Mesusage du genocide armenien

Le Monde, France
12 mai 2006

Mésusage du génocide arménien;

Le groupe parlementaire socialiste propose de punir la contestation
publique du crime de 1915. Cette initiative risque surtout d’entraver
la réconciliation amorcée entre Turcs et Arméniens

par Luc Ferry

En janvier 2001, le Parlement adoptait à l’unanimité une loi qui, à
défaut de plaire aux historiens, pouvait du moins réjouir les
juristes amoureux de concision ; réduite à un article unique, composé
lui-même d’une seule phrase, elle déclarait simplement que : ” La
France reconnaît publiquement le génocide arménien de l915. ”

Dans le même esprit, le groupe socialiste vient de déposer (le 12
avril) une proposition de loi complémentaire, exigeant que la
contestation publique de ce génocide soit désormais punie – comme
l’est, notamment, depuis la législation Gayssot, celle de la Shoah.
D’un point de vue seulement moral, la proposition est difficilement

Depuis des décennies, ceux qui s’efforcent de nier la réalité du
génocide arménien utilisent un argument qui ne tient pas la route :
les atrocités commises contre la minorité arménienne s’inscriraient ”
simplement ” dans une logique de ” massacres “, hélas courants en
temps de guerre. Les populations arméniennes ayant rejoint l’ennemi
russe, les dirigeants ottomans auraient décidé de ” représailles ”
qu’on pourrait sans doute considérer aujourd’hui comme des crimes de
guerre, mais point à proprement parler comme un génocide. Chacun
connaît la vérité : la moitié de la communauté arménienne de l’Empire
ottoman a été éliminée en raison des définitions ethniques,
religieuses et idéologiques que l’Empire ottoman en a données. Que la
guerre ait servi de déclencheur n’est pas douteux. Que les massacres,
qui touchaient aussi bien les nourrissons que de potentiels ennemis,
se soient réduits à la logique d’un conflit militaire est évidemment
faux. Il faudra bien un jour le reconnaître. Question, tout à la
fois, d’histoire et d’éthique.

Cela étant dit, sans la moindre ambiguïté, la proposition de loi
socialiste, qui sera peut-être approuvée ou imitée sur tous les bancs
de l’Assemblée, n’en est pas moins politiquement aberrante. Outre le
fait qu’elle empiète, une fois encore, sur le travail des historiens,
elle s’inscrit dans un contexte – un non au référendum sur la
Constitution européenne largement lié au spectre d’une possible
entrée de la Turquie – qui contribue à faire passer la France du
statut de pays le plus admiré des Turcs à celui d’ennemi public
numéro un.

Plus que jamais, je suis convaincu (comme d’autres, Rocard, Barre,
Kouchner, par exemple, mais aussi le président Chirac, qui fut lucide
et courageux sur ce point qui ne servait guère ses intérêts
tactiques…) que le rejet de la Turquie par une majorité de nos
politiques n’est pas seulement une erreur, mais une terrible faute
dont les conséquences seront désastreuses pour nous. La question qui
a dominé le débat français – la Turquie est-elle, oui ou non,
européenne ? – était aussi absurde qu’indécidable, car mal posée. La
vraie question était de savoir si l’Union européenne, qui n’est pas
l’Europe, mais une construction politique artificielle, avait
intérêt, ou pas, à ce que 70 millions de Turcs soient accueillis en
son sein pour être arrimés à la démocratie. Alors que nous déplorons
en paroles que l’on n’aide pas assez les partis démocratiques dans
les pays où ils sont le seul espoir face à la montée des intégrismes
– en Algérie, par exemple -, nous avons, s’agissant de la Turquie,
choisi de les isoler et de les affaiblir, ce qui, sans même évoquer
des considérations morales, est consternant de bêtise sur le plan

J’entends déjà l’objection : faut-il, au nom de la realpolitik, nier
les vérités de l’histoire et de l’éthique ? Quel cynisme, quelle
ignominie ce serait ! En effet. Aussi n’est-ce évidemment pas dans
cette direction que je plaide. Simplement, il faut savoir qu’un
processus de réconciliation entre Turquie et Arménie vient enfin
d’être entamé et qu’il est fcheux que la France intervienne en ce
moment avec la délicatesse habituelle de l’éléphant dans un magasin
de porcelaine. La politique est d’abord affaire de timing,
d’occasions offertes par l’histoire concrète, et pas seulement de
principes abstraits, fussent-ils justifiés.

Le 13 avril 2005, le premier ministre turc, Tayyip Erdogan, a eu le
courage d’adresser une lettre au président arménien, Robert Koçaryan,
pour lui proposer la création d’une commission mixte, composée
d’historiens arméniens et turcs chargés d’établir la vérité et
d’employer les mots qui conviennent. Les archives des deux pays leur
seront ouvertes sans restriction aucune. M. Erdogan l’a fait en son
nom, mais aussi, ce qui n’est pas rien, au nom des principaux partis
de l’opposition de son pays. De la part de ce démocrate et musulman
modéré, il s’agit de faire de la bonne pédagogie, plutôt que de
réveiller brutalement un nationalisme turc dont personne, ni en
Turquie ni hors d’elle, n’a rien à attendre de bon. Il s’engage par
avance à accepter les conclusions de cette commission. Sa lettre –
c’est dans ce contexte un pas de géant – a été approuvée par
l’ensemble de l’Assemblée nationale turque dans une déclaration
officielle. Il faut soutenir cette excellente initiative.

Pourquoi la France, qui a déjà fort malheureusement fait comprendre à
la Turquie qu’elle ne voulait pas d’elle, devrait-elle à tout prix en
rajouter encore une louche ? Quelle urgence y a-t-il à interférer
dans un processus de mémoire et de réconciliation entrepris par les
deux principaux protagonistes ? Le génocide aura bientôt cent ans. La
France l’a reconnu et elle a eu raison de le faire, même si elle
aurait pu et dû s’épargner de légiférer pour cela. Pourquoi ne pas
laisser encore quelques mois aux intéressés avant de brandir la
menace de sanctions morales et juridiques qui promettent davantage
d’effets pervers que de réparations positives ?

Luc Ferry

Philosophe, ancien ministrede l’éducation nationale

Arthur Baghdasarian Had Infringed The Convention

12 May 06

The NDU leader, deputy of `Justice’ bloc Vazgen Manoukian considers OEP
collapse as the fight of lieutenant Schmidt’s sons.

In your opinion whose revenge was the `OEP’collapse, Robert
Kocharian’s, whose foreign political positions Arthur Baghdasarian
opposed or the RPA and Government’s whose speculations Arthur
Baghdasarian detected?

The authorities don’t get so angry with the expression of different
opinions about the policy. Simply as the convention of lieutenant
Schmidt’s sons coalition powers also have internal arrangements, rules
of the game by which they have come to the authority. And if anybody
infringes those arrangements he must be punished. They have found the
way of punishment for other not to do the same. On the other hand
there is `Bolivar won’t take both of them» factor.

So taking businessmen from the OEP, was it decided who became the
winner for the post of the succeedent in Serge Sargsian-Arthur
Baghdasarian contest? I think Arthur Baghdasarian hasn’t touched the
problem on this occasion.

Now he has a unique opportunity to produce to the West as the Armenian
Sahakashvili or Yushchenko who fought inside the authority for his
pro-western views and suffered of it. In your opinion if he uses that
opportunity maybe the West will be for his candidacy in the
presidential elections?

And who isn’t pro-western in his declarations. All authority groups
declare that our aim is to become the EU member etc. And it isn’t so,
that others aren’t so pro-western but Arthur Baghdasarian
is. Everybody wants to take on that «cloth». Every
country has its heroes. Our country has been specific up to the
present day and will remain so.

My question can be considered naive, but maybe those businessmen
haven’t been coordinated, they all deny that pressure has been used on
them. Maybe those businessmen who had found a political support for
securing their property, left the OEP because of the change of

But why didn’t they enter in `Orinats Erkir’ at the beginning and not
to the NDU. They had read the projects and considered that the OEP
project was more profitable for Armenia. No. They had entered into OEP
because it was the part of the authority; the ruling clique proves
it. But when OEP looses the authority, those people must leave it. If
they can’t take advantages from the authority why should they stay
there? Perhaps it is coordinated or they have decided themselves but
it is very natural process.

A week was enough to destroy the party. In your opinion how many time
will be enough for destroying next authority parties, RPA and ARF?

Dashnaktsutiun is less possible as it has a strong caste structure
inside it. And if the ARF is Robert Kocharian’s political ground the
base of this authority is the RPA. It can cause a feeling of danger at
Robert Kocharian and Serge Sargsian. And in that case the ARF won’t be
destroyed but will make its power weaken, divide into some parties. So
it isn’t accidental that Gagik Tsarukian’s and public prosecutor’s
parties will act in the same field.

Do you also think that the NA chairman must call for a vote of
confidence and send in his resignation?

I don’t agree with it. It is adopted in such cases that the NA
chairman doesn ‘t send in his resignation, doesn’t leave the
parliamentary system but leaves the system of governing that is the

Do you think that Arthur Baghdasarian will remain the NA chairman
leaving the coalition?

Yes I do, if he isn’t dismissed. There is no contradiction
here. Especially when the NA chairman can have an opinion which
doesn’t correspond with the Presiden’t opinion on the foreign policy,
it isn’t a reason for the NA chairman’s resignation. The government is
another thing. It is a unified body of adopting decisions and the
members of the government doesn’t have right to express discrepant

Let’s summarize, should we meet with sympathy the OEP, which intended
to be a reformer in the authority, or they have already adopted the
rules of the game by which they were revenged?

There is no point of sympathy. They have indeed adopted the rules of
this game. There is some sort of thievish rules and those who infringe
it are punished.
Anna Israelian

Armenian Genocide: Turkey Considers Possible Economic SanctionsAgain


11.05.2006 14:24 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Consultations will be held in Ankara with all
Turkish Ambassadors accredited abroad, as it was the case with
envoys to Paris and Ottawa – Osman Koroturk and Aydemir Erman,
stated Turkish MFA Spokesperson Namik Tan. In his words, after the
French Senate recognized the Armenian Genocide in 2001, Turkey also
recalled Ambassador to France, who returned to Paris after a 6-month
stay in Ankara.

Turkish President Ahmet Necdet Sezer is going to send a letter to
Jacquest Chirac. Simultaneously, economic sanctions against Paris are
considered. “Political circles of Ankara hope that French companies,
specifically Renault, will oppose to Government decision,” Tan stated,
reports the Marmara Istanbul-based newspaper.

Joint Sitting Of Commissions On Demarkation And Limitation OfArmenia


Noyan Tapan
May 10 2006

TBILISI, MAY 10, NOYAN TAPAN. A joint sitting of Armenian and Georgian
commissions on demarkation and limitation of the Armenian-Georgian
state frontier was held on May 9-10 in Tbilisi. After the sitting
the Chairmen of the commissions, RA Deputy Foreign Minister Gegham
Gharibjanian and Georgian Deputy Foreign Minister Georgi Manjgaladze,
stated that the sides have came to an agreement on most part of the
outline of the state frontier between the two countries and reached
agreements about doing further works. Gegham Gharibjanian met with
Georgian Foreign Minister Gela Bezhuashvili, conveyed him RA Foreign
Minister Vartan Oskanian’s greetings and presented the result of the
joint sitting. G.Gharibjanian also met with his Georgian counterpart,
Georgian first Deputy Foreign Minister V.Chechelashvili and discussed
urgent issues relating to bilateral relations.

Theater Figures Mark Kim Arzumanian’s 80th Birth Anniversary


Noyan Tapan
May 10 2006

YEREVAN, MAY 10, NOYAN TAPAN. The jubilee evening held on May 10 at
the Theater Figures’ Union of Armenia was dedicated to the 80th birth
anniversary of RA Honored Art Figure, prominent producer, theatrical
pedagogue, professor Kim Arzumanian. As Honored Art Figure Alexander
Kocharian mentioned, Kim Arzumanian started his stage activity from the
Theater of Young Spectator, then continued at the Gabriel Sundukian
National Academic Theater and at Hakob Paronian Theater of Musical
Comedy. Later, in 1951, he worked at the Armenian radio where he staged
34 radio performances. Then, starting to work at the television,
he produced 40 TV performances, which have not lost their freshness
now, many years later. Several generations of Armenian producers were
formed during the pedagogical activity of the talented art figure. As
A.Kocharian estimated, Kim Arzumanian, coming to TV from the stage,
was able to skilfully see the essential difference between the stage
and the video camera: “The very first performance produced by him made
it clear that the theater producer naturally became a TV producer”. The
prominent producer has always been the apologist of the classical,
traditional and realistic. “In his theatrical works he has been loyal
to the principles of the realistic theater and has not accepted the
temporary “tricks” penetrating into the art the course of time,”
A.Kocharian emphasized. Kim Arzumanian has staged 17 performances
for the theater, among which the most noteworthy are the “Mijnord
Ter Papa” and the “Madame San-Jem”. Kim Arzumanian’s “Sayat-Nova”
film is being warmly spoken about by the people up to this day. It
was repeatedly shown on TV at the viewers’ request.

Glitch Halts Search For Crashed Jet

Sergey Ponomarev / AP

The Moscow Times, Russia
May 10 2006

Combined Reports

A man weeping as he holds roses during a ceremony on a ship at the
Black Sea crash site near Sochi on Friday.

The search for victims’ remains and flight recorders from the airliner
that crashed last week in the Black Sea was interrupted Tuesday as
a diving vehicle broke down, news agencies reported.

A Transportation Ministry official said Kalmar, a deep-sea device
that had been searching for the plane’s fuselage and the recorders,
would be fixed by late Tuesday and resume searching, RIA-Novosti said.

Some bodies are thought to be trapped in the fuselage. Authorities
believe it is about six kilometers off the coast.

The Armavia Airbus A320 went down early Wednesday near Sochi as it
was approaching Adler airport in a heavy storm.

The crash killed all 113 on board. Officials have blamed the crash
on bad weather and, possibly, human error.

The ministry official, who was not identified, did not elaborate on
what was wrong with the unmanned, Russian-made deep-sea device.

Meanwhile, equipment to help distinguish the flight recorders from
the fuselage was expected from France. Also, French specialists were
expected to assist in the search.

Vladimir Derkunov, head of the search effort out of Sochi, added
that the French equipment would help in the removal of the flight
recorders from the fuselage, RIA-Novosti said. The Russian ship
Navigator, which arrived Monday in Sochi from Novorossiisk, planned
to transport the French team and equipment to the disaster site.

As of Sunday, 47 out of 51 bodies retrieved from the water had
been identified, Interfax reported, citing officials at the search
operation’s headquarters in Sochi.

Russia and Armenia observed a day of mourning Friday.

“For us, the most important thing now is raising the bodies, because
we understand that for the victims’ relatives, not raising the bodies
or fragments would be an even bigger tragedy,” Transportation Minister
Igor Levitin said Friday.

The crash of the plane, which had been en route from Yerevan, the
Armenian capital, hit Sochi’s Armenian community particularly hard.

About 125,000 of Sochi’s 400,000 residents are ethnic Armenians.

Twenty-six of the victims were ethnic Armenians living in Sochi.

Another 70 or so victims were thought to be Armenian citizens.

Which Is The Real Reason Of The Air Crash?

Hripsime Gebejian
06 May 06

Versions in Sochi are discrepant.

hree days have passed since the A320 air crash but the reasons of the
disaster aren’t known yet. This gives reasons for anxiety because
if there was a hope to find black boxes during the first days of
the crash, the records of Georgian and Russian dispatchers would be
decoded and would be compared with the records of the black boxes
and we would know what had happened in reality but now we don’t
have any hope that something will be found out. The RF Minister of
Transportation Igor Levitin declared about the conversation of the
pilots and dispatchers of last 5-6 minutes in Sochi on 3 of May;
“Those are records of good quality and will help to find out the
reasons of the disaster”. But yesterday we were informed that the
record didn’t have ”good quality” in the place when dispatchers
asked the Armenian pilots ”Rostov wants to know the rest of fuel
and reserve and only the answer ”we are flying back toYerevan” is
heard. Though it is early to come to conclusions from this but anyway,
it is strange when some parts of the conversation are heard normally
but the answers to the questions of dispatchers about technical
situation of the airplane, fuel and other problems aren’t decoded.

Earlier. When the Georgians haven’t given the records the head of
”Georgian avianavigation” company Georgy Karbelashvili said; ”We
don’t say who is guilty. It isn’t our business. We simply say that we
have an important information, the record of 90% of the flight if you
listen to it, dispatchers of Rostov make very unpleasant expressions
but I don’t want to speak about it, let your Ambassador decide whether
it is worth to publish it”. There is no ”unpleasant expression”
in the decoded parts of the conversation. Doesn’t it mean that the
real reason of the crash don’t correspondent to the official version
as if the airplane disappeared from the screens of radars because
of bad weather and fell into the Black see. This version is denied
in Sochi. Those who have been in airport that day affirm that the
weather wasn’t bad at all. The representative of Armenian community
in Sochi Hrach Makeyan told what happened in the airport some minutes
before the accident. ”We must leave for Yerevan at the same A320
Airbus, we were informed that the airplane would arrive soon. There
was a person among us who worked in ”Chernamoravia” in past and
had contacts with dispatchers, we were listening that airplane was
flying above Georgia, and return to Sochi again. The dispatcher said
to us that there was a problem of fuel.

I’m sure it didn’t have reserve of the fuel.

We were informed from the general administration of Civil aviation
that the airplane of Yerevan-Sochi flight hadn’t been fueled in Yerevan
it had been fueled in Moscow. Though the RA Minister of Defense Serge
Sargsian assured that there was no lack of fuel and that same airplane
could fly to Sochi for 405 times with that quantity of fuel.

According to the second version in Sochi, A320 has a super modern
electronic difficult system and the pilot didn’t know how to act,
besides it isn’t allowed to make quick turns while the pilot had tried,
the distance from the ground was too little and it fell into the sea
from its fore-part.

The society will hardly know other details about the accident as
information was spread yesterday as if the black box was too deep
inside the sea and the specialists didn’t succeed in getting it out
and it could be damaged for some acids. According to the latest
information 53 dead bodies had been found from which 41 had been
recognized. But the dead bodies become more and more unrecognizable
for that reasons the relatives give blood for DNA.


Ottawa: A diplomatic war about genocide

CBC News, Canada
May 9 2006

A diplomatic war about genocide

CBC News Online | May 9, 2006 | More Reality Check

John Gray has worked for a number of Canadian newspapers, including
most recently more than 20 years with the Globe and Mail, where he
served as Ottawa bureau chief, national editor, foreign editor,
foreign correspondent and national correspondent.

On the distant matter of Turkey and Armenia there must be some
sympathy for the anguish of Bill Graham when he was Canada’s foreign
minister two years ago. At the time, Canada’s parliamentarians were
debating whether the mass slaughter of Armenians by Turkey between
1915 and 1923 could legitimately be called genocide.

The Liberal government of the day, like every government for decades
before, was trying to duck a decision on the question. As Parliament
debated the issue and the minority government wriggled like a worm on
a hook, Graham said plaintively, “We’d like our Armenian friends and
our Turkish friends to put these issues in the past.”

French President Jacques Chirac and his Armenian counterpart, Robert
Kocharian, at a ceremony in Paris last spring deploring the mass
slaughter of Christian Armenians by Turkish authorities in the years
following 1915. France is leading the fight for Turkey to publicly
atone for the atrocity, and Canada now appears to be adding its voice
to the fray. (Patrick Kovarik/AFP/Getty Images) In other words,
please don’t make us take sides. Let’s just all be friends together.
How forlorn! How Canadian!

But almost a century after that terrible slaughter, there remains an
uncomfortable immediacy. The Turkish government has just recalled its
ambassadors to Canada and France over it.

France has offended Turkey by introducing a bill that would make the
denial of the Armenian genocide a crime.

In Canada’s case, the complaint was that Prime Minister Stephen
Harper last month recalled that both the Senate and the House of
Commons had adopted resolutions recognizing the slaughter as
genocide: “I and my party supported those resolutions and continue to
recognize them today.”

Does it matter what you call mass slaughter?

In France, parliamentary recognition of the genocide dates back eight
years. One difference between France and Canada on the question is
that France has an Armenian population of about 300,000. Canada’s
Armenian population is just 40,000, although individuals like film
director Atom Egoyan have given Canadian Armenians an unmistakable

The Turkish government said the recall of the ambassadors would be
for only a short time, yet there could still be serious economic
repercussions. Turkey cancelled a multimillion-dollar arms deal with
France in 2001, although economic relations appear to have returned
to normal in recent years.

Canada has not yet suffered anything more than harsh words from
Ankara, but there has been speculation in Turkish newspapers that
Canada will be – or perhaps has been – excluded from the bidding to
build a nuclear power plant in the Black Sea town of Sinop.

Of the two countries, it is France about which Turkey must be more
uneasy. France is one of the most powerful voices in the European
Union, which Turkey is desperately eager to join. And former French
foreign minister Michel Barnier suggested that Turkish admission to
the EU might be conditional on its acknowledgment of the genocide.

“This is an issue that we will raise during the negotiation process,”
Barnier said. “We will have about 10 years to do so and the Turks
will have about 10 years to ponder their answer.”

Putting pressure on Turkey

There is a temptation to believe that a dispute about a word is
really not much more than a dispute about a word, and that both
countries have locked themselves into a position from which they
cannot extricate themselves with any dignity.

Everyone agrees that there was a terrible slaughter; what is at issue
is the magnitude of the slaughter and the name to apply to it.

The Turks acknowledge that perhaps 300,000 Armenians, as well as many
Turks, died as a result of civil disturbances involving the Christian
Armenians, who had always lived in Turkey as second-class citizens.

The Armenians say that as a result of a deliberate campaign of
genocide, 1.5 million men, women and children were killed or starved
to death, and thousands of others were deported.

Historians tend to side with the Armenians. There have even been a
few Turkish historians who have called on their fellow citizens to
consider the Armenian case, but those are isolated voices in a
defiant land.

The United States, Britain, Israel, Georgia and Ukraine do not use
the word genocide about the Armenians. But in addition to France and
Canada, a score of European and Latin American countries have
officially recognized it as such.

It was Barnier, the former French foreign minister, who cast the
dispute in a much broader perspective. The parallel he drew was that
of the reconciliation of Germany and France after they had fought
three unimaginably terrible wars in less than a century:

“If, as I think, the core idea of Europe’s project is that all its
members should reconcile one with another – like France and Germany,
which have put reconciliation at the centre of their project – and
that each member state should reconcile with its own past, then I
believe that when the time comes Turkey, too, will have to come to
terms with its own past and history, and recognize this tragedy.”


ADV Films Website Follow-Up

Anime News Network, Canada
May 9 2006

ADV Films Website Follow-Up

As previously reported, the ADV Films webiste at was
hacked on Saturday morning by a group of Turkish hackers called
Ayyildiz. Webpages on the site were defaced with the Ayyildiz logo
message. Ayyildiz commonly hacks websites and defaces them with a
propaganda message claiming that the Armenian genocide was an act of
self-defense. The message also attacks the Kurdish PKK and their
backers, and states that any country that is treacherous towards
Turkey will have its websites “erased from the Internet.”

A mirror of the original hack can be seen here.

ADV removed the hacked server on Saturday morning, no more than a few
hours after the original hack itself. Their website resumed regular
operation on Sunday evening. According to Mark Williams, CTO at ADV,
they took advantage of the downtime to implement several already
prepared expansions, including the addition of new servers. The
reparations took longer than Williams would have liked as it was the
weekend and several staff we’re out of town for the weekend. “Plus,”
adds Williams, “We liked the Turkish terrorist music.”

Williams states that the vulnerability that lead to this attack has
been corrected and that the only server affected was a front end
content-caching server, no customer data was affected in any way.


BAKU: Azerbaijan will never get along with loss of grounds – Chairma

Azerbaijan will never get along with loss of grounds – Chairman of Milli Medjlis

TREND Information, Azerbaijan
May 6 2006

Source: Trend
Author: R. Abdullayev


On May 5 Chairman of Milli Medjlis Ogtay Asadov received
Goran Lenmarker, special representative of PACE chairman for
Nagorno-Karabakh, Trend reports.

In the course of the meeting, Azeri Speaker stated Azerbaijan’s
concern in cooperation with OSCE that plays significant role in
conflicts resolution in the region.

“We hope and pray that visits of such level will give traction to
mutual cooperation and positively influence resolution of conflicts”,
– Asadov said.

Azeri speaker one more time stressed firmness of Azerbaijan’s position
on Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, saying ‘Armenian-Azeri confrontation
shall be settled based on international legislation with accounting
for principle of Azerbaijan’s territorial integrity’.

“Azerbaijan will never get along with loss of grounds”, – Asadov said.

The sides exchanged opinions on Nagorno-Karabakh report draft,
methods of conflict resolution and other issues of mutual interest.

In his speech Mr Lenmarker stated his satisfaction with Azerbaijan’s
economic development.