Armen Grigoryan: Armenia and Azerbaijan could exchange enclaves
Armenia – May 5 2022

For us, the possible option for the solution to the issue of enclaves is for the enclaves of Armenia to remain in Azerbaijan, and the Azerbaijani enclaves, which are in the territory of Armenia, to remain in Armenia. Secretary Armen Grigoryan of the Security Council of Armenia stated this at Thursday’s press briefing at the government.

According to him, the issue of enclaves has not been raised so far, and both sides are silent in this regard.

"There are enclaves on both sides. There is an [Armenian] enclave in the territory of Azerbaijan [i.e., Artsvashen] and there are [Azerbaijani] enclaves in the territory of Armenia. The surface area of those territories is virtually the same," Grigoryan added.

Also, he called "incomprehensible" the claims of the Armenian opposition that the issue of enclaves will arise if a peace agreement is signed with Azerbaijan, and said that the opposition continues to make unsubstantiated statements that have nothing in common with reality.

AAP: Protesters demand Armenian PM resign

May 4 2022

Protesters have demanded the resignation of Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan and opposition lawmakers have walked out of parliament as pressure mounts against the embattled politician.

After blocking major roads in the capital Yerevan, demonstrators rallied outside parliament to voice their discontent while Pashinyan was speaking inside.

Protesters brandishing tricolour Armenian flags shouted "Armenia without Nikol!" and "Leave!," according to video from the scene.

Police arrested some of the protesters and security officials warned them against trying to storm the parliament building.

The opposition walkout came as Pashinyan was delivering a fiery speech.

"You run like you always run," he shouted at MPs leaving the session, while his supporters clapped.

Pashinyan has faced heavy criticism since Armenia was defeated by Azerbaijan in a six-week war in 2020 and lost significant territory in and around the disputed region of Nagorno-Karabakh.

Pashinyan said he had been compelled to accept a Russian-brokered peace deal, which prompted a wave of protests, to avoid greater human and territorial losses.

with reporting from AP

Australian Associated Press


Erdogan: The process of normalization of relations with Armenia continues, problems will be resolved in the near future

Armenia –
Marianna Mkrtchyan

ArmInfo.The process of of normalization of relations with Armenia continues, and the problems will be resolved in the near future. Turkish President Recep Tayyip  Erdogan said this on April 27 at an iftar with representatives of  national minorities, referring to the process of normalizing  Armenian-Turkish relations, Turkiyegazetesi reports.  

Erdogan said that the wars must be stopped and that they are making  efforts to establish an atmosphere of friendship. "We are negotiating  with Armenia. Let's hope that the borders will open and our friendly  relations will continue," he said.

In turn, Chairman of the Armenian Foundations Union Bedros Sirinoglu,  said in his statement on this occasion: "We were in a friendly and  sincere atmosphere.  Mr. President was sincere as always."

It should be noted that on February 24, in Vienna, the second meeting  of the Special Representatives of Armenia and Turkey, Vice Speaker of  the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia Ruben Rubinyan and  Ambassador Serdar Kilic on the normalization of relations took place.   The special representatives confirmed that the ultimate goal of the  negotiations is a full-fledged settlement between Armenia and Turkey,  on which an agreement was reached during their first meeting in  Moscow on 14 January.  

The start of the normalization process was announced on December 13,  2021 by Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu. At the same time,  he stressed that Ankara will act in coordination with Azerbaijan  regarding steps to normalize relations with Armenia. The next meeting  is planned in Vienna, the date has not yet been made public.

Sports: Malakyan and Manoyan’s goals bring Ararat victory over Urartu
Armenia –

In 30th Armenian Championship match Ararat celebratd 2-1 away win over Urartu thanks to goals from midfielders Edgar Malakyan and David Manoyan.

Ararat are in the third place with 43 points while Urartu are in the 6th place with 30 points.

 Armenian Championship, round 30

Urartu vs Ararat 1-2

Artur Miranyan, 72 (penalty kick) – Edgar Malakyan, 41, David Manoyan, 76

Red cards: Edgar Grigoryan ("Urartu"), 7, Hovhannes Nazaryan ("Ararat"), 62

Statement by the Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on Armenian Genocide Memorial Day

Office of the Prime Minister
Justin Trudeau

The Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, today issued the following statement on Armenian Genocide Memorial Day, also known as Medz Yeghern:

“Today, we join Armenian communities in Canada and around the world to honour the memory of the victims of the Armenian genocide – one of the darkest chapters in human history. We also honour their descendants, including Canadians of Armenian heritage, who have contributed and who continue to help shape the strong, diverse, and inclusive country that we enjoy today.

“The atrocities committed and the horrific number of lives that were taken from 1915 to 1923 must never be forgotten. In 2015, a century after the start of this tragedy, Parliament passed a motion declaring April 24 as Armenian Genocide Memorial Day, a date that has since served to remember the loss, trauma, and pain inflicted by these atrocities and to ensure they are never repeated. This day falls during Genocide Remembrance, Condemnation and Prevention Month.

“Hatred and violence must never again be met with indifference. Each and every one of us has a role to play in making sure such brutality is never repeated, and it starts with taking a stand against discrimination and hate in all its forms – whenever and wherever it occurs.

“Together, on this sombre anniversary, we remember the lives lost, recognize the strength and spirit of the Armenian people, and look forward with hope to a future of peace, mutual respect, and dignity among people and countries around the world.”

Armenia, Russia have intensive plan to jointly develop energy, transportation and other areas – Pashinyan




MOSCOW, APRIL 20, ARMENPRESS. The 30th anniversary of the diplomatic relations of Armenia and Russia is a good occasion to analyze the past cooperation path and outline the future actions, Prime Minister of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan said during the meeting with Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin in Moscow.

In his remarks Pashinyan said that he is in Russia with quite a full agenda and informed that he already held productive meetings. Particularly, he mentioned the meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin during which important agreements were reached and a broad range of issues relating to the inter-state relations were discussed.

Nikol Pashinyan said Russia is Armenia’s key trade partner, adding that the trade-economic indicators are registering growth. He highlighted the effective cooperation both in the bilateral format and within the Eurasian Economic Union.

“We have quite a rich experience in energy sector, we have an intensive plan for jointly developing that field. There are concrete programs also in transportation and other areas. We agreed with Russian President Vladimir Putin to make the inter-governmental council the main platform where the agreements reached in economy, energy and other areas will be implemented”, PM Pashinyan said, stating that the ministries of the two countries are cooperating quite well.

The PM said new challenges emerge nowadays, but added that there are also opportunities that should be used for finding new solutions.

Armenian PM congratulates Yazidi community on New Year – Melek Taûs

Public Radio of Armenia

Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan sent a congratulatory message to the representatives of the Yazidi community of Armenia on the occasion of the Yazidi New Year, Melek Taûs.

The message reads:

“Dear representatives of the Yazidi community of Armenia,

I warmly congratulate you on the occasion of the New Year – Melek Taûs.

I wish the New Year for the Yazidis of our country to be a year of success, happiness and abundance, and that our Yazidi compatriots preserve and develop their national language and cultural traditions.

We have common pain and happiness. Today we share your happiness, and be sure that we are ready to share your troubles as brothers, that your community’s issues are in our focus.

Melek Taûs brings with it a new hope and dream, so I wish our region to be peaceful, secure in the new year and that the severe trials remain in the past.

All the best to you, dear compatriots.”

Armenian PM, Russian President sum up the results of the meeting with a joint statement




YEREVAN, APRIL 19, ARMENPRESS. Prime Minister of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan and Russian President Vladimir Putin summed up the results of the meeting held within the framework of the Prime Minister's official visit.

As ARMENPRESS was informed from the Offic eof the Prime Minsiter, the statement runs as follows:

At the invitation of the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin, on April 19-20, 2022, the Prime Minister of the Republic of Armenia N.V. Pashinyan paid an official visit to the Russian Federation.


  1. The leaders held a detailed exchange of views in the constructive and trusting atmosphere typical of the allied relations between Armenia and Russia on the wide-ranging agenda in the political, military, military-technical, trade-economic, scientific-educational, cultural-humanitarian spheres, as well as in the spheres of justice, labor and social affairs, noted with satisfaction the positive dynamics of the development of a mutually beneficial multifaceted alliance between Armenia and Russia. Cooperation on regional and international issues of mutual interest were also discussed.

    2. Attaching historical significance to the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations, April 3, 1992, the parties confirmed the intention to expand and deepen the comprehensive interstate relations based on the principles enshrined in the Treaty on Friendship, Cooperation, Mutual Assistance between the Republic of Armenia and the Russian Federation signed on August 29, 1997 and the Declaration on the Allied Partnership between the Republic of Armenia and the Russian Federation oriented towards the 21st century signed on September 26, 2000. The parties expressed confidence that the further progressive development of the Armenian-Russian relations will contribute to the realization of the essential interests and aspirations of the peoples of Armenia and Russia, to the strengthening of regional security and stability, to the strengthening of the international reputation of the two countries.

    3. The leaders agreed that the organization of joint events dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations in 2022 will serve to the promotion of bilateral cooperation and strengthening of its strategic orientation and special nature. It was agreed to hold the Days of Armenian Culture in Russia and the Days of Russian Spiritual Culture in Armenia, to lay the foundation of the Armenian-Russian friendship monument in Yerevan on the occasion of the anniversary and a number of other events that will strengthen interpersonal contacts between our peoples.

    It was decided to promote the establishment of a dialogue between the Armenian and Russian societies on a permanent basis, aiming to hold its first session in 2022, dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations.

    4. N.V. Pashinyan and V.V. Putin mentioned the priority importance of regular dialogue in the atmosphere of trust at the highest level. In this connection, the importance of the current official visit of the Prime Minister of Armenia to the Russian Federation was stressed in terms of further strengthening mutually beneficial political ties, expanding interdepartmental exchanges, deepening trade and economic cooperation and integration processes in the Eurasian region and normalization of the situation and raising stability in the South Caucasus.

    The usefulness of the experience of conducting bilateral foreign policy consultations at different levels was confirmed. The need to continue the intensive Armenian-Russian inter-parliamentary dialogue was stressed. The high level of military and military-technical cooperation between the Republic of Armenia and the Russian Federation was mentioned.

    5. The leaders expressed satisfaction with the results of the work aimed at bringing the trade turnover between Armenia and Russia to the path of sustainable growth. The need for further diversification of the categories of trade, further progressive growth of volumes, the development of cooperation in various spheres of production, the active implementation of the mechanisms of the Eurasian Economic Union were stressed.

    An agreement was reached to encourage the establishment of close ties between the business circles of the two countries, including through interregional and local self-government platforms, through the application of business mission mechanisms. The work done to finalize the economic cooperation program between the Government of the Republic of Armenia and the Government of the Russian Federation for 2022-2025 was positively assessed.

    6. The high demand and efficiency of the Intergovernmental Commission on Economic Cooperation between the Republic of Armenia and the Russian Federation, as well as the Working Group on Industry in terms of elaboration and implementation of bilateral practical arrangements were underlined. Mutual interest was expressed in holding permanent industrial exhibitions in the territory of Armenia, including, with the emphasis on cooperation in the field of high technologies.

    The Parties welcomed the intention of the Russian economic operators to create a complete, modern production cycle in Armenia, expressed interest in the development of the field of energy, including the development of renewable energy programs based on the principles of energy security and independence, caring attitude for the nature and sustainable development.

    It was decided to further facilitate the flow of Russian investments to Armenia. It was emphasized that the Russian economic operators are among the main taxpayers of the Republic of Armenia, ensure the creation of a significant number of jobs, expand the opportunities for professional training of the staff.

    The Parties noted with satisfaction the work of the Parties on the establishment of the Armenian-Russian Business Council with the aim of expanding ties between the two countries' regions, strengthening business ties, establishing joint ventures and intensifying investment dialogue.

    The Parties reaffirmed their readiness to expand cooperation in the field of use of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes, welcomed the extension of the term of operation of the Armenian NPP, expressed their intention to work out the construction of new power units.

    The effective joint work aimed at the consistent establishment of common market of
    energy resources within the Eurasian Economic Union was emphasized.

    7. The Parties expressed intention to promote the deepening of practical cooperation between the regions of Armenia and Russia, including through the implementation of the mechanism of annual interregional conferences, supported the comprehensive implementation of the Interregional Cooperation Program 2022-2027 between the Government of the Republic of Armenia and the Government of the Russian Federation, the establishment of cross-links between the regions and municipal units.

    8. The leaders reaffirmed their intention to continue joint action to combat the spread of the COVID-19 disease, other dangerous infections, and animal infections. They considered the politicization of the epidemic issue inadmissible, and spoke in favor of a joint effort to overcome the aftermath of COVID-19, to prevent the spread of infectious diseases.

    9. N.V. Pashinyan and V.V. Putin expressed concern over the use of unilateral restrictive measures by a number of countries, expressed intention to jointly overcome the challenges posed by these measures, including in the areas of food, energy security, logistics and other areas of the two countries.

    10. The Parties expressed concern over the growing tendency to use modern information and communication technologies to carry out unlawful and harmful acts, to interfere in the internal affairs of States, and to undermine their sovereignty, emphasized the importance of strengthening bilateral cooperation in the field of international information security. The Parties reaffirmed the intention to engage constructively in ensuring international information security at the regional and global levels, first and foremost at the United Nations.

    11. The leaders stressed the importance of further implementation of the agreements reached between Yerevan and Moscow in the field of biosafety, including the 2021 agreement, including based on the May 6, 2021 Memorandum of Understanding on Ensuring Biological Safety. It has been confirmed that the territories of the two countries will not be allocated for use by third countries for the purpose of carrying out activities against each other’s interests in the field of biosafety.

    12. The Parties, maintaining a shared approach to the common past, expressed intention to continue the fight against the revising of the aftermath of World War II and the distortion of history, agreed to step up efforts to combat racism, xenophobia, neo-Nazism, as well as national, linguistic or religious discrimination, including any manifestations against the rights of citizens, compatriots living in Armenia, Russia, and their legitimate interests.

    13. The leaders spoke in favor of further deepening of cooperation in the fields of culture, education, protection of employment and social affairs, information, tourism, sports and the environment. The important tools for this are the bilateral interagency working group on cooperation in the field of education, the cooperation plan for 2022-2025 between the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture, Sports of the Republic of Armenia and the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, the 2022-2023 Action Plan for the Implementation of the Memorandum of Understanding in the Field of Sports between the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture, Sports of the Republic of Armenia and the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, the 2022-2023 program of implementation of the memorandum of cooperation in the field of environment between the Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Armenia and the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation.

    The importance of providing favorable conditions for the study of the Russian language in the Republic of Armenia and for the study of the Armenian language in the Russian Federation was emphasized, including through increasing the efficiency of the joint educational organizations and the branches of Russian universities operating in the Republic of Armenia.

    14. N.V. Pashinyan and V.V. Putin agreed to expand cooperation in the field of fundamental science on the basis of joint research and production complexes, with emphasis on the In a constructive and trusting atmosphere typical of the Armenian- Russian allied relations, the leaders held a detailed exchange of views on the extended agenda of bilateral cooperation in the political, military, military-technical, trade-economic, scientific-educational, cultural-humanitarian fields, as well as justice, labor and social issues, noted with satisfaction the positive dynamics of the development of the multifaceted mutually beneficial alliance between Armenia and Russia. development of the demanded high-tech products, expressed readiness to promote the links between the universities and research institutes of the two countries, new business projects (startups), as well as to promote the organization of congresses, conferences, seminars, exhibitions and other events aimed at the development of cooperation in the fields of science, education, youth policy.

    15. The leaders spoke in favor of intensifying youth exchanges between the two countries, based on the Armenian-Russian youth forums and the admission mechanisms of Armenian citizens to Russian higher education institutions in specialties assessed as priority by Yerevan covered by the federal budget of the Russian Federation.

    16. The useful work carried out by the "Moscow House" Moscow Cultural-Business Center, the Russian Book House in Yerevan, the Yerevan State Russian Drama Theater after K.S. Stanislavsky for closer contacts in the fields of culture and education was emphasized. The Parties spoke in favor of holding mass events aimed at strengthening cultural ties between the two peoples, in particular, organizing joint exhibitions, festivals, tours of leading artists of Armenia and Russia.

    17. N.V. Pashinyan and V.V. Putin agreed to promote the unveiling of the potential of the Russian Diaspora in Armenia and the Armenian Diaspora in Russia for strengthening bilateral cultural and humanitarian ties, and to implement initiatives of social significance for the two countries. The importance of the activities of Diaspora associations was emphasized in promoting interethnic unity, maintaining and strengthening inter-ethnic consensus and trust.

    18. Recognizing the key role of the Collective Security Treaty Organization in ensuring regional security, considering Armenia’s ongoing presidency over the Organization, the Parties reaffirmed their readiness to intensify efforts to increase the capacity of the Collective Security Treaty Organization, including the CSTO Peacekeeping Forces and the Organization's crisis response mechanisms, to strengthen coordination and to support the expansion of CSTO partnering relations.

    19. N.V. Pashinyan and V.V. Putin spoke in favor of the progressive advancement of integration processes within the Eurasian Economic Union, the implementation of strategic directions of integration development, including the creation of an internal market without restrictions, obstacles, exceptions, increasing the share of settlements in national currencies.

    20. The Parties spoke in favor of further deepening of cooperation in the format of the Commonwealth of Independent States in all directions, including for the coordination of positions on current international issues, raising the level of socio-economic development of the Commonwealth member states, and expanding cultural and humanitarian ties.

    21. The leaders reaffirmed their commitment to the development of an inclusive, equitable, representative international system for the promotion of peace, democracy, and the prosperity of all peoples in line with the principles and goals of the UN Charter. The Parties shall make the necessary efforts to coordinate the positions of Armenia and Russia, in order to deepen cooperation in the UN and on other platforms.

    22. N.V. Pashinyan and V.V. Putin expressed deep concern over the aggravating situation in the field of international security. In this regard, the Parties intend to further strengthen cooperation to counter negative trends in this area. The leaders hold the position that no state, union or coalition cannot and should not ensure their security at the expense of the security of other states. They note the inadmissibility of actions aimed at the destruction of the arms control architecture and gaining unilateral military benefits to the detriment of others, which violates the basic principle of equal and indivisible security, and leads to contradictions and confrontation.

    23. The Parties stressed the high demand for strengthening the joint efforts to counter international terrorism in all its forms and manifestations, the extremism, trafficking in drugs, weapons, arms, explosives related with the latter, transnational organized crime, as well as other security challenges and threats to the two countries, as well as to block the sources and channels for funding terrorism.

    24. The leaders exchanged views on the situation in the South Caucasus, spoke in favor of the continuation of the constructive work in the sidelines of the regular meetings between the leaders of Azerbaijan, Armenia and Russia and the consistent implementation of the November 9, 2020, January 11 and November 26, 2021 agreements reached between the three leaders for the benefit of regional stability, security and economic development, stressed the decisive contribution of the Russian peacekeeping contingent to the provision of security of Nagorno Karabakh and creation of favorable and safe living conditions for the population, emphasized the need for an urgent solution to pressing humanitarian issues and the settlement of all issues through political and diplomatic means. In this context, the Parties underlined the importance of using the potential and experience of the institute of the OSCE Minsk Group Co-chairs, in accordance with its international mandate.

    25. N.V. Pashinyan and V.V. Putin stressed the importance of intensifying the activity of the trilateral working group on the unblocking of all economic ties and transport routes in the South Caucasus, jointly chaired by the Deputy Prime Ministers of Azerbaijan, Armenia and Russia.

    The Russian side is ready to participate in the restoration projects of the railway infrastructure of Armenia, including railway restoration in Syunik and other provinces of the Republic of Armenia.

    26. The Parties agreed to speed up the establishment of a bilateral commission on demarcation and security in the Armenian-Azerbaijani border area in accordance with the trilateral agreement of November 26, 2021 with the consultative assistance of the Russian Federation at the request of the Parties.

    27. The leaders were united in their assessment of the high usefulness of contacts between Azerbaijani and Armenian religious figures and representatives of the societies with the support of Russia, which contributes to the "construction of bridges" between the peoples of the two countries. This practice will continue.

    28. The Parties agreed to intensify the trilateral cooperation between Armenia, Russia and Azerbaijan aimed at supporting the normalization of relations between Azerbaijan and Armenia and in the region in general.

    The leaders noted the importance of the access and involvement of all stakeholders, as well as the International Committee of the Red Cross and the specialized agencies of the UN, including the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, UNESCO, in addressing humanitarian issues in the region, and in providing comprehensive assistance to all those in need.

    29. N.V. Pashinyan and V.V. Putin welcomed the normalization process of the Armenian-Turkish relations launched with the Russian support.

    30. The Parties noted the successful launch of the "3 + 3" regional consultative format, which aims to provide additional opportunities for dialogue and multifaceted cooperation between all countries in the region.

The Prime Minister of the Republic of Armenia and the President of the Russian Federation expressed confidence that the effective negotiations held in Moscow will contribute to the further strengthening of the Armenian-Russian multilateral special allied relations.

N.V. Pashinyan thanked for the warm reception given by V.V. Putin, confirmed his invitation to the Russian leader to visit Yerevan in the second half of 2022 in connection with the session of the CSTO Collective Security Council. The invitation was accepted with gratitude.

Armenia national futsal team defeats Kosovo, takes first place in the group




YEREVAN, APRIL 12, ARMENPRESS. FIFA Futsal World Cup 2024 qualifying round match of C group between Kosovo and Armenia took place in a Bulgarian city of Varna on April 11. Armenia defeated Kosovo with a score of 2:1, the Football Federation of Armenia reported.

Winning all 3 matches, the Armenian team scored 9 points and confidently took the first place in the group.

Historic Armenian city of Shushi named "cultural capital of Turkic world"

Armenia – April 5 2022

PanARMENIAN.Net - Shushi, the historic Armenian city in Nagorno-Karabakh, which came under Azerbaijan's control in the war in fall 2020, has been declared the "cultural capital of the Turkic world" for 2023, Caspian News reports.

The announcement was made at a ministerial meeting of the International Organization of Turkic Culture, known as TURKSOY, in the Turkish city of Bursa.

During the war, the iconic Holy Savior (Ghazanchetsots) Cathedral in Shushi was struck twice by Azerbaijan, which resulted in the collapse of part of the roof, injuring people sheltering inside and journalist covering the hostilities.

Human Rights Watch (HRW) said back then that the two attacks "suggest that the church, a civilian object with cultural significance, was an intentional target despite the absence of evidence that it was used for military purposes." The organization collected remnants of the weapon used to strike the church, which "corroborated the use of guided munitions."

In 1920, the Armenian half of Shushi was destroyed by Azerbaijani armed forces, which also defiled the cathedral of the Holy Savior and other significant Armenian heritage sites. Multiple reports and photos prove that now too, the Armenian cultural heritage of the city is being destroyed.