Armenian volunteers join international initiative to help elderly people amid coronavirus pandemic

Panorama, Armenia

Number of Armenian charity organizations and volunteers have joint an international online platform “We Join Hands” which aims to bring together elderly people, people with special and volunteers ready to provide help and assistance amid the outbreak of Covid-19 pandemic.

The initiative is an online platform created by Munich-based Waldheim International GmbH company where people can ask for or offer help and support, receive important information, overcome the anxiety of loneliness in the face of the novel challenges and feel that all are closer and more united than ever.

People who need help or are ready to offer their helping hand to others are encouraged to register using the applicable form at .  The platform is active in Germany, Switzerland, Greece, Cyprus, Armenia, Russia and the US.

Judge Anna Danibekyan to consider motion to change Armenia 2nd President’s pre-trial measure, Armenia
Judge Anna Danibekyan to consider motion to change Armenia 2nd President's pre-trial measure Judge Anna Danibekyan to consider motion to change Armenia 2nd President's pre-trial measure

20:03, 23.03.2020

The application that second President of Armenia Robert Kocharyan’s attorney Hovhannes Khudoyan addressed to chairman of the Yerevan court of general jurisdiction Artur Mkrtchyan to inscribe consideration of the motion to change Robert Kocharyan’s arrest pre-trial measure with a letter of pledge, has been rejected. This is posted on Hovhannes Khudoyan’s Facebook page.

Former Prime Ministers of Armenia Vazgen Manukyan, Khosrov Harutyunyan and Karen Karapetyan, as well as former Prime Minister of the Republic of Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh Republic) Anushavan Danielyan have made a proposal to change Robert Kocharyan’s pre-trial measure arrest with letter of pledge.

Earlier, the attorneys had posted the following note on Facebook page:

“Let us remind that the subsequent trial over the alleged overthrow of constitutional order, which was set for March 17, wasn’t held due to Judge Anna Danibekyan’s absence, and later, it was announced that Danibekyan had undergone a surgery.

On March 17, the attorneys were preparing to file a motion to release Robert Kocharyan with a letter of pledge.

Former Prime Ministers of Armenia Vazgen Manukyan, Khosrov Harutyunyan and Karen Karapetyan, as well as former Prime Minister of the Republic of Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh Republic) Anushavan Danielyan have made a proposal to change Robert Kocharyan’s pre-trial measure arrest with letter of pledge.”

Coronavirus cases reach 72 in Armenia




YEREVAN, MARCH 17, ARMENPRESS. 8 new cases of the novel coronavirus were confirmed in Armenia, bringing the total number of infected to 72, Healthcare Minister Arsen Torosyan said on Facebook.

“We have 8 more confirmed cases, some of them have been under quarantine from the beginning, whereas the direct contacts of the remaining cases are being clarified. One of these new cases is connected with the case in Etchmiadzin, while the remaining 7 are contacts of a case detected in a manufacturing company in Yerevan. As of this moment, we have a total of 72 confirmed cases, 1 of whom has recovered”, the minister said.

On March 16 Armenia declared a 30-day state of emergency to fight against the spread of the novel coronavirus. The state of emergency is effective until April 14, at 17:00.

Edited and translated by Aneta Harutyunyan

Asbarez: AESA Board Members Visit Consul General

March 11, 2020

Ambassador Baibourtian with AESA Board members. From left: Linda Megerdichian, Richard Ohanian, Ambassador Armen Baibourtian, Aram Ter-Martirosyan, and Sona Juharyan

GLENDALE—Consul General of Armenia in Los Angeles Ambassador Armen Baibourtian welcomed the visit of members of the newly elected Board of the Armenian Engineers and Scientists Association of America, led by its President Richard Ohanian. The visit took place on Saturday, March 7.

During the meeting, Ohanian presented the prospective plans of the Association to Ambassador Baibourtian. He highlighted AESA’s aim to use the significant potential of Armenian engineers and scientists to implement new educational and humanitarian projects. The organization also intends to meet the requirements of the time, to replenish its ranks with young scientists, and to expand its geography. AESA is preparing for its next annual event, which will provide an opportunity to create a database of Armenian scientists and engineers, encourage professionals with awards, expand the organization’s activities in Armenia, as well as to support research and startups.

Ambassador Baibourtian welcomed the upcoming programs of the Armenian Association of Engineers and Scientists and expressed his readiness to support the initiatives of the organization, which aim to develop the Armenian scientific thought and serve the interests of the homeland. Special attention was paid to the development of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics at educational levels in both California and Armenia.

Counselor of the Consulate General Edgar Grigoryan, Vice President of the American Society of Armenian Engineers and Scientists Aram Ter-Martirosyan, Executive Secretary Linda Megerdichian, and Treasurer Sona Juharyan were also present at the meeting.

Armenia Civil Aviation Committee chief: Do you think all problems will be resolved by closing airspace?, Armenia
March 13 2020

14:14, 13.03.2020

YEREVAN. – Do you think all problems will be resolved by closing the airspace? It could make the problem worse because the situation would be more difficult if these same passengers who are coming and are coming with the infection had come with transit. Tatevik Revazian, Chair of the Civil Aviation Committee of Armenia, told this to reporters.

A charter flight from Italy is expected on Sunday, and in this regard Revazian said the passengers on board this flight will be separated from other passengers at Yerevan’s international airport.

"They are tourists, students, there are Armenians living there [on board this flight]," she added, in particular.

Asked if it would be safer to close the airspace with several countries, Revazian said: "Do you think all problems will be resolved by closing the airspace? It could make the problem worse because the situation would be more difficult if these same passengers who are coming and are coming with the infection had come with transit. We have a direct flight, we can arrange specific events at the airport so that they are separated from other passengers."

Belarus, Armenia mull over joint enterprise to produce elevators

BelTA, Belarus
March 13 2020
YEREVAN, 13 March (BelTA – ARMENPRESS) – Belarus and Armenia are planning to set up a joint enterprise to produce elevators, Belarus' Forestry Minister Vitaly Drozhzha said at a meeting of the Armenian-Belarusian intergovernmental commission in Yerevan.
“We have suggested setting a joint enterprise to manufacture elevators in Armenia. Now the country is actively replacing elevators in high-rise buildings. The enterprise could also provide maintenance services,” the minister said.
Armenia's Minister of Economy Tigran Khachatryan told the media that the production of elevators in Armenia can become one of the priority areas. “The future of elevators production depends on a big elevator program for apartment buildings supervised by the Yerevan Council City. We have put forward all the proposals to Belarusian partners to be discussed on a competitive basis. These discussions take place in different formats, and when their implementation becomes possible from the point of view of competition, we will do everything to ensure that our Belarusian partners find support in Armenia to implement their program,” Tigran Khachatryan said.

Gülen-linked organization recognizes Armenian Genocide

PanArmenian, Armenia

PanARMENIAN.Net – The Multicultural Mosaic Foundation (MMF), a Colorado-based NGO that derives its inspiration from the Turkish Muslim religious leader Fethullah Gülen, has recognized the Armenian Genocide.

In a statement disseminated on Sunday, March 8, the Foundation said they established a committee three years ago, tasked with learning what happened in 1915 to the Armenian citizens of the Ottoman Empire.

“For the last three years, the members of this committee have been attending lectures and dialog sessions with scholars of Ottoman history, Armenian history and genocides,” the MMF said.

“Committee members engaged in meetings with family members of those who survived the Armenian Genocide.

“The study of academic articles, watching documentaries, panel discussions, private discussions were also part of the three-year journey.”

After three years, the committee of about 20 members voted unanimously in favor of recognizing the Armenian Genocide.

April 24, 1915 is the day when a group of Armenian intellectuals were rounded up and assassinated in Constantinople by the Ottoman government. On April 24, Armenians worldwide will be commemorating the 105th anniversary of the Genocide which continued until 1923. Some three dozen countries, hundreds of local government bodies and international organizations have so far recognized the killings of 1.5 million Armenians as Genocide. Turkey denies to this day.

Assembly of Armenians of Europe issues statement on referendum for amendments to Armenia Constitution, Armenia
March 2 2020

17:55, 02.03.2020

The April 5 referendum for constitutional amendments is the logical continuation of the revolution, and even though this comes late, there will finally be a Constitutional Court that will enjoy the trust of the people. This is stated in the statement issued by the Sweden-based Assembly of Armenians of Europe.

The statement reads as follows:

“Dear compatriots, in the current situation, the only option and opportunity to solve the crisis in the Constitutional Court is to let the people decide through a referendum. Thus, by taking advantage of your right to _expression_ of free will, participate in the referendum in order to achieve one of the major goals of the revolution, that is, the functioning of institutions of a democratic and legal state and the establishment of power of the people.

The Assembly of Armenians of Europe CALLS ON showing active participation and liberating the last “bastion” of the former regime by saying YES to the amendment to the Constitution.

We call on citizens of Armenia living abroad to travel to Armenia and participate in the nationwide referendum, if possible.

Since, according to the existing Constitution, citizens of Armenia living abroad don’t have the opportunity to participate in referenda and elections and since it is impossible to restore their right quickly, we offer the authorities of Armenia to take a symbolic step and provide Armenians in certain large communities of the Diaspora with the opportunity for SYMBOLIC participation in the referendum. Taking this experimental step will create an opportunity and help Armenians of the Diaspora become self-organized and help them be more aware of public and political life in Armenia.”

Armenia temporally restores visa regime with Iran to prevent spread of coronavirus in Armenia

Aysor, Armenia
March 2 2020

Armenia’s Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan announced today about extending restrictions on communication with Iran.

At the session of the commission set to prevent spread of coronavirus in Armenia, the head of the government said that taking into account the epidemiological situation in the region a decision has been made to prolong and heighten the restrictions in the direction of the Armenian-Iranian border communication.

“We will begin a process on temporarily restoring visa regime with Iran which will enter into force within five days. We are in permanent contact with our Iranian colleagues, offering our support to the people and government of Iran in overcoming this difficult situation. We will support the friendly government of Iran as much as we can,” the PM said.

Armenpress: Armenian, Georgian healthcare ministers discuss coronavirus over phone

Armenian, Georgian healthcare ministers discuss coronavirus over phone



 12:23, 4 March, 2020

YEREVAN, MARH 4, ARMENPRESS. Minister of Healthcare of Armenia Arsen Torosyan had a telephone conversation with Georgian Minister of Internally Displaced Persons from the Occupied Territories, Labour, Health and Social Affairs Ekaterine Tikaradze to discuss the situation in the two countries caused by the novel coronavirus.

“Minister Tikaradze told me that three persons are infected with coronavirus in Georgia and no new cases were confirmed in recent days. They all feel good, like our patient. I also introduced the situation in our country and the ongoing actions. Wishing success to our brotherly Georgian people on overcoming this situation, we agreed to keep contacts between the ministers and the two ministries so that our actions will be maximally in accordance with one another and effective”, the Armenian minister said.

First case of coroavirus has been confirmed in Armenia on March 1.

Edited and translated by Aneta Harutyunyan