20-year-old football player to do charity

England national football squad and Liverpool defender Trendie Alexandre Arnold is going to invest a lot of money into the development of juvenile football.

The 20-year-old player has signed a contract with Under Armour, a sportswear manufacturer, with most of the money he will receive on the project.

Tulsi Gabbard Releases Presidential Campaign Statement on Armenian Issues

“The Armenian community here in the United States has played a positive and integral role for well over a century, and I am proud to support and stand with this community’s objectives to realize a just resolution of the Armenian Genocide and to promote the security and prosperity of the citizens of Armenia and Artsakh.” – U.S. Presidential Candidate Tulsi Gabbard

WASHINGTON—Hawaii Congresswoman and Presidential Candidate Tulsi Gabbard (D) called for a just resolution of the Armenian Genocide and pledged to promote the security and prosperity of Armenia and Artsakh in a video statement released to the Armenian National Committee of America on Wednesday.  It is the first presidential campaign statement on Armenian American concerns released in preparation for the much anticipated 2020 election.

“I was so grateful to have the opportunity in 2017 to visit Armenia and Artsakh, where I gained a deeper understanding about both the challenges and the opportunities facing the Armenian people,” began the two-minute statement, which comes just days after a meeting with ANCA advocates in the San Francisco-Bay Area.

“The Armenian community here in the United States has played a positive and integral role for well over a century, and I am proud to support and stand with this community’s objectives to realize a just resolution of the Armenian Genocide and to promote the security and prosperity of the citizens of Armenia and Artsakh.”

Commenting on the broad range of foreign policy challenges facing the United States today, Rep. Gabbard noted “it’s especially critical that we pursue a foreign policy that rejects this fossilized, zero-sum thinking of ‘you’re either with us or against us. In order for us to win, you must lose.’ Instead, we must pursue a foreign policy that is based on cooperation with other countries, rather than confrontation.”

Rep. Gabbard stated her support for the continued role of the U.S. as a mediator in Artsakh peace talks through the OSCE Minsk Group, then noted, “but this does not mean that we continue a policy of false parity and fail to speak honestly when either party violates the cease-fire. In order to maintain credibility as an impartial broker, the United States should not promote a resolution that’s based on immediate and permanent concessions by Armenia or Artsakh only, in the absence of equivalent concessions by Azerbaijan.  And while the principle for respect for territorial integrity must be adhered to, we also must stand for the right to self-determination for all people.”

Rep. Gabbard urged that the “Armenian Genocide must be recognized in order to bring about justice for one of the most egregious crimes against humanity in history.”

“We want to thank Congresswoman Gabbard for clearly communicating her constructive policy priorities, on video and in person, with Armenian American voters,” said ANCA Executive Director Aram Hamparian.  “Her proven track record of legislative support – including, of course, her fact-finding mission to Artsakh and Armenia – has earned her an ‘A+’ rating from the ANCA. Heading into the 2020 primaries, Congresswoman Gabbard‘s pro-active campaign outreach has set the standard for candidates seeking the support of a highly engaged Armenian American electoral constituency that is well-positioned to play a decisive role on Super Tuesday and in other nominating contests across the country.”

Rep. Tulsi Gabbard is among over a dozen Democrats who have announced their intention to vie for the U.S. presidency in 2020.  In order to participate in nationally televised primary debates beginning in June, 2019, the Democratic National Committee (DNC) has announced that candidates must have garnered 65,000 unique donations of any amount.

Congresswoman Gabbard received an “A+” rating by the ANCA in 2018 for her support on a broad range of Armenian American community priorities including co-sponsorship of the Armenian Genocide Resolution (H.Res.220), support for expanded aid to Armenia and Artsakh, and efforts to block U.S. arms sales to Turkey following the 2017 attack on peaceful protesters by President Erdogan’s bodyguards. In November, 2017, Rep. Gabbard was one of three U.S. Representatives to travel to the Republic of Artsakh, over objections by the U.S. State Department.

In 2017, she shared her impressions of her trip to Artsakh and Armenia during an ANCA-San Francisco public forum.


In the current Congress, she is an original co-sponsor of the Armenian Genocide Resolution to be introduced by Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) and Rep. Gus Bilirakis (R-FL) in the upcoming weeks and has co-sponsored the Artsakh Travel and Communication Resolution (H.Res.190), introduced by Rep. Frank Pallone (D-CA), which seeks to lift barriers to closer U.S. – Artsakh relations.

Rep. Tulsi Gabbard was elected to the Hawaii State Legislature in 2002 when she was just 21 years old, becoming the youngest person ever elected in the state. A year later, she joined the Hawaii Army National Guard. In 2004, she volunteered to deploy with her fellow soldiers, becoming the first state official in Hawaii to voluntarily step down from public office to serve in a war zone. She served two tours of duty in the Middle East, and continues her service as a Major in the Army National Guard. In 2010, Gabbard was elected to the Honolulu City Council and then, in 2012, she won a seat in the United States House of Representatives, serving Hawaii’s 2nd District. She is one of the first two female combat veterans to ever serve in the U.S. Congress, and also its first Hindu member.

Greece interested in development of business ties with Armenia

News.am, Armenia
Greece interested in development of business ties with Armenia Greece interested in development of business ties with Armenia

16:51, 19.03.2019

YEREVAN. – Development of Armenian-Greek economic ties, strengthening of business ties between the countries is rather important, Greek Ambassador in Yerevan Nafsika Nancy Eva Vraila said during Armenian-Greek business forum.

The ambassador assured they would do everything for the development of Armenian-Greek economic ties.

“By this even we want to show that the government of Greece is very interested in these relations, this is the reason Secretary Gneeral on international economic relations and cooperation development is present,” she added.

Մամուլի հաղորդագրություն – ՎԶԵԲ-ը պատասխանատու է Ջերմուկում Ամուլսարի ճգնաժամի համար․ ՀԲՃ / EBRD Shares Responsibility for the Amulsar Mine Crisis in Jermuk: AEF

Բարի օր հարգելի լրատվամիջոցներ,

Խնդրում ենք հրապարակել կից հայերեն և անգլերեն հոդվածը՝ պահպանելով բոլոր ակտիվ հղումները։
ՎԶԵԲ-ը պատասխանատու է Ջերմուկում Ամուլսարի ճգնաժամի համար / EBRD Shares Responsibility for the Amulsar Mine Crisis in Jermuk

Հարգանքով – Best regards,
Հայկական բնապահպանական ճակատ (ՀԲՃ) քաղաքացիական նախաձեռնություն – Armenian Environmental Front (AEF) Civil Initiative

Website: http://www.armecofront.net/
YouTube channel:  http://www.youtube.com/user/armecofront
Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/armecofront
Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/armecofront

Կապ / Contact – հեռ./tel. +374 99 53 05 88, +374 93 53 49 59

Հասցե` Երևան, Սպենդիարյան 5, բն. 24
Address: 5 Spendiaryan str. apt. 24, Yerevan, Armenia

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Chess: Aronian slips to 12th on latest FIDE ratings

Panorama, Armenia
March 1 2019
Sport 15:21 01/03/2019 Armenia

Armenian GM Levon Aronian slipped two spots to 12th on the latest World Chess Federation (FIDE) ratings.

Meantime, Gabriel Sargissian ranks 52nd and Hrant Melkumyan comes 88th on the list, the Armenian National Olympic Committee told Panorama.am.

Norwegian GM Magnus Carlsen continues to top the list of strongest chess players of the world.

FIDE has also announced the line-up for the 2019 Grand Prix Series, noting there will be four knock-out events with two winners to be qualified for the 2020 Candidates Tournament.

Aronian is set to play at the first (May 16-30, Moscow), second (July 11-25, Riga) and fourth (December 10-24, Tel Aviv) legs of the championship.

Former and present ruling parties to receive financial assistance from Armenian government

ARKA, Armenia
Feb 21 2019

YEREVAN, February 21. /ARKA/. The Armenian government decided Thursday at its regular meeting to provide financial assistance to the parties which crossed the 3-percent benchmark in the parliamentary elections conducted in December. 

The government will do it in accordance with the law on parties. In total, the assistance amounts to AMD 103.7 million, which is distributed among five parties and blocks, depending on the number of votes they have scored. 

So, My Step bloc will receive AMD 78 million, Prosperous Armenia AMD 9.1 million and Bright Armenia AMD 7 million. 

The parties which have failed to obtain seats in the National Assembly, but crossed the 3-percent benchmark in the election will receive compensations. In particular, the Republican Party of Armenia, former ruling party, will have AMD 5.2 million and the Armenian Revolutionary Federation/ Dashnaktsutiun AMD 4.3 million. (USD 1 – AMD 487.5). -0—

Génocide arménien. Les questions qui se posent après l’annonce de l’instauration d’une journée de commémoration

6 févr. 2019
Génocide arménien. Les questions qui se posent après l’annonce de l’instauration d’une journée de commemoration

Emmanuel Macron a décidé de dédier le 24 avril à la commémoration du génocide arménien. Mais pourquoi choisir cette date ? Quelles sont les conséquences d’une telle annonce et qu’en attendent les Arméniens ? Ouest-France fait le point.

Le président de la République a annoncé hier, mardi 5 février que le 24 avril deviendrait désormais la journée nationale de commémoration du génocide arménien de 1915. Une annonce qui a fait réagir aussi bien dans la communauté arménienne qu’en Turquie qui rejette toujours l’existence du génocide estimant que des massacres ont été perpétrés dans les deux camps.

Mais au fait, pourquoi avoir choisi cette date ? Et quelles sont les conséquences de l’annonce d’Emmanuel Macron. Ouest-France fait le bilan.

À quoi renvoie le 24 avril ?« C’est là que l’histoire a basculé. » Pour Franck Mourad Papazian, coprésident du Comité de coordination des organisations arméniennes de France (CCAF), comme pour toute la communauté, l’émotion est toujours vive à cette date.

En difficulté au front lors de la Première Guerre mondiale, le pouvoir ottoman, allié de l’Allemagne, accuse les Arméniens de trahison au service des Russes. Dans la nuit du 24 avril 1915, 250 intellectuels arméniens sont déportés puis exécutés. Cette rafle marque le début d’un massacre organisé par le parti au pouvoir, le Comité union et progrès (CUP). L’Arménie estime à 1,5 million le nombre de victimes parmi ses compatriotes.

Quelles sont les conséquences de cette annonce ?Emmanuel Macron honore ici l’une de ses promesses de campagne. Mais si le chef de l’État a assuré avoir prévenu Recep Tayyip Erdogan, la décision n’a pas manqué d’irriter le président turc. Ankara accuse Paris de « transformer en affaire politique des faits historiques ».

Quelles attentes pour la population arménienne ?Franck Mourad Papazian en appelle à « l’éveil de la morale » aux États-Unis, en Grande-Bretagne ou en Israël, qui n’ont pas encore reconnu le génocide. Et si cette décision de l’État français « est un message fort à ceux qui doutent, estime Franck Mourad Papazian, nous attendons aujourd’hui la pénalisation du négationnisme », jugée par le Conseil Constitutionnel en 2012 et 2016 comme contraire à la liberté d’_expression_.

‘President is fulfilling his well-known pledge’ – French foreign ministry on declaring National Day of Armenian Genocide Commemoration

‘President is fulfilling his well-known pledge’ – French foreign ministry on declaring National Day of Armenian Genocide Commemoration



15:17, 7 February, 2019

PARIS, FEBRUARY 7, ARMENPRESS. The French foreign ministry has responded to the Turkish reaction on President Macron’s recent decision to declare April 24th the National Day for Armenian Genocide Commemoration.

The French foreign ministry was asked at a daily press briefing on February 6 “did Turkey respond to France after President Macron’s decision to establish a day to commemorate the Armenian genocide?”

“In establishing this day of commemoration, the President is fulfilling his well-known pledge to honor French citizens of Armenian descent.

We have had several opportunities to exchange views with the Turkish authorities on this issue. They have been informed of our positions just as we have been informed of theirs”, the French foreign ministry responded.

Shortly after President of France Emmanuel Macron announced the national day honoring the Armenian Genocide victims, Turkey unsurprisingly "strongly condemned" the move. 

Edited and translated by Stepan Kocharyan

Azerbaijani Press: Peter Tase: Bolton’s phone call is testimony to Washington’s deep interest to solve Karabakh conflict in peaceful manner

AzerNews, Azerbaijan
Feb 1 2019

By  Trend

The recent phone call by US President’s National Security Advisor John Bolton to Azerbaijan’s President Ilham Aliyev is testimony to Washington's deep interest to solve the Armenia-Azerbaijan Nagorno-Karabakh conflict in a peaceful manner, Peter M. Tase, expert in Transatlantic Relations and Azerbaijani Studies, a senior advisor to the Global Engineering Deans Council and to various European and Latin American governments, told Trend.

“On January 29, National Security Advisor to President Donald Trump, Ambassador John Bolton had a phone conversation with the President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev. This was the perfect opportunity for both parties to discuss the Armenia-Azerbaijan Nagorno-Karabakh conflict and address a number of security issues in the region and beyond,” said Tase. “Ambassador Bolton's phone call is testimony to Washington's deep interest to solve the conflict in a peaceful manner. Once again the administration of President Donald Trump is paying a great attention to the situation on the ground, on Azerbaijan's territories occupied by Armenian Armed Forces.”

He pointed out that such a persistent and unwavering dialogue between the White House and Baku adds pressure to secure European Union's contributions towards solving the conflict.

Further, talking about the overall significance of relations between the US and Azerbaijan, the expert said that the traditional alliance between the US and Azerbaijan has brought peace to the Caucasus region, consolidated the territorial sovereignty of Azerbaijan and has held at bay the aspirations of neighboring countries to interfere in the domestic affairs of Azerbaijan.


“Azerbaijan is a trustworthy partner of the world's largest economies. The successful development of the Baku-Tbilisi-Kars railroad and its inauguration made Azerbaijan a key ally of regional economic development and a fundamental partner of Eurasian trade routes.”

On January 29, the US President’s National Security Advisor John Bolton made a telephone call to President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev.

A range of issues of mutual interest were discussed during the talk, including energy security, cooperation in the field of security and negotiations on the Armenia-Azerbaijan Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.

A1+: Premiums should be returned to the budget – Narine Dilbaryan (video)

Today, linguist Narine Dilbaryan expressed an opinion that if the premiums were given by violation of the law, these amounts should be returned to the state budget.

“Premiums were given to the employees who have worked for 2-3 months. They tell us that they work for 14 hours, but if you are a bad manager, then you are ineffective at your time.”

According to the linguist, they can give premiums in case of success.

Referring to the recent death of Mher Yeghiazaryan in Nubarashen penitentiary, who was responsible for haynews.am, Narine Dilbaryan mentioned that nn indifferent attitude has been noticed.

“He was a victim of indifference, I think everyone should be held accountable. It is impossible to ignore a person who is on a hunger strike. Indifference is unacceptable.”

Sociologist Aharon Adibekyan says that if a person is entering the penitentiary, it should be found out who he is, what his health condition is, whether he needs treatment.

“Penitentiary institutions should have privileges to solve issues rather than appeal to the prosecutor or the court.”