Armenian government will not make decision under pressure – Pashinyan on Amulsar issue

Arminfo, Armenia
Sept 16 2019

ArmInfo. In search of truth in  the Amulsar gold mine, the Armenian government intends to go all the  way. Prime Minister of Armenia Nikol Pashinyanl stated this at a  press conference on September 16, answering the question of whether  he thinks that 400 thousand dollars (this is exactly what the  taxpayer cost the expertise – Ed. note) were wasted.

The funds, according to the prime minister, were spent to clarify the  truth in Amulsar's issue. "I don't think that any funds spent on  finding the truth can be considered wasted, "he said

The head of government assured that all actions of the government on  Amulsar are 100% transparent.  According to him, during a Skype  conference with experts from Earthlink & Advanced Resources  Development (ELARD), which was instructed to conduct an EIA study on  Amulsar, new circumstances were revealed. Regarding the security of  the project, as the prime minister pointed out, the ELARD team said  that Lydian was the guarantor of security in any case.

Touching on the blocking of the road to the Amulsar mine, Pashinyan  stated that there is a decision of the Administrative Court to open  the road. "My position and the government are ready to go to the end,  in order to reveal the truth. Truth will lead us to one or another  decision. And the public should not give in to manipulations,  including from the side of my respected friends," said Pashinyan,  calling the manipulation those citizens traveling with a device to  measure the level of radiation in the vicinity of Amulsar. He noted  Teghut as a vivid, in his opinion, example of a successful solution,  again recalling the inconsistency of talking about the poor condition  of the dam. "In the matter of seeking the truth on Amulsar, we will  go to the end. The Armenian government will not make a decision under  pressure," he concluded.

To recall, Prime Minister of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan today stated  that at the moment there are no legal grounds to prohibit the  operation of the Amulsar mine. Nikol Pashinyan also formally called  on the residents of Jermuk to open all roads leading to the Amulsar  mine. Meanwhile, on August 19, experts at Earthlink & Advanced  Resources Development (ELARD) said during a video conference that the  Lydian source data was not complete and, in general, the 2016 EIA was  insufficient to guarantee the environmentally operation of the mine. 

168: Tsitsernakaberd Armenian Genocide Memorial included in map of genocide monuments


The International Center for the Promotion of Human Rights with the support of UNESCO has launched an interactive map of memorial monuments dedicated to genocides, gross human rights violations and atrocities against humanity which have taken place during the 20th century in different parts of the world.

The Tsitsernakaberd Armenian Genocide Memorial is included in the map with the photos of its opening in 1967 and commemoration events.

Thanks to this website, which is available in English and Spanish, the creators aim at raising the level of awareness among the international community, make the memory sites available and prevent the future crimes against humanity.

Artsakh’s President congratulates in connection with elections of local self-government bodies

Artsakh's President congratulates in connection with elections of local self-government bodies



 18:35, 9 September, 2019

YEREVAN, SEPTEMBER 9, ARMENPRESS. Artsakh Republic President Bako Sahakyan sent a congratulatory address in connection with the local self-government bodies’ elections on September 9. As ARMENPRESS was informed from the press service of Artsakh President's Office,the address runs as follows:

"Dear compatriots,
I extend my heartfelt congratulations to all of us on the local self-administration bodies' elections held in our republic.

As usual, the recent electoral race was quite dynamic, the elections were held in the intrinsic to democratic states environment of freedom, transparency and mutual respect, which has been also testified by different organizations carrying out observation missions.

I would like to congratulate the candidates having succeeded in the elections and wish them fruitful work. The local self-administration bodies are primordial the chain whose efficiency to a great extent predetermines the functioning of the entire state system. I am thus confident you will do your best for the development and enhancement of your communities and Artsakh.

I would also like to congratulate all the candidates having taken part in the elections and wish them success in their future undertakings.

These elections have marked another significant step in the development of our state-building, on our people's path to build a free, independent and democratic country.”

Music: Famous Russian Singer Lyubov Uspenskaya Performed an Armenian Song in Azerbaijan (VIDEO)

Sept 3 2019
Famous Russian Singer Lyubov Uspenskaya Performed an Armenian Song in Azerbaijan (VIDEO)

he famous Russian singer Lyubov Uspenskaya, while in Azerbaijan, performed a song in Armenian.

The video, in which Russian singer Lyubov Uspenskaya confessed to singing an Armenian song in Azerbaijan, sparked outrage on the Internet and was criticized by Azeribaijanis, Sputnik News reports.

''At the height of the Karabakh war I went to Baku on tour. After the concert, Azerbaijanis invited me to dine at one of the famous restaurants in Baku. We drank so much alcohol there that we became really funny. Then the guests asked me to sing.  I was so drunk that I completely forgot where I was. I began to sing in Armenian. The musicians accompanied for several minutes, and then got up and left the room'', said Uspenskaya.

 After that, she sat at the piano and sang a song about her love towards Armenia. 

Music: Gala-concert within “Mansuryan-80” events took place in Stepanakert

Panorama, Armenia
Sept 2 2019

“Yerevan Days” held in Artsakh on August 31-September 2 have been completed in Rebirth square in Stepanakert with a gala-concert which gave a start to “Mansuryan-80” series of jubilee concerts. The event was attended by the delegation of Yerevan municipality headed by Mayor Hayk Marutyan.

“During Yerevan Days in Artsakh we also visited some military units, took part in the jubilee event dedicates to Sparapet Vazgen Sargsyan’s 60th anniversary, communicated with our soldiers who are the guarantee of our today’s peace. I think there is a great symbol: Armenian soldiers, defending their homeland also defend our culture which has been existed for thousands of years. It’s not a coincidence that we complete the cultural days of Yerevan in Stepanakert prior to a very important for our nation day-Artsakh Independence Day”, the Mayor said in his welcome remarks.

As the Yerevan municipality reports, on the occasion of the 80th birthday anniversary, for significant contribution to the cultural life of Yerevan and fruitful activity “Argishti I” medal was awarded to composer Tigran Mansuryan. Maestro’s music from films was performed during the concert in Rebirth square. The State Symphonic Orchestra of Armenia conducted by Sergey Smbatyan performed Maestro’s works in a new instrumental arrangement and version. The series of concerts became an occasion to write down the notes of Maestro’s soundtracks in a new way and publish them.

The concerts will be continued in Yerevan and completed in the cultural capital of Armenia-Gyumri on September 13.

Շամշյանին Բաքվից շնորհակալություն կասեն. հայտնել է զինծառայողների անձնական տվյալները. ՊՆ

  • 23.08.2019

  • Հայաստան


Տավուշի մարզում տեղի ունեցած ավտովթարի կապակցությամբ ներկայացնեմ, որ որևէ զինծառայող որևէ լուրջ վնասվածք չի ստացել:

Այս մասին Facebook-յան իր էջում գրել է պաշտպանության նախարարի մամուլի խոսնակ Արծրուն Հովհաննիսյանը:

"Շամշյանին էլ Բաքվից շնորհակալություն կհայտնեն. վթարի մանրամասների, զինծառայողների անձնական գրեթե ամբողջական տեղեկատվության համար", – ասված է նրա գրառման մեջ:

Նշենք, ավելի վաղը հայտնել էր, որ այսօր՝ օգոստոսի 23-ին, ավտովթար է տեղի ունեցել Տավուշի մարզում: Ժամը 03:30-ի սահմաններում, դեռևս չպարզված հանգամանքներում Բաղանիս գյուղի մոտ տեղակայված ՀՀ ՊՆ զորամասի հարևանությամբ ГАЗ 66 մակնիշի ՊՆ 6710 Շ համարանիշի ավտոմեքենան կողաշրջվել է:

Վթարի հետևանքով ավտոմեքենայում գտնվող 11 զինծառայողները թեթև մարմնական վնասվածքներով տեղափոխվել են Նոյեմբերյանի բժշկական կենտրոն:

PM Pashinyan congratulates on anniversary of adoption of Independence Declaration

PM Pashinyan congratulates on anniversary of adoption of Independence Declaration




YEREVAN, AUGUST 23, ARMENPRESS. Prime Minister of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan issued a congratulatory message on the anniversary of the adoption of Independence Declaration. As ARMENPRESS was informed from the Office of the Prime Minister of Armenia,

The message runs as follows,

“Dear compatriots, I congratulate all of us on the occasion of the day of Independence Declaration adoption.

29 years have passed since the Supreme Council adopted the Independence Declaration. It was the manifestation of the united will of the Armenian people, which heralded the start of the Armenian statehood.

During these years of establishment of sovereignty every single day has been for us an uninterrupted chain of hardships of public coexistence, domestic and external, well known and hidden challenges, which again we were able to overcome with united will.

Karabakh war, the April war of 2016, the developments of April-May 2018 showed that the problems that seem to be insurmountable can be solved relying exclusively on our own potential, united will and the strong belief of development.

I am confident that the Armenian people will never again tolerate loss of statehood, sovereignty and rights. Probably, the Republic of Armenia must live on Earth eternally, highly waving our spirit and pride, our freedom and the flag symbolizing our sovereignty.

God protect the Republic of Armenia”.

Edited and translated by Tigran Sirekanyan

A1+: Earthquake hits Artsakh

August 22, 2019

The earthquake of magnitude 3.7 was recorded in Artsakh.

The earthquake was at a depth of 10 km and the strength of the shocks at the epicenter was 5 points.

An earthquake of 3-4 points was also felt in the Armenian cities of Goris, Noyemberyan and Arsakh’s Shushi, Karvachar, Martakert, Stepanakert. 

Armenia’s Sasna Tsrer armed group member Smbat Barseghyan not released, Armenia
Aug 21 2019
Armenia’s Sasna Tsrer armed group member Smbat Barseghyan not released Armenia’s Sasna Tsrer armed group member Smbat Barseghyan not released

16:14, 21.08.2019

YEREVAN. – At Wednesday’s hearing on the criminal case involving ten members of the Sasna Tsrer armed group of Armenia, the capital city Yerevan court of general jurisdiction denied the motion by defendant Smbat Barseghyan’s attorney to repeal or commute his client’s pretrial measure of custody and to release him.

Barseghyan is charged with killing police officer Yuri Tepanosyan.

Subsequently, the court adjourned.

At the next court hearing, the material evidence in the case will be examined.

Of the aforesaid ten members, solely defendants Armen Bilyan and Smbat Barseghyan are still in custody along the lines of this case. They are accused of killing police officers.

After last year’s revolution in Armenia, and based on the personal pledges submitted by MPs, the pretrial measure of custody that was in force for seven other members was commuted and they were released, while Sasna Tsrer member Pavel Manukyan was set free on a 1mn-dram bail.

In protest of the then authorities, the Sasna Tsrer armed group took over a police patrol regiment building in Yerevan and held hostages, but later surrendered in July 2016. Three police officers, however, were killed during the two-week standoff.

Criminal charges have been brought against 32 people in connection with this incident and related developments.

Train goes off rails in Armenia, Armenia
Aug 17 2019
Train goes off rails in Armenia
 Train goes off rails in Armenia

21:46, 17.08.2019

The trains went off the rails and bent over in Armenia on Saturday, reported.

According to preliminary information, there were no injuries. Materials are prepared upon the fact of the incident.

The train belongs to the Yerevan Locomotive Depot of the South Caucasus Railway Joint Stock Company, the source added.