Rome to host concert dedicated to 2800th anniversary of Yerevan

Public Radio of Armenia
April 17 2018

17:36, 17 Sep 2018

Sergey Smbatyan, artistic director and chief conductor of the Armenian State Symphony Orchestra, will lead a concert at Teatro dell’Opera in Rome dedicated to the 2800th anniversary of Yerevan.

The evening will feature works by Armenian composers Komitas, Aram Khachaturian, Edgar Hovhannisyan and others.

Violinist Hayk Kazazyan will be the soloists at the concert. Duduk player Kamo Seyranyan will also play with the orchestra.

The event has been organized by the Armenian Embassy in Italy.

SIS chief to resign only in case of ‘public demand’


Director of the Special Investigative Service (SIS) Sasun Khachatryan says he will resign only in case he will feel that a public demand for his resignation exists.

“I will resign only in case when I will feel that there is a public demand for it. If such a demand will exist, all of us will feel it,” he told a press conference today.

«Զվարթնոց» օդանավակայանում օգոստոսին գրանցվել է ուղեւորահոսքի ռեկորդային աճ

  • 05.09.2018

  • Հայաստան



2018թ. օգոստոսին ՀՀ երկու օդանավակայաններում սպասարկվել է 347 492 ուղեւոր՝ 2017 թվականի նույն ամսվա ցուցանիշը գերազանցելով 18.5 տոկոսով:

«Արմենիա» միջազգային օդանավակայաններ» ընկերությունից հայտնում են, որ Հայաստանի երկու օդանավակայաններում այս տարվա հունվար-օգոստոս ամիսներին սպասարկվել է 1 872 998 ուղեւոր, որը 12.3 տոկոսով գերազանցում է նախորդ տարվա նույն ժամանակահատվածի ցուցանիշը:

Հատկանշական է, որ «Զվարթնոց» միջազգային օդանավակայանում օգոստոսին գրանցված ուղեւորահոսքը ռեկորդային է եղել. սպասարկվել է 329  665 ուղեւոր:

Եվս մեկ ռեկորդ էլ գրանցվել է օգոստոսի 1-ին. այդ օրը «Զվարթնոցը» սպասարկել է 11 837 ուղեւոր:

Ի դեպ, «Զվարթնոց» եւ «Շիրակ» օդանավակայաններում 2018 թվականի հունվար-օգոստոս ամիսներին 11 տոկոսով աճ են գրանցել նաեւ թռիչք-վայրէջքները, նախորդ տարվա նույն ժամանակահատվածի համեմատ:

Armen Sarkissian extends condolences to Bulgarian counterpart

President of Armenia Armen Sarkissian sent a letter of condolences to Bulgaria’s President Rumen Radev over the tourist bus crash near the town of Svoge which killed and injured dozens.

In the letter the Armenian President extended condolences to President Rumen Radev and the good people of Bulgaria, wishing speedy recovery to the injured, and tenacity and courage to the relatives of the victims.

Dan Bilzerian hosted by NSS officers in Artsakh


American-Armenian professional poker player, “King of Instagram” Dan Bilzerian has been hosted by the National Security Service officers of the Republic of Artsakh, Artsakh special presidential envoy, former director of the National Security Service Arshavir Gharamyan said on Facebook.

Gharamyan posted a photo and a video on Facebook.

Dan Bilzerian arrived in Artsakh on August 28.

168: Misuse of public resources were massive by nature, absorbing various spheres of public administration – Chairman of Investigative Committee


Numerous cases of misuse of public resources and embezzlement have been revealed in different spheres of public administration and the number of the criminal cases gives ground to say that the misuse of public resources were massive by nature, Chairman of the Investigative Committee of Armenia Hayk Grigoryan told ARMENPRESS.

Particularly, 59 criminal cases have been initiated for cases of misuse at schools, pre-school and higher education institutions, 29 criminal cases have been initiated for misuse at medical centers, 140 criminal cases for misuse of resources committed by heads or staff of local self-government bodies, and nearly 170 criminal cases for illegal logging.

Hayk Grigoryan noted that the consistent efforts are made to restore the damage caused to the state.

By now 417 million AMD have been transferred to the bank account of the Investigative Committee by the people charged for the misuse of the public property.

Hayk Grigoryan added that the legal entities are also in the focus of the Committee. The overall amount of money restored by legal and natural persons reaches to I billion AMD.

Soon the Investigative Committee will present summery data on the revealed cases of misuse and the restoration of the damage caused to the state.

Azerbaijani press: German MP Weiler on "undesirable persons" list since 2014 – Azerbaijan’s MFA

15:42 (UTC+04:00)

Baku, Azerbaijan, Aug. 21

By Elchin Mehdiyev – Trend:

The Member of German Parliament Albert Weiler made illegal visits to the occupied territories of Azerbaijan in 2014 and 2016, and therefore his name has been included in the list of "undesirable persons" since that period, the Spokesman of the Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry Hikmet Hajiyev told Trend Aug. 21.

He was commenting on the reports in the "Bild" newspaper about the ban on the entry of the German MP into the territory of Azerbaijan.

"It has been noted in some foreign media that as if his name were included in this list as late as now. This is incorrect information, as Albert Weiler has been in the list of "undesirable persons" since 2014. This man has made illegal visits to the territory of Azerbaijan, occupied by the armed forces of Armenia," Hajiyev said.

The spokesman stressed that it is necessary to respect the territorial integrity, sovereignty, laws of other countries, and in this context, the illegal visits to the occupied territories of Azerbaijan are unacceptable.

Hajiyev added that at the same time Azerbaijan takes a constructive position on this issue, and if the persons who do not conduct activities directly against Azerbaijan, send letters of apology and express respect for the territorial integrity and laws of Azerbaijan, the exclusion of their names from the list of "undesirable persons" may be considered.

"If this person will address us, we can consider this case, but such addresses from him haven’t been received so far. Therefore, a ban has been applied on his entry into the territory of Azerbaijan," the spokesman of the foreign ministry said.

The conflict between the two South Caucasus countries began in 1988 when Armenia made territorial claims against Azerbaijan. As a result of the ensuing war, in 1992 Armenian armed forces occupied 20 percent of Azerbaijan, including the Nagorno-Karabakh region and seven surrounding districts.

The 1994 ceasefire agreement was followed by peace negotiations. Armenia has not yet implemented four UN Security Council resolutions on withdrawal of its armed forces from the Nagorno-Karabakh and the surrounding districts.

ՀՀ-ն հետաքրքրված է ռուսական «Ալմազ—Անթեյ» ընկերության արտադրանքով. Տոնոյան

  • 21.08.2018

  • Հայաստան



ՀՀ պաշտպանության նախարար Դավիթ Տոնոյանը «ԱՐՄԻԱ-2018» միջազգային ռազմատեխնիկական ցուցահանդեսի և «Ազգային անվտանգության շաբաթ» համաժողովի շրջանակներում այսօր հանդիպել է նաև ռուսական ամենամեծ ռազմաարդյունաբերական՝ «Ալմազ—Անթեյ» ընկերության  փոխտնօրեն Վյաչեսլավ Ձիրկալնի հետ։

ՀՀ ՊՆ խոսնակ Արծրուն Հովհաննիսյանը հիշեցնում է, որ ընկերությունը վերջերս հայտնվել է աշխարհի լավագույն արտադրողների տասնյակում:

«Քննարկվել են երկկողմանի համագործակցության հարցեր։ Դավիթ Տոնոյանը հանդիպման ընթացքում նշել է, որ մեզ հետաքրում են ընկերության առանձին արտադրանքներ և մենք ունենք համագործակցության լավ փորձ»,- հայտնում է խոսնակը։

Tankian Reflects on First 100 Days of ‘Unique and Inspiring’ Revolution

Serj Tankian (left) with then popular movement leader Nikol Pashinyan on May 7 in Republic Square a day he was elected prime minister

LOS ANGELES—As the people in Armenia prepare to mark the 100th day of culmination of the “Velvet Revolution,” when Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan took office, it is worth reflecting back on the events that led to that monumental change and assess the events that have shaped the narrative of the New Armenia.

“It’s hard to imagine that it has only been 100 days for the new government,” said musician, artist and activist Serj Tankian in an exclusive interview with Asbarez English Editor Ara Khachatourian, who reached out to the System of a Down frontman via email to gauge his views on this milestone.

Tankian, who was a staunch supporter of the movement, traveled to Armenia to be part of history when Pashinyan was elected prime minister on May 8, after the people of Armenia toppled the Serzh Sarkisian regime in a peaceful—and bloodless—revolution that ushered in a new era for Armenia.

Below are Tankian’s reflections on the first 100 days of the “New Armenia.”

ARA KHACHATOURIAN: What are your thoughts about the first 100 days of the new government?

SERJ TANKIAN: First off, it’s hard to imagine that it has only been 100 days for the new government as I think there’s been more progressive positive change in that short period compared to the last 25 years. The work of the new government is quite commendable as they are balancing cleaning up the mess left behind by the previous administration while forging ahead with rational egalitarian policies for the future of Armenia. The rule of law has finally been observed in Armenia creating an exciting rebirth of a nation.

A.K.: In your observation of visiting Armenia, has the prevailing approaches and attitudes of the people changed?

S.T.: I remember thinking that I’ve never seen so many ecstatic people in one place in all my life when I went to Armenia at the tail end of the revolution. Once people felt empowered to paint their own destinies freely unto the canvas of Armenia’s socio-political fabric, the country changed for the good, forever. They now have a government that truly listens and responds to their concerns and are embedded with the hope necessary to forge the road ahead of true nation building. Honestly; I feel more effective and productive in Armenia overall than I do in the US, especially given some of the political regression occurring here.

A.K.: Do you believe that the events that have taken place, especially within the judicial realm, are positive and will they address the larger corruption plaguing Armenia?

S.T.: Whatever corruption that may be left in Armenia is dissipating automatically as the oligarchic, monopolistic brand has been permanently poisoned. The population is utterly excited about seeing justice served by the national security apparatus and the courts. And irrespective of what we see in the short term there is full commitment to hold all responsible in front of the law. People in power have ashamedly and with impunity stolen billions from a country with one third of the population living below the level of poverty. Justice will prevail in this regard.

A.K.: What has the new government done to address social justice issues in Armenia?

S.T.: The new government is trying its best to address social justice issues in Armenia from pension reform to equal educational opportunities, environmental justice to bringing in new investments into a corrupt-free Armenia to create more jobs and opportunities for all its citizens.

All this is being done to create a more dignified happy public and create a homeland where repopulation occurs.

A.K.: Can you assess the role the Diaspora has played during this time?

S.T.: In the previous Armenia the diaspora was only seen but not heard. They wanted our investments but not our critique. The new Armenia wants us to join all-in to truly help the nation building process. Although financial investment is necessary they are more interested in our professional resources, expertise, and willingness to be a part of the fabric of the new Armenia. That is a strong departure from the past.

The diaspora in the past has been disconnected from Armenia. The revolution brought a new excitement to the diaspora as well. I like to say that we need a new revolution in the diaspora now as well. It’s time to reconfigure the diasporas to match the needs and enthusiasm of our new Armenia. Let’s not forget our overall complicity in supporting unjust regimes for all those years.

A.K.: What do you see your role in the burgeoning Armenia?

S.T.: The revolution is the best thing that could have happened to our people. We now all have a chance to make Armenia the place of our dreams with hard work, determination and vision. I have volunteered my services to be helpful wherever I can.

A.K.: Are there projects and programs that you will be engaging in?

S.T.: Yes, many. Along with being on the boards of some amazing foundations working in Armenia—“My Step,” Tumo, Creative Armenia to name a few—we are looking at completing a film about the revolution tentatively titled “I Am Not Alone.” The story of this peaceful Velvet Revolution is so unique and inspiring that it must be told to international audiences. It would help raise awareness for our nation and our people on a grand scale. We are also looking at other opportunities to bring more people and interest to Armenia in the musical realm. As in the past I am also interested in procuring environmental justice within Armenia and have put in some work in that direction.

A.K.: Talk about your involvement with Hai-Tahd. How can some of those initiatives be used to engage the youth of Armenia in fighting the Armenian Cause?

S.T.: Now is a great time in our nation’s history where we all need to truly evaluate the effectiveness and strategies of our past and current policies toward Armenia and the Armenian cause in general.

I have worked many years with a number of organizations especially the ANCA to further awareness on the Genocide.

We recently collaborated with ANC of Australia to start work on a motion for Genocide recognition in the Parliament of New Zealand and had a successful event in Wellington on Aug 6 and 7 with Taner Akcam as speaker and viewing of the film “Intent to Destroy” by Joe Berlinger. We need to build a global case for reparations against Turkey on a scale they can’t imagine and not just go after recognition of the Genocide while continuing to find ways to assist Armenia on an international level.

A.K.: Any thoughts that you might have that I have not asked about.

S.T.: Yes; one. The ARF needs to reposition itself within Armenia to be more in line with the principles of the revolution and the demands of the people there. Past and some current policies in Armenia have severely damaged the brand of an otherwise incredible international organization that has done more for the Armenian cause than any other worldwide. The organization’s strengths are in community building and fighting for political justice. That’s what the focus should be in Armenia.

Russian sisters who killed ‘mafia boss’ dad are accused of making up story about his ‘years of sexual abuse’

The Mirror, UK
Russian sisters who killed 'mafia boss' dad are accused of making up story about his 'years of sexual abuse'
Mikhail Khachaturyan, 57, was attacked by his daughters Kristina, 19, Angelina, 18 and Maria, 17, at their Moscow home
 By Will Stewart
Three Russian sisters charged with the murder of their 'mafia boss' dad have been accused of making up a story about 'years of sexual abuse'.
Mikhail Khachaturyan, 57, was attacked by his daughters Kristina, 19, Angelina, 18 and Maria, 17, who confessed to jointly killing him.
He was found with 36 stab wounds and ten hammer blowsto the head in the block of flats where the family lived in Moscow, Russia.
A Moscow court has now refused to free the teenagers from detention despite their claims they acted in self-defence against a monster father who allegedly raped at least two of the girls.
Currently they are accused of acting as a gang in a premeditated murder with a sentence of between eight and 20 years – but a formal decision on custody is expected within 72 hours.
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A video shows Angelina in a Moscow court cage during a custody hearing as distressed friends look on.
Friends of the sisters claim that their father sexually attacked her on 21 July, less than a week before the girls knifed him to death.
She has also alleged that he raped her – then aged 14 – in a hotel in Israel in four years ago.
Two years later the sisters claim he sexually attacked Kristina who then tried and failed to take her own life.
He was accused of being a drug dealer, setting up web cameras in the family home to monitor the girls – and forcing them to parade naked in front of him.
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At the same time he was seen by friends as a "devout" Christian – a video shows him bathing in the River Jordan.
A close female family member has anonymously disputed the sisters' account, while a lawyer acting for the dead man – who has himself been branded a mafia king with friends in high places in Russia – claimed the version of his daughters that they were sexually abused was incorrect.
George Chuguashvili said: "He was a strict father. Perhaps he did not meet modern requirements, maybe even a tyrant.
"But he never used violence against his children. It's all fiction for the defence."
The relative said: "Mikhail was strict, but a very kind and good person. Everyone respected and loved him.
"He did a lot of good for his daughters. They killed a sleeping man….. I do not know how to name such daughters…"
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A family friend called Bruce Khlebnikov said he saw the crime scene and the family flat was "covered in blood".
"After he was killed, a crowd of people gathered at his house – friends, acquaintances, relatives," he said, describing Khachaturyan, an ethnic Armenian, as a "holy man".
"Everyone was crying. No one could believe that the murder was committed with particular cruelty by his own daughters."
Khlebnikov, formerly known as the "strongest boy in the world", claimed: "He loved his daughters so much, he was always talking about them.
"And how he spoiled them, you cannot even imagine. All that the golden youth could have – these girls had."
He was poised to buy a car for his eldest daughter. He did not spare money for them on their belongings and trinkets.
"His girls wore the most fashionable things, he bought them new iPhones, and they had all the gadgets they wanted.
"They did not know the word 'refusal'."
But he accused the sisters of not doing anything at home – "they lived for their own pleasure" – after their mother left home.
He accused the teenagers of "provoking" their father who wanted them to grow up as "decent" women.
He operated an 8pm curfew and tried to stop them meeting young men, he admitted.
Neighbour Varvara Sibirskaya said: "He forced his daughters to be naked at home, to sing and dance for him. He also drugged them….
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"He beat them, not just with hands, but with a belt, and iron rods. He tied them and burned the with iron."
Another local said: "Any woman to him was like a red rag to a bull. He yelled at them every single day in obscene words."
When they had birthdays, he invited his friends, not theirs.
A friend of the daughers, called Irina, said the three "constantly hid bruises on their bodies" and that their father treated them like "servants".