EU envoy to Armenia meets with civil society organizations’ representatives working in Meghri
Armenia – June 15 2022

During a visit to Meghri, Armenia, Ambassador Andrea Wiktorin—Head of the European Union (EU) Delegation to Armenia—and colleagues from the European Commission’s Directorate-General for EU Neighbourhood and Enlargement on Wednesday met with representatives of civil society organizations working in Meghri, according to the Facebook page of the EU Delegation to Armenia

They heard from local civil society organizations about the main issues and development priorities for Syunik Province identified by the civil society actors based on their work with local beneficiaries.

Additional program of events planned for STARMUS VI festival in Armenia



 13:02, 16 June 2022

YEREVAN, JUNE 16, ARMENPRESS. In the first 10 days of September this year Armenia will turn into a global center of science, technologies, art and music thanks to the STARMUS VI festival, by hosting world-renowned scientists and stars, STARMUS festival co-founder, astrophysicist Garik Israelian said at a press conference today.

STARMUS board member David Eicher, Nobel laureate, neuroscientist Edvard Moser and musician Derek Sherinian joined the press conference online. The messages of Brian May and Serj Tankian were also addressed.

Photos by Gevorg Perkuperkyan

Garik Israelyan said that the conference “Discover the cosmos and change the world” is a part of the main program of the festival, which will take place in the Karen Demirchyan Sports and Concert Complex and is expected to be attended by around 7000 participants.

“It’s also important to mention the ceremony of awarding the Stephen Hawking Medal which is known around the world as an Oscar for science promotion. “108 Minutes Round-Table” with the participation of Nobel Prize laureates, Star Party – a special event involving world-renowned guests and local figures, which will take place in Garni. Many telescopes, brought to Armenia within the frames of the festival, will be stationed there”, he said.  

He said that additional events specially for the Armenian festival will also be held.

“A Science Camp, the area near the National Opera and Ballet Theater, will turn into a major center of science and technologies where visitors, both adults and children, will be introduced on the latest achievements of science in the most available formats. Around 100,000 people from Yerevan, the provinces and Artsakh are expected to attend the event. The Space Technologies two-day conference will be held in the Karen Demirchyan Sports and Concert Complex, involving around 20 world-renowned speakers, including from the Satlantis space technology company. The program is a series of important events with the participation of Armenian universities which will be carried out in partnership with the partner universities and will provide the students with an opportunity to listen to famous scientists in their universities”, he said.

Garik Israelian says making the festival maximally available to the youth, the broad public is very important for them, and they have set an affordable participation fee for the festival – 25,000 drams. He informed that students will be provided with a discount, the fee for them will be 20,000 drams.

The format of STARMUS is unique in a sense that it popularizes science, makes it closer to the youth by inspiring them to make new research and discoveries.

STARMUS is a global festival of science communication and art that brings together the most brilliant minds on the planet. Its aim is to inspire and educate the next generation of explorers and regenerate the spirit of discovery. STARMUS combines art, music and science to enhance the science communication.

Nobel Prize laureate Ardem Patapoutian elected honorary member of the National Academy of Sciences of Armenia




YEREVAN, JUNE 14, ARMENPRESS. By the decision of the General Meeting of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia on June 9, the prominent U.S.-Armenian scientist, Nobel Prize laureate, molecular biologist-neurobiologist, Professor Ardem Patapoutian was elected an honorary member of the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) of the Republic of Armenia, ARMENPRESS was informed from the NAS.

In 2021 he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for his discovery of receptors that allow humans to feel temperature and touch.

Ardem Patapoutian is a molecular biologist specializing in sensory transduction. His notable contributions to science include identifying novel ion channels activated by temperature, mechanical force, and increased cell volume. His laboratory has shown that these ion channels play crucial roles in sensing temperature, touch, proprioception, and pain. Patapoutian was born in Lebanon in 1967 and attended the American University of Beirut for one year before he immigrated to The United States in 1986. He graduated from UCLA in 1990 and received his PhD at Caltech in the lab of Dr. Barbara Wold in 1996. After postdoctoral work with Dr. Lou Reichardt at UCSF, he joined the faculty of The Scripps Research Institute in 2000, where he is currently a Professor in the Department of Neuroscience. He also held a position at the Genomics Institute of The Novartis Research Foundation from 2000-2014. Patapoutian was awarded the Young Investigator Award from the Society for Neuroscience in 2006 and was named an Investigator of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute in 2014. He is a fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (2016), and a member of the National Academy of Sciences (2017).

‘Amended’ statement of Russian Foreign Minister: what happened during Lavrov’s visit to Armenia?

  • JAMnews
  • Yerevan

Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov’s visit to Yerevan

In Armenia, special attention was paid not to the meeting of the Council of Foreign Ministers of the CSTO member countries, which took place in Yerevan on June 10, but to the statements of Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov. He arrived in Armenia on a two-day working visit. During a joint press conference with his Armenian counterpart Ararat Mirzoyan, he made two statements that are still actively discussed in Armenia.

One concerns the unblocking of communications by Armenia and Azerbaijan, and the other concerns the situation around the village of Parukh in Nagorno-Karabakh (Azerbaijanis call this village Farukh).

In particular, Lavrov announced a “simplified regime” of control during the resumption of road communication between Armenia and Azerbaijan, which “will be completely based on the sovereignty of the territory of Armenia”. This statement corresponds to the position of the Armenian side, but the _expression_ “simplified regime” raised questions.

Answering the question about the village of Parukh, Lavrov said that the issue would be resolved “within the framework of the upcoming substantive work on the delimitation” of the Armenian-Azerbaijani border. This raised a question in Baku: what do NK territories have to do with the Armenian-Azerbaijani border?

  • CSTO military bloc celebrates 30th anniversary: how leaders view the alliance
  • Opinion from Baku: “Moscow is against bilateral negotiations between Azerbaijan and Armenia”
  • “CSTO military contingent went to Kazakhstan, but never came to Armenia”

During a press conference, Sergey Lavrov spoke about the resumption of transport links between Armenia and Azerbaijan:

“The railway route has already been agreed, now the agreement on the land route is ending, as well as the agreement on the regime that will be introduced. It will be completely based on the sovereignty of the territory of Armenia. There can be no ambiguity here”.

After the second Karabakh war, the Azerbaijani side repeatedly demanded the provision of a “corridor” through the territory of Armenia to its Nakhichevan exclave. The Armenian side constantly repeated that it was in favor of unblocking regional communications, but was categorically against providing routes with “corridor logic”. According to the explanation of the Armenian authorities, the term “corridor” implies the loss of sovereignty over this territory, which is out of the question.

According to Lavrov, the process of unblocking roads is connected with practical actions, “which are associated with the creation of infrastructure for many years, so it’s better to look before leaping”.

After the meeting of the Deputy Prime Ministers of Armenia, Azerbaijan and Russia, which took place in Moscow on June 3, Russia reported that the parties had found closer approaches to issues of border, customs and other types of control of roads and railways. Yerevan said that the approaches of the parties were clarified. But it remains unclear what these approaches are.

During the press conference, the ministers did not explain what is meant by the “simplified regime” of control. It is this issue that has become the most discussed in the expert community of Armenia.

The new CRRC Armenia survey has determined what worries the Armenian people the most: the need to strengthen the army, poverty, and the peace agreement with Azerbaijan

Answering a question about the situation around the village of Parukh in Nagorno-Karabakh, Lavrov stressed that it is a priority for Russian peacekeepers:

“There are certain results already in terms of the de-escalation of this situation. We have an understanding that within the framework of the forthcoming substantive work on delimitation, these issues will be considered and resolved without fail”.

In March 2022, the Azerbaijani Armed Forces advanced in Nagorno-Karabakh to the territory under the control of Russian peacekeepers. This refers to the village of Parukh in the Askeran region and part of the strategically important height of Karaglukh. So far, the Russian peacekeepers have failed to return the Azerbaijanis to their original positions and the inhabitants of Parukh still cannot return to their homes.

Armenia reports tensions in Nagorno-Karabakh – statement of the Security Council of Armenia, position of the command of the Russian peacekeeping forces stationed in NK, as well as a comment by a political scientist here

Official Baku reacted to Lavrov’s comment about the village of Parukh (Farukh) in Nagorno-Karabakh. The head of the press service of the Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry, Leyla Abdullayeva, stated that it is located in the Khojaly region and has nothing to do with the issue of delimitation of the border with Armenia:

“The activities of the commissions on delimitation established by Azerbaijan and Armenia, as was foreseen in advance, pursue the goal of delimiting the state border of the two countries. Within the framework of this process, no issue is expected to be considered outside the Azerbaijani-Armenian state border”.

After that, the Russian Foreign Ministry released the transcript of the press conference between Lavrov and Mirzoyan, editing Lavrov’s statement as follows:

“We hope that the launch of the process of delimitation of the Armenian-Azerbaijani border will help increase confidence between Baku and Yerevan and prevent incidents like Parukh in the zone of responsibility of the Russian peacekeeping contingent”.

Political scientist Armen Grigoryan calls for urgent revision of Armenia’s foreign policy to replace the ongoing “pseudo-diversification” of the country’s foreign affairs

Political observer Hakob Badalyan is sure that the parties have not agreed on the regime of control of roads that will be unblocked.

Hakob Badalyan emphasizes that the starting point should be the trilateral statement of November 9, signed by the heads of Armenia, Azerbaijan and Russia. It clearly states that Armenia undertakes to ensure unhindered communication between Nakhichevan and Azerbaijan, and the FSB of Russia will control the road.

According to the expert, Azerbaijan is trying to present this in the corridor logic, since for Baku there is also the issue of domestic consumption. And Yerevan, according to him, should rule out such a development.

“Lavrov’s statements that sovereignty cannot be questioned are an important starting point. So far, Yerevan manages to keep this bar in the perception of the main players”, Badalyan believes.

Referring to Lavrov’s statement about the situation in Parukha, the observer eliminates confusion. Given the fact that this is an extremely experienced diplomat, Badalyan believes that this was most likely a deliberate hint. It came after “not so smooth” talks with the Turkish president in Ankara.

The political observer does not rule out that Lavrov’s statement was intended for Ankara or Baku.

“Lavrov made a hint in some direction, then, making sure that the addressee received it, he decided to stop the process at the public level. And the Russian Foreign Ministry presented a transcript with different content so that there would be no more noise on this topic. Over time, it will become clear how this process will continue behind the scenes”.

CPJ: Armenia parliament passes bill allowing state bodies to revoke journalist accreditation

May 31 2022

Stockholm, May 31, 2022 – Armenian President Vahagn Khachaturyan should refrain from ratifying legal amendments allowing state bodies to revoke journalists’ accreditation, the Committee to Protect Journalists said Tuesday.

On May 25, Armenia’s parliament approved the amendments to the country’s mass media law, according to news reports and an entry on the parliamentary website. Previously, only media outlets could revoke their journalists’ accreditation with state agencies, although amendments last December allowed agencies to deny accreditation.

According to media reports, local press freedom advocates fear that authorities could use the amendments to bar critical journalists from covering parliamentary sessions and other government events. The amendments will take effect when signed by the country’s president, according to Ashot Melikyan, head of the local press advocacy group Committee to Protect Freedom of _expression_, who spoke with CPJ by telephone.

“The recent amendments to journalist accreditation regulations are the latest example of Armenia’s departure from international standards in media legislation. Given the country’s highly polarized politics and potential for selective application, these amendments are concerning,” said Gulnoza Said, CPJ’s Europe and Central Asia program coordinator, in New York. “We urge President Khachaturyan to refrain from ratifying the amendments and call on authorities to work with local press freedom organizations to reform recent restrictive media laws.”

Under the new regulations, state bodies will be able to terminate journalists’ accreditation if they violate the body’s accreditation regulations or “rules of procedure” for a second time within a year after receiving a written warning for a previous violation.

The bill’s authors, two deputies with Armenia’s ruling Civil Contract party, have denied that the amendments restrict freedom of the press, stating in parliament that only the accreditation of a specific journalist can be revoked, not media outlets as a whole. They added that outlets would be able to replace any journalist whose accreditation was terminated and argued in parliament and in an explanatory note accompanying the bill that the change was necessitated by “numerous cases” of journalists threatening and insulting parliamentary deputies and “obstructing the activities of both deputies and other journalists.”

Melikyan told CPJ that while a small number of journalists have been guilty of inappropriate behavior, it was wrong to enact laws on this basis, as authorities could use the law as an “instrument of pressure” against the journalistic community. “Today, government organs might object to journalists’ behavior. Later it could be how journalists cover their work,” Melikyan said.

Journalists will be able to appeal decisions on denial and termination of accreditation through the courts, he added but said it remains to be seen how both state organs and the courts will apply the law in practice.

Melikyan described the amendments as the latest “link in the chain of regressive media bills” in Armenia. In July and October 2021, the country recriminalized insult and tripled existing fines for insult and defamation, while parliament banned journalists from entering the legislative chamber without advance permission and limited media interviews to a designated area, as CPJ documented.

CPJ emailed the Parliament of Armenia, the Office of the President, and the Office of the Prime Minister for comment but did not receive any replies.

New Argavand-Shirak road commissioned in Yerevan

Public Radio of Armenia
June 4 2022

The newly-built Argavand-Shirak road was opened in Yerevan today in a ceremony attended by Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan, Deputy Prime Minister Hambardzum Matosyan, Yerevan Mayor Hrachya Sargsyan, Asian Development Bank Vice President Shixin Chen, other officials.

The contract for the construction of the road section was signed on July 16, 2019, between Levantina Ingenieria y Construcción Company (Spain) and the Yerevan Municipality. The contract is worth $26 million. The constriction works were commenced on September 6, 2019.

The Argavand-Shirak road is part of the western circular road of Yerevan, and serves as a link between the Malatia-Sebastia and Shengavit administrative districts of Yerevan.

The total length of the road is 2.7 km, and the average width is 26 m. The road section also includes a 252-meter-long, 28-meter-wide metal bridge over the Hrazdan River, as well as a road crossing between Isakov and Babajanyan streets.

All the existing conduits in the impact zone of the road have been relocated, underground communication pipes have been installed under the sidewalks. Exterior lighting systems are equipped with LED energy-saving luminaires.

Within the framework of the construction of the Argavand-Shirak road section, 26 households received compensation amounting to about 265 million AMD.


Armenpress: Friendship obliges to deepen the Armenia-Greece cooperation to face the challenges. Nikolaos Chardalias

Friendship obliges to deepen the Armenia-Greece cooperation to face the challenges. Nikolaos Chardalias



 20:39, 2 June 2022

YEREVAN, JUNE 2, ARMENPRESS. Defense Minister of Armenia Suren Papikyan received the delegation led by the Deputy Minister of National Defense of Greece Nikolaos Chardalias.

The Armenian Minister of Defense highly assessed the current level of the Armenian-Greek cooperation in the defense sphere, stressed the necessity of developing the cooperation especially in the military-technical direction.

As ARMENPRESS was informed from the press service of the Defense Ministry, Nikolaos Chardalias expressed the readiness of the Greek side to develop cooperation, noting that the warm, friendly relations between the two countries oblige to further deepen the cooperation for facing the existing challenges.

Issues related to regional security were also discussed during the meeting. The Minister of Defense presented the security situation following the 44-day war in Artsakh and the existing threats.

On the same day, the Deputy Minister of Defense of the Republic of Armenia Karen Brutyan received the delegation led by the Deputy Minister of National Defense of Greece. The possibilities of developing cooperation in the military-technical sphere were discussed.

Armenian, Saudi FMs discuss prospects of cooperation between the two countries

Public Radio of Armenia
Armenia – June 1 2022

Foreign Minister of Armenia Ararat Mirzoyan held a phone conversation with Minister of State for Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Adel bin Ahmed Al-Jubeir. 

The sides discussed the prospects of establishing bilateral and multilateral agenda of cooperation and development of relations between Armenia and Saudi Arabia. 

The importance of promoting trade and economic ties between the two countries and implementing investment programs was highlighted.

Minister Mirzoyan informed his interlocutor that Armenia supports Saudi Arabia’s application to hold “World Expo 2030” in Riyadh. 

Asbarez: 45th Homenetmen Navasartian Games Will Make Triumphant Return at LACC

45th Homenetmen Navasartian Games graphic

This year’s historic 45th Navasartian Games and Festival will celebrate Homenetmen’s renowned athletic program, which has served the Armenian community for generations. Organized by Homenetmen Western US Region, the festival will be held at the Los Angeles City College campus.

LACC holds a special place in the hearts of Homenetmen members who have fond memories of the original Navasartian Games, which were held on the same campus back in the late 1970’s. The Navasartian Games and Festival, which culminate on Fourth of July weekend, mark a triumphant return for Homenetmen’s many chapters, whose athletes have embraced the opportunity to carry on their beloved sporting tradition in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Athletic competitions and Finals will convene from June 29 to July 3. The Festival, featuring live entertainment, great food, and fun booths, will begin on Friday, July 1st, from 4:00 p.m. and continue through Sunday, July 3rd. The Closing Ceremonies will commence on Sunday, July 3rd at 6:00 p.m., the highlight of which will be the Parade of Champions, where crowds will salute our young athletes and volunteers who embody the spirit of the Navasartian Games.

“We are so proud of all of our athletes,” said Varant Melkonian, Homenetmen Western US Region’s 2022 Exemplary Member. “They are our greatest achievement, as they inspire us to elevate one another through the values of kindness, sportsmanship and humility. The Festival is our way of saying thank you,” he added.

Los Angeles City College is located at 855 N. Vermont Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90029. Accessible parking, as well as Metro and Bus Stops, are available.

Scenes from Homenetmen Navasartian Games in the 1970’s

The Navasartian Games, Closing Ceremonies, and Festival will punctuate a beautiful series of events honoring Navasartian’s 45 years of service to the Armenian community, beginning with the 45th Navasartian Victory Ball. The Ball will be held on Sunday, June 26th at The Beverly Hilton.

Given the rich legacy of Homenetmen’s programs for athletics, scouting. and public service, it is fitting to mark the occasion with not one, but two major celebrations of our youth and their exceptional commitment to excellence.

For more information about the Navasartian Games and Festival and the 45th Navasartian Victory Ball, visit the Navasartian Games website or call (323) 344-4300.