AGBU Press Office
55 East 59th Street
New York, NY 10022-1112


It is with profound sadness that we mark the loss of Mr. Patrick Devedjian, a 
noble French statesman and a champion of all Armenians, who passed away over the 

Leading with grace and dignity, Mr. Devedjian was the consummate civil servant. 
From lawyer to minister, parliamentarian to president, and most recently as 
president of the Paris Haut-de-Seine District, he was recognized for his 
prominent career as an attorney who ceaselessly advocated for human rights. His 
strong convictions have left a deep imprint on the laws for which he fought and 
the lives he touched throughout his public life. 

Among his many impassioned causes, he ensured that the voice of French-Armenians 
was heard. His relentless pursuit of justice to achieve recognition of the 
Armenian Genocide led to the passage of groundbreaking legislation in France.

AGBU was honored to work with Mr. Devedjian over the years and we extend our 
sincere condolences to his wife, children, grandchildren and the entire Armenian 
community in France. He leaves behind an inspiring legacy of standing up for 
truth and justice against all odds. Thank you Mr. Devedjian for all you have 
done for your people.  


During the 90th General Assembly held in Paris in February 2019, the AGBU 
Central Board of Directors awarded Mr. Devedjian with the Boghos Nubar Prize, 
the highest distinction conferred by AGBU to community members who work 
tirelessly in service of society. 

The following speech by AGBU President Berge Setrakian was delivered on the 
occasion of this award, as a last tribute to the man, to the compatriot and to 
the legacy he leaves for future generations.

Monsieur le Ministre, cher Patrick,
Il y a ceux qui veulent se rendre honorable par la politique, et ceux qui 
veulent rendre la politique honorable. 

Il y a ceux pour qui, oublier ses racines est la condition de la réussite, et 
ceux qui tirent leur force et leur courage de ces racines qu’on veut leur faire 

Il y a ceux, enfin, qui veulent laisser une trace dans l’Histoire, et ceux qui y 
parviennent parce qu’ils inscrivent leur vie dans l’Histoire.

Entre les uns et les autres, Cher Président, Cher Patrick, tu te reconnaîtras.
Mais pour ceux qui ne te reconnaîtront pas, il suffira d’évoquer ces onze années 
passées à la présidence du Département des Hauts-de-Seine dont la gestion, après 
avoir été longtemps « les écuries d’Augias » de la politique française, est 
devenue aujourd’hui le modèle français de la rigueur et de la probité.

Il suffirait également d’évoquer ces trois ministères, aux Libertés Locales, à 
l’Industrie et à la Relance économique que tu as occupés sous deux présidents, 
et de ces mandats passés à la Mairie d’Antony, où pendant dix-huit ans sans 
discontinuer, tes électeurs t’ont renouvelé leur confiance. Après trente cinq 
ans de vie politique, tu fais partie de ces hommes politiques qui, parce qu’ils 
ont été hommes d’honneur, ont rendu l’honneur à la politique.
C’est ce sens de l’honneur et ce sens du service, et pour une part, ce sens du 
sacrifice de soi, qui te fait l’héritier d’un autre grand soldat de la 
République, arménien d’origine lui aussi, qui a été un des premiers à rendre, au 
prix de sa vie, son honneur à la France. Je veux parler de Missak Manouchian.
Tu en es l’héritier au sens symbolique du terme, mais aussi, d’une certaine 
manière, au sens réel, quand on sait le soin que tu as pris, personnellement, 
jusqu’à la fin, au bien-être de son épouse Méliné Manouchian.
Lors du procès des quatre de l’Opération Van qui avaient pris d’assaut le 
consulat de Turquie en 1981, elle avait dit en désignant ces hommes qui se 
tenaient devant elle dans le prétoire : « Ce sont tous mes enfants ».  Tu 
faisais partie de ces hommes, toi qui fus l’avocat, dès la première heure, de 
ces combattants de la mémoire. Tu étais à leur côté, alors même que tu faisais 
campagne pour ton premier mandat de maire, conscient du poids que cet acte de 
conviction et de courage pouvait avoir sur ta carrière. Tu étais le défenseur de 
la Cause Arménienne avant de devenir le défenseur de la République, au nom de 
cette valeur commune avec Missak Manouchian, l’exigence de justice.

Mais ton combat pour la justice ne s’est pas arrêté là. Alors que grâce à 
l’ensemble de ces actions, le Génocide des Arméniens entrait dans l’espace 
public français ; il entra, par ton action personnelle, dans la loi française, 
celle du 29 janvier 2001. La vaste campagne négationniste qui l’a suivie a 
conduit l’Assemblée Nationale à examiner une nouvelle loi, pénalisant le 
négationnisme du génocide des Arméniens. Tu en fus l’un des défenseurs, certain 
que cette loi, visant la propagande d’un Etat étranger sur le sol français, 
n’était en rien incompatible avec la liberté d’expression qui te tient tant à 
A tous ces combats, en succéda un autre : celui mené pour la survie de 

En 2008, l’Arménie fut classée parmi les pays les plus pauvres de la planète. A 
ce titre, elle entrait dans le cadre de la coopération décentralisée du 
département des Hauts-de-Seine que tu commençais à présider. Un an après, le 6 
janvier 2009, tu signais avec le Fonds Arménien de France une convention en 
faveur du développement durable agro-pastoral dans le Tavoush. Aujourd’hui, dix 
ans après, en 2019, ce programme est plus que jamais actif et productif, et 
constitue un modèle de rigueur dans sa gestion et un exemple d’efficacité dans 
ses résultats. Grâce à l’action du Département des Hauts-de-Seine et ton action, 
le Tavoush est aujourd’hui un petit bout de la terre de France en Arménie.
Tout comme Aznavour dans l’art, tu es devenu, ne t’en déplaise, pour les 
Arméniens d’Arménie et de la Diaspora, l’emblème de la réussite, de la probité 
et du courage en politique. Certes, l’UGAB veut t’honorer parce que tu es ce que 
tu es, parce que tu fais ce que tu fais, mais elle veut aussi t’honorer pour ce 
que tu représentes aux yeux des générations futures, pour ces jeunes que l’UGAB 
veut accompagner dans leur rêve et leur désir d’excellence. C’est parce que tu 
démontres, par ton action et tes valeurs, que leurs rêves et leurs désirs 
peuvent se réaliser dans l’efficacité et le respect de l’éthique, que nous 
voulons te remercier aujourd’hui. Tu es, comme dit l’expression, le phare qui 
leur montre le chemin.
Et chaque fois que des jeunes voudront se dédier à la vie publique, à la vie 
politique, avec toutes les valeurs qui sont les tiennes, l’UGAB te montrera du 
doigt, et leur dira : suivez son exemple, cet homme d’honneur est notre honneur 
à tous.
Berge Setrakian

The Armenian General Benevolent Union (AGBU) is the world’s largest non-profit 
organization devoted to upholding the Armenian heritage through educational, 
cultural and humanitarian programs. Each year, AGBU is committed to making a 
difference in the lives of 500,000 people across Armenia, Artsakh and the 
Armenian diaspora.  Since 1906, AGBU has remained true to one overarching goal: 
to create a foundation for the prosperity of all Armenians. To learn more visit 


ACNIS reView from Yerevan #10, 2020_Editorial_What is Missing in Armenian Society?


21 MARCH 2020  

A nation’s degree of advancement is reflected in its capacity for social consolidation in times of danger or anxiety.  It is during such periods that a public’s sense of solidarity, mutual respect, and responsibility become apparent.  In Armenia, as in many other countries, a state of emergency has been declared.

One can expect that in the future, when the coronavirus is a thing of the past, sociologists will conduct interesting studies on how various communities behaved at times of emergencies.  China showed an exceptional example of an organized state, which is difficult to say in the case of Western democratic countries.  Korea and Vietnam also stood out with their organizational skills.

Many are now discussing the superiority of the Asian race with respect to cohesion and taking on responsibility, as well as the benefits of a strong state–as opposed to Western democracies.  In such situations, the role of the centralized state is especially important.  For the Italians, the complicated situation was the opportunity to show solidarity through singing.  Italians are known for their national and mostly individual affinity for art.

In the United States, increase in food production has been paralleled with increase in arms sales.  That too has its explanation.  In a state of general panic, Americans think of self-defense, which is also typical of a people who stay loyal to the slogan “My home is my castle.” The Germans, as always, are meticulously reasoned, disciplined, and organized.  These have been indispensable features of the German nation’s behavior for centuries. Our history of the past thirty years shows that in times of danger, as it was during the days of the Artsakh war and the four-day war in April 2016, we have shown brilliant examples of a national clenched fist.  The large-scale demonstrations of 1996, 2008, 2013, and 2018 are also evidence of the ability to consolidate and self-organize, which also bear clear testimony to the potential of Armenian unity.  But now we seem to have run out of our erstwhile reserves of unity and harmony.  What is the reason?

In the state of emergency declared in connection with the coronavirus, our society, unfortunately, does not show solidarity and expressions of responsibility and respect for one another, as in the times mentioned above.  The sense of danger is especially characteristic of small nations.  Small communities are easier to unite and have a stronger instinct for self-defense.  Such qualities have always been characteristic of our nation.

But there are times when societies split.  We seem to be living in such a time.  We cannot overcome the phase of dichotomy that began during the 2018 power shift, and the reason for the separation is not between the “old” and the “new.”  The “old ones” can be only a few hundred people, but the dividing lines are in the tens of thousands.  From 2018 onwards we are unable to come to a social and political agreement, which is manifested by continuing accusations of hostility, hatred and malice, especially on social networks.

The political nation must and can agree on the rules of the game acceptable to all parties and a common value system.  It seems that this is what the Armenian society is missing today.


COVID-19: All suspected cases among Armenia’s prisoners test negative

COVID-19: All suspected cases among Armenia's prisoners test negative




YEREVAN, MARCH 25, ARMENPRESS. No coronavirus case has been detected among prisoners in Armenia’s correctional facilities, all test results were negative, Justice Minister Rustam Badasyan said in the Parliament on March 25.

“All tests conducted in correctional facilities were negative. Up to now, no coronavirus case has been confirmed among prisoners, all suspected cases were tested”, the Minister said.

Number of confirmed cases of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) in Armenia has reached 265.

On March 16 Armenia declared a 30-day state of emergency to fight the spread of COVID-19. The state of emergency is effective until April 14, 17:00.

Starting March 24, 23:59, the free movement of people is also restricted across Armenia until March 31, 23:59.

So far, 16 patients have recovered.

Edited and translated by Aneta Harutyunyan

Armenia Parliament Deputy Speaker: Mass media are worrying too much, Armenia

21:38, 23.03.2020

After the session of the Civil Contract Party, Deputy Speaker of the National Assembly of Armenia Alen Simonyan told reporters that the session was devoted to the coronavirus and the restrictions on news released by mass media outlets.

Alen Simonyan informed that the Commandant’s Office is working on preventing the coronavirus and is considering various possible scenarios.

Touching upon the complaints of mass media outlets about the restrictions on news releases, Simonyan informed that this issue was also considered during the session. “Today, the authorities are so open that there is no doubt about it, and it’s inappropriate to talk about restrictions. The censure only concerns the coronavirus. I think the mass media are a little too concerned. I can say that Armenia is currently among the countries that are the most open in terms of information,” he said.

Azerbaijani press: Azerbaijan abolishes Special State Security Service

Mon 16 Mar 2020 19:05 GMT | 23:05 Local Time

Text size:   
Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev signed a decree on improving management in the field of special state protection.

The Azerbaijani Special State Security Service has been abolished upon the document.

In accordance with the decree, the Azerbaijani Presidential Security Service, the Special Communication and Information Security State Service and the State Agency for the Protection of Strategic Facilities have been established.

The Azerbaijani Presidential Security Service, the Special Communication and Information Security State Service and the State Agency for the Protection of Strategic Facilities have been instructed to submit proposals to the Azerbaijani president in connection with the relevant provisions, structures and draft lists of senior officers’ positions, including the number of servicemen and employees.

Before the relevant provisions were approved, the Azerbaijani Presidential Security Service, the Special Communication and Information Security State Service and the State Agency for the Protection of Strategic Facilities were instructed to ensure fulfillment of the obligations stipulated in the relevant parts of the "Regulation on the Azerbaijani Special State Protection Service", approved upon the Azerbaijani president’s decree #794 dated December 26, 2012.

The Cabinet of Ministers has been instructed to submit a bill on the status of the Azerbaijani National Guard to the president within two months and to resolve other issues arising from this decree.

COVID-19: Armenia quarantines hundreds of suspected cases




YEREVAN, MARCH 17, ARMENPRESS. The number of suspected novel coronavirus cases to be isolated is expected to reach 600, Minister of Healthcare Arsen Torosyan said on social media.

“By the end of the day we will have 600 quarantined citizens. It is possible for several hundreds more to be quarantined, then the self-quarantine principle will only be applied,” Torosyan said.

As of March 17, 22:00 (GMT+4), there are 78 confirmed cases of the novel coronavirus in Armenia. One patient, the very first confirmed case, has already recovered.

On March 16th, the government declared a 30-day state of emergency.

Edited and translated by Stepan Kocharyan

President Armen Sarkissian holds meeting with Justice Minister



 17:11, 11 March, 2020

YEREVAN, MARCH 11, ARMENPRESS. President of Armenia Armen Sarkissian had a working meeting today with Justice Minister Rustam Badasyan, the Presidential Office told Armenpress.

The President and the minister discussed the agenda of Armenia’s constitutional amendments, judicial reforms, anti-corruption fight, human rights, the international cooperation in these fields, as well as a number of other issues.

The justice minister introduced the activity of the professional commission for constitutional amendments to the President.

President Sarkissian highlighted the constitutional reforms and stated that the Constitution is a legal document living and developing under the challenges of the time. He said any change, improvement in the Constitution should be based on the principle of the rule of law by contributing to the peaceful and normal development of the state.

Armen Sarkissian also introduced his visions and approaches on the constitutional amendments. He highlighted the participation of broad public in the development process of the main law of the country as much as possible. The President said his administration is ready to cooperate both with the ministry and the professional commission with its proposals and capacities.

Both sides highlighted the importance of such meetings.

Edited and translated by Aneta Harutyunyan

Armenia MOD issues statement on spread of coronavirus, Armenia
March 12 2020

20:12, 12.03.2020

The Ministry of Defense of Armenia has issued a statement on the spread of coronavirus. The statement reads as follows:

“Due to the new cases of coronavirus recorded in Armenia, the Armed Forces of Armenia continue to take preventive and anti-epidemic actions to improve the health conditions of servicemen and avoid possible complications.

Taking into consideration the aforementioned and with the purpose of preventing penetration of the virus into the armed forces, the Ministry of Defense urges:

to limit visits to structures subject to the Ministry of Defense of Armenia (administrative complex, military units, military education and military-medical institutions (hospitals)) as much as possible;

to wear face masks when visiting the aforementioned institutions, if it is strictly necessary.”

Number of coronavirus infections in Armenia grows to 26

JAM News

The total count changed throughout the day: at first three new cases were reported, later the presence of the virus was confirmed in three more

UPDATE – 20:30

Another three people in Armenia have tested positive for the coronavirus, just hours after it was reported that the total number of infected individuals had risen by another three to 23.

Five of those who were infected were already in isolation.

The other [sixth] case was recorded in Meghri, in a citizen who recently returned from Italy,” wrote Health Minister Arsen Torosyan on his Facebook page.

Now the circle of communication of the Meghri resident is being identified, and all who had contact with him will also be isolated.


The number of coronavirus infected in Armenia increased to 23 on March 15.

All three who have been diagnosed with the disease were among those in contact with a woman who came with the virus from Italy, and they were already isolated.

This woman decided not to isolate herself despite having a temperature and other symptoms of the disease.

During the 10 days before the virus was discovered in her, she attended a number of crowded events – including a wedding engagement. Several dozen people invited to this celebration are in quarantine, some were infected.

Among the infected, which became known on March 14, there is a schoolboy. He is already receiving treatment at the hospital; the classmates and teachers with whom he spoke have been isolated.

No coronavirus cases registered in Armenia’s Armed Forces: spokesperson

Aysor, Armenia

Spokesperson of Armenia’s Defense Ministry Shushan Stepanyan denied the information about evacuation of Dilijan Monte Melkonyan Military College disseminated in the web.

The classes there have been suspended till 23, like in other educational establishments.

The spokesperson also denied the information about coronavirus cases in the Armed Forces.

She said there are no coronavirus cases in the Armed Forces, stressing that the servicemen have not had any contact with infected or isolated citizens.