Union of Armenian Foundations of Turkey issues statement on Pashinyan-Erdogan phone talk

Armenia –

The Union of Armenian Foundations of Turkey has issued a statement regarding the recent telephonic conversation between Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan, reports ermenihaber.am.

In the statement, it is noted that this phone talk has become the agenda topic of the Armenian community of Turkey, and the indisputable optimism observed in this regard at the level of individuals is completely shared by the community at the administrative and institutional level as well.

The aforesaid statement adds that the Armenian community of Turkey, despite its fairly small potential, can be considered a symbolic bridge between Turkey and Armenia.

Central Bank of Armenia: exchange rates and prices of precious metals – 11-07-22




YEREVAN, 11 JULY, ARMENPRESS. The Central Bank of Armenia informs “Armenpress” that today, 11 July, USD exchange rate up by 0.29 drams to 410.96 drams. EUR exchange rate down by 0.90 drams to 415.60 drams. Russian Ruble exchange rate down by 0.03 drams to 6.69 drams. GBP exchange rate down by 0.89 drams to 491.34 drams.

The Central Bank has set the following prices for precious metals.

Gold price down by 112.53 drams to 22966.26 drams. Silver price down by 2.79 drams to 253.68 drams. Platinum price stood at 16414.1 drams.

Bayramov on Azerbaijan-Armenia border: Delimitation is time-consuming process

Armenia – July 7 2022

Considering the relations between Azerbaijan and Armenia, the delimitation of borders will not be a simple process, there will be sensitive moments, said Azerbaijani Foreign Minister Jeyhun Bayramov, APA reports..

"The formation of commissions on determining borders was a complex process in itself. Armenia had preconditions. They demanded de-escalation measures and the withdrawal of Azerbaijani soldiers from the borders," the Azerbaijani official said. 

"However, Azerbaijan put forward its position. We believe that we stand on our borders and it is our duty to protect borders. This process should be conducted by analyzing historical and legal documents through negotiations with the participation of experts.

Delimitation is a time-consuming process. It is impossible to start the process at any time and complete it in a short time.

Considering the relations between Azerbaijan and Armenia, it will not be a simple process, there will be sensitive moments. However, we consider that the commission itself is already progress.

We have already held the first meeting, and further meetings are not excluded," Bayramov added.

Issues related to land reform discussed at a consultation chaired by PM Pashinyan




YEREVAN, JUNE 30, ARMENPRESS. A consultation chaired by Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan was held, during which issues related to land reforms were discussed, ARMENPRESS was informed from the Office of the Prime Minister.

In particular, the reduction of unused land plots of agricultural significance, the distribution of land plots, the expansion of irrigated areas, the main reasons for the land plots not being used, and some works carried out so far within the framework of land reforms were referred to.  Issues related to land enlargement, implementation of a pilot program for land market development, development and application of proposed economic mechanisms for land cultivation and consolidation were discussed.

Inventory of lands that are irrigated but not used, measures to be taken to increase the efficiency of land cultivation were highlighted.

An exchange of views took place on the above-mentioned issues, various proposals and observations were submitted by the heads of the concerned departments.

Prime Minister Pashinyan attached importance to the implemenation of land reforms and increase of the profitability of farms, including as a result of enlarging the cultivated lands. The Prime Minister instructed the officials in charge to form a relevant working group, which will develop a roadmap for action. The Prime Minister considered it necessary to implement a pilot program, which will help identify the problems and further implementing the reforms effectively.

Working group to study recording of conversation between former and current heads of Council has been formed in SJC

Armenia –
Alexandr Avanesov

ArmInfo. A working group has been formed in the Supreme Judicial Council of Armenia to study the recording of the conversation between the former and current heads of  the Supreme Court of Justice Ruben Vardazaryan and Gagik Jhangiryan.  Member of the SJC David Khachaturyan told journalists on June 27.

According to him, the working group consists of five members. The  Group intends to study the recording and give an objective and  adequate assessment of the expressions and opinions that are recorded  in it.  That's why Khachaturyan now refuses to comment on this  conversation. He noted that the JSC appealed to Vardazaryan with an  appeal to provide the group with a complete and unedited recording of  the conversation. "Vardazaryan said that he has not yet received our  letter, when he receives and gives an official answer, we will also  answer for our part," Khachaturyan emphasized, adding that the  versions of all parties, including Vardazaryan himself, Jhangiryan  and lawyers, have the right to be expressed. In this regard,  Khachaturyan pointed out the importance of conducting a full-fledged  investigation. According to him, law enforcement agencies are  preparing materials, and urged to wait for the results of the  investigation.

It should be reminded that on June 20, Chairman of the Supreme  Judicial Council Ruben Vardazaryan, whose powers had not yet been  suspended by this date, published a recording of a conversation with  Acting Chairman of the SJC Gagik Jhangiryan, stating that in exchange  for stopping the persecution, he was offered to resign as Chairman of  the SJC. He also noted that the proposal was made on behalf of  Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan. Before publishing the  recording, Vardazaryan emphasized that if something happens to him or  his family members, the perpetrators can be easily found. -sh-  

Armenia and Armenian people ‘have no allies’, analyst says

Armenia –

Armenia and the Armenian people “have no allies”, according to political analyst Hrant Melik-Shahnazaryan.

“We are alone in this world. But that is not all. The biggest problem is that even our elites don’t fully realize it. Or they do, but they are running away from the truth,” he wrote on Telegram on Tuesday.

“And it is no longer an escape. It is betrayal,” the analyst said.

Armenpress: Armenian military denies Azerbaijani accusations on opening fire at border

Armenian military denies Azerbaijani accusations on opening fire at border



 09:32, 21 June 2022

YEREVAN, JUNE 21, ARMENPRESS. The Armenian Ministry of Defense denied Azerbaijani accusations on opening fire at the border.

“The statement of the Azerbaijani defense ministry according to which overnight June 20-21 the units of the Armenian Armed Forces opened fire from various caliber firearms at the Azerbaijani positions located in the eastern section of the Armenian-Azerbaijani border has nothing to do with the reality.

The situation on the Armenian-Azerbaijani border is relatively stable and is under the full control of the Armenian Armed Forces”, the Defense Ministry said in a statement.

OSCE Minsk Group hardly has any prospects – Alexey Malashenko

Armenia –

David Stepanyan

ArmInfo. The OSCE Minsk Group's further activities hardly have any prospects, Alexey Malashenko, Senior Researcher at the Institute of World Economy and International  Relations of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IMEMO), said in an  interview with ArmInfo. 

"I consider the statements on the OSCE Minsk Group co-chairmanship  made by Karen Donfried and Maria Zakharova in this context. This is  nothing but intricate diplomatic swordplay in the present strained  geopolitical situation. Nothing else should be expected at the  current stage," he said. 

On June 22, Karen Donfried, U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for  European and Eurasian Affairs, stated in Yerevan that, despite the  broken off contacts with Russia, the USA was willing to continue  cooperation in settling the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict within the OSCE  Minsk Group.

In response, Maria Zakharova, Spokesperson for the Russian Ministry  of Foreign Affairs expressed her doubts about the sincerity of that  statement. According to her, if Washington and Paris really  appreciated thee Minsk Group, they would not have disregarded the  mandate approved by all the member-states. 

In this context, Mr Malashenko believes that all the latest talks  about the OSCE Minsk Group are an "artificial political agenda" both  for Washington, Paris and Brussels and for Moscow. And this agenda  enables the parties to convey certain messages to each other in the  best-case scenario or, in the worst-case scenario, seriously damage  the opponent's international reputation. 

"In fact, fierce rivalry is taking place for mediation in settling  the Armenian-Azerbaijani problems now.  And the West is seeking to  gain the upper hand in the Nagorno-Karabakh peace process. And  neither party is capable of thinking of what the OSCE Minsk Group's  activities could be. Clearly, it is causing damage to the peace  process itself, and the lack of results is evidence thereof. And to  resolve the current situation the mediators should abandon the policy  of escalating the regional region," the expert said.

Armenpress: The narrow-format session of the Eurasian Intergovernmental Council held in Minsk

The narrow-format session of the Eurasian Intergovernmental Council held in Minsk




YEREVAN, JUNE 20, ARMENPRESS. Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan took part in the narrow-format session of the Eurasian Intergovernmental Council in Minsk, ARMENPRESS was informed from the Office of the Prime Minster.

First, the Prime Minister of Belarus Roman Golovchenko met with the Heads of Government of Armenia, Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and then, after the video shooting ceremony, the session took place.

The Prime Ministers of the Eurasian Economic Union member states discussed issues related to the strengthening of the internal market, the development of transport infrastructure, and the regulation of customs tariffs. Reference was also made to cooperation on the digital agenda.

The expanded-format session of the Eurasian Intergovernmental Council will take place on June 21.

More than 250 foreigners applied for asylum and refugee status in Armenia this year – Migration Service




YEREVAN, JUNE 20, ARMENPRESS. This year more than 250 foreigners, most of them from Ukraine, have applied for asylum and refugee status in Armenia, the Migration Service of Armenia said.

In January-March 2022, the Migration Service received applications for asylum from 13 countries of the world, including Ukraine, Iran, Iraq, Cuba, Lebanon, Syria, etc.

Over the past ten years Armenia has provided a refugee status to more than 1500 asylum seekers. In the past five years the Migration Service has been receiving an average of 220 applications for asylum per year.

During the 2020 war unleashed by Azerbaijan against Artsakh, the Migration Service collected the data of the displaced persons from Artsakh, which it processes and sends to other agencies if necessary.

The data was obtained through home visits: in Yerevan accompanied by representatives of territorial staffs of the Yerevan City Hall’s Department of Children and Social Protection, and in provinces through representatives of staffs of local self-government authorities.

Nearly 91,000 persons, 88% of whom are women and children, have been registered in the electronic database.

Housing program for refugees forcibly displaced from Azerbaijan

Based on the 2019 November 21 decision of the government, the Migration Service carries out a housing program for refugee families who were displaced from Azerbaijan in 1988-1992 and have been left without shelter for 30 years. 270 families have been provided with apartment purchase certificates – with a total cost of 3.7 billion drams. Nearly 200 of these families (around 75% of those who received apartment purchase certificates) have already purchased an apartment.

On March 10, 2022, the government of Armenia adopted the decision N283 according to which the program will start to be implemented in the provinces. According to the studies conducted in 2013, 254 families in provinces are potential program beneficiaries. Currently, a process of re-registration of potential beneficiaries living in provinces is underway.

June 20 is celebrated around the world as the World Refugee Day.