Ministers To Submit Certificates Of Measures On Elimination Of Viola


Noyan Tapan
Apr 1, 2010

YEREVAN, APRIL 1, NOYAN TAPAN. During the April 1 sitting of
the government, Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan instructed all
the ministers, in whose ministries the RA Audit Chamber revealed
violations and shortcomings in 2009, to submit a certificate of
measures on elimination of these violations. The certificates shall
be submitted within a week.

In the words of T. Sargsyan, all the ministers are aware of the
Armenian president’s attitude to violations discovered by the Audit
Chamber. "At the first stage all the ministers, in whose ministries
the Audit Chamber had revealed violations, received a severe warning
from the president, and now the second stage starts. That is, severe
punishment will be imposed if the Audit Chamber reveals any violations
or shortcomings," the prime minister said.

As for the violations that the Audit Chamber revealed at the Ministry
of Transport and Communication and the Ministry of Education and
Science, T. Sargsyan assigned the heads of these ministries to present
a precise timetable of measures on elimination of the violations.

Commentary:Why Is The Armenian Genocide Still A Taboo?

By Erol Ozkoray

2010/03/2 9 | 20:58


I heard about the Armenian genocide for the first time in Paris
during the 70s, and the very logical question I asked myself and also
expressed in my writing at that time (university papers, a reader’s
letter I sent to Le Monde newspaper, etc.) was the following: if the
Republic of Turkey is based on a rejection of the Ottoman Empire, then
why is the 1915 Armenian genocide not being dumped on the Ottomans?

Why is the Turkish Republic assuming responsibility for this scandalous
event, which is the 20th century’s first crime against humanity and
that century’s first genocide? Later, in my career as a journalist,
this question always remained on my agenda.

I am generally known as the journalist who explained Armenian terrorism
(ASALA) to Turkey during the years 1980 – 1984. I was a socialist,
but I was also opposed to terrorism, and my articles even lead to a
deterioration of relations between Francois Mitterrand’s socialist
government (which I supported) and Turkey.

Both myself and my family and friends suffered a lot from ASALA:
my friend Nazan Erez’s father, Turkey’s Ambassador to France Ismail
Erez was killed on duty in Paris; my friend Gokberk Ergenekon was
wounded in Rome; my name was put on ASALA’s hit list and removed only
after I met with ASALA’s then lawyer Patrick Devedjian, who is now
France’s Minister in charge of the Economic Recovery Plan (in 1982,
I did not see these events as genocide, but I did not accept Turkey’s
official version either); my cousin Sitki Sencer was caught up in
the shooting during ASALA’S attack on the Ankara Esenboga airport
and was shot 8 times by Turkish policemen (miraculously, he survived)
whereas my mother and her sisters, also present, came away uninjured
by the skin of their teeth.

In reality, the list is much longer, but the purpose in my mentioning
these is to indicate that I have worked a lot on the Armenian question,
I know quite a lot about it and I have suffered because of it,
and therefore I have the moral right to say the things I’m about
to say. In other words, the things I say here are the conclusions
an intellectual has reached after 35 years of engagement with this
issue and after repeated reassessments of his position.

If we go to the beginning… as the years passed, my reading
progressed and new documents and books came out, it was revealed
that the question I have been asking (to blame the genocide on the
Ottomans) was the product of sophistry and devoid of any meaning,
due to at least three reasons.

Firstly, even though Mustafa Kemal did not get along with the
triumvirate of Talat-Enver-Cemal and he did not take any part in the
Armenian genocide on account of being engaged in the fighting on the
Gallipoli front at the time (in a sense, these helped him be later
designated a leader), the genocide that had already been accomplished
served him very well structurally, because he based the Republican
regime on the Turkish race. During the years 1926 – 1927, discourse
on the Turkish race constituted the principal nationalist ideology of
the State (Turkish race = Turkish nation), and therefore Anatolia had
to be ‘cleansed’ of all Christian and foreign elements (Armenians,
Greeks, Assyrians and Kurds). These policies of ethnic, cultural,
economic and social cleansing were actively implemented through seven
genocides executive during the Republican period. No Armenians,
no Greeks and no Assyrians were left in Anatolia. Only the Kurds
resisted, and despite four genocides, they could not be exterminated.

Just for this reason, every person in Turkey must respect the
Kurds’ struggle for their lives and their rights. Thus, there was
a continuity inherited from the Ottomans with regards to ‘Massive
Annihilation’. In 95 years, 10 genocides were carried out on these
lands (see the archives at ). Among the founders
of the Republic, there were murderers who had been involved in,
organized and implemented the Armenian genocide.

Secondly, there is another line of continuity from the Ottomans to the
Republic, as money and goods confiscated from the Armenians played a
determining role in the financing of the War of Independence. Apart
from monetary and weapons help received from Lenin, the biggest
financial source for the War of Independence was money appropriated
through the Armenian genocide. With this money, weapons were purchased,
an army was set up and its logistics provided. The persons involved
in these came to form a new social class that owed its wealth to
the Armenians’ property (for instance, the porter Haci Omer Sabanci
is the ancestor of today’s Sabanci family, and grocer Vehbi Koc the
progenitor of today’s Koc family), and thus the social bases of the
movement emerged.

The reasons for the Armenian genocide becoming a taboo are hidden in
these three observations. Otherwise, it would have been very easy
to solve the problem by putting the blame for the genocide on the
Ottomans. The person who put these issues on the agenda by producing
major works that influenced Turkish intellectuals on the matter of
the Armenian genocide is Taner Akcam.

Because of the reasons I have enumerated, whenever the expression
‘Armenian genocide’ is uttered, people lacking good sense in Turkey
go berserk. What I’m saying here is that, unlike the official history
thesis, the Turkish Republic was not founded after an anti-imperialist
war (in the War of Independence, the Army only fought against the
Greeks, but not against France or England, which were the imperialist
powers of the era), rather, it was founded on the Armenian genocide.

This reappraisal means that what you and everyone have been told and
taught would be sent to the trash bin. This is the real reason why
there is a big trauma whenever anybody says ‘Armenian genocide’.

Everything has been a lie since 1923. In other words, the situation
is not as simple as the state hiding the reality of the genocide,
as certain intellectuals are now saying.

Today, when one talks about recognizing the Armenian genocide,
practically everything has to be put on the table: the Republic,
Kemalism, the State, the State’s ideology, those who founded and
governed the Republic, Turkey’s regime, this country’s political
system, its army, its universities, its educational programs, its
press, its elite, its businessmen (the sources of certain capital
accumulations), the courts, the political parties, etc.

It is self-evident that no one can cope with such a gigantic
confrontation. Especially in the kind of crypto-fascist and
crypto-totalitarian regime where we are living, it is very difficult –
not to say impossible – to settle accounts with the things enumerated
above even in one’s dreams!

This traumatic situation, in its historical, political and intellectual
dimensions, goes miles and miles beyond the capacity of our current
Islamist government. Nothing can be accomplished with the protocols
signed between Turkey and Armenia. In any event, didn’t the invisible
forces in Ankara make the Armenia Protocols null and void within 24
hours, and through the very hand of the Prime Minister? This State,
in its current structure, will repulse any solution, as there is no
solution that it could accept.

The problem can be solved – like the other problems of the country
– only by a statesman with the highest intellectual credentials,
who has internalized the culture of democracy, come to power through
elections and formed public opinion in this direction. It is impossible
for ordinary small persons to overcome Turkey’s gigantic problems. We
need politicians and statesmen on the level of Mitterrand, Allende and
[Felipe] Gonzales in order to resolve these gangrenous problems. In
other words, we need Big Men.

Matenadaran Samples To Be Exhibit In Beirut

12:24 30.03.10

A collection of old Armenian manuscripts in Matenadaran, called
Institute of Old Collections after Mesrop Mashtots, is set to be
exhibit in a UNESCO hall in Beirut in the framework of a program
called Beirut World Book Capital and to be organized from April 1-3.

According to a release issued by the RA Ministry of Culture only the
copies of those manuscripts will be exhibit in Beirut.

Beirut is the ninth city designated as World Book Capital, after Madrid
(2001), Alexandria (2002), New Delhi (2003), Antwerp (2004), Montreal
(2005), Turin (2006), Bogota (2007) and Amsterdam (2008).

Baroness Kinnock declines invitation to Genocide Monument in Cardiff

Armenia Solidarity Press Release
[email protected]
c/o The Temple of Peace, Cathays Park, Cardiff, Wales

Baroness Kinnock, for the UK government, does not deny the UK
government’s 1915 position on the Genocide, but rejects an invitation to
the Genocide Monument in Cardiff

At the Armenia debate in the House of Lords yesterday, Baroness Kinnock,
for the government said
"At the outset, I reaffirm that the Government deeply regret the deaths
of hundreds of thousands of Armenians who were either killed by Ottoman
troops or died from starvation or disease at the beginning of the
previous century. We share the view expressed today that the victims of
such suffering should not be forgotten" while at the same time refused
to send a representative to the Armenian Genocide Memorial in Cardiff in
"I was aware last year that noble Lords had raised the issue of a
memorial. Sending a government representative might suggest recognition,
so, despite our sympathies for the tragedy, we do not intend to send a

————————– ————————————–

She also said." The fate of ethnic Armenians and smaller Christian minorities,
including the Assyrians, living in the Ottoman Empire at the time was
roundly and robustly condemned by the British Government", referring of
course to the government response on 21st October 1915by Lord Robert
Cecil(Under Secretary of State):
"I think it may be said,without the least fear of exaggeration,
that no more horrible crime has been committed in the history of the
world….. This is a premeditive crime determined on long ago. It is
part of the deliberate policy… it was a long-considered, deliberate
policy to destroy and wipe out of existance the Armenians in Turkey. It
was systematically carried out . It was ordered from above , and when,
as happened on one or two ocassions, the local governors were anxious to
spare some of the children, or mitigate in some degree the horrors of
the operation, they were sternly ordered to go on with the work….
Not only was this premeditated. There was no provocation whatsoever…..
There was no insurrection, no riot… The crime was a deliberate one ,
not to punish insurrection but to destroy the Armenian race."

Turkish Films Aren’t Being Screened to Spread Propaganda: Vanyan

Turkish Films Aren’t Being Screened to Spread Propaganda: Georgi Vanyan

15:55 – 26.03.10

The Turkish Film Festival in Armenia doesn’t aim to disseminate
propaganda of Turkish culture in Armenia, said festival director
Georgi Vanyan at a press conference today, while denying reports by
Regnum agency that the UK has invested $13 million USD to spread
Turkish cultural propaganda in Armenia.

Vanyan noted that the festival’s budget is only 3.9 million AMD (less
than $10,000 USD).

`But if one day we can have that much money, you’ll see what kind of
festival we’ll organize with the aim of making the world beautiful,’
he said.

Dutch filmmaker Jos Stelling to bring his new film to Armenia

Dutch filmmaker Jos Stelling to bring his new film to Armenia

26.03.2010 17:52 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ The filming of "The Girl and Death" of the Dutch
filmmaker Jos Stelling will begin in autumn or winter. The film will
be screened in Armenia, Jos Stelling told a news conference on March
25 in Yerevan.

"I do not like to rush at work, the film will be completed in two
years. I promise to bring the film in Armenia. The film is about
events taking place in the XIX century, the plot of the film is about
unattainable love, " Jos Stelling said.
According to the director, the film is a joint effort of four
countries: the Netherlands, Russia, Germany and Finland.

Jos Stelling (born 16 July 1945) is a Dutch film director and
screenwriter. He has directed 12 films, and is working on his new film
(release date early 2011) The Girl and Death, in which Dutch actress
Sylvia Hoeks will play the lead role. He made his debut as a film
director in 1974 with ‘Mariken van Nieumegen’. The film was selected
for the official Cannes competition in 1975. No Dutch film has been
rewarded with this honour since. With this film, Stellings
cinematographic position was set worldwide. Yet Stelling is an
autodidact; he didn’t study at any film school. In 1981 he founded the
‘Dutch Film Days’ a festival for Dutch directors to give them the
possibility to show their films and to create an informal platform for
the filmmakers. He continued to serve as chairman and director until
the 1991 edition. After he abdicated the festival was renamed the
Dutch Film Festival. Jos Stelling is founder and owner of two arthouse
cinemas in Utrecht, Springhaver (since 1978) & Louis Hartlooper
Complex (since 2004). Stelling visite Armenia the third time. His
first visit was in 2005 when he was included in the "Golden Apricot"
festival jury in the category "international feature films". His
second visit took place in 2008, when Stelling’s film "Darling" was
included in the competition program of the festival.

TCA ADS Celebrates Its 29th Annual Dinner Dance

TCA Arshag Dickranian Armenian School
1200 N. Cahuenga Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90038

Tel: 323-461-4377
Fax: 323-323-461-4247
Contact: [email protected]

TCA ADS Celebrates Its 29th Annual Dinner Dance

Los Angeles, March 25, 2010 – TCA Arshag Dickranian School held its 29th
Annual Dinner Dance at the school’s Walter and Laurel Karabian Hall on
Saturday, March 20th, 2010. As in the previous years, the event was
organized by the school’s Parent-Teacher Organization and was well
attended by parents, teachers, students, alumni, supporters and guests,
who gathered for an evening of merriment and to savor the delicious dishes
catered by the Marquis Restaurant.

The celebration started with the welcoming remarks of the school’s eighth
grade homeroom teacher, Ms. Alvard Uzunyan, who promised the guests an
evening full of enjoyment. She then invited Rev. Manoug Markarian, the
parish priest of St. John Church, to offer benediction.

PTO Chairperson, Ms. Ophilia Garibyan, next took the podium and gave a
brief report on the various activities of the PTO, adding that all such
activities were planned and carried out for the sole purpose of
benefitting the school. Ms. Garibyan then recognized the presence of Mr.
and Mrs. Armen Mkhsian as the banquet’s honored guests and thanked them
for their donation of five thousand dollars in memory of his late father
Levon. Mr. Mkhsian, a long time ardent member of the PTO and the father of
three children attending Dickranian School, took turn by expressing his
pleasure working with his PTO colleagues. `Arshag Dickranian School is
like my second home’ he said, `and I am totally committed to helping our
school in any way I can.’

DJ Arthur Garibyan, an alumnus from the class of 2003, provided the dance
music, inciting enthusiasts of all ages to fill the dance floor with his
popular tunes. The guests also had the pleasure to enjoy the solo vocal
renditions staged by Krystal Kilajian and Ani Nercessian, two high school
students who captivated the listeners with their delightful voices.

Principal Vartkes Kourouyan, being the last speaker of the program,
thanked the PTO members for their selfless devotion and diligence. He
stated that the proceeds of the banquet were aimed for the school’s
scholarship and student aid program. He then invited Mr. & Mrs. Mkhsian
to cut the cake prepared for the occasion. Mr. Kourouyan also recognized
the presence of Mr. Hmayak Baltayan at the banquet, offering a second cake
in honor of his 80th birthday. Finally, young and old attendants filled
the dance floor stepping and swaying to the lively tunes of the disco

Located at 1200 N. Cahuenga Blvd., Los Angeles, the TCA Arshag Dickranian
Armenian School is a federally tax exempt, Pre-K to 12th grade private
educational institution. For more information visit the school website at

DAMASCUS: Sargsyan Discusses With Otri, Al-Abrash Bilateral Cooperat


SANA – Syrian Arab News Agency
March 23 2010

Damascus (SANA) – Syria and Armenia agreed on Tuesday to boost economic
cooperation between the two countries.

The agreement came during a meeting that brought together Armenian
President Serzh Sargsyan and Prime Minister Mohammad Naji Otri.

The two sides also agreed on increasing trade and boosting businessmen
role to consolidate economic and investment partnership and the
role of the two governments in exploring potentials for expanding
these relations.

The Armenian President called for developing and deepening these
relations in all domains. Otri, meanwhile, lauded Armenian stances
and its support for Arabs rights and Syria’s efforts to regain the
occupied Golan.

Earlier,Syrian- Armenian friendly relations and means to develop
them on the Parliamentary level were the main points of discussion
during President Serzh Sargsyan’s meeting with Speaker of the People’s
Assembly Dr. Mahmoud al-Abrash on Tuesday.

President Sargsyan highlighted the depth of the Syrian-Armenian
historical relations, stressing the importance of the parliamentarians’
role in activating bilateral relations and cooperation serving the
best interest of the two friendly countries.

For his part, al-Abrash underlined Syria’s keenness on consolidating
parliamentary relations with Armenia through exchanging visits and
expertise between the two countries’ parliamentarians in addition to
coordinating stances at the parliamentary forums.

He pointed out that President Sargsyan’s visit to Syria would
contribute to opening wide prospects of cooperation in all domains.

M.O./Ruaa Jazaeri/Idelbi

BAKU: Armenian Armed Forces Continue Military Exercises In Karabakh


March 22 2010

Aghdam. Teymur Zahidoglu – APA. Strong blasts have been heard in the
occupied Shahbulag mountain and Uzundere of Aghdam from yesterday

APA’s Karabakh bureau reports that shakes were felt in the front line
villages as a result of the blasts. Armenian armed forces supposedly
continue large-scale military exercises in the occupied Azerbaijani

Armenians have been holding military exercises in the occupied
Azerbaijani territories since the beginning of the year. Heads of
Armenian government made observations in the maneuvers at different

Renowned Turkish Writer Ashamed Erdogan

March 22 2010

One of the prominent Turkish writers Yasar Kemal commenting on
Premier’s recent statement that he will deport 100.000 illegal
Armenians from Turkey, said: "It’s a shame, this shouldn’t be done."

Interestingly, through Kemal’s efforts Turkish authorities a while
ago gave up the idea to pull down of the Surb Khach church on Akhtamar
Island. It is known that in 1951 Turkish government made a decision on
dismissing the unique Akhtamar church on Lake Van and already started
to pull down the bell tower, when Kemal interposed and convinced the
authorities that the church is a universal heritage.

Yasar Kemal, Turk of Kurdish descent was born in 1923 in born in
Hemite. He was a candidate for a Nobel Prize in literature, as well
as the author of "The Legend of Mount Ararat" (1970).