Andrea Wiktorin: Armenia needs a responsible, independent and pluralistic media

Armenia –
Alina Hovhannisyan

ArmInfo. During the parliamentary elections in 2021, Armenia expressed the will of the  people, reaffirming its commitment to the course of reforms and  democracy, and for this purpose, Armenia needs a responsible,  independent, pluralistic, reliable media. On May 19, speaking  at the "Armenian Democracy" Forum, EU Ambassador to Armenia Ms.  Andrea Wiktorin stated this.

In this vein, she underlined that the EU defends the freedom and  pluralism of the media as the basis of modern democracy, which  provides an opportunity for open and free debate.  At the same time,  Ms. Wiktorin also pointed out that Armenia needs a strong civil  society, which is a key component of a democratic system. "The active  involvement of civil society in the development of policy and  governance reforms is important for Armenia in terms of achieving  political transformations," the Ambassador stressed.  However, as she  noted, Armenian civil society is being condemned. Activists and civil  society organizations that promote democratic values and human rights  have been the target of attack and condemnation.  <The Universal  Declaration of Human Rights is not selective. You cannot choose only  what you like. You must have all freedoms without prejudice and  restrictions, such as racial, national, social, religious, skin  color, and others. Therefore, we all should support the human rights  defenders who are active in this country. We should have  comprehensive approaches to the issue of ensuring human rights. We  have a need for a legal framework, for the application of the law.  Everyone is equal before the law," she said.  She also noted the  importance of compromises, public discussions, joint search for  peaceful solutions, excluding various slogans and the language of  aggression. <Democracy is a continuous process. Within the framework  of the CEPA (Partnership Agreement), the EU assists Armenia in  strengthening democracy, the rule of law and human rights in order to  create together a favorable, safe and peaceful environment for all  the inhabitants of Armenia>, she concluded.  It should be noted that  law enforcement officers did not let opposition MPs and journalists  into the "Armenian Democracy" forum . The parliamentarians said they  intended to present the real situation with democracy in the country  at the forum. After negotiations with law enforcement officers, the  latter managed to enter the hotel building, but they were forbidden  to enter the hall where the event itself was held


Armenpress: Catholicos Aram I departs for Egypt to attend general assembly of Middle East Council of Churches

Catholicos Aram I departs for Egypt to attend general assembly of Middle East Council of Churches




YEREVAN, MAY 16, ARMENPRESS. His Holiness Aram I, Catholicos of the Great House of Cilicia, departed for Cairo, Egypt, on May6 16 to participate in the general assembly of the Middle East Council of Churches, His Holiness Aram I said in a statement on social media.

Catholicos Aram I will participate in the general assembly as an honorary guest.

All churches of the Middle East will attend the assembly with their delegations.

The delegation led by Catholicos Aram I consists of 5 people.

California Budget Includes $10 Million for Armenian American Museum

Press Contact:
Shant Sahakian, Executive Director
Armenian American Museum and Cultural Center of California
(818) 644-2214
[email protected]



Armenian American Museum Leadership Praises Governor Gavin Newsom

Glendale, CA () – Today, Governor Gavin Newsom released his May Revision budget plan for the State of California with $10 million in additional funding for the Armenian American Museum currently under construction in the City of Glendale. The proposed new funding would bring the state’s total investment in the museum to $19.8 million.

“The museum leadership and community are extremely grateful to Governor Gavin Newsom for his continued belief and commitment to the Armenian American Museum,” stated Executive Chairman Berdj Karapetian. “From his day as Mayor of San Francisco to his time as Governor, he has been a consistent supporter of the Armenian American community. We are also grateful to Senator Anthony Portantino in the State Legislature who has been the most ardent supporter of our community’s effort to make the museum a reality.”

The major announcement follows the museum’s highly acclaimed Legacy Gala where museum officials unveiled that the landmark center has surpassed the $31 million fundraising milestone. The additional proposed state funding would bring the total amount raised for the historic project to $41 million.

The Governor’s proposed budget will need to be approved by the State Legislature and is anticipated to be signed into law in June 2022.

Senator Anthony Portantino has been a champion of the museum since its inception and has been collaborating with the Governor’s office to educate state officials and colleagues on the historic significance of the project.

“I was very pleased, excited, and thankful to the Governor when his office informed me of the additional $10 million proposal for the museum,” stated Senator Anthony Portantino. “Governor Newsom understands how important the project is for the Armenian American community and State of California. The Governor has always had a deep appreciation and respect for Armenian Americans in California and this proposed allocation reaffirms it with action.”

The Armenian American Museum is a world class cultural and educational institution that is currently under construction in the museum campus at Glendale Central Park. The museum will offer a wide range of public programming through the Permanent Exhibition, Temporary Exhibitions, Auditorium, Learning Center, Demonstration Kitchen, Archives Center, and more. The museum celebrated its historic groundbreaking and commenced construction on the project in Summer 2021.

For more information, visit


 Governor Gavin Newsom.jpg

 Senator Anthony Portantino.jpg

Armenian American Museum and Cultural Center of California
116 North Artsakh Avenue, Suite 205, Glendale, CA 91206
Office: (818) 351-3554
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Armenian Ambassador, Kazakh deputy FM discuss regional and international issues




YEREVAN, MAY 13, ARMENPRESS. Newly-appointed Ambassador of Armenia to Kazakhstan Armen Ghevondyan presented the copy of his credentials to Deputy Foreign Minister Yermukhambet Konuspayev, the Embassy of Armenia in Kazakhstan reported.

The sides exchanged ideas about the current situation of the Armenian-Kazakh mutual partnership and the development prospects, including within multilateral and integration unions.

They also discussed the timetable of contacts over bilateral inter-state cooperation mechanisms.

The relevant issues of the regional and international agenda were also touched upon.

The Kazakh deputy foreign minister wished the Armenian Ambassador success in fulfilling the priorities of Armenia’s diplomatic mission in Kazakhstan.

Maintaining status quo in Artsakh not to improve Armenia`s positions – Stepan Grigoryan

Armenia –
David Stepanyan

ArmInfo. Maintaining the status quo in Artsakh and in relations with Azerbaijan will not improve Armenia's positions. Therefore, it is not in Armenia's interests, the  political scientist Stepan Grigoryan said in an interview with  ArmInfo. 

"I myself have for many years been for the status quo maintained  since 1994 – until the 44-day war.  However, the status quo was to a  great extent maintained due to an entirely different geopolitical  situation.  The most important factor was later transformation of  Russia's position," Mr Grigoryan said.  

According to him, in the 1990s Moscow's position on the status quo  was by and large in line with the Armenian side's interests, and that  position remained unchanged during thee first years of Vladimir  Putin's presidency. However, rapid changes were noticed in 2011 and  2012, and after the so-called Lavrov plan was circulated it came to  be in obvert conflict with the interests of Armenia and Artsakh. 

As regards the parliamentary opposition's calls against any  agreements with Azerbaijan amid the present geopolitical reality, Mr  Grigoryan questions the political advisability of this tactics given,  first of all, Moscow's present-day position. It is Moscow that doe  not allow the Armenian side to temporize. 

It is due to the West's efforts that Azerbaijan is being contained,  and evidence thereof is U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken's  direct and outspoken criticism against Baku for escalating the  situation. However, prolonging the process will be seriously  complicated because of the absence of common approaches between  Yerevan and Moscow. 

"It is clear that the opposition forces prefer keeping silent about  it. Moreover, they are afraid of speaking of Russia's real position  on Artsakh now. It is not the opposition forces' concept, but their  insincerity. But the reality is that temporizing can only be possible  if Russia's position were at least neutral. It is Russia's not being  neutral that turns this prospect into idle talks," Mr Grigoryan said. 

2022 Armenian Night at the Pops to feature violinist Diana Adamyan in Boston Pops debut

Diana Adamyan (Photo: Bauer-Schmitz)

BOSTON, Mass. – The Friends of Armenian Culture Society will present the 69th annual Armenian Night at the Pops on Wednesday, June 8 at 8:00 p.m. 

This year, violin sensation Diana Adamyan will appear as soloist with the Boston Pops Orchestra. The 22-year-old virtuoso, winner of the prestigious 2018 Menuhin International Violin Competition, will join the orchestra and music director Keith Lockhart in a performance of a romantic masterpiece – the Concerto for Violin and Orchestra in E-minor by Felix Mendelssohn. 

Adamyan is quickly gaining an international reputation as one of her generation’s most outstanding violinists. After winning first prize at the Menuhin Internationalthe world’s most prestigious prize for young violinistsshe went on to receive first prize in the 2020 Khachaturian Violin Competition, held online due the COVID-19 pandemic.

Adamyan gave her London debut playing Bach’s Double Concerto with Pinchas Zukerman and the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra in 2015. She has also appeared at Seiji Ozawa’s Matsumoto Festival in Japan, at Yerevan Perspectives International Music Festival, and at HIMA Festival in Iceland. Adamyan is no stranger to the Boston community, having performed spectacularly with a group of young and talented musicians at Longy School of Music in 2016 in a concert presented by the YerazArt Foundation. Her upcoming engagements include recitals in Tokyo and France and debut appearances with the Deutsche Symphonie Orchester and Göttinger Symphonie Orchester, as well as a performance at the Aspen Music Festival this summer.  

Tony Awards nominee Christopher Jackson will round out the program on June 8, joining Lockhart and the Boston Pops for an unforgettable evening at Symphony Hall. Best known for originating the role of George Washington in Hamilton, Jackson will perform music from Harry Belafonte to In the Heights, drawing from his favorites in pop, soul, Broadway and his own original music, including his Emmy-award winning songs for Sesame Street and The Electric Company

Tickets for this concert are available online.

‘Nikol must leave’: Opposition protesters march in central Yerevan

Armenia – May 6 2022

Opposition protests aimed at forcing Nikol Pashinyan to step down as Armenian prime minister resumed in Yerevan on Friday.

Groups of protesters began marching along four key streets from France Square in central Yerevan at 12pm.

Artak Zakaryan, a former Armenian deputy defense minister and a senior member of the former ruling Republican Party of Armenia (RPA), claims that the anti-government protests are gaining momentum with each passing day.

"Nikol must leave. His removal from the prime minister’s office is just a matter of time. They are well aware of it, which is best evidenced by their moves and statements,” he told reporters during a march along Mashtots Avenue.

The demonstrators were chanting “Armenia without Nikol!".

RPA Deputy Chairman Armen Ashotyan urged all to join the protest campaign in defense of Artsakh and “for the sake of our children and grandchildren”.

Most of those detained in connection with the opposition protests have been released



 19:42, 2 May, 2022

YEREVAN, MAY 2, ARMENPRESS. During the protest organized by the opposition in Yerevan’s French Square, Ishkhan Saghatelyan, a member of the "Hayastan" faction and a representative of the ARF Supreme Body of Armenia, summed up the activities of the day, referred to the registered incidents and presented the upcoming activities.

"Today, starting from early morning, we carried out acts of disobedience in different parts of Yerevan. We closed about 30 streets. According to official data, 244 people were detained, but I must say that most of them have been released and have joined the rally. Despite all the difficulties, we are strong and ready to go to the end," ARMENPRESS reports, Ishkhan Saghatelyan said.

In his speech, Saghatelyan expressed dissatisfaction with the actions of some police officers. He referred to cases of violence initiated by some civilians, condemning the incidents. Ishkhan Saghatelyan assured that the actions of peaceful disobedience will continue. The participants of the rally again decided to hold a march and block the central streets.

Armenian opposition leader urges people to join Sunday’s big rally

Armenia –

Ishkhan Saghatelyan, one of the leaders of the opposition Armenian Revolutionary Federation (ARF) party and an MP from the main opposition Hayastan faction, urged people to join a big anti-government rally to be held in Yerevan’s France Square on Sunday, May 1.

Armenia's opposition groups started small-scale protests and marches in Yerevan earlier this week in preparation for mass demonstrations to topple Nikol Pashinyan and his cabinet.

“Dear compatriots, tomorrow we will embark on the decisive stage of our fight with a nationwide rally. The victory is near! Take to the streets! We've got work to do!" Saghatelyan said on Saturday.

Police in Yerevan detain 20 opposition activists

Armenia –

Armenian police officers detained 20 activists of the opposition Homeland Party during a peaceful protest in Yerevan on Thursday, its spokesman Sos Hakobyan said on social media.

He stated that his teammates, who started an awareness campaign from Liberty Square, were taken to police stations during a campaign of civil disobedience on Arshakunyats Avenue through the use of brute force by special police forces.

“Some 20 participants of the campaign were detained. According to preliminary data, they were taken to the Malatia and Shengavit police departments,” he wrote.

“The guys are stronger than ever. There can be no turning back,” Hakobyan said.