Arman Chilingaryan’s Light Drops takes Golden Winner prize at Tokyo Film Awards



 16:17, 7 December, 2021

YEREVAN, DECEMBER 7, ARMENPRESS. Armenian director Arman Chilingaryan’s Light Drops won the Golden Winner prize at the Tokyo Film Awards, the Armenian Embassy in Japan said.

Light Drops is a drama set in the 1990s in Armenia.

Tokyo Film Awards is a unique film competition organized by working professionals from film and TV industry. It is mainly focused on short films as its main mission is to promote young talent and their vision.

Editing by Stepan Kocharyan

ANCA thanks George Clooney for ‘turning down $35 million from Turkish Airlines’

Panorama, Armenia
Dec 7 2021

The Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA) posted a thank-you message to famous actor George Clooney for reportedly turning down $35,000,000 for one day of work advertising Turkish Airlines.

"Turkish airlines – 49% directly owned by Turkey's toxic Erdogan regime – has been implicated in human trafficking and the cross-border transportation of extremist, jihadist mercenaries," ANCA posted on its Facebook page. 

In an interview with The Guardian, George Clooney said he had once turned down $35 million from an airline commercial for a single day’s work. Although the actor didn't specify the airline, it is highly presumed that the company in question was Turkish Airlines, which pays millions of dollars to U.S. celebrities to become spokespeople for its brand.

“I talked to Amal [Clooney’s wife, the international human rights lawyer] about it and we decided it’s not worth it,” explained Clooney, who said their decision came due to the airline being associated with “a country that, although it’s an ally, is questionable at times.”

“So I thought: ‘Well, if it takes a minute’s sleep away from me, it’s not worth it,’” the actor said.

To remind, Amal Clooney was one of the attorney advocating for Armenia in a case regarding the Armenian Genocide that was heard in the European Court of Human Rights in 2016.

Armenia plans to mandate health pass to restaurants, cultural venues starting January 1




YEREVAN, NOVEMBER 29, ARMENPRESS. Armenian health authorities are planning to introduce a coronavirus health pass for entry to restaurants and cultural venues, the Minister of Healthcare Anahit Avanesyan said at a press conference.

The regulation will require people to produce a negative PCR test or a vaccination certificate against COVID-19 upon entry to cultural venues or restaurants.

The draft decision is already in circulation and will take effect January 1, 2022 if approved.

Editing and Translating by Stepan Kocharyan

Russian, Azerbaijani and Armenian leaders agree on border mechanisms

Nov 27 2021

"I hope this happens as soon as possible. There are no obstacles to the creation of these mechanisms," he added.
Russian President Vladimir Putin, Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev and Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan agreed to create mechanisms for demarcation of the border between Armenia and Azerbaijan by the end of the year, Putin said Friday following their trilateral meeting in the Russian city of Sochi.

"I would like to note that we have agreed on a number of key issues. The first is the creation of mechanisms for demarcation and delimitation of the border between the two states, and we agreed to do this by the end of this year," Putin declared, according to the Kremlin.

Armenia’s Liberation Movement holding march after rally, calling on citizens to join, Armenia
Nov 24 2021

The rally organized by the “Liberation Movement” initiating group kicked off today at 6:30 p.m. at Republic Square in Yerevan.

The members of the movement have presented three demands, including the following:

1. To prevent the anti-Armenian plan for delimitation and demarcation, and to disclose the documents submitted for signing;

2. To disallow the provision of a corridor to the enemy;

3. To demand that the Armenian authorities fully arm the frontline and protect the territorial integrity of the Republic of Armenia.

Co-founder of the movement, leader of the “5165 National-Conservative Movement” political party Karin Tonoyan declared that they will fight for victory within the country and beyond its borders and said she is certain that they will definitely achieve victory.

“We are asked why we don’t go to the military posts, and I say I am personally ready to go to the military posts and kill at least one Turk, this will be my revenge for my son’s death,” Tonoyan said and called on Armenian historians, writers, artists and the parents of soldiers to join the movement and their struggle.

“We have a lot to say, but we don’t want to make people tired. Different people need to join the movement and give speeches,” Tonoyan stated.

Under the leadership of the initiating group, the participants of the rally are currently marching through the major streets of Yerevan, calling on citizens to join the movement and stressing that the movement is apolitical and stands above political parties.

Parliament Speaker calls Suren Papikyan’s appointment as defense minister a right decision



 17:13, 15 November, 2021

YEREVAN, NOVEMBER 15, ARMENPRESS. The appointment of Suren Papikyan as the new defense minister of Armenia is a right decision, Speaker of Parliament Alen Simonyan told reporters, commenting on today’s decision of Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan according to which Arshak Karapetyan has been relieved from the position of the defense minister and deputy prime minister Suren Papikyan was appointed as the new defense minister.

“Concerning the resignation of the minister, there was the decision of the prime minister. The PM announced it, and as for the appointment of Suren Papikyan, I consider it very right and welcome. I think that trusting such a field on such a hard-working person who is aware of the whole situation was a very important and right step”, Speaker Simonyan said, assuring that Mr Papikyan will be “one of our best defense ministers in our history”.


Editing and Translating by Aneta Harutyunyan

Political Rally Targets Leaders in Armenia

Outlook Newspapers
Nov 17 2021

First published in the Nov. 13 print issue of the Glendale News Press.

A year ago this week, a large crowd formed spontaneously outside of the Armenian Consulate, where members of the local Armenian diaspora expressed their shock, sorrow and anger that the 44-day war between their homeland and Azerbaijan had suddenly ended.
On Tuesday, a crowd again formed. This time, it was with a more organized and pointed message of disdain toward the Armenian political leadership viewed by some members of the diaspora as botching the defense effort and jumping at the chance to sign a ceasefire that heavily favored the Azerbaijan government in Baku’s objectives.
The gathering ran in conjunction others planned by the various Armenian Youth Federation chapters throughout the world, with the purpose of introducing its latest political campaign: “Resistance,” meant to oust Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan from power.

Photo by Zane Hill / Glendale News-Press
A woman showcases her signs protesting the rule of Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan, whose leadership has been criticized since last year’s war in Artsakh.

The AYF is the youth wing of the irredentist Armenian political party Armenian Revolutionary Federation, now an opponent of Pashinyan’s leadership after initially supporting him during a peaceful revolution in 2018.
“We are the beginning of your regime’s end,” declared Tsoler Hamamjian, the emcee at Tuesday’s gathering.
Perhaps by chance, she was facing a large poster of Pashinyan that had a large X spray-painted on it. Other posters outlined various grievances related to last year’s war and its ceasefire — that Azerbaijan continues to hold in captivity hundreds of prisoners of war and critiques of the Pashinyan government for allegedly jailing journalists, activists and politicians who are adversarial to his rule.
“Pashinyan’s dictatorial powers have stripped Armenian activists of their inalienable rights to freedom of speech by criminalizing those who dare speak out against him,” Hamamjian charged.
After Azerbaijani forces launched an offensive last year to reassert control of the Nagorno-Karabakh region — which in the 1990s was declared the breakaway Artsakh Republic by its Armenian population and bolstered by Yerevan — the diaspora here mobilized to raise and send donations of money and supplies to support the defense effort in Artsakh. Many volunteers also traveled to join militias in the warzone.
When the ceasefire was announced six weeks into the conflict, it came as a shock because Yerevan had triangulated little information about the state of affairs in the war, much less that it was in a position to surrender the majority of Artsakh’s territory back to Baku. Protests in Yerevan that night disrupted the Armenian parliament and resulted in various arrests. In the fallout, Panishyan called snap elections after resigning from his party’s government, only to return after receiving a majority vote in the June contest.
Terms of the ceasefire included ceding Azerbaijan’s reclaimed territory, which left the remainder of Artsakh as an enclave. A singular highway was designated as a link between Armenia and Artsakh, but the agreed-upon Russian peacekeeping forces have not materialized. (The ceasefire was brokered by Russia, which maintains close ties with both former Soviet territories and maintains a mutual defense pact with Armenia.)
Especially in recent weeks, Azerbaijani forces have repeatedly fired upon Armenian defenders along borders and have reportedly even crossed into Armenian territory — an escalation seen as a confirmation by diaspora members that Baku, bolstered by the Turkish government, intends to conquer the remainder of Armenia.
The AYF’s messaging paints Pashinyan as undermining Armenia’s sovereignty in favor of reconciling a political relationship with Turkey — an oft-repeated chant Tuesday was “Nikol Davajan,” to call him a traitor.
“Imperialists, globalists, superpowers are all pursuing their interests at the expense of Armenia and Armenians in Artsakh,” said Vicken Sosikian, who also spoke at Tuesday’s rally. “Who will defend the nation?”
In addition to Pashinyan, Sosikian also took aim at Armenian President Armen Sarkissian, who as commander-in-chief, is tasked with defending the homeland, Sosikian said.
“Yet, evidence shows he engineered the war and vowed to lose it,” he claimed, “surrendering 75% of Artsakh, sacrificing an entire generation” — more than 4,000 Armenians were killed — “and robbing the diaspora of its donations.”
Next steps, Sosikian said, were to resist the “domestic enemy” in Pashinyan, Sarkissian and their governments. He called upon the global diaspora to assert its wishes more forcefully for Armenia’s political future in the Caucasus region.
“You will lick your wounds. You will take back your dignity. You will restore your pride,” he said. “You will protest, you will write, you will fight, you will create, you will innovate.
“We will liberate.”

Peace should be imposed not begged – Seyran Ohanyan

Panorama, Armenia
Nov 8 2021

"There can be no unblocking regional communications if the legal-contractual basis for that are absent, likewise the true assessment of its security, economic and demographic impact," the head of opposition 'Armenia' faction, former Defense Minister Seyran Ohanyan told reporters during the parliament briefing. 

Per Ohanyan, the opening of communication routes in the region is untimely if there is no peace agreement and the adversary is  continuously voicing threats, making us accept its agenda. He addd that the Armenian side should first form a security system, instead of begging for peace. 

"I believe, the economic unblocking will lead to a deeper blockade and economic pressures, while the demographic picture especially in Syunik province would change," said the opposition lawmaker, adding for the true peace the Turkish-Azerbaijani tandem must change its rhetoric, and show commitment to peace bu actions. As an example, Ohanyan pointed to the need for Azerbaijan to remove forces from the territory of Armenia they had invaded months ago. 

"No one insists we do not need peace, but relevant conditions are required for that peace. We should not beg for peace but impose it and defend it in a reality we are now living," said Ohanyan. 

He recalled that the November 9 agreement that ended the war in Nagorno-Karabakh had been imposed on Armenian authorities, followed by handover of territories from Artsakh and later invasion into the territory of Armenia. 

Azerbaijan continues to torpedo implementation of agreements reached – Armenian deputy PM




YEREVAN, NOVEMBER 12, ARMENPRESS. As a result of the 2020 war unleashed by Azerbaijan against Artsakh, 40,000 people have been left without shelters, lost property, 17,000 civilian objects and infrastructure have been destroyed, several thousands of people, including civilians, have been killed and wounded, the fates of many others are still unknown, Deputy Prime Minister of Armenia Mher Grigoryan said during the online session of the CIS Council of heads of government on November 12.

“Despite the commitments assumed on November 9, Azerbaijan continues to torpedo the implementation of the agreements reached, including keeping many Armenian prisoners of war in captivity, which is a gross violation not only of the point 8th of the 2020 November 9 trilateral statement, but also the international humanitarian law. By distorting the provisions of the 2020 November 9 and the 2021 January 11 trilateral statements, Azerbaijan exaggerates the idea of the corridor, raising threats of the use of force”, the deputy PM said.

He stated that the Nagorno Karabakh conflict can’t be solved by force.

“The settlement of the conflict could be achieved through peaceful negotiations, exclusively under the mandate of the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairmanship. In order to ease the situation and enter a peaceful development stage for the region it’s necessary for Azerbaijan to adopt a constructive position by refusing from the policy of hatred, aggressive rhetoric and hostile actions”, Grigoryan said.


Editing and Translating by Aneta Harutyunyan