Putin, Erdogan discuss Karabakh in phone talks

Panorama, Armenia
April 9 2021

The Presidents of Russia and Turkey, Vladimir Putin and Recep Tayyip Erdogan, touched upon Nagorno-Karabakh in a phone call, the Kremlin said in a statement on Friday after the two leaders’ talks.

"The issue of the Nagorno-Karabakh settlement was touched upon. Turkey's president Recep Tayyip Erdogan hailed Russia's steps aimed at further stabilisation of the situation and progressive implementation of the trilateral Statements of November 9, 2020 and January 11, 2021

According to the source, Russian President Vladimir Putin informed Turkish President Erdogan about his recent interactions with the leaders of Azerbaijan and Armenia. 

"The interlocutors highlighted the necessity to activate works for the restoration of transport infrastructures in the Southern Caucasus," said the Kremlin release. 

Armenian-Americans included in Calif. Ethnic Studies Model Curriculum Task Force

Public Radio of Armenia
April 8 2021

The Armenian National Committee of America – Western Region (ANCA-WR) welcomes the inclusion of Armenian-Americans in the CA Ethnic Studies Model Curriculum (ESMC). The ANCA-WR Education Committee as well as the Ethnic Studies Curriculum Task Force were actively engaged in the process for the past two years to ensure the voices of over 1 million strong Armenian-Californians are heard and the Armenian experience is part of the ESMC.

The Armenian-American community was actively engaged with the California Department of Education, submitting tens of thousands of public comments over this process and demonstrating the importance of this issue.

“We thank our Education Committee, Task Force, and tens of thousands of community members as well as coalition partners for their diligent work in ensuring that California’s new ESMC lives up to the values of the Golden State,” remarked the ANCA-WR Chair Nora Hovsepian, Esq. “We look forward to actively engaging with all the relevant stakeholders to build on this progress and ensure a meaningful representation of the Armenian experience in California schools.”

ANCA-WR once again reaffirms its strong support for a curriculum that “presents an opportunity for teachers to develop culturally/community relevant and responsive pedagogies that are both revitalizing and sustaining.”

The organization welcomes the drafters’ efforts to include, and urge further development on diasporan experiences, inclusive of peoples historically marginalized from California curricula, and United States scholarship writ large, such as Armenian-Americans.

While its use is not mandated, the ESMC is intended to supply local school districts with the background, ideas, and examples to begin local discussions on expanding ethnic studies offerings.

For years, the State of California mandates the inclusion of the Armenian Genocide in the list of studied subject areas for the adopted courses of study in social science for grades 7-12.

Armenian PM appoints two deputy justice ministers

Panorama, Armenia
April 6 2021

According to Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan's decisions, Kristine Grigoryan has been appointed First Deputy Minister of Justice after being dismissed as deputy minister, while Suren Grigoryan has been named as Deputy Minister of Justice.

Currently, Minister of Justice Rustam Badasyan has four deputies, two advisors and two assistants.

The Armenian Communities Department of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation launched the “Creative Culture Program” in Lebanon

Armenian Communities Department of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation Avenida de 
Berna 45-A, 1067-001 Lisboa, Portugal
Contact: Vera Cunha
Telf: (+351) 21 782 3658
Web: gulbenkian.pt


Գալուստ Կիւլպէնկեան Հիմնարկութեան Հայկական Բաժանմունքի «Նորարար Մշակոյթի 
Ծրագիր»-ը ուղղուած է լիբանանահայ ա՛յն երիտասարդներուն, որոնք կը փափաքին 
արեւմտահայերէնով ստեղծագործել: Ծրագրին հիմնական նպատակն է խթանել 
արեւմտահայերէնով յղացուած նորաշունչ նախաձեռնութիւններու կիրառութիւնը: 

Հիմնարկութիւնը «Նորարար Մշակոյթի Ծրագիր»-ը մեկնարկեց Փետրուար 2020-ին. ան 
Լիբանանին վերաբերող ռազմավարութեան հինգ հիմնասիւներէն մէկն է: 
Ծրագրին առաջին տարուան ընթացքին Հիմնարկութիւնը Լիբանան ապրող 18-35 տարեկան 
երիտասարդներէ ստացաւ  27 դիմում, որոնցմէ ընտրուեցաւ տասը ծրագիր: Այժմ, 
իւրաքանչիւր ծրագրի պատասխանատու անձ կամ խմբակ կ'աշխատի կեանքի կոչել իրենց 
ժամանակին եւ բազմաբնոյթ իրականութեան առնչուող ստեղծագործ եւ նորարար ծրագիրները, 
որպէս արտայայտչամիջոց ունենալով արեւմտահայերէնը:

Լիբանանի «Նորարար Մշակոյթի Ծրագիր»-ին 2020-2021 թուականի նպաստառուներն են՝

• ԴԻՏԷ՛- Հրայր Գալեմքէրեան եւ Հերմինէ Նիւրբեթլեան
Հարթակ մը, ուր տարբեր տեսակի արուեստներու (լսողական, տեսողական, գրական...) 
աշխատանոցներու ընդմէջէն հնարաւոր պիտի ըլլայ անդրադառնալ երիտասարդութիւնը յուզող 
բազմազան նիւթերու:

• ԿԱՐՄԻՐ ՄՈՄ- Կարէն Տարագճեան եւ Սուրէն Խտըշեան
Առցանց թատերական ներկայացում մը՝ Պուրճ Համուտի ոսկերիչներու անհետացող արհեստին 
եւ անոնց առօրեային մասին: 

• ԿՌՈՒՆԿ շարժապատկեր- Գրիգոր Աւեսեան եւ Սերժ Մանուկեան
Երկու երկհարթ շարժապատկերներ (animation), հիմնուած Հրակ Փափազեանի «Բռնկում» եւ 
«Շրջիկները» կարճ պատմուածքներուն վրայ:

• ՂԱՐՊԻՅՅԷ- Գուրգէն Փափազեան
Վաւերագրական կարճ ֆիլմերու շարք՝ որ կը յայտնաբերէ շրջանի հայութեան կեանքը 
բնորոշող յատկանշական հիմնական երեւոյթները:

• ՄԷԿ- Ասատուր Պասմաճեան, Նարէ Քիւսպէքեան, Սէրուժ Յովսէփեան, Կարինէ Գիւլխանճեան
Երիտասարդները հետաքրքրող, արեւմտահայերէնով հազուագիւտ խօսուող նիւթեր մատուցող 
հարթակ մը, որ նաեւ կ'անդրադառնայ հայերէնի տարբեր բարբառներուն: 

• ՆՇՄԱՐ- Սարին Սանտրա Պաճաքեան
Լուսանկարչական պատում մը, որ կը նշմարէ հայու պատառիկներ եւ կը ներկայացնէ մեր 
շուրջ ապրող անյայտ հերոսները:

• ՊԱՏՄԱԿԱՆ- Կիրօ Գարավարդանեան եւ Սերժ Մանուկեան
Հայոց պատմութեան մասին եօթը շարժապատկերներու (animation) շարք մը, որ լայն 
բնաբաններու ընդմէջէն պիտի քննարկէ հայոց պատմութեան մէջ որոշիչ դեր խաղցած տարբեր 

Անդրադարձ Լիբանանահայ հին թերթերու ծանուցումներու մշակոյթին, որ կը միտի 
վերակենդանացնել հոն եղած հարուստ եւ գունաւոր լեզուն: 

• ՍՓԻՒՌՔԱՀԱՅ ԳՐՈՂՆԵՐ- Յարութ Կիւլիւզեան
Լիբանանահայ վեց գրողներ՝ Անդրանիկ Ծառուկեան, Աբրահամ Ալիքեան, Պօղոս Սնապեան, 
Պէպօ Սիմոնեան, Սարգիս Կիրակոսեան եւ Յակոբ Մանուկեանի մասին վաւերագրական 

• ՎԱԶՐԻԿ- Շողակ Յովհաննէսեան 
Գիտաառեղծուածային նկարչական վէպ, որուն դէպքերը տեղի կ'ունենան Վազրիկի կեանքին 
ակնթարթներէն մէկուն ընթացքին, ապագայապաշտ Պուրճ Համուտի մը մէջ:

Ծրագիրներուն մասին յաւելեալ տեղեկութիւն եւ մանրամասնութիւններ ունենալու համար 
կարելի է հետեւիլ Ֆէյսպուքի եւ Ինսթակրամի «Նորարար Մշակոյթի Ծրագիր» էջերուն՝ 

Գալուստ Կիւլպէնկեան Հիմնարկութեան Հայկական Բաժանմունքի ծրագիրներուն մասին 


The Armenian Communities Department of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation 
launched the “Creative Culture Program” in Lebanon

The Armenian Communities Department of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation 
launched the "Creative Culture Program" in Lebanon in February of 2020. The 
Program aims to promote innovative initiatives in Western Armenian produced by 
young Armenians who wish to create in the language. The "Creative Culture 
Program" is one of the five pillars of the Foundation's strategy for Lebanon.

During the first call for proposals, the Foundation received 27 applications 
from young Lebanese Armenians between the ages of 18 and 35. Ten innovative 
projects were selected. Individuals and groups in charge of each project are 
currently working to bring to life their initiatives, nurtured by the 
multifaceted reality they live in, always using Western Armenian as a means of 

The beneficiaries of the "Creative Culture Program" in Lebanon for 2020-2021 are:

• ԴԻՏԷ՛ – TIDÉ (WATCH). Hrayr Kalemkerian and Hermine Nurpetlian
A platform where various topics of concern to young people are addressed through 
workshops in a variety of art forms such as audio, visual and literary.

• ԿԱՐՄԻՐ ՄՈՄ – GARMIR MOM (RED WAX). Garen Darakjian and Souren Khedeshian
An online theatrical performance about the waning craft of Bourj Hammoud 

• ԿՌՈՒՆԿ ՇԱՐԺԱՊԱՏԿԵՐ – GROUNG ANIMATION. Krikor Avessian and Serge Manouguian
Two 2D animated films based on Hrag Papazian's short stories "Outbreak" and "The 

A series of short documentary films that show the characteristics and features 
of Armenian life in the neighborhood.

• ՄԷԿ – MEG (ONE). Assadour Basmajian, Nareh Kusbekian, Serouj Hovsepian, Karine 
A platform discussing different topics involving young people interested in 
Western Armenian and different dialects of Armenian.

• ՆՇՄԱՐ – NCHMAR (GLIMPSE). Sarine Sandra Bajakian
A photographic journey that captures glimpses of Armenians and presents the 
unknown heroes living amongst us.

• ՊԱՏՄԱԿԱՆ – BADMAGAN (HISTORICAL). Guiro Karavartanian and Serge Manouguian
A series of seven animated films about Armenian history, tackling a wide range 
of topics and events that have played a decisive role.

A look at the advertisement culture in old Armenian newspapers in Lebanon, 
revealing the rich and colorful language that existed in the ads. 

Documentary videos about six Lebanese-Armenian writers: Antranig Dzarouguian, 
Apraham Alikian, Boghos Snabian, Bebo Simonian, Sarkis Guiragossian and Hagop 

• ՎԱԶՐԻԿ – VAZRIG. Shoghag Hovhannessian
A science-fiction graphic novel. The story takes place in a futuristic Bourj 
Hammoud at a very decisive moment in Vazrig's life. 

For more information and details about the projects, follow the "Creative 
Culture Program" Facebook page: 
  or the Instagram account: 
For more information about this or other programs of the Armenian Communities 
Department of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, visit: 



President Sarkissian extends condolences over passing of legendary commander




 17:50, 31 March, 2021

YEREVAN, MARCH 31, ARMENPRESS. President of Armenia Armen Sarkissian issued a condolence message on the occasion of the demise of legendary commander, Major-General Arkady Ter-Tadevosyan.

ARMENPRESS reports, the message runs as follows,

‘’I feel an unspeakable pain. Arkady Ter-Tadevosyan, the legendary Komandos, is no longer with us.

The death of Arkady Ter-Tadevosyan is not just a loss of a military man, excellent commander. He was a military figure who had a great contribution to the creation of our army and our military achievements, trying to be useful for the fatherland until the end of his life.

We will still need the Komandos-style knowledge of the military art, his criteria for morality, experience and skills, which he brilliantly used during the 1st Artsakh war.

His life is a guide for military courage, military education and military-patriotic upbringing, for example, how to live, how to serve the fatherland, how to remain faithful to one’s specialization and principles, how to get devoted to Artsakh and struggle for its freedom, how not to betray Shushi and Artsakh…

I offer my condolences to the family members, relatives and comrades-in-arms of Arkady Ter-Tadevosyan’’.

Governor of Armenia’s Tavush province dismissed



 11:35, 1 April, 2021

YEREVAN, APRIL 1, ARMENPRESS. Governor of the Tavush province of Armenia Hayk Chobanyan has been relieved from the position.

The respective decision has been approved today at the Cabinet meeting.

According to some media reports, Hayk Chobanyan will be appointed Minister of High Technological Industry.


Editing and Translating by Aneta Harutyunyan

Footage Depicts Azeri Troops Desecrating Armenian Church

03/31/2021 Turkey (International Christian Concern) – Footage has surfaced depicting Azerbaijani troops vandalizing St. Yeghishe Church in Nagorno-Karabakh (Armenian: Artsakh). The video, originally posted by Armenia’s Human Rights Defender, Arman Tatoyan, shows the men defacing items inside the church and mocking the faith as they enter the building.

The Turkish flag can be seen on the Azeri servicemen’s uniform as well, indicating the involvement and rhetoric from both countries. Tatoyan expanded on this idea saying, “the state-supported hatred and enmity toward Armenia and the Armenian people not only has not diminished in Azerbaijan or Turkey, but due to lack of any responsibility, it is taking on new manifestations.” He cited Azeri President Aliyev’s comments in early March where he proudly stated, “the younger generation has grown up with hatred toward the enemy,” meaning Armenians. On the Turkish side, President Erdogan compared the Nagorno-Karabakh war with the Armenian Genocide and that the December military parade was a day for “glorifying the souls” of the Islamic army.

This vandalism is the third church in the past two weeks that has been abused, including St. John the Baptist Church in Shushi and the Zoravor Surp Astvatsatsin Church in Mekhakavan. According to reports, all vandalism actions were taken after the surrender of areas following the November 9 ceasefire.

Sports: World Cup success lifts Armenians after last year’s bitter war

April 1 2021
© Gallo Images

Armenians on Thursday were celebrating their tiny Caucasus country's surprising lead in its 2022 World Cup qualifying group with three wins out of three, lifting their spirits after a devastating war with Azerbaijan last year.

For the first time in the country's history, its national team on Wednesday took the sole lead in its Fifa World Cup qualifying group after wins against Liechtenstein, Iceland and Romania.

Traumatised by last year's disastrous defeat in a war with Azerbaijan that has engulfed the country in a political crisis, Armenia's triumphs on the football pitch have provided some semblance of relief.

"Armenians live in constant stress, we can't overcome this state of depression," 65-year-old football fan Khachatur Kharatyan told AFP on Thursday in the capital Yerevan.

"But our team's victory lifted our spirits, showed that we can win even when the adversary is strong," he said.

On Wednesday night, Armenians poured into Yerevan's streets waving national flags to celebrate their country's 3-2 victory over Romania in a qualifier for next year's World Cup in Qatar.

The win made Armenia leaders – with nine points – of Group J that also includes four-time world champion Germany.

Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan wrote on Facebook that the "win after defeat… is dedicated to our brothers" killed in last year's war with Azerbaijan for the control of the disputed Nagorno-Karabakh region.

The war, which erupted in September and ended six weeks later claiming the lives of some 6 000 people, saw Armenia forced to cede swathes of territories to Azerbaijan.

The Russian-brokered ceasefire agreement was seen in Armenia as a national humiliation, leading Pashinyan to call snap polls in June following months of mass anti-government protests.

For some Armenians, the country's football success could provide political lessons.

"The guys gave us such strong energy, showed that when we are united, when we are one team, we always win," said 29-year-old Yerevan resident Anush Serobyan. "Our people needed that lesson."

If Armenia makes next year's edition of the World Cup, it would be just the third former Soviet state to participate in the tournament, joining Russia and Ukraine.

PM Pashinyan chairs security council session




YEREVAN, MARCH 30, ARMENPRESS. A security Council session took place on March 30, chaired by Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan.

As ARMENPRESS was informed from the Office of the Prime Minister, issues related to the security environment surrounding Armenia and Artsakh, regional developments and future steps of the Government were discussed at the session.

City of Philadelphia replaces stolen Armenian flag on Benjamin Franklin Parkway

Public Radio of Armenia
March 23 2021

The City of Philadelphia has replaced the Armenian flag on the Benjamin Franklin Parkway that was removed illegally/stolen last month, the Armenian National Committee of Pennsylvania informs.

The timeline was expedited in advance of April 24, the day of commemoration of the Armenian Genocide. This year marks the 106th anniversary.

Armenians across the globe will once again come together to honor the 1.5 million Armenians who were systematically killed at the hands of the Ottoman Turkish government.

The Armenian National Committee of Pennsylvania thanked the Mayor’s office for their support throughout the process.

In February the Armenian flag was removed illegally/stolen for the second time in two months.