On Armenian Government’s Generosity


April 13 2010

This year the RA Government has allocated 550m AMD (less than
U.S. $1.4m) for agricultural development. Thus, this year the
Government’s assistance is only 1% (!) of last year’s gross
agricultural output.

The Government-allocated funds per capita equal 1,600 AMD (about $4).

With this deplorable fact considered, the "beneficiaries" are limited
to the highland households. Moreover, how much of the symbolic amount
will finally reach the addressees after going though different levels
of local government – one has only to guess at that!

We would exaggerate of we said that Armenian farmers do not need
government aid. The annual gross agricultural output per farm averages
U.S. $4,000 in Armenia. So the labor productivity in Armenia’s
agricultural sector is extremely low, with farmers’ incomes being in
"complete conformity" with the output.

Although the standard of well-being in Armenian cities leaves much to
be desired, the situation in the country’s rural areas is even worse.

In 2008, per capita monthly income averaged 20,800 AMD (about U.S.

$68) in Armenia’s rural areas – 1.5 times as low as in the cities.

Armenia’s rural population totals 1.2m people.

In the United States the rural population constitutes 1% of the total
population – one farmer produces food for 100 citizens, with a large
amount of products exported. There the problem is overproduction, which
influences the average selling price and makes small and middle-sized
households unprofitable. The Government finds the ways of compensating
the farms for their production costs thereby enabling them to survive.

The situation is quite the opposite in Armenia. Rural population
constitutes a third of the Armenian population, and many urban
residents have land plots and are engaged in plant growing and
livestock production. However, in many cases local agricultural
production proves insufficient, and products have to be imported.

Last year, imports constituted 21% of beef available on the market,
45% of pork and as much as 80% of poultry! The last figure is really
surprising – rather efficient poultry farms are operating in Armenia.

Specifically, egg production almost satisfies the local demand. As
regard local wheat production, it meets only a third of the local

With a serious geopolitical situation in the region considered, the
dependence of the national market on import poses a potential threat
to Armenia. Under the circumstances, one can only be surprised at
"cost saving" at the agricultural sector’s expense – even with the
budgetary funds being limited.

Serzh Sargsyan: Armenian People To Always Remember President Woodrow


2010-04-13 10:51:00

ArmInfo. Today we paid tribute to President Woodrow Wilson, a man and
a leader of the USA to be always remembered by our people as a real
friend of the Armenian people, President of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan
said in the Washington National Cathedral after visiting the tomb of
the 28th US President Woodrow Wilson.

According to him, President Wilson was a great figure, a figure whom
the Armenian people keeps on glorifying and passing this glorification
across the generations. "Wilson not only tightened a dream of the
lost motherland for us, Armenians, but also left a testament to the
world saying the greats must not admit recurrence of sufferings of
a small people. Did you think of Armenia’s sufferings? Did you help
the Armenians after they endured the sufferings? Now support the
Armenians for them to never suffer".

These words of President Wilson from Boston speech of February
26, 1919, which were addressed to the whole humanity, sound up
to the present day. By saying "support the Armenians for them to
never suffer", the 28th president of the USA actually formulated
the requirement for the international recognition of the Armenian
Genocide even 90 years ago. Today we bow to the president’s tomb and
claim that many countries of the world, organizations and political
figures keep on acting by the logic of Wilson’s testament even 90
years after the Armenian Genocide. The Armenian people will always
remember everyone nominally", Serzh Sargsyan said.

Armenian-Turkish Normalization Proicess Has Led To Sad Results, Dire


APRIL 12, 2010

YEREVAN, APRIL 12, NOYAN TAPAN. "Armenia’s political elite stubbornly
does not want to see the root of the Armenian-Turkish problem, that
is that Turkey is a hostile state and one of its strategic goals
is the colonization and destruction of Armenia," Armen Aivazian,
Director of Ararat center of strategic studies declared during the
April 12 press conference. In his words, as their center forecast at
the time, the Armenian-Turkish process has led to sad results: there
has been a split between various sections of the Armenian nation,
the Armenians were subjected to unjustified shocks, and the feeling of
defencelessness has increased among the Armenian population. Besides,
according to A. Aivazian, as a result of the policy which was declared
a policy of initiative, Turkey has got additional leverage to put
pressure on Armenia, while Azerbaijan took advantage of the existing
situation and has become more unyielding.

A. Aivazian expressed an opinion that all the regional states, exxcept
Armenia, have their own strategic programs and goals. "When there are
no proclaimed goals, diplomacy is absent as well," A. Aivazian said,
stressing that trying only to open the border and establish relations
is a false diplomacy producing no results.

He reminded that recently making a speech in Deir ez Zor, President
Serzh Sargsyan spoke about the "Armenian Nuremberg", asking: "But when
and where will the Nuremberg of the Armenians take place?" A. Aivazian
said that "the Nuremberg of the Armenians" means punishment of the
Genocide perpetrators and compensation to the victims. "However,
what have the Armenian leadership and political forces done so far
to reach this Nuremberg? Nothing," he said. The Ararat center’s
director underlined the necessity for Armenia to stipulate at least
two conditions – that Turkey should recognize the Genocide and stop
supporting Azerbaijan in the Karabakh problem.

Les Demons Du Passe : Le Genocide Armenien Et Les Turcs


lundi12 avril 2010

Par Benjamin Bidder, Daniel Steinvorth et Bernhard Zand

Le mois d’avril marque le 95ème anniversaire du debut du Genocide
Armenien. Un documentaire inhabituel de television montre ce qui a
motive les assassins et pourquoi l’Allemagne et d’autres pays, sont
demeures silencieux.

Dikranoui Assartian aura cent ans cette semaine. Elle a range ses
couteaux et fourchettes il y a deux ans, lorsqu’elle a perdu le sens du
goût, et elle a arrete l’an passe de porter des lunettes, ayant perdu
la vue. Elle vit au septième etage d’un immeuble de grande hauteur
de la capitale armenienne Erevan, et il y a des mois qu’elle n’a pas
quitte sa chambre. Elle frissonne car le froid traverse la couverture
de laine grise sur ses genoux. "J’attends de mourir" dit-elle.

Il y a quatre vingt douze ans, elle attendait dans un village du côte
turc de la frontière actuelle, cachee dans la cave d’une maison. Le
corps d’un garcon armenien qui avait ete battu a mort gisait dans la
rue. Des femmes etaient en train d’etre violees dans la maison d’a
côte, et la fillette de huit ans pouvait les entendre hurler. "Il ya
de bons Turcs et des mauvais,’ dit-elle. Les mauvais avaient battu le
garcon a mort, tandis que le bon Turc les a aides, elle et sa famille,
a s’enfuir a l’arrière des troupes russes.

Avedis Demirci, un fermier, a 97 ans. Si quelqu’un dans ce pays
sauvegarde ce genre d’informations, il est probablement le dernier
Armenien en Turquie qui a survecu au genocide. Demirci regarde par la
fenetre son village de Vakifli, où les buissons de lauriers roses et
les mandariniers sont en fleurs. La Mediterranee est visible au pied
de la montagne et au loin.

En juillet 1915, les unites de police turques ont marche sur le
village. "Mon père m’avait attache sur ses epaules alors que nous
fuyions," dit Dermici. "C’est tut au moins ce que m’ont dit mes
parents." Armes de fusils de chasse et de pistolets, les gens de
son village et de six autres se sont enterres au Moussa Dagh, la
Montagne de Moïse. Dix huit ans plus tard, l’ecrivain autrichien Frantz
Werfel decrivit la resistance armee des villageois contre les soldats
assaillants dans sa nouvelle "les Quarante Jours de Moussa Dagh."

"L’histoire est vraie" nous dit Demirci. "Je l’ai vecue, meme si je
ne la connais que par les histoires qu’on m’a racontees.

Eviter le mot

En dehors du livre de Werfel – et de la vue, depuis le memorial sur
la colline de Dzizernagaberd près d’Erevan, du mont Ararat coiffe
de neiges eternelles et eternellement inaccessible – il ne reste que
peu de souvenirs du Genocide Armenien tandis que les rares derniers
survivants approchent de la mort.

Entre 1915 et 1918, quelques 800 000 a 1,5 million de personnes ont
ete assassinees dans ce qui est aujourd’hui la Turquie de l’est, ou
sont mortes au cours des marches de la mort vers le desert du nord
de la Syrie. C’etait l’un des premiers genocides du 20ème siècle.

D’autres genocides – contre les Juifs d’Europe, au Cambodge et au
Rwanda – ont eu lieu entre le Genocide Armenien et aujourd’hui.

Après qu’il ait subi une annihilation partielle, après avoir ete
eparpille dans le monde et repousse dans un pays qui est reste isole
jusqu’a ce jour, il a fallu au peuple armenien des decennies pour
assumer sa propre catastrophe. Ce n’est que dans les annees 1960,
après un long debat avec la direction de Moscou, que les Armeniens
osèrent eriger un memorial.

La Turquie, sur les territoires où le crime a ete commis, continue
de nier les actes du regime Ottoman. L’Allemagne, alliee de l’Empire
Ottoman lors de la Première Guerre Mondiale, et l’Union Sovietique,
bien disposee a l’egard de la jeune republique turque, n’avait pas
interet a faire connaître le genocide.

L’Allemagne n’a toujours pas reconnu officiellement le Genocide
Armenien. En 2005, le parlement allemand, le Bundestag, appelait la
Turquie a reconnaître sa "responsabilite historique", mais elle a
evite l’empli du mot "genocide".

En raison de l’importance politique et strategique d’Ankara
pendant les annees de Guerre Froide, ses allies de l’Ouest ne
jugeaient pas opportun un debat sur le genocide. Et le manque
relatif de documents photographiques et cinematographiques – par
comparaison avec l’Holocauste et les genocides qui ont suivi – a
ajoute a la difficulte d’examiner la catastrophe armenienne et de
l’assumer. "Le developpement des media modernes," dit le cineaste
de films documentaires Eric Friedler ("Le Silence des Quandts"),
"s’est produit vingt ans trop tard pour l’examen de ce genocide.".

Mais il y a des temoins contemporains, allemands et americains, en
particulier, dont les correspondances et rapports sont preserves
dans les archives, où ils ont ete etudies principalement par des
specialistes jusqu’a present. Ce vendredi, pour marquer le 95ème
anniversaire du genocide, la chaîne de television allemande ARD
passera le documentaire elabore de recherche "Aghet" (terme armenien
pour "desastre, cataclysme"), qui anime les dires de diplomates,
ingenieurs et missionnaires.

Un ensemble de 23 acteurs narrent les textes initiaux – non sous la
forme d’un docudrame qui rapporterait les evenements par des dialogues
semi-fictionnels en costumes d’epoque, mais par de simples interviews
qui recherchent leur efficacite dans la selection des textes et la
presentation, plutôt que par la dramatisation de l’histoire.

Documents inedits

Le premier comedien est l’acteur et auteur Hanns Zischler, qui a ete
la vedette du film du metteur en scène Wim Wenders de 1976 "Im Lauf
der Zeit" (ou "Kings of the Road", "Au Fil du Temps"). Il lit les mots
de Leslie Davis qui jusqu’en 1917, etait le consul des USA a Kharpout,
une ville de l’est de l’Anatolie où des milliers d’Armeniens ont ete
rassembles et envoyes vers le sud-est dans des marches de la mort. "Le
samedi 28 juin, Davis ecrivit, "il a ete publiquement annonce que
tous les Armeniens et les Syriens [Syriaques orthodoxes, Chaldeens et
Syriens catholiques), devraient s’en aller dans les cinq jours. Pour
qui n’est pas familier avec les conditions particulières de cette
region isolee, il est impossible d’imaginer toutes les consequences
d’un tel ordre. Un massacre, malgre l’horreur que peut evoquer ce mot,
serait en comparaison un traitement humain."

Friedrich von Thun, un acteur de cinema et de television qui a joue
dans le film de Steven Spielberg "La Liste de Shindler," tient le
rôle de l’ambassadeur Henry Morgenthau. Il decrit ses entrevues
avec le ministre de l’Interieur ottoman Taalat Pacha, qui, au debut
de l’operation, fit part a Morgenthau de sa "decision irrevocable"
de rendre les Armeniens "inoffensifs".

Après le genocide, Talaat convoqua a nouveau l’ambassadeur des USA
et fit une demande dont Morgenthau a dit qu’elle etait " peut-etre la
chose la plus etonnante que je n’aie jamais entendue". Talaat voulait
la liste des clients armeniens des compagnies d’assurance americaines
New York Life Insurance et Equitable Life of New York. Les Armeniens
etaient a present morts et n’avaient pas d’heritiers, disait-il, et le
gouvernement avait donc le pouvoir d’encaisser leurs capitaux. "J’ai
naturellement refuse d’acceder a cette demande," a ecrit Morgenthau.

Les actrices Martina Gedeck et Katharina Schuttler racontent l’histoire
de deux soeurs missionnaires, l’une suedoise et l’autre suisse. Hannah
Herzsprung et Ludwig Trepte narrent l’histoire de deux survivants,
et Peter Lohmeyer lit le journal du consul allemand Wilhelm Litten,
l’un des documents les plus eprouvants du moment.

Le 31 janvier 1916, Litten etait sur la route entre Deir es-Zor
et Tibni aujourd’hui en Syrie, d’où il ecrivit les notes dans son
journal. "Une heure de l’après-midi. Sur la gauche de la route il
y a une jeune femme, nue, portant seulement des bas marron sur les
pieds, le derrière dirige vers le haut et sa tete enfouie dans ses bras
croises. 1:30 après-midi. Dans un fosse a droite, il y a un vieil homme
avec une barbe blanche, nu, etendu sur le dos. Deux pas plus loin, il y
a un garcon, nu, le dos tourne vers le ciel, la fesse gauche arrachee".

Tout aussi froide et calculatrice a ete la reponse du chancelier du
Reich d’alors, Theobald von Bethmann-Hollweg, a la proposition de
l’ambassadeur allemand de denoncer publiquement l’allie ottoman de
l’Allemagne pour ce crime. "Notre seul but est de garder la Turquie de
notre côte jusqu’a la fin de la guerre, que les Armeniens disparaissent
ou non."

Deuxième partie " des erreurs"

La profusion d’images et de documents filmes reunis d’archives aussi
distantes que Moscou et Washington, dit l’auteur et realisateur
Eric Friedler, a surpris meme les historiens qui lui ont donne leurs
conseils d’experts pour ce film de 90 minutes. Quelques episodes, tels
que l’exhumation ostentatoire des restes de Talaat, qui a ete abattu
a Berlin en 1921, sera montree pur la première fois dans le film.

D’autres documents concernent des individus dont les archivistes
n’avaient pas connaissance.

Le film offre egalement une description accablante du debat en cours
sur le genocide, qui ne fait que commencer en Turquie, presque un
siècle après le crime. Le premier ministre Erdogan jure que la Turquie
n’admettra jamais qu’un genocide a eu lieu. Lors d’une exposition
sur l’Armenie, des ultranationalistes ont arrache avec colère des
photographies des murs, puis, comme s’ils etaient devenus fous,
il ont attaque une voiture dans laquelle Orhan Pamuk, laureat du
prix Nobel de litterature, etait ramene chez lui après une courte
apparition – parce qu’il avait ose exprimer ce que les historiens
ont prouve depuis longtemps.

Pendant des decennies, les Armeniens nes après le genocide se sont
sentis tortures et tourmentes. "La tragedie", dit Hayk Demyan, le
directeur du memorial du genocide a Erevan, est devenue "un pilier de
notre identite nationale." Et le president armenien Serge Sarkissian
a declare a Spiegel " la meilleure facon d’empecher qu’une telle
atrocite se repète est de la condamner clairement."

La generation des Turcs d’après le genocide ne souffre pas de troubles
du sommeil. Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, le fondateur de la Republique
turque, a rompu radicalement avec l’Empire Ottoman et les trois hommes
responsables en premier lieu-Talaat, Enver Cemal. Ataturk a admis
que "des erreurs" avaient ete commises, erreurs que ses successeurs
nient jusqu’a ce jour, mais il a aussi fait participer des membres du
gouvernement et des chefs militaires a son gouvernement, directement
impliques dans le genocide.

Une memoire vivante cachee

Les demons du passe se reveillent a present en reponse a la pression,
en particulier de la diaspora armenienne. A chaque printemps, avant
l’anniversaire du 24 avril de l’arrestation des hommes politiques
armeniens et des intellectuels a Constantinople, arrestations qui
marquèrent le debut des deportations de 1915, de nouveaux parlements
adoptent des resolutions pour reconnaître le Genocide Armenien. La
France en 2001, la Suisse en 2003, et cette annee, la Commission des
Affaires Etrangères de la Chambre des Representants des USA et le
parlement suedois.

A chaque fois qu’une telle resolution est votee, Ankara menace de
consequences politiques – qu’elle n’applique jamais. C’est devenu
un rituel, a propos duquel des hommes comme Hrant Dink se sont
questionnes. L’editeur du quotidien turco-armenien Agos ne voulait
pas s’attarder sur le mot "genocide". A la place, il voulait que la
Turquie affronte son epouvantable passe.

Il a paye cette opinion de sa vie. Le 19 janvier 2007, Dink a ete
assassine en plein jour. Les 200 000 Turcs qui ont defile dans les
rues d’Istanbul a ses funerailles, portant des ecriteaux sur lesquels
on lisait "nous sommes tous des Armeniens " ont humilie leur propre
gouvernement avec leur franchise. Une realite a laquelle des milliers
de Turcs sont confrontes dans leur propre famille semble avoir eu un
impact plus fort que la pression diplomatique.

Au debut des annees 1980, l’avocate d’Istanbul Fetiye Cetin a decouvert
qu’elle avait des racines armeniennes. Sa grand-mère Seher s’etait
confiee a elle après plusieurs decennies douloureuses. En 1915,
Seher, baptisee en armenien du nom de Heranouch, avait vu des hommes
de son village etre egorges. Elle survecut, fut prise par la famille
d’un officier turc, elevee en musulmane et finalement mariee a un
Turc. Elle devint l’une des dizaines de milliers d’ "Armeniens caches
" qui echappèrent aux tueries et se melèrent a la societe turque.

La revelation de sa grand-mère fut un choc pour Cetin, et elle commenca
a voir son entourage avec d’autres yeux. En 2004, Cetin ecrivit un
livre dans lequel elle souligna l’histoire de sa famille.

"Anneannem" ( ‘Ma Grand-mère’) devint un bestseller, et un grand
nombre de lecteurs contactèrent Cetin, beaucoup avec des mots elogieux.

D’autres la maudirent, l’accusant de "traître". Mais le tabou avait
ete rompu.

Der Spiegel 8 avril 2010

Traduit de l’Allemand par Christopher Sultan.

Ce document exceptionnel a ete projete en avant première le 7 avril au
cinema Babylon a Berlin, en presence d’Armen Martirosyan (ambassadeur
d’Armenie en Allemagne et du realisateur Erik Fridler. La Turquie
a deja fait part de sa reprobation. Le film devrait etre presente
dans plusieurs autres pays. Souhaitons qu’il soit très vite traduit
en francais.

No stalemate in Armenian-Turkish process, expert says

news.am, Armenia
April 10 2010

No stalemate in Armenian-Turkish process, expert says

13:23 / 04/10/2010`The Armenian-Turkish process is progressing. Turkey
is simply interested in the process itself, while Armenia is
interested in certain results, which it does not get,’ the political
analyst Ruben Mehabyan told NEWS.am, speaking of the possible results
of the Sargsyan-Erdogan meeting in Washington. According to him,
Armenia does not get the results because Turkey links the
Armenian-Turkish process to the Nagorno-Karabakh problem.

`The present task is to show the world the Armenia-Turkish process is
not in a stalemate, and Nagorno-Karabakh will be the focus of the
Sargsyan-Erdogan meeting. Erdogan has stated that,’ he said.

As regards the Armenian side’s flat refusal to link the
Armenian-Turkish process to the Nagorno-Karabakh peace process,
Mehrabyan stated that `the Armenian side very often states one thing,
but it can actually act in a different or even opposite, way. Certain
events to take place in Washington will save the President Obama the
trouble of uttering the word `genocide’. Secondly, something will
enable the sides to state the Armenian-Turkish process is going on.
And, of course, some things related to Nagorno-Karabakh will be
specified,’ he said.

As to whether the U.S. leader will manage to get the Nagorno-Karabakh
problem considered separately from the Armenian-Turkish process, the
expert said: `I think it is hardly likely ` the Turkish public, as
well as Azerbaijan, will not have it.’


ISTANBUL: Turkish envoy reassures Azerbaijan on Armenia deal, min.

Hurriyet, Turkey
April 9 2010

Turkish envoy reassures Azerbaijan on Armenia deal, minister says

Friday, April 9, 2010
BAKU ‘ Agence France-Presse

A top Turkish diplomat has reassured Azerbaijan that Ankara will
continue to uphold Azerbaijani interests during its reconciliation
efforts with Armenia, Azerbaijan’s foreign minister said Friday.

Foreign Minister Elmar Mammadyarov said Turkish foreign ministry
undersecretary Feridun SinirlioÄ?lu, who met with officials in Baku on
Friday, assured Azerbaijan that Ankara’s position on the
Nagorno-Karabakh conflict between Azerbaijan and Armenia remained

"Ankara’s official position on the question of Armenian-Turkish
relations and resolving the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict has not
changed," Mammadyarov told journalists in Baku.

Azerbaijan ‘ linked to Turkey with close ethnic, political and
economic bonds ‘ was angered by a historic deal Ankara and Yerevan
signed in October to end decades of hostility, establish diplomatic
ties and open their border, wary that Turkish support for its own
disputes with Armenia will now wane.

Ankara says progress over Nagorno-Karabakh will be a determining
factor in Turkish-Armenian reconciliation while Yerevan rejects any
link between the two issues.

Ankara sealed its border with Armenia in 1993 in a show of solidarity
with Baku after ethnic Armenian separatists, backed by Yerevan, seized
the Nagorno-Karabakh region and seven surrounding districts from
Azerbaijan in a war that claimed an estimated 30,000 lives.

SinirlioÄ?lu’s mission to Baku follows his visit to Yerevan Wednesday,
during which he discussed steps to resolve the impasse in peace
efforts and secured agreement on a meeting next week between the two
countries’ leaders, on the sidelines of an international gathering in

The reconciliation deal ‘ comprising two protocols that need
parliamentary ratification in both countries ‘ has been snagged by
disagreements over its terms.

What are the Other Goals of Erdogan’s Government?

Dar Al Hayat (Lebanon)
April 8, 2010 Thursday
International Edition

Ayoon wa Azan

What are the Other Goals of Erdogan’s Government?

BYLINE: Jihad el-Khazen

The Turkish army is protecting the secular state that was founded by
Ataturk and has staged four military coups against civilian
governments since 1960, the last of which toppled Islamic Prime
Minister Necmettin Erbakan in 1997. Brother Fahmi Huweidi and I were
interviewing Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan during the
inauguration of the Arabic-speaking Al Turkiye channel, while –
between questions – I could not stop thinking about the ongoing
confrontation between his government and the secular Turks supported
by the army, wondering whether the prime minister will be able to
achieve his goals or will meet the fate of his predecessors.

My last question during the interview surfaced against the backdrop of
my knowledge about the role of the Turkish army in political life.
Erdogan chose to point to the constitutional amendments his government
proposed in response to the conditions of the European Union to ensure
the accession of Turkey to it, seeing how this is one of the goals of
the current government.
Erdogan’s government came a long way to meet the membership
prerequisites, thus bettering the climate of democracy in the country
although those opposing it are saying it is a selective democracy
because it has so far failed to include the rights of the minorities
such as the Armenians, Christians and Alawites as it did with the
Kurds whose demands were for the most part responded to.

Turkey wants a full membership in the European Union but is facing the
opposition of powerful European states. For their part, Germany and
France prefer an exceptional partnership with Turkey without engaging
in the details of what makes this partnership exceptional.
Nonetheless, I feel that neither democracy nor the other conditions
will thwart the efforts of the Turkish government, rather Cyprus,
since the reunification of the island is hitting many obstacles and
parliamentary elections will be held in it in weeks and may entail the
victory of a nationalist candidate insisting on the independence of
the Northern part and opposing the wishes of Ankara’s government. This
will definitely hinder the goal behind the membership.

But what are the other goals of Erdogan’s government? Enhanced
Coverage LinkingErdogan’s government? -The Justice and Development
Party won the 2002 elections when the term of parliament was of five
years, before it was later amended to four years. It then won the 2007
elections and I believe it is highly likely that it will win the 2011
elections in light of its wide and striking popularity. Indeed,
although the nationalists and the seculars may compete with it in the
big cities such as Ankara and Istanbul, its popular base in the
Anatolian countryside is stable, so as not to say prevalent. Moreover,
the party is now benefitting from a strong economy which was struck by
the global financial crisis at first, but was then handled by the
party in a smart way, thus emerging from this crisis unharmed as the
last quarter of last year witnessed a 6% increase in the gross
national product.

Without the help of a crystal ball, I believe that the Justice and
Development Party will likely win the upcoming elections and that
Recep Tayyip Erdogan will remain Prime Minister for the next two years
or so. Afterwards, and this is how I perceive the situation: he will
move to the presidency and President Abdullah Gul will become prime
minister. The latter will then be followed at the head of the party
and the Cabinet by Ahmet Davutoglu who is the rising star in Turkish
politics and has surrounded himself with some of the best minds in
Turkish political life, at a time when the entire party with its
Islamic background is accused of appointing in the government people
whom it trusts instead of people enjoying competence and of enjoying a
secret agenda to annihilate the secular state.

However, among the most important goals of the Turkish government is
probably one which is not getting the media coverage it so deserves.
It is a new strategy for the region which is being set up by Davutoglu
who believes that the countries in the region are divided as though
the Cold War was still ongoing, and is thus seeking the establishment
of a regional order that would manage the region in accordance with
its interests and based on a vision encompassing both Turkey and the
Arab countries, and would gradually contain the role of Israel and
that of Iran later on.

There are bumps along the road, since although the strategy of the
foreign minister reflects the heritage of the Islamic group, he is
opposed by its symbols inside the party who prefer to deal with each
other to the point where they would choose the supporters at the
expense of the more qualified.

As for the European position toward Turkey, it features a confirmed
racism no matter how much the latter racism is wrapped with false
excuses. The European Union includes states whose populations have
aged and are over fifty, at a time when the majority of the Turks are
young and needed by the European Union to ensure its rejuvenation. I
then see the opposition of Turkey’s youth and dare say it is because
they are Muslims.

Yet, I expect the Justice and Development Party to secure more
successes and hope so because it is the Arabs’ natural ally. On the
other hand and luckily for Abdullah Gul, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Ahmet
Davutoglu and their companions, the nationalist and secular opposition
in Turkey has aged like the Europeans and there are no real
competitors in the face of the main figures of the Justice and
Development Party in the near future.

Head of IMF in Armenia forecasts a 1.8 GDP growth by the end of 2010

Head of IMF Mission in Armenia forecasts a 1.8 GDP growth by the end of 2010
09.04.2010 17:00

Hasmik Dilanyan

International Monetary Fund (IMF) highly assesses the anti-crisis
program of the Armenian government, Head of IMF Mission in Armenia
Guillermo Tolosa told a press conference today. `If not the measures
taken by the government, the Armenian economy would be in far worse
situation today,’ he said.

Commenting on the statement of the Armenian Prime Minister on
toughening control over reporting of large enterprises, Guillermo
Tolosa noted that tax administration and collection of taxes have
always been in the center of IMF attention.

`Level of tax collection is low and we are ready to render assistance
to increase these indices,’ Head of IMF Mission in Armenia stated.

Guillermo Tolosa also touched upon the external debt of Armenia,
noting that it has significantly increased over the past year and will
continue increasing. However, he expressed confidence that starting
from 2010, the external debt of Armenia will start reducing.

The Head of IMF Mission forecasted a 1.8% growth and 6.2% inflation
rate by the end of the year.

President Of Armenia: Robert Kocharyan Has Always Been In Politics


2010-04-09 16:15:00

ArmInfo. Robert Kocharyan has always been in the politics, said
Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan when replying to journalists’
questions in the resort town of Dilijan.

Commenting on the recent rumors about the return of ex-president
of Armenia Robert Kocharyan to the politics, Sargsyan pointed out:
"When did Robert Kocharyan leave the politics to return there? He has
always been in the politics". The president expressed his amazement at
some politicians’ nervous behavior concerning the statement recently
published by Robert Kocharyan, as well as Kocharyan’s visits abroad.

"There is nothing strange here",- said the Head of the State and
added that people, which have not ruled even two days, give advice
in Armenia.

Serzh Sargsyan: Armenia Almost Adopted Decision On Armenian-Turkish


April 9, 2010 – 18:34 AMT 13:34 GMT

Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan said that Armenia has almost adopted
its decision on the Armenian-Turkish Protocols. The Armenian side
will submit its decision for public discussion, if it is confident in
its correctness, Mr. Sargsyan told journalists in Tavush region. "In
this case, it is very important to adopt a correct decision, but it
is early to speak about it," the President said.

At the same time, he refrained from commenting on the upcoming visit
to Washington to participate in global nuclear security summit. "This
is a very important visit, during which various meetings will take
place," Mr. Sargsyan said.