Newspaper: Is the shadow of US sanctions falling on Armenia?, Armenia
April 7 2018
Newspaper: Is the shadow of US sanctions falling on Armenia? Newspaper: Is the shadow of US sanctions falling on Armenia?

12:09, 07.04.2018

The United States of America has included in the list of sanctions around three dozen Russian oligarchs and officials who are considered close associates of Putin, Zhamanak newspaper writes on Saturday.

“They, in fact, are contenders for sanctions, included in the so-called Kremlin list, consisting of 200 people. The list also includes Armenians, among them billionaire Samvel Karapetyan, the only one of the three Armenians, who is directly involved in the events in Armenia and who in is also an actor in Armenia.

Of course, the US will unlikely apply sanctions against Karapetyan, but beyond all doubt, the process itself will affect him as much as it impacts the Russian elite and the economic situation.

On the other hand, several months ago, Samvel Karapetyan presented his investment plans in Armenia in the energy sector in the presence of the US Ambassador. These plans include cooperation with a well-known American company, which will become an example of large US investments in Armenia.

The economic importance of this cooperation is not so important for Samvel Karapetyan, as a political component, since it is obvious that Karapetyan is trying to create a platform for dialogue with the American side in Armenia to neutralize risks in Russia.

In this context, it is interesting to what extent this affected the elections of the Prime Minister in April, as well as the role and ambitions connected with Karen Karapetyan, since he had obvious ambitions with Karen Karapetyan’s premiership a year ago, and during the election campaign announced the creation Investors’ Club in Armenia.

It is noteworthy that on the day when the Karapetyans in Armenia announced the Investors’ Club, in Artsakh Serzh Sargsyan made a counter-statements saying he would always be there where he will be in demand for solving security problems. Afterwards, Serzh Sargsyan also participated in the presentation of a $1-billion investment program of Samvel Karapetyan, and the US ambassador was also present, but not Karen Karapetyan.

Samvel Karapetyan, of course, was included in the list of candidates for US sanctions after the events described above, but it is possible that this is aimed at controlling his activities in Armenia in order to rule out any deviation from the reached agreements, otherwise the sanctions of the Kremlin list will also be applied against him.

This is one of the scenario of further developments when it will become possible to stop the immediate engagement of a big business in politics. First it was done in February 2015, with the involvement of Samvel Karapetyan,” Zhamanak writes.

ACNIS reView #11, 2018: Արմեն Գրիգորյան. Ազատ քաղաքացի ունենալու համար պայքարելու խնդիր կա


Արմեն Գրիգորյան. Ազատ քաղաքացի ունենալու համար պայքարելու խնդիր կա

ՄԱՐՏԻ 30​ 2018 


 Արմեն, այսօր շատ երիտասարդների համար քաղաքականությունը դարձել է սողալու, «պառկելու», առաջ գնալու միջոց, այլ ոչ թե պայքարելու, իրավիճակը փոխելու հնարավորություն: Համաձա՞յն եք այս ձեւակերպմանը:

– Այո, այդպես է ցավոք: Մենք այսօր ունենք մի իրավիճակ, որտեղ բոլոր ռեսուրսներն իր ձեռքում կենտրոնացրած ավտորիտար վարչակարգը քաղաքացիներին գրեթե լիովին զրկել է զարգանալու հնարավորությունից: Առաջխաղացման, կարիերա անելու միակ ճանապարհն անցնում է Հանրապետական կուսակցության «թրի տակով»: Այդպիսով` մարդկանց, մասնավորապես երիտասարդության մի մասին ստիպում են միանալ իշխող կուսակցությանը, որը միայն ձախողումներ է արձանագրում բոլոր ոլորտներում: Ձախողումներ, որոնց մեջ դու չես կարող ավելի լավ Հայաստան ունենալու համար պայքարել, հարկադրված ես լինում պայքարել, այսպես ասած, «պառկած» դիրքով: 

 Ինչպե՞ս կարելի է պայքարը գրավիչ դարձնել երիտասարդների համար: Ի՞նչ են նրանք ուզում, ո՞րն է նպատակը, ի՞նչ կարող ես դու առաջարկել նրանց:

– Կարծում եմ, երիտասարդների համար ամենակարեւոր արժեքներից մեկը հենց ազատությունն է: Դա այն կարեւոր գաղափարներից է, որի համար մեր ժողովուրդը երկար տարիներ պայքարել է: Հիմնարար ազատությունը, որի համար մենք պայքարի որոշակի ճանապարհ ենք անցել, սեփական ինքնության պահպանումն է, այսինքն՝ հայ մնալու, ազգային դիմագիծը չկորցնելու ջանադրությունը: Խելահեղ 21-րդ դարում դա այնքան չէլ դյուրին առաջադրանք չէ, բայց դժվարին պայքարի արդյունք է նաեւ, որ ներկայում ունենք ամենակարեւորը` մեր անկախ պետությունը, չնայած դրա լիակատար կայացման փուլը տակավին ավարտված չէ: Այժմ պայքարի ուժագիծն ուղղված է ազատ մտածող եւ ազատ գործող քաղաքացիներ թրծելու հրամայականին: Ասում եմ` «հրամայական», նկատի ունենալով, որ պետություն կայացնողը տվյալ հասարակության ազատ քաղաքացիներ են: Հենց դրանով էլ հիմա մենք զբաղվում ենք թե´ առանձին-առանձին, թե´ խմբերի բաժանված: Բազմաթիվ քաղաքացիական նախաձեռնություններ Հայաստանում այդ պայքարի դրական փորձ են կուտակել` սկսած Մաշտոցի պուրակից եւ վերջացրած այսօրվա ամենահրատապ օրակարգով: Բոլոր այդ պայքարների կիզակետում քաղաքացու հիմնարար ազատությունների խնդիրն է: Այդ ճակատում պայքարի առաջամարտիկներից մեկը, օրինակ, ուսանողների «ԵՊՀ Ռեստարտ» խումբն է, որն առաջնորդվում է մեր ուղենշած տարբերակով` «Մենք ենք որոշում մեր ներկան եւ ապագան» կարգախոսի ոգով: Համոզված ենք, որ այդ գիտակցված պայքարի միջոցով հնարավոր է ձեռք բերել այն ազատությունը, որի մասին երազում ենք: Ինչ վերաբերում է ազատությանը սերտորեն առնչվող` քաղաքացու իրավունքին, ապա այն մեզանում արտահայտվում կամ իրացվում է երկու ձեւով` ընտրությունների միջոցով, որի ինստիտուտը մեր երկրում դեռ չի կայացել, հետեւաբար` ընտրության միջոցով քաղաքացիները չեն կարողանում ազատ որոշել իրենց ապագան, եւ փողոցային պայքարով, որով նույնպես հնարավոր է հաստատել քաղաքացու ազատությունները: 

 Սերժ Սարգսյանի վերարտադրության մասին: Ակնհայտ է, որ կա կրավորականորեն արտահայտված հասարակական դժգոհություն, սակայն ի՞նչ գաղափարների, խնդիրների շուրջ սա կարելի է վերածելիրական ընդվզման:

– Այս համակարգը, որը մեծ հաշվով ազատություններ չի տալիս, այլ ընդհակառակը` կապանք է քաղաքացու ձեռքին, պիտի քանդել, որպեսզի ավտորիտար վարչակարգը մեկընդմիշտ վերանա, եւ երկրում թեւածի ազատության շունչը: Այսօր շատ է քննարկվում Ասյա Խաչատրյանի դեպքը, ով լինելով ազատամիտ գաղափարների ու մոտեցումների կրող, խնդիրներ է առաջացրել ոստիկանության համար, եւ վերջինս փորձել է ճնշել այդ ազատությունները: Համախմբման առանցքում պետք է դրվի ազատության գաղափարը, լայնորեն տարածվի ու իրենով վարակի հանրությանը, դառնա շատ կարեւոր խթան: Դրա համար հարկավոր է փոքր խմբերով ընդգրկել հնարավորինս ավելի ընդարձակ տիրույթներ: Նույն ուսանողների «ԵՊՀ Ռեստարտը» գործունեություն է ծավալում գլխավորապես ուսանողական ազատությունների ճակատում, քաղհասարակությունն իր, ինչպես նաեւ բիզնեսի ոլորտում է գործում, որպեսզի պետությունը չխոչընդոտի ձեռներեցության զարգացմանը: Բոլոր խմբերի համար համընդհանուր պայքարի վայրն առաջիկա քաղաքական զարգացումների դաշտն է եւ ուղղված է Սերժ Սարգսյանի վարչապետության բացառմանը, որպեսզի ճանապարհ բացվի գլոբալ փոփոխությունների ու ավելի մեծ ազատությունների առջեւ: Սերժ Սարգսյանն այդ ազատությունների ճանապարհին, այսպես ասեմ, մի մեծ սեւաքար է, որը պետք է հեռացնել: 

 Սերժ Սարգսյանը խոստացել է վարչապետ դառնալու դեպքում ավելի մեծ ժամանակ հատկացնել իրենհաջորդող երիտասարդ սերնդի պատրաստման գործին: Հանրապետականների ո՞ր հատվածի մասին էխոսքը: Ապագայում ի՞նչ կարգի քաղաքական գործիչներ, կարծում եք, նկատի ունի Սերժ Սարգսյանը:

– Ընդհանրապես` Սերժ Սարգսյանի ասածներին լուրջ վերաբերվելը մի քիչ խնդրահարույց է, որովհետեւ այս 10 տարիների ընթացքում նրա բերանից այնքան սուտ ու կեղծիքներ են հնչել, որ դժվար է նույնիսկ մեկ ժամանոց հարցազրույցում բոլորը թվարկել: Ընդհանուր առմամբ, Սերժ Սարգսյանն ակնարկել է, որ փորձելու է ժառանգորդ պատրաստել, որպեսզի իրենից հետո ղեկավարի երկիրը: Քանի որ ինքը ավտորիտար ռեժիմի ներկայացուցիչ է, դրանից կարելի է եզրակացնել, որ նրա պատկերացումները համապատասխանաբար այդպիսի ռեժիմի շրջանակում են: Հետեւապես համոզված եմ, որ նրա պատկերացրած երիտասարդ քաղաքական լիդերը նոր-նոր հազիվ մանկապարտեզ է հաճախում: Դեռ նա պետք է մեծանա, դպրոցն ավարտի, համալսարան սովորի, հետո աշխատի, յուրացնի Սարգսյանի փորձը եւ նոր փոխարինի նրան: Այսինքն` գործող նախագահը մոտ 30 տարվա հեռանկարային ծրագրի հույս է փայփայում: Նրա պատկերացումներն այդ առումով խիստ բրեժնեւյան են, եւ վախենամ այդ ընթացքում երկիրն ընկղմվի ոչ այնքան հեռավոր անցյալի լճացման բավիղներում: Ահա թե ինչու շատ կարեւոր է նրա վարչապետության ծրագրի խափանումը:


Հարցազրույցը վարեց Գեւորգ Ղահրամանյանը

Sports: The Footballer More Famous Than The Kardashians – COPA90’s film about Mkhitaryan

ArmenPress, Armenia
The Footballer More Famous Than The Kardashians – COPA90's film about Mkhitaryan

YEREVAN, MARCH 31, ARMENPRESS. Copa90 presented a short film about Henrikh Mkhitaryan, captain of the Armenian national football team and midfielder of London’s Arsenal.

The film is titled The Footballer More Famous Than The Kardashians, a reference to the internationally popular Armenian-American reality TV stars, and how Mkhitaryan rose to worldwide fame – perhaps even surpassing the socialite family’s popularity as the informal “most famous Armenians”.

In the video, the Armenian international talks about his career and the path to Arsenal.

English –translator/editor: Stepan Kocharyan

ՄԱԿ-ի Փախստականների հարցերով գերագույն հանձնակատարի հայաստանյան գրասենյակի պատվիրակությունն այցելեց Սփյուռքի նախարարություն

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ANCA calls US Congress to support the bill of $ 70 mln aid to Armenia and Artsakh

ARMINFO News Agency, Armenia
March 9, 2018 Friday
ANCA calls US Congress to support the bill of $ 70 mln aid to Armenia and Artsakh
Yerevan March 09
Naira Badalyan. In a letter circulated for signatures today to their U.S. House colleagues, the Congressional Armenian Caucus is calling upon Chairman Hal Rogers (R-KY) and Ranking Member Nita Lowey (D-NY) of the Appropriations Subcommittee on Foreign Operations to back a $70 million Fiscal Year 2019 aid package for Artsakh and Armenia, reported the Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA).
"We want to thank Congressman Pallone and his colleagues in the leadership of the Armenian Caucus for seeking the support of their U.S. House colleagues for a 'peace and prosperity,' aid package for Artsakh and Armenia," said ANCA Executive Director Aram Hamparian. "The common sense policy prescriptions and targeted appropriations they are calling for will return long-term dividends for U.S. security and economic interests while helping to advance American values across the region for decades to come." The dollar amounts and policy priorities requested by the Armenian Caucus, which annually spearheads bipartisan efforts to secure support for Armenian-related aid appropriation, align with ANCA testimony submitted last month to the Senate panel writing the foreign aid bill: — Artsakh: $6 million to complete de-mining and rehabilitate the disabled, $4 million to promote peace via the Royce-Engel proposals;– Armenia: $30 million in economic aid, $10 million in military aid, and $20 million to help Armenia serve as a safe haven for Middle East refugees;– Azerbaijan: Suspend all U.S. military assistance and strengthen Section 907 of the FREEDOM Support Act The ANCA has also called upon Congressional appropriators to encourage the Trump Administration to make full use of the U.S.-Armenia Trade and Investment Framework Agreement (TIFA) and Economic Task Force, and, most urgently, to move forward with the long-overdue negotiation of a modern U.S. Armenia Double Tax Treaty.

U.S. Ambassador Mills Unveils Plans to Expand Yerevan American Corner

Targeted News Service
March 2, 2018 Friday 6:31 AM EST
U.S. Ambassador Mills Unveils Plans to Expand Yerevan American Corner
YEREVAN, Armenia
The U.S. Embassy in Armenia issued the following news:
On March 2, U.S. Ambassador to Armenia Richard Mills, Jr., announced plans to expand the Yerevan American Corner during a ceremony in which he was presented with the Avetik Isahakyan Medal in recognition of his contribution to the development of the Yerevan City Central Library.
"While you present this award to me, it is important to note that I stand on the shoulders of many Americans and Armenians who over the years of our partnership developed the Corner into a vital and lasting bridge between our countries and our people," he said as Library Director Hasmik Karapetyan presented him with the honor. "Together we ensure that the Isahakyan Library and the American Corner continue to be the first stop for thousands of students, teachers, and researchers who seek to broaden their knowledge, expand their views, and enrich their lives."
During the ceremony, Ambassador Mills took the opportunity to announce that the Yerevan American Corner would soon expand. The current location in the Isahakyan Library will continue, but a new American Corner TechnoLab at the Yerevan City Library Branch #33, after Lyudmila Motalova, which is located on Kievyan Street. Patrons from all over the city will be able to go to the new American Corner TechnoLab for free access to 3D printers, computers, electronics, gaming and creative tools.
"These are the resources Armenians need to develop their skills for the digital age. I am excited about this expansion of our Yerevan Corner, one of the most vibrant American Corners in the world," Ambassador Mills said.
Since its founding in April 2005 as the first American Corner in Armenia, more than 210,000 people have visited the Yerevan American Corner to borrow books and magazines, conduct research online, get hands-on sessions with cutting edge technology, and improve their English by joining lectures, discussions, and debates.
The U.S. Embassy operates five American Corners in Armenia – in Yerevan, Gyumri, Vanadzor, Charentsavan, and Kapan. All their programs are free and open to the public. Details of their programs and events can be found here:
March 2 was also the U.S. National Endowment for the Arts' Read Across America Day, an annual effort to encourage young people to read. The day is the birthday of beloved children's author Dr. Seuss. So, before the medal presentation Ambassador Mills joined several young American Corner patrons in reading one of Dr. Seuss' classic books.
The U.S. National Endowment for the Arts encourages reading to children because research has shown that children who are motivated and spend more time reading do better in school.

Sarkissian holds only Armenian passport since renunciation of UK citizenship in 2011


Presidential candidate Armen Sarkissian assures that he has given up dual citizenship in 2011 and holds Armenian citizenship only.

Speaking during the parliamentary debates on the election of the 4th president of Armenia in response to a question from opposition MP Artak Zeylanyan, Sarkissian said he renounced his UK citizenship on December 2, 2011 and from that day he holds Armenian citizenship only.

“On December 2, 2011, when I couldn’t even dream that the Constitution of Armenia can change and I would be standing here answering your questions, I applied [for renunciation] and hold solely Armenian citizenship since then,” Sarkissian said.

He further added that he had applied for UK citizenship back in 2000 after resigning as Ambassador of Armenia to the UK.

“It was necessary for my activities because I wasn’t thinking about service after it. I was granted citizenship after two years since applying, but during those years I felt myself as citizen of Armenia, which was reflected in my activities”, he said.

He stressed that if a person doesn’t hold dual citizenship in Great Britain, stripping someone from citizenship is a rather difficult process, but if a person holds dual citizenship there is no process of denying a renunciation application.

According to Sarkissian, when a dual citizenship holder applies for renouncing citizenship in the UK, the application is granted immediately.

Earlier in January Armen Sarkissian, Armenia’s Ambassador to the United Kingdom, was offered by incumbent President Serzh Sargsyan, who also serves as President of the country’s ruling Republican Party, to be the party’s candidate for the upcoming presidential elections. Sarkissian initially requested a brief period of time for pondering the offer, and in the meanwhile held various meetings with political parties, civil society representatives, Diaspora structures and others, and subsequently agreed to be nominated.

Few days later the HHK and the ARF, the ruling coalition, officially nominated Sarkissian’s candidacy for the presidential election. The election will take place March 2 in the parliament.

Eurovision Song Contest: Preview for the national final in Armenia

ESC Daily
Feb 24 2018
Ani Shahoyan (Armenia)
'Asmik' takes part in Depi Evratesil again

In the last few days the semi finals of Depi Evratesil took place in Armenia where 10 artists out of 20 advanced to the final with 5 finalists from each semifinal. Our reporter Ani Shahoyan will now look ahead to that final on Sunday!

One of the biggest names of this year’s contest Tamar Kaprelian, who represented Armenia as a member of Genealogy in the  2015 Eurovision Song Contest, was eliminated in the first semifinal which shocked many fans as in Armenia as abroad. On February 25, the winner and Armenian representative  for Lisbon will be determined by SMS voting and international jury. Below are comments on each finalist separately.

Hasmik Shiroyan is perhaps the most wanted artist to sing in Eurovision for many Armenians. Last year when she was eliminated in the first edition of Depi Evratesil, it triggered a huge complains among the fans as she was a favorite for many. Hasmik was hesitating to take part in this year’s contest however see the motivation of her fans she committed again. She returns to the contest with the aim of victory only and has gathered a big team on this purpose.

Her international team includes Neil Ormandy, Marli Harwood  and HAJ who have worked with artists like James Arthur Kelly Clarkson and many others. Her song for Depi Evratesil “You and I” is up tempo pop which bring cheerful vibes to her audience. She seems close to the victory, however she needs to perform better vocals in the final.

Last year Gevorg Harutyunyan participated in the first edition of Depi Evratesil. Being in the team Inga he managed to show his vocals and dancing talent as his performances were full of artistic play and dance. Besides, he performed songs penned by himself. This year as well he is composer of his own song. While performing his song “Stand up” with some ethno elements in it, he feels his song and delivers his message through his specific vocals, dance show and emotions.

However, it will be difficult to convince everyone with this type of song and performance. Gevorg  states that music and dance are important part of his life and he dreams seriously to sing on Eurovision stage. So it seems like if he is not strong enough for winning Armenian Final then he would do everything to reach for his dream.

Lusine was Tamar Kaprelian’s student in Nvak Foundation, where she started her first steps in professional singing. Although Tamar herself didn’t make it to the final being in the same semifinal of Depi Evratesil, she was still happy to see her student qualifying to the  final. During performance Lusine is in black and white outfit and during her performance the screen remains black and white.  Lusine’s song is a low-tempo ballad which she has composed herself. During her performance she makes a few vocalic errors which she has to improve for the final.

Mger is one of the famous artists of this contest for Armenians as he is an honored artist of Armenia. He has represented Armenia in international contest like Novaya Volna. He was a runner up in the 2009 Armenian national selection which was not called Depi Evratesil  back then. However after nine years he tries himself once again to reach the popular stage of European contest. His vocals are one of the strongest in the contest however we will see if his stage performance and song about longing to live forever will help him to win a ticket to Lisbon.

The band decided to take part in this contest because of the motivation of their fans as they have  acquired a  huge FanClub on social media who give them a great support and inspiration. For Depi Evratesil they perform their own song ’I am a lier”.  The members of the rock band that want to have a nice time in Eurovison and see Portugal keep their vocals strong and confident. During their performance “No Show, Enjoy the music” is displayed on the backdrops which itself is a nice flavor of their show. Nemra is one of the serious contenders and top favorites to win the Armenian Final.

Robert Koloyan sings from his early childhood. Apart from singing he is also a professional Photographer whose pictures got their places in the online version of Italian Vogue. His song “Take away with us” is about time and Robert tells that time is the most important thing that people have.  For his staging he is dressed I black and white on a chess board with his dancers.  Chess figures are displayed on his blackdrops. His vocals were not bad but perhaps he should try better for the final. T It doesn’t seem that this act will represent Armenia, however, it still can reach a good place in the Armeanian final.

Kamil is a humorous character by Arsen Grigoryan who in his turn in real life is a quite serious and talented artist. He is both known for his acting and singing career. However, while taking part in comedy shows he has created this character of confident and somehow arrogant Kamil. It is worthy to mention that Kamil also has three backing vocalists who provide the act with great vocals.

Kamil’s show with Spanish song “Puerto Rico”has been one of the most discussed acts of this contest. It is liked by many Eurovision fans but at the same time it is also criticized by many others both in Armenia and abroad. However, we will see if Armenia agrees with the humorous act and decides to take Eurovision less seriously by sending Kamil. Still good result in Eurovision with this act is not excluded either.

Amalya is known for Eurovision fans for her participation in last year’s episode of Depi Evratesil followed by her experience in Eurvision Song Contest 2017 as backing vocalist for Artsvik. She states that she was not ready for victory last year indicating that she retrns to competition  with better experience and better intentions. Amalya has also participated in talen shows like the voice of Russia and Ukraine. Amalya has co-written her own song for Depi Evratesil, which is about hope and light.

She sings it with tied eyes and unties only in the middle of the song (maybe indicating that she hopes and reaches the light). She says that her dream to represent Armenia in Eurovision is like this bright light for which she waits hopefully. Amalya also opens her wings in the end of her song as huge wings appear on her back on the backdrops.

Sevak is another serious contender for many people with determined intetons to win the contest. Sevak has won the 7th edition of Ukrainian X- factor and is among the judges of the Voice of Armenia. He composed his own song for Depi Evratesil “Qami” (Wind) in Armenian. His staging for the contest is simple but memorable at the same time as he is alone in a black outfitwith his vest reminding of an ancient Greek armor. Sevak delivers his song emotionally with strong vocals.

Mariam is fond of songwriting and she was happy to hear of Depi Evratesil which is an oprtunity for her to present her own song. She takes part in the competition with the song Fade which she delivers with flawless vocals with simple staging.  Mariam has recently won Serj Tankian’s 7 Notes music challenge. Let’s see if she can record another victory on Depi Evratesil Stage in Armenian Final.

It seems like the top will comprise Hasmik Shiroyan, Nemra, Sevak Khanagyan, Kamil Show and Mger Armenia. All in all, Armenia has organized a good show with a new and different format from that of last year (link to the article to be added). However it doesn’t seem like there is 100% winner for Eurovision among the acts that we have seen during the semifinals, although a lot can be changed in the Eurovision show.

View all videos at the link below:

Far-right German politician lashes out at Turks as ‘camel herders’

Deutsche Presse-Agentur, Germany
 Wednesday 8:41 PM EST

Far-right German politician lashes out at Turks as 'camel herders'

Dresden, Germany

DPA POLITICS Germany politics AfD  Far-right German politician lashes
out at Turks as 'camel herders' Dresden, Germany
Germany's Turkish community got slammed as
"camel herders" on Wednesday by a leading member of the far-right
Alternative for Germany (AfD) party who was incensed by opposition to
a proposed new ministry.

The proposed home affairs ministry came up last week amid talks
around forming the next German government. The plan would see
Bavaria's conservative premier Horst Seehofer take on the Interior
Ministry portfolio, but with the agency expanded to include a special
focus on home affairs.

That would likely mean more efforts to boost underdeveloped parts of
the country. But several Turkish groups have opposed the concept,
saying the new addition - a Heimatministerium - reminds of historical
concepts of a German homeland, popular in the Nazi era, that might
divide the country rather than unite it.

But the plan is popular with the AfD, which bounced into the German
Bundestag in last year's elections and has only seen its support grow
amid political bickering by the more established parties.

"These caraway traders have the genocide of 1.5 million Armenians
weighing them down ... and they want to tell us something about
history and homeland? They're nuts. These camel herders should set
off to where they belong."

He was referring to the World War I-era deaths of hundreds of
thousands of Armenians in Turkey, an event that has been recognized
as a genocide by several countries, despite Turkey's rejection of the

He also lashed out at calls by the country's Turkish community for
dual citizenship, which he said results in nothing "but homeland- and
fatherland-less riff-raff."

ANCC’s Statement on the 30th Anniversary of the "Karabakh Movement"

National Committee of Canada

National Arménien du Canada


Tel./Tél. (613) 235-2622

E-mail/Courriel:[email protected]





                                                                           Contact: Sevag Belian (613) 235-2622



The Struggle Continues for a
Free Artsakh…


ANCC’s Statement on the 30th Anniversary of the "Karabakh



Ottawa – Today marks the 30th anniversary of the
"Karabakh Movement", the very movement that courageously tore down
the Soviet walls of silence to grant the people of Artsakh (formerly known as
Nagorno-Karabakh) the freedom and dignity that they continue to struggle for


On February 13, 1988, the freedom loving people of Artsakh
marched in unison in major demonstrations in the capital city of Stepanakert,
demanding for their homeland to be partitioned from the illegal soviet
machinated merger to Azerbaijan.


In what was seen as a protest against the Soviet
administration of that time, the Armenian population of Artsakh demanded their
rights under full compliance with the laws and constitution of the Union of
Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR). The Karabakh Movement was the first
_expression_ of people’s right to self determination in the Soviet Union and
Eastern Bloc, which led directly to the movements that brought about the fall
of the Berlin Wall, the revolutions in Eastern Europe and the freedom of the
former Soviet republics.


"What came after the demonstrations was the beginning
of the current fate facing the people of Artsakh… their struggle to live in
peace and freedom, free of any Azeri aggression and violence" said Shahen
Mirakian, president of the Armenian National Committee of Canada.


Shortly after their rightful _expression_ of freedom, the
Armenians of Artsakh were faced by unrepentant aggression from neighbouring
Azerbaijan, which eventually resulted in full-scale war in the early 1990's,
lasting until 1994.


Despite a 1994 ceasefire agreement, Azerbaijan has steadily
continued to carry out attacks against Artsakh. The most recent large-scale
ceasefire violation, which occurred in April 2016, was unprecedented in its
scale, duration, and number of civilian casualties. Ever since, and almost on
daily basis, innocent soldiers and civilians are killed, due to unsanctioned
Azeri aggression. 


"Since 1994, the Artsakh side has tirelessly reiterated
its commitment to reach a viable and a peaceful resolution to this conflict
that respects the right to self-determination of the Armenian population and
recognizes the territorial integrity of Artsakh, However, Azerbaijan’s
bellicose and unconstructive campaign of aggression continues to threaten a
resumption of war and bloodshed" said Mirakian.


"Despite all the hardships faced today, Artsakh stands
as a beacon of democracy, hope and freedom that throughout the years has
strongly demonstrated its commitment to peace and its ability in becoming a
sovereign nation, worthy of international recognition" concluded Mirakian.








The ANCC is the largest and the most influential Armenian-Canadian
grassroots human rights organization. Working in coordination with a network of
offices, chapters, and supporters throughout Canada and affiliated
organizations around the world, the ANCC actively advances the concerns of the Armenian-Canadian
community on a broad range of issues and works to eliminate abuses of human
rights throughout Canada and the world.

Sevag Belian – Executive Director
Armenian National Committee of Canada
T: (613) 235-2622 | C: (905) 329-8526