Primate Returns From International Engagements

Diocese of the Armenian Church of Australia & New Zealand
10 Macquarie Street
Chatswood NSW 2067
Contact: Laura Artinian
Tel: (02) 9419-8056
Fax: (02) 9904-8446
Email: [email protected]

11 March 2009


Sydney, Australia – His Eminence Archbishop Aghan Baliozian, Primate of the
Diocese of the Armenian Church of Australia and New Zealand returned to
Sydney this weekend after a busy schedule of international engagements.

On 25 and 26 February, the Primate participated in the meetings of the
Supreme Spiritual Council at the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin, taking on
the role of convenor at the second session on the 26th. The same evening,
the members of the Supreme Spiritual Council were received by the President
of the Republic of Armenia, Serzh Sargsyan who warmly welcomed the delegates
and engaged in constructive discussions on issues transpiring from the
Ecclesiastical meetings.

Archbishop Baliozian departed from Armenia on 27 February arriving in Dubai
later that morning. He attended St Gregory the Illuminator Armenian Church
and brought his participation to the Divine Liturgy service = sermon. After
a small window of rest time, in the very late evening he left for the next
round of engagements in India.

Arriving in Kochi, India on 28 February, the Primate was later escorted to
Kottayam to the Catholicate of the Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church. The
next morning he was present for the Divine Liturgy after which he was
received by His Holiness Baselios Marthoma Didymos I, the seventh Catholicos
of the East in Malankara. The Archbishop conveyed the fraternal warm
greetings of His Holiness Karekin II Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All
Armenians who had met with the Supreme Father of the Indian Church during a
Pontifical Visit to India in November 2008 on the occasion of the 300th
Anniversary celebrations of the Armenian Church of Holy Nazareth in Kolkata.

The same afternoon Archbishop Baliozian joined in the Platinum Celebration
of the Feast of St Geevarghese Mar Dionysius Vattasseril, the faith father
of the Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church who bravely fought for the
establishment of the Catholicate to be the symbol of self-identity and
independence of the Church. As keynote speaker, Archbishop Baliozian spoke
of the steadfastness and piety of St Dionysius and drew his example to that
of St Gregory the Illuminator, the father and founder of Christian faith of
the Armenian nation.

As sister churches the Primate also indulged on the historical relations
between our two churches not only as traditional churches sharing the same
doctrines and practices of faith but the close ties that have evolved with
the establishment of Armenian communities in India which date as far back as
the 17th century.

The audience of some four to five thousand faithful, seated in the
auditorium as well as outdoors viewing the celebrations on large screens
embraced the this celebration event that tributed the Great Luminary of the
Malankara Orthodox Church, St Dionysius Vattasseril. By the establishment
of the Catholicate in 1912, the Church finally entered into its self-rule
and realised the centuries-old desire for a supreme hierarchical head that
took the title "the successor of the Apostolic Throne of St. Thomas."

In appreciation for his highly-regarded contribution, Archbishop Baliozian
was presented an intricate hand cross as a keepsake of the auspicious

The following day, with an entourage of clergy the Archbishop was escorted
to the Orthodox Theology Seminary where he had the opportunity to speak to
the young seminarians and join them for lunch. This would draw to a close
his engagements with the Malankara Church.

On 3 March, the Archbishop made his passage to Chennai (Madras) where he was
met at the airport by the Church Wardens of the Armenian Church of Kolkata,
Mrs Susan Reuben and Mr Sunil Sobti. In the evening, the Primate accompanied
by the Wardens arrived at the newly refurbished Armenian Church of the Holy
Virgin Mary where he conducted a short service followed by the blessing of
the grave of Father Haroutyun Shmavonian, the founder of Armenian
journalism and editor of the first Armenian journal ‘Azdarar’ whose grave is
located in the church grounds among other prominent Armenians.

The following day, the Archbishop and Wardens visited St Matthias Church in
Chennai which presently belongs to the Anglican Church of South India. The
significance of this church to Armenians is the burial place of Khoja Bedros
Woskan who was the benefactor of the chapel. In 1726, Khoja Bedros Woskan
(Petrus Uscan) built with his own money the long-arched Marmalong Bridge
which allows easy access to St Thomas Mount and the steps that lead up to
the church on the mount. There the Archbishop blessed the grave of Khoja
Bedros Woskan in respect to this prominent Armenian.

On Thursday, 5 March Archbishop Baliozian left Chennai and made his return
journey back to Australia.

Armenian Premier: Fuss To Melt Away Within 2-3 Days


March 5, 2009

YEREVAN, March 5. /ARKA/. Fuss caused by transfer to the "floating"
rate will melt away in the country within 2-3 days, Armenian Premier
Tigran Sargsyan said.

Tuesday, the Board of the Central Bank of Armenia (CBA) decided to
return to the policy of the floating rate due to worsening trade
conditions under the global financial and economic crisis, as well
as due to slowing-down of capital inflow. According to CBA experts,
exchange rate is expected to range between 360 Drams and 380Drams
for $1 in 2009.

Fearing that prices could rise, people rushed to supermarkets
to buy first priority goods, including butter, sugar and flour,
thus artificially raising the demand for these goods. This fuss was
not a surprise for the government and it happened also before, the
Premier said.

Already today the commercial banks were effecting transactions in
normal mode and no problems were recorded in the banking and the
financial systems.

The financial system will soon fully regain its stability and pass
it on to importers and exporters as they are the main ones working
directly with commercial banks and exchanging currency, the Premier
said. Once, they get a clear idea of the rate, they will specify the
prices, Sargsyan said in his interview to Armenian TV channels.

The Premier also said that, naturally, the 20% devaluation of the
national cur rency would make many importers and exporters revise
their price policy.

"Naturally, importers have their reserve. During the last years, they
worked in a quite profitable environment, which means that they have
accumulated quite a potential and the transfer (to the floating rate)
should not be painful for them, but smooth," Sargsyan said.

The situation has already stabilized and importers will have their
pricing regimes formed more clearly within the next days, he said.

The Premier also pointed out that the weakening of the national
currency creates favorable conditions for exporters.

SCPEC Promises To Set Tax Officers On Entrepreneurs Raising Prices


04.03.2009 18:19 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ "Unjustified price raise of 10-12% for essential
products was registered, following CBA announcement on the return to
floating rate policy," The Head of State Commission for the Protection
of Economic Competition Ashot Shakhnazaryan stated.

"According to state committee data, a price raise for some products
including vegetable oil, sugar, butter and petrol was observed."

"Yesterday’s stir was intensified because of some business entitles’
actions, who tried to benefit from the situation, introducing
unjustified price increases. Our commission started a collaboration
with RA State Revenue Committee, that will take care of trespassers,"
Shakhnazaryan stated.

"Both importers and consumer market representatives, who created an
artificial deficit of goods, stirring up the tension among consumers,
are to blame for yesterday’s situation. Following negotiations,
the atmosphere in shops quieted down and the situation was brought
under control."

Matthew Bryza: The Report Of Department Of State Reflects Official P


2009-03-03 11:26:00

ArmInfo. The report of Department of State reflects official position
of the USA, American co-chair of the OSCE Minsk Group, Matthew Bryza,
told journalists in Yerevan today.

He also added he is sure there is no country within the OSCE Minsk
Group which has different position on the matter. Human rights report
is not a statement about American policy or position regarding the
Karabakh conflict, Bryza said and added that the Karabakh conflict
settlement should be acceptable for all the parties to the conflict
and based on the three principles: non-application of force, right
of people for self-determination and territorial integrity.

To recall, the annual report of US Department of State says that
"Ethnic Armenian separatists, with Armenia’s support, continued to
control most of the Nagorno-Karabakh region of the country and seven
surrounding Azerbaijani territories".

ARFD To Run For Yerevan Councillor Members’ Elections With Its Own E


Noyan Tapan

M arch 3, 2009

YEREVAN, MARCH 3, NOYAN TAPAN. ARFD will run for Yerevan councillor
members’ elections with its own electoral roll. Ara Nranian, a member
of the RA National Assembly ARFD faction, reported at the March 3 press
conference adding that party’s electoral roll is not clarified yet,
and ARFD members are currently clarifying it.

"I think these elections must be more transparent and acceptable
in the respect of results than the state elections," A. Nranian
said. According to his observation, committing falsifications in
Yerevan will be much difficult.

Zharangutiun Proposes Armenian National Congress Running For Yerevan


Noyan Tapan

M arch 3, 2009

YEREVAN, MARCH 3, NOYAN TAPAN. The Zharangutiun (Heritage) opposition
party has applied to the Armenian National Congress (ANC) with a
proposal to run for Yerevan councillor members’ elections with a
common electoral roll.

Levon Zurabian, the Armenian National Congress Coordinator, said in his
interview to the Kentron TV company. He said that the negotiations can
proceed efficiently only after formation of a united position in ANC.

In response to the question the ANC Coordinator refuted the
assertion that the stratum of "revolutionaries, liberals" brought
up as a result of opposition’s agitation feels deceived today. "The
opposition has never called for a revolution, a revolt, it has been
always guided by the Constitution, it is these authorities that did
an anti-constitutional, state, military coup, who used the army to
suppress the people’s movement," L. Zurabian said. He emphasized
that only the authorities can be responsible for people’s radical,
revolutionary moods, who "established a defective economic system
showing its bankruptcy in these days, and the people appears in a
very hard socio-economic crisis." L. Zurabian added that ANC and
Levon Ter-Petrosian did not betray that stratum: "all these people
pass a very serious political school, where Ter-Petrosian plays much
role. All people who had come with radical moods, the very people
henceforth will restrain their radical moods, will obey the methods
announced by the Movement, will take part in the very consistent,
as well as long-lasting fight."

L. Zurabian also mentioned that the ANC leadership does not refuse
use of resolute methods considering it as citizens’ inalienable
constitutional right, yet considers that it is not proper time for
it today. When the moment matures, ANC will not hesitate to use
that right. "Absolutely a new, much more favorable situation for
doing resolute actions and for power shift will be formed soon,"
L. Zurabian said not excluding that the situation can mature until
the next, May 1 rally.

Rakel Dink and Fethiye Cetin in Switzerland – [PR in French]

Parlamentarische Gruppe Schweiz-Armenien

Groupe parlementaire Suisse-Arménie

Gruppo parlamentare Svizzera-Armenia

Groupe parlementaire Suisse – Arménie, Case postale 497, 3000 Berne 14
Contact: Sarkis Shahinian, Secrétaire général; Mobile: 076 399 16
Mailto: [email protected]

Embargo jusqu’au mardi 3 mars, 11 heures

Communiqué de presse

Berne, le 3 mars 2009

La question arménienne
à la lumière du processus de démocratisation de la Turquie

La question arménienne est devenue déterminante pour la définition de
l’identité de la Turquie, pour sa réconciliation avec son passé et
pour le développement du respect des droits de l’Homme dans ce
pays. En ce sens, le gouvernement suisse ne doit pas échapper à son
rôle et il est appelé à qualifier de génocide les événements de 1915,
comme l’a déjà fait le Conseil national en 2003.

Jusqu’à aujourd’hui, parler du génocide des Arméniens en Turquie ne
signifie pas seulement être passible de poursuites pénales, mais cela
peut aussi entraîner la mort. L’assassinat du journaliste turc
d’origine arménienne Hrant Dink est là pour nous le rappeler. Avec son
travail, en quelques années, il a gagné le respect de beaucoup
d’intellectuels en Turquie. Madame Rakel Dink, veuve du journaliste,
et Madame Fethiye Çetin, avocate et représentante de pointe dans le
domaine des Droits de l’Homme en Turquie, sont en Suisse pour en
témoigner. Elles ont été invitées par le Groupe parlementaire pour les
droits de l’Homme et par le Groupe parlementaire Suisse-Arménie pour
être auditionnées sur la situation en Turquie. Madame la Conseillère
aux États Anne Seydoux- Christe (PDC/JU), Co- présidente du Groupe
parlementaire pour les Droits de l’Homme, ainsi que les Conseillers
nationaux Ueli Leuenberger (Président des Verts suisses) et Dominique
de Buman (Vice- président du Parti Démocrate-chrétien suisse), les
deux étant Co- présidents du Groupe parlementaire Suisse-Arménie, ont
aussi participé à la conférence de presse.

La reconnaissance du génocide des Arméniens par Ankara s’impose et

aurait une signification qui va bien au-delà de l’aspect politique. La
Suisse, comme pays ami, a un rôle majeur à jouer dans ce processus
visant à accompagner la Turquie sur cette voie. La Confédération est
donc appelée à reconnaître absolument ce génocide, d’abord pour une
question de crédibilité dans son engagement international dans le
cadre de la Convention de l’ONU pour la punition et la prévention du
crime de génocide, et aussi pour souligner son attachement aux Droits
de l’Homme.

Depuis l’assassinat de Hrant Dink en janvier 2007, la prise de
conscience et la capacité d’affronter le passé en relation avec le
génocide des Arméniens ont fortement augmenté en Turquie. C’est ce
qu’indiquent différents mouvements d’intellectuels au sein de la
société civile. En ce sens, les activités d’information et de
conviction de Hrant Dink ont joué un rôle crucial. Une pétition sur
internet demandant pardon aux Arméniens pour le Médz Yeghern (le grand
cataclysme, synonyme arménien pour le génocide de 1915) a été lancée
l’automne dernier, recueillant en peu de temps plus de 30’000
signatures. La diffusion dans les écoles turques, sur décret du
Ministère de l’éducation, du documentaire négationniste « Sari gelin »
– prétendant de donner la vision de l’État turc sur le génocide –
s’est heurtée à une opposition sans précédant de la société civile.

Il est encore difficile de savoir quels cercles ou personnes ont
ordonné et organisé son meurtre. On se demande à quel niveau le
phénomène connu sous le nom d’« Ergenekon » (« État profond »;
organisation terroriste) est impliqué dans cet assassinat et jusqu’à
quel point il représente un danger pour l’État turc ainsi que pour la
liberté d’expression en Turquie.

Pour informations:
Sarkis Shahinian, Secrétaire général du Groupe parlementaire
Tél.: 076 399 16 25
Courriel: [email protected],


– Factsheets en cinq points, à savoir :
1. L’objectif de Hrant Dink et les résultats obtenus
2. Les rôles respectifs de Madame Dink et de Madame Çetin dans ce

cadre aujourd’hui
3. Le statut du procès de l’assassinat de Hrant Dink
4. L’implication de l’organisation Ergenekon dans le cadre de
l’organisation et de l’exécution
de ce meurtre
5. Fondation Internationale Hrant Dink

Turkish Father Sues Education Minister For Forcing His Daughter Watc


02.03.2009 23:17 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ A father is suing the Turkish Education Ministry for
forcing his 11-year-old daughter to watch a "racist" and "disturbing"
film countering claims that Ottoman Turks committed genocide against
Armenians in 1915 with graphic allegations of Armenian atrocities
against Turks, The Times reports.

"My daughter was very disturbed and frightened by the documentary
and kept asking me if the Armenians had cut us up," said Serdar Kaya,
an ethnic Turkish doctor, who is suing the ministry and the child’s
school for inciting racial hatred.

"There are many mass graves, bones and skulls in the DVD. They have
interviewed old granddads who inspire confidence and compassion. When
they say things like ‘They cut off his head’ and ‘They used it
instead of firewood’, that is bound to stay with the children,"
Serdar Degirmencioglu, a psychologist, told when news first broke
that the documentary was being shown to primary school children –
including ethnic Armenian Turks.

As it is mentioned in the article "The Education Ministry says that
it has stopped the distribution of the documentary, Sari Gelin
(Blonde Bride), named after an Armenian folk song. But it has
apparently not recalled it and critics say that it remains part of
the curriculum. Some MPs are bringing up the case in Parliament. The
education union Egitim-Sen has condemned the film, and the History
Foundation has dismissed it as baseless propaganda."

ANKARA: Turkey, US set to talk foreign policy

Hürriyet, Turkey
Feb 28 2009

Turkey, US set to talk foreign policy

ANKARA – Longtime allies Turkey and the United States will review
their bilateral relations when U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton
visits Ankara next weekend, the Anatolia news agency reported Friday.

Foreign Minister Ali Babacan invited Clinton to Turkey during a phone
call on Tuesday, the agency said. Babacan and Clinton will come
together at two different international meetings next week Ä? a
donors’ conference in Egypt for the reconstruction of Gaza and the
NATO foreign ministers’ summit in Brussels on Mar. 5 Ä? before
their one-on-one talks in Ankara, which will probably be held
Mar. 7. Clinton will also meet with President Abdullah Gül and
Prime Minister Recep Tayyip ErdoÄ?an.

Middle East on the agenda

Though the U.S. has not yet officially asked Turkey to send more
combat troops to Afghanistan, the issue will no doubt be on Clinton’s
agenda. The Turkish military has around 800 soldiers in the capital
city of Kabul, as part of a NATO force, and is not very keen to send
more. Babacan recently underlined Turkey’s contribution to Afghanistan
in the fields of health and education, implying that it had no
intention to send more troops, at least for the time being.

Iraq will be another top issue, especially regarding whether Turkey
will let Washington use its territories and bases to pull out troops
and equipment. Turkish diplomats have stated:" In the case of an
official request, Turkey will not close its borders and bases to
Washington, but all procedures should be negotiated and agreed on."

The Middle East, especially the Israel-Palestine conflict, will also
be on the agenda. After a meeting late Thursday, Turkey’s National
Security Council, or MGK, released a written statement saying: "Turkey
will continue to contribute to the efforts to find lasting settlement
and stability in the Middle East."

As for Turkey’s priorities, Babacan and other Turkish officials are
expected to press Clinton over the possibility of recognition of the
Armenian claims of genocide by the Congress. Turkish authorities have
made their message to Washington, saying: "Such moves would not only
hurt bilateral ties, but also the process of rapprochement between
Turkey and Armenia."

`Kick Back’ of The Police to The Office of Prosecutor General

16:48:14 – 27/02/2009

The Office of the Prosecutor General strictly criticized the Police in
connection with crime revelations and registrations. In this connection
the reporters asked Alik Sargsyan to clarify whether the relations
between the Office of Prosecutor General and the Police are tensioned.

Alik Sragsyan said he is sorry for not being invited to the session of
the board of the Office of Prosecutor General as if he was there he
would speak and such criticism would not be announced towards the
Police. It is notable that a day before it the session of the board of
the Police was held where the Prosecutor General was invited too who
even lauded the work of the Police.

The chief of the police noted that he does not agree with the criticism
of the office of Prosecutor General. He stated that for revelations of
crimes the only responsible is not the police but all the system the
Office of Prosecutor General included.

He also noted that there are events which are not registered because
there is no private complaint about the happening. But the Chief of the
police stated that from now they will register everything.

The observation on the investigators is also notable. Alik Sargsyan
noted that the investigators of the Police work very intensively in
addition for a poor salary and just because of this reason the Police
have lack of experienced investigators. The great part of the
investigators is young and not very experienced. He also asked why the
investigators of the Office of Prosecutor General do not to work in the