Zartonk Daily 05.06.2017


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U.S. Warning to Armenia: Ahead of Developments

Lragir, Armenia
June 4 2017
U.S. Warning to Armenia: Ahead of Developments

  • Politics – , 18:04

The U.S. President Donald Trump has congratulated the Georgian prime minister  on the Independence Day.“Since independence, Georgia has emerged as a democratic leader and a contributor to global security,” the letter runs.“In a region that faces insecurity and outside pressure, Georgia has shown courage and determination in charting its own future. We will continue to support that choice, as Georgian independence and democracy remain an inspiration to the world. The United States also remains steadfast in supporting Georgia's sovereignty and territorial integrity within its internationally recognized borders,” Donald Trump states in the letter. There was a time when Armenia was a democratic leader or “island” in the region. In addition, this opinion was expressed in the first years following the independence of Armenia, during the war. Armenia and Artsakh won the war despite a lot of hardship because their fight was for democracy, sovereignty and human rights, in line with the development of the civilization, which was an important achievement of international security in our region. It was the victory of the new and progressive against the regressive and anti-human system and was therefore possible and legitimate. In those years Georgia was in chaos and anarchy and sovereignty and democracy were out of discussion. Georgia was losing everything. Years went by, Armenia lost everything that was the result of the heroism and faith in the future. After the victory the country was surrendered to the military oligarchy, then the criminal oligarchy.  In domestic life, gradually nothing was left of freedom, human rights and civilization. The constitutional order was destroyed, and most importantly, people’s faith and motivation was destroyed, which is the basis of all progress. Currently Armenia has appeared on the anti-civilization camp while Georgia has leaped to escape tis system. Georgia has thus appeared in the side which is building the new world order with the ensuing preferences in security and economy. And on the contrary, Armenia has appeared on the side which is going to be the “object” for the creation of the new world order with the ensuing consequences. Armenia is already experiencing the consequences in the sphere of economy and security. Trump’s letter to Georgia should be a warning for Armenia which has been pushed back by external pressure and chosen a system which is outside international security and sovereignty.

Edward Nalbandian comments on Ilham Aliyev’s statements

Panorama, Armenia

For the first time the Minsk Group Co-Chairs pointed Azerbaijan was the violator of the ceasefire regime by opening fire the first, Armenian Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian stated at a press conference with the OSCE Secretary General Lamberto Zannier on Monday, commenting on the OSCE Minsk Group recent statement on ceasefire violation incidents

Asked whether the statement, containing targeted messages to Azerbaijan may keep Baku from further ceasefire violations, Minister Nalbandian noted Azerbaijan opposes to the establishment of the investigation mechanism into the ceasefire violation incidents for the same reason – not to allow the Co-Chairs and participant to the mechanism to identify the violator and the side that opened fire the first.
“It is clear even without an investigation mechanism, the latest statement [of the Minsk Group] came to show that as well,” noted Nalbandian, adding previous statement by the Co-Chairs also targeted Azerbaijan though indirectly.
The minister recalled calls for avoiding to escalate the situation in the region, to reiterate the commitment for the peaceful resolution of the conflict, refrain from criticizing the Co-Chairing states and respect the mandate of the mediators, refuse from attempts to transfer the conflict settlement to other platforms, agree to the establishment of the investigation mechanism, etc. 
Nalbandian was also asked to express position on Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev’s recent claim that Karabakh conflict should be settled within territorial integrity of Azerbaijan.

“My position to that claim is the same as to other assertions from the same speech, alleging Azerbaijan is a global center of multiculturism, its respect to all fundamental rights and freedoms, human rights, it is a center of tolerance, serving example to others and other absurd statements of these series,” Nalbandian said.

“The international community has long been stressing the importance of preserving the indivisibility of the principles of non-use of force, territorial integrity, equality of the people and their right for self-determination, which are reflected, in particular, in five joint statement by the Heads of the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairing countries.” added Nalbandian.

Film: Oscar awarded movie maker Started shooting a film about Armenian Genocide.

ARMINFO News Agency, Armenia

Oscar awarded movie maker Started shooting a film about Armenian Genocide.

Yerevan May 20

Sona Aznauryan.

Famous Indian Movie Maker Shekhar Kapur started to shoot a film about
Armenian Genocide based on the novel called " Three Apples Fell Down
From the Sky"

The film deals with the systematic extermination of minority Armenians
in Anatolia (modern-day Turkey) by the Ottoman Empire during and after
the Wolrd War I (1915-1923).

Kapur had recently tweeted that he was going to Yerevan, Armenia's
capital, to collect material on the event. The idea, he said, came to
him from a script sent by the man who wrote "Motorcyle Diaries". "It
is a part of world history though a very shameful one," Kapur told

"The idea came to me based on a script sent to me by the screenwriter
of 'Motorcycle Diaries' (Puerto Rican Jose Rivera). I fell in love
with the script. It is a challenging project though. It will require
lots of money, lots of passion and organisation. But there are a lot
of passionate people behind this project. So it will hopefully see the
light of day," he said.

However, filming of the movie will not start before another year, says
Kapur, who is yet to begin work on his long-pending movie on water
wars, "Paani".

The Armenian genocide is a particularly touchy topic in the political
state that succeeded the Ottoman Sultanate in 1923, Mustafa Kemal
Ataturk's Republic of Turkey.

Sen. Jack Reed: Members of Erdogan’s security detail should be disciplined

On May 19, Senator Jack Reed (D-R.I.) issued the following statement on Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s security detail’s attack on peaceful protesters in Washington, D.C. on May 16:

I join with all Americans in condemning the violence by President Erdogan’s bodyguards against peaceful protesters outside the Turkish embassy in Washington, DC.

It was disgraceful that the President’s bodyguards beat members of our community who were peacefully exercising their First Amendment rights.

Those members of the security detail involved in the attacks should be disciplined and the Trump Administration must make it clear to all embassies in the United States that our laws protect protesters and their right to peaceful assembly and free speech.

Pro-Erdogan group attacks peaceful protesters in Washington D.C. – Video

Armenian Weekly – A group of peaceful demonstrators protesting Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s official visit to the United States, were attacked by pro-Erdogan groups at the Sheridan Circle near the residence of the Turkish Ambassador to the U.S.

“[This was] the type of violence you would never expect to see in America’s capital. It was the type of violence you’d expect to see in Erdogan’s Turkey and in other dictatorships,” said Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA) Executive Director Aram Hamparian, who captured parts of the attack and streamed the aftermath live on the ANCA’s Facebook page. “This is the very type of intolerance that has come to predominate in Turkey and it has now been exported here,” he added.

The demonstration, which began at Lafayette Square at noon, was organized by a coalition of organizations, including the Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA) and the American Hellenic Council. Several different groups, which included representatives from the Armenian, Greek, Kurdish, and Assyrian communities, participated in the protest, while President Erdogan met with U.S. President Donald Trump a the White House.

“I saw a group of peaceful protesters in Sheridan Circle—a grassy area across from the Turkish Ambassador’s residence—who were protesting and exercising their constitutional right to speak their minds, to hold signs, to share their opinions, and express their views get rushed from across the street by a group of a pro-Erdogan [demonstrators], who broke through the police lines and attacked literally anybody within their reach with their fists and anything else they could get a hold of,” Hamparian said in the live video moments after the attack. Hamparian went on to explain that the crowd of Erdogan supporters beat as many people as they could and that many were bloodied and had to be taken to the hospital.

“This is exactly the type of violence you see in Ankara and they are exporting it here. It’s one thing for the Turkish government to do that to its own citizens—[which is] a terrible thing. It is another thing for us, as Americans, to see that exported to the United States,” Hamparian said.


President Sargsyan off to Qatar for official visit

Today, President Serzh Sargsyan left for the State of Qatar today for an official visit.

In the framework of the visit, the President of Armenia will meet with the Emir of the State of Qatar Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani.

The President is also expected to meet with the Executive Director of “Qatar Airways” Akbar Al Baker, Qatar business community and representatives of the Armenian community in capital Doha.

Armenia’s ARARAT brandy wins gold medal at Berlin International Spirits Competition

ARARAT Ani  6 years aged brandy received a gold medal at the Berlin International Spirits Competition, while Yerevan Brandy Factory won a special international award “Distillery of the Year” by a unanimous decision of judges. This year the competition was held from March 5 to 6 and featured nearly 400 spirits from more than 20 countries worldwide.

The Berlin International Spirits Competition is unique in its kind with judges being the leading professionals of the spirits industry: restaurant and top retail stores owners, distributors and importers, who have the ability to make a direct impact on brand sales.

It is worth mentioning that according to the organizers ARARAT is the first Armenian brand to ever represent Armenia in the competition throughout the entire history of the competition.

By this medal ARARAT continues the series of triumphs at  prestigious international competitions.. Among the latest awards of ARARAT  are the Gold Medal of San Francisco (SFIWSC) competition and the World Spirits Awards.

ARARAT Ani is named after the medieval capital of Armenia. The symbol of the Bagratuni royal dynasty is a gracious leopard depicted on Ani’s main gate and  can be seen on the packaging of this ARARAT brandy.

Armenia to provide families of fallen soldiers with housing

We are a nation of gardeners, but grow into a nation-army at times of trouble, President Serzh Sargsyan Sargsyan says.

“The ‘Nation-Army’ doctrine offered by the Defense Minister aims to bring up a responsible citizen in the society,” President Sargsyan said at the “Nation-Army 2017” conference dedicated to issues of the military-educational sector.

“Today’s conference is a tool for strengthening the ties between our society, especially the youth, with the Armed Forces,” he added.

The President said the state will continue to take practical steps concerning its citizens, who have chosen to be Officers. “We’ll also maintain the policy of special care for handicapped soldiers and the families of fallen servicemen,” he added.

The President said he has instructed the Ministry of Defense to take practical steps to provide the families of fallen and handicapped soldiers with housing. “The issue must be solved by 2019,” he stated.

According to the President, the best defender of the country is the one who realizes the share of his responsibility towards the Motherland.

“Responsibility is not an abstract and sublime concept. Responsible is the one who has his own corner or is at least confident that he can earn that corner with honest work,” he said.

“Nation-Army 2017” has been organized by the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Education and Science.

Representatives from the defense and education sectors, heads of public and higher education institutions, teachers, lecturers, representatives of scientific centers and NGOs have been invited to participate in the forum.

Tennis superstar Serena Williams confirms pregnancy

World number two Serena Williams is pregnant and due in the autumn, her representative has confirmed, the BBC reports.

The 35-year-old had earlier posted a picture of herself on Snapchat posing in a mirror with the message: “20 weeks”, before deleting the post.

The American, who won an Open-era record 23rd Grand Slam in Australia around 12 weeks ago, will miss the rest of the season.

This includes three Grand Slams – the French Open, Wimbledon and US Open.

Williams, who is engaged to the co-founder of community news and chat site Reddit, Alexis Ohanian, is top of the all-time list of major winners since Grand Slams accepted professional players in 1968.

She is second only to Australian Margaret Court on the list of women’s all-time Grand Slam singles titles leaders.