Armenian Embassy officially opens in Israel

Public Radio of Armenia
Sept 18 2020

The Embassy of the Republic of Armenia was officially opened in Tel Aviv on the eve of Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year, Vesti Israel reports.

The head of the “Eurasia-2” department of the Israeli Foreign Ministry,  Itzhak Carmel Kagan, was present at the ceremony.

Addressing the event, Ambassador Armen Smbatyan noted a special symbolism in the fact that the embassy begins its work on the eve of the New Year according to the Jewish calendar. He congratulated all the citizens of Israel on Rosh Hashanah, wishing peace and prosperity to Israel, wellbeing, health and success to the people of the country.

On behalf of the State of Israel Itzhak Carmel Kagan welcomed the opening of the Armenian diplomatic mission, stressing that the development of relations between the countries is an important process, and an open and constructive dialogue will allow to solve problems of any level in the future if they arise.

In a short interview with Vesti, the ambassador said: “How can Armenia and Israel begin a joint movement towards a future that, first of all, encompasses bilateral interstate relations? I see no alternative to humanitarian contacts and projects that act as a driving force and catalyst for initialization. and ensuring sustainable, irreversible, productive and multilateral cooperation between countries and peoples in the 21st century.”

Azerbaijani press: Union of Azerbaijani Women of Europe protests against Armenian PM’s wife’s photo shoot with arms in hand

By Trend

The “Ana Veten” (Motherland) Union of Azerbaijani women of Europe has expressed a protest against the participation of Anna Hakobyan, wife of the Armenian prime minister, in illegal military exercises in the occupied Azerbaijani territories of Nagorno-Karabakh region, as well as the dissemination of photographs in which she aims from a machine gun at the Azerbaijani trenches, the Azerbaijani State Committee on Work with Diaspora, told Trend on Sept. 14.

The issue that Armenia has been holding the Azerbaijani territories of Nagorno-Karabakh region and adjacent districts under occupation for 30 years and the fact that international organizations and the leading countries recognize this, was stressed in the statement addressed to the international community and signed by the Chairperson of the Union, Maisa Agamirzoyeva.

“Yerevan ignores the demands of the world community to withdraw its armed forces from the occupied territories as well as stop provocations on the line of contact and the state border with Azerbaijan, which is trying to resolve the conflict [Armenia-Azerbaijan Nagorno-Karabakh conflict] peacefully,” the statement said. “During the July clashes, the whole world witnessed Armenia's aggression.”

Following the statement, to conceal the fact that the provocation in the direction of Azerbaijan’s Tovuz district was initiated by the government headed by her husband, disguised as peacefulness, Hakobyan appealed to Azerbaijani mothers.

“The recent photos of Hakobyan, who in 2018, declaring herself to be the defender of peace in the region, invited Azerbaijani women to join the campaign "Women for Peace", her call to the Armenian women to defend the occupied territory of the neighboring country with arms in her hand testifies Armenia's hypocritical foreign policy,” the statement said. “If women in Armenia are already preparing for war, what is the point of this country's peace-loving statements?!”

The Union said that despite the recent calm on the Azerbaijani-Armenian border and the contact line, worrisome moments persist and the messages on social networks and world media only increase this concern.

While demanding the settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict within the territorial integrity and internationally recognized borders of Azerbaijan, the Union stated that Armenia must stop the attacks on civilians in Azerbaijan and immediately withdraw its armed forces from the occupied Azerbaijani territories under the decisions of the UN Security Council and OSCE.

The conflict between the two South Caucasus countries began in 1988 when Armenia made territorial claims against Azerbaijan. As a result of the ensuing war, Armenian armed forces occupied 20 percent of Azerbaijan, including the Nagorno-Karabakh region and seven surrounding districts.

The 1994 ceasefire agreement was followed by peace negotiations. Armenia has not yet implemented four UN Security Council resolutions on the withdrawal of its armed forces from Nagorno Karabakh and the surrounding districts.

Opportunism and July’s Armenian-Azerbaijani Flareup

Modern Diplomacy
Sept 4 2020
September 4, 2020
By David Davidian
By mid-July, within days of the latest flareup in fighting between Armenia and Azerbaijan, a flurry of articles written by Azerbaijani think tank members appeared on Modern Diplomacy (MD). Azerbaijani think tanks may have erroneously assumed that MD was a media battlefield between Armenians and Azerbaijanis after a Geopolitical Handbook on Armenian issues was published a month earlier.
On August 2, 2020, MD published an article entitled The Treasure Map to the Forgotten Epoch of the Iravan Khanate, by Irina Tsukerman. The article uncritically adopts the most vulgar of Azerbaijani historical falsifications claiming that most of Armenia and its capital, Yerevan, have little or no Armenian lineage – and are instead Azerbaijani. The rambling nature of this four-thousand word article, and its spectacular disregard for the accepted historical record, seemed designed for the express purpose of appealing to Azerbaijanis and offending Armenians, for example by pointedly referring to the 2800-year-old Armenian capital city as Iravan, instead of Yerevan.
The thesis of Tsukerman’s article on MD dates back well over a generation. It parrots nationalist screeds, penned by Azerbaijani and sometimes Turkish propagandists, usually intended for local consumption. In recent years, many such works have been translated into reasonable English and evidently distributed for posting by western authors under their names. A common characteristic of these articles is their lack of hard references – a relic from the Soviet days. Tsukerman’s MD article appears to have been post-annotated with reference links before it was submitted to MD. Most of these links are of low quality and/or have little to do with the associated text. Forty-five of the fifty-three reference links were Wikipedia articles, gratuitously including general Wikipedia articles on Russia, Armenia, Georgia, Azerbaijan, The Republic of Azerbaijan, Tehran, etc. Another reference points to a Turkish-language text that originally appeared in an anti-Armenian publication, Yeni Turkiye 62, which includes articles claiming Armenians committed genocide on Turks and Azerbaijanis – a claim widely known to be untrue, and similar in form, tactics and intent to Holocaust denial.
Within weeks of the apparent success of post-annotating an article in MD with useless reference links, Israel’s Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies (BESA) published another anti-Armenian article of dubious integrity by Tsukerman, entitled “Russia and Iran’s Dangerous Energy Gambit in the Caucasus“. Due to a reader complaint noting the lack of any references and the article’s clear anti-Armenian bias, BESA initially took down the article, but then restored it the very next day, replete with ill-considered, low-quality references, not unlike those in Tsukerman’s MD article.
In my perhaps old-fashioned view, the provision of valid high-quality citations is a responsibility that every author should take seriously, and the verification of the quality of those citations is a responsibility that every editor should take seriously. Padding an article with useless and unhelpful citations pro forma, simply to be able to say that the article has citations, is the tactic of a college freshman – not one that I would expect to see in a scholarly publication. Evidently BESA operates according to a different set of standards.
This brings us to the larger question: Why do so many poorly referenced, factually inaccurate, anti-Armenian propaganda pieces appear in the world press? A short-term answer is that both the ruling family dictatorship in Azerbaijan, and the country’s supporting interests in the west need to bolster Azerbaijan’s image at home and abroad, especially after its significant military loss in the latest border flareup.
In the medium-term, one might note that the amount of western investment in Azerbaijani hydrocarbon extraction and transport is probably well over $100B, with British Petroleum accounting for $75B of that figure. Azerbaijan is also one of the few countries bordering Iran that is compliant enough to be used as a base for intelligence gathering and covert operations targeting Iran. Moreover, forty percent of Israel’s crude oil is supplied by Azerbaijan, and in return Israel has sold Azerbaijan at least $5B in high tech weaponry over the past decade. By contrast, Armenia has no viable petroleum reserves, and comparatively little with which to counter materially. Hence a much lower standard is set for the publication of Azerbaijani propaganda in the western press, and Azerbaijan is propped-up as a reliable partner to the Israeli public – this in spite of the fact that Azerbaijan is a Shia Muslim-majority country that refuses to open an embassy in Israel.
A rare glimpse at the longer-term answer can found in a September 2015 event where Israeli Knesset Members Oren Hazan and advisor Mendi Safadi visited Baku, Azerbaijan, for high-level meetings. During this visit, Safadi commented, “I’ve always been on the side of Azerbaijan, and we are ready to provide assistance and patronage to the Azerbaijani side to neutralize the influence of the Armenian lobby in the US Congress, the EU institutions, and international organizations.”
To this observer in Yerevan, it is manifest that Azerbaijan has enlisted help from certain actors in Israel and the Jewish diaspora in generating and promulgating pro-Azerbaijani propaganda, including anti-Armenian propaganda that falsifies the historical record and that is sometimes overtly racist in nature. Of course, with such an arrangement between two countries comes the opportunity for authors of a mercenary bent who are willing to lend their names to such falsifications. Since 2015, a large number of articles of this sort have appeared, for the most part in the Jewish press. Some writers have focused on the semi-frozen conflict over Nagorno-Karabakh. Others have attempted to characterize Armenia’s normal relations with Iran as in opposition to western-imposed sanctions, while neglecting to note that well over twice as much trade goes on between Azerbaijan and Iran. Still others characterize certain Armenian historical figures as fascist supporters of the Nazis during WWII, conveniently neglecting the fact that well over a quarter million Armenian soldiers never returned from fighting the Nazis, and that fact that Armenia was awarded twenty-four Israeli “Righteous Among Nation Awards, while Azerbaijan was awarded none.
Truth and open debate have little to do with this kind of industrial production of anti-Armenian propaganda. Opportunist writers posting such articles know very well the nature of the endeavor in which they are participating, yet they seem to feel that they can persist without regard to any cost to their reputations, as long as their hate speech is directed only against Armenians.
It is ironic that Jewish writers, many the progeny of Holocaust survivors, blindly support Azerbaijan’s government and its anti-Armenian policies, many of which are designed to create an external enemy in order to redirect popular anger away from a corrupt family dictatorship. The former mayor of Baku, who served between 2001 and 2018, Hajibala Abutalybov, in a 2005 meeting with a municipal delegation from Bavaria, Germany, stated,
“Our goal is the complete elimination of Armenians. You, Nazis, already eliminated the Jews in the 1930s and 40s, right? You should be able to understand us.”
Israelis and Jews everywhere certainly ought to be able to understand these words better than most, and they should be asking themselves if this is really an alignment for which they wish to be remembered in the fullness of the historical record.

Visitors to Armenia may choose to either self-isolate for 14 days or take a PCR test

Panorama, Armenia
Aug 17 2020
From now on, if a person entering into the territory of the Republic of Armenia doesn’t have symptoms of the coronavirus and hasn’t been hospitalized, he or she may choose to either self-isolate for 14 days or take a PCR test during self-isolation and, if the person tests negative, he or she won’t have to self-isolate anymore. The new rule has been shared by Zvartnots airport. 
The Airport has also shared the list of COVID-19 testing laboratories in the country. Sampling for PCR testing for the causative agent of coronavirus is performed in almost all private medical centers in Yerevan, said the source. 
It should be noted that during self- isolation, PCR sampling should be performed exclusively by a laboratory specialists executed at the individual’s self- isolation location.
A person has no right to leave the place of self-isolation, until he or she receives a negative test result, the source said. 

Yervand Khundkaryan President of Armenia Constitutional Court?, Armenia
Aug 18 2020

18:52, 18.08.2020

During the meeting with judge candidate of the Constitutional Court Yervand Khundkaryan, who is nominated by the General Assembly of Judges, the deputies of the My Step faction of the National Assembly also asked him questions about holding the position of President of the Constitutional Court. This is what deputy of the My Step faction Lusine Badalyan told reporters today.

Asked what kind of questions the deputies had asked Khundkaryan, Badalyan said the following: “The questions were particularly related to the cases that the judge candidate has examined in the past. We asked all of our questions, but I can’t say that the answers were very exhaustive.”

Asked if she sees Khundkaryan as President of the Constitutional Court, Badalyan said the following: “He didn’t show the pretensions to become President of the Constitutional Court, even if he had pretensions. All judge candidates of the Constitutional Court are potential Presidents of the Constitutional Court for the My Step faction.”

When told that during the meeting reporters heard how MP Sos Avetisyan had said that Khundkaryan has the pretension to become President of the Constitutional Court, Badalyan said she might have missed that part and the issue has been raised from time to time.

Talking about the meeting earlier, head of the My Step faction Lilit Makunts had tried not to answer reporters’ question about the possibility of Khundkaryan becoming President of the Constitutional Court and stated the following: “I can’t say anything about the judge candidate becoming or being elected or not elected President of the Constitutional Court because the candidate also has to come to parliament where he will be asked questions, after which deputies will decide whether they will vote in favor or against Khundkaryan.”

ANCA Praises U.S. for Rapidly Committing over $48 Million in Aid to Lebanon

Aug 21 2020

Distribution of $18 million in emergency relief has already begun, with an additional $30 Million in grain assistance forthcoming

WASHINGTON—The Armenian National Committee of America praised both the Pentagon and the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) for rapidly delivering more than $18 million in food and medical assistance to Lebanon in the wake of the tragic August 4 explosion in Beirut.

The ANCA also said that it was encouraging that the U.S. Department of State’s Under Secretary for Political Affairs David Hale has announced that the Trump Administration is working with Congress to provide on an “urgent, interim basis” $30 million worth of grain that will be delivered through the World Food Program.

“The ANCA has been in direct contact with senior officials at the U.S. Department of State to encourage a robust U.S. humanitarian response to the explosion that rocked Beirut, Lebanon just over two weeks ago,” shared ANCA Chairman Raffi Hamparian. “We are pleased that Under Secretary Hale – at the direction of Secretary Pompeo and in cooperation with Defense Secretary Esper – are working to get relief supplies worth more than $48 million on the ground in Lebanon without delay,” Hamparian added.

Within hours of the explosion that killed and injured hundreds of people in Lebanon – including many Armenians – the ANCA worked with thousands of its grassroots supporters to urge Congress and the Trump Administration to provide a rapid assistance package for all of Lebanon’s citizens. In an August 5, letter to Secretary Pompeo, Hamparian praised the Administration’s immediate statements of solidarity with the people of Lebanon and encouraged that them to work with “USAID, the United Nations, and Armenian charitable groups to ensure that U.S. and international assistance reaches all vulnerable groups.”  In addition, the ANCA – in close cooperation with the Armenian Relief Society – held meetings with the U.S. Department of State to ensure that the humanitarian efforts of the United States reach all at-risk communities in Lebanon – including the Armenian community – which has been devastated by the explosion at the Port of Beirut.  Community members can continue contacting their legislators by visiting

On August 6, a U.S. Air Force C-17 airplane delivered desperately needed food, water, and medical supplies to Lebanon. According to General Frank McKenzie of the U.S. Central Command, “we [the United States] are closely coordinating with the Lebanese Armed Forces, and expect that we will continue to provide additional assistance throughout Lebanon’s recovery effort.” Subsequent to the delivery of this aid, Under Secretary Hale shared that America “is prepared to work with Congress to pledge up to $30 million in additional funds to enable the flow of grain through the Port of Beirut on an urgent, interim basis.”

Constitutional Reforms Concept to include creation of Supreme Court

ArmenPress, Armenia
Aug 22 2020

YEREVAN, AUGUST 22, ARMENPRESS. The Specialized Commission for Constitutional Reforms has discussed the option of merging the highest judicial instances, namely the two concepts on creating a Supreme Court.

The concepts were developed by jurists at the Justice Ministry and the commission.

The meeting was chaired by commission chairman Yeghishe Kirakosyan on August 22, the justice ministry said in a news release.

Minister of Justice Rustam Badasyan and jurists Armen Mazmanyan and Levon Gevorgyan presented the provisions of the concepts.

After debating the options, a voting took place to determine which version will be included in the preliminary version of the Constitutional Reforms Concept.

The first version, which failed to pass with only 7 of the 15 members voting in favor, envisaged the development of the constitutional justice system within the framework of the active model.

The commission chose the other option – decentralizing the constitutional supervision, uniting the highest judicial instances with 8 members voting in favor.

The concept on creating a Supreme Court will be included in the Constitutional Reforms Concept which is expected to be introduced for public debates soon.

Editing and Translating by Stepan Kocharyan

AEF Announces 2020-2021 Richard R. Tufenkian Scholarship Recipients

Aug 21 2020

The Armenian Educational Foundation’s Board of Directors and Scholarship Committee announced the 2020-2021 Richard R. Tufenkian Scholarship Award recipients. Three $3,000 scholarships have been awarded to Armenian undergraduate students at accredited United States colleges or Universities. To qualify for this scholarship, students had to be of Armenian descent, have a minimum 3.0 grade point average, show financial need, and be actively involved in the Armenian community.

In total, 51 applications were received for the Richard R. Tufenkian Scholarship. The committee diligently reviewed and selected the following three students.

Arman Ghazaryan

Arman Ghazaryan (Vayk, Armenia)
Arman Ghazaryan was born in Armenia in 1998. He is a rising sophomore at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) majoring in Business Economics and minoring in Statistics with a 3.7 GPA. Arman graduated from Quantum College International Baccalaureate program in Armenia in 2016. While in high school he has received multiple awards including the annual educational award of the President of Armenia in IT sphere in the nomination of the best high school student of the year (2015), as well as the annual award of the Quantum College as the best college student of the year (2015).

Arman participated in numerous volunteering activities/projects in Armenia including providing training and support to the communities in the bordering areas with Azerbaijan that significantly suffered from conflict, tutoring children in the Nubarashen community of Armenia, and other community service projects organized by different Armenian and International organizations such as AGBU, Fuller Housing, Rotary and Rotaract Clubs Yerevan-International. He also interned with Gyumri TechnoPark and the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Armenia.

Arman was admitted to UCLA in 2016, but after completing the first quarter, was called up to active military service by the Ministry of Defense of Armenia. He spent the next two years in the Armenian Armed Forces as a conscript. He returned to the United States in 2019 with deeper motivation and determination to finish his education and pursue a career in corporate finance with a particular interest in investment banking. Arman hopes to one day be able to support other young Armenians from our homeland to pursue their dreams and receive an education at a world renown university.

Kami Arabian

Kami Arabian (Glendale)
Kami Arabian was born in Glendale, California in 2002. He graduated from Rose and Alex Pilibos as one of the valedictorians for the class of 2020 with an unweighted 4.0 GPA. During his time at Pilibos, Kami served his classmates as a representative in the student council, later to be elected president during his senior year. Kami was involved in his school’s Model United Nations team, serving as its secretary-general. Through these experiences, Kami developed a passion for public service, and as a result, he decided to take an internship in the Office of Senator Anthony Portantino under the direction of the staffer who was responsible for representing environmental issues across the district. Kami supplemented this experience by later interning in the administrative division of the Glendale Department of Water and Power, where he developed an understanding of the policies that impact his local community.

Recently, Kami was admitted to Dartmouth College, an Ivy League institution located in New Hampshire, where he plans to double major in environmental engineering and political science and graduate by 2024. Upon completing his education at Dartmouth College, Kami intends to pursue a degree in law, with the goal of starting his own firm one day in the future. He is determined to give back to the Armenian community since he recognizes the important role that it plays in the success of future generations.

Anaida Fahradyan

Anaida Fahradyan (Yerevan)
Born in Yerevan, Armenia, Anaida Farhadyan has recently completed her freshman year at Wilson College in Pennsylvania, with a 4.0 GPA. Anaida is pursuing an undergraduate degree in Business Management, History and Political Science, and a minor in Spanish – her fourth language. She expects to complete her Bachelor’s in May of 2023. Anaida’s parents are both still living in Yerevan, with her mother unemployed and her father unable to finance Anaida’s education on an Armenian income. Anaida is the recipient of multiple awards and honors, including: President’s Volunteer Service Award, Valedictorian at her high school, Student of The Year Award, over 100 community service hours’ award, “best delegate” award at Euro Youth Parliament Yerevan Regional Session, Athlete Award in Cross Country and Track, Armenian Language Olympiad, and International Linguistics Olympiad.

During her junior year of high school, Anaida was an exchange student in the state of Kansas through the Future Leaders Exchange (FLEX) Program. This cultural exchange inspired her to give back to her communities both in Armenia and the US by participating in and initiating community service activities, local clean-up projects, educational workshops, and leadership programs. She is the first of her family to pursue a degree in the United States and hopes to be successful enough to start her own scholarship fund in the future to make education accessible to all Armenians. In her free time, Anaida enjoys playing the piano, reading, and photography.

The Richard R. Tufenkian Scholarship Fund was established by Ralph and Savey Tufenkian in memory of their son Richard. The $230,000 endowed fund has provided over $470,000 in scholarships since 1991. Currently, $17,500 in scholarships is awarded each year, including $2,500 to a student attending the American University of Armenia and six full tuition scholarships for students attending public universities in Armenia.

AEF is most grateful to the Tufenkian Family for their commitment to helping Armenians globally through their philanthropy, unconditional love, and continued support of the education and advancement of Armenian youth in the United States and abroad.

As AEF looks with optimism toward the future, it hopes to be of even greater assistance to students of Armenian parentage pursuing higher education, as well as to continue providing financial help to institutions in Armenia, the United States and around the world.

The Armenian Educational Foundation is a non-profit organization, established in 1950, with the aim to render financial assistance to Armenian educational institutions, and to provide financial assistance to students of Armenian parentage.

Armenian military unworried over prolonged Turkish-Azerbaijani drills




YEREVAN, AUGUST 12, ARMENPRESS. The Armenian military is not concerned over the prolonged nature of the Turkish-Azerbaijani military exercises, the Armenian Defense Ministry spokesperson Shushan Stepanyan told ARMENPRESS.

‘We aren’t concerned over the initiation or the long-term nature of the Turkish-Azerbaijani military exercises, but given the fact that any international military exercises apart from combat readiness component also contains military-diplomatic, military-political messages, then the news about the presence of the Turkish high-ranking military-political delegation makes the drills concerning in terms of the unprecedentedness of the abovementioned messages,” Stepanyan said.

Azerbaijan has announced that its joint military drills with Turkey are being prolonged. The Turkish top brass departed for Baku to inspect the exercises.

Editing and Translating by Stepan Kocharyan