Top 10 tax payers pay more in 2020 than in 2019




YEREVAN, JANUARY 15, ARMENPRESS.  The list of top 10 tax payers is led by Grand Tobacco Company in 2020. The top 10 tax payers paid more taxes in 2020 than in 2019, Chairman of the State Revenue Committee Edvard Hovhannisyan told ARMENPRESS.

The 2nd tax payer is Gazprom Armenia, the 3rd is Zangezur Copper Molybdenum Combine and the 4th is Geopromining Gold.

‘’The top 10 tax payers paid more taxes in 2020 than in 2019. The difference is not so big, but given the hardships of 2020 we assess it quite satisfactory’’, Edvard Hovhannisyan said.

Chamlian Class of 2020 Donates Funds from Armenia Trip to Displaced Artsakh Armenians

January 12,  2020

Vahan and Anoush Chamlian Armenian School logo

The families of Vahan and Anoush Chamlian Armenian School’s 2020 graduating class donated the money they would have spent on their 8th grade class trip to families from Artsakh displaced by the war.

As news continues to come in from the Homeland, there is only one fact that remains certain: Armenia and Artsakh need support from the diaspora now more than ever. The war that left hundreds of thousands of Armenians displaced from their ancestral homeland came to an end last month, but the long-term effects continue to inspire an entire generation of young activists and benevolent Armenians who seek to do their part in ensuring that our Armenia remains a prosperous and safe haven for us all.

Having been unable to embark on the traditional trip to Armenia during their final year at Chamlian Armenian School due to the necessary precautions to remain safe from the Covid-19 pandemic, it was without a doubt that students, faculty, administration, and parents alike were disappointed to have missed out on such a unique Chamlian memory. This group of patriotic students and their families have chosen to transform their missed experience into one of humanitarian aid and support for their fellow brothers and sisters in Armenia.

Class of 2020 Chamlian families have chosen to re-direct their Armenia trip funds into providing housing to displaced families from Artsakh. What began as a mission to provide two nights and three days of housing, breakfast buffets, suitable sleeping arrangements, and an overall more comfortable few days, went on to grow into an entire month of these beneficial services. Through the cooperation of Sidon Travel as well as the hotel staff of Ani Plaza Hotel, three displaced families (a total of 13 people) will now be given apartment housing for over a month – an arrangement more suitable for the needs of the families of Artsakh.

Three families were soon placed into these housing situations with a fourth and fifth family being organized to be placed soon as well. Ongoing efforts are currently underway to extend the time of their stay. Sidon Travel had also agreed to visit with the families once they settled and provided them with additional food, Christmas gifts for the children, and other necessities that will be made upon a case-by-case basis.

Chamlian Armenian School is immensely proud of their Chamlian Alumni Family, their Class of 2020 families, for making this blessing possible. There is no effort too big or too small in providing much needed relief and aid for our Homeland.

Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict is genocide, not another fight: human rights head

The Christian Post
Jan 12 2021
By Jackson Elliott, Christian Post Reporter
A man prays in Ghazanchetsots Cathedral, Shusha, partly destroyed by shelling, in October 2020. | Christian Solidarity International
There’s a genocide of Armenian Christians, according to the head of a human rights group, but it’s largely going unnoticed because of conflicts between world powers.
Although people often perceive the conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan as another forgotten and meaningless conflict in a distant part of the world, it’s actually a genocide of Christians that springs from over a 100 years of history, Christian Solidarity International President John Eibner told The Christian Post. Disinformation campaigns by the government of Azerbaijan have covered up the truth.
Armenia and Azerbaijan are in conflict over a small area of land called Nagorno-Karabakh. The area is claimed by a small, independent Armenian republic.
“From an Armenian perspective, this area is their historic homeland. There are many different ways to describe it. Armenians will say this is part of Armenia, but it is not formally a part of the state of Armenia,” said Eibner.
Internationally, Nagorno-Karabakh is recognized as Azerbaijani land, but it’s mostly populated by Armenians and self-governed. After six weeks of war, Russia brokered a peace deal last year that left Armenia in control of most of the land and Azerbaijan in control of the rest. The conflict killed thousands and displaced hundreds of thousands.
In 1915, the Muslim Ottoman Empire killed over 1.5 million Armenians. Turkey still refuses to admit today that the event was a genocide. Most Armenians are Christians, and Armenia was the first nation to establish Christianity as a state religion. Azerbaijan was once a province of the Ottoman Empire, and human rights groups have called out ongoing discrimination against Armenians and “state-supported policy of Armenophobia.”
“People don’t understand Azerbaijanis are Turks. They speak a dialect of Turkish,” said Eibner. “Whenever there is a weakening in the protection that Armenians have and confusion in the international system, there’s another attempt to drive Armenians out of their lands.”
The last major attack on the Armenians happened in the 1990s, he said. Because Russia is the major Christian power in the region, Armenia usually works with Russia for protection from its Islamic neighbors. Eibner believes American leaders often don’t pay attention to threats to Armenia because Russia and the United States rival each other.
The United States works with Azerbaijan to oppose Iran. Because Azerbaijan borders Iran, American leaders give it money in exchange for a presence in the country, said Eibner.
Support from America, Israel and NATO to oppose Iran makes local leaders feel they have free rein. Often, American leaders do a better job of advocating for persecuted Christians in countries where they are strategically useful, he contended.
“Why does Azerbaijan feel empowered to make another move? It has done so because it has become oil rich. It has done so because it’s a member of NATO. It has done so because it has received sophisticated drones from Israel. It feels it has the cover to do so,” he said.
To cover up its genocidal attacks on Armenians, Azerbaijan has publicized stories of Armenian war crimes while minimizing its own, said Eibner. Atrocities happen in every war, but evidence suggests that Azerbaijan’s atrocities are far worse than the atrocities on the Armenian side. Azerbaijani communities have not suffered the way Armenian ones have.
“Information warfare is a part of any war. One has to understand not to take anything one hears from either side at face value,” he said. “Who lost? Where are the Armenians now who lived in areas now controlled by Azerbaijan? Why aren’t they living in their own homes today?”
In Turkey and in Islamic warfare, victors in war have a long tradition of treating the losers as less than human, said Eibner.  
Christians who want to help Armenians should write their leaders in Congress, connect with local Armenian organizations and ask their pastors to speak about these issues in church, Eibner said.
“This is a tragedy at many different levels. People are homeless, people are killed, but it’s very much connected with the disappearance of Christians,” he said. “Washington has cared much more about Chinese Christians that Christians in Nagorno-Karabakh. If the trend continues, there simply won’t be viable Christian communities in the Middle East.”

Armenia and Iran discuss bilateral cooperation




YEREVAN, DECEMBER 28, ARMENPRESS. Armenian foreign minister Ara Aivazian and his Iranian counterpart Mohammad Javad Zarif held a phone conversation on December 28 to discuss “issues of bilateral cooperation and regional agenda,” the Armenian foreign ministry said in a news release.

Aivazian and Zarif also talked about regional security and stability.

“In this context the prospects of cooperation in the direction of addressing the new regional challenges were outlined. Mohammad Javad Zarif expressed the Iranian side’s condolences over the victims of the Artsakh war and extended condolences to the Armenian people. The interlocutors underscored the importance of further boosting mutual contacts and dialogue in various levels based on the centuries-old friendship between the two peoples. Mutual readiness for deepening close partnership in bilateral and multilateral formats was reaffirmed,” the foreign ministry said.

Editing and Translating by Stepan Kocharyan

ANN/Armenian News Conversation with ARF’s Arthur Khachatryan – 12/19/2020

Armenian News Network / Armenian News

Conversation on Armenian News: Conversation with ARF’s Arthur Khachatryan

ANN/Armenian News

December 19, 2020


  • Arthur Khachatryan

  • Hovik Manucharyan

  • Asbed Bedrossian

Hello and welcome to the Armenian News Network, Armenian News. We’ll be talking about the demands of the political opposition in Armenia for a provisional government to lead the country out of the crisis following the catastrophic loss in the war in Artsakh. 

This episode was recorded on Thursday, December 17, 2020.

Following the trilateral Karabakh ceasefire of Nov 9, the Armenian opposition has nearly universally condemned Nikol Pashinyan’s agreement to the deal. 

The largest opposition grouping, called Movement of the Salvation of the Homeland (Հայրենիքի փրկության շաժում in Armenian), composed of 17 political parties including the Armenian Revolutionary Federation (ARF), Prosperous Armenia, and the Republican Party, are demanding Pashinyan’s immediate resignation and the appointment of their unified candidate, Vazgen Manukyan as interim PM. 

This group has been holding regular protests featuring a growing number of participants, with the latest gathering Wednesday, December 17, estimated to be 20K in size. 

Today, we’ll be talking with a representative of one of the political forces behind the movement, to better understand the internal political developments in Armenia and specifically the goals of the Movement of the Salvation of the Homeland.

To talk about these issues, we are joined by:


Arthur Khachatryan, who is a member of the Armenian Revolutionary Federation (ARF Dashnaktsutyun) Supreme Council in Yerevan. In the past, he held government posts such as Deputy Minister of Territorial Administration and Development, Governor of Shirak, and Minister of Agriculture. Currently, Arthur is a professor of finance at the French University of Armenia and lectures on Leadership at the Public Administration Academy of the Republic of Armenia.





What made the ARF Dashnaktsutyun join forces with the 16 other political parties and what is the broad position of the movement, and the ARF specifically?

Especially during the earlier days of the protest, we heard that many of the organizers of the protests were being detained by police and national security forces. Can you say that police intimidation is still taking place and how has it affected the leadership of the protests?

Nikol Pashinyan criticized this movement for being an “elitist protest”, not representative of the entire Armenian populace. How would you respond to that?

How does the ARF differentiate from the wider opposition goals, especially during the “provisional” 6-12-month period that you suggest? Specifically, we’ve heard Vazgen Manukyan express a position on foreign funding of Armenian NGOs for instance. Is that position also shared by the ARF?

What do you think of the government’s proposal and effort to change the electoral code? Is this a change that should be prioritized in the interim period?

The Alliance settled on Vazgen Manukyan as the interim Prime Minister to head a provisional government and lead to preterm elections. As the politics evolve in Yerevan, if the situation requires that a different potential candidate be nominated, would the ARF support that? What are the red lines for the ARF about who might or might not be acceptable as an interim Prime Minister?

During the 2018 elections the ARF didn’t receive sufficient votes to gain any seats in the parliament. What are your party’s plans for becoming a relevant political force, represented in the parliament in Armenia? What is your party’s vision for Armenia over the next 5-10 years?

That concludes this Conversation On Armenian News. We hope it was helpful in your understanding of some of the issues involved. We look forward to your feedback, including your suggestions for Conversation topics in the future. Contact us on our website, at, or on our Facebook PageANN – Armenian News”, or in our Facebook Group “Armenian News – Armenian News Network.

Special thanks to Laura Osborn for providing the music for our podcast. On behalf of everyone in this episode, we wish you a good week. Thank you for listening and we’ll talk to you soon.

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Armenia, Artsakh, Karabakh, Opposition, Salvation of the Homeland, ARF, Armenian Revolutionary Federation, Dashnaktsutyun, Arthur Khachatryan, Stepanakert

Azerbaijan’s difficult road to reconciliation after victory in the Nagorno-Karabakh war

New Statesman
Dec 24 2020

How nationalist euphoria in the country could rapidly tip into disillusionment. 

ECHR approves request on applying interim measure against Azerbaijan over 62 captured servicemen




YEREVAN, DECEMBER 22, ARMENPRESS. On 18 December, immediately after the meeting of the Representative of the Republic of Armenia before the ECHR Yeghishe Kirakosyan with the relatives of 62 servicemen captured in Khtsaberd, which took place in Gyumri, another request for indication of interim measure against Azerbaijan on behalf of 53 servicemen was prepared and lodged by the Office of the Representative to ECHR, along with supporting evidentiary materials. Important to note, that attorneys have already submitted interim measure request for 9 servicemen out of 63.

On December 21, the ECHR granted the request submitted by the Government of the Republic of Armenia, requesting the Government of Azerbaijan to provide information on prisoners of war, their medical documents, and information on the terms of their exchange by 28 December.

Ensure your financial and information security




Fraud cases have become frequent recently. Unknown people enter people’s apartments by presenting themselves as charitable organization workers, take their mobile telephone, fill in all the necessary details, even take picture of the person, apply for a loan on behalf of them and transfer the money to their own accounts.

Considering the fact that the mobile telephone is an important object for storing your personal information, please don’t give your phone to other people, don’t let them make any transaction and moreover, don’t provide them with your personal details in order to avoid fraud.

Please avoid intermediaries offering you loans via social networks or other means, especially when they ask you to provide your Idram application password and PIN code.

To ensure your own financial security, please:

  1. Don’t let anyone to make transfers from your Idram wallet, bank card or online/mobile banking account on your behalf, even if you know the person.
  2. Don’t provide anyone with your username and password of your bank card, mobile banking application or website.
  3. Don’t provide the number, copy or photo of your passport, bank card details or other secret information to unknown websites.
  4. Before making a transfer, please check well all the details, even if they write to you from your friend’s or relative’s account.

In cases of fraud please contact the Bank by telephone: 010 59 33 33.

Armenia reports 1098 new cases of COVID-19 in one day



 11:08, 16 December, 2020

YEREVAN, DECEMBER 16, ARMENPRESS. 1098 new cases of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) have been confirmed in Armenia in the past one day, bringing the total number of confirmed cases to 150,218, the ministry of healthcare said today.

1242 more patients have recovered in one day. The total number of recoveries has reached 128,694.

3272 tests were conducted in the past one day.

27 more patients have died, raising the death toll to 2556.

The number of active cases is 18,331.

The number of patients who had coronavirus but died from other disease has reached 637 (11 new such cases).

Editing and Translating by Aneta Harutyunyan

Russian peacekeepers in Nagorno Karabakh deliver humanitarian aid to Martakert town



 13:00, 16 December, 2020

YEREVAN, DECEMBER 16, ARMENPRESS. The servicemen of the Russian peacekeeping contingent in Nagorno Karabakh have delivered humanitarian aid packages, including food and first aid items, to the town of Martakert, the Russian defense ministry reports.

Food and essentials were handed over to the residents of Nagorno Karabakh who have returned back home. More than 100 families received humanitarian aid.

The medical units of the Russian defense ministry continue providing care to the residents of Stepanakert and Martakert.

Editing and Translating by Aneta Harutyunyan