Serving audiences when they need it most in Armenia

June 2023

A special conference in Yerevan explored the media's vital role in crisis

In May 2023, we organised a conference, Serving audiences when they need it most: the key role of media in emergencies,  conference, in Yerevan to support our European Union-funded project, European Media Facility in Armenia.

International, local, and regional media experts came together to discuss the vital role that media plays during times of crisis. Those at the conference looked at how to provide audiences with essential and trustworthy information that can save lives, help people cope in difficult circumstances, and combat disinformation during emergencies.

The conference also featured keynote speeches, panel discussions, and workshops to provide attendees with practical insights and tools for media production and cross-sector coordination.

We followed up with some of our partners to explore their views and takeaways of the role of media in an emergency.

Susanna ShahnazaryanGoris Press Club

Susanna Shahnazaryan of Armenia’s Goris Press Club shares her thoughts on the challenges of working regional media, and what she learned from BBC Media Action’s training.

Working in regional media in a conflict region presents a number of challenges. As well as having to consider the safety of our team, we have limited resources available – including financial, people, and professional skills. There are no support departments to help us. And journalists often focus on specific topics, so it can be difficult to produce new content about emerging issues.

The skills gained during the BBC Media Action training, focusing on presenting social problems through human stories, have been very helpful for the team. Using these skills, we’re able to make our content even better by presenting a whole range of issues in each story, instead of focusing on a single story.

It’s very difficult to talk about tolerance in a conflict-affected region. We must remember the war is not yet over and we are still seeing human losses. As a result, we have to invest a lot of effort and time in the audience, when we talk about tolerance, ensuring security, and emphasising the need for development.

The BBC Media Action resources are really important. As well as enabling us to reflect on current developments in our country and what they mean for our people, they help us to look after the professional needs of the team.

As surprising as it may be, regional media in Armenia are often less politicised than national media, because political life is focused on our capital city, Yerevan. This offers our regional journalists more opportunities in terms of themes they cover. And now we are able to use new media tools to write about human interest, non-political stories.

There’s a misconception that the most important news is always in the national news. We must remember that life in the regions also plays an important part in our national landscape.

I think it was also noticeable in our discussion in Yerevan how different our challenges are, especially our risks relating to tolerance.

Comparing experiences with other similar organisations is really helpful for Armenian journalists. It would be wonderful for those working in a small editorial office to have experience with media outlets across and even outside Armenia, to see how others plan their work, and how they find their stories.

Nikolay GrigoryanDirector, Artakarg Alik Information Centre

Nikolay Grigoryan is director of the Artakarg Alik Information Centre, and has been working for many years with journalists about how to report in emergencies.

In BBC Media Action’s training, we gained respect for the BBC’s editorial standards. The editorial guidelines are very helpful and showcase some really interesting examples. As well as being thought-provoking, the guidelines were a springboard for discussing and comparing similar cases.

I think the BBC Media Action conference brought us closer to the BBC and was a great opportunity to meet local partners. It helped us find out more about their work and our common concerns.

It was very important for us all to discuss emergency communications and how we apply our knowledge, skills and journalistic ethics. It raises many questions. Is the news helpful, harmful, hindering, human-centred, or just populism or sensational?

Armenian journalists working in emergency situations have to deal with a range of challenges, not least a lack of knowledge and professionalism. As well as needing to check and verify sources, experts and eyewitnesses, they also need to think about the questions they ask. Even when attending the scene of an accident, journalists are not prepared and don’t think of those preliminary questions.

It’s also a big challenge for Armenian journalists when state institutions and officials are unavailable. Without official sources, stories may be inconsistent and not objective – but often the media is in a hurry to break news. Too often they want to make instant, exclusive, sensationalist stories. The public want the news and expect to know what’s going on. They want to know what’s happened and what the governing bodies are doing.

Having worked in numerous roles in crisis management, since establishing the Emergency Channel TV programme after the Spitak earthquake in 1988, I know reporting on emergency situations must be accurate. It has to be objective, impartial, reliable and trustworthy. I’ve covered all our disasters and wars over the last 40 years, and I know in emergency situations, a lack of accurate news creates rumours, misinformation, panic and chaos.

When dealing with crisis communications, it’s very important that everyone knows their place and role. They must recognise how information flows from the governing bodies, the response organisations, the news services, and the media.

I would welcome further work with BBC Media Action and the Emergency Channel, to provide journalists with simulated scenario training.

As well as training Armenian journalists, this opportunity could be extended to help other stakeholders, including the government, ministries and departments, utility companies, international organisations and news services.

European Media Facility in Armenia – Building Sustainable and Professional Media project is implemented by DW Akademie, BBC Media Action, Open Society Foundation – Armenia, Hetq/ Investigative Journalists NGO and Factor TV, and is funded by the European Union and the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).

Armenian military’s Chief of General Staff visits Germany for Annual Conference of European Armies


YEREVAN, JUNE 22, ARMENPRESS. The delegation led by the Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Armenia – First Deputy Minister of Defence, Major General Edward Asryan has visited Germany to attend the Annual Conference of European Armies at the invitation by the USAREURAF’s Commanding General, U.S. Army General Darryl Williams, the Ministry of Defense said on June 22.

On the first day of the Conference, Major General Edward Asryan had an informal meeting with the Chief of Staff of the U.S. Army, General James C. McConville. In the course of the Conference, a number of other meetings of the Chief of the General Staff of the Armenian Armed Forces with European partners are envisaged.
In the same format, the Chief of the General Staff met with the Commanding General of the Artillery Command, United States Army Europe and Africa (USAREURAF), Major General Stephen J. Maranian.

Iranian national sentenced to 9 years imprisonment for drug trafficking in Armenia

 15:13, 5 June 2023

YEREVAN, JUNE 5, ARMENPRESS. An Armenian court has sentenced an Iranian national to 9 years imprisonment for being an accessory to the smuggling of 350kg of heroin from the neighboring country in 2021 with intent to transport it to the Netherlands.

Armenian customs officials discovered the heroin in February 2021 during customs control.

The Iranian citizen was charged on January 8 in 2022 with accessory to smuggling narcotics, accessory to drug trafficking and conspiracy to commit smuggling of narcotics.

The Yerevan Court of General Jurisdiction found the Iranian national guilty on all charged and handed over a 9-year sentence.

Armenpress: $70 million Armenian-American steelworks under construction in Yeraskh

 17:50, 3 June 2023

YEREVAN, JUNE 3, ARMENPRESS. A major Armenian-American metallurgical plant with 70 million USD investment is under construction in Yeraskh, Minister of Economy Vahan Kerobyan said on social media.

“The plant is a 30-meter high structure with 16,500 square meters area, where the annual output will be 180,000 tons. 200 workers are already employed there, and after its launch the number of workers will be 1000,” he added.

Yerevan Expects US To ‘Adequately Respond’ To Azerbaijani Leader’s Words On Karabakh


Yerevan expects the United States to "adequate respond" to Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev's recent words about Baku being able to carry out any kind of operation in the breakaway Nagorno-Karabakh region, the Armenian Foreign Ministry said on Wednesday

MOSCOW (UrduPoint News / Sputnik – 31st May, 2023) Yerevan expects the United States to "adequate respond" to Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev's recent words about Baku being able to carry out any kind of operation in the breakaway Nagorno-Karabakh region, the Armenian Foreign Ministry said on Wednesday.

On Sunday, Aliyev said that Azerbaijan is able to conduct any operation in the breakaway region and called for the dissolution of the unrecognized republic's parliament and surrender of its president. Yerevan regarded the statement as a threat of ethnic purges, while US State Department spokesman Matthew Miller applauded Aliyev's willingness to consider amnesties for Karabakh deputies.

"We believe that the United States, based on its own values of democracy and human rights protection and its commitment and involvement in the establishment of lasting peace in the region, should adequately respond to these statements in order to prevent … attempts of ethnic cleansing in Nagorno Karabakh," the Armenian Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

The ministry added that Aliyev's words not only had offered no "dignified solutions" to the regional problems, but had also contained direct threats to Armenia's independence and sovereignty, as well as to the right of the people of Nagorno-Karabakh.

The statement emphasized that the recognition of Azerbaijani territorial integrity by Armenia did not give Baku the "authority to carry out ethnic cleansing and arbitrariness against the people of Nagorno-Karabakh."

"In the process of normalization of relations between Armenia and Azerbaijan, both the recognition of each other's territorial integrity and … addressing the rights and security of the people of Nagorno Karabakh are key," the Armenian Foreign Ministry's statement read.

On May 25, Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan and Aliyev visited Moscow and confirmed the mutual recognition of each other's territorial integrity, with Nagorno-Karabakh as part of Azerbaijan.

The decades-long conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan over Nagorno-Karabakh flared up in September 2020, marking the worst escalation since the 1990s. Hostilities ended with a Russia-brokered trilateral ceasefire declaration signed in November 2020. The two former Soviet states agreed to the deployment of Russian peacekeepers in the region. Since then, there have been occasional clashes along the border.

Armenian MP briefs Swedish envoy on pro-government colleagues’ rude behavior

Armenia – May 25 2023

Armenian independent MP Taguhi Tovmasyan, chairwoman of the National Assembly Standing Committee on Protection of Human Rights and Public Affairs, has met with Swedish Ambassador to Armenia Patrik Svensson.

"Referring to the statements made in Brussels as a result of Armenia-Azerbaijani negotiations hosted by Mr. Charles Michel, I introduced my colleague to the Decision of the Supreme Council of the Republic of Armenia on July 8, 1992, which reads "to consider any international or domestic document in which the Republic of Nagorno-Karabakh will be mentioned as a part of Azerbaijan, unacceptable for the Republic of Armenia." In this context, I alarmed that even if Nikol Pashinyan signs a document on incorporating Artsakh into Azerbaijan, a serious problem of legitimacy will appear," the deputy said in a statement after the meeting on Thursday.

"I informed Mr. Svensson that Nikol Pashinyan speaks on behalf of the whole Armenian people while already more than 300000 signatures have been collected within the framework of my initiative, named “No to the Ethnic Cleansing of Artsakh”.

"I also introduced my colleague to all of the concerns that as a result of the tripartite negotiations in fact Nikol Pashinyan recognizes the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan including Artsakh as a part of Soviet Azerbaijan in case that Azerbaijan doesn’t consider itself as the successor of Soviet Azerbaijan.

"Referring to the actions by Azerbaijan to escalate the situation in Sotk, in which nearly 800 employees couldn’t go to work, but Nikol Pashinyan discussed completely other issues in the National Assembly, I introduced my colleague that it was already unacceptable to tolerantly deal with the words voiced from the rostrum of the session hall of the National Assembly on recognizing Artsakh as a part of Azerbaijan.

"I added that in that situation I decided to make a political action as a protest, that was not to leave the rostrum which is acceptable in democratic countries. But the security servicemen removed me from the session hall using a violent force during the break time. I also introduced the Ambassador to the details of the extraordinary session of our Committee, including the use of such expressions by the MP, Secretary of the ruling Civil Contract faction Artur Hovhannisyan to the address of the candidate for the position of Ombudsman proposed by the opposition factions as “I will cut your tongue”, “I will cut your ears”.

"I also alarmed about the blasphemy by Hovik Aghazaryan, another MP from the ruling Civil Contract faction to a woman, and told that the mentioned MPs with such behavior have remained unpunished in case that Nikol Pashinyan considers Armenia as “a bastion of democracy”.           

"In his speech the Ambassador thanked for introducing him to the mentioned alarms, and assured that he had taken those messages into consideration, and will convey them to their partners at UNDP so they can incorporate relevant activities in Sweden-funded project implemented in the parliament. Mr. Svensson also expressed his concerns over such incidents in general and underlined the importance of developing and adhering to a code of conduct at the parliament," reads the statement.

Arizona Legislature affirms Artsakh right to self-determination




YEREVAN, MAY 25, ARMENPRESS. The State Legislature of the U.S. state of Arizona has affirmed the Republic of Artsakh’s (Nagorno Karabakh) right to self-determination in a proclamation issued by Arizona State House Speaker Ben Toma, reported the Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA).

“We welcome the proclamation from the Speaker of Arizona’s State Assembly recognizing Artsakh’s right to self-determination – an important step towards justice for the Armenians of Artsakh,” remarked ANCA National Board Member Zanku Armenian. “Amid Azerbaijan’s blockade of Artsakh, this demonstration of solidarity is a crucial part of our community’s ongoing efforts to raise awareness of this unfolding humanitarian catastrophe and ensure Azerbaijan is held accountable for its unabated aggression against the Armenian people. This proclamation is a testament to the tireless advocacy of Arizona’s Armenian-American community, and the ANCA looks forward to continuing to work alongside local activists in the state to ensure our community’s voice is heard at every level of government.”

Arizona Armenian community leaders Artur Artenyan and Vartan Arabyan, working in conjunction with the ANCA, spearheaded the legislative effort. The proclamation cites Artsakh as “the indigenous homeland of the Armenian people, and has been a center of Armenian cultural, political and religious life for several millennia.”

It goes on to document Soviet Azerbaijan’s decades of Artsakh oppression and post-independence aggression, “culminating in an assault on Nagorno-Karabakh in 2020 that saw Azerbaijan perpetrate war crimes against the region’s Armenian population, and resulted in Azerbaijan seizing control of 70% of Karabakh’s territory.”

The proclamation salutes the Artsakh Armenians “efforts to exercise the right to self-determination and live free from violence and repression, and by recognizing the government of Artsakh, the international community can help put to rest this century-old conflict.”

Arizona House Speaker Toma then affirms support for the “Republic of Nagorno-Karabakh’s right to self-determination, and its continuing efforts to develop as a free and independent nation, in order to guarantee its citizens those rights inherent in a free and independent society; and be it further, I encourage the United States government to strengthen and solidify our country’s economic and cultural relationship with the Artsakh Republic and its citizens and continue to promote the humanitarian and economic rehabilitation of the region.”

The full text of the Arizona legislative proclamation is provided below.



Whereas, The Republic of Nagorno Karabakh (Artsakh) is the indigenous homeland of the Armenian people, and has been a center of Armenian cultural, political, and religious life for several millennia; and

Whereas, despite its historical and cultural ties to Armenia, in 1921, Joseph Stalin arbitrarily severed Artsakh from Armenia, and placed it under the administration of Soviet Azerbaijan in violation of the national, territorial and human rights of the Armenian people; and

Whereas, following decades of oppression under Soviet Azerbaijani rule, the Armenians of Artsakh in a popular referendum voted overwhelmingly in support of exerting their right to self-determination and declared independence from the Soviet Union; and

Whereas, Azerbaijan responded to these calls for independence by force, plunging the region into a bloody conflict that ended with a ceasefire agreement that secured Nagorno-Karabakh’s self-governance; and

Whereas, in defiance of the ceasefire agreement and conflict resolution efforts, Azerbaijan continued to threaten the security and sovereignty of Artsakh in the decades following the war, culminating in an assault on Nagorno-Karabakh in 2020 that saw Azerbaijan perpetrate war crimes against the region’s Armenian population, and resulted in Azerbaijan seizing control of 70% of Karabakh’s territory; and

Whereas, The Armenians of Artsakh remain resolute in their efforts to exercise the right to self-determination and live free from violence and repression, and by recognizing the government of Artsakh, the international community can help put to rest this century-old conflict.

Therefore, I, Representative Ben Toma, Speaker of the Arizona House of Representatives, do hereby recognize and support the Republic of Nagorno-Karabakh’s right to self-determination, and its continuing efforts to develop as a free and independent nation, in order to guarantee its citizens those rights inherent in a free and independent society; and be it further, I encourage the United States government to strengthen and solidify our country’s economic and cultural relationship with the Artsakh Republic and its citizens and continue to promote the humanitarian and economic rehabilitation of the region.


Asbarez: ABMDR Performs 40th Harvesting Procedure

Anahit, the stem cell donor, with lab staff, including Dr. Andranik Mshetsyan (far right), who performed the stem cell harvesting procedure. Photo courtesy of the Armenian Bone Marrow Donor Registry

Stem Cells Harvested from Yerevan Donor, For a Chance to Save the Life of Her Brother in the U.S.

LOS ANGELES—A Yerevan resident, Anahit, donated bone marrow stem cells on May 23  to help save the life of her younger brother, who lives in the United States. The harvesting of the donated stem cells was the 40th procedure of its type facilitated by the Armenian Bone Marrow Donor Registry. It was performed in response to a donor-search request made by the National Marrow Donor Program, which is headquartered in Minneapolis, Minnesota. ABMDR is a co-op member of the National Marrow Donor Program.

The painless, non-invasive harvesting of Anahit’s donated stem cells took place at ABMDR’s Stem Cell Harvesting Center, in the Armenian capital. Thanks to the procedure, the donated stem cells were to be used for an urgent transplant that could help Anahit’s brother survive his life-threatening blood-related illness.

“Once Anahit was identified as a matched stem cell donor, she did not hesitate for a moment to donate her stem cells,” said ABMDR Executive Director Dr. Sevak Avagyan and continued, “Anahit immediately checked in at the ABMDR center in Yerevan, to undergo the stem cell harvesting procedure that could help save her brother’s life.”

Anahit, the stem cell donor, during the harvesting procedure, at ABMDR’s Stem Cell Harvesting Center in Yerevan, with ABMDR Executive Director Dr. Sevak Avagyan and other lab staff. Photo courtesy of the Armenian Bone Marrow Donor Registry ABMDR Lab technician Ani Azaryan. Photo courtesy of the Armenian Bone Marrow Donor Registry

Present at the procedure were Dr. Avagyan and ABMDR Medical Director Dr. Mihran Nazaretyan, among other medical and lab personnel. As soon as the harvesting was completed, the donated stem cells were flown to the United States via a special courier.

“We are extremely proud to be a co-op member of the National Marrow Donor Program, and delighted to be able to provide it with a matched donor for helping save a life in America,” said ABMDR President Dr. Frieda Jordan.   

“Every transplant is a challenge, involving the work of many specialists,” Dr. Jordan continued. “But once the process is set in motion, everyone involved focuses on a single goal, which is to get the donated stem cells to the patient as quickly as possible for helping them survive a potentially fatal illness.”

“This year, as we celebrate the 24th anniversary of the founding of ABMDR, I think our motto remains as urgent as ever: ‘Be an angel, save a life,'” Dr. Jordan added.

From left: Dr. Sevak Avagyan, ABMDR Medical Director Dr. Mihran Nazaretyan, and the special courier who hand-delivered the donated bone marrow stem cells to the United States to help save the life of a cancer patient. Photo courtesy of the Armenian Bone Marrow Donor Registry

Anyone in good health between the ages of 18 and 50 can register with ABMDR as a potential bone marrow stem cell donor, for a chance to save someone’s life. Given the unique genetic makeup of ethnic Armenians, ABMDR needs to maintain a robust global registry of Armenian donors.

Established in 1999, ABMDR, a nonprofit organization, helps Armenians and non-Armenians worldwide survive life-threatening blood-related illnesses by recruiting and matching donors to those requiring bone marrow stem cell transplants. To date, the registry has recruited over 33,500 donors in 44 countries across four continents, identified over 9,000 patients, and facilitated 40 bone marrow transplants. For more information, call (323) 663-3609 or visit the ABMDR website.

Armenpress: We agreed on 2 articles of the peace treaty with Azerbaijan in Washington. Mirzoyan




YEREVAN, MAY 22, ARMENPRESS.  Armenian Foreign Minister Ararat Mirzoyan presented details from the Washington negotiations. ARMENPRESS reports, Mirzoyan said during the press conference held on May 22 that some progress was made in the negotiations in Washington in the sense that it was possible to agree on two more articles of the draft peace treaty, but it is possible to agree on several other articles in a direct, long, sincere conversation.

"I can say that during these conversations, the parties understand each other's concerns, intentions and ideas very well. Apart from the two articles I mentioned, I think there is a possibility of agreement regarding the other articles as well. This is not only my assessment, I was assured by other parties as well.

Of course, there are articles and topics where the positions of the parties are quite far from each other. These are the articles that deal with the most difficult issues. But there was also quite an effective discussion in this direction," said Mirzoyan.

The Foreign Minister also reaffirmed Armenia's commitment to establishing a long-lasting, stable and dignified peace in the South Caucasus.

"Armenia cannot take constructive steps alone," said Mirzoyan.

He also mentioned that it is fundamental for Armenia to have certainty in the demarcation process.

Pashinyan presents to the Prime Minister of Malta the situation in Nagorno-Karabakh




YEREVAN, MAY 17, ARMENPRESS. Prime Minister of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan had a meeting with Prime Minister of Malta Robert Abela within the framework of the 4th Summit of the Council of Europe, ARMENPRESS was informed from the Office of the Prime Minister.

The interlocutors discussed various issues of mutual interest.

Prime Minister Pashinyan presented the situation created as a result of the humanitarian crisis in Nagorno Karabakh caused by the illegal blocking of the Lachin Corridor by Azerbaijan and attached importance to the continuous and consistent response of the international community.

The sides also exchanged views on the development of relations between Armenia and Malta and the deepening of trade and economic ties.