Conflict zones should be included in international environmental projects – Euronest PA adopts report


During the plenary session of the Euronest Parliamentary Assembly a report on energy sector entitled “Strengthening cooperation in the field of energy ahead the implementation of the Paris Climate Change Agreement” was adopted. Armenpress reports, the following paragraph is included in article 15 of the report: “The conflict zones should be properly incorporated into international governmental and non-governmental environmental programs regardless of the political situation, so as people’s environmental needs are fully guaranteed. We emphasize that sectoral policy in this direction should be inclusive. ”

Armen Ashotyan, head of the Armenian delegation to the Euronest Parliamentary Assembly, commented on the topic on his Facebook page: “In fact, this is the first time that such international platforms call for the recognition of the environmental rights of the Artsakh people, sectoral internationalization and inclusion. Let us remind that this is the second sphere after the education sphere where this approach is displayed based on the guarantee of fundamental human rights against Azerbaijan’s efforts to internationally isolate Artsakh. I think this is an effective course to ensure the consistent internationalization of Artsakh in these and other spheres. “

Edmon Marukyan: Working people will be curtailed again

Today at the joint sitting of the RA NA Standing Committees on State Legal Affairs, Human Rights and Financial-Credit and Budgetary Affairs, discussion of the draft law on State Budget of the Republic of Armenia for 2018 went on. As Atom Janjughazyan, First Deputy Minister of Finance, said there was no dwindle of financial resources in legislative and executive bodies.

Edmon Marukyan, MP of the Yelk (Way Out) faction, while asking him the question, noticed that the communication services grew by 500 million drams. “It is confusing. If we do not hire more people why are the expenses growing?”

“I do not think it is possible to discuss it very much, but if you let me I will find its clarification, and say that when there is reduction in one sphere then growing of expenses can be noticed in another,” explained Atom Janjughazyan.

Edmon Marukyan’s next question referred to the staff reduction in management system. “Starting with the previous government, I demand the dwindle of regional governors.” Atom Janjughazyan again found it difficult to answer, but Hrayr Tovmasyan, Chairman of the NA Standing Committee on State and Legal Affairs and Human Rights, responded instead. “There are not any.”

“All right, then we will curtail the working people,” noticed Edmon Marukyan.

Azerbaijani Press: Pakistan doesn’t recognize Armenia as a state, says ambassador

APA, Armenia
Oct 27 2017

Pakistan does not recognize Armenia as a state, Ambassador of Pakistan to Azerbaijan Saeed Khan Mohmand told a press conference in Baku on Friday, APA reported.


Pakistan supports Azerbaijan in the settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, the ambassador said, adding. “I think that the OSCE Minks Group co-chairs should intensify their efforts towards the resolution of the conflict.”


The Nagorno-Karabakh conflict entered its modern phase when the Armenian SRR made territorial claims against the Azerbaijani SSR in 1988.


A fierce war broke out between Azerbaijan and Armenia over the Nagorno-Karabakh region of Azerbaijan. As a result of the war, Armenian armed forces occupied some 20 percent of Azerbaijani territory which includes Nagorno-Karabakh and seven adjacent districts (Lachin, Kalbajar, Aghdam, Fuzuli, Jabrayil, Gubadli and Zangilan), and over a million Azerbaijanis became refugees and internally displaced people.


The military operations finally came to an end when Azerbaijan and Armenia signed a ceasefire agreement in Bishkek in 1994.


Dealing with the settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict is the OSCE Minsk Group, which was created after the meeting of the CSCE (OSCE after the Budapest summit held in December 1994) Ministerial Council in Helsinki on 24 March 1992. The Group’s members include Azerbaijan, Armenia, Russia, the United States, France, Italy, Germany, Turkey, Belarus, Finland and Sweden.


Besides, the OSCE Minsk Group has a co-chairmanship institution, comprised of Russian, the US and French co-chairs, which began operating in 1996.  


Resolutions 822, 853, 874 and 884 of the UN Security Council, which were passed in short intervals in 1993, and other resolutions adopted by the UN General Assembly, PACE, OSCE, OIC, and other organizations require Armenia to unconditionally withdraw its troops from Nagorno-Karabakh.


Azerbaijani press: Defense ministry: Azerbaijani army ready to once again prove its strength

By  Trend

Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev’s speech at the 72nd session of the UN General Assembly was a speech necessary not only for Azerbaijan, Novruz Mammadov, assistant to the president for foreign policy issues, head of department, told reporters in Baku on October 23.

The president’s speech was a message to the international community, according to him.

Mammadov noted that over the past few decades, the situation on the international arena has dramatically changed and worsened, stability and security have been impaired in certain regions, and today ensuring a world order that secures stability and sustainable development has become a problem.

“From this point of view, the speech of Azerbaijan’s President Ilham Aliyev at the 72nd session of the UN General Assembly means that it is not correct to follow this path, as it contributes neither to the resolution of conflicts nor to ensuring stability, security and sustainable development. Therefore, it is necessary to abandon double standards, lies and biased positions. From this point of view, the speech of Azerbaijani president was a message to the world community. Today there is a lot of tension between large countries. And it is very difficult to predict what the end will be,” he said.

He noted that Azerbaijan played a big role in returning Russia-Turkey relations to normal.

“There are many such examples, and in this regard, Azerbaijan plays a very important role on the international arena,” Mammadov added.


Western Prelacy News – 10/13/17

Western Prelacy of the Armenian Apostolic Church of America
H.E. Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate
6252 Honolulu Avenue
La Crescenta, CA 91214
Tel: (818) 248-7737
Fax: (818) 248-7745
E-mail: [email protected]


        Over the weekend, H.E. Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate,
will travel to San Francisco to preside over 51st anniversary celebrations
of St. Gregory the Illuminator Church.  
        On Sunday, October 15, 2017, the Prelate will celebrate Divine
Liturgy at St. Gregory the Illuminator Church and deliver the sermon on the
Feast of the Holy Translators. 
        On Saturday evening, the Prelate will preside over the church's 51st
annual banquet hosted by the Parish Pastor, Board of Trustees, and Ladies
Auxiliary, during which Mrs. Annig Zindarzian and Mr. Leo Donian will be
recognized for their lifetime of dedicated service to the church and
community. Special recognition will also be given to Mr. Carlos Mendoza for
his years of devotion and loyalty to the parish community. 



        On Thursday, October 19, 2017, a lecture-luncheon will be held at
the Western Prelacy "Dikran and Zarouhie Der Ghazarian" Hall dedicated to
the preservation of Armenian music. Dr. Karenn Chutjian-Presti, a member of
the UCLA Herb Alpert School of Music faculty, will lecture on the topic.
        The luncheon is being held under the auspices of H.E. Archbishop
Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate, and is organized by the Prelacy Ladies
Auxiliary. Tickets are $20 and can be reserved by calling the Prelacy office
at 818-248-7737, Ladies Auxiliary members Vartoug at 626-372-5536 or Vania
at 818-216-9935. 




        On Sunday, October 8, 2017, H.E. Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian,
Prelate, presided over Divine Liturgy and delivered the sermon at Forty
Martyrs Church in Orange County. Rev. Fr. Karekin Bedourian celebrated
Divine Liturgy. Very Rev. Fr. Vache Balekjian and Archpriest Fr. Khoren
Habeshian participated. By the ordinance of His Eminence, on this day, "Der
Voghormya" prayers were offered in all Prelacy Churches for the victims of
the Las Vegas shooting. 
        During the service, the Prelate consecrated a painting of St. Sarkis
sponsored by the Ohanessian family in memory of their parents, Mardiros and
Gassia Ohanessian.
        The Prelate then delivered his sermon, the theme of which was
discipleship, given that the day before was the commemoration of our Lord
Jesus Christ's 72 disciples, and also touched on the Feast of the Holy
Translators, which was to be celebrated the following week. His Eminence
started by noting that besides the 12 apostles, Jesus had 72 disciples to
whom He instructed and commanded to "Go into all the world and preach the
gospel to every creature" (Mark 16:15), what is known as the Great
Commission. The Prelate noted that discipleship was not limited to the early
followers of Christ, and that God still desires disciples today to fulfill
the Great Commission. "As children of God, we must be committed to serving
Him faithfully and fulfilling the duties and responsibilities entrusted to
us as Christians," he stressed. The Prelate further explained the meaning of
discipleship, adding that being a disciple requires making Christ the focus
of our lives, studying and obeying His teachings and commandments by reading
the Bible, being in constant communication with Him through prayer, serving
Him through active involvement in the church, sharing our faith with others,
and becoming an example to others through the life we lead. 
        The Prelate stressed that as a dispersed nation we must work even
harder to maintain our distinct faith and heritage among a slew of external
influences, adding that we are fortunate to have great examples before us,
the legacy of our saints and forefathers, including that of the Holy
Translators, to inspire and lead us in our service today. Citing verse 5 of
the day's Scripture reading from 2 Corinthians 13:5-13, "Examine yourselves
as to whether you are in the faith," His Eminence called for introspection
to see if we are as steadfast in our faith as our forefathers were, and to
strive for their level of faith so that we can be effective disciples for
our church and nation. "The survival and advancement of our faith and
heritage rests on our shoulders, and on those of future generations,"
stressed the Prelate, encouraging the faithful to take inspiration from the
72 disciples and our Holy Translators and do their part to preserve and
promote our faith and our culture, starting with our children and youth. 
        Next, His Eminence spoke of the horrific shooting in Las Vegas the
week before which claimed the lives of nearly 60 and injured nearly 500, and
asked the faithful to join in praying for the souls of the deceased to rest
in peace in the kingdom of heaven, for the speedy and full recovery of the
injured, and for our loving and merciful Lord to bring peace and comfort to
the families of the victims. Finally, the Prelate noted that the day also
marked the 40th day since the passing of a beloved member of the community,
Movses Shrikian. He conveyed his condolences to the Shrikian and Keledjian
families on the untimely loss of their husband, father, brother, uncle, and
son-in-law, and on the loss of their patriarch Archpriest Fr. Nareg
Shrikian, soon after. 
        At the conclusion of Divine Liturgy and requiem service, a special
reception by the Parish Pastor, Board of Trustees, and Ladies Guild was
hosted at "Gugasian" Hall in celebration of the Prelate's anniversary of
ordination to the priesthood, 20th anniversary of Episcopal ordination, and
60th birthday. In attendance were Delegates, Board of Trustees members,
Armen Karo Gomideh representatives, and faithful. Congratulatory remarks
were delivered by Fr. Karekin and Board of Trustees Chair Mr. Herair
Jermakian. The Prelate thanked all for the surprise celebration and wished
the parish community continued successes in their mission. 



        On Thursday, , a special exhibition of
Armenian-American artist Arthur Pinajian's works opened at the Western
Prelacy "Dikran and Zarouhie Der Ghazarian" Hall. The exhibit, which was
held under the auspices of H.E. Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate,
and organized by Stephanie's Art Gallery, featured thirty rarely seen works,
in particular the artist's mid-century abstractions and late lyrical
landscapes. Members of clergy, Executive Council Chair Mr. Vahe Hovaguimian,
and art appreciators were in attendance.
        The program began with welcoming remarks by Ladies Auxiliary member
Mrs. Vania Babikian, who then invited Stephanie's Art Gallery Director, Ms.
Linda Stepanian, to give an overview of the artist and the exhibit. Ms.
Stepanian first thanked the Prelate, and then spoke on Arthur Pinajian's
life, approach, and the value and distinctiveness of his creations, noting
that he is regarded as one of the greatest artists of his time.
        The Prelate greeted the guests and commended the organizers, noting
that the exhibit is a fitting tribute to Armenian Cultural Month. His
Eminence commended the efforts of Stephanie's Art Gallery in promoting and
celebrating Armenian art and artists, and conclude by affirming the
Prelacy's endless continual support of the arts.
        Throughout the exhibit, guests enjoyed a Wine and Cheese Reception
hosted by the Western Prelacy Ladies Auxiliary.
        The exhibit continued the following day. 



        On Tuesday, October 10, 2017, H.E. Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian,
Prelate, welcomed the visit of State Senator Anthony Portantino. His
Eminence was joined by Very Rev. Fr. Torkom Donoyan, Vicar General, while
Senator Portantino was accompanied by District Representative Ms. Arda
        The discussion centered on the Senator's service and endeavors in
Sacramento thus far and his future plans. There was also conversation on the
Armenian-American Museum and the Senator's trip to Armenia.
         The Prelate commended Senator Portantino's dedicated service and in
particular his unwavering support of the Armenian-American community, and
wished him continued successes in his mission.



        On Tuesday, October 10, 2017, Supervisor Kathryn Barger's Chief
Deputy, Ms. Anna Mouradian, and Senior Field Deputy, Mr. Jarrod Degonia,
paid a visit to the Western Prelacy for an introductory meeting with H.E.
Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate.
        The guests noted that the Armenian community forms a very important
part of Supervisor Barger's district, and expressed their readiness to offer
any assistance to the community as needed. They also touched on the
Supervisor's initiatives with regards to the Armenian community, such as
proclaiming the month of April as Armenian Heritage Month. 
        The Prelate in turn gave an overview of the scope of the Prelacy's
endeavors within the community, and expressed confidence that the
long-standing spirit of friendship and collaboration between the Prelacy and
the Supervisor's office will continue during Supervisor Barger's tenure. The
visit concluded with the presentation of mementos. 



        On Sunday, October 8, 2017, the annual gala of the Armenian National
Committee of America Western Region was held at the Beverly Hilton Hotel
with the attendance of public officials, dignitaries, leaders and members of
community organizations, sponsors, and friends. H.E. Archbishop Moushegh
Mardirossian, Prelate, attended and delivered the invocation.
        This year, the organization honored the following individuals for
their contributions to the advancement of the Armenian Cause: Garo Paylan,
Armenian member of Turkish Parliament - Freedom Award, Terry George,
Filmmaker and Director - Arts & Letters, State Senator Anthony Portantino -
Legislator of the Year, Bared Maronian, Documentary Filmmaker - Arts &
Letters, Congressman David Valadao - Advocate for Justice, and a special
tribute to the late musician Chris Cornell.     
        The Prelate commended the incredible level of devotion and
enthusiasm with which the leadership and membership of the ANCA-Western
Region serve day in and day out to fulfill the organization's vast and
far-reaching mission, praying for God to continue to bless them with
strength, courage, and wisdom so that through them, the voice of the
Armenian-American community may continue to resonate through the halls of
our government. He blessed the honorees, "bold and principled individuals
from different walks of life but with shared purpose, advocating tirelessly
for truth and justice through their respective capacities," and the
sponsors, "whose generosity makes it possible for this and all community
organizations to grow and expand their scope." The Prelate concluded by
beseeching the Lord to continue to guide our collective path as we serve for
the progress and prosperity of our people and our nation



        On Monday, October 9, 2017, the 16th annual Gerald and Mark Golf
Classic hosted by national benefactor Mr. Hank Khachaturian was held at the
Peninsula Golf and Country Club in San Mateo. The event was founded by Mr.
Khachaturian and his late wife, Rita, as a tribute to their sons and also
the benefit a number of charities. 
        H.E. Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate, attended the awards
dinner and delivered his message. Very Rev. Fr. Barouyr Shernezian and St.
Gregory the Illuminator Church representatives were among the guests in
        His Eminence began his message by expressing thanks to God for
granting the opportunity to gather once again to honor the memory of Hank's
beloved sons while contributing to vital charitable causes, adding, "This
year, we feel the physical absence of Hank's dear wife Rita, but at the same
time we sense her joyful spirit and presence." 
        His Eminence commended Mr. Khachaturian's unbound generosity and
goodwill, stating, "I, and almost certainly everyone here, can attest that
you are not only a cheerful giver, but a humble and gracious giver as well.
The level of support this event garners each year is indeed a beautiful
testament to you." The Prelate conveyed his blessings to Mr. Khachaturian as
well as to the sponsors, participants, and guests for their enduring support
and encouragement. He concluded by praying for the repose of Gerald, Mark,
and Rita's souls and wishing all many healthy, joyful, and prosperous years
to come. 



        In Defense of Christians, a non-profit and nonpartisan organization
advocating for the human rights of Christians in the Middle East and for the
preservation of Christianity in the Middle East, has organized a summit in
Washington DC from October 24-26 with the title, "American Leadership and
Securing the Future of Christians in the Middle East."
        Christian leaders and lay activists, including leaders of the
Armenian Church and of community organizations, will gather to advocate for
vital issues, including international recognition of the Armenian Genocide,
security and stability in Lebanon, emergency relief for victims of Genocide
in Iraq and Syria, and more. 
        His Holiness Catholicos Aram I participated in the inaugural
conference in 2014 and delivered powerful remarks on the imperative of
Christian unity in the Middle East.
        The Armenian National Committee of America is once again a sponsor
of the convention, and will participate in a number of related events. 


Sports: Manchester United fans react to Henrikh Mkhitaryan’s performance against Palace

Oct 1 2017

The Armenian was not at his imperious best as Manchester United dismantled the Eagles on Saturday.

Manchester United midfielder Henrikh Mkhitaryan has been in outstanding form in the early weeks of the campaign, but fatigue appeared to catch up with him as he struggled to make an impact against Crystal Palace on Saturday.

That did not stop United running out 4-0 winners, but after impressing away to CSKA Moscow in the Champions League last week, the Armenian international looked like he needed to put his feet up.

There is nothing wrong with that. After all, the play-maker has started all but one of United's matches this season, and that was the EFL Cup third round clash with Burton Albion.

In that time Mkhitaryan has scored two goals and set up six more and if he continues in that kind of form he could get close to the figures that earned him his move from Borussia Dortmund to Old Trafford in the first place.

On Saturday, Mkhitaryan was replaced shortly after the hour-mark by Jesse Lingard and United boss Jose Mourinho will now be hoping he does not pick up an injury while on international duty with Armenia.

Better still, he will be hoping the player gets some rest, not that it is likely given his importance for both club and country.

After the Palace match we took to Twitter to see what United fans thought of Mkhitaryan's performance and you can read a selection of what we found below:

Michigan recognizes Artsakh independence

Panorama, Armenia
Sept 28 2017

Michigan became the 8th U.S. state to recognize the independent Republic of Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabagh) today, with the overwhelming passage of S.R.99, spearheaded by Senator David Knezek (D–5th District). The Armenian Weekly reports, the bipartisan measure calls upon the U.S. to establish economic and cultural ties with the Artsakh Republic and support peace and stability across the South Caucasus, reported the Armenian National Committee of Michigan.

“Artsakh’s story is a very American story—one of freedom, self-determination, democracy, and peace,” the source quotes MI State Senator David Knezek as saying. “Michiganders are proud to join Artsakh in saluting these shared values as we work to expand U.S.-Artsakh cultural and economic ties and support a lasting peace in the region.”

Adopted by a voice vote, S.R.99 discusses Artsakh’s historically Armenian roots and Soviet dictator Josef Stalin’s 1921 decision to force the South Caucasus region under Soviet Azerbaijani control.  Peaceful efforts by the Artsakh people seeking independence were met with pogroms in Azerbaijan’s capital Baku and the cities of Sumgait and Kirovabad and a six-year war for Artsakh independence, which concluded with a tenuous cease-fire in 1994.

“The Armenians of Artsakh remain resolute in their efforts to exercise the right to self-determination and live free from violence and repression, and by recognizing the government of Artsakh, the international community can help put to rest this century-old conflict,” notes the Michigan Senate Resolution.

The measure calls on the “President and Congress of the United States to recognize a free and independent Republic of Artsakh,” and “to strengthen and solidify our country’s economic and cultural relationship with the Artsakh Republic.” It goes on to support Artsakh efforts with the international community to “reach a lasting solution to the existing regional problems and establish peace and stability in the strategically important region of South Caucasus.”

Azerbaijani Press: Opposition intends to continue rallies

Turan Information Agency, Azerbaijani Opposition

Opposition intends to continue rallies

Baku / 23.09.17 / Turan: "There is no corruption, freedom for
political prisoners" is the motto of the Saturday rally of the
opposition. Participants in the opposition rally demanded that the
authorities "return the money stolen from the people". This thought
sounded a refrain in all speeches at the rally. "This corrupt regime,
which tramples our rights for decades, is now caught red-handed. Now
there is evidence of this corruption,"said the leader of the Popular
Front Party of Azerbaijan, Ai Kerimli. Now it's time to return the
people stolen money from him, Kerimli added. "The people do not want
much. The people say that you have plundered billions of the country.
Now at least raise salaries for workers, raise pensions, allowances,
create jobs, cancel paid education. Enough already to plunder the
wealth of the country,"Kerimli continued. He also called for the
release of political prisoners. At the same time, Kerimli pointed out
that in the process of preparing for the rally 53 activists of the
PFPA were detained.

IlhamHuseyn, who was supposed to be the leading rally, was arrested
the day before for 15 days. Other members of the party Emil Salamov,
SagifGurbanov, BahruzHasanli, AgilMaharramov were arrested for the
same terms. "The purpose of these arrests is not to allow rallies to
be protracted. But everyone cannot be arrested,"Kerimli said.
NuraddinMammadli, chairman of the Supreme Majlis of the PFPA, drew
attention to the obstacles created by activists in the regions to put
their participation in the rally. Jamil Hasanli, chairman of the
National Council of Democratic Forces (NCDF), accused the authorities
of "corruption and theft".

"This power is used to steal. She stole from the people the right to
free elections, stole national wealth. And finally she stole the
journalist AfganMukhtarly from Tbilisi,"Hasanli said sarcastically. He
focused on the authorities' suppression of media freedom. Hasanli
pointed to the blocking of websites criticizing the government, the
closure of the newspaper Azadlig and finally attempts to eliminate the
agency Turan. "This power is struggling with free media to prevent the
people's voice from reaching the international community," Hasanli
said.He said that the struggle of democratic forces continues, and on
October 7 at 15.00 the next meeting is scheduled. Exactly at 17.00 at
the stadium was turned off electricity and the organizers could not
read the resolution of the action. Participants of the action
periodically chanted the slogans "Resign!", "Freedom!".- 06D--

* * *

2017 September 23 (Saturday) 15:11:05

The protest rally of the National Council of Democratic Forces

Baku / 23.09.17 / Turan: Several thousand people gathered on Saturday
for a protest rally of the National Council of Democratic Forces,
which began at 15:00 at the stadium "Mehsul" in the Yasamal district
of Baku. The rally is held under the slogan "Return the money stolen
from the people!", almost $3 billion, which were illegally exported
from the country under various pretexts in recent years and spent on
bribery and lobbying the interests of the Azerbaijani authorities
abroad. These facts were revealed by the international journalistic
organization Center for the Study of Corruption and Organized Crime

In particular, it was alleged that Baku bribed the German politician
Eduard Lintner (former head of the PACE monitoring committee), the
Bulgarian politician Irina Bokova (former UNESCO Director-General) and
Italian politician Luca Bolonte (former vice-president of PACE).

Lintner led the commission of observers from Germany in the
presidential elections in Azerbaijan in 2013, Bokova held the photo
exhibition "Azerbaijan - the space of tolerance" in the same year. In
turn, Bolton received money to prevent the adoption of the resolution
of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe on political
prisoners in Azerbaijan, Radio Liberty reports.

The OCCRP argue that most of the funds that the Azerbaijani
authorities brought to the accounts of fictitious British companies
belonged to Azerbaijani banks, including the state-owned International
Bank of Azerbaijan. In addition, the Russian state company
Rosoboronexport transferred $ 29 million to the "front man from
Azerbaijan" in 2012. Two million dollars, presumably, went to bribes,
the rest of the amount, it is claimed, went to the structures
connected with high-ranking officials of Azerbaijan.

However, the Azerbaijani government rejected all these accusations,
saying that they are being spread by the Armenian lobby and
philanthropist and businessman George Soros.

The opposition of Azerbaijan considers the OCCRP report to be real and
objective and requires the government to give explanations. -02D-

Government to return exporter VAT faster

Prime Minister of Armenia Karen Karapetyan tasked relevant authorities regarding the time periods for VAT returns for viticulture and winemaking exporters.

During today’s Cabinet meeting, the PM said that according to the current regulations VAT return for exported production is carried out within a 90-day period and the government is strictly supervising the rules.

“During a meeting with brandy and wine producing companies in the government, the issue of the time period for VAT returns of their exports was raised, in some cases financial difficulties might be caused for them”, the PM said.

The PM tasked the State Revenue Commission to study and submit proposals within 2 days regarding cutting the time period short.

The Agriculture ministry was tasked with cooperating with the State Revenue Commission on the matter.