TBILISI: Russian Plan To Resume Railway Service Between Russia And A

Levan Kiknadze

Expert Club
May 17 2010

President of the "Club of Experts"

"We hope that in the coming three or five years it will be possible
to resume railway service between Russia and Armenia through
the territory of Georgia and which was suspended due to difficult
Georgian-Abkhazian relations in the 90s" – said general director of
"South Caucasian Railway" Shefket Shaidulin at the press-conference
that was held in Yerevan on April 29th. According to him "of course,
this is a political issue and depends of state of political affairs
but there is a hope that this dream can come true".

With this regard we would like to remind Mister Shaidulin that the
railway that passes on the territory of Georgia became vital for
Armenian population when relations between Armenia and Azerbaijan
became extremely strained and they turned into armed confrontation.

After the Georgian-Abkhazian conflict even this way was closed
and Armenia found itself in a very difficult position. Naturally,
Armenia that was in bad situation was very interested in quick
regulation of the Georgian-Abkhazian conflict that would as well help
to resume railway movement between Russia and Armenia through Georgian
territory. Given that the issue of resumption of the railway movement
was discussed in the Georgian-Armenian relations on almost every high
level governmental meeting. At the same time Armenia used to work very
actively for these purposes with government circles of both Russia
and the west and international organizations. As a result, in the
process of the regulation of the conflict from time to time an issue
of restoration of the railway on the territory of Abkhazia was entering
the agenda and was becoming more acute. But we must say to our Armenian
neighbours that Russia would have never allowed this to happen. Though
if Russia were to be willing resolution of this problem would not have
been difficult since the conflict parties would not have been against
it. But the reason for Russia’s opposition was that by restoration
of the railway in Abkhazia and resumption of railway service Russia
would have been faced with unwanted reality as resumption of railway
service would have opened way for the population on both sides of the
division line for deepening of contacts, beginning of cooperation in
various spheres, restoration of economical and cultural relations and
so on. All this in the end would have been a significant success on
the way to the resolution of the conflict and that would have stood
in the way of fulfillment of Russia’s insiidous plans.

Then many believed in Russia’s role as mediator. All the more that
regarding the issue of restoration of the railway, as in many other
issues, Russia at first always played a positive role. But as soon
as it felt "danger" that the conflict parties were about to reach a
consensus in a series of issues relevant reaction followed. Through
security services they were able to easily provoke one or the
other side as a result of which reached agreements were broken and
negotiations were in the dead-end.

The issue of restoration of the Abkhazian section of the railway
and resumption of railway transit with Armenia was raised by Aslan
Abashidze back during the Shevardnadze governance. At that time the
Kremlin saw Aslan Abashidze as an alternative to Shevardnadze and as
Ajara factor would not have been enough and in order to raise his
rating among the refugee population of Abkhazia Moscow charged him
with a role of a mediator for resolution of the Georgian-Abkhazian
conflict. Additionally, what is no less important is that use of
Abashidze would make it easier for Russia to direct the conflict
resolution process considering its own interests. The issue of
restoration of the railway in Abkhazia was also raised especially and
Russia did not even intend to open transit movement. At that time
information received by Security Ministry of Abkhazian legitimate
government clearly showed that it was planned to restore only the
Leselidze-Ochamchire section of the railway in Abkhazia in order to
allow Russia to transport military goods and equipments deep into
Abkhazia through the railway. And it was in no way connected with
resumption of railway transit for Armenia. It was not connected for
a simple reason that preparation works were not being carried out
on those mechanisms that should have provided security of passenger
and cargo transportations on the Georgian-Abkhazian section of the
railway. As it is well- known Tamaz Nadareishvili not only blocked this
issue but he also managed to debar Aslan Abashidze from the process.

After the Rose Revolution as a result of active efforts of Armenia
in both Moscow and the west negotiations regarding the issue of
restoration of the railway in Abkhazia were put under control of
the UN observer mission in Georgia. Bilateral working groups were
established and they were working in various directions and were filled
with railway, power and security specialists. Restoration works were
defined and financing of the restoration works was undertaken by the
Russian railway which was officially registered in a protocol.

Russian railway troops entered Abkhazia to conduct restoration
works and actively started to restore the railway. By this time
Russia, as usual, drove negotiations into the dead-end and isolate
the Georgian side from the process of the railway restoration and
finished restoration of the Leselidze-Ochamchire section of the
railway. And nobody was bothering the Georgian side about restoration
of the remaining part of the railway – the Ochamchire-Ingiri section
– that was in the worst condition and without restoration of which
transit with Armenia would not have been possible. As following events
showed that the restoration of the Leselidze-Ochamchire section of the
railway was an important part of Russia’s plan of ultimate occupation
of Abkhazia.

As to Sheftek Shaidulin’s recent statement about resumption of the
railway service between Russia and Armenia through Georgian territory
the latter of course means restoration of the Ochamchire-Gali section
of the railway what Russia can do perfectly well without us. But
as to the Enguri railway bridge that connects Gali and Zugdidi its
restoration can only be possible with our consent. We do not rule out
that Sheftek Shaidulin’s recent statement could be a trick as Russia
is convinced that in case of actualization of this issue in existing
circumstances Georgia will refuse and thus Russia will try to stir
up discord between us and Armenia as it has done many times before.

FYI: The Armenian railway was handed over for 30 years to the South
Caucasian Railway which is a sister company to the Russian railway.

The agreement provides that if the service on the Abkhazian section
of the railway is restored investment must amount to 2.1 billion
US dollars.


Political Motivation For Opening Foreign-Language Schools?



There cannot be two types of schools in the Republic of Armenia
as it will bring about discrimination, Director of the Armenian
Mkhitar Sebastatsi Education Complex Ashot Bleyan (R) said at a press
conference today.

According to Bleyan the second reason that there cannot be
foreign-language schools in Armenia is that the state has assumed a
commitment under the Constitution to promote and spread Armenian as
the language of science, culture, education and communication.

"This is a liability for all the citizens of the Republic of Armenia.

The state cannot have one strategy for a group of citizens and another
strategy for another one," said Bleyan.

He also said he was sure that the development of the child as an
Armenian requires that the educational process be carried out in
Armenian, while foreign languages can be promoted by other programs.

Even more, according to Bleyan, the new high school system is
sufficient enough for an in-depth study of foreign languages.

Writer and translator Hakob Movses (L), also present in the same press
conference, drew attention to the aim of creating foreign-languages
schools – whether it has a cultural or a political objective.

"The reasons of all this should be understood, their motivation. I
am afraid that all this is being done not due to domestic demands,
or cultural ones … not for social-economic reasons so that an
Armenian businessman would communicate an English one in English,"
said Movses, adding that there is some other reason and compulsion,
such as overflowing Armenian with the Russian language.

According to Movses in state-sponsored schools the educational
process should be carried out in Armenian, while the choice for
private schools should be left freer.

Mevlut Cavusoglu Appelle A Des Reformes Politiques En Armenie


14 mai 2010

Mevlut Cavusoglu, le president de l’Assemblee Parlementaire du
Conseil de l’Europe (APCE), a recommande jeudi vivement aux autorites
armeniennes de tenir des elections democratiques et de realiser des
reformes politiques a l’occasion d’une visite a Erevan.

Le politicien turc a aussi ecarte les inquietudes armeniennes de ses
efforts de former un organisme a Strasbourg- discutant de nouveau
sur le conflit du Nagorno-Karabakh.

Mevlut Cavusoglu a rencontre le President Serge Sarkissian, les
principaux leaders des forces politiques de l’Armenie aussi bien
que representants locaux de la societe civile pendant son voyage de
deux jours. Il a dit que les reformes politiques promises par les
autorites armeniennes et recherchees par l’APCE avaient ete au centre
des pourparlers.

S’exprimant lors d’une conference de presse a Erevan, Mevlut Cavusoglu
a demande de mettre fin a la culture de l’Armenie des fraudes
electorales. " Il est très important que les prochaines elections qui
se tiendront en Armenie en 2012 rencontrent les plus hauts standards
europeens " a-t-il dit. " Cela montrera a vos citoyens et a nous
meme que l’Armenie a tourne une page sombre de son recent passe et
est determinee pour avancer dans sa transformation democratique. "

Mevlut Cavusoglu a dit que seule une reforme des systèmes juridiques
et des organes charges de faire respecter la loi en Armenie pourrait
regler le problème des heurts de 2008 a Erevan et empeche une
repetition des evenements si dramatiques.

L’APCE avait aussi recommande de telles reformes lors qu’elle a examine
les troubles de 2008. David Harutiunian, un depute progouvernemental
a la tete de la delegation armenienne a l’APCe a presente un plan
experimental de mesures appropriees du gouvernement au comite de
monitoring de l’APCE en mars.

Mevlut Cavusoglu a dit aux journalistes qu’il a entendu " quelques
reponses très encourageantes de M. Harutiunian " a Erevan. " Son
comite soumettra un rapport a l’Assemblee nationale [armenienne]
et ce sera une bonne occasion pour votre Parlement de renforcer sa
fonction essentielle de contrôle parlementaire " a-t-il dit.

" Nous attendons maintenant a ce que les autorites pourvoient a
l’Assemblee [Parlementaire] une liste detaillee de toutes les reformes
… aussi bien que des dernières limites specifiques " a-t-il ajoute.

Le president de l’APCE a continue a critiquer les autorites armeniennes
pour leur refus de liberer tous les membres de l’opposition arretes
après l’election presidentielle de fevrier 2008.

Il a dit qu’il a specifiquement leve avec eux le cas de Nikol
Pashinian, un leader de l’opposition et redacteur d’un journal qui
a ete condamne a sept ans de prison plus tôt cette annee.

Mevlut Cavusoglu a aussi deplore l’echec des autorites de poursuire
quiconque en connexion avec la mort de dix personnes. " Il est
inacceptable que personne n’ait ete tenu responsable par rapport aux
dix decès qui sont arrivees pendant les evènements de mars 2008 "
a-t-il dit. " La confiance publique ne sera pas retablie avant que
la justice individuelle ne soit faite. "

Mevlut Cavusoglu a tenu ce qu’il a decrit comme " une reunion très
emotionnelle " avec les proches parents de la plupart des victimes
des troubles plus tôt jeudi. Quelques-uns des participants ont dit
au service armenien de RFE/RL qu’ils ont exprime leur colère avec ce
qu’ils voient comme une repugnance du Conseil de l’Europe de forcer
l’administration Sarkisian a faire la lumière sur les morts suite
aux troubles.

Les principales forces politiques armeniennes ont pour leur part
exprime leur serieux inquietude quant a l’intention de Mevlut
Cavusoglu de ranimer et faire travailler un sous-comite de l’APCE
sur une resolution paisible du conflit du Nagorno-Karabakh. Ils
pretendent que le corps ad hoc ne peut pas etre impartial parce que
son pays, la Turquie, continue a preter un fort et inconditionnel
appui a l’Azerbaïdjan dans le conflit. Ils citent des declarations
pro-azeries faites par Mevlut Cavusoglu avant qu’il n’ait ete elu
president d’APCE en janvier.

La question a apparemment suscite des echanges tendus entre Mevlut
Cavusoglu et les representants du parti Armenie Prospère (BHK), un
membre de la coalition de Sarkissian et ceux du parti Zharangutyun
(Heritage). Naira Zohrabian a qualifie ses intentions sur le Karabakh
comme "inacceptables".

" J’ai dit que puisqu’il represente le parti Justice et Developpement
de la Turquie, qui a ete extremement influencee sur le conflit
du Nagorno-Karabakh pendant toutes ces annees, nous ne sommes
pas confiants, avec tout le respect dû pour M. Cavusoglu, que [le
sous-comite] ne sera pas influence " a dit Zohrabian a RFE/RL. Elle a
dit que le parlementaire turc a ete " très offense " par ses arguments.

Stepan Safarian, un leader de Zharangutyun, a dit que ses collègues
et lui-meme ont transmis le meme message a Cavusoglu. Ce dernier a
repondu en les accusant de " discrimination nationale " a dit Safarian

Les representants du Congrès National Armenien (HAK) ont aussi exprime
leur forte opposition a la moindre participation de l’APCE dans les
pourparlers de paix Armeno- Azeris obtenus par la mediation par les
Etats-Unis, la Russie et la France sous l’egide de l’OSCE. " Nous
considerons le format existant le plus optimal et la moindre discussion
alternative va seulement distraire les parties des negociations et
leur permettra de s’engager dans la propagande " a dit Levon Zurabian.

S’exprimant lors de la conference de presse, Mevlut Cavusoglu a insiste
pour dire que la decision de reprendre des discussions sur le conflit
a ete faite par les chefs de l’APCE des mois avant qu’il n’ait ete elu
a l’assemblee. Il a aussi soutenu que le sous-comite en question a ete
forme en 2005 conformement a une resolution de l’APCE sur le Karabakh.

" Tous les Etats membres de l’Assemblee doivent se soumettre aux
resolutions de l’Assemblee " a dit Cavusoglu. " Mais nous sommes aussi
pragmatiques. Particulièrement quand il y a des avis differents sur
une question. " Il a ajoute qu’il prendra les inquietudes armeniennes
en consideration meme s’il n’est pas d’accord avec elles.

Mevlut Cavusoglu ne s’est pas non plus repenti de sa decision de ne pas
visiter le memorial du genocide armenien a Erevan, qui a mene un autre
parti, la Federation Revolutionnaire Armenienne (Dashnaktsutyun),
a annuler une reunion projetee avec lui. " Je respecte vos avis,
mais chacun doit respecter ma decision " a-t-il dit.

13 Turkish Companies Participated In CTS 2010 International Tourism


May 14, 2010 – 19:12 AMT 14:12 GMT

CTS 2010 international annual tourism fair kicked off in Yerevan. The
fair brought together representatives of 87 companies from NKR,
Armenia, Turkey, Georgia and Tunis, the CTS committee press service

The fair aims to facilitate regional tourism, as well as boost
relations among tour operators of Armenia, Turkey and Georgia, etc.

Armenian Deputy Minister of Economy Ara Petrosyan and USAID Armenia
Mission Director Dr. Jatinder Cheema participated in the opening
ceremony of the fair.

CTS 2010 fair is organized by the Armenian Association of Travel Agents
(AATA) and the American Society of Travel Agents (ASTA) in partnership
with the Armenian Ministry of Economy and the USAID-funded Competitive
Armenian Private Sector (CAPS) Project.

27th Europe And Central Asia Regional Conference Of UN FAO Held In Y


MAY 14, 2010

YEREVAN, MAY 14, NOYAN TAPAN. The 27th Europe and Central Asia regional
conference of the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) started
in Yerevan on May 13. Representatives of 53 FAO member states and
Europe-based organizations are participating in the conference. RA
Deputy Minister of Agriculture Samvel Avetisian was elected chairman
of the conference.

FAO Director-General Jacques Diouf said in his speech that at the
World Food Summit held in 1996, the heads of states and governments
pledged to halve the number of people suffering from hunger worldwide
by 2015. However, the latest data shows that the current situation
is more alarming than it was in 1996. In his words, the number of
those suffering from hunger has grown in recent years due to a sharp
increase in agricultural product prices and a reduction in investments
made in agriculture, coupled with the financial and economic crisis.

According to the speaker, in 2008-2009 the number of people suffering
from hunger grew by 105 million to 1 billion worldwide.

Unless Problem Is Solved, There Will Be No Relations Between Two Cou


MAY 14, 2010

YEREVAN, MAY 14, NOYAN TAPAN. It is still early to speak about any
prospects of possible cooperation in agriculture between Armenia and
Azerbaijan, Agriculture Minister of Azerbaijan Ismad Abbasov said. The
minister, who is in Yerevan in order to participate in the 27th Europe
and Central Asia regional conference of the UN FAO, told reporters
on May 13 that there is a problem between the two countries, and it
remains unsolved for many years. "If I am not mistaken, the cease-fire
was established 16 years ago on April 12, so the problem has been
unsolved for 16 years. To be honest, unless the problem is solved,
there will no relations," the Azerbaijani agriculture minister said.

In his words, "if everything turns out well, if the lands are
liberated, and if the relations are as they were in the past, then, I
think there will be cooperation in all spheres, including agriculture".

Speaking about the Azerbaijani economy, he said that it is developing
rapidly. According to I. Abbasov, the geographical position of
Azerbaijan is very favorable for growing various kinds of agricultural
products. "Out of 11 climatic conditions in the world, 9 are available
in Azerbaijan. For that reason we can grow almost all agricultural
products, including citrus plants," he noted.

In his opinion, the problem of hunger raised by the UN Food and
Agriculture Organization (FAO) does not threaten Azerbaijan. "The
number of the poor in our country makes one fourth of what it used
to be a few years ago: it makes up 9-11% of the total population. It
is the result of the policy conducted by the head of state. It is
envisaged that there will be no poor in our country in the future," I.
Abbasov said.

It is noteworthy that I. Abbasov was born in Yerevan and attended
the city school No 9 (near Republican Stadium). According to him,
he visited the house where he was born: it is on Alaverdian Street.

Although Abbasov has not been in Yerevan for 23 years, he has not
forgotten Armenian and answered several questions of reporters in
fluent Armenian.

BAKU: Armenians Seem To Be Furious About Woodrow Wilson Center’s Awa



May 13 2010

Washington. Isabel Levine – APA. This June the Washington DC based
Woodrow Wilson center that was created by the US Congress is planning
to award Turkish foreign minister Ahmet Davutoglu, APA’s Washington DC
correspondent reports. Such award is usually given to politicians and
individuals for enormous efforts to promote peaceful and prosperous
policy. Reportedly Mr.Davutoglu will be given the award for catalyzing
the Turkish policy and succeeding in making it better.

Apparently the Armenian Diaspora in Washington DC seems to be furious
about this fact as they started accusing the Woodrow Wilson center
in being too shortsighted and not seeing the truth. The Armenian
Diaspora believes granting Davutoglu with such an award is unfair.


Crossroads E-Newsletter – May 13, 2010

Eastern Prelacy of the Armenian Apost. Church of America and Canada
H.E. Archbishop Oshagan Choloyan
Prelate, Easter Prelacy and Canada
138 East 39th Street
New York, NY 10016
Tel: 212-689-7810
Fax: 212-689-7168

May 13, 2010

The Eastern Prelacys National Representative Assembly (NRA) convened
in New York City today and will continue through Saturday, May 15. The
clergy conference began one day earlier. The NRA is being hosted by
the two New York parishes: St. Illuminators Cathedral and St. Sarkis
Church. It is the first time the NRA is being hosted jointly by two
parishes and it is the first time since 1962 that the NRA is taking
place in New York City.
Archbishop Oshagan delivered the keynote address this
afternoon. His Eminence focused his comments on Faith and Service
noting service is a calling and the success of our service is our
happiness. When we make service the purpose of our lives, then we
bring our nations children together. We do everything with sacrifice,
with the hope of continuity, just like the self-sacrifice of
Vartanank, with their motto For the sake of our faith and for the sake
of our fatherland, secured our nations victory over all of the evil of
the time and history. Our motto today remains the same: For the sake
of our faith and for the sake of our fatherland.
The Assemblys banquet will take place tomorrow evening, Friday,
May 14, at the Crowne Plaza at LaGuardia Airport.
Taking place concurrent with the NRA are two conferences: The
National Association of Ladies Guilds and the Yeretzgins.
Full details and photographs will be given next week and also
posted on our web site.

This evening delegates to the NRA as well as the faithful from the New
York metropolitan area will celebrate the Feast of the Ascension of
Our Lord Jesus Christ, at St. Sarkis Church, Douglaston, New York. The
Divine Liturgy will begin at 6:30 pm with dinner at 8 pm. After dinner
entertainment will be provided by the Yeraz Dance Group and the
students of St. Illuminators Armenian School. For dinner reservations
($25) or more information contact the St. Sarkis Church office,

The Prelacy Ladies Guilds Mothers Day luncheon was a resounding
success. Grace Keshgegian from Philadelphia was honored as the Mother
of the Year. Full details of the luncheon along with photographs will
be in next weeks Crossroads as well as on the Prelacys web page.

The 24th annual St. Gregory of Datev Institute Summer Program, for
youth ages 13-18, is scheduled to take place at the St. Mary of
Providence Center in Elverson, Pennsylvania, from June 25-July 4,
2010. The program is sponsored by the Armenian Religious Education
Council (AREC). For more information click here (
4882/goto: /departments/arec/datev-institute

Bible readings for today, Thursday, May 13, Ascension of our Lord
Jesus Christ, are: Luke 18:1-14; Acts 1:1-14; Matthew 28:16-20;
Matthew 19:1-15; Mark 10:13-27.
In the first book, Theophilus, I wrote about all that Jesus did
and taught from the beginning until the day when he was taken up to
heaven, after giving instructions through the Holy Spirit to the
apostles whom he had chosen. After his suffering he presented himself
alive to them by many convincing proofs, appearing to them during
forty days and speaking about the kingdom of God. While staying with
them, he ordered them not to leave Jerusalem, but to wait there for
the promise of the Father. This, he said, is what you have heard from
me for John baptized with water, but you will be baptized with the
Holy Spirit not many days from now.
So when they had come together, they asked him, Lord, is this
the time when you will restore the kingdom to Israel? He replied, It
is not for you to know the times or periods that the Father has set by
his own authority. But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has
come upon you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea
and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth. When he had said this, as
they were watching, he was lifted up, and a cloud took him out of
their sight. While he was going and they were gazing up toward heaven,
suddenly two men in white robes stood by them. They said, Men of
Galilee, why do you stand looking up toward heaven? This Jesus, who
has been taken up from you into heaven, will come in the same way as
you saw him go into heaven.
Then they returned to Jerusalem from the mount called Oliver,
which is near Jerusalem, a sabbath days journey away. When they had
entered the city, they went to the room upstairs where they were
staying, Peter, and John, and James, and Andrew, Philip and Thomas,
Bartholomew and Matthew, James son of Alphaeus, and Simon the Zealot,
and Judas son of James. All these were constantly devoting themselves
to prayer, together with certain women, including Mary the mother of
Jesus, as well as his brothers. (Acts 1:1-14)
For a listing of the coming weeks Bible readings click here (
4882/goto: elacy/PDF/2010dbr-5.pdf

This Sunday, May 16, is Second Palm Sunday (Yerkirort Tzaghkazard).
The seventh Sunday of Easter is called Second Palm Sunday, based on
the readings for that day. Beginning with New Sunday, the Armenian
Church reads from the four Gospels every day in their proper order;
Luke in the morning; John at midday; Matthew at the beginning of the
evening hour; and Mark at the end of the evening hour. The sections
relating to Christs entry into Jerusalem coincides with the seventh
Sunday of Easter, hence the designation, Second Palm Sunday.
We bless you today, Creator of creatures who in marvelously wonderful
fashion adorned the Church, God of our fathers. We bless you today
living One from all eternity who raised to heaven with glory our
nature deadened by sin. We bless you today who by your resurrection
raised us up with yourself to the Fathers throne higher than original
glory, alienated as the result of our transgressions. Bless the Lord,
O all the works of the Lord, bless and exalt him forever. You nations
of the gentiles who has ascended with the angels and acquired glory
word cannot describe; bless the Lord and exalt him forever. You
priests and ministers, numbered with the cherubim, with one accord
with them bless the Lord and exalt Him forever.
(From the Canon for the First Sunday after Christs Ascension, Second
Palm Sunday, according to the Liturgical Canons of the Armenian
Apostolic Church).

The two Ecumenical Officers of the Armenian Orthodox Church, Bishop
Hovaguim Manoukian of the Holy See of Etchmiadzin, and Bishop Nareg
Alemezian of the Holy See of Cilicia, attended a meeting of ecumenical
officers which took place at the Ecumenical Institute, Bossey,
Switzerland, last week.
The meeting of the ecumenical officers of member churches of
the World Council of
Churches provided the opportunity for the staff member churches to
meet, share their experiences and concerns, and discuss WCC programs
and priorities.

His Holiness Aram I, Catholicos of the Great House of Cilicia, has
formed a committee to plan the third consultation on the theme of
Western Armenian Languages and Armenian Studies Today, which will take
place in Antelias, Lebanon, September 14-16, 2010. These series of
consultations have been organized in cooperation with the Armenian
Affairs Department of the Gulbenkian Foundation. The first conference
took place in 2004 and the second in 2008.
The purpose of the upcoming conference is to analyze the usage
of Western Armenian in the Diaspora today and its mutation by foreign
languages. Like many other languages, Armenian is being influenced by
the local languages and by the need to create new vocabulary to keep
pace with science and technology.
A large number of linguists, professors of Armenian language
and literature, and representatives of educational institutions are
being invited to attend.

May 13 to 16National Representative Assembly hosted by
St. Illuminators Cathedral, New York City, and St. Sarkis Church,
Douglaston, New York.
May 13-14NALG Annual Conference in conjunction with the NRA, Crowne
Plaza, LaGuardia Airport Hotel. For information Mary Derderian,
781-762-4253, [email protected] (mailto:[email protected]).
May 19Fourth of five Bible studies on Women in the Bible at
St. Illuminators Cathedral, New York City, 7:15 pm. Sponsored by the
Prelacys Armenian Religious Education Council and St. Illuminators
May 22Divine Liturgy and 93rd anniversary, St. Asdvadzadzin Church,
Whitinsville, Massachusetts. Bishop Anoushavan Tanielian will
celebrate the Divine Liturgy, deliver the sermon, and preside over the
anniversary banquet.
May 2375th Anniversary celebration of Holy Trinity Church, Worcester,
Massachusetts, under the auspices of His Eminence Archbishop Oshagan,
at Crowne Plaza Hotel, Worcester. For information: 508-852-2414.
May 26Fifth and final Bible study on Women in the Bible at
St. Illuminators Cathedral, 221 E. 27th Street, New York City, 7:15
pm. Sponsored by the Prelacys Armenian Religious Education Council and
St. Illuminators Cathedral.
June 12Food Festival sponsored by Ladies Guild of St. Gregory Church,
Jaffarian Hall, 158 Main Street, North Andover, Massachusetts.
June 25-July 424th annual St. Gregory of Datev Institute Summer
Program for youth ages 13 to 18, at St. Mary of Providence Center,
Elverson, Pennsylvania.
June 27St. Hagop (Racine) annual Madagh and Church Picnic at Johnsons
Park (Hwy 38) Racine, Wisconsin.
July 17A Hye Summer Night V, dance hosted by Ladies Guild of
Sts. Vartanantz Church and ARS Ani Chapter, Providence, Rhode Island,
at the Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church, Cranston, Rhode Island. For
tickets and information: Joyce Bagdasarian (401-434-4467) or Joyce
Yeremian. (401-354-8770).
August 15Annual picnic of St. Stephen Church, Watertown,
Massachusetts, at Camp Haiastan, Franklin, Massachusetts (12 noon to 5
pm). For information: 617-924-7562.
August 22Annual picnic of St. Asdvadzadzin Church, Whitinsville,
October 8-10The Eastern Prelacys Linked In workshop weekend for young
adults at Holy Virgin Marys Spiritual Vineyard, Charlton,

Web pages of the parishes can be accessed through the Prelacys web

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OSCE Monitoring Reveals No Cease-Fire Violation


13.05.2010 15:18

On May 13, in accordance with the earlier achieved agreement with the
NKR authorities the OSCE mission conducted Á regular monitoring of
the line of contact of Nagorno Karabakh and Azerbaijani Armed Forces
near Jraberd settlement of Martakert region, NKR.

>From the positions of the NKR Defense Army the monitoring was
conducted by Field Assistants of the Personal Representative of the
OSCE Chairman-in-Office Antal Herdich(Hungary) and William Pryor
(Great Britain).

During the monitoring no violation of cease-fire regime was
registered. However, the Azerbaijani side, unlike the Karabakhi one,
did not lead the OSCE mission to the earlier agreed point of its
front-lines, as a result of which the monitoring was to be conducted
from a farther distance

The monitoring mission from the Karabakhi side was accompanied by
representatives of the NKR Ministries of Defense and Foreign Affairs.

V. Khachatryan Says The Speculations Of Restarting The Armenian-Azer


MAY 11, 2010

YEREVAN, MAY 11, ARMENPRESS: The speculations of restarting the
Armenian-Azerbaijani war are groundless; today the risk of the restart
of the military actions is not realistic, Vardan Khachatryan, member
of the National Assembly and Social-Democratic Hunchakyan Party, said
today at a press conference adding that there cannot be an issue of
war, as the rival is a country, where the issue of social justice is
12 times worse than in Armenia.

"The country where massive encroachments of human rights have been
registered cannot conduct war. The goal of the military rhetoric of
Azerbaijan is to cause a panic," he said.

V. Kkachatryan compares the Azerbaijani and Turkish foreign policy
with chaos, as those countries have changed their political positions
for many times.