Turquie-Armenie – Ballon D’Essai


11 Septembre 2008

Football et diplomatie : un match entre les deux pays a servi de
pretexte a une visite historique du president turc a Erevan. L’Express,
qui a suivi ce voyage, decrypte messages et attentes de part et

Dans l’avion presidentiel turc qui amorce sa descente vers l’aeroport
d’Erevan, la capitale armenienne, règne, ce 6 septembre, un etrange
melange d’inquietude et d’excitation. C’est la première visite
en Armenie pour la plupart des 30 Turcs, diplomates, conseillers
et journalistes, qui accompagnent le president Abdullah Gul, venu
assister au match des eliminatoires de la Coupe du monde de football
de 2010. Des hublots, on apercoit la silhouette grise de la ville,
mais la delegation cherche surtout a distinguer la figure imposante du
mont Ararat, volcan assoupi situe en territoire turc mais symbole de
l’Armenie. A l’avant de l’avion, le president de la Republique a recu
les quelques journalistes etrangers dans son petit carre prive. Il
semblait, lui, parfaitement detendu. " Les hasards des calendriers
sportifs font naître d’importantes opportunites. Nous avons pense que
nous pourrions tirer pretexte de ce match pour engager le dialogue et
nous avons entrepris cette demarche commune ", dit-il. " Savez-vous
qu’aujourd’hui il y a egalement le premier match de football entre
les Etats-Unis et Cuba depuis 1947 ? " ajoute-t-il avec l’expression
cabotine qu’il affecte parfois.

Le deplacement est pourtant a haut risque. L’important dispositif de
securite mis en place dans la capitale armenienne le rappelle. Protege
par des tireurs d’elite tout le long de son parcours, le chef de l’Etat
turc suivra le match en compagnie de son homologue armenien derrière
une epaisse vitre blindee. C’est la première visite d’un chef d’Etat
turc en Armenie et, bien que la Turquie fût une des premières nations
a reconnaître la jeune republique independante en 1991, les frontières
terrestres entre ces deux voisins sont fermees et un froid glacial
règne entre les diplomaties des deux pays depuis l’occupation, en
1993, du Haut-Karabakh, province d’Azerbaïdjan a majorite armenienne,
par les armees d’Erevan.

Mais, plus que l’invasion du Karabakh, c’est bien le spectre de 1915
qui plane sur ce deplacement. Entre l’aeroport et le centre-ville,
la presence de milliers de personnes massees silencieusement sur les
bords de la route est intimidante. Ils brandissent des pancartes,
la plupart en anglais, parfois en turc ou en armenien : " Je suis de
Mus ", " Je suis d’Adana ". Les ecriteaux egrènent les noms de ces
villes de Turquie dont parents ou grands-parents ont ete arraches
il y a moins d’un siècle. Fehmi Koru, principal editorialiste du
quotidien turc Yeni Safak, dit qu’il est heureux de voir que ces
gens puissent aujourd’hui revendiquer leur appartenance avec tant de
maturite. Il pense que la Turquie aussi a fait beaucoup de chemin ces
dernières annees. Le tabou est desormais depasse. Voici venu le temps
de la confrontation avec l’Histoire. " On peut parler ouvertement de
la question armenienne, alors que, dans ma jeunesse, c’etait tout
bonnement impensable ", rappelle-t-il. A l’image de Hasan Cemal,
editorialiste au quotidien Milliyet, plusieurs journalistes turcs
sont alles visiter le Mausolee du genocide et ont rendu compte de
leurs impressions a leurs lecteurs. " Dans le silence vierge du matin,
j’ai compris encore une fois l’inanite de la negation de l’Histoire,
mais egalement les risques qu’il y avait a devenir prisonnier de ses
douleurs ", ecrit Cemal.

Avec l’arrivee d’Abdullah Gul a la fonction supreme, la diplomatie
turque a gagne une nouvelle dynamique. Le president a effectue 22
deplacements a l’etranger en un peu plus d’un an. Ce voyage a Erevan
est la consequence logique de la ligne engagee depuis cinq ans. "
S’ils ne sont pas traites, les problèmes deviennent chroniques. Nous
ne voulons pas laisser [le problème armenien] aux generations futures
", a dit Gul a la sortie de ses entretiens avec son homologue armenien.

Pourtant, cette visite n’est pas sans perils. Les partis d’opposition
turcs ont crie a la trahison. De nombreux analystes et anciens
diplomates brandissaient encore, quelques jours avant le match, le
danger qu’il y a a se fâcher avec les " frères " azeris, assis sur de
consequentes reserves de petrole. La sensibilite dans l’opinion etait
tellement exacerbee que, le jour meme du match, un site d’information
turc annoncait qu’un ancien membre de l’Asala – l’ex-organisation
terroriste armenienne – Varoujan Garbidjian, l’un des responsables de
l’attentat d’Orly (8 morts et 63 blesses en 1983) devait etre present
dans la tribune protocolaire. Cette fausse nouvelle s’est repandue
comme une traînee de poudre. Pour mettre fin a toute polemique,
la police armenienne a emmene Garbidjian hors de la ville.

Afin de limiter les risques, le Parti de la justice et du
developpement, au pouvoir a Ankara, a interdit a ses deputes de se
rendre au match. Le seul membre du Parlement a faire le voyage fut
le depute independant Ufuk Uras, venu celebrer a Erevan la memoire du
journaliste armenien de Turquie Hrant Dink, assassine il y a dix-neuf
mois, qui militait pour le dialogue. Peuples proches, voisins lointains
est le titre du livre de Dink publie a titre posthume cette annee
par la Fondation internationale Dink. Un leitmotiv retransmis par
les equipes de television turques qui ont fait le deplacement et qui
s’extasient a longueur de reportages sur les ressemblances culturelles
entre les deux pays.

Des vols directs entre la Turquie et l’Armenie existent depuis
quatre ans et le commerce indirect entre les deux pays atteint 500
millions dollars. De nombreux Armeniens travaillent clandestinement
a Istanbul. Mais c’est l’arrivee de Serge Sarkissian au pouvoir a
Erevan qui a servi de declic. Abdullah Gul lui a adresse un message
de felicitations particulièrement chaleureux, insistant sur l’espoir
de dialogue qu’il fondait. Sarkissian a repondu sur le meme ton. "
Nous ne faisons pas de la reconnaissance du genocide une condition
prealable au developpement de nos relations ", a declare le president
armenien au journaliste turc Murat Yetkin dans un reportage remarque,
publie fin août.

Il est vrai qu’avec l’embrasement de la situation en Georgie, l’Armenie
a besoin plus que jamais pour se desenclaver d’une normalisation des
relations avec la Turquie et surtout de l’ouverture de sa frontière
terrestre. D’où son interet pour la " Plate-forme de stabilite et
cooperation pour le Caucase " lancee par Ankara, qui a pour objectif
de rassembler dans un grand forum toutes les nations de la region et
la Russie. La Turquie ira peut-etre moins vite que ne le voudrait
Sarkissian, attendant pour lever les barrières frontalières une
acceleration des discussions discrètes qui durent depuis six mois
entre les deux pays en Suisse, mais egalement des elements concrets
de la bonne volonte de l’Armenie pour resoudre la situation au
Haut-Karabakh. Gul a annonce qu’il se rendrait très prochainement
en Azerbaïdjan.

Quant au match, ce ne fut pas un grand moment de football. L’hymne
national turc fut siffle, comme parfois lors des matchs avec la
Grèce. La selection turque, se reveillant au cours de la seconde
mi-temps, finit par inscrire deux buts. Bilan presque nul au
niveau sportif, mais une etape importante pour les relations
internationales. En fin de compte, tout le monde aura gagne.


Thomas Hammarberg To Present Report On Armenia At The Session Of PAC


Sep 11, 2008

YEREVAN, SEPTEMBER 11, ARMENPRESS: The session of the Council of Europe
Parliamentary Assembly’s (PACE) Monitoring Commission will take place
today in Paris where Council of Europe Human Rights High Commissioner
Thomas Hammarberg will present a report on the implementation of PACE
Resolutions 1609 and 1620 by Armenia.

The head of the NA’s delegation to PACE David Harutyunian, members
of the Monitoring Commission Armen Rustamian and Avet Adonts are in
Paris to participate in the session of the commission.

BAKU: We Support Security And Cooperation Platform In Caucasus: Arme


Trend News Agency
Sept 11 2008

Azerbaijan, Baku, 11 September/TrendNews/ Foreign Minister of
Azerbaijan Edward Nalbandyan has stated he approves improvement of
bilateral relations between Armenia and Turkey.

Nalbandyan said in his interview with CNN that Armenia supports
security and cooperation platform in Caucasus.

Touching upon talks with Turkish foreign minister Ali Babacan in
Yerevan, Nalbandyan said such meetings will have a positive impact
on improving bilateral relations. He also mentioned visit of Turkish
president to Armenia. "I believe in sincere intentions of Abdullah
Gul and positively assess this step. Armenia has also set a task to
improve relations".

ANCA: Pallone Urges to Turkey to Make Real Peace Efforts

1711 N Street NW
Washington, DC 20036
Tel: (202) 775-1918
Fax: (202) 775-5648
Email: [email protected]

September 11, 2008
Contact: Elizabeth S. Chouldjian
Tel: (202) 775-1918
Email: [email protected]


— Urges Ankara to End Genocide Denial,
Remove Article 301, and End Blockade

WASHINGTON, DC – Congressional Armenian Caucus Co-Chairman Frank
Pallone (D-NJ) welcomed Armenia’s diplomatic outreach to Turkey and
called on Turkey to reciprocate this gesture of good will with
concrete steps toward an enduring peace based on truth and justice,
reported the Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA).

The New Jersey legislator’s House floor statement comes in the wake
of the recent Armenia-Turkey World Cup soccer qualifying match in
Yerevan that Turkey’s President Abdullah Gul attended at the
invitation of his Armenian counterpart, Serzh Sargsyan. In his
remarks, the Congressman specifically calls upon Turkey to end its
denial of the Armenian Genocide, to remove Article 301 and other
free speech restrictions on the discussion of this crime, and to
lift its illegal 15-year old blockade of Armenia.

In the days prior to the soccer match, the ANCA circulated a letter
explaining to every Member of Congress that, "for this initiative
to succeed, Turkey’s leaders need to view this as a true
opportunity for enduring peace, not simply as a photo opportunity
to help alleviate the growing international pressure it is under to
recognize the Armenian Genocide."

The full text of Congressman Pallone’s remarks is provided below.



Madam Speaker, I rise today to congratulate Armenia and its
president, Serge Sargisian, on the historic soccer match between
Armenia and Turkey this past weekend.

On July 9th, President Sargisian, in the Wall Street Journal Europe
Addition, took a surprising and historic step, by inviting
President Abdullah Gul of Turkey to sit with him and watch the two
nations play a World Cup qualifier match in Yerevan, the capital of

In an effort to warm relations between the two countries, President
Sargisian wrote, ‘…just as the people of China and the United
States shared enthusiasm for ping pong before their governments
fully normalized relations, the people of Armenia and Turkey are
united in their love for football.’

President Gul accepted the offer, and on Saturday, September 6th,
he became the first Turkish leader to visit Armenia.

Armenia initiated soccer diplomacy with Turkey despite nearly a
century of Turkish genocide denial and 15 years of an economic
blockade. For years, Armenia has been ready to establish
relations with Turkey without preconditions and President
Sargisian’s recent efforts reinforced this commitment. President
Gul must also be commended for his efforts to see past the
opposition of some in his country to attend the match.

With the recent violence between Russia and Georgia, further steps
to promote stability in the Caucasus must be taken. Strengthening
Armenian and Turkish relations is essential to these efforts.

Turkey can strengthen its relationship with Armenia by ending its
policy of genocide denial; policy that is imposed both globally and
domestically. The Turkish government lobbies heavily against the
international community’s recognition of the Armenian Genocide.

Domestically, Turkey should lift all restrictions imposed by
Section 301 of the Turkish penal code on individuals who study,
discuss, or recognize the Armenian Genocide. Silencing academics
and writers limits freedom of speech and makes any serious
discussion of the Armenian Genocide within Turkey taboo.

To improve relations, Turkey must also lift its stifling economic
blockade on Armenia. The State Department estimates that the
blockade inflates Armenia by 30 to 35 percent. Removing the
blockade will enable the development of needed infrastructure
projects and regional communications, energy, and transportation in
the Caucasus. The removal of the blockade would also do much to
catalyze global investment in Turkey and Armenia.

With the recent conflict between Russia and Georgia, Armenia proved
itself to be a constructive partner to Georgia. The Armenian
government provided safe transit for U.S and international
officials and thousands of Georgian nationals, and non-governmental
organization representatives.

But Armenia experienced significant economic distress due to the
conflict. The country lost an estimated 650 million dollars and
shortages in fuel and wheat were rampant. With renewed volatility
in the Caucasus, Armenia can no longer afford to suffer from duel

President Sargisian’s initiation of soccer diplomacy and President
Gul’s reciprocal invitation to watch a game next year in Turkey is
a positive breakthrough in a region of historic violence and tense

As President Sargisian wrote, ‘A more prosperous, mutually
beneficial future for Armenia and Turkey, and the opening up of a
historic East-West corridor for Europe, the Caspian region and the
rest of the world, are goals that we can and must achieve.’ As a
Congress, we must do all we can to support these efforts. Thank

Elizabeth S. Chouldjian
Communications Director
Armenian National Committee of America
1711 N Street NW
Washington, DC 20036
Tel: (202) 775-1918
Fax: (202) 775-5648
E-mail: [email protected]


Baku: The Turkish Illusion

by R. Manafli

Sept 10 2008

This is how they in Azerbaijan view the statement by Turkish Foreign
Minister Ali Babacan on the use of Armenian territory as an alternative
route to Georgia to transport Caspian energy resources

The stand of Baku is that any cooperation between Azerbaijan and
Armenia may be possible only after the settlement of the protracted
Nagornyy Karabakh conflict within the framework of Azerbaijan’s
territorial integrity. Against this background the statement by Turkish
Foreign Minister Ali Babacan on the use of Armenian territory as an
alternative route to Georgia to transport Caspian energy resources
is nothing more than an illusion and populism, renowned national
experts a political analyst and the head of the Centre for Political
Innovations, Mubariz Ahmadoglu, and economist Oqtay Haqverdiyev,
told Ekho. [Passage omitted: background of Ali Babacan’s statement
and his remarks on cooperation with Armenia]

In the meantime, Azerbaijan is seriously concerned over such statements
by Turkish officials, which became frequent before, during and after
the visit of the Turkish leader to Yerevan. However, they are trying
not to take those statements seriously and are calling them "Turkish
illusions" and populist statements. In any case, Mubariz Ahmadoglu
told Ekho that in Turkey they have recently been cultivating too many
illusions on cooperation with Armenia.

By the way, the political analyst recalled that such an issue emerged
in the times of late Azerbaijani President Heydar Aliyev. "At first,
Armenia itself refused to join regional energy projects. Then, the
Armenian Diaspora in the USA started to send appeals to the US Congress
that Azerbaijan is isolating Armenia from regional projects. Even
the USA could not do it [have Armenia in regional projects] then,"
Ahmadoglu hinted.

At the same time, he stressed that Armenia longs for a chance to be
involved in regional energy projects of international significance
without the settlement of the Nagornyy Karabakh conflict. "Azerbaijan’s
position is known to all, according to which any cooperation between
Azerbaijan and Armenia may be possible only after the settlement of
the protracted Nagornyy Karabakh conflict within the framework of
Azerbaijan’s territorial integrity," Ahmadoglu said.

He added that Azerbaijan has enough power to counter such
initiatives. "We can stand for a long time, while in Turkey a lot of
such illusions on cooperation with Armenia have been created recently,"
the head of the Center for Political Innovations concluded.

In his turn, renowned economist Oqtay Haqverdiyev said that the
statement by Turkish Foreign Minister Ali Babacan on the use of
Armenian territory as an alternative route to Georgia to transport
Caspian energy resources is populism. According to him, this is only
a political move, which Turkey uses to try to achieve some of its
targets and satisfy its state interests.

In reality, the economist says that it is unreal. "Even if we
hypothetically imagine the developments in the region in this way,
how much time will we need for this to happen? During this time the
situation in the region will change ten more times and it is not
known if this will be needed," Haqverdiyev said.

According to him, such statements do not need to be taken seriously
since they smell populism.

It should be noted that Ekho failed to contact the press secretary
of the Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry, Xazar Ibrahim, yesterday
[9 September]. However, Baku’s official position remains unchanged
cooperation with Armenia can never be in question until the Nagornyy
Karabakh conflict is resolved within the framework of the territorial
integrity of our country.

Ambassador Of Belarus Completes Her Diplomatic Mission In Armenia


Noyan Tapan

Se p 9, 2008

YEREVAN, SEPTEMBER 10, NOYAN TAPAN. RA President Serzh Sargsyan
receiving on September 10 Marina Dolgopolova, the Ambassador of Belarus
to Armenia, on the occasion of completion of her diplomatic mission,
evaluated more than five years of her activity efficient in the respect
of development of Armenian-Belarusian relations emphasizing the high
level of the two countries’ political dialogue and positive dynamics
of economic partnership.

Touching upon cooperation in various spheres, S. Sargsyan said that
Armenia and Belarus when building their relations also take into
consideration the circumstance that both of them are members of
the Collective Security Treaty Organization and are also united by
security problems.

According to M. Dolgopolova, being the first Ambassador of Belarus
to Armenia, he tried to form system relations and is content that
she managed to create good bases for further development of mutually
beneficial partnership. She expressed gratitude for assistance provided
to her during her tenure.


Armenians In South Australia Introduced Armenia And Armenians To The


Noyan Tapan

Se p 9, 2008

ADELAIDE, SEPTEMBER 9, NOYAN TAPAN. Last weekend, His Eminence
Archbishop Aghan Baliozian, Primate of the Diocese of the Armenian
Church of Australia and New Zealand made his biannual pastoral
visit to the Armenian Community of Adelaide. However, this was to
be markedly different from other visits with the first-ever event
of Armenian culture and identity to an Australian audience in the
capital of South Australia, which was also a commemoration event for
Australia’s first international relief effort to help survivals of the
Armenian Genocide. The event was held at the Pilgrim Uniting Church
in Adelaide. It was organised by the Armenian Cultural Association of
South Australia Inc. (ACASA) and in his welcome address, President
of the Association, Mr Gevik Abedian remarked, "Tonight is truly
a dream-come-true for most of us in our community as we had always
been thinking of such an event where we could introduce Armenia and
Armenians, effectively ourselves, to our fellow Australians."


Replacements Made In Two Committees Of RA National Assembly


Noyan Tapan

Se p 8, 2008

YEREVAN, SEPTEMBER 8, NOYAN TAPAN. Independent deputy Samvel
Balasanian replaced independent deputy Lyova Khachatrian in the
RA National Assembly Ad Hoc Committee on Inquiry into the March 1
Events. His candidacy was proposed by the committee chairman Samvel
Nikoyan. L. Khachatrain is considered a man close to the RA prosecutor
general Aghvan Hovsepian, and his replacement by another deputy was
explained by the intention not to give an occasion for speculation.

Member of the "Orinats Yerkir Party" faction Stepan Aslanian
replaced member of the same faction Artashes Avoyan in the NA
Counting Committee. The deputy powers of the latter were terminated
in connection with his appointment as the head of the staff of the RA
National Security Council. Member of the NA "Heritage" faction Zaruhi
Postanjian replaced member of the same faction Larisa Alaverian in
the above mentioned committee. NT correspondent was informed by
Z. Postanjian that the change was conditioned by the prospect of
L. Alaverdian’s absence from Armenia for some time.


Foreign Ministry Fraternity: Russian Foreign Minister Prepared A Sum

by Nadezhda Sorokina

WPS Agency
September 8, 2008 Monday

of Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan
and Uzbekistan discussed the situation that was a result of the
aggression of Georgia against South Ossetia. What was most important,
the ministers paid much attention to preparation of the collective
security council. They approved draft documents aimed at collective
participation of member states of the Collective Security Treaty
Organization (CSTO) in implementation of a global antiterrorist
strategy of the UN regarding more active anti-drug operations. They
also approved an important plan of consultations about issues of
foreign policy, security and defense.

Foreign ministers of Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia,
Tajikistan and Uzbekistan discussed the situation that was a result
of aggression of Georgia against South Ossetia.

What was the most important, the ministers paid much attention to
preparation of the collective security council. They approved draft
documents aimed at collective participation of member states of the
Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) in implementation of a
global antiterrorist strategy of the UN regarding more active anti-drug
operations. They also approved an important plan of consultations
about the issues of foreign policy, security and defense.

Lavrov reported that CSTO member states reached an agreement on
coordinated actions on international arena in accordance with the
statement of the organization about South Ossetia adopted in Moscow.

Russia already expressed satisfaction with this statement. Lavrov said,
"it will be a common stance of the CSTO member states and henceforth
our ambassadors will act from the positions approved by the ministers."

The main breakthrough was the fact that foreign ministers of the CSTO
countries agreed to start joint work on the agreement on collective
European security. Lavrov stressed, "this is an important decision. We
will start working in a few weeks."

During the meeting in Moscow, foreign ministers of the CSTO countries
also advocated working out a new legally binding agreement by Moscow
and Washington instead of expiring the treaty on strategic offensive
armament. In their statement, the foreign ministers of CSTO countries
emphasized, "we think that such an agreement should include everything
best from the existing treaty on strategic offensive armament and
should simultaneously fix new lower levels of both strategic carriers
(intercontinental ballistic missiles, submarine-based ballistic
missiles, heavy bombers) and combat charges placed on them that should
be subject to checking."

The ministers also paid attention to combating drug trafficking from
Afghanistan. General Secretary of CSTO, Nikolai Bordyuzha, stated,
"we plan to pool our efforts and to work more actively on the creation
of anti-drug security belts." According to Bordyuzha, in building
anti-drug belts around Afghanistan CSTO is going to closely cooperate
with the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. Bordyuzha concluded, "we
are also going to develop cooperation in counteraction to synthetic
drugs that come from Europe en masse."

BAKU: Abdullah Gul: "I Have Tried To Do My Best For Azerbaijan Durin


Azeri Press Agency
Sept 8 2008

"I sent my bodyguards and vehicle to Armenia through Georgia, not via
Kars in order not to hurt feelings of Azerbaijani People" Ankara. Mayis
Alizadeh-APA. Turkish President Abdullah Gul’s exclusive interview
to APA Turkey bureau

When Armenian president Sargsyan invited his Turkish counterpart
Abdulla Gul to Yerevan to watch football match, one of the main
discussions of the region’s political agenda was the thoughts about
the realization of this visit. Thus, the visit took place and Abdullah
Gul paid a visit to Yerevan. The priority for media was Gul’s first
interview about his impressions related to this one-day visit.

-You gave information to media about your visit to Armenia. What do
you want to say about your visit to Azerbaijan?

First of all I welcome all my Azerbaijani brothers. I know that
they follow this visit with great interest and I want them to feel
certain of us. I do believe in importance of being two states and one
nation and its further continuation. When we look at the world map
we see Caucasus as small place, but there are many problems in this
region. We saw conflict between Georgia and Russia a month ago. It
is impossible to keep silence, we should initiate and take serious
measures to solve problems of our region. My visit and the visit
of Prime Minister should be followed within this framework. We have
proposed Caucasus Stability and Cooperation Platform for this purpose
on time. Important countries of the region should take measures to
solve issues via dialogue. Our Prime Minister Erdogan visited Russia,
Georgia and Azerbaijan and discussed these issues. There was a random
chance during the world qualifying championship. Turkish and Armenian
national teams were at the same group. After this, Armenian president
invited me to Yerevan. It demands courage to say to Turkish President
to come and to watch the match together. We know that there occurs
dashnaks and other groups, which are against this issue. Why did I
receive this invitation? I believed in creation of chance to conduct
discussions to solve problems in the region.

I wanted to seize this occasion for the discussion of Nagorno Karabagh
conflict and problems between Turkey and Armenia. To tell the truth,
I was satisfied with the realization of this visit, because state
figures should measure thrice and cut once and take any decisive step
afterwards. If we freeze the problem, it will be worse and worse. Then
these frozen problems become de facto. Therefore, state figures should
conduct discussions hardily. We all look like each other in this
small land as Caucasus. The majority speaks Turkish in the region or
understands this language – one should move this potential ahead and
find solution to the problems. During my visit, I very openly talked
to president Sargsyan on these issues. I talked to him more openly
about all what I am talking to you and stressed the importance of
resolution of the conflict between Azerbaijan and Armenia.

Sargsyan also supported solution to the problems in the region and
expressed satisfaction with our participation in this process. They
supported Caucasus Stability and Cooperation Platform, assessed it
as an opportunity for the solution to the problems in the region and
stressed the importance of conducting dialogue after the developments
in Georgia. Sargsyan stated that he had met with Ilham Aliyev and would
meet henceforth. I told Sargsyan that we should be realist. Dialogue
should be conducted to overcome of the problems. If it is not conducted
at present, it will be 30-40 years later and it will cause problems
to the future generations. I saw that Sargsyan spoke sincerely. I left
Yerevan with great pleasure. There can be those, who were against this
visit in Turkey and Azerbaijan and I respect them. I am sure that these
initiatives will achieve good results and they will also be happy. 50
million people died during World War II in Europe, but Germany and
France are closer allies at present. We should look at the future,
not only past and should open doors for the future. I will visit Baku
on Wednesday and share my opinions with President Ilham Aliyev there.

-Unlike the previous president, Sargsyan started to carry on different
policy. Kocharian declared Turkey as enemy, but Sargsyan shows himself
as pro-Western politician. Had you consulted with the West before
visiting Armenia?

I passed an independent decision. No country influenced on me in
regard to my decision. However, I am pleased to receive estimation
from several countries. Armenia has understood that it is obliged
to cooperate with neighboring countries, as well as the whole
world. Otherwise, there will not be peace in the region and Armenia
can be assessed as the country standing on the way of peace. I believe
in good assessment of this chance in the image of Sargsyan. Old policy
should be left behind. We should look forward as regional countries.

-When you were Turkish Foreign Minister and represented Turkey in the
Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, you always stated that
stated that you carried out reforms in Turkey not for Europe, Brussels,
Strasbourg, but for Turkic peoples. Today, western analysts stress
the importance of deepening of democratic reforms for the solution
of problems. You left a message in this direction in Armenia. Will
you also give any message in Azerbaijan in this regard?

I represented Turkey in the Council of Europe for years. I remember
when Heydar Aliyev demonstrated great decisiveness and made Azerbaijan
become the member of the Council of Europe. Today, Honorable
Ilham Aliyev continues this way. Democracy is not the process to
gain within a day. Turkey has been the member of the Council of
Europe since 1948 and one of the members, which established the
organization. As the reforms are deepened, we are demanded new
ones. Existence of democracy will require further deepening of
stability in the region and cooperation between the countries and
increase of welfare of peoples. The leadership of Azerbaijan will make
every effort for deepening of democracy in the country not depending
on my any message. I will be very satisfied with the development of
democracy. And at the same time I do believe that President Ilham
Aliyev will also be proud of this.

-Armenia’s "genocide" claims are mostly linked with pressures come
from Armenian Diasporas in the West. Will you succeed to break off
these pressures?

Diaspora should also work for the welfare of Armenia. The
Diaspora should also be glad for Armenia’s endeavors to establish
good-neighborly relations with its neighbors. I convey my best regards
and respect to Azerbaijani People through APA. Let them always feel
certain of us. We are always with Azerbaijan. The problem of Azerbaijan
is the problem of my own and there can be no doubt about it. That’s
why I am visiting Baku.