Armenian Class at a School in Kiev

AZG Armenian Daily #186, 15/10/2005



A press release from the RA Foreign Ministry informs that an Armenian class
opened at the 85th secondary school of Kiev. The opening ceremony drew the
Armenian ambassador to Ukraine, clergies from the Ukrainian diocese of the
Armenian Church and members of the Armenian community. Ambassador Armen
Khachatrian and head of the Ukrainian diocese Archbishop Grigoris Buniatian
spoke about Armenia’s past and present, its culture and Armenian-Ukrainian
friendship. The newly opened Armenian class will teach Armenian language,
history and geography to 35 pupils. The graduation documents will include
grades on these subjects.

The Armenian embassy in Kiev handed the class Armenian textbooks and the
Armenian community presented a TV and a videocassette recorder.

By Gohar Gevorgian

UGAB-Infos/ octobre 2005

UGAB France
11, square Alboni, 75016 France
Tél. : 01 45 24 72 75
Fax : 01 40 50 88 09
Email : [email protected]

Miami – Focus rassemble plus de 550 jeunes professionnels arméniens
South Beach

Du 14 au 17 juillet 2005, plus de 550 jeunes professionnels arméniens,
venus du monde entier, se sont retrouvés à South Beach en Floride pour
un long week-end exceptionnel.

Après New York en 2001 et Montréal en 2003, c’est la Floride qui a
accueilli, cette année, les participants de Focus.

Le programme très international a réuni de jeunes Arméniens
originaires d’Angleterre, de Belgique, du Canada, de France, de Grèce,
d’Israël, d’Italie, du Liban, de Suisse, en plus d’une vingtaine
d’Etats américains.

Né à l’initiative d’une poignée de jeunes New Yorkais menés par Ani
Setrakian-Manoukian et conçu, à l’origine, comme une réunion des
anciens participants aux programmes de jeunes de l`UGAB, Focus est une
expérience inédite, qui a pris une ampleur inespérée.

Il donne ainsi l’occasion aujourd’hui à des anciens des programmes de
l’UGAB, tels que Camp Nubar ou le New York Summer Internship Program
(Programme de Stages d’Eté de l’UGAB à New York) de se retrouver et de
rendre ainsi hommage à l’UGAB qui leur a permis de vivre des
expériences inoubliables.

Mais Focus permet également aux jeunes professionnels arméniens
d’échanger leurs expériences professionnelles et d’élargir leur cercle
de connaissances.

Les activités du week-end ont été très variées. Le coup d’envoi a été
donné par la Soirée Perspectives du jeudi au cours de laquelle cinq
speakers se sont succédé au micro pour relater leurs success stories
puisque tel était le thème de la soirée. Parmi eux figurait Debbie
Ohanian de Miami qui, après avoir réussi dans divers domaines, est
devenue célèbre aux Etats-Unis grce à sa ligne de vêtements pour
femmes enceintes qui a figuré dans un épisode de Sex and the city. Ces
interventions ont été suivies d’un cocktail.

Le vendredi soir a été marqué par une soirée en boîte en plein c=9Cur
de Miami. Lieu branché entièrement réservé pour les membres de Focus.

Mais le programme n’oublie pas l’aspect caritatif de l’UGAB puisqu’une
vente aux enchères a été organisée le samedi après-midi. Ont été
vendus à cette occasion des objets d’art produits par les enfants des
Children’s Centers de l’UGAB en Arménie. L’événement marquant du
week-end fut le gala organisé au Mandarin Oriental Hotel. Enfin, un
brunch clôturait le dimanche cette grande rencontre.

« Cette année, c’est le programme des bourses d’études de l’UGAB qui a
été mis à l’honneur », explique Ani Setrakian-Manoukian, présidente de
Focus. « Avant le début des activités du week-end, poursuit-elle,
notre comité d’organisation a lancé une opération de collecte de fonds
auprès des participants, qui s’est révélée très fructueuse. En
définitive, c’est 30 000 dollars qui ont été rassemblés au profit du
programme des bourses de l’UGAB ».

Et de conclure : « Focus vise à stimuler la générosité chez les jeunes
participants et leur permet de comprendre l’esprit même de l’UGAB.
Une manière de préparer la relève de demain ».

Enfin, « Focus est un événement unique en son genre car il permet de
réunir à la fois les Américains mais également les Européens, qui
étaient une trentaine à Miami cette année, ce qu’aucun autre programme
pour les jeunes ne parvient à accomplir à une telle échelle. Focus est
d’autant plus exemplaire que sa qualité exceptionnelle redonne envie à
de jeunes Arméniens qui s’étaient détournés de la communauté, car ils
ne se retrouvaient plus en elle, de renouer avec leurs origines, et
leur donne encore plus envie de s’impliquer dans leurs communautés
locales », comme l’a noté Vanessa Ketchedjian, qui a participé aux
trois Focus.

* Bourses de l’UGAB : depuis plus de 70 ans, l’UGAB fournit des
bourses et des prêts à des jeunes étudiants qui excellent dans leurs
filières d’études. Plus de 300 000 dollars sont distribués tous les
ans en bourses et prêts à des étudiants dans 25 pays.

Ancelle a hébergé la 22ème colonie de vacances de l’UGAB-France

C’est la fin de la colonie. Emu, les larmes aux yeux, Raphaël retrouve
son grand-père qui est venu le récupérer à la fin d’un séjour de 3
semaines. Pour lui, comme pour les 110 colons de 7 à 14 ans, le
moment tant redouté des adieux a sonné.

Cette année a marqué le 22ème anniversaire de la colonie de
l’UGAB-France qui s’est déroulée du 4 au 25 juillet 2005 sur le
magnifique site d’Ancelle, petit village à 1 350 m d’altitude, situé à
18 km de Gap dans les Hautes-Alpes.

D’une dimension très internationale, la colonie accueillait des jeunes
venus de France, d’Autriche, d’Allemagne, de Suisse, de Bulgarie, de
Russie, des Etats-Unis et des Emirats arabes unis.

Voici comment se déroule une journée de la colonie, riche en
activités. Point de démarrage : les ateliers de chant, de danse, de
thétre et d’art plastique. Sonne ensuite l’heure du déjeuner. Pas
question de faire dans la simplicité. Des plats arméniens et non des
plus simples sont au menu. Pour la directrice de la colonie, Madame
Herminé Duzian, les enfants doivent manger avec appétit et nos plats
doivent leur plaire.

Des activités de plein air suivent le repas. Beaucoup de sport –
tennis, football, volley, équitation, rafting, baignade, etc. – et des
randonnées. Les soirées, quant à elles, sont animées par des jeux et
des débats culturels pour les plus gés.

Comme chaque année, pour les plus petits, la sortie pédagogique à la
ferme a été organisée.

Pour Thomas, l’un des 20 jeunes animateurs de la colonie, lui-même un
ancien de la colonie et également un ancien élève de l’Ecole du Samedi
de l’UGAB, comme la grande majorité des animateurs, « La Journée
Portes ouvertes est l’un des grands moments de la colonie. C’est le
jour où les parents des colons se rendent sur place pour assister à
une journée de spectacles de plein air préparés avec grand
enthousiasme tout au long des deux premières semaines du séjour ». Et
de poursuivre : « Les parents sont ravis de voir leurs enfants
épanouis. L’événement met la colonie en effervescence». La grande
nouveauté de cette année fut la présentation de la très humoristique
pièce Katch Nazar (Nazar le brave). Pas question d’exclure un seul
colon de la représentation. L’occasion pour tous de monter sur les

Voilà un bilan qui nous réjouit. Il n’est pas étonnant dans ces
conditions de voir 8 enfants sur 10 revenir chaque année. Pour eux, il
ne faut pas rater le grand rendez-vous estival.

L’UGAB-France tient tout particulièrement à remercier le Père Andranik
Maldjian de l’Eglise arménienne de Valence qui a passé plusieurs jours
sur les lieux pour mieux sensibiliser les enfants à l’histoire, à la
foi et aux traditions arméniennes. A l’occasion de son séjour, une
sortie a été organisée à Notre-Dame de La Salette (à 35 km d’Ancelle),
deuxième lieu de pèlerinage marial en France après Lourdes. Un moment
de prière a eu lieu dans la basilique réunissant les colons, ainsi que
des pèlerins et des touristes qui se trouvaient là-bas.

Nos remerciements s’adressent aussi à la directrice de la colonie,
Herminé Duzian, aux deux responsables Viviane et Armand Muratyan, et à
Virgine Arslanian, assistante sanitaire.

Août 2005 : Séjour de jeunes pionniers en Arménie et au Karabagh

Une dizaine d’adolescents de 15 à 18 ans ont participé, du 4 au 25
août dernier, au voyage initiatique organisé par l’UGAB-France en
Arménie et au Karabagh.

Le programme fut bien chargé. De nombreuses visites de monuments et de
sites historiques et culturels ont été organisées. Ils ont ainsi pu se
rendre au Madenataran, à Dzidzernagapert, Etchmiadzin, Khor Virab,
Garni, Geghard, Noravank, Gandzasar, pour ne donner que quelques

Mais bien au-delà de l’intérêt historique et culturel de telles
virées, le voyage visait à les sensibiliser aux différents projets
sociaux de l’UGAB en Arménie et au Karabagh.

A ce titre, nos pionniers ont rejoint le personnel des Tables de
l’UGAB* d’Arapkir à Erevan pour participer au service du repas de midi
qu’ils ont servi aux personnes gées.

Suivait un séjour d’une semaine aux côtés des habitants du village de
Norachen*, situé dans la région de Hadrut au sud-est du Karabagh.

Au cours de cette période, les jeunes ont prêté main forte à
l’opération de drainage des eaux autour de la maternelle du village.

Les après-midi étaient consacrés aux activités manuelles et sportives
et animations ludiques qui ont été expressément organisées par eux au
profit des 35 enfants du village. Appréciant grandement l’attention
dont ils ont fait l’objet, les petits se sont pris au jeu et ont
savouré chaque instant tout en faisant preuve d’un grand intérêt et
d’un grand enthousiasme au contact de leurs hôtes.

« Une expérience très enrichissante dans les deux sens », selon
Herminé Duzian, organisatrice du voyage. « Nous avons pu constater à
quel point cet échange avec les pionniers a été important pour les
enfants du village. Ils l’ont perçu comme une ouverture sur le monde
et ont fait preuve d’une grande volonté de communication »,
souligne-t-elle. Et de poursuivre : « Et de la même manière, nos
jeunes ont réalisé qu’ils pouvaient apporter beaucoup aux autres avec
peu de chose. Et ceci les a touchés au plus profond d’eux-mêmes ».

Certes, une expérience à renouveler !

* Situées à Erevan, Hrazdan, Etchmiadzin et Sevan, les Tables de
l’UGAB servent des repas quotidiens à plus de 1 200 personnes
(retraités, orphelins, etc.) vivant en dessous du seuil de pauvreté en

* Le projet de reconstruction et de repeuplement du village de
Norachen a été lancé par l’UGAB-France en l’an 2000. Aujourd’hui, le
village abrite une maternelle et un dispensaire, et à l’heure
actuelle, une nouvelle école s’y édifie grce aux donateurs de l’UGAB.

News Internationales

New York

Le Conseil central de l’UGAB décide d’accorder 100 000 dollars aux
victimes du cyclone Katrina

Au lendemain de la catastrophe naturelle qui a dévasté la
Nouvelle-Orléans et qui a infligé d’importantes pertes humaines et
matérielles aux trois Etats de Louisiane, Mississipi et Alabama, le
Conseil central de l’UGAB, fidèle à la tradition de l’Union de venir
en aide aux victimes des catastrophes naturelles et de guerre, a
décidé de faire un don de 100 000 dollars au profit des victimes du
cyclone Katrina. Cette somme sera confiée à la Croix-Rouge, l’une des
grandes organisations actives sur le terrain.

Rencontre à New York entre Léna Balsan, maire de Valence, et Berge
Setrakian, président mondial de l’UGAB

Le maire de Valence, Madame Léna Balsan, a rencontré, le 18 août 2005
à New York, le président mondial de l’UGAB, Monsieur Berge Setrakian.

Au cours de leur entretien, qui s’est déroulé au siège de l’UGAB à New
York, ils ont abordé des questions d’intérêt mutuel en rapport avec
les Arméniens de France et de la vallée du Rhône en particulier.

Madame Balsan s’est impliquée directement avec son conseil municipal,
dans la création du Centre du Patrimoine Arménien qui a ouvert ses
portes le 11 juin dernier.

Ce centre, qui constitue une première en Europe, est situé au c=9Cur
de Valence. Il donne accès à une information complète sur l’histoire
des Arméniens de France, leur exode et leur intégration dans la
société française.


L’UGAB-Montréal reçoit Madame Annie Koulaksezian-Romy, conseillère
municipale de la ville de Valence

Lors d’une réception organisée au Centre culturel Alex Manoogian le 28
juillet 2005, la section de l’UGAB-Montréal a reçu la responsable du
projet de création du Centre du Patrimoine Arménien. Madame
Koulaksezian-Romy a présenté le centre devant un public comptant de
nombreux membres de la communauté arménienne ainsi que la conseillère
municipale de la ville de Montréal, Madame Hasmig Belleli.

CR: In Honor And Recognition Of Kevork “George” Arslanian

Congressional Record: October 6, 2005 (Extensions)
>From the Congressional Record Online via GPO Access

of ohio
in the house of representatives

Thursday, October 6, 2005

Mr. KUCINICH. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in honor and recognition of
Mr. Kevork “George” Arslanian, loving family man, father,
grandfather, great-grandfather and dear friend to many, as his friends
and loved ones gather in honor and celebration of his 100th birthday.
Mr. Arslanian’s life reflects a brilliant spectrum of survival,
courage, tenacity, triumph, devotion to family and service to others.
As a young child, Mr. Arslanian and his two brothers became orphans.
During WWI, 40 members of the Arslanian family, including their father
and mother, were killed in the horrific Armenian massacre by the
Turkish military. The Armenian genocide resulted in the deaths of 1.5
million Armenians. A Turkish neighbor hid the three boys in her home,
saving their lives. Soon after, they were sent to a Red Cross orphanage
in Syria, where they barely survived among 60,000 other orphans.
Throughout their years of struggle, Mr. Arslanian and his brothers
remained focused on the promise of a new life in America. They left the
Syrian orphanage and journeyed to Cuba, from where they had heard that
entry into the U.S. would be easier. They soon discovered this was not
the truth. The children spent 5 years in Cuba, surviving with nothing
more than their own determination, courage and the promise of reaching
the shores of America. In 1927, the boys, who had by now become young
men, made the escape out of Cuba as stowaways on a ship that delivered
them to a life of freedom, hope and possibility in America.
The Arslanian brothers settled with relatives in Cleveland. Mr.
Arslanian attended Miller Barber College in Cleveland, where he
initially honed the art of his trade without pay. He then earned twenty
dollars a week for 25 cent hair cuts. He soon became a licensed
barber–the 11th in the State of Ohio, and in 1932, opened up his own
shop in Garfield Heights. Six days a week for seventy-five years, Mr.
Arslanian worked in the shop with his brother, and continued giving
hair cuts until just a couple of years ago. Together, Mr. Arslanian and
his beloved, late wife, Virginia, raised three sons. George and
Virginia Arslanian were married for 67 years. Mr. Arslanian, one
hundred years young, continues to be the foundation, center and light
of his family–a family that includes his three sons, seven
grandchildren and twenty great-grandchildren.
His life-long devotion to his family and to his shop extends
throughout the community, and is evidenced within his strong faith and
his dedication to preserving the history, faith and culture of Armenia.
Mr. Arslanian continues to be deeply involved with the Armenian
Orthodox Church, and led the effort to establish St. Gregory of Narek
Armenian Church. His unwavering support for immigrant families and for
the preservation of Armenian culture is reflected in his long-time
involvement with the Armenian General Benevolent Union and the Tekeyan
Cultural Society.
Mr. Speaker and Colleagues, please join me in honor and recognition
of Mr. Kevork “George” Arslanian, whose brave heart, warm smile and
fascinating life continues to educate and inspire those who know and
love him well, especially his family and friends. Mr. Arslanian’s life,
outlined by hard work, integrity and family, personifies the phrase
`American citizen.’
The remarkable story of the young Arslanian brothers, their
courageous journey and creation of new lives in America, is the story
of the American immigrant, retold in a thousand languages, connecting
all of humanity by the will to survive and the promise of freedom and
peace. The incredible journey of citizens such as Kevork “George”
Arslanian is the strength and foundation of our country. In honor of
Mr. Arslanian’s 100th birthday, we offer him an abundance of peace,
health and happiness, and offer our gratitude to him for enriching our
community and our nation. His great love for his family, community and
for his beloved Armenia, transcends time and distance, serving as a
bridge of goodwill, forever connecting America to Armenia.

Armenian MOD Head To Visit US In Late October

Pan Armenian

Armenian MOD Head To Visit US In Late October

08.10.2005 11:28

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Secretary of the National Security Council at the
President of Armenia, Defense Minister Serge Sargsyan will visit the US in
late October on the invitation of his counterpart Donald H. Rumsfeld. At the
National Press Club in Washington S. Sargsyan will make a statement, titled
Armenia: Security and Development Prospects in the South Caucasus. During
his visit he will meet with US Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld,
National Security Council top officials, as well as Armenian servicemen
participating in the Kansas National Guard exercises. The Armenian MOD head
will also visit the US Central Command base situated in Tampa town, Florida,
reported IA Regnum.

U.S. Radar Station In Azerbaijan Will Not Affect NegativelyAzeri-Ira

Oct 4 2005

Baku, October 4 – Azerbaijani political scientists agree in views
that the construction of the U.S radar station in the territory of the
country must not affect negatively the Azerbaijani-Iranian relations.

Commenting negative reaction of some Iranian mass media on the issue,
Vafa Guluzada, the former adviser to the Azerbaijani President,
noted that the position of Iran is natural.

“Iran must understand that Azerbaijan peruses its own goals, but the
United States carries out its own plans in the region,” he underlined.

“Iran must regard extending of the cooperation between Azerbaijan
and the United States as normal,” Uzeyir Jafarov, the military expert
noted in his turn. Issue of license on construction of radar station
is internal affair of Azerbaijan.

“If Iran strengthen it relations with Armenia, but Azerbaijan does not
regard it as serious danger for its national interests, then Iran must
accept the fact of development of the Azerbaijani-U.S. relations,”
he added.

In his turn, MP Anar Mammadkhanov stressed that the Iranian-Azerbaijani
relations would be subjected to any serious changes. “Iran must
understand that Azerbaijan takes the steps not for pleasure, but to
ensure national interests,” he said.

Belgian Commentary Condemns EU Leaders’ Political “Hypocrisy” OverTu


De Standaard website, Groot-Bijgaarden, The Netherlands
Sept 30 2005

The debate on Turkey’s EU accession is getting dangerously out of
hand. This is because the leaders of the EU have not been able to
determine the final destination of their “political union” since the
end of the Cold War. For this reason, they are lacking clear criteria
to solve the Turkish dilemma.

Last Wednesday [28 September], the European Parliament in Strasbourg
scored an own goal. At the proposal of the German Christian Democrats,
European MPs refused to approve the Ankara protocol. This is mainly
a symbolic gesture, they said, to show their discontent with the
Erdogan-led government’s declaration that the signing of the protocol
did not automatically imply it would recognize Cyprus.

People in Ankara are not really ill at ease about this. Last December,
the state and government leaders decided that Turkey only needed to
sign the Ankara protocol prior to the opening of negotiations. The
official approval by both the Turkish and European parliaments was
not a prerequisite. What is more, the parliament’s gesture even suits
the Turks, because the non-ratification [of the Ankara protocol]
constitutes an additional reason for Turkey to postpone application
of the customs union to Cyprus.

Moreover, the general indignation over Ankara’s unilateral declaration
regarding the non-recognition of Cyprus raises suspicions. During last
December’s EU summit, Turkish Foreign Minister Abdullah Gul accepted a
compromise with the EU at a separate meeting with [UK Home Secretary]
Jack Straw, [German Foreign Minister] Joschka Fischer, and [Belgian
Foreign Minister] Karel De Gucht aimed at breaking the deadlock. He
agreed that Turkey would sign the protocol, but added that this would
not mean that it would therefore recognize Cyprus. Gul clearly stated
this at that time and the EU ministers accepted it. Afterward, the
European Council and all European leaders accepted this compromise.

Netherlands Prime Minister Jan Peter Balkenende, who was EU president
at that time, formally announced the compromise. He clearly said that
the Turkish government would sign the protocol, but that this would
not imply the recognition of Cyprus. The EU’s explanation for this is
that Ankara wants to keep a means of power to put pressure on Greek
Cypriots to accept the UN compromise for the island in due course –
because, after all, it was the Greek Cypriots who rejected the accord
that Kofi Annan negotiated, in a bid to put an end to the conflict,
much to the displeasure of the EU member states, for that matter,
although this did not prevent them from allowing Cyprus to join the EU.

Yet, there is another intriguing element in the European Parliament’s
debate on Turkey: the ease with which the German Christian Democrats
approved the resolution, which literally states that accession
talks will be opened without making any mention of the option of a
“privileged partnership”. The toughening up of the text – demanding a
settlement regarding the European constitution and Turkey’s recognition
of the Armenian genocide as prerequisites for accession – simply serves
as trimmings, because the text clearly states that negotiations will
be about accession. During the Christian Democrats’ parliamentary
group meeting and afterward in the plenary session, Angela Merkel’s
fervent advocates of a “privileged partnership” have stabled their
battle horse.

As far as the Turkish problem is concerned, however, hypocrisy
has been turned into a political virtue. Realpolitik – let us allow
negotiations to start so as to prevent a major crisis – has prevailed
over principles – Turkey is not a “European” country (meaning: It is
an Islamic country) and can therefore not successfully be integrated
into the EU. Yesterday, French Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin
at least had the courage to distance himself openly from objections
against Turkey’s accession formerly raised by his president.

What then is the real problem regarding the EU’s enlargement to
Turkey? Is it Islam? Without a doubt. However, anybody who wants to
make a judgment out of fear should drop this objection. At this time,
there are more Muslims in the EU than there are Belgians – and if,
within the foreseeable future, the Balkan countries are allowed to
join, their numbers will increase further.

Is it fear of Turkish plumbers [invading the EU labour market] or a new
wave of company relocations towards inexpensive Turkey? Yes indeed,
but a correct analysis shows that the customs union with Turkey was
concluded as early as the 1960s.

The leader of Greens’ parliamentary group, Daniel Cohn Bendit, also
used a novel argument during the debate. Turkey would be the EU’s
first real “enlargement”, he argued, because previous expansions were
about no more than “reunification”.

The EU mainly has itself to blame for its problems with Turkey. Forty
years ago, Ankara was promised membership. At a meeting in Helsinki in
1999, Turkey was again granted the status of “candidate member state”.

Until 1989, this seemed to be a harmless point, since Turkey had
belonged to the “Western” camp since World War II. It joined NATO
and it was closely integrated [into the alliance], as was the rest
of the EU for that matter.

Since the collapse of the wall and the end of the Cold War, however,
this context has changed considerably. The Atlantic connection has
loosened. Since then, the EU has also been struggling with itself.

What will be its final destination? “The process of … (ellipsis
as published) an ever closer union among the peoples of Europe”, as
it is stated in the first article of the Union Treaty, has been less
noncommittal since 1989. It is therefore not coincidental that, of all
passages, this one was left out of the text of the new constitutional
treaty, under British pressure.

So the EU’s enlargement problem does not lie with Turkey – it lies
with the European leaders who refuse to engage in a debate on the
political destination of their union. As long as they fail to come
to terms with this issue, they will not be able to give a fair reply
to Turkey, or to their own citizens.

RA Ambassador to Egypt to Combine Ofice in Morocco

Pan Armenian News


30.09.2005 02:56

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ As PanARMENIAN.Net came to know from the RA President’s
press office, according to Robert Kocharian’s decree of 29.09.2005 Sergey
Manasarian was relieved of the post of Armenian Ambassador to the Kingdom of
Morocco. By another decree Armenian Ambassador to Egypt Ruben Karapetian was
appointed RA Ambassador to Morocco (residence in Cairo).

International Festival Of Puppet And Children’s Theater To Be Held F


Noyan Tapan News Agency, Armenia
Sept 28 2005

Festival of Puppet and Children’s Theater will be organized for the
first time in Armenia within the framework of the “Hayfest” third
international festival to be held from September 28 through October
6 in Yerevan. This year 6 Armenian and 3 foreign theaters will
participate in the Puppet Festival, including Novokuznetsk “Skaz”
theater, Czechia’s “Ludem” theater and London Theater of Academy
of Arts.

As Ruben Babayan, Art Director of Hovhannes Tumanian Puppet Theater,
mentioned in his interview to Noyan Tapan’s correspondent, the
organization of the International Festival of Puppet Theater is
an unprecedented fenomenon in Armenia. According to him, the first
Yerevan Puppet Festival will be registered in the information center
of “Yunima” (international organization of puppet theaters) where
all festivals of the kind held in the world are registered.

Ruben Babayan also said that after this festival, in the second half
of October, the All-Armenian Puppet Festival will start in Armenia.

Heikki Talvitie Arriving In Yerevan Today


Pan Armenian News
28.09.2005 05:38

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ EU Special Representative for the South Caucasus
Heikki Talvitie is arriving in Yerevan today, RA MFA press center
reported. Mr.

Talvitie is scheduled to meet with Armenian President Robert
Kocharian, Foreign Minister Vartan Oskanian, Defense Minister Serge
Sargsyan as well as with the representatives of non-governmental
organizations. September 30 he well depart from Yerevan.

The Armenian Genocide And The Assyrian Factor

By Nora Vosbigian

Assyrian International News Agency
Sept 27 2005

British historian, Ara Sarafian (Gomidas Institute, London), was one of
the main speakers at a recent commemoration of the Assyrian Genocide
(or Seyfo) of 1915 (AINA, 9-22-2005). The event was at Aula Magna,
Stockholm University on 24 September and was organised by the Assyrian
Youth Federation in Sweden, who asked Sarafian to give a lecture on
the 1916 British Parliamentary report, The Treatment of Armenian in
the Ottoman Empire 1915-16.

One of the central questions in Sarafian’s paper dealt with the
relative absence of the destruction of Assyrian Christians in the
British report. Was it an oversight or was the report prejudiced?

This question arose in more forceful terms at the conference, when a
member of the audience suggested that there was a 200 page Assyrian
section to the blue book which was stolen by Armenians and was never
published as a consequence.

Sarafian pointed out that the British blue book covered the Assyrian
issue within the context of what happened in North-West Persia, but
it missed the core of the Assyrian experience because there were no
key communicants and witnesses in the key Assyrian populated areas
of Mardin-Midiyat in Ottoman Turkey. Elsewhere, the destruction of
Assyrians was subsumed in descriptions of the destruction of the much
more numerous Armenian communities.

This lack of information about Assyrians was mainly because the
accounts informing the British about events in the Ottoman Empire
were communicated by United States consuls and missionaries. Since
there were no United States consulates near the main Assyrian regions
of the Ottoman Empire, there were no ready channels of open to the
outside world. Furthermore, the few American missionaries in Mardin
and Diyarbekir who might also have reported on the destruction of
Assyrians were expelled from these regions in the Spring of 1915.

Consequently, there was little information available about the
destruction of Assyrian communities to the British in 1916, except
from North-Western Persia, where American missionaries bore witness
to the carnage that took place.

Sarafian related some accounts of the destruction of Assyrians he had
read, such as the memoirs of Raphael de Nogales describing what he
saw in Siirt, or the private letters of Dr. Floyd Smith in Diyarbekir
describing Assyrian victims of a massacre at Karabash he treated in
Diyarbekir in May 1915.

Sarafian pointed out that since 1915 there has been a lot of
information about the Assyrian issue, but mainstream Armenian
historians have generally ignored the destruction of Assyrians due to
poor scholarship, chauvinism, or both. Consequently, many Armenians
today remain ignorant of the destruction of Assyrian Christians in
Ottoman Turkey in 1915. This is clearly wrong and should be changed
with education he argued.

However, it should be added that not all Armenian historians have
avoided the destruction of Assyrian Christians in Ottoman Turkey.

Only three years ago, the French Armenian Revue d’histoire armenienne
contemporaine published a special issue, “Mardin 1915: Anatomie
pathologique d’une destruction” (edited by Yves Ternon).