Travel: Egyptian Air Cairo airline launches first flights to Yerevan from Sharm El Sheikh and Hurghada

Panorama, Armenia

The first flights en route from Sharm El Sheikh and Hurghada to Yerevan will operate on June 20 by Egyptian Air Cairo airline.  Fights will be operated twice a week on Tuesdays and Thursdays. The first flight will arrive in Yerevan Zvartnots Airport at 8:00 a.m. local time on Tuesday.

Yerevan-based tour agent “Anriva Tour”, acting as the official representative of Air Cahiro, reports the first flight to Armenia will carry renowned members of the Armenian community of Egypt, including culture and political figures, representatives of Hay Dat, the Armenian Catholic Church, diplomats and journalists.

Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Arab Republic of Egypt in Armenia, the Consul, the Head of tourism department at The Development Foundation of Armenia (DFA), other high-ranking officials will greet the arriving guests at the airport.

It is noted, that Air Cahiro, enters the Armenian market for the first time providing a unique opportunity for Armenians to leave for Egyptian resorts directly from Yerevan, instead of long practiced transit from Georgia. The release also noted that the tour prices do not exceed those suggested by Georgian companies.

U.S. Marshals Arrest Two Turks for Attack on Peaceful Protesters


Danielle Saroyan

(202) 393-3434





WASHINGTON, D.C. – United States Marshals arrested two Turks
who attacked peaceful protesters last month in our nation's capital, reported
the Armenian Assembly of America (Assembly). The Daily Caller and the State
Department did not provide the names of the men arrested, but the
Washington-based Turkish news website Washington Hatti reported that one man
involved in the attacks, Eyup Yıldırım, was detained in New Jersey and will go
before a judge in Newark.


In a
statement to The Daily Caller, the State Department confirmed that arrests have
been made. "Now that charges have been filed, the Department will weigh
additional actions for the named individuals, as appropriate under relevant
laws and regulations. Any further steps will be responsive and proportional to
the charges," a State Department official stated. "The Department
would like to thank the Department of Justice and the investigative agencies
for their diligence," they added. "We are committed to holding those
responsible for the violence on May 16 accountable. As we have previously
stated, the events surrounding the conduct of Turkish Security personnel during
President Erdogan's visit to the United States is troubling."


Last week,
the U.S. House of Representatives unanimously adopted House Resolution 354 with
a vote of 397-0, which condemns the violence against peaceful protesters
outside the Turkish Ambassador's residence on May 16, 2017, and calls for
measures to be taken to prevent similar incidents in the future, reported the
Armenian Assembly of America (Assembly). H.Res. 354 was spearheaded by House
Foreign Affairs Chairman Ed Royce (R-CA), Ranking Member Eliot Engel (D-NY),
Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA), and Democratic Whip Steny Hoyer (D-MD),
and calls for "the perpetrators to be brought to justice."


In light of
the vicious attacks by Turkey's security detail last month in front of the
Turkish Ambassador's residence against peaceful protesters, a bipartisan group
in the House circulated a letter in opposition to a proposed gun sale to
Turkey. The Assembly urged its members to contact their Representatives to join
the bipartisan letter calling on Secretary of State Rex Tillerson to stop the


questioning today by Congressman David Cicilline (D-RI) during a House Foreign
Affairs Committee hearing on the Administration's Budget, Secretary Tillerson
said whether or not the U.S. will sell weapons to the very same security forces
who committed this attack is currently "under evaluation."


in 1972, the Armenian Assembly of America is the largest Washington-based
nationwide organization promoting public understanding and awareness of
Armenian issues. The Assembly is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt membership



NR#: 2017-044



online at:

gun sale to turkey.jpg

JPEG image

Zartonk Daily 07.06.2017

Սիրելի ընթերցող

Կցուած կրնաք գտնել «Զարթօնք»ի այսօրուայ թիւը ՝

Շնորհակալ ենք, որ ընտրած էք «Զարթօնք»



Music: In Armenia, a peace prize .. and a music festival?

Agence France Presse -- English
June 3, 2017 Saturday 1:56 AM GMT

In Armenia, a peace prize .. and a music festival?

New York, June 3 2017

A year after Armenians launched a generous new peace prize, the
frontman of rockers System of a Down sees more to come in the country
-- including perhaps a music festival.

Serj Tankian, singer of the chart-topping California hard rock band,
composed a theme song for the Aurora Prize, which was inaugurated a
year ago in the Armenian capital Yerevan.

The award, backed by Hollywood A-lister George Clooney, is presented
on behalf of Armenians who survived the bloodletting that claimed 1.5
million lives in the waning days of the Ottoman Empire in 1915.

Armenia and Western historians describe the killings as genocide, but
Turkey vehemently objects to the term.

The second edition of the award was presented on May 28 to Tom Catena,
the sole doctor in Sudan's conflict-ravaged Nuba Mountains who has
cared for thousands of people, treating everything from war injuries
to measles.

Catena, an American and Catholic missionary, will receive $100,000
plus an additional $1 million which will feed charities of his choice.

Tankian, who congratulated Catena in a video appearance at the
ceremony as the band prepared for a European tour, said the Aurora
Prize showed gratitude to those who helped survivors.

"Any group of people that have suffered immensely, whether it's
genocide or any other type of human-created catastrophe, should embody
compassion and an understanding of that pain better than anyone else,"
Tankian told AFP.

The Lebanese-born Tankian, whose grandparents survived with help from
a Turkish mayor and an American missionary orphanage, said that too
often, people fail to draw lessons from their ancestors' pain.

"I find it really disheartening that there are people who have
suffered immensely, or whose grandparents have suffered immensely, and
yet their position in life has been unequivocally egotistical and
myopic in terms of how they see their lives and how they spend their
money," he said.

- Integrating Armenia with music festivals -

Tankian said he wanted to do more in Armenia and was in the early
stages of looking to set up a music festival.

The singer voiced hope that Armenia, rarely a destination for Western
artists, could be integrated into the European summer festival circuit
with touring bands carrying on to the Caucasus country.

"I've always dreamed of setting up an international music festival in
Armenia," he said.

"As much as I have tried to do political work and social work," he
said, "I would also like to carve out time to do art work, music

For the centennial in 2015, System of a Down played its first-ever
concert in Armenia. Tankian said he felt overcome with a sense of
history, seeing young people and remembering his grandparents. He
viewed his band as "part of that catalyst between old and new."

"It felt like our whole career was built to play that one show in some
ways," he said.

Press release – ՀԲՃ․ Մարդասիրական «Ավրորան» և հակամարդկային Ամուլսարի ոսկու ծրագիրը / AEF. Humanitarian “Aurora” and Inhumane Amulsar Mining

Բարի օր,
Հարգելի լրատվամիջոցներ խ
նդրում ենք հրապարակել կից հայերեն և անգլերեն հոդվածը՝ պահպանելով բոլոր ակտիվ հղումները (hyperlink):

Հարգանքով – Best regards,
Հայկական բնապահպանական ճակատ (ՀԲՃ) քաղաքացիական նախաձեռնություն – Armenian Environmental Front (AEF) Civil Initiative

YouTube channel:
Facebook page:
Facebook group:

Կապ / Contact person Լևոն Գալստյան / Levon Galstyan – հեռ./tel. +374 91 53 49 59,
+374 93  53 49 59, +374 10 53 05 88

Հասցե` Երևան, Սպենդիարյան 5, բն. 24
Address: 5 Spendiaryan str. apt. 24, Yerevan, Armenia

JPEG image

Aurora & Amulsar ENG.docx


Ավրորան և Ամուլսարը.docx


Calendar of Events – 05/25/2017

                        GROONG's Calendar of events
                        (All times local to events)

What:           "Christianity and Cults"
                a lecture in Armenian by Very Reverend Father Muron Aznikian
When:           Jun 11 2017 1pm
                Following Church Divine Liturgy which starts at 10:30am
Where:          Armenian Apostolic Church of Crescenta Valley
                Western Prelacy's Hall, 6252 Honolulu Ave., La Crescenta, CA
Misc:           Father Muron will present the definition and activities of
                cults in detail and discuss the modern sects which universally
                attack the deity of Christ. While some sects make this denial
                outright, others are more ambiguous, but all have departed
                from the clear biblical position. The "Church Children's
                Choir" will perform Armenian songs before the start of the
                lecture. The choir will perform songs from composers:
                Chechian, Gomidas, Movsesian and Hovhanessian.
                The event is free to the public.
Online Contact:  [email protected]
Tel:             818-244-9645

                What:           Armenian Economic Association 2017 Conference
When:           Jun 23 2017 1pm
                Jun 25 2017 7pm
Where:          Yerevan State University and the American University of Armenia
                Yerevan, Armenia (jointly hosted)
Misc:           Scholars and researchers are invited to present their research
                in all areas of economics and finance.
                Sessions will be organized by language (Armenian or English),
                and field. No cost to present or attend.
Online Contact: [email protected]


Armenian News's calendar of events is collected and updated mostly from
announcements posted on this list, and submissions to [email protected].

To submit, send to Armenian [email protected], and please note the following
important points:

a) Armenian News's administrators have final say on what may be included in
        Armenian News's calendar of events.
b) Posting time will is on Thursdays, 06:00 US Pacific time, to squeeze in
        a final reminder before weekend activities kick in.
c) Calendar items are short, functional, and edited to fit a template.
d) There is no guarantee or promise that an item will be published on time.
e) Calendar information is believed to be from reliable sources. However,
        no responsibility by the List's Administation or by USC is assumed
        for inaccuracies and there is no guarantee that the information is
f) No commercial events will be accepted.
        (Dinners, dances, forget it. This is not an ad-space.)
g) Armenian News is a non-commercial, non-partisan, pan-Armenian outlet.

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Los Angeles, CA     / USA

RFE/RL Armenian Report – 05/22/2017


Expert Says Rouhani's Reelection In Iran Suits Armenia

 . Artak Hambardzumian

Iran -- Newly re-elected Iranian President Hassan Rouhani gestures
after delivering a televised speech in the capital Tehran, May 20,

Iran's reformist President Hassan Rouhani's reelection is good for
Armenia, since it means that the implementation of the agreements
reached between the two neighboring countries recently will not be
delayed, an expert in Yerevan believes.

"We will not have any loss of time," Vartan Voskanian, who specializes
in Iranian studies, told RFE/RL's Armenian service (,
commenting on Rouhani's May 19 victory in the Islamic Republic's
presidential election.

"We will have the same team [in Tehran] that is committed to
developing relations with Armenia," he added.

Rouhani beat his main challenger, conservative ex-prosecutor Ebrahim
Raisi in the first round of the election, polling nearly 57 percent of
the vote and winning another four-year term as president.

"There are certain processes within Iran, but one should not expect
any political upheavals or post-election developments," said
Voskanian. "The population in Iran is generally satisfied and even
representatives of the team opposed to Rouhani have recognized the
results of the election. Iran's supreme spiritual leader has blessed
by these results," the expert explained, concluding: "In fact, the
elections in Iran are over."

Some Iranians visiting Armenia also went to cast their ballots at
their country's embassy in Yerevan on Friday. Talking to RFE/RL's
Armenian service (, most of them said they had voted for
continued reforms.

Armenian President Serzh Sarkisian over the weekend congratulated
President Rouhani on his victory in the presidential election,
emphasizing the friendly nature of Yerevan's relations with Tehran.

In his congratulatory message to Rouhani, Sarkisian, as quoted by his
press office, expressed confidence that during the Iranian president's
tenure "the friendly neighborly Iran will continue to develop upward,
bringing its considerable and important contribution to the
establishment of regional peace and stability."

"I am hopeful that through our joint efforts, the traditionally warm
and friendly Armenian-Iranian relations will continue to develop and
strengthen in all areas, registering a qualitatively new level of
cooperation between our peoples," Sarkisian said.

Sarkisian and Rouhani discussed ways of deepening economic ties
between the two countries when the Iranian president paid a visit to
Armenia late last year. Those include cooperation in the energy and
transportation spheres as well as a tax-free zone in Armenia for
Iranian manufacturing firms.

Sarkisian also praised Iran for its balanced position on the
Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict over Nagorno-Karabakh.

Opposition Faction Cries Foul Over Parliament Committees Formation

 . Ruzanna Stepanian

Armenia - President Serzh Sarkisian addresses the newly elected
National Assembly, Yerevan,18May,2017

The opposition Yelk faction in the Armenian National Assembly claimed
on Monday it was deprived of the opportunity to lead a standing
committee following what the alliance of three parties believes was an
unfair approach shown by the parliament majority.

Edmon Marukian, a representative of the nine-member faction, insisted
that Yelk could have its member lead a standing committee dealing with
human rights, but at the suggestion of the ruling Republican Party of
Armenia's (HHK) the number of standing committees had been reduced
from 12 to 9, with the committee in question merged with the one on
state and legal issues where a majority representative was to be
elected as head.

In the current distribution of leadership roles in the Armenian
parliament the regulations apply the so-called D'Hondt method under
which opposition parties also get to participate in some leadership
roles proportionally to their representation. Senior officials in
Armenia have argued that this change in the electoral code that became
possible after the country's constitutional transition to a
parliamentary form of government will make it possible to increase
dramatically the role of the opposition in state governance.

On Saturday, representatives of the HHK were elected heads of six of
the committees, while the second largest parliamentary bloc of tycoon
Gagik Tsarukian that had declared itself an opposition faction got
leadership positions in the remaining three committees.

Many observers in Armenia challenge the opposition credentials of the
Tsarukian alliance, arguing that in many cases representatives of this
faction will go along with the majority during the parliament debate
and votes, which was also manifested during the election of parliament
speaker and his deputies (the Tsarukian alliance got the position of
one deputy speaker) last week.

Marukian believes that the changes in the Constitution and the
Electoral Code eventually did not make any difference as the real
opposition did not get any advantage. He said that "one thing is
written in texts, but another thing is the reality."

Armenia- MP Edmon Marukian is a guest at Azatutyun's News Center, 23
January 2015
"De jure we had the right [to have a committee head] under the D'Hondt
method, but de facto that committee was dissolved," Marukian said. He
stressed that the kind of approach by the HHK "nullifies" whatever
President Serzh Sarkisian was saying about the increased role of
political parties and the opposition in his address to lawmakers last

Vahram Baghdasarian, the leader of the HHK parliamentary faction,
however, disagrees with the kind of assessment by his opposition
colleague. He believes that the Tsarukian bloc "is also an

"This was not the HHK that regulated this distribution of leadership
positions, this was the result of the application of a formula," said
Baghdasarian, criticizing Yelk for "being after a committee head's

Armenia -- Parliament majority leader Vahram Baghdasarian gives an
interview to, Yerevan, 18May,2016

Baghdasarian also disagreed with assessments that the human rights
committee was "dissolved". He said that simply it will be part of the
committee on state and legal issues and will also be in its name.

Armenia, Azerbaijan Exchange Blame Over Karabakh At Black Sea Summit
In Istanbul

 . Tatevik Sargsian

Turkey -- Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan poses with member
countries' representatives during the 25th anniversary summit of the
Organisation of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation (BSEC) in Istanbul,

Representatives of Armenia and Azerbaijan traded accusations over the
conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh during the 25th anniversary summit of the
Black Sea Economic Cooperation (BSEC) held in Istanbul on Monday, with
Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan voicing objections to the
speech of the Armenian deputy foreign minister.

Representatives of about a dozen countries participating in the
organization, including Armenia, made speeches at the opening of the
summit. According to Turkey's Dogan news agency, in a clear reference
to Armenia Azerbaijani Parliament Speaker Oktay Asadov said in his
speech that "one of the members of the organization has not abandoned
its toxic ideology."

Armenia's Deputy Foreign Minister Ashot Hovakimian, responding to
Azerbaijan's representative, was quoted as saying that "the
Organization of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation is not a place for
voicing accusations."

Turkish President Erdogan, for his part, reportedly agreed with this
statement of the Armenian representative, but added, addressing his
words to him: "No representative here has voiced accusations or
assessments. It was you who fully dedicated your speech to political

According to the official website of the Armenian Ministry of Foreign
Affairs, in his speech at the BSEC summit Hovakimian criticized
Azerbaijan for its belligerent policies and for torpedoing peace
efforts of Armenia and international mediators in resolving the
protracted Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.

"Accusations, war rhetoric and unilateral maximalist demands cannot
resolve the conflict. It is possible to achieve progress in the
resolution of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict if Azerbaijan abandons its
policy of the use of force and engages in good faith in the
negotiations within the framework agreed by the OSCE Minsk Group," the
Armenian diplomat, in particular, said.

The Armenian ministry reports that the BSEC summit in Istanbul adopted
an anniversary declaration where it reaffirmed the economic nature of
the organization.

Press Review

(Saturday, May 20)

"Haykakan Zhamanak" tries to understand why in their statement on the
most recent ceasefire violations in the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict zone
the American, Russian and French co-chairs of the OSCE Minsk Group
decided to clearly put the blame on Azerbaijan: "This is an
unprecedented reaction. Even during the April 2016 war the
international mediators and the individual co-chair countries
refrained from defining Azerbaijan as an aggressor, even though they
surely could not have failed to notice, due to their satellite
equipment, that it was Azerbaijan that had launched an offensive along
the perimeter of the line of contact# What has changed? The thing is
that if the Minsk Group had not made such a targeted statement, having
received such data from one of the parties, it would have put its
mandate and further activities in doubt."

"168 Zham" assesses the latest statement of the OSCE Minsk Group as
one of the most serious successes of recent years and even decades in
the settlement of the Karabakh conflict: "Finally, the Minsk Group is
calling things by their proper names... It is not an exaggeration to
say that this was a slap by the international community in the face of
Azerbaijan, which is doing and will be doing everything in order to
scuttle the agreements reached after the April 2016 war during
meetings in Vienna and St. Petersburg... It is hard to say how far
this is the result of Armenian diplomatic efforts and how far it is
the reflection of the current global geopolitical developments. It is
important, however, to keep this result and take the initiative. And
this should become the number one task for Armenian diplomacy."

"Zhoghovurd" comments on the process of the formation of standing
committees in the newly elected Armenian parliament. The daily, in
particular, writes: "Armenia has become so dependent on the Kremlin
over the past decade that even the existence of a parliamentary
committee on European integration should be regarded as a serious
achievement. It is another matter whether this was done after
permission obtained from the North or as a result of political
courage, for which in the near future the Armenian authorities are
certain to get some `fraternal' slaps. Given the nominal presence of
this committee and its actual inaction in the past, it can be said
that this can become a small bonus for the Armenian authorities in
order to win the favors of EU officials promising tens of millions in
loans. After all, the Kremlin understands that if it gives no money to
its outpost, then at least it should not close the opportunity for it
to get money from another channel. Otherwise, there may be some
uncontrolled developments."

Assessing the speech of President Serzh Sarkisian during the first
meeting of the new parliament, "Hayots Ashkhar" writes: "The speech of
the president at the first meeting of the National Assembly of the
sixth convocation was an important one from the point of view of
expectations for the coming years in the sphere of economy, social
development and other areas. The speech sets out the basic tasks that
must become the basis for the future governments' programs. Judging
from the president's speech, both in the economic and social spheres
strict and high demands are being put forward, and the fulfillment of
these demands should create conditions for the formation of a new
quality of economic and social environment in Armenia."

(Tigran Avetisian)

Reprinted on ANN/Armenian News with permission from RFE/RL
Copyright (c) 2017 Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty, Inc.
1201 Connecticut Ave., N.W. Washington DC 20036.

Sports: Henrikh Mkhitaryan sends message to Man United fans ahead of Europa League final

The Sport Review

By The Sport Review staff    

Genocide is not a new phenomenon

Greensburg Daily
Genocide is not a new phenomenon

  • By Paul W. Barada Guest Columnist

This week I’m gong to write about a little-known subject that deserves to be remembered. It took place in the area now known as Turkey, which is just north of Syria and west of Iran. Turkey is just across the Aegean Sea from Greece. It is bounded on the north by the Black Sea and on the south by the Mediterranean Sea. In other words, Turkey provides the connection between Europe and the Middle East.

Just about 100 years ago, the land now called Turkey was part of the Ottoman Empire. The Ottoman Empire was founded at the end of the thirteenth century. The Empire reached its zenith under Suleiman the Magnificent in the 16th century when it stretched from the Persian Gulf in the east to Hungary in the northwest; and from Egypt in the south to the Caucasus in the north. The empire came to an end in the aftermath of its defeat by the Allies in World War I. The empire was dismantled by the Allies after the war ended in 1918.

Within this area of the world there also lived people known as Armenians. They are an ethnic group of people that, today, have their own country just east of Turkey and surrounded on the north by Georgia, on the east by Azerbaijan, and on the south by Iran. Back during the days of World War I, however, the Armenians were part of the Ottoman Empire. The essential difference between the Armenians and the rest of the Ottoman Empire was that the Armenians were Christians living in the midst of a Muslim state.

On April 24, 1915 Ottoman authorities started rounding up, arresting, and deporting approximately 250 Armenian intellectuals and community leaders from Constantinople to Ankara, the majority of whom were eventually murdered. Further killings were carried out by the Ottoman government during and after World War I and implemented in two phases: the wholesale killing of the able-bodied male population through massacre and subjection of army conscripts to forced labor, followed by the deportation of women, children, the elderly, and the infirm on death marches leading to the Syrian desert. Driven forward by military escorts, the deportees were deprived of food and water and subjected to periodic robbery, rape, and massacre. During the period between 1915 and 1923 approximately 1.5 million Christian Armenians were murdered. This mass killing was referred to either as the Armenian Genocide or the Armenian Holocaust.

The Armenian Genocide is acknowledged to have been one of the first modern genocides, because scholars point to the organized manner in which the killings were carried out in order to eliminate the Armenians, and it is the second most-studied case of genocide after The Holocaust carried out by the Nazis against the Jews of Europe.

Here’s what The New York Times reported in August 1916, “The witnesses have seen thousands of deported Armenians under tents in the open, in caravans on the march, descending the river in boats and in all phases of their miserable life. Only in a few places does the Government issue any rations, and those are quite insufficient. The people, therefore, themselves are forced to satisfy their hunger with food begged in that scanty land or found in the parched fields.

Naturally, the death rate from starvation and sickness is very high and is increased by the brutal treatment of the authorities, whose bearing toward the exiles as they are being driven back and forth over the desert is not unlike that of slave drivers. With few exceptions no shelter of any kind is provided and the people coming from a cold climate are left under the scorching desert sun without food and water. Temporary relief can only be obtained by the few able to pay officials.”

In a report by Lt. Hasan Maruf of the Ottoman army, written in 1918, he describes how some of Armenians were destroyed, the population of a “village were taken all together and then burned.” In another repot it was stated that “The shortest method for disposing of the women and children concentrated in the various camps was to burn them.” In another report, the American consul wrote, “Many of the children were loaded into boats and taken out to sea and thrown overboard.” The Italian consul in 1915, Giacomo Gorrini, wrote: “I saw thousands of innocent women and children placed on boats which were capsized in the Black Sea.” Other Armenians were given Morphine overdoses, typhoid inoculations, or exposed to toxic gas.

What is the point of the foregoing graphic description of the systematic destruction of the Armenian people? More than anything else to drive home the point that genocide is not a new phenomenon. Man’s inhumanity to man is a tragic commentary on how barbaric mankind can be. Just prior to the start of the organized destruction of the Jews by the Nazis prior to and during World War II – as a matter of government policy – was done because, as Hitler himself remarked, “I put ready my Death’s Head units, with the order to kill without pity or mercy all men, women, and children of the Polish race or language. Only thus will we gain the living space that we need. Who still talks nowadays of the extermination of the Armenians?”

Who, indeed, still talks about the extermination of the Armenians? One million five hundred thousand souls were systematically murdered during and after World War I and few today have even heard about it. The point is, thought ought to.

That’s –30—for this week.